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Academic Publishing in


Taking advantage of advances in research, Chinese presses

carve a place on the international publishing stage
Academic Publishing in China

The Academic Book Market

in China
Tracking the segments challenges, changes, and opportunities
By Teri Tan

Prior to 2009, academic monographs were not even listed including those in the special administra-
tive regions of Hong Kong and Macau.
in the catalogue of the China Book International Project, Additionally, there are nearly 84 million
which provides financial support to publishers that trans- students at 78,421 secondary schools for
youths ages 1217, including vocational
late Chinese works. The focus was simply not on academic schools, and almost 97 million students
publishers or university presses at that time. at 190,525 primary schools (for ages

hen Shanghai Jiaotong The immense size of the educational
University hosted a system means that textbooks and sup-
fourth forum of Chinas plementary teaching and learning mate-
academic publishers last rials make up more than 60% of Chinas
month, however, the book market. Naturally, the core pub-
consensus among the speakers was that lishing program at all university presses
the sectors Going Out strategy is now is focused on this particular segment in
entering its 2.0 era. At the forum, Zhou order to meet rising demands from stu-
Huilin, deputy director of the State dents and teachers. The presss role in
Administration of Press, Publication, university and student life remains stead-
Radio, Film and Television, put forth a fast and essential.
four-point proposal for revamping the institutions forced the presses to fend for Beijing Jiaotong University Presss
sector and strengthening the strategy: themselves and diversify their publishing textbook program, for instance, started
spread contemporary Chinese values programs to find sales and profits. As the back in 2001, and it remains a lucrative
and inform the rest of the world about domestic market was very much covered segment that funds much of the presss
what is happening in China; increase (driven mostly by textbook publishing), academic publishing pursuits to this day.
international collaborations and rights- the search for sales went overseas, which Textbook publishing, explains Zhang
selling activities; keep pace with digital effectively increased the momentum. Zimao, the president of the press, is regi-
publishing while transitioning to mented, with students being spoon-fed
dynamic publishing formats that will relevant content in a mostly passive one-
Textbooks Dominate
meet new market demands; and fully way top-down street. It differs greatly
participate in, and take advantage of, the the Game from academic publishing, where the
cover illustartion from istock katerina andronchik

collective Going Out efforts. According to the National Bureau of audience is far more judgmental, with a
Timing has a lot to do with the acceler- Statistics, there are almost 27 million col- propensity to critique the material. After
ated progress made by the Chinese aca- lege students, more than seven million all, who is better at disproving a theory
demic publishing sector in the interna- graduate students, and close to two mil- or research hypothesis than the profes-
tional arena. The year 2010 marked the lion postgraduate students at Chinas sional or expert in that particular field?
culmination of a nationwide restruc- nearly 2,915 higher learning institutions, But that is not to say that textbook
turing campaign to turn university and
academic presses into financially inde- Visit to read
pendent publishing entities. This eman- this special report online
cipation from parent universities or

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Academic Publishing in China

publishing requires less attention or effort this means making the positioning of the big question revolves around their
than academic publishing, Zhang adds. our books clearer to readers, which will ability to diversify their publishing pro-
Both segments require high-quality edi- also make our marketing, targeting, and grams without diluting their niches and
tors and authors because you simply selling efforts easier and more defined, core expertise. What remains obvious is
cannot spoon-feed students, who may one she says. In-depth content that is well that the Chinese book market is big
day be your future authors or editorsor researched and equally well written enoughand voracious enoughto
engineers building the next-generation offers great value to the reader. Otherwise, absorb the additional output, trade-based
high-speed trainwith low-grade con- the reader will just trawl the internet for or not. Of course, the presence of so many
tent, he says. We must consider, and be general information and sketchy details public libraries (3,139 at the last count)
responsible for, the content that we pro- instead of buying the book. with ample funding to buy books is a big
vide and its long-term impact. Despite its fast growth and high output, plus.
the academic publishing sector cannot
Challenges Big and Small keep up with the rising social and cul- Adapting to Changing
As in other sectors in the book industry, tural demands for more books, observes
new talent for academic publishing is in Liu Dongfeng, the president of Shaanxi Business Realities
short supply in China. We are essen- Normal University General Publishing Independence from the parent university
tially competing with internet giants House. Producing an academic title or institution does come with a price, and
such as Alibaba, Baidu, and Tencent, involves a lengthy process for research, that is the requirement to balance profits
which are offering incentives that are writing, and review, for instancesteps and losses and find the right business
hard, if not impossible, to match, says that cannot be rushed, he says. Prior to strategies to survive. And survival now
Xie Shouguang, president of Social that, there is also the matter of identi- hinges on catering to a much broader
Sciences Academic Press. Add talent fying and selecting the right author and (and more fickle) market than faculty,
mobility to the picture, and it is rather the appropriate content. students, and teachers.
grim. He adds that schools and univer- Liu further points out that there will Thinking like a startup, for instance,
sities do not specifically prepare gradu- always be an input-output imbalance in has helped Zhang Zimao and his team at
ates for careers in publishing and, given academic publishing, in which invest- Beijing Jiaotong University Press develop
the growth of the publishing industry, ment tends to be much higher than an innovative and agile mind-set that is
the talent demand is unlikely to be returns. But then we have to consider crucial for meeting fast-changing market
matched by the supply anytime soon. the deeper valuesacademic, social, and demands and challenges. We also need
Xie has instituted extensive on-the- applicationof each publication, and the to polish our communication skills in
job training and internal employment amount of research that has been done to order to effectively communicate with
opportunities at the press. The hope is get to that point, he says. The intrinsic the right people, publicize our titles in
that, given the right motivation and values far outweigh its monetary gains. the most effective way, and increase our
skills, these editors will stay with us or, Yi Shuping, the president of Chongqing collaborative efforts with overseas part-
at least, within the industry, he says. University Press, says more than indi- ners, adds Zhang.
For Wang Yan, president of East China vidual aspiration is required to create a Xie, of Social Sciences Academic Press,
Normal University Press, the big chal- professionally run university press that sees the need to hire staff members with
lenge is changing reading habits caused can meet changing market demands now multilingual competence, not just in
by the ubiquity of mobile devices. and in the near future. The whole English but also in other major lan-
Mobile devices are optimally sized and industry needs standardized review guages in order to become a trustworthy
wired for chunked and fast-feeding mechanisms to eliminate low-level aca- and reliable partner to overseas pub-
information, Wang says. Reading on demic works and elevate publication lishers, who count on us to check transla-
these devices is often fragmented and quality, Yi says. Focusing on core tion quality. He says ensuring quality
discontinuous due to distractions such expertise and building a publishing pro- translation will not only go a long way
as emails, social media, web browsing, gram based on parent universities spe- toward raising editorial standards and
instant messaging, and other apps. Such cialtiesinstead of having a hodgepodge professionalism, but also augment the
bite-sized reading on the gosnack of offeringswill provide better posi- positive impact that copublications
readingis more suited for entertain- tioning of the press, and more accurate could have on overseas readers. Now
ment news and light materials. marketing and branding strategies. that the whole publishing industry is
For a university press to be successful These will elevate the overall academic going international, we have to do every-
in the mobile world, Wang says, its pub- publishing industry. thing that we can to easeand improve
lishing program must appeal to serious Now that university and academic translation and collaboration efforts with
and professional readers. For our press, presses are doing more trade-based titles, overseas partners, Xie adds.

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Academic Publishing in China

Identifying great authors and unique global editorial planning with interna- demic publishing in the past decade.
content is one big task that lies ahead, tional-based output. The government has encouraged more
says Lu Dongming, president of Zhejiang Meanwhile, university presses are teachers and researchers to engage in
University Press. We also need to estab- slowly but steadily being professional- research work, and so we are seeing the
lish the appropriate marketing channels, ized, observes Liu, of Shaanxi Normal amount of research results suitable for
relevant platforms to reach the broadest University General Publishing House. publication increasing every year, he
readership, and the scope to grow the For us, this shift in the mind-set and says. However, these are mostly basic
influence of these authors and content. In developmental direction is one that is R&D, and the ensuing publications are
other words: building an effective con- aimed at building a market-driven entity therefore rather general in scope.
tent ecosystem, adds Lu, who likens the with proper branding, sustainable long- The short supply of high-level aca-
situation to having a high-grade pearl. term goals, and unique characteristics demic monographs on the market is a
By itself, there is limited potential. But, with defined expertise, Liu adds. problem, adds Zhang. Often, those who
with more such pearls, you make a state- Economic realities have certainly pushed are really engaged in cutting-edge R&D
ment necklace. Then you acquire timeless academic publishers, including his press, do not wantor have the timeto write
pieces of clothing to best complement to be more creative in publication design, books, he says. They are more amenable
and accessorize it. to offer content in multiple formats, and to publishing their research papers
Lu, whose publishing program is 70% to be much better at marketing and pro- because writing books take far longer and
academic monographs and teaching moting their titles. may divert their attention away from the
materials, is wary of oversupplying the But transformation, says Liu, will take R&D efforts. So the issue, he says, is
readers. With online distribution so con- time due to the inherent system and not about finding good authorsthere
venient and efficient, information over- mechanism in most university presses, are many out there with great content
load is a fact, and totally undesirable, he where the main role is first and foremost but that they may not have the time to
says. Therefore, understanding reader to meet the needs of the parent university complete the manuscript.
demands and tailoring our publishing and its teaching/learning communities, Though the number of academic
goals and distribution channels to match and not the reading public. Getting the books in China continues to increase, the
those demands is essential. Offering human resources to build a transforma- quality and influence has not reached the
reader services and dedicated spaces tional management team and look into level of improvement that one would
offline and onlineis a way to capture supply-side reform is another challenge expect given the amount of research and
and retain their attention and expand the because publishing, compared to many funding, says Zhang Yibing, the
influence of the content that they are other industries, is not as attractive or chairman of Guangxi Normal University
reading. Applying information science seen as offering great remuneration and Press Group. We still have a long way
and Big Data to track the path and usage benefits. to go, he says. But any research is tedious,
of the content will further help us to map Zhang Wei, the general manager of and forming a cumulative body of
future titles and markets. By putting all Xian Jiaotong University Press, has research and results before it can be pub-
these together, we can then have a truly witnessed rapid changes in Chinese aca- lished takes time. The process simply

