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Complete these conversations. Then practice them with a partner.

A: Hi, ______m Mike. Are ___________ Amanda?

B: Yes, ______ am.
A: Nice to meet ________.
B: _________re late!
A: Sorry.

A: Good morning. Excuse me, ________ I in room 801?

B: Whats your name?
A: I _________ Carolina.
B: ________ you Carolina Ramirez?
A: No, I ________ not. I __________ Carolina Rentera.
B: Spell your name and last name, please.
A: Sure. C-A-R-O-L-I-N-A R-E-N-T-E-R--A.
B: You ________ in room 908.
A: Thank you. Goodbye.
B: Bye.

A: _______ _______ Enrique Gonzlez?

B: Yes, _______ ________.
A: Can you spell it, please?
B: E-N-R-I-Q-U-E G-O-N-Z--L-E-Z.

A: Hi, _________ Charlotte, from IDAT Institute.

B: Oh, hello! Im Manuel, from UTP. Can you spell your name?
A: C-H-A-R-L-O-T-T-E. Nice to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you too. ______ _____ late?
B: No, _______ _______. Nice conference!
Read the commands in the box. Put them in the correct column. Who says what?

Teacher Student

Speak English. / Dont speak Spanish.

/ Listen to me. / Repeat. / Complete
the sentence/dialog/etc. / Read the
conversation/text/etc. / Write your
names and last names. / Can/May I go
out? / How do you say tajador in
English? / Whats the meaning of
window? / Can I borrow your pen?

Write the name of each object. What is it?

Its a ____________ Its a ____________ Its a ____________ Its a ____________

Its a ____________. Its a ____________. Its a ____________. Its an ____________.

Its a ____________. Its a ____________. Its a ____________. Its a _____________.

Check the alphabet. Can you spell the names of the previous objects?

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