Design Strategies in Architecture Alvar - Aalto PDF

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ALVAR AALTO TOWN HALL AT SAYNATSALO 1950-61 ALVAR AALTO OF there architects conideved to Wave been pioneers of modern archteclwre, the works of Fim Lloyd Wright and Avar Aalio wos closely covrespond with the, proposition advacaled™ in part one of tits laook, Pra architecture rete feat acon chon pegreanaic reqinates, the Gans loci and the cullen whic the avchitechwe exists TB some extent this is tre of Le Covmsiers work, Wut hi» beliet in wniversal toluhons leading, to Standardization and bis avtstic as opposed to loulding’ approach to desig, place his oulpvt culside the celal concerns af Wright ad Aalto, ‘eact of! whom made a significant conbilution bo Me doinestic ovcitecte within his own clare” a this, these avehitects con lve compared wit Lulyens, who in his early, lenses \sivilar proposed a arcitechwe viched ia Wis mative. laiid and owing inepivakon to woth lawancape and tvadition However, with vegad to the tvaditioual avchtechare within thsiv vespective. ealures, a wajsr pov of depariwe for lots Wright and Aallo was the denve |e enadish’ a fresh approach to Hhe madipvlation of internal space, and especially to vedefne Ine relationship between whey andl citer apace. a the case of Wright and dalle, Mase explorations veouted i whet has been Uerwed on argon avcilecure, in’ which tne elemental organization eespond> fo intel veapivaments and external contions simultaneonsly, each avehitecl sezking lo lack We building to ths tamediate lopograry In 20 dana, each architect uses a different kind of rel Wrights, i gc a tad foe, id unity ay a divect reouit of the geomeliy itself. This i evident m vis Be GF buae the punsel and. terse t Gaited work, by comparivon, is move velaved, less geometvcaly delerministc ‘and more walledole, covcerivating paicviarly on how enseoles “wleract wits the landscape. Tiere 1s an ter ao well os on ovter fladitey br te wou lemert> ewe into each they, conesponding, closely to D’Aray Werdworth TPoompsons déacription of cell grontht Ratio offen antner» nin eleweals around ace fpr or cat! and ane aia conan in comieon we linear forms? Regio le Ha oe rly tory Ades ft edo hen’ rpine tou ated Herds ee YENI or Velvet pongo, or gta Ea, Rg Eg iT Bom Get 8 pp 8 “exe page 4 Soe pe te Sei Chu i Noceseminca (Ina) 1986-50 (olier on asomebic From Dione Baclapedico di Brea < Urepmalaa, laup-6a,) ALY AND FINLAND We. town hal at Sayyatralo in one of Aten Altes most vepresentlive works in thal tre. omalt complex of ick and hwlaer louldings axed a court encapaates ‘several thames which developed duving lie cavesx’ Thaw Manes con be Waced eck te pratt ona he voi fon po ay in 1924 when le visited Vorence, Pua atc Venice, 12 other being Ihe pensioNe elect of the lavcape of is alive. Filan ly 1228, explaining the importouce to kim of alin il Yous Aalto bad voiten + Theo ole ie pes mh hal nd mont nab fm arom design’ * The ion i town vamawed a sance of ingpivalion, thumghak fhe ite and become 20 wlereven’ wilh hin percethion ot the Pinwsh landocare thot he atten read the laiter in terms of the former | “Cesta Filend freque vende ove of Tiscany, the howelad of tows built on lille! ond in a description 4 iow villages m Poland could be howstorwed, he explains how hor he hee these villages, in bio minds eye he would ‘male the church awd ont as Sot ving, ee one hts ng «ie. coded nave be Wont Bf itor bay vosing is apie. C sauave.swnrumded crete au a Ty cowry) * be toed he wale: fing ob dayne a town hich we have never oe lew, wees el oe ve ino aon, citi nd eal tn rite and vole “which ws lke [te ter phenomena of one se gp. ato, ok YE mene Sine tes Nota “doco a town arene onow “hana wel Aestoped pice Me ara “beavlitel, Ruched “putt places’ not te least of nici is tre aI ae nn vale Ad anion Se warning flee > 1 ected trom Gon Sh, Aver A, Te Deve Yara, New Yor 1996. © From Govan Sonia, Aer Aa Ta Eat Ye, Nan York 1904, ps > ibd, was Ito tind then pacar pele of the veticel accerbaion gin by the campenle oT tai Foun ad aga’ applying, the pone. fo he ondlend wl Tae an evemle; Ronsivaki Hil, which dowsies the cominsise aromd Iysbdeuj, would only, need a wble compaile Gower) fear (vols) the lop Loy the wdncle mea acapwe on exvemely Falined chamcler. Even a laokost ower would do, but wot ove PL those nesdlalixe lowers whick fuichon as a poi of cesenition boat ae ae abject of it espe the fact that the lilide ot which the SAyvAtealo town tall was sited hada very geile slope which cadd not be conipared to an lian hil town, Baked design’ brings Tooetiey sexeral strand> of hin thoughts inpred by the vial to Italy. These mcide the usbon of the town oma hill with the ter” as a lawdwovl. the evcosed cowh, lhe polential ck shave and the way owhlechwe can mnevor the vty avd express the esseuial character of un SITE FORCES gS Sewn anus str Wor main chevnclrishcs of the fown nal tile ave ) The conoms witch delineate a gerile slope wittin ke oe 2 io abiquay, oped roles wich horse te Coton! 98 hag rie ap The 2) Te layout of howsing, echeloned alongside the eee een! lscipve of an arvcgona oy Typrcaly Aalss layout viawded bo vemlorce the Genus Loe ly shrenatheni linkages vebween Yulee, conows avd ihe aichtechive. Responding to the Senay of one ees with Heir sense of Yaidouniss ana verhealty, Aalto progeses. low rrorosto Te rian (not as ult) horizontal buildings lid out i an tormal yet corded fashion. Ve prdon of tes on he Kibide gras a son fave abv on te ate, Tn 13h thc, te ied aren stem uodd vomaly be the cast Nor a town hal, tat isead ropes an moma, dived iteachon beeen Lan aches od wine CENTROIDAL MASS ow Tie tows hall is sihaded ato nodal pod whore The votes” caniin to for the low sae n 7 A cxtvedel form is proposed for the town hal $0 positioned as fo owinee. the ecklned iar lees aaa The dbhque route ond ts supporting echelon viyjhn of howing logettarcontinte a panel edomal” edly indvang presswe on the cevoidal Yoo al * sae er Cammy dada Hed, Te Fama Basis of Mader Beech, Canriye Ute) 60 120 GENERIC FORM . : ! Ve : “Te generic form ceoidal, a syyndical S| Te cenoidal mase becomes a courkyard Sleping, rol ei aah equal es vat hy ft ards To het the fais of etebawe ster acer Faad having prices oh ert voy which flees the tom on thd diagonal eee a eee 7) eee, weer ogy, mom ERRECTS OF SLOPE SE}-— ack. pu dnechonaliy of the ope changes the: fort He At ne Fominant vole. The fork Wecowes divectional: SS —|_ltee ane The utemal comt is raised te provide Wo ° i eyels of acconmedation. on a slope the certve of gyavty shits To pail toad the ifernal aleve ait Dominant Baa ony i NJ Neal as pad bake op cnve of ory ats weer | \ Iwo cowt raised scrio8 wi CENTROID FRACTURED : T I Nedemal lata ass internal Longin ais | | [itera ater a 7 sections [eae a oa ee Soh tate ieee a eee reece See ee The cervidl form in Foxced ay pri may the soulern side. lee) A in placed within the cowhyavd where the Mel cu mach “Beto tomas bi-laery Sowmevica and diveconal couneetarionsy REAPING 7 Frmdhne eaggefs. perso ef Yersion bahay fie Seed cost 2d semcted "Pert Shatess of eas (elon gestalt of cevtalzed mass cath edad rucler sympotic READING, Cowtjord encloowe ond wits vlaned Lut court vow acceralle, section nceoumovation Te wpper level ip concerned mainly wit civic ond public activities with shops on te lower Floor to Fe souls ad east Apevinens ve placed in the weston loc. > tars gue_access lo the cout at tke point of rach The south black is reduced wide bat vemaine “lacked wo cougar conrigueanion at tering Te form is brlataly ayant and the ceviaized tines nih on ewede coe venainy 06 @ sya bitere te snare ec leet the cau, the space a eer side als down oe The form of sis symsouie Reaping Contact te exlaished webween the imar priv world of ihe cow and Ihe extevioy without Aminishing te sense of shelter avd privacy GOUNGCIL CHAMBER | 7 1 | 7 inet ten of cma) ci L f 9 avs sop to exam veclor ccm |chamier laced alongside cy. sretion = Comel, chamer veok pouls im same souery Aivechon as dots he frachwed block. sein irs (> Te covel| chanloer Wes a kaw) vole in the: comple, patty ave bo ils imporiauce, Gat also became 0 lege vote is needed to lowe ite actives Ths allows the avditect to prove a focus within Me complex and also lo prode a visnd stop what Seen row the approach oie Te do tis, the cheney could ave lve ploced an the ligne axis Mm Ye north east corner. lend rents vos the chamber y lecoled ot fhe poo ob lraclwe, ee donayide tre stair access from the prblic apace. semnoue wenome “Fir relaiowsip to he pout of erry gies this 6 Th win lah he Comal Chae deine pation etry added ipoiance. connigiousy suaevig Tie ror sy is Asked eval valor Te comeil charley acts a» the pict for wo spreling mouse fh ti-clockvise, one aocendiag around the chonbor giving) access st voule, the other spirals, rnd the Gout a9 a alazed comdor which coves ivtemaly.