Distribution of Academic Titles

Textbooks for primary through junior high schools (the compulsory scienceindependent bookstores have also become an indispensable
school years) fall under the Chinese governments procurement pro- distribution channel. The indie bookstores that these publishers work
gram and are usually purchased in bulk and supplied to schools and with include the Bookworm, OWspace, Sanwei, and Zhengyang (in
libraries. Academic monographs and multivolume publications tend Beijing); Fangshuo (Guangzhou); Xixifu (Guizhou); Xiaofeng (Hangzhou);
to be purchased by university and public libraries, which are funded by Librairie Avant-Garde (Nanjing); Zhongshuge (Shanghai); and Eslite
provincial and regional governments. There are currently 3,139 public (Suzhou).
libraries in China. There is currently no dedicated online platform for selling academic
The main retail distributor for academic publishers is Xinhua books in China, but the three major online bookstoresAmazon,
Bookstore, with its vast network of 8,996 stores, which are branded Dangdang, and JDoffer academic titles and textbooks. For students
under the same name but with different owners and operational sys- looking for bargains and book exchanges, there is the Confucius online
tems. Aside from Xinhua, only a few independent stores are primarily store, which offers used books.
focused on academic titles, including such long-established book- Increasingly, academic publishers are looking into social media
sellers as All Sages and Commercial Press in Beijing and Tongji and marketing and paying more attention to leveraging the power of Chinas
Fudan in Shanghai. two biggest services, namely the mobile app WeChat and the micro-
Now that university and academic presses are making more titles blogging site Weibo. Creating online communities and publication buzz is
accessible to and appealing for a broader marketand focusing on the way to go, and selling directly through branded stores on platforms
subject areas such as architecture, art, design, lifestyle, and popular such as Tmall and Vmall is yet another channel for increasing sales.

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Academic Publishing in China

cannot be rushed, or we will have subpar marketing for books chalks up sales fig- proper execution, a concerted effort to
results and publications. ures unheard of elsewhere. But all pub- publish print and develop relevant dig-
For now, sales channels for academic lishers in this report are busy cautiously ital content will greatly promote sales in
monographs remain relatively simple, figuring out the best digital way forward different formats and platformsand
with libraries being the biggest buyer, for their presses. these are good for our press and the
says Zhang Wei, of Xian Jiaotong Relying solely on print books in this overall academic publishing industry.
University Press. The lack of dedicated era when people access content anytime At the same time, more should be done
sales channels for this segment means and anywhere is both illogical and for the authors in the digital realm, adds
that some great books may not reach the impractical, says Wang, of East China Yi, of Chongqing University Press.
intended audience, especially those in far- Normal University Press. Our publishing Digital publishing platforms offering
flung corners of the country, he says. model has to adapt to, and anticipate, online resources to accompany academic
However, given the growth and influ- industry and consumer changes and books or teaching/learning materials
ence of social media marketing for book demands. It has to incorporate and offer should graduate to a business model that
promotion and distribution in China digital content. And, for us, this is not will benefit the author, especially in terms
which is now widely used for childrens just about digitizing our list but to pre- of sales revenue, he says. This will
titles and trade bookssome special pare a reader/learning ecosystem that encourage the author to develop even
platforms or online groups for academic covers content, assessment, additional more digital content or ancillaries that
monographs are bound to come up soon. research results, updated information, will keep the reader interested, which will
Despite the crowded bookshelves and social media, Big Data, and analytics. then build and spread the influence of the
prodigious publishing industry, gaps Lu adds some historical context while publication and, by default, the author.
remain to be filled. Science books come explaining the digital efforts at Zhejiang Yi believes that university textbooks
to my mind, says Yi, of Chongqing University Press. Early Chinese writing will be drastically transformed within the
University Press. Natural science, for was on bones, he says. Then it went from next two to three years. Textbooks will
instance, is one subject that has the poten- bamboo to silk, and finally, paper. Readers be linked to online resources, analytics-
tial to grow big. His team has launched and writers are used to paper, and they backed assessments, and learning man-
an illustrated series on ecology and can live with paper if that is what they agement systems, he says. The impact
biologywith 30 volumes so farto get prefer. But, for a publisher, content on print productson breadth of cov-
young adults to love nature and protect should not live just on paper. It should go erage, content protection, print quantity,
the environment. anywhereto reach everybodyand not and sales, for instanceis something that
Zhang Yibing, of Guangxi Normal be bound by a specific format. The target we have to deal with very soon.
University Press, finds that Chinas is ultimately the reader, and so my focus Like many of his counterparts, Zhang
growing influence, especially in the global is on what the reader really wants to read Yibing, of Guangxi Normal University
economy, will draw attention to its and learn. And digital publishing offers Press, views digital publishing as an inte-
domestic initiatives and development. more choices and channels for us to reach gral development within his publishing
Chinese academia and readers will want those readers and fulfill their needs. program, blending the old format and the
to understand the role that China plays and With monographs and professional new to offer value-added products. How
what is happening outside the country, and titles often purchased in bulk by libraries, we assimilate, take advantage of, and
vice versa, he says. Such interest will pro- budget allocation is a primary concern for adopt digital publishing in different for-
mote more research and understanding and academic publishers. But Zhang Wei, of mats and to varying degrees will deter-
increase publication on wide-ranging sub- Xian Jiaotong University Press, does not mine our success in the near future, he
jects. We will also see more collaboration recall any recent reduction of library bud- says. But the value being delivered to the
between Chinese publishers and partners gets. Allocation for digital resources has reader should be the driving force.
from other parts of the world for copub- in fact increased significantly, and this Ultimately, it is the product that sells,
lishing and rights tradingand this will shift presents both a challenge and oppor- and so, instead of focusing on print or
benefit the book industry as a whole. tunity for our publishing program, digital, our eyes should be on the content
Zhang says. itself and the value it provides.

Fitting Digital Publishing In the shorter term, the digital shift Note: Exchange rate at time of printing is
will affect sales of print products to a cer- 100 CNY=$15.19.
into the Bigger Scheme tain extent, Zhang adds. However, it
The shift to digital publishing has been forces our editorial mind-set to change, PW would like to thank Beijing-
relatively slow in China, where as much as well, prompting the development of based Bookdao for its help in
as 90% of internet browsing is done new, or repurposed, products that meet making this report possible.
through smartphones, and social media emerging market needs, he says. With

6 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
Academic Publishing in China

Beijing Jiaotong University Press

o know BJTUPs focus areas, massive investment in domestic
one needs to just browse high-tech rail infrastructure and
through its catalogue. the pan-Eurasia Belt and Road eco-
Publications on urban trans- nomic initiative, BJTUP is gearing
portation and rail systemswith up for more rights sales and copub-
niche titles on high-speed maglev lishing deals on related content
traction power-supply systems, intel- with overseas publishers. The press
ligent processing for railway satellite also publishes widely on industrial
positioning data, and broadband security and development, low-
mobile communications for rail carbon logistics, green energy, and
traffic systems, for instancedomi- sustainability.
Zhang Zimao, president of Beijing Jiaotong University Press
nate the pages. The press is also Then there is its M+Book (mobile
copublishing the Advances in High- may derail, says Zhang Zimao, the presi- multimedia plus book) program. Most
Speed Rail Technology series with dent. Quality is always the goal. With of our textbooks have M+Book support,
Springer Nature, with three titles released quality products, you attract quality tal- and we have started building the same
so far and more on the way. Having a ents to write the next batch of titles, for our academic list, Zhang says. With
parent university with some of the best which will get us the market and sales image recognition technology and
transportation system simulation and that we want. He notes that BJTUP is encrypted access, M+Book prevents
automation laboratories in the country very young compared to other university piracy while delivering additional con-
certainly helps in providing the research pressesonly 17 years oldbut we tent with multimedia, AR, and 3-D
materials and talents for such a publishing know our strengths. And so long as we simulations. It is a part of our ongoing
program. keep our eyes on what the audience wants, reform efforts to be more engaged, and
Nevertheless, slow and steady is the and why they need the products, we will in tune, with our audience and their
motto at BJTUP, which averages 400 new be on track. needs in this era of mobile devices and
titles per year. A train that goes too fast With the global attention on Chinas blended learning methods.

Major Chinese Academic Presses

According to the 2016 China Statistical Yearbook, China has about The most aggressive in recent years is Guangxi Normal
110 university presses and 3,650 research and development institu- University Press, which has made M&A its main growth
tions, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy strategy. It bought Melbourne-based Images Publishing Group
of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, and China in 2014. Barely two years later, it acquired London-based
Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics. Some institutions, such as the ACC Publishing Group and established its Central European
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, have their own publishing wings. operation via a strategic agreement with the Croatian publisher
But the majority of the research findings are often channeled through Djecja Knjiga.
university presses for publication. Among these academic and univer- Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) and
sity presses, the most influential are the following: Tsinghua University Press are the most familiar to overseas
publishers. FLTRP, which was founded by Beijing Foreign Studies
Normal University Press
University in 1979, publishes in more than 40 languages and
Radio & TV University Press
China Renmin University Press
collaborates with major international educational publishers.
Chongqing University Press
It has consistently ranked among Chinas top three publishing
East China Normal University Press
houses in terms of sales turnover.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Tsinghua University Press, an integral part of Chinas most
Fudan University Press
prestigious university (#3 in Asia in the Times Higher Education
Guangxi Normal University Press Group
2017 ranking), publishes nearly 3,000 new titles annually, along
Nanjing University Press
with 20 journals in various subjects. Nano Research, jointly pub-
Peking University Press
lished in English with Springer Nature, is one of the presss
Shaanxi Normal University General Publishing House
most influential scientific journals.
Shanghai Jiaotong University Press
Established in 1955, China Renmin University Press is the
Social Sciences Academic Press
countrys oldest university press. Along with East China Normal
Tsinghua University Press
University Press, which was founded two years later, it is one of
Xian Jiaotong University Press
two university presses that existed in China prior to its 1980s
Zhejiang University Press
economic reform.

