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The End of Game

(As You Know It)

-Rion Williams
There is no game.

This IS the reality of the best natural’s and ladies men in the world including
the alpha men out there who aren’t aware enough of what they’re doing to be
able to teach, let alone market it.

They’re too busy operating on a level of communication and reality that most
Westernized men now don’t understand and have completely lost touch with
(thus the introduction of ‘game’ to try and make up for this ‘loss’ of inherent
natural ability and female empowerment).

Sure we could still call this level ‘no game’ or even ‘natural game’ but it repre-
sents this raw attraction and effectiveness in seduction where ‘things just hap-
pen’ that makes PUA’s envious because they’re doing all the ‘work’.

Despite growing up in a very Western social culture, I have become one of

those men. A true natural with women. No question about it. One on one with
women, things just HAPPEN. I have no fear and no anxiety around any level
of beauty or power.

I have attracted and been with many women from many countries and things
keep getting crazier.

And I know that you can do it too (reach powerful confidence and trigger natu-
ral attraction) despite any inner or psychological limitations you currently have
because of what I’m starting to introduce you to; the power of nature.

You can be yourself but with the power to attract and keep beautiful women by
operating on the natural/sexual level of communication.

Maybe it just seems like an entirely different reality from what you know now
that you just can’t connect with it. That women would actually be powerfully
driven to be and keep being with you - physically and more like Renee Zellwe-
gger is to Tom Cruise in ‘Jerry Maguire’ when they’re on her porch.

Maybe it’s more like everywhere you go women just aren’t interested in you,
often not giving you the time of day or even acknowledging your existence.

They don’t return calls, they flake, they act better than you, you have approach
anxiety, (even working on your inner game has a permanent ‘unsettling’ feel
to it) and there just seems no way around it but through a LOT of effort, ap-
proaches, strategy, counter-actions and hard work.

In essence, ‘GAME’.

Why? Because she wasn’t attracted to you! Sometimes average or less look-
ing ones show signs of attraction but it’s not what you’re looking for.

And not having that instant attraction, chemistry or spark forces you to find
artificial ways to create it with ‘game’. To somehow reach through to her
through unnatural means which seem logical to do.

You may even begin to believe in the ‘game’ as the only way things are; that
you would HAVE to manipulate women or influence their state to get any-

Mastery and real sexual attraction seems so difficult to achieve and since
we’re ‘just not good with women’ (as if we ‘are’ the problem) the obvious path
MUST be to learn the ‘skills’ of pick-up and seduction through a logical ap-
proach of interaction breakdowns, countless approaches, memorization, tech-
niques and efforts through several dedicated years.

After all, it’s how the leaders before you learned and you feel resigned that
some men were just ‘born’ lucky or with the skill or somehow succeeded be-
fore they were 12 or whatever.

So when you approach or meet a woman, if things aren’t happening..what’s

going on? What’s missing?
At the root of all of this make-up ‘work’ is lack of attraction but WITH attrac-
tion you don’t have to make up for anything with something like ‘game’ or
conscious deliberation. We just haven’t really had ways to GET that powerful
sexuality without ‘acting’’s been ambiguous until now.

And you’ve probably noticed that women will act differently around different
men even within the same minute or same conversation (because he had more
natural value than you).

In essence, it seems the choice is to be frustrated and lonely or to ‘learn the

skill’ of seduction, attraction and picking up women since you’re just not ‘nat-

Since it’s a game after all - it’s just GOING to take hard work of mastering the
skill just like aikido, archery, football, carpentry, video games, or Olympic div-

Game and the ‘skill’ or ‘skillset’ of seduction becomes your accepted ‘path’
despite it’s limitations because women just aren’t attracted to you enough and
you’re left with unnatural techniques which your leaders tell you to get out of
your comfort zone and if you don’t approach ‘how is anything going to hap-
pen’ and so forth to reinforce and justify their view of the world - you must
keep working hard because it’s a skill.

