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(Group 2 11-Jobs) [Ebin, Lorenzo, Posada, Russiana, Ting, Villano, Dano,

Guillena, Oh, Tejero, Cadenas, Manese, Aldaba]
Scene 1: Opening Credits and Intro

BG MUSIC: Hey Mama!

*Different angle of shots please*
Dancers dancing, folk dances from the net and shows the two groups having their own practice
Chloes dance start now, their dance would be slightly less than the other group. Making the other
groups performance stand out and better
Jullianes group dance
Scene 2- VIRAL

Someone uploaded the video *Courtesy of Janelles editing* People will comment how good it is and
wowed the video. Then it will show Dani looking at her phone while the others practice. There should be
background noise of Chloe ordering the dancers.
(Dani approaches Chloe and taps her shoulder, while Chloe is still ordering the dancers)
Dani: Chloe! Chloe! Check this.
*Shows Chloe and Dani looking at the phone*
*Will show the exhausted dancers*
Faith: (Tired voice) What are they looking at?
Isabelle: (Wipes face) It looks serious
Bea: Lets check it out
*Bea will leave first the others will follow*
*Will show Chloe and Dani*
Chloe: I dont understand
*Bea and frendz enter the scene also looking at the phone*
Rina: Dont understand what?
Dani: That incompetent group, Thrice. Theyre viral!
Isabelle: And? Whats the big deal?
Dani: It means they are more famous than us!
Faith: Then lets bring them down, easy as that.
*Will show facebook comments that are rude, mean and nasty about the Thrice group*
*Cut to black*
Scene 3- Merging
(Thrice shot, Elementrics shot)
Donna: Well, well, well, Elementrics are you here because you want to rain on our parade once
Chloe: Oh, did we? Well, we only rain on parades when theyre messing up on our parade
Janelle: Is that so? Because we thought youre just being, oh whats the word? Jealous (High
Fived by Donna)
Isabelle: Hmm, As we said this was our parade. Whose jealous now?
Elementrics: Ooooohhh

*Shows the Thrice group glaring at the camera*

*Shows the Elementrics also glaring at the camera*
*Shows Julliane and Isabelle in semi-formal clothes, half-body shot*
Isabelle: Okay everyone today me and Julz will be announcing a big part for the finals
Julliane: For the finals, the 6 groups will become 3. But not by elimination
Isabelle: Each group will merge with another.
Julliane: We already picked the groups to merge. G generation with Z bois, Dream girls with Fantasy
men and..
*Zoom in on Isabelle*
Isabelle: Thrice with Elementrics
*Repeat* Isabelle: Thrice with Elementrics
*Repeat in slow mo* Isabelle: Thrice with Elementrics
*Repeat again, zoom in on Isabelles mouth* Isabelle: Thrice with Elementrics
Scene 4- Climax

*Black screen 2 weeks later*

Donna: Okay everyone, 5,6,7,8. 1,2,3,4,5-
Chloe: Wait! Why are you the one counting I thought I would be the choreographer?
Donna: Uhm, Im sorry but my dancers dont take orders from anyone but me
Chloe: Same as mine as well, so I suggest you let me in on the ordering round here
Donna: Okay, Lets take a vote guys.
*Shows the dancers looking at them*
*flashes back to Donna and Chloe*
Donna: Those in favor of me in charge?
*shows the dancers, the thrice will raise their hands*
*Back to Donna and Chloe*
Donna: I guess its a majority (smug smile)
Chloe: What the-? You call that majority
Donna: Okay, lets take it from the top everyone.
*Shows dancers*
Isabelle: Uhm no, we wont follow what you say until Chloe says we should
Janelle: Back off Elementicks!
Bea: Uhm, its Elementrics you uncultured swine!
Lyzeth: Swine? Wow, says the one whose malnourished!
Faith: Dont call my friend malnourished, midget!
Mallielle: Uhm, what about you Ms. Eyebrow gamer
Christine: Do you have anything positive about you?
Dani: Do you?
Everyone talks at once
*Shows Rina*
Rina: Guys please calm down. Theres no need to be brash about our actions.
Ella: Shes right, no need to fight
Donna: Oh,thats not fighting, this is fighting! (Attacks Chloe)
Scene 5- Fight :3

Chloe vs Donna ft Lyzeth

Janelle vs Isabelle
Faith vs Mallielle
*Shows the door, there is background noise*
Julliane: Hey guys, Im back with food whats going on--- AAHHHH (Dani tackles Julliane)
Bea vs Lyzeth
*Shows everyone fighting*
Scene 6- Resolution

Rina and Ella is standing at front

Rina: Guys..
Ella: Guys please!
Rina: *Gets whistle*
*Shows a comical war position*
Julliane: STOP!!
*everyone looks at the camera*
*Back to Ella and Rina*
Ella: Do you guys want to win? Well we wont if this continues
*Shows Chloe and Donna*
Donna: *Sighs*. Yeah theyre right. We should probably practice as soon as possible. But we cant do
that if were not
Chloe: (Steps forward) Together
Donna: (Nods) Alright everyone.
Chloe: Lets practice
*Donna and Chloe walks pass the camera, camera stays*
Scene 7- Montage

BG Music- Were all in this together!

*shows clips of everyone dancing, having fun at it, eating and helping*
BG MUSIC ENDS HERE (Make it 3 to 4 minutes of Montage)
Scene 8- Finals

*Commentators commenting and saying some stuff*

*Shows clips of dancers in dancing competitions from the net, From Got talent or any dance
Scene 9- Announcement and Awarding

*Shows the dance group holding hands*

*Announcement of the winners*
*They scream and jump and some hug*
*Zoom in and slow mo*

Scene 10- Business

*Shows Janelle and Faith looking at the check*

Janelle: Two frickin million dollars guys! Should we split it?
Faith: What do you think Donna?
*Shows Chloe and Donna sitting casually*
Donna: Well, what do you think Chloe?
Chloe: I loved dancing with you guys what about we
*Shows Isabelle, Bea at Chloes right side*
Donna: Start a business together?
Chloe: Yeah it could be a-
Isabelle: A dance studio!
Bea: Yeah! Lets do it!
Scene 11: Meeting

*Shows everyone in a conference type of rooms*

Chloe: Okay, we got the place, its located near a gym which is good.
Donna: If people decided to dance they could just go here. Whos in charge of promotion?
*Shows Isabelle and Janelle*
*Raises their hands*
Janelle: We actually got a headstart, we already share the news on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Isabelle: I also created a website, a facebook page and twitter account.
Faith: Julliane also made a banner design for the available space at front.
Donna: Then its settled then
Chloe: The only thing left to do is promoting using the flyers.
Scene 12: The start of something new

*Ribbon cutting*
Janelle: The Modern Carinosa dance studio is now officially opened for business
Donna cuts the ribbon
BG Music: Celebration
End Credits, Bg Music, Bloopers

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