8 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
Academic Publishing in China

Beijing Normal University Press


rmed with a capital investment while organizing thoughts and ideas
of 300 million CNY, the estab- from national experts for further improve-
lishment of Beijing Normal ment, promotion, and support.
University Publishing Group in A closer look at the catalogue also
July 2007 gave China its very first univer- reveals that history is one subject that
sity press group to focus on educational takes up far more pages than others, thus
titles. Today, the group is made up of six emphasizing BNUPs strength in this
entities: BNUP (as its core business), particular area. Of note are publications
Anhui University Press, Beijing Normal focusing on thoughts, ethos, and impe-
University Media Press, Beijing Jingshi rial politics of scholars and officials in
Culture Media, Beijing Normal University various dynasties. But the jewels are
Print Company, and the Research Institute the 12-volume History of Chinese Art
Yang Geng, chairman of Beijing Normal
of Publishing Science. As a whole, it is University Publishing Group
(the first and the most complete his-
best known for its textbooks, childrens tory on Chinese art, covering primitive
titles, books on learning Chinese as a Elsevier, Oxford University Press, and society to the end of the Qing Dynasty),
foreign language, teacher training mate- around 162 overseas publishing compa- the 10-volume General History of
rials, and academic monographs. nies worldwide. It has also exported Chinese Culture (the best series on
BNUP, founded in 1980, publishes nearly 1,000 titles, mostly on education Chinese cultural history currently in
educational titles (the core segment) science, humanities, social sciences, and existence), and the 14-volume General
alongside academic and trade titles. natural sciences. History of Chinese Art (first-ever ency-
Operating along two philosophiesto In terms of major titles, the Handbook clopedic series on the subject). The later
spread scientific truth and promote edu- of the Philosophy of Science series, a is currently being translated into Arabic.
cation innovation and to promote landmark publication from Elsevier, The past decade, says Yang, has ush-
Chinese culture and share world knowl- ranks high on the list. But it is two mul- ered in unprecendented growth in the
edgeit has since published more than tivolume original series that put BNUP academic publishing sector. All book
10,000 titles and sold more than two on the map. The Collection of Ancient publishers in China are involved in this
billion copies. As for print runs, BNUP Books of the Yuan Dynasty, edited by sector, resulting in fast-increasing number
titles often start at 3,000 copies and Han Geping, for instance, is an archival of academic publications in the market,
may go up to tens of thousands depending achievement that received critical and attracting more attentionand
on the author or subject matter. acclaim from the academic circles. The fundingto the sector. At BNUP, our
Leveraging on its parent universitys same goes for Research on the Basic academic publishing program has been
core expertise on education matters, Theory of Marxist Philosophy series, steadily developing and growing since
BNUP has played a major part in the edited by Chen Xianda, which brings the 2007 industry reform. Our focus is
Chinese elementary education reform together representative works of contem- always on producing the best academic
from the very beginning. It started pub- porary Chinese Marxist philosophy and research works, and exploring the
lishing teaching materials for the research. most suitable way to promote these
nations compulsory education systems But BNUP has many other important titles.
(five-year elementary and four-year sec- publications. There is a series of reports, Despite the lure of the trade market,
ondary levels) in 1992. A decade later, it aptly categorized under China Today Yang is careful not to dilute his academic
launched the standard teaching materials in its catalogue for copyright exports, publishing program in order to obtain
for compulsory educational courses and that addresses issues such as the coun- sales. We cannot lose sight of our core
full-time general high-school courses. trys green development, labor market, expertise, which is backed by a rich his-
That sealed its reputation (and near public opinion on education, and rural tory and success in educational pub-
monopoly) in basic education publica- education. These reports, says Yang lishing. Following any bestseller trend
tions in the country. Geng, chairman of the group, present blindly is not an option. So for the general
Over the years, BNUP has collaborated the situation in China to foster under- readership, we have started introducing
with Pearson Education, McGraw-Hill, standing among overseas academics essays on education and philosophy.

10 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
Series of Research on
the Basic Theory of Marxist Philosophy

Series of Research on Series of Research on Series of Research on Series of Research on Series of Research on
the Basic Theory of Marxist Philosophy the Basic Theory of Marxist Philosophy the Basic Theory of Marxist Philosophy the Basic Theory of Marxist Philosophy the Basic Theory of Marxist Philosophy

Research on
Research on

Philosophy and

Research on


Research on

Theory Modern History


Marxist Philosophy
Basic Theory of
Series of Research on the
Marxist Philosophy
Basic Theory of
Series of Research on the

Marxist Philosophy
Basic Theory of
Series of Research on the
Marxist Philosophy
Basic Theory of
Series of Research on the

Marxist Philosophy
Basic Theory of
Series of Research on the
Research on
Research on Research on Marxist Research on Research on
Marxist Marxist Philosophy and Marxist Marxist
/ Human /
Value /
Modern Conceptionof

Theory Western History





Series of Research on Series of Research on Series of Research on Series of Research on Series of Research on
the Basic Theory of Marxist Philosophy the Basic Theory of Marxist Philosophy the Basic Theory of Marxist Philosophy the Basic Theory of Marxist Philosophy the Basic Theory of Marxist Philosophy
.indd 1 .indd 1 17-6-13 4:51 .indd 1 17-6-13 5:08 17-6-13 4:54
17-6-13 5:17
.indd 1 17-6-13 4:45

Research on
Research on
Marxist Research on
Marxist Research on
Marxist Research on
the Course and

Ontology Social Culture Epistemology Laws of



Marxist Philosophy
Basic Theory of
Series of Research on the
Marxist Philosophy
Basic Theory of
Series of Research on the

Marxist Philosophy
Basic Theory of
Series of Research on the

Marxist Philosophy
Basic Theory of
Series of Research on the
Marxist Philosophy
Basic Theory of
Series of Research on the

Research on
Research on Research on Research on Research on the Course and
Marxist Marxist Marxist Marxist Laws of
Ontology /
Social /
Culture /
Epistemology /
Development Theory Philosophy
Theory Sinicization
80.00 80.00
86.00 78.00 80.00

.indd 1 17-6-13 5:14

.indd 1 .indd 1 17-6-13 5:12 .indd 1 17-6-13 5:05 .indd 1 17-6-13 5:16 17-6-13 4:49

Based on basic theoretical researches on Marxist philosophy, this series features brief expression, proper
description and logical thinking. It launches a comprehensive exploration on the most fundamental and
important theoretical topics of Marxism and other fields of philosophic research, with perspectives varying
from the ontology, dialectics and epistemology of Marxism philosophy to its conception of history and theories
on culture, value and social development. These books represent the fundamental ideologies, hot issues and
difficulties of research on Marxist philosophy, reflecting its latest development and results. An authorized and
state-of-the-art academic series, this is an important reference for the study and research on Marxism philosophy.

Research on Marxist Human Theory Research on Marxist Ontology

by Yuan Guiren by Wu Xiaoming and Chen Lixin
Research on Marxisit Value Theory Research on Marxist Social Development Theory
by Ma Junfeng by Feng Ziyi
Research on Marxist Philosophy and Modern Western Philosophy Research on Marxist Culture Theory
by Liu Fangtong by Yi Junqing and Hu Changshuan
Research on Marxist Conception of History Research on Marxist Epistemology
by Yang Geng by Ouyang Kang
Research on Marxist Dialectics Research on the Course and Laws of Marxist Philosophy Sinicization
by Sun Zhengyu by Wang Nanshi
Academic Publishing in China

Chongqing University Press

QUP differentiates Playing up our parent uni-
itself with an abun- versitys expertise has worked
dance of well- well for our trade publishing
designed and glossy program, Yi says. Since we
publications that are heavy on have access to the experts and
research and yet accessible to their research, we can make full
nonacademic readers. A four- use of the resources to produce
volume work on ancient archi- special products for the general
tecture of southwest China, readers.
for instance, is a collection of Yi finds that his team has
meticulously illustrated books gained extensive experience in
that is also a definitive refer- Yi Shuping, president of Chongqing University Press branding and market-facing
ence filled with architectural strategies and direct-to-con-
drawings and specifications that can be Zookeepers Wife: A War Story (12,000 sumer communications through CQUPs
used to reconstruct, or replicate, any of copies). trade publishing program. With aca-
the featured ancient buildings and sites. The city of Chongqings unique char- demic books, we mostly deal with
We publish titles from selected acteristics (it is built on mountains with libraries and big chains such as Xinhua
fieldsarts, design, lifestyle, popular aerial tramways and surrounded by rivers Bookstores, he says. But, with trade
science, psychology, and self-helpthat and bridges) and its economic prowess as titles, we work closely with independent
have crossover appeal to reach the non- Chinas third largest production center bookstores such as Eslite, Fangshuo, and
scholarly, general readership, says Yi for cars and the largest for motorcycles Xixifu, and during the process we have
Shuping, the president of the 32-year-old provide CQUP with ample content and become more attuned to market needs
press, adding that attractive book design, resources. On the academic side, we and changing consumer preferences
high-quality printing and binding, and have four important series: domestic attributes that we need to face industry
well-crafted marketing strategies are automotive innovation and technology, realities.
crucial to ensuring the success of such and urban transportation in mountainous A good university press, Yi adds, goes
titles. The newly published Food Is God, citytwo topics that are close to this beyond producing bestsellers or gener-
for example, presents designer tableware city and universityas well as special ating big sales. We need effective mar-
collections seen through cultural and his- education and the Naxi minority lan- keting and branding strategies so that
torical perspectives, and is targeted at guage in Yunnan Province, says Yi, a our publications can spread their influ-
well-heeled and well-traveled readers professor at the department of industrial ence within the academic society and
from Chinas rising middle class who engineering, whose team added 650 new reading public, he says. The research
have a taste for fine dining. The average publications in 2016 to the backlist of results should not stay within the aca-
print run for such books is about 9,000 10,500. demic tribe; these should be applied and
copies. Serving the needs of the parent uni- communicated to the society at large.
CQUP kick-started its vigorous trade versity comes first, which means that CQUP also has two subsidiary compa-
publishing program back in 2008, 60% of CQUPs publishing program is nies for digital publishing and e-books.
making it a segment pioneer among dedicated to textbooks and teaching In 2016, e-book sales (mostly from text-
Chinas university presses. Surviving in materials. As a research university, we books and teaching materials) amounted
the publishing industry is about being are devoted to helping our faculty to to 760,000 CNY. Over the next three
innovative, creative, and market-ori- publish books and market their aca- years, Yi and his team will be building a
ented, and trade publishing pushes us to demic titles to the world, adds Yi, who comprehensive learning and teaching
be even more so in order to succeed, says points out that the institution is best service platform, and compiling digital
Yi, whose team has translated Joseph J. known for its courses on architecture and content resources for R&D and teaching/
Lucianis Self-Coaching: The Powerful building, and electrical and mechanical learning purposes. The strategy is one
Program to Beat Anxiety and Depression engineering. One major title, Pu of integrated development, upgrading
(50,000 copies sold), Clifford A. Xinchengs Super-High-Strength High and transformation, he says, and this
Pickovers The Math Book (25,000 Performance Concrete, was recently pub- will strengthen the position of CQUP
copies), and Diane Ackermans The lished in English by Taylor & Francis. within the publishing industry. 

