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CITY OF ALHAMBRA AGENDA ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL ‘SEPTEMBER 25, 2017 MISSION STATEMENT The City of Alhambra is dedicated to responsive, creative leadership ‘and queliy services, ensuring desirable neighbortoods and a ‘supportive. business. environment, while being sensitive to the diversity of our communty. Gateway ‘othe Sa Gabriel Valley VISION STATEMENT. The Gly of Aihambra shall be the premier famiy-oriented and economicaly prosperous community inthe San Gabriel Valley. ‘Actressing the Council: Secion 204210 of the Ahanbra Wunkpl Code esas the procedures for ‘satesing ie Cain Any person wishing to eddess te Coun during the mesg must carpe a Speaker Request Carded suomat tthe Cy Clee ‘nen called upon by the Mayor, pass stp to the pdm and ge your name, adress and organization o ther arty you epesent, an, lan abl ane flea rhe recor. Rema are ited to minus. ‘Al amar shall to dosed othe Counc as Body and note any manbrthorot. No posson, thr than he ‘Counc andthe person having he fo, shall be orm to ante into any decusson, thor decor tauah a ‘membor of ie Gaurd, wibet the permission of te Mayor No cussion shal be asked @ Couelberson exept Atrugh he Mayer Standards of Decorum: Ary person making personal impertinent oF slanderous remarks or who shal bicome Boise wo aresing the Coun shal be fort byte Mayor, bares om the mesg, Enforcement of Decorum: The Chil of Poles or is designee, shal be Sergeant at-Ams of the Count meatngs ‘Tho Sergent Ae sal cary out orders snd ituctens given by ts Mayer fr the pupoae of manning ‘tr and devon atthe Cound mes, Persons Authorized to be Within Rall No person. excop Cy offi. ther reprsonates, and nowspaper ‘porta, shal be pormied whe taralin fon of ha Coal Chaner whut te express concn of te Cure Agenda Trackin Numbere:Allnunbers ete n tld afer th oof ach Agenda em are iy Clerk racking ‘ime are ted fr fang a oserch purposes, AGENDA Regular Meeting ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL City Council Chambers, 114 South Fret Street ‘September 25, 2017 5:30 pam. ROUL CALL: Gaon COUNCIL: Messina, Maloney, Mejia, Ayala, Sham Sm catrrt Yall’ FLAG SALUTE: Led by Vice Mayor Maloney PLEASE NOTE: It is anticipated that the Counell will lose its quorum at 6:45 p.m. due to Conflicting obligations. Accordingly, there are no scheduled public hearings or closed session items an the agence. Additionally, f there aro numerous public speakers for tonight's meeting, the presiding officer of the meoting may need to reduce each ‘speaker's time to ensure all speakers are heard and the meeting is concluded by 6:45 am, pursuant to AMC section 2.04.210(¢). READING OF ORDINANCE TITLES Government Code Section 36934 requires that all ordinances be read in full prior to City Council taking action on the ardinanee. By iting the ordinance tile on the Council agenda, Council may dltermine thatthe ttle has been read Recommended Action: By mation, dtermine that the thle to all ordinances which appear ‘on this publie agenda have been read, and waive futher reading SEREMONIALS 4. COMMENDATION: LARRY STEVENS ~ F2417-3 Mayor Sham and the Alhambra City Counel, on behalf ofthe citizens of Alhambra, wish te commend Lary Stevens, @ distinguished WWII veteran and native Alhambran. Mr Stevens was bor in Alhambra in 1924, and graduated Alhambra High School in 1943. He immediately enlisted inthe Amy Ar Force, and became a B-1/ tai-gunner. While stationed in England, he flew 35 combat missions. AMter the war, he relumed to ‘Alhambra and joined the Alhambra Fire Department in 1955. He continued to serve with the department for 31 years and retired withthe rank of captain. He has been honored ‘oy the Russian government withthe Soviet Air Medal and recenty the government of France has awarded him with the Legion of Honor Medal as.a chevalier (knigh!). This medal was established by Napoleon and honors those who have served France. The City of Alhambra wishes to extend gratitude and admiration to Mr. Stevens for his service, both abroad and at home. Vice Mayor Maloney will present the commendation to Mr, Stevens. CONSENT AGENDA, (Item Nos. 2-11) Allitems listed under the Consent Agenda are considered by the City Council to be routine and ‘wil be enacted by one maton unless a citizen or Counci member requeste otherwise; in wich ‘case, the Item wil be removed for separate consideration 2. HUD 2016-2017 