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ECE 3641, Robots I

Assignment 2 (10 points)

Due at 23:59, October 21 2015, Wednesday

Way to turn in your assignment: upload an electronic version or a scan copy of your handwriting to
Canvas (WORD or PDF format preferred).

1. For the following manipulator,

a) Write the forward kinematics map (the 4-by-4 matrix representing the position and orientation of
the end-effector with respect to the spatial frame), assuming that the coordinate frame of the end-
effector is attached at point (the point where axes 4, 5, and 6 intersect) and its initial orientation
coincides with the spatial frame.
11 12 13

b) Given the desired configuration of the end-effector
= , where = 21 22 23 and

0 1 31 32 33
= 2 , try to derive a closed-form solution to the inverse kinematics.
c) Derive the spatial and body Jacobians.
d) Derive the position of point with respect to the spatial frame.
e) Derive the Jacobian of point with respect to the spatial frame.
f) Write a MATLAB code to solve the inverse kinematics of point using its Jacobian (Upload your m
file together with your answers to other questions).

2. Choose polynomials and compute their coefficients to interpolate the following cases:
a) A revolute joint moves from a rest position 0 (0 = 0) at time 0 to position 1 in 2 seconds with a
final velocity of 1 rad/s.
b) A revolute joint passes though positions , = 1,2, , and the time step is .

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