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First Anniversary Souvenir 2005

Information Systems of Nepal Telecom For

Customer Service

Lochan Lal Amatya

Senior Executive Engineer
Computer Department

and MI have been developed and are under imple-

mentation in phased manner.
Although we called computerisation in Nepal
Telecom in the past, it is the information system, which
Introduction to Information Systems of was developed and implemented. There are two defi-
Nepal Telecom nitions of Information System that are commonly used
In Nepal Telecom, use of computer and com- now a days. One definition says "A system that ac-
puter-based systems were started from year 1984. In cepts data resources as input and processes them into
those days we used to say computerization in NTC. information products as output". Another definition
Most of the computerizations were to bring efficiency says "Any organized combination of people, hardware,
in day-to-day operation of telecom businesses like: software, communication networks, and data resources
Line Maintenance, Line installation, Billing, Cash that collects, transforms, and disseminates informa-
Collection etc. Most of these systems have helped to tion in an organization".
increase level of customer satisfaction by providing Nepal Telecom has designed, developed and
them better service although these systems were fo- implemented Information Systems based on second
cused on automation of day-to-day operation. definition. Further implementation of Information Sys-
The computerization activities in NTC com- tems of Nepal Telecom, are more focused on better
menced from the Maintenance Control Center system, customer service. Lets analyse on the enhancement of
Telephone Billing System in X-Based platform and customer service by using different Information Sys-
thereby moved on to ledger & Cash Collection and tems in Nepal Telecom. Some of the systems are in-
Inventory system with information isolated in sepa- troduced as follows:
rate databases. During 1995, the Corporate Database Service Division System
Project (CDB) started to bring about radical change This system is designed to suit one of the core
in overall NTC computerization activities. It mainly activities of Telecom service provider. It facilitates to
focused on simplifying organizational information automate the process of telephone line connection for
infrastructure to integrate all business data in one a customer, right from the registration till the installa-
place. From thereon all of the applications are built tion, maintain the connected lines and keep the plant
on top of that same data model. Computerisation ac- data up-to-date. This system aims to achieve follow-
tivities of NTC is divided into different subsystems to ing goals of Nepal Telecom in regard to customer ser-
solve different areas of operation: Service Division vice:
System (SDS), Human Resource Management Sys- * Single point of contact for customer (One win-
tem (HRMS), Inventory Control System(MI), Finan- dow system).
cial System Division (FSD Billing and Cash Col- * Speed up the new line connection process/sub-
lection)) and General Accounting(GA). Out of those scribers line maintenance.
subsystems, the applications for SDS, FSD, HRMS * Online tracking of telephone maintenance and

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installation process tend relationships in order to simultaneously save
* Efficient time for Customer service money and do a better job of making customers happy.
* Information at each service desk for better cus- We need to take action before its too late by learning
tomer service more about our customers, finding a partner to help
Billing System with the technology, and creating a plan to continu-
This System collect, validate, rate call data, gen- ally improve the system. A seamless system that
erate bills, collect dues and maintain ledger for the all records all customer contacts in a single solution al-
customers registered with Nepal Telecom. Apart from lows customers to effectively help themselves, gives
these, it supports Inter Administrative Accounting i.e. customer-service agents the information they need,
management and accounting of telecom traffic ex- saves money, and improves customer satisfaction. Such
changed between carriers, both domestic and interna- a system could include any tool that provides custom-
tional. It has mainly three core sub modules: 1) Bill ers with online access to information and self-service
Processing, 2) Collection & General Ledger and 3) activities. It could also use interactive voice response
Inter Administration Accounting. This system has fa- to route telephone requests to appropriate agents and
cilitated our customers specifically on following area: provide the agents with the customers information
* Customers can get their monthly statement in before the call arrives.
collection counter on demand. Nepal Telecom in its course of time will make
* Customers can pay their bills in any Nepal its customer loyal in such level that they will say:
Telecom's collection centers. This service is cur- "The employees in Nepal Telecom are always friendly.
rently available in Patan, Thecho, Sundhara, This company goes the extra mile for me.
Naxal and Chabahil counters. This will be ex- The employees sincerely care about my concerns."
tended in all other counters of Kathmandu val- To make this happen, Nepal Telecom is prepar-
ley within this fiscal year and gradually expand ing each of the employee to be active part of various
within other cities. Information Systems mentioned above and new ones.
* Partial payment of invoices. Each of employees of Nepal Telecom will know his
* Advance payment to reduce frequent visits to Information system thoroughly; he will be frequently
counters for payment. updated with information. Each of employees will take
* Single invoice for group of telephones. ownership of customers problem, even if they are not
* Payment through Banks. the cause of. Each of the employees will deal every
customer with respect.
Bill and Enquiry on the Internet
In every business, mistakes happen and custom-
Nepal Telecom customers can down load their
ers get angry, the same will be in Nepal Telecom also.
monthly statements and enquire about telephone num- But when a problem is fixed properly and stays fixed,
bers of a particular customer on the Internet. Custom- customer loyalty actually increases! Nepal Telecom
ers have to browse the web and get shall focus on following activities to solve the prob-
this service. lem and actually build loyalty:
Besides above mentioned services to customers. LISTEN carefully to customer. We need to stop
Nepal Telecom has been using various Information everything we are doing and give the customer 100%
Systems to facilitate better customer service and bring of attention.
efficient operation of telecom services. To name a few EMPATHIZE with customers concerns. Let him
are as follows: know that we sincerely care about his problem even
Telephone Billing System (CBS), MCC and En- if we dont agree with his comments.
quiry, Ledger & Cash Collection, Bill Printing on- APOLOGIZE even if we are not the cause of the
site, GSM Billing and Collection (ABS), Collection problem. When said sincerely, the words Im sorry
through Banks, AM/FM System (Cable Cad), Inven- can diffuse as much as 95% of most peoples anger.
tory Control, Service Division, Complain Handling, RESOLVE the problem. Let the customer know
Plant Data Management. i am on his side and will do everything i can to help
Customer service him get the problem resolved.
Nepal Telecom will explore and use new Infor- NOW is the time to address the problem. The
mation systems to improve customer service and ex- faster a mistake is fixed, the more likely it is that the

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customer will give our company another chance. E-sewa. To provide all these services to our custom-
Above mantra will be in mind of each employee ers, we need to have digitized information about cus-
of Nepal Telecom. Nepal Telecom will open new tomers and services they have used. We should be
channels of interaction between customers. Those proud enough that almost all required information in
channels will be based on Personal contact, Web, Tele- Nepal Telecom are in digital form and they have been
phone, Mobile SMS, Call center, Interactive Voice already intensively used within Nepal Telecom. The
Response, etc. day will be not so far when we will be providing dif-
Conclusion ferent online services to our customers like: Payment
His Majesty of Government is bringing out poli- through Internet, Payment of bills through ATM, In-
cies and programs for better services to citizens using teractive Voice Response (IVR) for 198 service, IVR
Information Technology. To name a few are: Services for Outstanding Payment query, Payment through E-
delivery through the Internet, E-money transaction, money, SMS based information services, etc.

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