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION REPORT (CAPER) ~ F2MT-84, M2M17-162 Each year, the City of Alhambra is required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to prepare a “Performance Report’ for the CDBG and HOME programs. This report covers the previous fiscal year’s activites and expenditures. The report highlights the accomplishments of the year and the funds expended for each spectic program, Staff requests that the City Council approve the 2016-2017 Consolidated ‘Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) and direct staff to submit the report tothe U.S. Depariment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Recommended Action: City Council approve the 2016-2017 Consolidated Annual Performance ane! Evaluation Report (CAPER) and direct staff to submit the report to HUD. (M2M17-152) PROJECT IDENTIFICATION FOR THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT (OF 2017 (SB1 BEALL) ~ F2M17-17, R2M17-29 The Road Repair and Accountabilly Act slipulates that, prior to recehing RMRA funds in a fiscal year, a city or county must submit to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) a project lst pursuant to an adopted budget. The ist must include for each project: description, location, schedule and useful life. The Road Repair and Accountabilly Act also requires that a city or county submit to the CTC {an annual report of project completion in order to receive RMA funds. Siaf is proposing a Street Rehabilitation Project that includes the following areas: Pine Street, West City Limit to Atlantic Blvd; Olve Avenue, Alhambra Road to Pine Street; Curtis Avent, Alhambra Road to Pine Street, Dos Robles, Alhambra Rosd to Pine Street; Electic Avenue, Alhambra Road to North City Limit, Marguerita Avenue, Alhambra Road to Pine Street; Spruce Street, Curis Avenue to Atiantic Bh; Aimansor Street, Main Street to Huntington Drive; and, Marengo Avenue, Main Street to Valley Blvd Recommencied Action: Cily Council adopt Resolution No, R2M17-39 entilec: Resolition of the City Councl of the City of Alhambra, California amending the fiscal yyeer 2017-2018 Budget {0 incorporate a list of projects funded by SB 1: The Road Repair and Accountability Act, and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councl's action RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO VACATE TEAGARDEN LANE FROM PALM AVENUE TO RAYMOND AVENUE — F2N47-47, R2M17-38, NOM17-116 ‘Staff requests that the City Council adopt a Resolution of intent to vacate Teagarden Lane. The Development Services Department received plans for the development of 2 four-story, 8,500 square foot office at 117 South Raymond Avenue. In order to faciitate the project, a request has been made for the City fo vacale Teagarden Lane between Palm and Raymond Avenues, ‘Teagarden Lane measures 16 feet in width and 400.17 feet in depth. Al potentially aifected utities wal be noted of this public hearing. Any costs associated wih the relocation of any utilities will be bome by the developer. A determination isnot being made at this time; the Resolution of Intent simply initiates the proceedings for the public hearing set for the City Council meeting of Monday, eroner 25, 201 /, at (00 pam, Recommended Action: City Council adopt Resolution No. R2NH17-36 entiled: City Council of the City of Alhambra Resolution of Intention to vacate Teagarden Lane from Palm Avenue to Raymond Avenue ia the Gity of Alhambra, California setting Monday, (October 23, 2017, at 7-00 pm. in the Alhambra City Hall Counci' Chambers, 111 South First Street, as the time and place to duly consider said vacation {Notice No, N2MI7- 116). RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT CLEAN TRUCKS AT THE PORTS OF LOS ANGELES AND LONG BEACH ~ F2M17-16, R2M17-37 ‘The Parts of Los Angeles and Long Beach (the ‘Ports have released a Clean Ar Action Plan (GAAP) that sets zara-emissions targets for 2035, but does not start incentivizing trucks to switch to lower emissions solutions unt 2023. The freight industry, including case! trucks serving the Ports, is responsibe for as much as 40% ofthe air pollution in Souther Califomia. Technology currently exists to make port trucks 90% to 99% cleaner {and othar ities in the San Gabriel Valiey, such as the Cty of Rosemead, have adopted resolutions urging Por Commissioners to accalerate the CAP and start incentivizing {tucks in 2078, rather than 2023, to utlize the most advanced technology avalable