12 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
Academic Publishing in China

East China Normal

University Press

ith total sales of 400 million nationsand these go well beyond
CNY in 2016, ECNUP is selling rights and adapting content.
the top publishing house in Rights selling (and buying) has been
Shanghai, and ranks among brisk at ECNUP in recent years. One
Chinas top 10 university presses. It is bestseller on education proverbs by Chen
also one of the two oldest university Heqin (who is regarded as Chinas father
presses in the country, with its 60th of preschool education) was sold to
anniversary coming up in October. McGraw-Hill. Zhu Shirongs bestselling
ECNUPs education-focused pub- Chinese Art Philosophy has been translated
lishing program ranges from textbooks into many languages, including English,
and supplementary materials for pre- German, Korean, and Russian. It is cited
school and primary, secondary, and voca- in 144 research papers and 53 books, and
tional schools, to teacher education, edu- is highly regarded as the authority on the
cational theory to educational psy- discussion of the philosophy of Chinese
Wang Yan, president of East China Normal
chology. In fact, ECNUP is famed for art. Then there are a few titles from the University Press
introducing Western educational and 13-volume Interpretation About
psychological theories to Chinatheo- Dunhuang series that were sold to Japan, tography during that period, explains
ries that have influenced the develop- Russia, and South Korea. We have also Wang, who hired experts such as art con-
ment of those disciplines there.We pro- signed an agreement with Sage servator/restorer Marcus Jacobs from
vide the full supply chain when it comes Publishing to start a series on the best of Switzerland to work on the book. This
to education matters, offering content, Chinese teaching, adds Wang. title, which called for international and
teaching and learning support, coun- ECNUPs team of 110 editors (from a multilingual collaboration across several
seling, assessment, and online platform, staff of 320) published about 1,300 new disciplines, exemplifies our efforts in
says ECNUP president Wang Yan. titles and reprinted more than 4,000 in publishing titles that will appeal to the
The presss flagship product is Shanghai 2016. (The press boasts a backlist of reading public while maintaining the
Maths, which started as a supplementary about 37,000 titles). ECNUP has also highest levels of scholarship.
workbook in 1996 and became a regional published many translated works, ECNUP, adds Wang, had changed tre-
bestseller. The rights for the U.K. and including the four-volume Nyerere mendously since 2001, when the Chinese
British Commonwealth territories were Anthology (on modern Tanzania and rela- school curriculum underwent major
sold to Collins in 2015. tions between China and countries in reforms. Two years ago, the college
The attention on Shanghai Maths hit Africa), The Putin Collection: 20122014 entrance examination was overhauled so
an all-time high when Shanghai students (his philosophy, thinking, and impact on that students are no longer assessed
scored the highest in math, reading, and the Russian people), and three novels by purely on their math, Chinese, and
science in the 2009 and 2012 PISA the contemporary Russian author English results, she says. Nowadays,
[Program for International Student Mikhail Popov. their personal and social interactions are
Assessment] tests, explains Wang, Recent years have seen the team busy also a part of the evaluation. So the whole
adding that Collinss Shanghai Maths developing titles that are more trade- curriculum is changing yet again.
Project is not a pure translation of the based but still focused on educating Wang says the press is focused on fur-
original program. About 30% of its readers. A Swisss View of the Late Qing thering its parent universitys goal of
content has been adapted to suit the Empire is a good example. This 2016 excellence in research and scholarship by
British curriculum, and the series is now Shanghai Book Award winner came from identifying social trends and designing
used in the U.K. primary and secondary a pile of old photos taken by the Swiss products to meet diverse educational
schools. Our team is currently adapting silk merchant Adolf Clare more than a needs. ECNUP may be an established
the program for other countries. We view century ago. We dug into the story press, but we operate like a startup with
such collaborations as cultural exchanges behind the photos, added part of Clares a nimble and innovative approach to
that promote education research and diary to highlight the background of his publishing in changingand chal-
improve teaching methodology between travels, and included the history of pho- lengingtimes, she says. 

14 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
Academic Publishing in China

Guangxi Normal University Press


he past three years have been a lost forever, adds Zhang.
busy time at GNUP. In 2014, it GNUPs publications are steeped in
acquired the Australian company history and culture, as evinced in major
Images Publishing Group, which titles from the past year: Research on
is known globally for its architecture and Buddhist Literature (edited by Fang
design publications, and global network Guangzhuan), Asian Diplomacy with
of more than 2,000 architects and pub- Russia by Wei Chuxiong, and The History
lishers. Then, in August 2016, it acquired of the Bai Ethnic Group by Yang Zhouwei.
London-based Antique Collectors Club But GNUPs biggest commercial success
(which has been renamed ACC combines a graphic memoir of a love
Publishing), thus adding more architec- story with the history of China. Rao
ture and design titles to its portfolio, as Pingrus Our Story, which sold 250,000
well as books on art collecting and copies in China, was translated into
horticulture. Dutch, English, French, Italian, Korean,
The above strategy, says Zhang Yibing, and Spanish. So far, the press has sold the
chairman of GNUP, is aimed at enriching Zhang Yibing, chairman of Guangxi Normal rights to more than 800 titles.
the presss art and design product line University Press Group Meanwhile, Chinese translations of
synergistically through the combined Molly Guptill Mannings When Books
expertise of Images and ACC. It gives a new company in Croatia that will be Went to War, Barry Lopezs Arctic Dreams,
us the space and opportunity to promote GNUPs operational base in continental and Bob Dylans The Lyrics: 19612012
and develop art and design publishing Europe. The idea is to create new content hit the market early this year. The drive
here in China and abroad. By leveraging and promote Chinese publications to the to look for unique titles with important
on these two companies distribution region, according to Zhang, whose messages or observationswith an
channels and promotional expertise, we 30-year-old press has published more emphasis on educationfor Chinese
will have a multinational publishing than 20,000 titles, 1,332 of which were readers has also seen the GNUP team
platformor art bridgeto promote added in 2016. translate John Hirsts The Shortest History
Chinese publishing and creativity to the Alongside art and design books, text- of Europe (300,000 copies sold) and Robert
world, says Zhang, who wants the com- books, teaching materials, and academic C. Solomons The Big Questions: A Short
pany to transition from product provider titles (specifically in the humanities) Introduction to Philosophy (120,000 copies).
to knowledge service provider. GNUP form the core of GNUPs publishing pro- Given the extent of GNUPs publica-
will launch a new academic magazine, gram. But there is another segment that tions, many of which are multivolume
China Architecture, in the U.S. next year, GNUP excels in: rare books and archival collections spanning decades of research,
and will have international art and design publications. The 283-volume series on creating a digital database is the next
exhibitions, forums, and exchange activi- the Chinese Maritime Customs Service, step. That is a natural progression,
ties, as well as a cross-platform database for instance, was a massive research and Zhang says. We definitely need a data-
for art and design images within the next collection done through collaborations base to house our cumulative research
five years. with numerous institutions, including and resources in one place and make it
Based in scenic Guilin, GNUP as a the Harvard-Yenching Library. A 123- accessible to academia as well as the
group has more than 30 entities, with volume collection on the ancient city of public. Publishing, after all, is about
sister companies in Beijing, Shanghai, Dunhuang had researchers working knowledge sharing. He points out that
and Shenzhen, as well as subsidiaries in through national libraries and old as a university press, we must focus on
London, Melbourne, New York, and archives, including the British Library; education and contribute to the learning
Singapore (through its acquisitions). Its another 5070 volumes will be added to and educating process. Helping to build
strategic partnership with the Croatian this collection. We have a responsibility a knowledge-based and lifelong-learning
childrens publisher Djecja Knjiga, to future generations to collect, publish, community by enabling easy access to
which began in August 2016, has led to and preserve historical documents of information is the key driver in our pub-
the formation of Magic Elephant Books, immense value that would otherwise be lishing program.

