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IGN Entertainment Policies

Unless expressly stated otherwise in the applicable IO, these Policies set forth the various criteria and
specifications such as content limitations, technical specifications, privacy policies, user experience
policies, community standards, editorial and content policies, and advertising creative due dates, that
govern advertising on the US based websites owned or controlled by IGN Entertainment, Inc. (IGN),
including any websites for which IGN is representing the advertising inventory in whole or part. These
Policies may be applied based on the text or other creative elements in an ad, the content of the
advertiser site and the nature of advertisers products and services, or the channel on which the
advertising is to run. IGN reserves the sole right to interpret and implement the Policies, including to
reject or approve any ad or campaign, and to condition, suspend or disable any ad or campaign, for
violation of these Policies. IGN further reserves the right to remove any advertising that it deems
intrusive or inappropriate. Refunds will not be issued for promotions where the related advertising is
affected as a result of Policy violations.

Privacy and Data Collection

IGN prioritizes the privacy of its users and their ability to control information collected about their activities on
IGN. Further, as a premium media site with a concentrated demographic, IGN places a high value on the
proprietary nature of its users and their activities. As such, IGN wishes to emphasize the following policies with
respect to privacy and data collection.

Any advertising that collects a users personal information must clearly be for the benefit of the party that
will use the information (in other words, users must know that they are providing their information to a
party other than IGN) and all collection points must be accompanied by a conspicuous link to such
partys privacy policy.

Any promotion entry form that allows a user to enter from IGN (as opposed to bringing the user to a third
party site) must be accompanied by a conspicuous link to the applicable rules, which shall comply with
all applicable laws, rules and regulations.

Any collection of personal or sensitive user information must be done via a secure server (such as

Any advertising carrying the logo of or otherwise claiming to adhere to the practices of any consumer
protection, security, privacy or best practices organization shall comply in all material respects with such
organizations requirements regarding such advertising. Examples are ESRB and eTrust.

Conversely, any advertiser with a responsibility for displaying any such logo due to its membership or
affiliation with such organization shall ensure its advertising adheres to all applicable requirements.

Not Allowed: Placing cookies, web beacons or similar tracking means on the machine of any user, or
otherwise collecting data related to any user without the express written consent of a representative of
IGNs Sales Operations or Legal departments.

Not Allowed: Associating any user with any segment or demographic, or otherwise compiling any profile
information about such user, even if anonymously or in the aggregate, by virtue of that users presence
or activities on IGN. Advertisers are forbidden from any form of Repurposing, as defined in the
IAB/AAAA Standard Terms and Conditions for Internet Advertising for Media Buys One Year or Less,
Version 3.0. Just one example of the foregoing prohibition is that an advertiser may not add gamer or
Xbox user to an existing anonymous profile of a user compiled from such users activities across third
party sites.

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