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Pre spanish-colonial-art-in-the-philippines


2. 2. History The oldest human fossil found in the Philippines is the skull
cap of a Stone- age Filipino, about 22,000 years old. Discovered by Dr.
Robert B. Fox, an American anthropologist of the National Museum, inside
Tabon Cave Palawan on May 28, 1962.
3. 3. The Negritos They came during the Paleolithic Age, walking dry- shod
through Malay Peninsula, Borneo
4. 4. The Indonesians First Sea- Immigrants They were the maritime
Indonesian, who belonged to the Mongoloid race with Caucasian affinities
They belonged to the Neolithic Age
5. 5. The Malays They belong to the Iron Age Culture Daring and liberty-
loving Belong to the brown race Prominent contributions are Ati-atihan
Festival, Maragtas Chronicle and the code of Kalantiaw
6. 6. MusicThe Ancient Filipinos had music practically for all occasions, for
every phase of life, from birth to death.
7. 7. Music Natives were without a doubt, music- lovers. Each community had
their own sets of musical instruments. In the account of Pigafetta, the
official historian of Magellan Expedition, women from Cebu were
harmoniously playing Cymbals (platiles) Nose flutes, bamboo mouth
organ (aphiw) Brass Gong (gansa) Flute (bansic) Long Drum (colibao)
Bamboo Harp (subing) WaterWhistle (paiyak) Guitar (bugtot) Xylophone
(agong) Drum (tugo)
8. 8. Bamboo Zither Ethnic Dances and songs are usually accompanied by
chordophones such as TANGKOL or Bamboo Zither of Bukidnon.
9. 9. Gaddang Cordillera Percussion Flat gongs made of copper-and-
iron alloy
10. 10. Gongs and Drum The Kulintang or gongs of graduated sizes arranged
in a row Dabakan is a conical drum Both is from Maranao
11. 11. Architecture The Ancient Filipinos had first dwelt in caves and has
learned the art of architecture as they move and hunt for food
12. 12. Lean-to Early Shelters: The portable lean-to which was both roof and
wall, suited the lifestyle of the nomadic Negrito.
13. 13. Tausug House To the seafaring Tausug of Sulu, a house built on flat
dry land or a site that slope towards Mercca is lucky. The one- room,
gabled roof house known as bay sinug has a separate kitchen accessible
through a side porch.
14. 14. Torogan This ancestral house home of the Maranao Sultan or datu
has a soaring, salakot- shaped roof, ornate beams and massive posts- all
proclaiming exalted status The carved beam is called Panolong
15. 15. Ifugao House Bale
16. 16. Sculpture The ancient Filipinos had attained a high artistic level
through pottery, jewelry and wood- carving.
17. 17. Bul-ul Are carved Anito figures of the Ifugaos Represents Ancestral
Spirit and granary gods Bul-uls are places in rice garanaries as
Guardians of the Harvest
18. 18. Sarimanok Most well-known of the old designs Represents a fowl
with wings, feathered tail, and a head decorated with ornaments of
scrolled and painted motif of leaves, spirals and feather- like forms
Usually perched atop a bamboo pole, stands among decorative flags
during weddings and other festive occasions
19. 19. Hagabi A wooden chair of the Ifugaos Made of Narra or Ipil
Signifies royalty and power Only the rich people can have this chair
together with the rituals celebrated after the chair has been made
20. 20. Pottery Palayok
21. 21. Manuggul Jar Banga Depicts on its lid two boatmen riding a banca
on their way to the great divide Used for burial rites by ancient people in
Palawan 890-710 BK
22. 22. Wood Carving Ukkil etched on coral gives a grave distinctive marker
known as Sunduk Its Shape indicates the sex of the deceased:
hexagonal posts for males and flat combs for females
23. 23. Jewelry Used by the people belonged in upper class or royal families
24. 24. Boaya Bontoc Warriors Head Hunting Necklace Made of shell, boar
tusk, rattan, fiber and bone
25. 25. Filipino Bawisak Earrings Traditional Ifugao Tribe bead and shell
earrings The bottom shell designs have been described as either
representing butterflies or a certain item of male generative anatomy
26. 26. Weaving Weaving means to make cloth and other objects Threads
or strands of material are passed under and over each other
27. 27. Malong with Okir Designs The Maranaos call their ornamental design
Okir, a general term for both the scroll and the geometric form
28. 28. Physical Ornaments Bontoc, Ifugao and Kalinga Tribal textiles with a
variety of silver and brass Linglingo Fertility Charms
29. 29. Paintings The Ancient Filipinos had expressed paintings through
tattoos and cave carvings
30. 30. Tattoos The Pintados (painted ones), inhabitants of the Visayan
islands as described by the first Spaniards to set eyes upon them They
used sharp metal instruments previously heated over fire
31. 31. Silup The tattooing imitated the upper garment worn by the men of
North Kalinga The women of South Kalinga painted their faces bright red
32. 32. Petroglyphs The Angono Petroglyphs is the oldest known work of art
in the Philippines There are 127 human and animal figures engraved on
the rock wall dating back to 3000 B.C.
33. 33. Literature The early form of literature during pre- Spanish period was
a classified into written or oral. Written Biag ni Lam- ang (Ilocano Epic)
Indarapatra at Sulayman and Bidasari (Muslim Epics) Handiong
(Bicolanos) Oral Maxims (sabi) Bugtong (riddles) Boat Song
(talindaw) Victory Songs (tagumpay) Lullaby (uyayi) Wedding Songs
(ihiman) War Song (Kumintang)
34. 34. Alibata Ancient Philippine Alphabet