16 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
Academic Publishing in China

Shaanxi Normal University

General Publishing House

ublications on Shaanxi regional of Chinese historical culture and as an introduced by Peter Gay. Last year,
culture and historysuch as A essential database on ancient Chinese SNUGPHs copyright-trading activities
Comprehensive History of Shaanxi, books. More than a dozen Chinese uni- earned it the National Copyright Model
5,000 of Shaanxi, Meng Man on versities use the Hanji, and many more Organization award for achieving a more
Tang Dynasty: Emperor Xuanzongare a have begun trial runs. balanced import/export ratio. Overall,
niche segment at SNUGPH. This has Middle School Teaching Reference, a the press published 428 new titles and
much to do with the fact that Shaanxi periodical series covering eight subjects reprinted more than 880 in 2016.
province is considered the cradle of (biology, chemistry, Chinese language, In the coming months, multivolume
Chinese civilization. Four major ruling geography, history, math, physics, and publications such as Chinese Tea History,
dynasties, spanning over 1,000 years, politics), is SNUGPHs perennial best- The Comprehensive Reference to Chinese
established their seats of power there. seller in the education segment. A must- Geoscience, The Grand Dictionary of
Shaanxi was also the point of origin of the have reference for teachers and schools Buddhist Arts, Forest of Stone Steles in
Silk Road. across China, this series has been around Xian, The Illustrated Folk Customs of the
It is hardly surprising, then, that for 45 years, far longer than SNUGPH, Silk Road, and 100 Tang Poetries will be
SNUGPH embarked on a massive dec- which was established in 1985. Then on the market. Many of these will be
adelong digitization project of ancient there are bestsellers such as The Mythology transformed into integrated database
Chinese cultural study. The first version Anthology, The Compilation of Chinese Folk projects, which will give us the capabili-
of the groundbreaking Hanji Digital Painted Clay Sculptures, and Zhang ties to augment continuing research
Library was launched in 2010, and it was Juzheng: An Annotated Edition. First while supporting the teaching and
immediately conferred the first Shaanxi printings, usually paperback, range learning communities, and keep on
Book Award. The second version, between 5,000 and 8,000 copies. improving the content for future edi-
unveiled in September 2016, has been SNUGPH titles such as The Wisdom of tions, says Liu. He adds that the demand
critically acclaimed as the most compre- Zhuangzi and Days at the Northwestern for knowledge-based services for teaching
hensive database collection of its kind. Bureau have been translated into Korean and learning is one key driver pushing
The depository includes inscriptions and while Ethos of the Past is now available in these database projects.
carvings (on oracle bone, bronze object, traditional Chinese. The press has also Now that the whole academic pub-
and stone), archival documents (from translated several overseas titles, lishing sector is transitioning from a
Dunhuang and the Ming and Qing including Martin Gilberts A History of historically supply-driven model to one
dynasties), calligraphy, paintings, maps, the Twentieth Century, Maynard Solomons that is demand-driven, we have to look
and works on traditional Chinese medi- Beethoven, and Stefan Zweigs Chess Story, into ways to blend the two, and inte-
cine. More than 200,000 archival (and grated publishing involving multimedia
mostly rare) documents in eight major formats is the way forward, Liu says,
subjects covering 57 categories have been adding that marketing strategies are
collected. something new that needed to be assimi-
The Hanji is an ongoing project, and lated into the presss publishing pro-
we are refining the digital database to gram. At the same time, we are looking
enable full-text search function and other at the whole spectrum of exchanges
tools to enable faster and more accurate beyond rights trading and copublishing,
search and indexing, says SNUGPH for instancewith counterparts across
president Liu Dongfeng. We are the world. With globalization and digi-
opening this resource to foreign sinolo- tization, the needs of the readers have
gists, scholars from other disciplines, and also diversified, and this has driven
major libraries and universities around SNUGPH to continually adjust our
the globe so that they can participate and publishing program, enhance our publi-
contribute to this project to make it even cations digitally, enrich our knowledge
better and more useful as the primary Liu Dongfeng, president of Shaanxi Normal services, and improve our service
tool of choice in the research and study University General Publishing House quality.

18 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
Academic Publishing in China

Social Sciences Academic Press

s its name suggests, SSAP is the 32-year-old SSAP is office in St. Petersburg
go-to publisher in China for much more than a pub- and is busy selecting titles
scholarly titles in the humanities l i s h i n g c o m p a n y. for translation into Russia.
and social sciences. It is a pub- What we are is a ser- SSAPs database divi-
lishing wing of the Chinese Academy of vice provider, Xie sion brings in the most
Social Sciences, drawing its authors from says. We disseminate revenue. There are five
the academy as well as other top research research information in databases, including one
institutions in the country. the humanities and on the Yearbook series, one
SSAPs best-known and most widely social sciences to on world nations, and one
acclaimed product is the Yearbook series, readers, and while the on the Belt and Road.
which provides a comprehensive over- majority of our publi- Offering upwards of
view of Chinas latest developments in cations are China- Xie Shouguang, president of Social 150,000 articles, the data-
various areas, including mobile internet specific, our market is Sciences Academic Press bases are subscribed to by
development, climate change, population truly global. more than 3,000 clients,
and labor, low-carbon economy, real Copublishing deals with publishers in mostly universities, research institutions,
estate, and construction for the Belt and Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America and libraries, including the libraries of
Road initiative. Divided into three cate- have certainly given SSAP a global reader- Harvard, Princeton, and Yale universities.
gories (with blue books for economy, ship. Our collaboration with Brill, for Then there is the scholarly series,
green for society and the environment, instance, started in 2006 with the Chinese which started in 2012. This is a hybrid
and yellow for international issues and Research Development series, which is of book and journal, says Xie, pointing
relations), the Yearbook series currently largely based on the Yearbooks, Xie says. out that there are more than 150 series
has more than 575 titles, with about 200 Then there is Chinese Dream and Chinas covering about 20 disciplines. While the
published annually. Many have been Development Path, a series that we revenues from these publications are neg-
translated into other languages, including colaunched with Springer Nature in 2013 ligible, they encapsulate our pursuit for
English, Japanese, Korean, and Russian. and is now on volume 20, and counting. the best in scholarly content and aca-
Xie Shouguang, the president, says the SSAP also recently registered a branch demic research.

Types of Chinese Universities

References to Project 211, Project 985, and C9 frequently crop up Project 985
during conversations with Chinese universities and university presses. The name refers to the date on which the project was first announced:
As a matter of fact, Chinese universities are divided into three types: May 1998, which is written 98/5 in the Chinese date format. Initiated
Project 211, Project 985, and ordinary university. that year by Jiang Zemin, Chinas president at the time, for the 100th
anniversary of Peking University, Project 985 is about accelerating
Project 211
the development of universities while elevating their global reputation.
The name is derived from a slogan for a project aimed at raising
It involves allocating massive amounts of funding from governments
the research standards of high-level institutions and developing
at the local, provincial, and national levels to selected universities
new strategies for socioeconomic development in modern China.
to build new research centers, improve facilities, hold international
The 21 in 211 refers to the 21st century, and the 1 represents the
conferences, attract world-renowned faculty and visiting scholars,
about 100 institutions planned to come about under the project.
and help Chinese faculty attend conferences abroad.
Launched in 1995, Project 211 currently covers approximately
The projects initial phase funded only nine universities, which
118 participating universities, or about 6% of Chinas higher edu-
went on to form the C9 League in 2009. By 2011, the project closed
cation institutions. Those that fall under this project have to meet
its doors to new members while continuing to sponsor a total of 39
certain scientific, technical, and human resources standards and
offer advanced degree programs.
Project 211 universities are responsible for training four-fifths C9 League
of doctoral students, two-thirds of graduate students, half of over- The Chinese equivalent of the U.S. Ivy League, this alliance of nine
seas students, and one-third of undergraduates. Altogether, these elite universities includes Fudan University, Harbin Institute of
selected institutions hold 96% of Chinas key laboratories and Technology, Nanjing University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong
use 70% of the countrys scientific research funding. A sum of University, Tsinghua University, the University of Science and
18.76 billion CNY has been earmarked for this project. Technology of China, Xian Jiaotong University, and Zhejiang University.
These are considered to be research-intensive universities.

20 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7

Research Series on Poverty

Alleviation in China

Social Sciences Academic Press is proud to present the Research monographs and edited volumes published by Social Sciences
Series on Poverty Alleviation in China and Poverty Alleviation in Academic Press in this area. Together, the print publications
China Database. Both the book series and the database are listed and their digital incarnation will provide a powerful platform
as key projects in the Thirteenth Five-year National Plan for the for showcasing recent achievements in this field as well as a
Publishing Industry and the Thirteenth Five-year National Plan broad range of services to meet the diverse needs of the research
for Digital Publishing, respectively. The database encompasses, community.
in addition to contents of the eponymous book series, other

The Complexity of Poverty and Annual Report on Poverty

the Diversity of Anti-Poverty Reduction of China
Programs (2016)
Author: LIU Xiaomin Editors: LI Peilin, WEI Houkai
April 2017 / 352pp December 2016 / 388pp

The volume is a critical examination of poverty alleviation efforts in Contributors to this volume review progress in poverty reduction since
ethnic minority dominated areas. Special attention is paid to what 2012 and challenges the country still faces.
can be done to prevent relapses into poverty.

The Study of China's 30-Years' Local Practices on

Contiguous Destitute Areas Poverty Alleviation in Guizhou:
(2013-2016) A Case Study of X County
Editors: YOU Jun, LENG Zhiming, DING Jianjun Authors: SUN Zhaoxia, ZHANG Jian, ZENG Yun,
March 2017 / 308pp WANG Chunguang
November 2016 / 360pp

This volume presents in-depth and multi-dimensional analyses By looking at the two-decade long experience of a Guizhou
of the occurrence and persistence of poverty in fourteen large provincial-level government department in helping to reduce poverty
areas covering contiguous regions. The analyses look at the spatial in a Guizhou county, the authors draw lessons for the rest of the
distribution, key symptoms, and social and cultural dimensions of country about organically combining organizational construction for
poverty. the CPC at the local level with poverty alleviation.