* > Ne Tor a the sp wh ot aly fhe nal off fy & pect woe genre ape Ay SPIRALS |voene setolot | veleence cil Chamber and cian quae ‘blige yen Fa vprds rapresol wowed and ia Wie ue one ‘ie couch Chamber pus ove comer of te out Tie conn spd eners pressure Cinon Weds dose he soahtuen omer, echt an te wet Toca fre put a Mis prose and te ani nt Sides sheng to ache ws of tw comch chose Th come Gree oot a cont fl entends oo fo font? me ondosed corer of We cout fo the Votincst The pool edo ss fone Wis comer FLOW We attempt fo cose the comt at the solhnest commer is prevented by a buildup of wert freisme witkin the coun which flows ont of He Spice wa cascade oh Stays on the diagonal * “THs Hou ike power carvant, anges Itami 70 that oe edge ot the west bleck at bade ‘rary We sharpness of Wis Hrachaed edge i compémated ly '4 ahaight Slax leading fhe sin The west Wack. A proizchon and sebaek cieda a contained zone wllin fhe cow sonora Ee wapore ohliqne me ‘ar led fonacds | Sein aioe he come chao ina reson S \] a= rh Comel chamber and lem) biode ach a salizng elements SJ v Via i Adee Wy note fal a sl The com may We inprted eer ay "ne whi cascodés earde kts sntons Shroiies oF wore Hera ay a. secied aarden ‘sik sf ond plntng, ie conated stains fhe prude word of the cout with th lwdscove td supbizes the organs en) inherent in ates work, Te tt, owing fo the slope ak ib vane convas> vith We veghar tone aw lending fom the poblc. square 13 the ie veal of the come chowber counateonens. teneies The voles which endive the cout ave distoved the premnes ciated The southern Wack rerans 2 ding elmo iad to the comel. chamber navoRt Popuic Renu SSD caida dod cot fsa by sonal or ecHCLOW BAYT OW aPrRORCH 1 AI sos wlode pad ny te alow acces onoening oF THE FORM SALIENT ISSUES AS Slope water form diechonad anc south Frei EONDITIONS WHICH AFFEeT THE FORM (SITE FORCED) wares Ce ao spirals prowl iy hand splay Foe eve Sha le onands sere vedon IW RESPOuSE To SITE AND PROGRAMME “Tort are sinilaries fe couyarh (eabent ob Sapilo and Le Corbyper®s manasa ot (a Tuete asso) For a enolgsis of the ont Revol Ulamahanl) Co Ud, London, up 207-20 wp hbase Lebar bx ssi a ena Coacr chy 19090, Va send DIAGONALS ‘As Elsen pins ov, the crea comidey i filly gimed on no adince sides of Ye Liga sees widows paced shel ein Tis refs the diagetal condition imposed” by the extemal oblique” vector. te Sey ts eden gad aie tet side, allrwing the seuth-acing, hontai the conten? 2 of Had War alana, faced the comt the effect nowld be to Aéston tre mlerval com) readin im terus of the eiterial vector nd wold abo have conpoldated he noversion of the comple. Wi oe aco! feneshation deploywert, bo site oudho ae sSfed,) he che a he dhlique veclov am the cowh and 2) the south: acns Yon\alhy duced by the slope Te Agen coniion wn he ont pt combed oy Ive opposte chagotal generated by the conc Cros lon ark Yrialed ly oe che “ad, p54 i eommch chamber echelon STABILIZING ELEMENTS Tie come chaoey aad flevary at a6 lin Clan ic comb psn ws ee cat ie lateral axis ip developed in each covfiguation, US on ohne coeur Tbe camel Ue, nd 163 @ Ina deployed in the How The council chewioey ensendble is lacked on to MMe ly aya pela lian hens vena ito Whe evi sate, A bce pied aa (vinaly alyed wilh a projection from the Wow) i v DN he pada on or Saikano sapere Locking eect ofthe = : pooela aud ideas a sath in te cevbe of ily, lowaids the sou eadt comer 7) echelon daploywer along lateral amin of bras, GOUNGCIL CHAMBER | | ccssep ng oral wal stops anh hs “bent — coonryarD vaver covwery cuameen The main vovke ito the Civic Sue ascenay the formal sta, baniva, rofl anges to aver brea the pevgda. The movencnl roule is futher turned bi wall which i> the only tohd element in the covtiwovs lacing around Io sides of te cout The vecerhon counley in the foyer is eckelved on 0 diagonal which divides the apace inlo public_civaulalion fon the courtyard side and offe space aid tales opposie. Te stair lead Upwands towards the Camel Chamber is oppeate Ie ‘cvevehion Youk which leads to ofices around the court Movaty towards tre Comcll Chamber the voule pias vowd, ging, access at two diffeweat levee BOX TRANSFORMED ENERGY FLUESTRATION Moves! AROVHD CHAMOER eanTiEVERS To fA Te sere of enaigy avowd the Comel Chamber 1s deglond i some vas ee Sih endow ti ‘spraling route bighight ond veinfoee ao Te cena . Lela! preme te ent it dewlpad, bp he, doe. Cathlever a the soultern plare alonayice the envy slais The root of the chamber dies down fran souln to ea esse een car cai Taoitg, a farther dip on the vorthann side ol Sk i Root FALLs AND RISES in 4 DineeTions Cowell Chanber ond gener fom each Im orthogonal ond Aisgena chamalensties of sqrave plot sympourc Reaping AE fhe heart of fe ensenlde ond the communiyy the Comal Chavber exprenes iy_mporiace. by FE conbowalial emvaroement The plan is drdened and aval wan east/west direction. It ie aperonched bay a Gerencial” route afer escendin We formal iw esornals, avd the spwal voile Wlemalyy 0 te wiaion te woot celénoles Me aspen of communal cverma with on ence oesie othe few at He ruses, which apene of he Sees and prow! easnavan ot Ie reien “ie Chior i he moth exresne stone the excel, represeig ool’ m ts plan ord ere a Soyices potechon ad hasjine he mperince Phe Chober tel." Tateruy the upuad Hr of the wet adds fo. the peer ond monumattaity of the fom. To He tor te mhvechonlpichis ove ami fo be Yooh fimeses im esolng aot te complooh} and idealion of commun governor COUNCIL CHAMBER CONFIGURATIONAL READING Te rot pls the form a peony soe cing Wale hoy, conto wh & mojo chacesh ee eer aa ey ie power of the fori projechon of He soukenimor Plane a5 it extended bey fhe spialhig, vouk. This Plone exerts presune on he evtw stave nit let Ble eve pian the fom out bokeh ter revit Ie pocepind. mpoct of The Yom Te fe ear af te vod), the comer Wvealwan acknonledges the oblige crmcackaatic ob he Complex. Tie spval wxap-around” relates the crthasenal nahue of Hie cout and paiipaes 1 ie dovble pial sysian gered’ by the chamber The chanber is therefore it a pital pesiion, beng lied by two spirals, ont oromd the cout, the biker around toe he cubic form, will E> veoh rang, (in dillera® ways) fb al four corsa ol he nash, is hing. ancigh 12 ens} wy aitewph fo be puled aut of “position by thé spiral movement syslens ns PERCEPTUAL FACTORS fated cepleyment of forms in the Sauyaalo Town Hal seems lined te is cose exonination of te lait hi fv The compet offers a series of visual experiences concerned wth discovery 4 mownott from citer approach into the comer ‘» eaelaly conled ene ot he wang errr fate waaay, among wc oaeis oy fiery Cenplaty, chery, nononerally Wormalty ad epose Jaa Baie hae corsidered ese isnves in an analysis of cophual taclors it velahon Te each approach lo fe bnldng Bin exe hw a oe Chowtoer rene 4 sual Weider when approaching from te west wilh the cpasi leading, to We stted cont creating, 0 