to get diesel tnicks off roads and freeways. Therefore, staff requests that the City Counci ‘adopt a resolution to support clean trucks at the Ports, Recommencled Action: City Council adopt Resolution No. R2M17-37 entiled: A Resolution of the Alhambra City Counel in support of clean trucks at the Ports of Los ‘Angelos and Long Beach RECONSIDER THE REJECTION OF BIDS AND AWARD A CONTRACT FOR EXTERIOR PAINTING OF CITY HALL AND CIVIC CENTER LIBRARY BUILDINGS - 247-39, N2M7-00, C2MM7-60, MBNIA7-164 (On August 24, 2017, the City Clerk received 19 bids for the Exterior Painting of City Hall ‘and Civie Center Library Buildings. The bids ranged from $135,000 to $324,000. At the September 11, 2017 City Councl meeting, staff recommended that the City Council Feject the bids because other improvements at Cty Hall came in over budget and thus Fecessitated the need to not move forward with the exterior painting of City Hall, and Fequested to re-bd the exterior painting of the Civic Center Library only. However, ater further review and evaluation of the projects at City Hall, staf has determined that funding is avaiable for tis project. Therefore staf recommends that the City Council reconsider. AMC 2.04,130 authorizes the matter to be reconsidered. "..Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any member of the Caunel rom making or remaking the same or any other motion al a subsequent meeting ofthe Council” Recommended Action: City Councl reconsider the rection of bids for the Exterior Painting of Cy Halland Givle Center Library Bulldngs (N2M17-80) from the Septembor ‘11, 20°7 City Council Meeting, award a contract, subject to final language approval by the City Manager and Cty Atiomey, to Polychrome Construction Inc. i the amount of $135,000 for the Exterior Painting of City Hell and Civic Center Library Buildings; and, rect statu unuealake Ure sieym nevessaty to fnalze the Counci's action. (MEMI7~ 188) ADOPTION OF MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM FOR ALMANSOR PARK FIELD LIGHTING AND IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT & AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR ALMANSOR FIELD LIGHTING PROJECT AND RATIFICATION OF ALMANSOR PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CONTRACT - F2M16-42, C2M17-51, N2M16-188, (c2Mit7-58, MaM17.453 Staff requests that the City Council adopt a Miligated Negative Declaration and [Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Almansor Park Field Lighting and Improvements Project as well as award contract for the Almansor Field Lighting Projet and ratily the Almansor Park Improvements Project contract Recommended Action: City Council take the folowing actions: 1) As a result ofits Consideration of the environmental review for the project, that consists of the Construction of restrooms, basketball courts, open space areas, shade stuctures, planting of new trees, and three @0-foot tal fleld lighting poles atthe southem end of the: Soccer fields, known as the Almansor Park Field Lighting and Improvements Project, located at 600 S. Almansor Street (Project), approve a Mitigaled Negative Deciaration ‘and associated hitigation Monitoring ana Reporting Program pursuant to the California, Environmental Qualty Conti Act (CEQA), and, in addon, hereby find and detemine that said Project will not incivdualy or cumulatively have an adverse effect on wife resources as defined in Section 711-2 of the Fish and Game Code of the State of Calfomia (a de minimis impact, and, dtect staff fo fle a Notice of Determination with the County and undertake any further steps necessary to finalize Counci's action; 2) Ratify the award of contract (C2417-51) to Los Angeles Engineering, as the lowest responsive bidder in the amount of $1,755,944 for the Almansor Park Improvements Project, 3) Award a contact (C2M7-58), subject to the final language approval by the City Manager and City Allomey, to R & M Electrical Contracting, as the lowes! responsive bidder, in the amount of $276,108 forthe Almarsor Field Lighting Project and ‘rect staf to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Council's action, (M2N17-153) CLASS SPECIFICATION: FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST - F2M17-2, M2M17-151 Before a class specification becomes effective, it must be approved by the City Coun ‘An assessment of the existing clase specication by the Human Resources and Fire Departments forthe postion of Fire Protection Specialist has sustained the need for an Update ofthe representative duties and qualification guidelines to more accurately reflect 10. 