And by learning ‘the skill’ (which almost all dating coaches BELIEVE that
it is), we can finally somehow connect with women through ‘trying’ different
things even though we may be clueless as to what’s really going on behind the
scenes where it really matters - on the levels women haven’t been showing us.

You can work on the ‘skills’ indirectly for years to see little progress and where
does it end? Style himself said ‘the Game’ is not good for real relationships.
And what kind of women are we focused on here?

Are you ‘socializing’ yourself? Well how about also ‘naturalizing’ yourself to
BE confident and powerfully attractive around women? Why not have them
naturally attracted to you?

And I don’t mean as another natural game ‘reference’, I mean with the solid
TOOLS to develop real world attraction just from your presence and nonverbal
communication without trying when you’re around women.

And why on God’s earth should success with women be like training for the
Olympics and so impossibly difficult that you’d have to work REALLY HARD
at it?


main reasons why.

Right now you may be on that obvious path to improve your success with
women (your ‘game’), thinking that it’s a game or a ‘skill’ to be learned. Let’s
talk about the ‘game’ some more itself.

Women are seen as a ‘prize’ to catch or ‘win over’ by a lot of social program-
ming and social values where more money and social status is an illusion that
will help you ‘win’ with women and in ‘the game’ of life where there are win-
ners and losers.

But it seems very real because it’s visceral right in front of you. Basketball is
real. Ballers are real. The bottle service looks real. The social value can be
won and attained by selling out and adapting to a certain level of congruency,
therefore it must be real.

Bling even appears real. And no doubt, the behavior of the women you want
to ‘bang’ is very real. Many men can have her and you’re in a sort of competi-
tion with them. It doesn’t matter if it’s all sugar-coated, you want it now and
it’s glorified instant gratification.

The carrot may be on a string in front of the donkey and he may never be able
to reach it, but keep trying...try a technique of snapping your teeth harder.

I don’t know if this is you or not but it can help you to see things as far as what
PUA’s are doing.

The social prize is right in front of you/them and you just REALLY want to
bang one of those hot club chicks..maybe if you had a nicer car it would work
or if you worked on coming up with the right neg and comeback but it’s im-
possible to predict what she’s going to say and you’re so nervous so you have
to memorize even more and be conscious of the whole process.

And if you’re just not succeeding with women, you must be a loser and it
makes you want it all even more. I mean sex is a powerful driving force. So
more game must be the answer and the cycle continues.

With enough social value or social proof you can finally start to influence the
judgments of the prizes (the women) if you adapt enough to the rules of the
game to hopefully score SOME of the time after running a lot of numbers.

If you keep practicing that free throw you’re going to get better at it right?

Yes. BUT IT’S NOT NATURAL at all at the root. Basketball isn’t natural.

mPUA’s will continue to justify everything they do saying it’s necessary be-
cause they don’t know about the natural way. They will say that certain things
should be done to trigger attraction in a woman when on a level they may not
understand or experience in many cases nothing is necessary.

They will even see flirting as a ‘game’ when it’s natural..every little thing or
technique is a part of ‘the game’ and they’re confusing nature with the unnatu-

And because sometimes these techniques work, guys will keep thinking that is
where the answers are when they don’t know the power or consistency of na-
ture to erase ALL of it.
Any sign of logic or Game is unnatural. Animals don’t have to think logically
in the mating process; it’s primal and intuitive.

Your logical mind is seeking what’s ‘practical’ or ‘what to say’ or ‘how to flick
the wrist just right’ to perfect the skill and you want answers but that’s not nec-
essarily how nature operates. We’ve gotten away from nature and in our social
reality it’s just difficult to see how it’s really done.

Game perpetuates Game and what you’re emotional about you’re going to at-
tract more OF those relationships. You attract more game, caught deeper in the
cycle and further away from the power of nature.