Evolution of China's Poverty Annual Report on Targeted

Alleviation and Development Poverty Alleviation in China
Policy (2001-2015) (2016): The Strategy and Policy
System of Targeted Poverty
Editor: ZUO Changsheng
December 2016 / 296pp Alleviation
Editors: LU Hanwen, HUANG Chengwei
October 2016 / 336pp

This is a compilation of most of the policies, directives, The volume is a study of precision-targeted poverty alleviation in
communiqus, guidelines and notices the Chinese government has terms of its historical background, theoretical underpinning, strategic
released in the 2001-2015 period on poverty reduction. Information significance, and measures and practices specifically associated with
on background, implementation and outcome, including assessment the policy.
from experts both inside and outside China is also provided. / For rights, contact

Academic Publishing in China

Xian Jiaotong University Press

1986 merger with a university academic monographs have been created Zhang says the inclusion of trade pub-
publishing unit that specialized through such collaborations, including lications reflects the presss self-suffi-
in audio and video products gave Application of Thermo-Fluidic Measurement ciency. On one hand, we fulfill the
XJUP a comprehensive portfolio Techniques (with Elsevier), Modern requirements of our parent university by
that covers different content formats. Technique and Method of Histochemistry (De publishing academic monographs and
About 9,600 titles have been published, Gruyter), Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and professional titles, he says. On the
including 1,100 audio and video publi- Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Rotating other, we produce textbooks, test guides,
cations. The presss staff of 160, of whom Machinery (Elsevier), and Unified Strength and educational materials to get sales.
83 are editors, adds nearly 900 new titles Theory and Its Applications (Springer Then we have trade titles, which focus on
annually. Recent years have seen more Nature). unique topics that appeal to the public
than 60% of XJUP titles published in The press also has long-running col- so that the additional sales will fund the
print and digital formats simultaneously. laborations with Cambridge University other two. All three segments combined
The press is also working on three Press, Cengage Learning, McGraw-Hill, give XJUP a broad-based readership and
national e-publishing platforms, Oxford University Press, and Pearson revenue sources.
including Chinas medical Competition for authors,
imaging service platform. staff, resources, and sales is
Producing teaching and nothing new to Zhang. We
research-based content is XJUPs have to find our own niches and
main focus. Our graduate edu- build on that, he says. So it is
cation series was the first to be very important to recognize our
introduced in China, and its suc- strengths and not to deviate
cess has prompted us to continue from them. For instance, we are
expanding the 90-volume series, not in the humanities and social
perhaps to more than 200 in a sciences space, because authors
few years, says general manager from these disciplines prefer to
Zhang Wei, whose team released publish with state-owned pub-
numerous high-level titles last Zhang Wei, general manager of Xian Jiaotong University Press lishing houses or big companies
year, including Tao Wenquans Numerical Education. We have brought in over in Beijing. We also know that we have
Heat Transfer, Yu Maohongs New System 300 titlesranging from ELT titles to better access and resources to produce
of Strength Theory, Jiang Demings technical textbooksfrom these pub- unique titles on this region; Xian
Principles of Higher Vehicle Internal lishers, adds Zhang. Dwellings is a good example. Such
Combustion Engines, and Li Huaizus Recent years have seen the press add knowledge helps us to shape our pub-
Management Research Methodology. We more trade-based and non-STM titles to lishing program and develop our col-
have just published Advanced Gas Turbine its list. Recent works include Wang laborations with overseas partners
Design and Manufacturing Research, a Xijings Xian Dwellings (a comparative accordingly.
groundbreaking book edited by Wang study on Shaanxi residential culture) and XJUP is planning to bring out a series
Tiejun that encapsulates results from an important series on China and the of high-level monographs based on the
900-plus research projects. Silk Road that focuses on the impact of latest research on human mitochondrial
The abundance of science, technology, the countrys trade and investments in dysfunction, equipment fault diagnosis,
medical and public health titles in the region. XJUPs unique location also and endangered species genome research
XJUPs catalogue should not come as a provides plenty of materials for publica- alongside studies on Chinese folk drama.
surprise: the parent university houses tion. Xian, the oldest of Chinas four Given the fast-paced development of
five of Chinas key laboratories and engi- ancient cities, is the starting point of the science and technology in China, ground-
neering research centers and three of its Silk Road, home to the terracotta war- breaking R&D will increase in the
top eight affiliated teaching hospitals. rior, and host to three ruling dynasties, coming years, adds Zhang. We are
Collaborations with overseas STM Zhang says. Its rich historical and cul- keeping track of the best of these
publishers have been brisk since the press tural legacy is perfectnot just for researchers and waiting to publish them
started in 1995. So far, about 100 high- trade, but also academic and research- and share their knowledge with the rest
level technical English textbooks and based titles. of the world.

22 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
Academic Publishing in China

Zhejiang University Press

ith nearly and many other titles. and culture in order to grow not just its
1,000 new Two of the presss catalogue but also its influence on readers
titles per year recent major projects and potential authors, adds Lu, whose
and 16 jour- the 23-volume A Collection strategies for the press revolve around
nals (five of which are in of Song Dynasty Paintings high-quality content, digitization, and
the Science Citation and 16-volume A Collection internationalization.
Index), the 33-year-old of Yuan Dynasty Paintings Journal publishing, Lu says, is an
Zhejiang University Press have been lauded for important segment at ZJUP. It allows
is a hotbed of activity. In being authoritative and us to focus on the universitys specialties
February, it launched Wu complete compilations and publish high-level content that
Xiaobos The Story of with immense value for will reach out to professionals and
Te n c e n t 1 9 9 8 2 0 1 6 : art connoisseurship and researchers, who are our potential
Survivor, Challenger, and collecting. The U.S. authors, he says. It is about expanding
Leader, which has sold Library of Congress, our sphere of influence. The Journal of
about 380,000 copies UNESCO, and national Zhejiang University, with its eight sub-
across China. That was libraries of many journals, for instance, is copublished
followed by the release of European countries have with Springer Nature in English to reach
a new peer-reviewed open acquired these two col- international readers and make it avail-
access quarterly journal, lections. Then there is able for citation.
Lu Dongming, president of
Food Quality and Safety, Zhejiang University Press the 314-page large-format But finding potential authors is not
copublished with Oxford Ngari Mural Paintings, going to happen overnight, Lu says.
University Press. Next came Silks from which is as much a tribute to applica- This is a long-term initiative that we are
the Silk Road, authored by the vice tions of digital technology for site pres- working on togetherthrough work-
director of the China National Silk ervation and print production as it is a shops and seminarswith partners such
Museum. And, in between, there was a book about ancient culture. as the Chinese Academy of Engineering
12-title launchincluding The Art and culture are borderless, with and the National Science Foundation.
Architecture of Zhejiang Universityto art playing a major role in international The idea is to incubate top talents from
commemorate the institutions 120th cultural exchanges. And now, with the all over China, and to get them thinking
anniversary. internet, readers are also borderless, and and writing. He adds that he is working
Headquartered in picturesque we want to share information and dis- on exploring topics with international
Hangzhou, 75 miles southwest of seminate knowledge based on Zhejiang appeal and influence and nurturing edi-
Shanghai, ZJUP has had copublishing Universitys core specialtieswhich tors who have a broad understanding of
deals with many overseas publishers over include art, culture, science, and tech- overseas markets.
the years, including Cambridge nologywith the rest of the world, says Currently, Chinas Belt and Road ini-
University Press (Rumors in Han Dynasties Lu Dongming, the president of ZJUP, tiative is a hot topic for Lu and his team.
and Chinas Early Modern Economy), a professor at the universitys College of We are not just publishing books to
Elsevier (Intelligent Systems and Technology Computer Science and Technology, and address economic and financial concerns
in China), Palgrave Macmillan (Chinas the coauthor of Digital Preservation for coming from readers and observers, local
Economic Transformation, Innovation, and Heritages, a Springer Nature copublication and international, arising from the ini-
Development), and Springer Nature about digital technology applications tiative, but also communicating with
(Research on the Intelligent City Construction at archeological sites such as the Mogao them about the art and culture along
and Promotion Strategies). ZJUP has also Caves, Jinsha, and Hemudu. the old Silk Road linking Asia, Europe,
translated and published Ray Monks I look at technology, which is fast and and Africa, Lu says. Last year, ZJUP
Ludwig Wittgenstein (48,000 copies sold), furious, and culture, which changes very launched the Chinese edition of Peter
Metaphors We Live By by George Lakoff slowly or remains the same over time, Frankopans bestseller The Silk Roads,
and Mark Johnson (14,000 copies), and both affect the reader, the author, and signed a copublishing deal for its
Murray Rothbards Man, Economy, and and the content. A successful publishing C h i n a E c o n o m i c Tr a n s i t i o n a n d
State (12,000 copies), Paul Freedmans program, and therefore a university Innovation Development series with
Food: The History of Taste (10,000 copies), press, must carefully balance technology Palgrave Macmillan.

24 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
Academic Publishing in China

Hot Topics in Chinese

Academic Publishing
A look at six key research areas in China
By Teri Tan

One thing has become very obvious in recent months: integration and community ties, the Belt
and Road Initiative is sparking publi-
while research funding is shrinking in the U.S. and Europe, cations, studies, and research in partici-
it is rapidly expanding in China. It is the same scenario for pating countries into areas beyond politics,
culture, and economics. Understanding
higher education funding. each country and its potential (and weak-

nesses) is deemed crucial to the success of
op-tier Chinese universities ential peer-review journals to publish the initiative.
namely Peking University, important papers.
Shanghai Jiaotong University, These hot topics and current trends The Silk Road
Tsinghua University, and Zhejiang present opportunities for overseas pub- The Belt and Road Initiative has thrown
Universitylead the pack in science, lishers to buy Chinese titles suitable for the Silk Roadwhich was officially
technology, engineering, and mathe- their own markets, as well as to sell rel- open for trade with the West from 130
matics research. These universities are evant original publications for trans- B.C.E. until the Ottoman Empire closed
now competing with top U.S. and U.K. lation into Chinese. Copublishing with it in 1453 C.E.back into the focus.
institutions in breakthrough develop- Chinese partners is another way to For Chinese publishers, this is the time
ment and studies. Though still not as leverage the vast R&D efforts that are to rediscover ancient trading routes and
strong, research in life sciences, medicine, currently taking place in the country. get to know the countries along the way.
and social sciences has also picked up. The Shaanxi province is a treasure trove
Given the vast amount of research The Belt and Road of materials and resources on the subject.
coming out of Chinas universities and Initiative The Han dynasty started the trading
institutes, academic publishers are First proposed as One Belt One Road by route right at Xian (then known as
rushing to share the R&D results with Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, Changan) and stretched it to the Arabian
the relevant domestic and international the pan-Eurasian economic initiative Peninsula, Europe, and Africa. Many of
academics and industries. But language combines the overland Silk Road eco- the ancient cities and kingdoms are being
barriers continue to hamper efforts to nomic belt with the 21st Century studied and researched, such as Jingjue,
publish Chinese scholars STM research Maritime Silk Route of sea lanes and Kucha, Loulan, Samarkand, Xixia, and
in English-language journals. At the ports. Infrastructure investments into Yutian. Of course, Shaanxi is also the
same time, researchers affiliated with top railways and ports form a major part of burial site of Chinas first emperor and his
universities, especially in major Chinese the Belt and Road Initiative, which will terra-cotta warriors, which continues to
cities, tend to get more opportunities to affect 4.4 billion people across Asia, the inspire speculation and intensive study.
be published or to collaborate with over- Middle East, Europe, and Africa. So far, Aside from unearthing new cultural,
seas counterparts. There is also a tendency 68 countries have signed up for the tril- historical, and archeological materials,
for top researchers to publish with over- lion-dollar visionary blueprint for global publishers and research institutes are
seas STM publishers (especially Elsevier economic development, which combines busy searching and translating titles that
and Springer Nature) instead of choosing regional and global cooperation with will help Chinese readers understand the
a locally produced journal. So, efforts bilateral and multilateral partnerships. ancient route from various perspectives.
among Chinese STM publishers and Set to reinvigorate the seamless flow of Zhejiang University Presss translation of
research institutes are intensifying to capital, goods, and services between Asia Peter Frankopans The Silk Roads is one
create and establish internationally influ- and the rest of the world through market recent example of such efforts.