deste 0 mere? ee ‘amerts that Wad Hee mags esipveesing the Chamey inbonicarh He conposion wend hove. frie perodahy Tele : oviny pov Bile gee oo ibe how «lager as, wo rei canny ge) op, ok Ho i, wd fain ncaa the spect could ah leak eu. aad lazer alowed to leale out at the “aslo oss nk emphatic: a mawngy AFTIE 30 B.A arrows 8) TM. BAKE, 4 Henny He BlMe, “Arheiion, Sher Bato, Vilage Hal Sipe Dinstion. Senet of Acheclre, Uniey of Nencalecapn Te 1996 0p bo soe oh enclose ee Appronen FROM TRE wsST DesiRe Jo ENTER AND ESPLORE, BUT lakavters WW compasiTion OATH 58 OF PUINT MASS AND. GAP ITA VEN OUT BREAKING Sesh OF PoLOHUEL, InTRepueTON OF LaRcp MAS aoners SNe Of FAL STOP ALTHOWGE WEARS ATA oT WH va OFT. RELATIONSHIP OF HS Noes equa #80 STATE PHENANNCE ASD CAL, » AND DRAMA BY CONTRASTS INDICT OF PITCHES AND OBLIQUE APRON UP St¥PS. DOwMAKT FRCABE WEMEEKED 84 VIN) LEARDIG OUT AKD BY ANGIE CF visION 9 FURTHER VITALITY BY STHPPNG OF SIDE masea 0K36 OF ENCLODURE WITH MYSTERY OF PARTS NSE UPWARD ENTRY REINFORCED BY STAIRS TO APARTHEAT Win CORNEE oF COHNCIL CHAMBER STREAGTIENED, CONNIE CHAMBER ROOF DIESCTIONS STABILISE THE MAH YET MAINTAIN EMPHASIS ON FRORT FACADE THE LY LED TOWARDS ENTRANCE UNDEE PERGOLA As WELL As TOWARDS WHAT Is OUT OF SIGHT IK EAISSD COURTYLED. THERE [5 A COMPLETE FUSION WITE THE ATE OY THE IRREGULAR FLIGHT OF Geass covEREEED. STAIRS THE Musers ARE RESTRAGWED AUD pomeeTiC YET TRY MAINTAIN A SERSE OF VITALITY ARD MONEMENTHLITY: GONG ) appaonen trom THe 6asT HYSTERY Of EXPOSED YET EKCLOSED sract AEIGITERLD BY EAISED CENTRAL AREA. ESTE FO ENTER AND EXPLORE Skuse or mpTERY conrimnee by PeREoIA which ACTS A GRTEWAY To ONSEEM UPPER LEVEE MORUMEXTHLITY OF Mass MUAINTAINED BUT CENTRAL FLEMENT BROKEN DOWN TO WMDOCE scaLE AND VITALITY. CONTRAST BETHEEN OBLIQUE URUAED ENTRY AKD OUTWARD FELL of CoUNCIL CHAMBER. CICELATION. COLUMN EMPHASIZES RELATIONSHIP Wiqt qhoreD WEAK COMMER cf couNel cCRIMSEE foot STRUNGTAENED, FENESTRATION In SouTRERK (uistany) Breck TURWS CORNER AED POINTS TowsRDS FRTRY STAIR DISCOVERY BEYOND AE (aes FRO THE c1vic SQUARE THE AsseETIVE RAYTAMIC SuATTED FREADE DOMLAATES. SUT THE MASSING OF TRE COMPLEX DRAM? THE EYL G8YOND — Te THE LEFT THE oMscER BECKONS 49 THE CouvoLOTED STALE INDICATES BNTRY WHILST The Tue rowe® PART! oF THE SLATER WiHDeH MuWious DRAM THE EYE To TEE RIGNT. Oo! THis BLRECTION TRE CHAMBEE AunITS Discoveey ue OLD AND DEFIANT THIR, FACADES ELD tke Mies] DEFIAKT YET RESTRAINED By SCALE Of NINDONS AND PROfECTIONS As WELL as MYSTERY AND AvaTERITY Ble aneiyis of wowmest tonald te lang snc a wy fle way ec vise Ok appeacing, the cour, il ‘Kladed sedan bode, sugges someon, bey tae cody hve Ci Rates forms are aromged 40 at rout and fis sue Vahl odo he Cami tl He a a omar ak apc po oh be bt dh he vinker Ad ao deats ith the emohoval responses of Nhe cbserey aid as Bloke ponts x, the complet rong sindoveonsy ‘2 supp! menonelaly A deaee ob dowescds, pevvieice cain ad vay Aales design apyroadh ded with the progeime, the ois Cad Tad nesting, Ho we brce sd Far Has ell oer Ha Bese Ina aie ne) witd st Ftd. fry the hula expsien He We of He comnts, ond is eleionsio t the sting pens of he deny sense of fhe laidscape Hat periades i cou ot fovels aud water Aas fighting, ils takes account eee ea fenesiation affects surlace Wealmen’ aad masini I he Comal Chanbey a. large widow Sey in Fah fem te oth, what dn echeoned wiv Thats western aun On the periphers,sirio windows at hig lvl ht the civalaion vote wich” moves asownt the edger of the chanver Fe lage vera window ie placed cols on Iie wh auace, gig ade ef sec Shbliy toa facade wih a rool lic pes sharply vpwads. A> this i the vear ol te mass, He Oi ed sue cael by uch a wid" appopiae, alasi We suk ashing be dhe seal fac dewivaside OL He Zoiguton. Tis wor planes a dear atop 12 Me modeling around the chamber oh Was Gdn © rah ad ay wal fie vote. being clewly bed Wy We nbn of aloo? Te small echeloned wien fo the west fies The lrgpt 40 thal te low vas of the wectant sain do wot shine diecty ilo the chamber fp surface lacalion dees “wot exede We was, hid Yloing tte power ot He conrad side, and ty sine jp see te LIGHTING ~ sr oe i eth camry ous raawe f= Gove Pasnew etc ae 9 Fe] ae a rant pene! | eqee Kou Gn hen Ln | com> cing eB WO Petco, RICHARD MEIER THE ATHENEUM NEW HARMONY 1975-79 Saypitsalo is a comunate demowsivation oh Altos arqanic avchitechwe, Richavd Meier's Atheneum at Now Barwon, dia, inlay encapssaley the dain chavaclanstics of te ardiects personal sige ho Koma Frampton has explained,” Meiers work fals into an America, tradition following om trem The work of such wthuahal Ewozeans os Mies von de Rohe ard Waller Crapits. Framplen pens tab that a Bard generaton’ of American avcetects have developed a,"stye relating ‘wave to Hee Romane ond ot the “hwerican “dealogical spectrum, than fo Ihe Neodtasieal elias stemmin, fron Mas, is tard generation, confi ‘the tradition of the Inlertaioual Siule Hacogh to independent relan to oneer sources’ comprised a gyeny of thiee, Bre Eoninan, Hick grates act Rusard Neer Lider the group extended to Tohn Heide and Charles Cathey, Eisomiat, Genes ond Maer tere orignal ined Gli Rowe pons yo eran gh Le cel rag Be ash H cymes has sifted Is pootion. sehen ua fow Nese’ nodes, & moat eon iene ait ponds the wr of Rae er 4. Frampton, Ilvoduion te Rchavd Meior Acted, Suldngs and Pajeda Indio, Now York, 116, 67 Fd, pa RICHARD MEIER Tapical of Meiers carly mork, the tmith House at Bein metic, Reach bat ots a distinctly Covonsian flavour in ils compact axgenizatch abstract imagery, and sculphwal presence. Price doe donowte” cena” phil of Meers design shalegy in the clanby and vigew apparent in his diagiammatic. caleaprization Of pregeame, shucwe, Circulation, enclose and enhance However. if a diveck comparison be made behicen the Smith House and fio of Le Corbusievs more comonical wiovks, the Villa Daveye aud ‘bes Tlervaces, tthe Vila Sten de Mowaie at Wausteser) the. affovences ‘ave as important as He similarihies. > Ue Corin vitas, athngn ily caplrng the ileraction beat Yolate ded space st tran pamay and erosion of We macy as meats of evtendm, Contact bebieen the vilas and thei landscape, ave chavaclerized lou Hwee distuct “resricions! 2 fist hese of conarehe elitr som kd of plasticity vesting in a strong sense of mass; ee eee iat) Frsiton osca hn oper ralince on colt as Gnspe, veo nao uon hag me ier montanes; Bird Le‘Connirs tas (tdi The Jaoul Howses) have a stony, sense of hovieontal sat edn. 89. comparison, The Smih Hose, more sae ny ems of Ue Cn wn te Carer A naig?s of fem. (Jecnd edn (969). Van Novvond Psd ‘ivratonal C5 a, London THE SMITH HOUSE relaxed, yore concerned with planes voher than tnass aad bas a vertical vatier Than horconal reading, ‘Tie house evokes wages of tne Awericn domesic tradition of Richard Newla in partcolay Miose expnisive and glawonous owes suggested fan openaesy and opulence that ib American” avd not Enopean. Bough ae compact as Le Cove deers villas, He wilh Home I> more permeable, boat its elaborale acterplay of was and tmembanne Hoe howse. has % Corbasian vichwass of arhcuation These characerishes. ave retained in her import ors, notably it Hee House at Old bestows, 20 ‘ranghy renisceat of the llematenal Sty," and th te Douglas House, which extends dees pereraled m the Sully House Meiers plastic virhcuty ond tHe capacity of his eet cane docu” bailat aes iferent ind cf opperaity 9414 pubic building, fay, ee Corleone, he Rot imoyediens tor Mier in being 2 ves Peal “hind oh conmencratve wise iermabon Giro. This special qvaity emarnes from the rare of the programe, ith its “histerical avd ealogel socio, and he ste Hee enable tng Mew To expt at articulation’ ystan babed on circulation and aK orthogonal and to form a) typicaly complee and elaborate The fens akekding. posed. the second pid ond. syn mh The Thbal seeie fon the bw hori) erly sence” ma ayaa ascarh tivaunh Seated