Game creates it’s own hierarchy and protective social cocoon for those who
play within it’s rules and limitations. Even high schools, colleges and night-
clubs have their own social hierarchy but these are SOCIAL dynamics.

You must be strong enough and independent enough to be playing the natural
game and communicating on THAT level with women instead of just the vis-
ceral limited and non-sexual social reality in front of you that appears real.

If you’re the footballer with the most impressive statistics, showmanship, me-
dia attention and TD’s you’re going to get more social proof and social value
in the ‘game’ because the ‘game’ of football is affecting millions of people
who are in relationship to it.

You can get value from it, I’m just saying to see things for what they are. For
maybe people the game of futbol/soccer is their life. It can inspire them but
they are literally co-dependent on it instead of drawing value from it. It’s
based on the type of relationship they have with it (too deep of a subject for
right now).

In most ‘games’ there is a winner and a loser. Is this how you want to deal
with women? Target’s, obstacles, obstacles, ‘sarging’, annihilation, shields,
field reports, etc. (as if women were the enemy or a conquest to get revenge
Real relationships with real women are about win/win, sharing, exchange,
love, compromise (in longer term relationships). It’s not with an agenda of
manipulation, coercion or control. It’s not about annihilating or conquering.

The Game corrupts and skews people’s minds and you can quote me on that.

It’s the next blonde pop clone acting like a bitch or stripper to gain more social
popularity which men think is sexual but is nothing close to her natural sexual-
ity which has been repressed under the social shell of conditioned behavior and

Different realities have different vocabularies and levels of understanding.

Different games have their own sets of rules even. Style even wrote a book
‘Rules of the Game’.

I help you learn the vocabulary, understanding and reality of NATURE and
sexuality so you can operate on THAT level with power to reach through to
women automatically when you just couldn’t before.

You don’t have to play ‘the game’ or any games to massively succeed with
women or even attracting the quality of women in your fact, they’re
attracted to men who are real, confident and NOT playing a game (at least the
real quality ones).

The men who show UP with power instead of having to neg/dhv in the pre-
cious first 3 minutes in order to try and prove they’re her equal when before he
even approached, he had told her what she already needed to know.

Strippers, porn stars and now millions of women dressing and behaving as a
sexual ‘prize’ that will give you more social value and the illusion of more
self-fulfillment or sexual release?

This is all part of the game. If you grew up in the game or lived in Las Vegas
or Hollywood, it may be the only reality you know and in case you missed it,
it’s based on money - generating billions of dollars in profit from male and
female consumers dedicated more to the economist fantasy than real relation-

So let’s look at this from another angle.

Games require skills. Skills require practice and repetition.

Is this really a relief that you might actually be ‘ok’ with women if you take the
time to learn the ‘skill’ or accept that it’s a ‘skill’ that can be learned?

If you look at it, it takes years to really ‘master’ any skill, method or ‘game’ so
guess what path you’re in for by playing the game? A lot of unnatural work
when you just may not be connecting with women sexually at all thus you have
to keep on working more.

You’re limited to the confines and rules of the Game you’re playing.

Games are very Western and popular in Western cultures. Let’s look at what
they really are: derived by man, they are social and logically developed and
have rules and limitations which you must abide by in order to play the game.

There are no ‘games’ in the Animal Kingdom. There are no ‘Animal Olym-
pics’, balling baboons, blingin’ bears, flossin’ flamingos, javelin tossing jack-
rabbits, offensive ox, or stripteasing salamanders.

Architects of man create these markets and facilitate the desire through social
programming and behavioral conditioning. The relationships of media are all
around us inundating our senses and influencing what we believe and value.

So as far as the ‘game’ with women..

My definition of the game of seduction is:

‘developing an acquired (unnatural) social ‘skillset’ through

massive repetition of trying to trigger already uninterested
women (‘the prize’) into feeling attraction for you’.
When you just HAVE the natural attraction from women at the start where
she’s interested in you and giving IOI’s things work. Then you don’t have
to know much ‘game’ or technique at all. It’s all about her attraction for you
which is supposed to be natural as that’s who she goes with and wants.