1. the current dutis and qualificalions ofthe classification. Therefore, staff requests that the City Counell approve the adoption of the class specication forthe positon of Fire Protection Specials. Recommencied Action: ity Council adopt the class specification for the position of Fie Protection Specialist as described in the Assistant City Manager's September 25, 2017 report on fle in the Ofice of the Cty Clerk. (M2M17-154) ‘TREASURER'S REPORT -F2Mt7-4 Recommencied Action: City Council receive and fle as submitted the Treasurer's Report prepared by the Director of Finance forthe month of August, 2017, listing all of the City's investments as of August 31, 2017 PERSONNEL ACTIONS - F2M17-2 Recommencied Action: City Couns ratify the actions ofthe City Manager set forth in that certain Personnel Actions document dated September 25, 2017, showing the various appointments, classifications, salary changes, etc, since the last City Council meeting, DEMANDS -F2N17- Recommended Action: City Council approve as submited Final Check List (185862 thru 186010) in the amount of $744,184.63 for the period ending August 24 2017; Final Check List (186011 thru 186020) in the amount of $33,287.19 for the period ending August 25, 2017; Final Check List (186195 thru 185307) in the amount of $41,978.92 for the period ending August 31, 2017, Schedule of Wire Transfers in the ‘amount of $1,862,254 32 for the period ending August 18, 2017 and Schedule of Wire Transfers in the amount of $2,753, 290.62 for the period ending August 25, 2017; and, Final Check List (186030 thru’ 186194) in the amount of $1,771, 188.51 for the period fending August 31, 2017 CREATION OF NEW PERMANENT FUND: MFASURF M LOGAL RETURN FUNDS — F2M17-17, F2M17-45, O2M17-A724 ‘Section 3.32.010 of the Alhambra Municipal Code creates and establishes the funds and ‘account groups forthe conduct and operation of the municipal fiscal affairs of the City ‘government, including those funds established by the City Charter. The City wil begin to feceive Measure M Local Retum funds from the Los. Angeles County Metropolitan “Transportation Autoriy (MTA) in fiscal year 2017-18. Staff requests creation of this now fund to provide better tracking of monies received and related expenditures to ‘ensure compliance with program requirements. The fund wil be effective forthe fiscal year ending June 20, 2017 ORDINANCE: 13, Recommended Action: Direct the City Attorney o give fist reading by tte ony to the folowing ordinance entitles Ordinance No. O2NH7-4721: An Ordinance of the Alhambra City Council amending Chapter 3,32 of the Alhambra Munispal Code for the purpose of creating a new Permanent Fund pertaining to Measure M sales tax and publi transportation Which ordinance wil return for @ second reading and adoption atthe next Cty Council meeting SECOND READING ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS AND ZONE CHANGE AND RELATED RESOLUTIONS APPROVING A VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, COMMERCIAL PLANNED "DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AS WELL AS A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 1428 SOUTH MARENGO AVENUE ~ F2H10-48, R2MA7-30, R2M17-31, O2M17-4719 Staff requests that the City Council adopt a resolution approving Vesting Tentative “Tract Map No.77413, Residential Planned Development Permit RP-16-16, Commercial Planned Development Permit CP-1618 & Conditional Use Permit CU-16-19; adopt Ordinance No. O2M17-4718 approving Spectic Plan Amendments SPA-16-1 & SPA-16- 2; and Zone Change Z-16-1 and adopt a Resolution approving General Plan ‘Amendment GPA-16-1, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and Milgated 'Nagatve Declaration adjusting the ine between the Multi-Family (R-3) zone distri and the Valley Boulevard Conidor Specific Plan zone cistict, on the subject parca, increasing the area of the land designated Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan from 4176 acres to 2.0 acres, changing the land use designations for the land designated Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan zone from Sub-Regional Commercial (B) and Residential Specie Plan Districts (Specific Plan-SRC(B) and RSP) lo Retall Commercial (C) and Office Professional () (Spectc Plan-RC{C) and OP(B) forthe construction of a 4126 unit 3-story townhome