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2017 The Link to Your Biblical Ancestors Learn Biblical Hebrew online

How do you honour thy father

and thy mother?
Have you ever wondered about your personal
connection to the ancient biblical heritage? Surprisingly,
you will find it inside the 5th commandment: Honour
thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long
upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth
thee.(Exodus, 20:12). This commandment actually
means much more than just treating our parents with
respect. The Hebrew word for "honor" mentioned in this
verse is . This word comes from the Semitic root for
heaviness and giving weight. Thus, the 5th
commandment tells us to give weight and importance to
our heritage and our ancestors. What this verse does is
connecting us to a long lasting tradition a tradition that
survived thanks to the original written word.

For 2000 years, the way to remember and honor our

ancestors was through studying and interpreting the
Bible. Biblical Hebrew has always been the direct link 1/2
17.06.2017 The Link to Your Biblical Ancestors Learn Biblical Hebrew online

which connects us to Abraham, Isaac and Moses. Join

our Biblical Hebrew classes and come closer to your
roots. Enroll today! 2/2

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