You don’t have to be an extreme outcast, jerk or bad boy. Now you can be a
balanced man of value and heightened sexual power.

Let’s get another angle on acquiring the skill or taking the ‘path’ that is pretty
much accepted by (I think all) dating coaches and mPUA’s.

This from the words of Bruce Lee:

The Three Stages of Cultivation - The first is the primitive stage. It is a stage of
original ignorance in which a person knows nothing about the art of combat. In
a fight, he simply blocks and strikes instinctively without a concern for what is
right and wrong. Of course, he may not be so-called scientific, but, neverthe-
less, being himself, his attacks or defenses are fluid.

The second stage—the stage of sophistication, or mechanical stage—begins

when a person starts his training. He is taught the different ways of block-
ing, striking, kicking, standing, breathing, and thinking—unquestionably, he
has gained the scientific knowledge of combat, but unfortunately his original
self and sense of freedom are lost, and his action no longer flows by itself. His
mind tends to freeze at different movements for calculations and analysis, and
even worse, he might be called “intellectually bound” and maintain himself
outside of the actual reality.
The third stage—the stage of artlessness, or spontaneous stage—occurs when,
after years of serious and hard practice, the student realizes that after all, gung
fu is nothing special. And instead of trying to impose on his mind, he adjusts
himself to his opponent like water pressing on an earthen wall. It flows through
the slightest crack. There is nothing to try to do but try to be purposeless and
formless, like water. All of his classical techniques and standard styles are min-
imized, if not wiped out, and nothingness prevails. He is no longer confined.

Now, don’t take this the wrong way...I agree with him for what it is, but look at
the root form of any martial art, ‘skill’, discipline or method.

It is derived by man and is thus not natural or biological. It must be ‘learned’

or ‘acquired’ actions > behavior to reach mastery because the techniques were
created by man and thus are unnatural.

So I encourage you not to confuse things (or see women/dating as a Game to

be played)..I really want you to see the differentiation because it’s going to
save you a ton of time and effort.

Success with women is NOT a game. The biological reproductive mating pro-
cess is natural, primal and instinctual. We were born with the ability itself. In
‘Return to Blue Lagoon’; they figured out ‘how to do it’.

It’s the life force within men and women that knows how to make things work.
The power of nature will find a way to survive, evolve and propagate.

The answers to real, pure and consistent success with women are reaching
them on that raw sexual level and NATURALLY without Game or model-
ing actions. You have to be physiologically with this power because women
KNOW before you even approach, if you are their equal and have the power to
‘take care of them’ (protect and in the bedroom).
It’s just that today society and social influence (the social matrix or ‘forced re-
ality’ a.k.a. ‘nurture’) built on top of nature has corrupted the behavior of men
and women to create a reality of social and interpersonal communication.

It’s what we’re in relationship to that is affecting our immediate State and
through time strongly influences our behavior. You can completely resolve
your inner game issues (as I have) through the power of harnessing nature and

It’s not until that raw natural alpha male comes along that many a woman in
Western world will start behaving differently around him. Without natural
power, you’re literally forced to run game around our women who have their
sexuality repressed within them.

How can you transcend game in it’s entirety to rely alone on your sexuality and
natural ability to bring out the raw sexuality suppressed within women?

That’s what my ‘Sexual Attraction Mastery’ program is about and you can find
out more information at the link below.