condominium complex, a 2-story 14,600 square fot ‘commons bulking adeltion o an existing 36,000 square foot skilled nursing faciity, a Stony 12,480 sree foot retal hiring andl a 2-story 12,000 square font medical office building for the propased properties on a combined sie area of 11.6 acres which will be divided into 4 parcels located at 1428 South Marengo Avenue in the Cty of Alhambra, Recommencled Action: ily Counell, by one mation, take the folowing actions: A. Direct the Gity Attorney to give second reading by tile only to the following ordinance entitle: Ordinance No. O2M17-4719: An Ordinance of the Alhambra Cty Council adopting Specific Plan Amendments SPA-16-1 and SPA16-2, Zone Change Z-16-1 adjusting the line between the Mut-Famiy (R-3) Zone District and the Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Pian Zone District on the subject parcel (Assessor Parcel Numbers 356-007-003, '5356-007-004, 5356-007-016), increasing the area of the land zoned Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan from 1.76 acres to 2.0 acres, changing the land use designations from Sub-Regional Commercial (8) and Residential Specific Pan (Specific Pian-SRC(B) and RSP) to Retail Commercial (C) and Office Professional (8) (Specific Plan-RC(C) and (OP (B)) for the properties located at 1420 South Merenge Avenuc in the City of Alhamica after which the Counc, by motion, may adopt Ordinance No, O2M17- 4718; and, B. Adopt Resolution No. R2M17-30 entitled: A Resolution of the City ‘Council of the Giy of Alhambra approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map TT 77413, "Residential Planned Development Permit RP-16-16, Commercial Planned Development Permit CP-16-10, and Condtional Use Permit CU-16-15 fo build a 126 Unit condominium complex, 3 414,600 square foot dining and assembly building which would serve an ‘existing shld nursing Taclity and two commercial buldings with total ‘combined area of 30,490 square feet on an approximate land area of 41116 acres located in the VSP (Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Pian) Zone and the F-3 (Multiple Faraly Residential) Zone at the property located at 1428 South Marengo Avenue in the Cty of Alama; and, ©. Adopt Resolution No. R2M17-31 eniled: A Resolution ofthe Alhambra iy Counel approving the Miigation Monitoring and Reporting Program ‘and Mtigated Negative Declaretio, General Plan Amendment GPA-16- 4, adjusting the line botween the High Density Residontial and the Valley Spootie Plan designations of the General Plan Land Use Map for the ‘subject parcels (Assessor Parco! Numbers 5366-007-003, 5350-007- (004, 5356-007-016), increasing tho area of the land zoned Valley Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan from 1.76 acres to 2.0 acres for the property located at 1428 South Marengo Avenue In the City of ‘Nhambra ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (TIME LIMITATION - § MINUTES! ‘Gizens wishing to address the Councll on any matter which is within the subject matter juriseleton of the City Council not an the Agenda may do so at this time. Please state your ame and address clearly for tne record, Please note that while the City Counc values your ‘comments, pursuant! to the Brown Act, the City Counel cannot take action unless the matter ‘appears as an item on a forthcoming agenda, COUNCIL commut INCEMENTS & FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS) F2017-7 Each Councilmember at his discretion may address the Council and public on matters of general information and/or concem, including announcements and future agenda items, ADJOURNMENT: The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Alhamibra Cty Council will be held on Monday, October 9, 2017 at 6:30 pim, in the Alhambra City Hall Council Chambers, 111 ‘South First Street, Alhambra, Calforia. NOTICE ‘Agenda tems: Copies ofthe staff reports or other written documentation relating to the items listed on this agenda are on fle with the City Clerk in Alhambra City Hall, located at 111 South Fist Steet. Alainbra, California, and are available for inspection during regular offec hour, Monday through Friday from 800 a.m. to 5:00 pm. If yoU would lke to sign-up to receive the City Council mesting agenda and staff reports packet, please visit the Ciy's website at su. and you will be abe to submit your email address on the homepage to the subscription service Broadcast of Meeting: live video stream of each Council meeting is avallale