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Ticket receipt

Tickets purchased by: Molnar Sandor

Order code: 106458


Automotodrom Brno 4 - 6 August

Item Description Fri Sat Sun Price Quantity Total

GOLD (banked areas BCDEFG) 69 2 138
Total 138

IES - International Events Services, SL | Principe de Vergara 183 28002 Madrid, SPAIN

Please, bear in mind that this is not your ticket. You should receive your electronic tickets (e-tickets) at
least five (5) days before the event. A printed copy of those e-tickets shall need to be shown at the entrance
of the circuit. Under no circumstances INTERNATIONAL EVENTS SERVICES, S.L.U. shall assume any
responsibility if you do not show the aforementioned e-tickets at the entrance of the circuit.

Thank you for your order

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