Because this is so important, let’s revisit it again in case you didn’t catch it yet:

The real mating dance of attraction and seduction is not a game

We’re just taught to believe it is because of the social and interpersonal reality
and relationships in front of us - which are benefiting the executive, program-
mers, producers who have created these industries and what’s valuable to profit

Yet, the dance of seduction is not limited to man’s definition of logical ‘rules’.
Again, it’s not created by man; it’s biological and pre-wired into our biology.
Thus you don’t need any ‘skill’. In fact, to REALLY get good with women
naturally (and fast), you have to UNLEARN everything that makes you think
it’s a ‘skill’ or ‘game’ and get in touch with alpha nature and energy itself.
Why? Because all of us were already born with the ability necessary to procre-
ate. Conditioned nurture has only repressed your inherent masculine power
and identity to make you think you or your inner game are the problem when
it’s really the relational dynamics and your place in the big picture.

The power of nature within us will find a way to procreate and spread more
life. Alpha males are stronger in this power to attract the polar opposite; femi-
nine energy like a magnet.

They have a natural relationship with female energy instead of a relationship

with female socio-cultural adaptation which you believe is sexuality.

It’s all about where the energy is attributed and this can be changed.

The force of sexual desire is strong and keeps life going. We just have to get
back in touch with that power and harness that energy properly to communi-
cate with women on that sexual and non-verbal level.

Again..the energy and force of this power has been diverted to other places (the
‘game’ and sexploitation actually) and this is at the root of our struggles with
women -at behavioral levels.

So if you’re not congruent with your mind, energy and body or are thrown off
around ‘beauty’ or ‘skin’ that woman isn’t going to trust you to even START
a relationship even though you’re going through a canned opener again and

Believing that beauty, skin, porn and sexploitation are sexuality is all a part
of ‘the game’. You have the power to free yourself from this repression by
changing your relationships.

If you’re ready for POWER and the ability to automatically have women flirt-
ing with you and attracted to you, keep reading.
So is it possible to LEARN how to get back in touch with your raw nature and
to automatically attract women on their REAL sexual level and WITHOUT
ANY SIGN OF GAME or conscious effort? For things to be as they are sup-
posed to be? For there to ‘just be something about you’? For you to get more
results with less work?

Can you jump straight to a mastery path with women by focusing on the pri-
mary things that matter the most while 100% dropping anything related to

There never really was a path to BYPASS all game because natural’s them-
selves usually don’t have a clue explain how, why and what they’re doing that
invisibly just ‘works’.

I had to find a way because I knew something was ‘amiss’ in the bigger pic-
ture (and adapting to it could only screw a man up even further). And it wasn’t
necessarily me that was the problem either (I was a great catch back then and
women wanted to stay with me in relationships). I sought the truth and took a
different path than the seduction community.

Of course experience is important here and meeting women but it’s how and
what you’re communicating and on what levels that makes all the difference
between success and failure. I learned especially from the greatest teachers of
seduction and life; natural behaving women themselves.

So if a woman is not naturally attracted to you or feeling ‘chemistry’, then

you’re literally forced to run a lot of numbers and conscious game to reach
through to the levels you’re lacking in because you don’t have an understand-
ing or relationship with alpha nature that natural alpha men have.

When you have an energy relationship of polarity with women you will reach
through and unequivocally attract them and things work, but it’s on these
stronger and deeper levels that you have to harness, condition and tap into.
The Game focuses on social value but to succeed with attraction and dating
multiple women you have to have natural value and communicate on that sex-
ual level.

That’s how things get physical ANYWAYS; you have to have strong energy
and natural character that compels her to draw closer to you in the dance of se-
duction - otherwise you’ll be forced to consciously analyze all of the steps and
being so self-conscious and anxious, etc..

I want you to suspend your conditioned beliefs for a while because what
you’re being introduced to is the heart of sexuality, alpha nature, energy and
it’s PRACTICAL application to powerfully rebuild your behavioral reality
with women.

I know you can do it too because you already have the power within you, we
just have to shift our focus from the 6% of ‘game’ you’re studying and apply-
ing now to the applied 94% of communication to reach through and get women
flirting and showing IOI’s just from your presence - then ANYTHING you do
is likely to have even more of an effect.