26 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
Academic Publishing in China

Made in China 2025 gram, and its research and publications solar fuels and solar cells for a long time.
Announced in 2015, this initiative, esti- (through its university press) have been The search is ongoing for better photo-
mated to cost eight trillion CNY, is translated and copublished by overseas voltaic power generation, other renew-
about improving domestic industry. publishers, including Springer Nature. able power technologies, and newer
Broken into three periods2025, 2035, But research needs remainincluding in research results on solar power.
and up to 2049the initiative is inspired engineering science, problem detection
by Germanys Industry 4.0, and is and solving, project planning, and finan- Science, Technology, and
focused on adopting the latest technolo- cial sustainability. And officials now Medicine Research
gies and developing domestic innovation urgently need to understand challenges According to Elseviers research intelli-
and R&D capabilities. Labor challenges ranging from the operational and tech- gence report, over one-fifth of Chinas
are said to be the motivator for this ini- nical issues of exporting Chinas rail tech- scholarly output between 2011 and 2016
tiative, which pursues increased levels of nology to the financial aspects, as well as was related to engineering (973,097
automation, especially robotics. the economic, cultural, and political situ- publications), followed by medicine
To start with, Made in China 2025 will ations in the countries that import it. (440,948 publications) and materials sci-
cover 10 priority sectors: new generation ence (424,882 publications). The report
information technology; numerical con- Solar and Low-Carbon foresees an increase in the number of
trol tools and robotics; aerospace equip- Energy Technologies coauthored publications produced with
ment; maritime engineering equipment China installed more than 42 GW of institutions in countries that have signed
and high-tech vessel manufacturing; solar capacity in 2016 and the first up for the Belt and Road Initiative.
advanced rail equipment; energy-saving quarter of 2017, according to the According to the report, Singapore is
and new energy vehicles; electrical equip- International Energy Agency. This figure currently Chinas most prolific collabo-
ment; new materials; biomedicine and represents about half of the worlds total rator among its Belt and Road part-
high-performance medical devices; and added capacity during that period. China nersspecifically in engineering, medi-
agricultural machinery and technology. also has the worlds largest solar farm (12 cine, material science, and computer
Robotics and artificial intelligence is sq. mi.), as well as the largest floating science. However, when it comes to
one sector that has seen plenty of prog- solar farm (measuring almost half a physics and astronomy, Russia relegates
ress and investment in recent months, square mile and built over a collapsed Singapore to second place.
especially in consumer finance, e-com- coal mine). However, solar energy Springers Nature Index 2017 reveals
merce, manufacturing, and self-driving accounts for only 1% of the countrys that the total number of articles from
vehicle applications. The U.S., which total electricity demand; 60% of Chinas China included in the index has increased
remains the #1 AI research country in the electricity still comes from coal. But the since 2012. The percentage of articles
world, has much to offer in terms of pub- government wants the figures changed with international coauthors has also
lications and relevant studies. drastically by 2050 in order to address air continued to rise year on year. By 2016,
pollution issues. papers with international coauthors
High-Speed Rail About two-thirds of the worlds solar made up more than 50% of articles from
Technology panels, as well as nearly half of the wind China in the index.
With 22,000 kilometers of high-speed turbines, are manufactured in China, Currently, nanotechnology is one key
rail already builtrepresenting 60% of which also leads the world in hydroelec- focus area for scientific programs in
the planned totalChina now has the tric power. So, while the country is China. In 2012, a budget of one billion
largest rail network in the world. working on boosting its solar panel CNY was allocated to the program, in
Spending has already exceeded 2.4 tril- industry in terms of production, research, which the Chinese Academy of Sciences
lion CNY. Another 10,000 kilometers and development, it is also busy plan- and Peking University are major players.
are planned by 2020. ning to export its solar technology and More than 140 projects on nanotech-
The export of Chinas high-speed rail start clean-energy projects in countries nology have been carried out, with exten-
technology has already started. Thailand, involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. sive research on graphene technology,
in fact, recently approved its $157 million In fact, major manufacturers such as green printing, and lithium batteries.
train project with China. The Thai route Sungrow, JinkoSolar, and Trina Solar are All things nanonanomedicine,
will connect the Chinese city of Kunming already busy redesigning solar panels for nanoenergy, nanomaterials, and nanoca-
(in Yunnan Province) with Laos, Malaysia, hot and dry deserts as well as humid talysis, as well as the technologys com-
Singapore, and Thailanda key Belt and jungles. mercialization potential and impacts on
Road development for Southeast Asia. The Chinese Academy of Sciences and public health and the environmentare
Beijing Jiaotong University leads Dalian University of Technology, for fueling further research and publica-
Chinas high-speed rail technology pro- instance, have been involved in R&D on tions. 

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 27
Academic Publishing in China

New Titles from Chinese

Academic Presses
University presses are seeking to expand their readerships,
in China and abroad
By Teri Tan

As Chinese academic publishers continue to bring out lot of publications are focused on the
progressand challengesof such ini-
books that pay homage to the countrys characteristics, tiatives specifically on social issues such
history, culture, and arts, there is now a collective approach as education, pollution, renewable ener-
to expanding offerings to appeal to a general readership gies, social mentality, and urban
and broader overseas market. After all, explaining what is There is also a new effort to promote
happening in Chinain education, globalization, and contemporary Chinese literature by
casting the spotlight on winners of major
morality, for examplesis as much about educating the literary awards in China such as the Mao
Chinese people as it is about sharing the experiences with Dun Literature Prize (awarded every four
the rest of the world. years), Lu Xun Literary Prize (awarded

every three years), and Lao She Literary
eploying a heavier editorial the central nervous system. Award (awarded every two to three years
hand in tweaking research- Clearly, when it comes to the humani- to a Beijing writer). The push is as much
laden content into accessible ties and social sciences, these publishers about popularizing the awards them-
pages is becoming de rigueur. are seeking to highlight Chinas tradi- selves as it is highlighting the important
Some even go the pictorial or illustrated tions and unique characteristics, while social commentary inherent to many of
route to further entice general readers. the goal in the STM segment is interna- these works, which are barely acknowl-
Others package the content in beautiful tional recognition for notable research, edged in the literary and publishing
covers complete with glossy pages, just studies, and expertise. Springer Nature, world outside of China.
as one would do in trade publishing. for instance, has successfully worked At the same time, the presence of bilin-
So, when PW asked some of the pub- these two categories: it has copublished gual Chinese-English editions and even
lishers in this report to select three impor- an English book series, Key Concepts in English originals in the list elucidates the
tant or new titles each for this showcase, Chinese Thought and Culture, with nascent efforts to surmount the language
the results were eclectic to say the least: Foreign Language Teaching and Research barrier that is often seen as hampering
lessons on the spirituality of Buddhism Press and published research by the the wider translation (and even accep-
and Confucianism, morbid funeral and Xian Jiaotong University professor Yu tance) of Chinese titles in the interna-
burial customs, an illustrated compen- Maohong on plasticity and strength tional market. In other words, global
dium of Chinas insects, and studies on hypotheses many times in recent years. engagement through the presentation of
long-extinct graptolites. Clear-cut It is important to note that new aca- the best academic research and titles on
studies of coral island freshwater lens are demic publications and research coming all aspects of China to the world is a major
offered, as are the beautifully photo- out of China often reflect the countrys goal. Idealism aside, selling rights is on
graphed mystical and mythical mural national initiatives (see Hot Topics in top of everybodys agenda, and these aca-
paintings of a Tibetan monastery. And Chinese Academic Publishing p. 26). demic book publishers are no exception.
high-level STM topics that speak specifi- This is because most Chinese university The following pages contain a sam-
cally to the academia, too, are aplenty and academic presses are state-affiliated, pling of original publications on offer
from high-plasticity magnesium alloys with an obligation to support, and report from eight academic book publishers.
to magnetic resonance spectroscopy for on, government initiatives. Presently, a Presses have provided the descriptions.