Philippine Precolonial Art

1. 1. Philippine Art <br />Pre-Colonial Period<br />

2. 2. History<br /><ul><li>The oldest human fossil found in the Philippines is
the skull cap of a "Stone-Age Filipino", about 22,000 years old.
3. 3. Discovered by Dr. Robert B. Fox, American anthropologist of the National
Museum, inside Tabon Cave Palawan, on May 28, 1962. .</li></ul>Tabon
Man<br />
4. 4. They came during the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) walking dry-shod
through Malay Peninsula, Borneo, and the land bridges and were the first
inhabitants..<br />The Coming of the Negritos<br />
5. 5. The Indonesians<br /><ul><li>First Sea-Immigrants
6. 6. They were the maritime Indonesians, who belonged to the Mongoloid
race with Caucasian affinities.
7. 7. They belonged to the New Stone Age (Neolithic).</li></li></ul><li>The
Malays<br />*They belong to the Iron Age culture.<br />*Daring and liberty-
loving, the Malays belonged to the brown race.<br />*Prominent
contribution:<br /> * Ati-atihan festivals<br /> * Maragtas chronicle<br /> *
the Code of Kalantiaw<br />
8. 8. Music<br />The ancient Filipinos had music practically for all
occasions, for every phase of life, from birth to death.<br />
9. 9. Bamboo Zither<br />
10. 10. Gaddang <br />
11. 11. Kulintang<br />
12. 12. Architecture<br /> The ancient Filipinos had first dwelt in caves and
has learned the art of architecture as they move and hunt for food.. .<br />
13. 13. Lean-To<br />
14. 14. Tausog house<br />
15. 15. Torogan<br />
16. 16. Ifugao house BALE<br />
17. 17. SCULPTURE<br /> The ancient Filipinos had attained a high artistic
level through pottery, jewelry, and wood carving.<br />
18. 18. Pottery<br />
19. 19. Jewelry<br />
20. 20. Wood Carvings<br />
21. 21. PAINTINGS<br /> The ancient Filipinos had expressed paintings
through tattoos and cave carvings.<br />
22. 22. Tattoos<br />The pintados(painted ones), inhabitants of the Visayan
islands as described by the first Spaniards to set eyes upon them, would
use sharp metal instruments previously heated over fire. <br />
23. 23. Silup<br /><ul><li>The tattooing imitated the upper garment worn by
the men of north Kalinga.
24. 24. The women of south Kalinga painted their faces a bright red.

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