If you’re ready, you can forget all about ‘game’ to be more wildly successful
with women than EVER before. Even though from experience I am an expert
of all phases of ‘seduction’, I choose to teach now the 94% of what matters and
to get you VERY good at that - because this kind of training is missing in the

Most seduction coaches or dating guru’s focus on the 6% of social technique or

interpersonal communication trying to GET to the effect of the 94% of natural/
non-verbal/energy. This means they essentially have to work 10 times as hard
to achieve success. It becomes a game of ‘skill’.

The answers lie in the 94% of natural game and having practical, effective
tools and methods to develop this ability to communicate with women natu-
rally and sexually WITHOUT GAME but from your NV communication, body
language, confidence and energy which handles everything else and overrides
personal character flaws.

What I teach is NOT acting, body language techniques or tricks, being cocky
& naughty, or emulating alpha male jerk behavior. It’s not using manipula-
tion or compliance devices to try and get a woman in a certain state of mind so
she’s more open to you.

It’s about RAW natural power to communicate sexually with women IN-
STANTLY in addition to (even separate from) your own inner game (personal-
ity) so that they are truly attracted to you and their eyes start shining and they
start giggling and touching you to WANT to see you again.

How about just HAVING that power to trigger their attraction automatically?
That means whatever PUA stuff you’re doing right now, it means you’ll have
higher close ratios and won’t have to work as hard because you’re finally trig-
gering attraction NATURALLY within women.

To find out more about what this kind of communication and power looks like,
go to Sexual Attraction Mastery where you’ll find a lot more free information
on how to become that man of power who naturally communicates confidence
and sexuality without acting or game.

Aha...this is a really important area of your life and you’re still here, so let’s
take a further look into things. Some of the things I’m reiterating in a slightly
different way because this will help you see different angles on the situations
you’ve been going through and it’s probably quite new and may take a while to
sink in.

Look, I know you’re going through things right now.

I think that you sense there is ‘something beyond’ the limitations of the
PUA approach to pick-up and seduction. Maybe even something inherently
WRONG with it all yet it’s so easy to get caught back up into the forums and
the whole buzz about it all.

It really DOES seem to be the reality you know because it’s so visceral right in
front of you and further proven every time you step into another club or ap-
proach a hottie who KNOWS that men want her.

But where does it all end, this game, this cycle? ANOTHER new approach
opener or canned response? Trying to anticipate her every possible action in
your head instead of being in the moment and focusing on HER?

More Game, tricks, tactics or techniques to try and manipulate her (the prize)
to feel attraction for you?

More endless approaching because that’s how your leaders started to resolve
their fear because they didn’t know any other way than what was ‘logical’?

I never use pick-up lines and don’t have to. I make connections and consis-
tently get attraction.

Imagine what it’s like being a most beautiful woman and all the men that
would want you; now reverse that same ‘feeling’ of desire and you actually be-
ing that man that 1,000’s of women want.

If you’re ready to start seeing higher close ratios and real attraction from your
efforts, it’s time to have some more powerful ability that transcends anything
you could consciously say or ‘do’.

And for a few men who are ready, it’s time for the END OF GAME.

And the start of natural success with women.

I want to help you.

More ‘game’ is not the answer for a lack of attraction. It’s a socio-logical cy-
cle and system.

Natural attraction itself is the answer and root issue here. There should be no
manipulation, just a new win/win relationship developing between you and her.
And I even tell you WHAT to say on the S.A.M. website - all you’d ever ‘have’
to know.

Dating has become a ‘game’ because our society has created this unnatural
game, it’s rules and the system. You have been conditioned to believe in the
game and it’s program.

Your answer to bypass game and connect with women on the sexual level is
not within more logical game. Take a breather and discover S.A.M.

We just have to work on the lesser seen areas of nature, energy and sexuality.
Programs that we DON’T really have in our social reality which has warped
our natural inherent understanding and ability.

I have been with many women and been successful on 4 continents to bring
you some of these breakthroughs that you can apply immediately with S.A.M.