Tertca Sell whch ip lpi abote te. vamp Te apace arched tin he oe neo sca gr Be oad ctr ene Fie gpa aa lee he Puck osteo} the ving’ ard easlom side ot the eral stove Tie orthogond syid is ale by te way the columis ave chaposed and the orerlad sane is expresed Uvcwsh the screen adjacent be entry, The space is nimated Huy, Me Fevoion bebweon Ss primary oyid and the skeehed seconlany ari SECOND LEVEL AB the second level the apatal comoresion iv reversed wi the low celing 'o the Iianglar galery now lehind He outer, The galery to the owed viewing bon,” bens at a lover level, hae a higher ceiing, Bebieen the oi» te Night well ~ The viatal dyranin cowisls of the combited inleraction of spiraling, star and We svirlve, outer wall of He. viewing ox (siipeorted by the avi carved container for evhlals) Haseena, oo apt the shee angled alo wich Hie” Wana\tor galery adds. ftir daanion, fs on the ens level, Wittele and curved bow ave se casitst cach ther Avomatcaly, Bobind Ihe stretched, onaled, wall the triangular alle cate Te male of New Harnin. is has cored end whit econes part of the diay abore. Light fed down in the gap bevem the cifaway ond Phe ‘extemal obique Seveen . THIRD LEVEL 1% the thi lve, He carainear cowlergedconties with the coforence room also Kovng a culms Hor ond cain he with the viewing, box, exhilat cases reinforce ie, Stal woe fhe conferoue rom recinear case coilvasts with the part cmved tase a he any thy Te cole ron furvitwe, alse designed “oy Meir picks up the inajor theme of Hie buldtgs compos in CASCADE AROUND CORE Te cascade aromd the core descends ow tha bot onhageval grid. trv, a right anges at he warren ond of fhe cove Ths eit agll line is edhoed aoe bx the Fat top fo the core and secondary wll cota the ee ee oher have one side on the. fst apc) ond. one tide on the second This wlerplay of cascade and dual oyid> Git an imped sense vehafion) iF the wos elanorate rec dimesdonal consteuct thon the encentie. VISUAL INTERLOCK The chuax in the tiveedivensional model, of Yhese elements occurs in the way Meier crashes Together the cwved viewing, boy and the grim lar te ager section bein voollapls Tiesy alt tagether aboot Bie ltt vel i port of the exciting camade and the conbecren of Hoe spain) stais Vertical opree, cascading glam, sloping vamp and hein planes ave. ‘all lech Fegetier Wa way that deleewined oy the Saichon of each elewest EuemenT# Lock TOStTMMR aboET THE LGIT was FULLY EXPLOVTING THE DEAL GRID sysTEH MOVEMENT SEQUENCE Fron the oyna level evry apace, the vislor is drown towards fhe ramp by Th oun overhang, then avin, Ypwon at He side of the cove om the fit gr pase oe vopeded a te low an taped nding, we are moving cere, with vistas info iy afer one Lact fan, we are 5 along, Hoe ens inposed arid and the ramp 1 stopped by The core. Its obligte alignment on plan links iF visualyy with Bie. cove MOVEMENT SEQUENCE 2 AL the top of the rome Me visitor moves aah the core tonands eitier the cured viewng box, the briangular gallers, or more diveclly, towards the uo Vislors atart their iniaeacion fo New Haraoney by seeing a flr i the auditorian ad on this direct véate, motenent is drawn by a view Hough 2 wndow dvectly ahead, Men past a pivot deo wath a Furtar view oul fualy here is a right lun nto he audiorimt’ wheré™ a square widow gives the last view out as vistors file to their Seols Tis conclusion to the route, arnvel in a conned box, ip on approprice leraation of the movement sequence, paycholaaicaly representing arrival it a atone brcated apace, w cans the opemess of the route teh Tis fal movemet ts directed ay tae caved shae edge, yet andther comberpant ia the series of caves. ‘ewsed lo Hs curve in 4 niche which marks oot the orthogonal vid, the end of the stairs up to the stage and the tart of lhe stairs fo the gallery AUDITORIUM AupitoRiem Tie audlorim i» a sulyted rection laox in thin the overnanging lolcony becomes a dence hon hoje in bdr soci Tie aide gale i incised ilo We adjacent side 4 the bin The balcony edge extends in a very sulle gehee alma on te scond ond dow the fonger ade 'a We box ab hive’ level. The major abliaue’ in the aoe is The sloping, Poor Wh ty eer eb of ses and Be maior spe” in We box is thal of the canved sage Only ho cows ae uoed lo apicule Bese lenny B plait wiie is used or the vay screen ond main part of te celing, with donk oye ‘arpa ettenaing over The Sage, geste ahd te, The design oe for the Athena 1 concerned with the exploitation of the rorsivilties afforded ly imposing a aight shift to an orthogonal grid. The dyname Weal twa peed Misa“ & mon ne oie Boe Wich (> song. veered by Noe) pad gana ik a sents of honcoutd Map pf h be te oie seri ple hich dee a Hd soni, Wat of the imposed square Te main roe is a povticularly Ayranic furtherance of the hited opi its linear face pricing he oe 4 ine ohogenal apd dhe meeliny “Hie matt que. plate 7 Fuuctcnal elements such a> Hie crmied viewing, ox, ramp, audovia and ety box are deployed iv accordance with ther precise vale and ave ieded according), Te cane of the viewing box Yespends fo the vier. The, ramp i> placed cell fe ave access fo Hie various levels. Deep back light, ts dprided by fre light wel and by. the volt cascade over Meron. Bet deep long) aces Dein He oblique “scene Stain venore ot fe ai coliqae York and syperimpooe pled saa. Individually and in fir fetal, forms, spaces, roules, views oad light have a symbolic “as wel as a practical’ vale. They denonshate inArecthy ard “Abshractly Hese ideals with which Meier lidks Hie buildita with New Harmony's vich and cane parle docs wo spedk to we with obvious and bavi references Ile, he uses alegory ant melapior it He way the eleweits are organized ‘aid He way the buldits, is sited 50 Mot we ave made aware of the vier on which He town was founded, He sense of ordey and harmony interest ni Rapes vision, and the intellechual ubspian commitment of Robert Owen. a been chosen to conclude the press slid becaute He iended project oly Exemption the wain argent pub forward it fais book, Tis has been 1S cewonslvae that oyeat avchitechwe depends on an undevsianding cf the vole of avcitecture with 1 eee Jeeta er eee Tea _past pont oa cE 2 saute resonse o progianmahc requirements TA teat ole emus acl at prea coe aid petal cures ‘and also t show how the many layers of icmess of arcitectaral concept can be revealed By diegyowmatic analyse Rice uMiveRsiTy 1979-01 SITE FORCES fs port of he Treg aked oy the Mal, Vishal ond Bideage Wal, ond contaning Puckghan Pace, eshnder Ave) adhe lace of Mesa” etsgar Spare he conidente cahed, sgiicace Te preseee. of he Nevo Galery fc, he Senate. ator, at becomes Sale he? a nap ort colechon and Ie commencrtin Fe signica Weed est cone in ey location though flaed fo east ond wash oy subd ulin nase le smart eckson ib. sathan ade, ad he Cited fg eco Bru mae of se ad Gplery, fade, yh, cep He aie fon droop taee Ad woh el Sahe ec ws 8 contcng ‘spie trom Tis 1 doe b ie np sare and code led Locher by aygmeiry and bythe aig cmenaion of ronomet, dn oed Wel facade, wich els as an Wrome Lvlay bach going pach by ty devinod Posen aon the Same. eit wwe he cance ngage Cin ih atte: herd of lene elds the ide Ge Ging a ate apr" he ay. 1 poittgn, which were conposed ba sir reposition conbotiolcole " : Tie lay sons avs the harizoiel paw of the Galo fale, a r~r..CisCSC Gpace of He squere. mit its fountains, and We verted eabre provided oy Nelons colin RAR SQUARE NATIONAL GALLERY AND HAMPTON SITE Te prinipel facade of the Nation! Galery He fr preg ene nee a Pavilions express the wain internal gllery circulation, whilst the certval Hast of the etry portico defines the main lara) axis, Tee down itera lonathadinal ais, whic alto dlines an imprint cieclakon vue, is Paral To the exert loatidinal ns oli us along the worth aide of Me square. Tis internal ane provides a idk oppertinty. fo the prowaed atenion ot He Huron aa gst hick 2 sig ithy wedge-shaped, datishina