28 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
Academic Publishing in China

Beijing Jiaotong Beijing Normal Chongqing

University University University
Press Press Press
The History Research on Development
of Chinese Contemporary of the Coral
Animation Chinese Island
Li Tie Marxist Freshwater
This two-volume Philosophy Lens
work narrates Edited by Zhou Congzhi
the comprehen- Yang Geng This book
sive history of This 18-volume introduces
Chinese anima- series contains the genera-
tion against the backdrop of social, representative tion, dynam-
political, economic, diplomatic, edu- works on contemporary Chinese ics, develop-
cational, artistic, and technical factors. Marxist philosophy research, which ment, and protection of the coral
The first volume covers the period examines basic theoretical problems island freshwater lens. The main con-
from 1923 to 1976; the second con- and challenging issues from various tent includes laboratory simulation
tinues the story from 1977 to 2015. perspectives. It also embodies the and hydrogeology surveys, mathe-
(440 p.) challenges faced by Marxist scholars matical models, developmental strat-
in China since the start of the coun- egies, and protection of the lens, as
Tributes to trys reform and opening-up policy. well as the formation and distribution
Chinas Urban (8,900 p.) of coral islands. (408 p.)
Rail Transit
Leng Dexi The Collection Chinese
Based on a five- of Ancient Insects
year investiga- Books of the Illustrated
tion, this book Yuan Dynasty Zhang Weiwei
is essentially a Edited by Han and Li
case study from Geping Yuansheng
China. It faith- This second Using an
fully records the development of the series of 12 extensive col-
local urban rail transit industry, and volumes is a lection of field
its export in the past 20 years. Topics collection of ecological
in this book include independent existing literature produced during photos and
innovation, diversity, localization, and the Yuan Dynasty. It is an important descriptions of features, living habits,
coordinated development promotions reference for academic research on and distribution areas, this book
across regions. (410 p.) the political, economic, and cultural presents nearly 2,200 species of
studies of that period as well as for insects in China. It is a valuable bio-
Magic Cube of the study of ancient Chinese philoso- logical tool and a treasure trove for
Value: Internet phy and history. (5,860 p.) entomologists and all nature lovers.
& E-cubic (690 p.)
Economy Handbook of the
Zhang Zimao Philosophy of Advanced High-Plasticity
The internet and Science Magnesium Alloys
Big Data have Edited by Dov M. Pan Fusheng
provided a meth- Gabbay et al. This book, which focuses on high-
odology for the The translation of plasticity magnesium alloys, pro-
development of this nine-volume vides a detailed discussion on the
modern economies and industries, series, recog- development, key mechanisms,
and transformed the structure of the nized as the and characteristics influencing the
global economy. This book discusses most authorita- plasticity of magnesium alloys. It
Industry 4.0, the structural problems tive academic publication on the also introduces the first-principle
of Chinas economy and their possi- subject, started in 2006 when it was calculation for high-plastic magne-
ble solutions, and the profound first released in English. This series, sium alloys, and some newly
impact of the internet on traditional which has just been published after a developed high-plastic magnesium
industries. (236 p.) decadelong translation effort, show- alloys, including Mg-Gd-Zr, Mg-Mn,
cases BNUPs determination to pub- Mg-Sn, and Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Mn. (280 p.)
lish and translate the best academic
titles and research for the Chinese
market. (10,392 p.)

30 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
Academic Publishing in China

REPORTS East China Shaanxi Normal

Get the insights from
Normal University
Chinese publishers and University Press General
industry players of Publishing House
different segments 365 Must-See Buddhist
on their book market. Chinese
Chen Bing
Architecture The author con-
We will bring you Sifei ducts a modern
This book is consolidation of
the news, updates, and authored by an the doctrines
stories from China amateur team about the heart
of profession- and soul, which
prior to the annual als in the fields form the core of
Bologna and Frankfurt of architectural Buddhist thoughts from the past and
history, fine arts, archeology, and his-
international book fairs. tory. The team chooses everyday
present in China and around the
world. It is an academic masterpiece
images of key cultural relics under with both simplicity and depth and a
state protection and adds a 150- textbook for readers interested in
word footnote to each. The pages Buddhist psychology. (1,150 p.)
include buildings, painted sculptures,
wall paintings, ruins, burials, and Luo Jintangs
rock caves. (750 p.) Research on Qu
Poetry Theories
Chinese Short Series
Classics: Luo Jintang
Second Available for the
Collection first time in
Edited by Shi China, this four-
Tiesheng volume series
This collection contains a wide
contains rep- range of rich materials, ample
resentative research data, and solid evidential
works by win- support in a succinct structure. It
ners of major provides a comprehensive and
Chinese literary prizes, including the meticulous collation of origins ofqu
Mao Dun, Lu Xun, and Lao She theories and lists of relevant play-
awards. It includes deep analyses of wrights and authors and plays and
human nature and also shows inclu- other compositions of variousqu.
siveness and tolerance. (1,867 p.) (1,068 p.)

China Road: The Foregone

Basic Ethos
Education in Mu Tao
China in the The author
Context of offers deep
Globalization insight into cur-
Huang rent public mor-
Zhongjing als while explor-
et al. ing specific
The book issues in mod-
explores the ern society. He attempts to search
path of Chinese education under for the precious spiritual elements
globalization. It discusses the possi- in Chinese traditional culture from
bility of educational development various sources. He also writes
with respect to fairness, quality, about his own realizations on issues
comprehensiveness, independence, of Chinese culture and literature in
professional guidance, and a terms of culture, literature, and lit-
Sino-Western blend. (276 p.) erary creation. (338 p.)
Academic Publishing in China

Social Sciences Xian Jiaotong Zhejiang

Academic University University
Press Press Press
Inner Experience Magnetic Ngari Mural
of the Chinese Resonance Paintings: The
People: Spectroscopy White Temple
Globalization, in the Central of the Tholing
Social Nervous Monastery
Transformation, System Edited by the
and the Zhang Ming Cultural Bureau
Evolution of The first of Ngari
Social Mentality monograph on Prefecture in
Zhou Xiaohong the research Tibet
This volume offers an insightful of magnetic resonance spectroscopy Autonomous Region
account of how Chinese peoples on the central nervous system in When it comes to the art of Tibetan
inner experience and social attitudes China, the book has great signifi- Buddhism painting, Ngari mural paint-
have changed over nearly four cance to the countrys research into ing distinguishes itself by its unique
decades of national reform and open- and clinical diagnosis and treatment artistic appeal and aesthetic senti-
ing up. (440 p.) using MRS. The 10 chapters cover ments, thereby constituting an excep-
the basics of MRS, and its applica- tional art genre while presenting mul-
Diary of Fu tions in clinical diagnosis, treatment, ticultural characteristics. (314 p., also
Bingchang: and scientific research. (550 p.) available in English.)
Annotated by Knowing Shiji General Annals
Foo Yeewah and (Records of of Confucianism
Zhang Li History) by in the 20th
Readers will Illustrations Century
learn from this Qiang Shanglong Edited by Pang
annotated col- Shiji, one of the Pu
lection of the most famous This four-volume
experience of the Republic of books in work is a survey
Chinas ambassador to the U.S.S.R. Chinese, shows and research of
(19431949) on the eve of and dur- us the history the develop-
ing the first two years of World War II. of the 3,000-plus years prior to the ment of Confucianism in the 20th
(636 p.) West Han Dynasty. If you want to century. It also presents its values
know the ancient history of China, throughout the 2,000-year history in
A History of this book is your best choice. With an objective and impartial way.
Chinese Funeral the books numerous illustrations (1,881 p.)
and Burial and accessible language, readers
Customs will find studying history a breeze. Darriwilian to
Edited by Li (1,940 p.) Katian
Bosen (Ordovician)
This eight-vol- Understanding Graptolites
ume set pres- Chinese Culture from Northwest
ents a pan- in Chinese & China
oramic view of English Chen Xu
how the philosophy, institutions, ritu- Yao Baorong The result of
als, facilities, and accoutrements This book is writ- nearly 30 years
related to Chinese funeral and burial ten for foreigners of stratigraphic
practices evolved from the pre-Qin era who are eager investigation in northwestern China,
to the Republic of China period. to learn about this book is a systematic paleontol-
(3,336 p.) the history, ogy of 131 species belonging to 43
society, and culture of China. It is a genera from the mid-Darriwilian to
bilingual Chinese-English edition early Katian periods, illustrated with
that also helps foreign readers study taxonomic, stratigraphic, and biogeo-
Chinese while reading the English graphic comment. (354 p.)
text. Readers will form a direct and
deep impression of China through
the many lifelike illustrations. (396 p.)

34 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 7
The Series of China Economic Transformation,
Innovation and Development

The series conducts analysis on critical issues and mid long term economic
development problems (such as regional coordinated development, financial
restructuring, transformation of modern service industry, energy strategy,
government management mode) occurred during the period of 12th
Five-year Plan and those required to be solved during 13th Five-year
Plan to explore the road of transformation for China in the next five to ten

Dispute Resolution Interpreting the Belt Chinese Collection

Mechanism for and Road Initiative of Ritual Studies
the Belt and Road

The book fully embodies Asian culture and values. It analyzes Belt and Road Initiative strategy, policy, Rite is a core concept in Chinese culture. This
It emphasizes the combination of arbitration and resources, cooperative achievements, risks and collection is a comprehensive library of ritual studies,
mediation, and maintains a high degree of transparency, opportunities based on its definition, connotation of ritual etiquette, of ritual gifts, of ritual systems,
thus providing a practical operational program for and historical development. Profound influences of customs, music, courtesy, and much more. It is
the dispute settlement of the Belt and Road. Belt and Road Initiative on future development of a large scale reorganization and publication of Chinese
China and its international relationship are well culture as well.
presented under macroscopic view.

Strategic Research on Construction and Promotion of

China's Intelligent Cities

This book systematically explores the various ways to build and promote intelligent
cities in the course of intelligent urbanization in China. Integrating analysis,
suggestions and proposals from 47 researchers at the Chinese Academy of
Engineering, it will serve as a valuable reference book to decision-makers both
from the government and the urbanization industry, and to those interested in the
new urbanization process in China.


Global Standard Stratotype-sections

and Points in China

This is the first monograph that systematically Food Quality and Safety Visual Informatics
elaborates the research achievements of the 10
Golden Spikes in China. It covers all the
breakthroughs in Chinese stratigraphic research
field that worth recording from the first Golden
Spike of the Darriwilian (Ordovician System)
discovered in January 1997 to the tenth Golden
Spike that was discovered in August 2011.

JZhejiang Univ. Sci.-A JZhejiang Univ. Sci.-B

(Applied Physics & Engineering) (Biomedicine & Biotechnology)

For rights, contact: Kate Jia Follow us @ZJUPRESS
Chinese Classics in
the Aesthetics of Art

There are seven volumes in this series: the Qin Dynasty; the Xi Han and Dong Han Dynasties; the Wei, Jin
and the Northern and Southern Dynasties; the Tang Dynasty; the Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties; the
Ming Dynasty; and the Qing Dynasty. We selected classics most representative of traditional Chinese art,
and made classification and interpretation on them, hoping to precisely show the views, ideas and changes
in the aesthetics of ancient China, and present its unique aesthetics spirit. As one of the major publication
projects in the 12th Five-year Plan, this series strengthens the foundation of Chinese art history, and
provides great elements for the development of aesthetic spirit of the Chinese people, which makes it
unique in academic and cultural values.

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