I want to help you abolish conscious ‘game’ and to have a value which just
reaches through to new women and compels them to BE with you (more than
just friends) and I mean IMMEDIATELY when they see you.

A power that is strong enough to attract and keep the level of woman you truly
deserve in your life; to KEEP her attracted to you. The level of woman you

The best game is NO game at all.

It’s independence FROM ‘the game’ and getting back in touch with your raw
alpha nature as a man (without emulating alpha male jerk behavior).
What I am teaching has already influenced the evolution of the seduction in-
dustry if you look but the potential of it for YOUR success and future is what
matters here. Again;


And games are UNNATURAL. Games are social and logical, they work with
your mind and conditioning to adapt to unnatural rules, limitations or goals.

For women, falling in love or getting physical with men is NOT a game. It’s a
physiological/emotional/sexual experience. Society has conditioned you to be-
lieve it’s all a game and to be proud that it’s a game when it’s all economics at
the root. I show you this clearly in my further training with real world ‘alpha’

Your awareness of this power of nature/energy to become the man you were
supposed to be (and now more) is more important than social pressure to con-
form to the game IF you allow it. To reach physiological congruency and rep-
resent alpha nature there is a lot of (enjoyable) reconditioning that has to be

I will introduce you to a direct path to mastery with women without game. A
natural path that will work directly on resolving your inner game issues, body
language, anxiety and weaknesses.

No conscious distractions, no fear, no anxiety, no self-awareness or self-doubt

getting in the way; just real nonverbal attraction and results where she can’t
HELP but to open up to you no matter her level of beauty or social status.

When you HAVE ATTRACTION from women, you don’t HAVE TO run a
huge numbers game because ‘things just work’ far more than they ever used to
when you were playing ‘the game’.

As Dave D. says, ‘attraction isn’t a choice.’

It’s on that RAW, primal SEXUAL level that women know within 3 seconds
just from your presence that YOU are that one man who bypasses everything
else that holds her back from other men or PUA’s running ‘game’ and she has
to be with YOU.

No memorization, no compliance triggering, no manipulation devices of any

sort; just REAL attraction and you smoothly leading the relationship to the
next level which is very easy WHEN you have her interest.

This is so important so I’ll say it again.

When you have the attraction and interest from women within 3 minutes you
don’t have to have ‘game’ or do much ‘work’ at all. Why? Because all that
matters is THEIR attraction with you.

And the stronger in energy you are, the stronger their natural sexual driving
biology will be compelled to be closer to you on a level deeper than her social
status or personal development.

And you can frame it so you don’t risk rejection anyways and can feel out her
level of attraction for you during your initial interaction.

All of the pressure is taken off of ANY reliance on ‘game’. And if you’re not
her physiological EQUAL, she will not trust you to ever start a real relation-

This is one of the biggest mistakes of PUA’s, they don’t accept that they really
are the equal in power to the woman they’re approaching (prize) so they’re left
wasting that crucial first 3 minutes struggling for power with her instead of just
showing up powerful like my top students and I do.

There’s a lot to talk about and I tell you more free information on the Sexual
Attraction Mastery website but it all comes down to sexual attraction and it’s
non-verbal evidence when you first meet women. THEY are the judges and
it’s getting more and more difficult to reach through to them.

Isn’t it time to naturally reach through and have your body language and ener-
gy creating powerful chemistry that naturally influences her to be drawn to you
instead of using interpersonal and verbal triggers?

If you can stop viewing the world from game and view it from a natural per-
spective, you’ll see how easy and simple things are at their root. Nature
wouldn’t make all of this so complex.

Are women getting a physiological response around you enough on that non-
verbal/sexual level within 3 minutes (with WHATEVER you’re saying) to
want to be with you more OR NOT?

Are they curious enough to give you their number because you’re developed
enough to communicate natural value to her instead of struggling with social or
interpersonal communication/displays of value?

