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Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)

Lesson Idea Name: Water Cycle

Content Area: Science
Grade Level(s): 4th
Content Standard Addressed: S4E3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to demonstrate the
water cycle.

Technology Standard Addressed: Knowledge Constructor

Selected Technology Tool: Microsoft PowerPoint and BrainPop Jr.

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Blooms Taxonomy Level(s):

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

Level 1: Awareness Level 2: Exploration Level 3: Infusion Level 4: Integration
Level 5: Expansion Level 6: Refinement

Lesson idea implementation:

I will introduce the topic of the water cycle with a BrainPop Jr. tutorial video. After I show the BrainPop Jr.
video, I will show the students the Microsoft PowerPoint movie, and provide an e-book for students who
need to hold the PowerPoint along with seeing it and hearing it. I will then have the students explain their
interpretation of how each stage in the water cycle works. Then, I will have the students break off into groups
so they can collaboratively work on each stage of the water cycle. They will determine ways to show the
stages of the water cycle with art supplies such as food coloring, shaving cream, water, cotton balls, etc. Each
group will then present their creative stages of the water cycle to the class. This lesson should take one to two
weeks to complete.

To assess the students knowledge, I will have each group explain why they chose the materials to represent
each stage of the water cycle. Students who are struggling with the concepts of how each stage works will be
given additional practice website links that can show them each stage in a game-like manner. In order to raise
this lesson plan to a higher level of learning, I would try to take a field trip to the Childrens Museum so they
can learn about the water cycle in a more hands on manner. I will conclude the lesson with offering students
popsicles as a way to show the stages of the water cycle in an alternate manner which would be the freezing
of the liquid juice (condensing of the water from the ocean) to the melting of the popsicle in their mouths
(precipitation of the water from the clouds). Finally, I will provide the students with feedback on their projects
so they know how well they understood the lesson.

Summer 2017_SJB

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