ab _ sible route Hough te ite linking Tralaloar . ia Leer apt. Tic woe ae al quot ersures that Waalgar Square forme gage pot of He evtersinwent viebvov ef conrad — london, giving a sotse of one kind of ode leading 1 aotier) ~ HAMPTON SITE thou He extavion ste foray a petal Sr on otk he oh led tee and can in His sense be compared to ot Ratwcerthe-Fes, fhe fko sbisions are ayite ifr Whereas, the later is mt a (Ua eed pono lonibaal a> pen toward. the Gal Hee fort {8 mae ended andy wad ah rans lalerally at right angles fo the longa "agit of the galery The site locaton eredes a fink potetial between it and Tablgar Square, ieteng diagonal condtion af the soullcatorn comer of Ie i Bact iti te acces cut ible from Trafalgar Sapuce, thir edge of the site afl the gratek petal 3 devdepmort Thee is a “Secondary zone fo the rea. NATIONAL GALLERY He Galery may be read as ahora She ea "Fo ua tc hey is furthoed bythe layering whch he i establiies a Uae, “ith covice Geting the elechatal Cone” a fewer ad seo Iho rons of nnn (he upper benny, bd : —“pomeathy sae whch tina the facade Contoniny to a Gasca deign privaple>, Ihe lucia) dispostion is hievavcical, with cleatay defived aver controling the main gatens ergeizai. op Became of the length of the faced, the external Beg te es cay molded Ha man aes alery “ovrangennt receive Cinna! option Tih claw we he: paslon- lke prejechons idedhted by cols, and at ‘nivy By a pedimented Plrtico with a, deme, inmédiately fo He rear care given to stopping te facade ab each and wh fet a proteciion scrmomied by a dove, folowed by a setback whore Me ackal comer ‘ean. The ein clones ah each ond Gave age which angus a cistincdy vercl vi Tre surface healwert 15 low-key will a concern for balance bebveen verticals “ond horztal. Athoush the facade is predominantly horizeral the disters of colvans gre located verhcal Yeadiigs 70 that when “ened obliquely the facade’ emphasia. becomes vertical The use of stone has_several consequences tov Wwe Natiotal Qaler. The Gallery bar a mass vather than a" pldnar reading combinalion with the clasical language, the use of stone gives ihe Galen monday aaltoty nd gn ‘he shiping of the meas, plasms cove avd cobs giie> considerable surtace riclwers with the pla af light and shadow, THE EXTENSION The gai forn is litear in acknonledgenert of the linear site avis, a ate slab alenspde the Nahonal Galery A patlen projects feruard reduced in width Decmse the ste dimivishes ab this pomk . = Te paling aligned wit the Golleny portico, picks uy the fomiacd- lonelward rhufim of the pavion “projections om He main Gallery facade. The ae is tow directional. Te remainder of the form ip echeloned in rt of the forward Mira each’ sebade being “aligned with a galery setback \ of the form by ite oy ay Te fort pauilon is aligned lavas and distinguished from Hie vest x freabweat” in which a 0. stekion partseparalea from te adjacent way ag hich ry p cand with the Ga iehed ool surmowits is renees. the flee pavale| with He dowivant sternal onis of the Gyles os Th oo EME fy sepanting he fonimbuost projicon ob the edtebved te erate Ie feo ett A ee Sie and esabhs a pont cal ah the esto Ble fern ich evertalessramans port of the echebn Spon. Tis onsloreo. 0 Tomer) slic mag mio Hans caine een fe wo eal ecard Conixhal sation {0 onmate ad? dromaize one pat Of the form in conde th he. ves. le Tio gnaw iy induced by the aval shift, ond by the contrast of the vertical linearity of Me forward pavilion when fete with te hovizovlal, slab-like Ara Serene or aauaton ave promdeh by erly at PE etieaon of he we oh Me bdo, parially WW vain fo He eating Glen, The relatondhip leelween, the pavilion ond He vest of the extension alords a. buther’ opportmby to reconcile two geonetic. configuations, the sowmelncal directional oxgenialion of He whale end the lateral Hust and part independence ot the pavilion ‘sl Tie Hume is also conceread with Yhe"buo. werlds!excompased bay, the programme, He Neo-clasvcal world of the National Gly andthe tency weld of He exten Ths temuaically rch apport 15. realized Huong the drach, materials and. arcitechwal language used it the exlewion PAVILIONS Tee idea of the portico ay a paviia definng enraees is a major device emplajed_by tre Neo clasica buildings aromd Tafalgar Spare Inmedictly opposte the site is the eo to Camda, Hons foro of st Ma feat The paviion to String, ad ifod> tert spy the est endo} the Galery wilt bei aligned 20 Bat the easlern end of the pavilion is placed on he core of he potco coppont ““yi8 PAVILION ae The lateral ais estabished by the aliymert of the Gavin ob veinfored lay honzotal ndesctions iv We feades, by a plahh oud covtice ich echo Mase fecwer of the Notion Caleny, ond by fe pitched fool, whith denen fe asia, Aho Bus \Iinday emphasis echoes the wan “honzortal layering of He Gatley, it covtrass wih the locolaed Werhical ead of the scuh west comer, exbbhuhing a sepacte idatihy for Hie edesion pavion. . ur separate ideiny credker a problem at the point of junction it Ihe mam congwetion, parhcularhy where the conice meets Me adjacrt mass, Tas is wesdved by altadking the comnice to the mas» by bio "racits) one ab eter end. Thi is vellecled on the saulh side bey indelaovs. in the comce so Hab wien seen from abe, appeirs ff dp Jo He me ‘af eller end ath also of ie cere Te bovizonAa indevtoions in He Poland stone facade give tt a ‘nase! reading solar to that of a Renaissance palazzo (ay the Dvehltcle deserve 19. This is carried Harough with the, provision of 1 base (plinth), widale and top (comice) as with Hie Nationd Galery CANOPIES It the wedge- shaped opening inites entry and expresses a lnk wlth “Tefal “spare, Bahar defwiton of entiy is added by hah Franslcent projecting canopies These, exert a linear rif, the more Forcefal because two oblues ‘ave placed Sloraside each other: Ther shape, postion, leigh and travshucert cual) “suggest hab ey are shing Heroush the box rather Tike” Hose -suoids used by magicians who "piewe! a. lady in a boy Several times The canopy exerts further divectional. Harust, Tenkocst? hele "ans ad he ba sith Hee” space Frog, He. cle, Vo sereemarive pesian lative deen aomoson Cache), ot and id nosed a fornsid” paviion wilt” om ared pprojechin. which wef oma pen me aed rahi aware. Compared lth the prelevied soliton, Hib vests ia a reste ditrhan ote fond mam, hi dey i celen Tails fo lock satisfactory into the vest of te congarahin, foe is design Me cy a snl. rok. gg a sereviby, necessary to alleiae confizis caused by He paviie et At roa oo GIRCULAR STAGE By open up the bor of ome end, an inside! cide apace healed. Tis apportniny furlored by the circular place (described ey he cavclecls ap a atnge!) which cealer a Kind prescaniot opening wth a circular reveling, stage Wis enlve device, the wedge-shaped opening ot the box and cieular stage cet into fhe. podiom ipa focus which pinpoints etey deciiely, besig Sugpred iy te scent cay aon. The viehrers of the soldion is compodaled by tne Farge of forms used atd (6) Fir inerching evargy) components, which comprise > Me dawakic and “poverl 2peing, io the box; the wedge-shaped ‘enorace! of Me sides; the stailty/ movement of The eirelar stage, itelf given an added dimension 63, being af ite and hah cut othe padi; and finaly, i shavp convar fo the vest, the poied elated thant of Khe eatoyy, gaining in lnpact by being transucer, by having, a double agp and cantining, twin oblqnes SOUTH FACADE Yeading broken tnoagh a doddle plercinn, wy azed aye which gite views from the bulding” along Pal Sal East and fonords Tatilaw Square,” I is a9 it the ware has beat puled sideways cently Delneatinay the dowinan) internal ax of Ye combgwaton, at obigne poled fore Hass. oxtnarda, ein surmounted by a mere serene curved bay. This erosion aso deeupl> the comice, now seen cena as a sleider plate, this being wade expict by ge caldera lie bg pode oo Ye cot ene ce Pali Malt Cast ha tly mare Tre