The highest value you can portray in the dance of seduction is natural value
- it’s far more powerful than social or inner value.

Are you strong enough in nature for her to help you both accelerate physically
without having to be conscious of the process? Because if you’re NOT strong
enough, you’re forced to literally play a game of strategy.

Seduction isn’t about YOU and your selfish ‘inner game’ - it’s ALWAYS about
women and what they’re going through on a deeper level. They are the ones
who will either let you in but you can develop this capability to have women
flirting with you everywhere you go and life becomes a whole different reality.

Things get crazy and happen when they just didn’t before, plus your experi-
ence grows MUCH faster because you’re getting results and women want to
keep coming back to you.
So to recap;

Instead of years of hard work and effort memorizing techniques and run-
ning countless approaches with routines (ie. ‘the game’), isn’t it time to JUST
HAVE WOMEN WANT YOU without speaking a word so that it’s easy to
progress things because they’re helping you out?

This is where you transcend ‘game’ itself and just ‘flow’ or ‘exist’ and magic
happens. Women can’t help but opening up to you, flirting and getting closer
to you.

It’s when you reach closer to this level that you don’t even have to try or lit-
erally ‘do anything’. All you have to do is connect with new women and
THINGS JUST HAPPEN and you become the wanted man experiencing the
lion’s share of results with women in any culture.

But in order to get there and access this raw sexual power, you have to open
yourself up to another path and IT’S rules and terminology rather than the lim-
itations of the social and interpersonal based ‘game’ in which you have been
taught to believe that a woman’s skin and flaunting is her sexuality.

David DeAngelo asked me during an interview, “Can you repeat that?.. To

someone who is putting in a lot of effort with dating and not getting results
now, you’re saying to do LESS? It sounds to them like you’re smoking a crack’s just completely out of their reality”. (my paraphrase)

Is it even possible? Yes. Remember that I took a completely different path

than that is expected of a PUA - a more natural path with women that predict-
ably triggers attraction and physical relationships.

In order to really ‘get’ things we have to look at different realities, have differ-
ent thoughts, beliefs and greater awareness of what’s really going on that we
can’t always see which is right in front of us.
You have to work on your relationships with nature and build your sexual po-
larity instead of communicating with the social-adaptive shell of women (non-

Let’s revisit this again and close this off;

Almost all mPUA’s and dating experts concur that there is a path that occurs.
Pick-up lines are used as training wheels as you start diving into your approach
anxiety and fear head on (while still being stuck in your head).

It’s after years of in-field experience that you finally start to transcend the
techniques to get more consistent with women. But what’s really happening?
The mPUA’s took the long path towards mastery because they were playing a

They may end up with what matters; confidence, sexual power, authority,
strong energy, magnetism, physiological congruency and relational equality to
become irresistible to women on the natural level.

Well, why not just focus on all of the things that matter anyways and take the
direct path? The reality is, you only have to know a few openers EVER which
I tell you on to be massively successful with

It really is simple if you look at it..we just have to work on abolishing game to
get to the simplicity and power of seduction.

The Game itself will likely continue in many forms probably for a long time
including with the PUA community because of the belief in the forced reality
in front of them.

On a mass scale it’s going to be difficult for millions of people to return to na-
ture until people in positions of power finally start representing and promoting
it as (socially) valuable (I’ll be working on that for decades if I have to).
However, you can seek enlightenment and power. You can end the Game for
yourself and start being real. The real you, with power and with women.

Let’s work on your raw natural power to see more real world results and con-
sistency with the work you’re already doing with women. It’s time for sexual
attraction RESULTS and less or no game so you can spend more time on the
other things in life and just enjoy everything more!

Will you take the next step? Join me. Click the information link below:
Rion Williams

Copyright Dreamcore Productions, Ltd. 2008-2009

Entertainment Purposes Only. Suitable for 18+ years or older.
You are 100% responsible and liable for your own actions.

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