through the City’s website, The regular meetings of the Ahamora City Councll are recorded and are broadcast on Charter Channels 3 and 162 at 7:30 pm. on Thursdays and Mondays folowing the meeting. Recordings are also available for viewing by the public on the City of Alhambra’s website, atthe Alhambra Public Library and, upon appointment, inthe Office of the City Cer, ‘Americans with Disabilities Act: if you require special assistance to participate In any City meeting (including assisted listening devices), please contact the Cy Clerk's Ofice (626) 570- 5090. Notfication of at least 72 houre prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessiblly to this meeting, LAUREN MYLES, CMC ‘CITY CLERK City y of Allhan 1bra LARRY STEVENS THE ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL, ON BEHALF OF THE CITIZENS OF ALHAMBRA, HEREBY COMMENDS LARRY STEVENS, A DISTINGUISHED WWII VETERAN AND NATIVE ALHAMBRAN. MR. STEVENS WAS BORN IN ALHAMBRA IN 1924, AND ‘GRADUATED ALHAMBRA HIGH SCHOOL IN 1943. HE IMMEDIATELY ENLISTED IN THE ARMY AIR FORCE, AND BECAME A 8-17 TAIL-GUNNER. WHILE STATIONED IN ENGLAND, HE FLEW 35 COMBAT MISSIONS, AFTER THE WAR, HE RETURNED TO ALHAMBRA AND JOINED THE ALHAMBRA FIRE DEPARTMENT IN 1955. HE CONTINUED TO SERVE WITH THE DEPARTMENT FOR 31 YEARS AND RETIRED WITH ‘THE RANK OF CAPTAIN. HE HAS BEEN HONORED BY THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT WITH THE SOVIET AIR MEDAL AND RECENTLY THE GOVERNMENT OF FRANCE HAS AWARDED HIM WITH THE LEGION OF HONOR MEDAL AS A CHEVALIER (KNIGHT). ‘THIS MEDAL WAS ESTABLISHED BY NAPOLEON AND HONORS THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED FRANCE. THE CITY OF ALHAMBRA WISHES TO EXTEND GRATITUDE AND ADMIRATION TO MIR. STEVENS FOR HIS SERVICE, BOTH ABROAD AND AT HOME. ‘THE ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL MAYOR STEPHEN SHAM VICE MAYOR JEFFREY MALONEY ‘COUNCILMEMBERS: LUIS AYALA aRnaRa MESSING AVI MIA ISSUED THIS 25" DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 20:7 adhe. —HAVOR STEPHEN SHAM CITY OF ALHAMBRA a "AGENDA REPORT tee \GENDA CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: v \ DATE: September 25, 2017 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council SUDMITTED BY: Jessica Binnauiot, Azsatont City amie { SUBJECT: HUD 2016-2017 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION REPORT (CAPER) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the 2016-2017 Consolidated Annual Performance {and Evaluation Report (CAPER) and direct staff to submit the repor to HUD. BACKGROUND: Each year, the City of Alhambrais required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to prepare a "Performance Report for the GDBG and HOME programs. This report covers the previous fiscal year's activities and expenditures. The report highights the accomplishments of the year and the funds expended for each specific program. The City of Alhambra has been success‘ul in meeting, and in some cases exceeding is projected performance goals and objectives as defined in the Consolidated and Annual Action Plans, The CAPER provides for messurable performance against stated performance objectives. Impacts of planned program performance have been exceeded in the Case Management and Housing Rehabiltation programs, (On September 5, 2017, stat presented the draft 2016-2017 Consolidated Annusl Performance and Evaluation Repor to the Housing and Community Development Citizen Advisory Committee, The Committee is recommending approval ofthe 2016-2017 CAPER. ‘The 16-day public review period began September 6, 2017 and concluded September 21, 2017, A Public Notice was published in the Pasadena Star News, La Opinion and Werld News. No Comments were received at the time of this report. The CAPER is due to HUD no later than September 28, 2017 IANCIAL ANALYSIS: None. ATTACHMENTS: None. City of Alhambra FY 2016 - 2017 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report Guly 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017) September 2017 City Manager’s Office 111 South First Street Alhambra, CA 91801 Table of Contents (©R05 - Goals and Outnes 7 ‘©R-10- Rail and nic composton of amis assisted. (©R-45 -Resourees an investments 91.523 (¢R-20- Affordable Housing 91.5208)... (0R-25 - Homeless and thor Special Needs 91 220(4, 91.324 91.520). ‘0R-30 -Puble Housing 81.200; 81.3204). (GR-35-- Other Actions 9 220{)} 91.320} nse neem (OR 40 -Monoring 91.220 nd 91.230... — ‘045 -CD8G 81.520 oe - _ (OR-6D- HOME 91.5206), -Appondbs A: Pubic Partpatin no ae ‘Appendix 8: DIS Rept. nnn en CR-05 - Goals and Outcomes: te jurisdiction has made in carying out its strategic plan adits action plan. 971.520(a) “This could be an overview that includes mor intistves and highlights thet were proposed and cexocited throughout the program ye. “This CAPER for FY 2016-2017 seviews the Citys specific achievements over the lst year ly 1, 2016 through Jane 30, 2017) and an assessment of the progres in implementing the goals aed ttjectives ofthe five-year Conulidated Plan. This CAPER is the second year of implementing the BY 2015 - FY 2019 Consolidated Pla, Puiotiy t Affordable Housing - Housing Rehabilitation Program: Dusing FY 2016-2017, four HOME “anded major echubiltation projects and five CDBG-funded minor rehabilitation projects ‘were completed. In addition, Foor major rehabilitation projects and four minor eebabilitation projects ae under constuction. Priority. 2: First-Time Homebuyer Opportunities - First’Time Homebuyer Program, (ETHMy: Daving FY 2006-2017, to honscholds closed escrow with FTF. downpayenent sssitance, and seven households ware searching for a home. Housing costs for the asisted households meet Section 215 affordable housing requiemests Priority 3: New Affordable Housing Consteuction ~ CHDO: As of July 2017 the City tas = ccumlative CHO disbursement/commitment satio of 24.7 percent, exceeding the eequied 15 percent, In FY 2016-2017 che City tized Housing Asset Fund eo acquire a propery (P10 Beaito) ‘This propery will be eehabilated using HOME CHDO Reserve and Housing Asset Fund and sold to an income- qualified fsetime homebuyer spon completion ofschabiltasion. Priority 4: Code Enforcement Services - Code Enforcement: Overall, 568 code vilations were investigated, of which 399 violations were located in low and moderate income azess. Code cnforcement staff made 649 referrals 1 the Housing Rehabilitation Progen, 6 of which were foe properties in the low and moderate income aces, Peiosiyy 5: Equal Housing Opportunity - Fait Housing Services: In FY 2016-2017, the Housing Rights Center served 364 clients Kom Alhambra. Neady all dient called for genes hhouing services and about nine percet equired nsitance wits hosing diserminaion. Alou si percent of the cents were female heads of household, nine percent were seniors, and eight pereat ‘were petsoas wih disables, Al doce asst were low and inoderate income houtelilds, with 4 percent being extremely low incomes, Priority 6: Community Faclies and Infrastructure - Capital Improvement Planning: The FY 2016-2017 Action Plan did not inlode any inssteuctare improvement projects. Floweve, che FY 2016 2017 Action Plan wit amended in Noveraber 2016 to include 4 aumber of improvement projects 1) Pack Equipment, Lighting, and Impeovemente ($600,000) 2) Almansoe Path Rehabilitation (2.50000) 3) Ceonswalk Safety ($800,000); sod 4) Aleye, Sweets, Sidewalks, and ADA Ramps ($3,800,000). “Te City has completed sever! specifi improvement project, such ss Crosswallat and Valley, mpeovemeats at Almansor Pa and Grzeada Park (funded in FY 2015. 2016), Combined these projects benefited 228,010 (duplicated) low ad moderate income persons Priotty 7: Needed Community and Supportive Services ~ Senior Gase Management: Case management services include: ease management of individual cents, targeting low income ethnic minoctes (Chinese and Hispanic) and disabled seni living alone, and in-home services, tarpeting CAPER 1 mca: 206 017 e720) low income fail ede, In FY 2015-2016, the Case Management program served 143 new cliens, ‘made 1,002 telephone rassurnace clls, and delivered 5,227 meals. In atkltion, the Ciy amended the Action Plan in November 2016 to provide 2 Homeless ‘Outreach Services. Program wing $200,000 CDBG funds, ‘This program outzeached to 29 houneless individuals, ten of them were refered to permanent housing, Priority #: Commercial Rehabilitation and Eeonomie Development - Economic devel in idenified lw priority need; no eeonotnie development activity was funded in FY 2016-2017. Prlotty 9: Planning and Administrative ~ ‘The City wntinoed uy implement loesing and ‘commnity developeseat progeams with CDBG and HOME fonds during FY 2016-2017, Comparison of the proposed versus actual outcomes for each outcome measure submitted ‘with the consolidated plan and explain, if applicable, why progress was not made toward esting goals and objectives. 