force of tis dsraption contiwes dewmiacs, pier Me Sec Pont for of by? pont at a loner lie. Tis i veached by stars, te biter boundary of ikch «5. se ab an dblene anole, acing up the extemal divecion of the vavenent dnd of Pa Mal East As with the etry facade, elements ave compressed Togettey betwee pith ad comice. The impact of ese forts i weeased phe toe tote oxen coi ete sak fe mass wich May perce’, ond by tre nat) Meir ray ic ie), Vernal) othe‘ facadeindertons, bi father of this vethial/ toatl convast a dowward Horast 13 aso in operation with the presente of a cena) Column which piercer” He fcoes baba he fae, Tevel. Athougla is cohwn does woh coivaide vertical wit the circlar hole jn the corvice, The ve, externalzes the other, the civtvlar hole alluding fo the idea of verteal penetahon made manifest by tre columu, Loecoming external winere it penetvates the lagscline bee, ere ponelvales Ihe logs The fival divectional thnwt i at pavement level, where the oblique Fame to the sais giving, entry fo the shop compleer the Wisplay’ wlievebe a deries of primary forus comprang, transparent cured and’ abique mewlbranes i Hie vertical ate. ave justaposed agavct au oblique. exorion BE Hee grand plane it such a way as fo avimate “and Yo'an extent dramatize” the ensewble.* Four Gaetan ee are located oe it, ving, light To Hae shop, this yyamelvica MeplipetSebasing the sense wommetey ‘dnl Hie vag ot curves gives a serene base, comlliie, the duran 2t He punchared wary aboie. be Wis seive bese. windows Loleng, WW2 fo the. plinth ov base, and also fo the orizontal made of te. facade. plave, their diohittie shape idenititg tev special Feet sis i i a eb ro crate pi ere toma a pi erin Ses ee Ae lees DESIGN PRINCIPLES winpows om THE PINT A Tie wos i common al sandler meer Tiwari he dung” perform setral eles Wiese way be delved in ert ct Ie way he ewe of Fear ly fu crits oe Ses PD we tht ete, clone cbenes fe geome pates tke eOtignaton ag» whe Oe eng at econ americas wh a dredonat tos. 2 Te ewe th every element i He Aevign sees Te potlokar beckon win a slope apap Usge aid ening 3B brome tcc como hat as een Med ‘ap We ove foscon of Te esteson Cin ‘sono (nore speci) te home be design (10 me ah aro ene pot of She fom cond wih We veh m lr of he "te words! of he prooyan) he Bett tt sleuth obserte @ connct rdetionip to thar eum patty part ob the design, he fo fue accomt a} fe peor. chaaiies ad fropercs of cack sake pot of he dein Ih we be, tase in ham ik reqpect of the windows he lan 2 ee Teta ae mca 2 Their shape iahties parktar halon, (that of hapting, 4 space’ below grow level ab appesed > giving, a view out) 3. Their Freatwent {with keystones) has clasical overioies hich allude 1B the image of tre borlding as. palacsn, this being part of the gover percephon of the relahoiship belwem The extension and the Nahonal Galleny, 4 Thew sewi-civalar shape ensutes a serete tcusor hich supports the passive vale. of Ie lish 2p the base ond Forndetion t the composition MODERN AND PosT- MaDe H ee eer Pee eceseuiarass) GoKd "New ‘below, indetalios from above), af eer ee eaas fees ate ior fe Modern Movement functional cvedo “ie Fetaimed, This i> avdent in fre way each Aevice siggfies a wuli- faceled specitc ficken (Ihe upper” lenerdahion ee eens set ee Oe cl, Sica, weresence of a colmn which pierces each floor behind ajass before emereyna below tne base paw the pavement Kas both a Modern and Post. Modern Hlaiow : Modern in tre way a atractival member behind sare shows the reedem ojven lv, twentieth Cenlinny nncloay, Res en ate Sea ite a hone fe Meee! CONFRONTATION AND Comers pouDENee Te ee cto he ctewion tse ont lo conor ts National Gallery neighbour mi “sie” pepe ed dependent ad jel, a pon) made by the frciecls who expla hs forms “eh horizonaihy when compared to the nearest comer of He Nahond Gales: second is tied fo ly neighbour wot owl) phyealy, bit ae oy haan el ep i ayptictrca, projects fora the He orks fo te Naan! Galeny ad The mae Vitdna aad paleo, inane eowrespend Yo these feowes Sf the Nach Chalend; tid, conadichon,folhese coresponlancea, the Srtemin eb ot fo chalerie 19 neighoaur Whee? the Nala lly 1. sheighfoeward ctor ard fe WE Seah dle he i cml ass fers meartg, and bn Comper gon an (alec "omte wack “peak Haves saphor fd aint pratt-da avis bitter cat and Yeccloy, : PRIMARY FACADE Tie design pores a pron as to whic facade (entry fe the east o the Pall Mal facade) should be primary. As exprened, the primacy) readig, iy Welk bg the enbry facade by’ virlue of the” vertcoity and by the. implied pediment provided toy the gable and fo the’ pitched vook : as the sivtects explain, tre facade gairs addtina| force by being vead as 'a face... looking sidewn fouards the Natieval Gallery, beyond Shtlarhusiote-Fidds, and Aiquly to He sq, “Tir fackc velaes fe the architects! description Oh tie foruard pavlion ap "he ead on 9 Body where tie vot 2} the aolomy doesnt have the same densihy ef external Feahwes.? The distinctive presence of a small clock face contiws He spe of the gplle ava increases the sevse of "pevsonaliy’ which, when combined viit Hie ‘ea! ct the comme, makes His a Wiewly aid approachable” facade "aban from the arcitecs" cowmils tn ther explatlony Sy fae Te awa fal ved ‘by Sarin ond Tete aan af Waal ont ee ec Euseu, 109 [08e,"pp 26-38 2 stop WEST FACADE The generic slab has a cromnd- Inugging, boratess thal vencine with: Hie ectelon_hemstormaton Moves to shiva tis ave. put oe 2 operon by breaking He rear’ wavs of mid-poin) with 0 E eve eros tr oe ern west cower to allow vebicle accers under the fore DISTORTION is deice has seed comeaiencis, Wt contins fe ‘bece’ roduo. oto port of the ensee avin the ‘naan efentes the mpreeion ta the teor boves are vo longer gvamd. hugging: deo signticaniy erodes a over, whiGh although secondary 0 dy red) txts Pak Ma or the Spare, ton be read a9 pponte fo Were toe or poltial Te coon aloo sels in win ice wach, 1 cared Hong, Coninaes wards Tal Sepace Tie symwtvical echelon form is Hus distorted by His tiring motion, is secrets held by many atner devices, particalarly by Ire cenlval Faust of Me lonahidial axis,” buf there 1 pressive eared on the form in a partcday Avechon, ie foward the eniey pout were it faces Galery and rquace, the Beng, lhe man zone of the conficyration MASS OR PLANES This elevaled seckin sets in being, an_impied continu iw the Sepavalion o tpper from loner, expressed ww the west elevaion oy feveshaion incivions. These ieisicn> alfech the tmave reading, parkclerl) af tHe loner (ening) level where fhe mage isselves into « series of planes. Tis lng, sans a man 2° Pa Yeadivg, for the rear othe configuation, affedé iby. te way Ine edge o the nse Ip vaised aboe thé flat woot fo give a istnct skin or planar reading, Ta3 is twrthoed Se le dilferest divechions svagesting, boi separation and Wrkage between The: uo boves. This tmoianen ly stopped lay the forne pavilt ough the wesion owedately below He Comice. brackel attaching it te Me rear has its own fara Horast The vesut of Hse devices i» that Hie elemion loses ity mass reading and becomes tauh and plata, allhowh iF is also part ofa series of boxes, which by iwplication covld all aide into each olen SLIDING BOXES The cclon form may be read as tee borer, tach capable of aiding into the ove behind Be mt actioukdgenert of Wis possitiihy The care bos hah tls edae in the form of 2. zig-z00) a onry level, hi lowatg, fhe forverd pavilion to inlo tre main slab, Tis slid i bel by the vows of esa in the fayer wick pin fe bee a poston We cena conte done bo the baselne below \ oo _ pana level, they summetny and she Signfyina, on the one Hand eivevlation over and on the ober te siadural prveiple of the building, which is to have 0 reinforced concrele frome and floor slabs with cert Foals baad Frcuojs colons. Fie veoular colariar vhuitn of the fos Fees te icnett say il ‘cones order and formabhy wth sbrucaal logic. Whit a series of maivalen) loves Hie colons stable Ievally ard welaphovicals, . MOVEMENT AND STRUCTURE The movement gression from entry 15 whe a lobby fonads a enc apemg. wine He hansvese aed lonajhudinal axes meet “This sets in motion mavemen} wow alow the ats ilo the brwshinal ayer zone leading, fanards the resmwart Rom here. movenert dog- lege. Bek agyin fo the galeries above. Te ‘las’ 2h Bis zone sigttes hit > 4 propraong aca ab the cone of gravity. of the configuration withod’ a aecte dvetond ay fain fe. ediates bebe ick and front and, because of the stair location, loehicen erry and galory. levels Tie staves major clement, te man focal device of ar spa sequeice, is cena lecakion and shape - afr, the ants ate fee Aimnsicnal vd monument presoicé iderhiying the movement rove, By Hsia, Forwacd fr beck depesdent on the main aivection 13 be felled We ‘tay becone> 0 vector of motewent laviva ecnsideable afhaugh inuled enogy, By i ,rCrs—S bit the predowinant divecional tvs ct the balding, along, he linear axis. The precise posticn of the slaw eiebles to move fran box to bor as aprepriate, fathering, the vohon of nbxachot between the beves. The woverat axes create vislan which are appropraels ferwineted, the rs! by fhe cloaks, curved (x elevation) ; He second toy He cive Cn pan) of the restawart wal The finaly of His vestawank Wal signthee the end of movewont and of Pre mat cireulaion zone 4 T ci ba, bara [leprae fo ee (One pone freed | Tepes: @ALLERIES Tei z “Toe form is self-contaned wit cack of the Hee boies “supalated' by se windons, ducls and ifs Tir costanwod Duchudes he lnk, placed as a. sepwole elened on Hie imate oil! ogi a he aor ary) Te separate. reading of He Ink > frthoed (eared este sich abafes at his th ape depend zane, water Caen nor ester, Tie exterar curve in the form of a bay siquities a cal ind Tesla. one Tough! the design the vaviows. owes fae shape lerded to sight) cise a9 for exomple He sh soe of he che 4 ary the nud move ied ng. cps a wedge Sng he hod aay wT i Pe eon ey he i coe ignty of The geletey whose vide encourage. woven! ita iow aud Pellchye wae - Tie conkiation bas a cvakeion cot around ich the ones “are placed. The shape of the cove contasts ee ale cal an fs nner aa Te He revit, weirng te aneelaivechona thst a, He paion Tay one a fase, eatieel Hy, wehveon eflerson and National Clary, ie Dawvaned by lion aid oe esi, ‘deine major spaces mud vewone Me genera brleteral mec ahd ides cwavain ae. LOWER LEVELS At shop level the Hee boves are ey dec. th 9 ee. pti up fhe special quality, of he ceulal Creston cone, whit othe ewer love! fhe fam shape He antditorionn, ics a faa felt fhe echelon idea, be squeering of fhe fn wating Pre ord Hust Ab each level “columns signify cveulahion zones. Pee SECTION a eon in section, the fornav pavilion has a vertical force, whic expressed exlerdaly by the vidge of the licked yack ond ioral Bare ey te gl Mel a the top), wih fe civcrlar opening in the ery lobby locking, down fo te shop. The cohuwn bennd We lated projections amninndies the vertical emphosis within. te pavilion LIGHTING ie tigiting section for the galeries uses curves fo oive wopridté lighting and when combined with the use ST ot ca ie eta faviclent in gacehl miner, reinfaeing, He iden of Anns inherent TW Hie galery’ Savewt. The section aso acconimodales space tor maifenance ROUTE AND BANNER Wao fe Ht ae ecg ral oper "ron eval, te fomuerd olen itn. on oxeral hew econ He? rode wldor the lake lnggde. te Nalonal cole ensues the primacy of the lear reading. Pn alongside the vigorous articulation of the masses Mis road i» a ca Peg, abschtly.sbnigt "norena vedlor whose. slow pace does wat dimen He sigaf? oe! aes ey, Ca Hontonity avd shou of pure. gies ita vl positon cata eRe ade 6 Pls the dignity of the whole composition ad partial We Sle ete “tie ee re calm and’ yet assertive in a very dow Key maniier The Hevizoral linearity and flat permanency of the voute sree gee tl gn et th Se vera tag and hawace of he bamar a the sotimert conver. Bul, ap ith te voue, chord pimpose fs exploited fo enhance the folly. The ee ft this: Mad ee ges wl Tok a al adivectional ond algo by its 'scatfolding’ and ‘blowing, iw the wind’ fomnatian, Zonas elechuely wth he sly of the exenion THs addtion iy a far Wore sahta response tothe wedge-shaped comer than the dserkon Gf the forward macy as aeen hone C Tre bam strengihers a comer whch 1» exposed he wedge shape al this part of the sil, 1 faxglay hope ai pln esending te play cf cbiqus. in the den sloled by he took itch, Be projchng _gited movie ak erry, the edge tothe Sears dou se te the shop a powoend lovel ae bo the wedge shaped als ab entry MASS EXPLODES Tt at eo wan chugs to the daign ay fit \ silomited, Fist and mest spicata he addition Pl of tite certo dran fo the” pavilion. This ip tended fe give addiiond weight so tat the extension may more happily. balance” wit ty oppose inion, SE Marthe: held Second, the evtvance configuration ig no longer wedge Seed ea eet cute ae hay been reinforced by cures which wow exiled 1 he ts tad side" cig te rep marked “by « sigle cola. eee ee econ the circular ‘stage, has several consequences which nt a el oe ithe stone cladding fo drm and pitched od}, increases the site of mayo The way the drum pierces the obliques of He voof wilt ite poléntid te revolve stvowaly vemforces the central preity of the south facade by the slazed membros. Til as the mass is pulled ont to accowmoddle this, 20 loo docs the wats how deplade tough be vac{, 20 thal as fon the facade, “he intemal extemalizad «Ihe di hts the bomavoon and ‘signifies tle miporiace, the, mewbrates aio expren wheal voles andthe upper ‘caved bay and rim ‘coumoticae™ with each ober. ° PAVILION TO PALAZZO gh tena pal eve wongh mma pened wos pig loan ae nae tl et a aon aot Me, doss The juxtaposition of drum and rvtico ce ger mt dp Despite the absence of a dome, the dra to the extension establishes a veronance with the National Galery, Hie contvadichon of He absent Meno furkons We Genes of alas recy operating, in the pavilion The chowge in character trom the earlier propose i a dramatic explataion of the focal pew where lated and. longindinal axes mee!, mereasig both the monumabalty ad setse of, histeical association The piiggns of this focus changes the image decisnelg svilion fo palazzo = aiuas The avhlecs'” mention, but wow confimed RISTORIGAL REFERENCES SEATON DELAYEL KoRTHUMBEELAED Te teal cladding of stone ith He vich swlace pattern of joi: cud heany comize las a sense of compact power remuascedl’ of Cdedomgh? Seaton Dela, siniely a puled ‘ep seuipted” mass cath cavsdrable Ine coved, eng Sitar’ animated. andl ef weident There» also a smilavity with Mash Jacopos $ Maia dei Micacai 4 MARIA DEL MiRACoL! BRESCIA a} Brescia, in which Iie dru is placed Belind the plone of te twain facade, ise symmedtcal ava stl central fovwarel Uarust deicloped flawboyanlin at covice level with a sevies of seni- evailay arches. The compeston is licld by te it daorways ab either side ond by the, strengft of the cuba! elemeits Wichcing the dunt, the poteay of His configuration lori, ane To the close potapostion of Armand facade lave (each coubvasting elements) Wil He stabil, of he drm permiting, liberties on fe facade STAATSGALERIE, STUTTGART STARTS GALERIE STUTTGART Tis ie net disinlar to the way the caval Aron of the Bindagelere. at Shigart alos. Shing and Wit to mnanppdle the forws muediately ix font of tt The pote of dri fo ture aves the Forw it al, these Femmes ot Tb usage a dove veading ; is Wolk Sule awd dopant, sable ad et abil. DRUMS AND VISTA Te cyltrdrical penelaton of te mass at rect Tevel conbaues wih the “culasrcal dram the hile loolena, down From etry levtl to Hee counlar of the. shop, thie stopping tke dosmward Havas: vista on gaining entry, the vista is stopped Wo aveterauent by be. Meat ot the facing wal covlaiving, the cloaks The becom” ana ignoy "bi-laaly aywmetrical with the” pasifioning of Hie thin rechlnear comer openings below the curve, and with civeular” openings aoove each SCULPTED FORMS AND SPACES | This, weighty, povebvation of the mase by ealindrical ets Ect coasted oy, tod pier at The Roos ty he rma ect cole babind fhe glazed menforones. This seizes Hie, opperhwal present in the submited Scheme 8, Ws Cheeks The idea into several farther dimensions Ab the lop the cola is wow divectly below Hae Thole m te cornice, and ip alender™and cuiadrical Ir changes at ery level to become square in flan, Bit burned “bo that the four edges of the avare ave wost apparent; ths sits on a cxstdrica tease up. f2 pth level comprising, a drum surrounded by seal and covcludés at shop (evel wth a surdystone-clad cylinder. The tuned square cohum slots into the diagonal floor pate ak entry level which, ale) wih the ‘evenlar dra, signifies a holding zone? The mela worplssis of the cela, chang, fo vespand te were fe ct er aed Galeies — forned, squad ‘olay seats ache Bi nove sary Sci rca abit / lau avon, holding evousiina, p— is taped Of the design philosophy in which the venta of eacn element is exploiizd as a demonslvation of seniphural and evecative virtuosity ENTRY ee on oe from having 4 cylidvical base to having & howed square pit aleve, which in Combination with the ravalving /static “tage! peel lution] aule yon The ipolation of he cchume aud ite mulifacced profile vewalns comistent with Me wav the extension seek» ko mediate behiccn the two worlds of the program. IM all the nearby; Neo- clascl buildings, the colvmn is eloquently expressive. The pevticos by Snire Wilkins and Gibb> eich speaie supholcaly of erbry by relerence te Grade and Raman, Wing base, flute and capitals to wake ther point. Within Wei? vechlinear portico format they each envawe views outwards Similarly, within a civeular format, Shei and Wilford galmin mas ye “pea of ety ad conse fo its civeulay geometric frame, in its siiqularity pertiaps beer geting me is ely pate Tie cenival location of a single colin also delineates the ans of the palaaro in a widdy which neceitates wal two bit ore cobtical eves pow” with a. consequent Fame, of woveneit Uo a potential ‘ootteneck : Mictes on the side walls amply He curvilinear Hiewe and Inset windows reitorce Yhe bilateral symmebny, The cujndica base is up fo plat, eve, the lied saiare clam locking inte the diagonal floor plan of he mihal holding “zone en Te plas you foe pat of a more homgantas whe i a Comal ef enced Dates lg the Poe ate coguatinallcigh te rear boxes are va tove- cll. Te Spang fpusng, motets ha> gene 4 fn dongn tos becaie ore sah and moter Te Hort aver fac overs recede 49 be eine Cncttes tad on haony aw “ome Yet Were ave echoes of Modernism wilh the horizontal seed ode ie er ee ‘which coset vs imc” eric" ogo vee paso se vwndavs. Be sgmnery is syoup lows dow He ig onto, at wercoe he. mos, read eo i + ot Ceara eet up a a ed mon WeNpaacn, fis beg soppee by The fhe ai ay ist windows. se todas Seam ye a Tlependont reading of te palazzo. As in the fiat Subwiion pe tee Sat (O's okt rer it ated lover tone he later now cong |Comderble vary lawhaton oe SOUTH ELEVATION a Sovetng slr hapa on he svt setion ih He pstonny o fran rechten» on tach ade" oh he ced apleny my Te lit i te beam ast ad ce a yi pi. tans Tifa a Sapove. As with any smal opening in a wars they increase rata than divinish the mays salenert The oveuated asec windows are wore subdved tran in the fust submission ‘ard vow wilhoat keystones, Heir cowvliaear vam enviching fre plats, row! vaised to match thal of Me Nahowal Galery. Tie external probe of He Douilding peveases the sense of plasty and whew combined with the surtace Wveatuent enriches Whe! form, DESIGN STRATEGY I amy, portant city cere, localion, Hie greatest Mfr probe ts beeen ntge Which a building press. By comparison, Fhe Imeicy ib easy; modern ovcafecie has won maa ‘adiarloges over Neo-classical in Phe organization cl civaslation and space, the provision of effeclve fbeing andthe chvonaion of pales cand wonoleuy But the ante venans a problem the’ Modern Movonent ad ils succesors have not yet comincingy managed to ewvale jhe vcnfeclure of plains porods in sig, at rari cel ‘ae for wal Hors stone locations Stving ond Wlifrd Hale atghed is probe, Gist nt pon poi for ta een whan Bow ee one oe Nara jalleny, pasting a pavilion forward which Se a Pe? alte The! ports of is Noone hot managing To proc a Madly foe Tondo aleignr Sine a. swt in OP aronge an bo parhel bot hou ty eet Seal” ifpleations he paiion so Frope. Wllve’ long facade af ty wert endo Bulan mamer 2 the way St Mache Feds shops the east end A favorite device im Londons Nea~ casi ings is tne use of deopy recessed mesic. gts sone, neon fee wpresion of many aac 29 part of the Cartel engage, "has on bak author's wick pies iat sence of importance 20 Spore. na captal ely Te. not corset but is alded om the Sil fsa ‘Steeion in a vip which seu a Siilar_magy veadng, bik by He wide, separ Sion” of the Courses, estabhhes an widispled Contenporany erty tor He lding This is typical of the design shategy in which, Be areal ta 8 ah OS ecsncedlerene between He elecion nd to" neighbour, and thereby between past and presery renforaina, Key Teme in the Notional Gallery auch de the need fo provide serene ond diguied gyllvies, ut ehacina ihe exlernal modeling “by its bag o} twenleth- cenlany Heks whch mdude penelvahon of the bow, “depoitaion of conivasts, behveew maze and plave, geemetvics ransformations. and distortions | a pediment a kind of, welanonphoss, nok fe meson 4 series of alasins and tapos, Some direc, some vidivect, to. Te weighbow, te art aud to eveattyy But al Wis ir done within a fromework of foomaliy ; plans and sections extn atict geauetrical control, observing, those’ covvect wails of classical arclitecte which insist bn the eslablisnment of a carefuhy conboled movement sequence based on the visa and Mediated by) an obseriaice of anes and by) & studied disposition ct elements In fir more recent i te String irk patesip in commen lh the Post-Modern movement hay been exploring, Hee povsbilitien 2 mars and surjace wath the intertion. of Soumancaling wih a wider audiznce. Their approach has veverscA several Modem Movement canons a the Vate fuel century wood swings Howards a more rouarlc. range of expression Where He Modems gave structure am almost oral vale cerlval 12 the loaje of the program, this now changes 20 thak Zoians, for example, xpress a woifude of earings Mhere syncing was usally avoided iF is now Siploted Olen enbiances were played cow, row They can be celebrated, Where” the Modernist used geomeley as an overriding Gace, Wis if tor eibasted To sere Yatver than contol. From the harsh Comachvst coneiry of Sigh early works ond the Rreren hos appmen? inthe seardn for Consistency, im a pwe bri limited design senve, the exprémive Yonge vow Mende foward rrrrCS~—r—SC ies Stirling and Willard now part company from Post edert cickés im the serounese wath which thay, drt from sence. Thee “talons Gre vel Platndnons, ba stead see a0 did the Victoviats, fo use history ce ‘ppraprate way wtsing, trditial forts Beet can wh lle Pete contury aeouelvcal freedom Colin 44 Tohm Wison as avgned that acchitectie % bom ef use, and tat iF invents forms. Pra Nealerate way of ite) indting, thab the menage oe wor, el be recegsae an iielhgent wat Sategyty of the. Sli eomerical orgarization and wodeling of the Poon respond to the precise meds of the bulaing in both a fanchional and symbol seme. The gallenes ave tranquil recepacles for works of ort ; the circulahon hao a Sihioed oymdcur' whch 2 conmcta whe vax of the gaetera) avrougewer in which Forms Sa spaces cSemcnahy expan Monae. The a mee cence ike a J vathor lan-key but with @ dyawisn avd freshness of opirit which seek to provide a Civilzed and mpretetions awbience for the Viewing, experience

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