91520(p) Categories, priory levels, funding sources and amounts, outcomes/objectives, goal outcome indicators, wit of measure, targets, actsl tcomes/ outputs sd percentage completed foreach of the grantees program year goals ‘caPeR 2 ‘Assess how te jurisdiction's use of funds, particulary CDBG, addresses the priorities and specific objectives identified inthe plan, giving special attention to the highest priory activites identified. “The City of Alhambra wns succesful in iplemening is Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Action Phun for FY 20162017. CDBG fands were weed to support the Minor Housiog Rehabiltation program, code enforcement, cave management services, fir housing services, homeless outeeach ervices, and public improvements, All of these project and propeams ate chee completed or 9 ‘zack to meeting the objectives identified ia the Action Pan. HOME fouls wote used in FY 2016-2017 to proce Major Housing Rehabilitation sod Piet Time Homebuyer aesstance. ‘These progratns met their established annsal objectives, with additonal bouteholds inthe proces. caPER ° cs oat 06 087g PI) CR-10 - Racial and Ethnic composition of families assisted Describe the families assisted (cluding the racial and ethnic status of families assisted. Wie 35 + Black or Afican Aran e ° Asin € 2 eran anor Amon Nate - 1 ° ‘atv Hawalen or Othe Pace tander ° 0 Tata 8 e ipane @ 4 Nel Hispanic 8 2 Table = Table of assistanae to acl and etic population By source of fuds Narrative “The Cis Case Management program and Homeless Outreach Services program aze CDBG-fanded sctviies qualiéed under Low and Modems Iocome Limited Clientele (LMC) and msintin ‘emogaphic data on program participants. For the Cate Management program, dbe participant ae ‘eqoaly split among thee groups ~ Asians, Hispaics, and Non-Hispanic Whites, For the Homeless Outreach Services program, about 37 pezceat of the clients were Hispanic, 14 percent Asian, ton percent Blick, snd 39 pereent White ot Other For the HOME-finded Flousing Rehsbilistion Program sod Fist‘Time Homebuyer Assistance Progen, Hspanie persons eepeesent sigh about two-thinds of thse asisted, with the remaining sited person being Asians While the Fair Housing services ate funded under the CDBG Administation Cap (20 percent) and ot requted to repore demopeapic dite the Housing Rights Center lso maintains statics on is clients. Approximately 53 percent of thee cllets are Hispanic, 18 percent Asin, 22 percent White, the percent Blac, acd swo pezcent American Indian/Alaskan, “The race and ethnicity of those benefiting from the City various CDBG- snd HOME funded programs generally reflects the demographics of the Cty a8 a whole ccaPER 1 uct 206 7 e219) CR-15 - Resources and Investments 91.520(a) ene esiurces made avaiable eer) During Program Yeae Arend (0086 Foal -Publ| - 2957, 07384 [HOME Federal - Publ 2,380.57 935042 Table 3 Resins Made vaio Narrative Ding FY 20162017, the City bad avaiable a tot of $814,195 in CDBG allocation and $10,115,251 in expended funda and psogsam income from prior yeas. Specialy, 57,067036.62 ofthe peogram income came from the sale of Fremont Pana. ‘Toa avaiable amount ves $10,930 120.21 ‘The City's HOME program recived an allocation of $354,692 for FY 2016-2017 and 4 program income of 274,697.57, fora tol available amount of 629,389.57. (i rahi dare an ocaton oie land Percrtage of foe id Not Apical rey pie Peet “Table 4 iy the geograpie ismbaon and lcation ofiwestnents| Narative (Other than the Ci’ low and moderate come atea, the City has not established any special get ens for iavestneass ccaPeR 2 Leveraging ‘Explain how federal funds Toveraged addtional resources (private, state and local funds), including 1 description of how matching requirements were satisfied, aswell as how any publicly owed land ‘oF property located within the jurisdiction that were used to address the neds identified in the plan. ‘The City of Allamben has access to Fedetal and local resources to achieve its housing and commonity development prides. Specie finding sources wil be utilized based on the ‘Sppertunitis and constmints of cach penject oe progr In FY 2015-2016, the City recived signicant program income fiom the sale of Fremont Plast. The City utlized CDBG (Section 108 Loaa) funds and redevelopment funds for the constmucion and eebabliation of Fremont Plaza. Due to the dissolution of redevelopment ia California, the Cir is equived to dispose ofthis property. Sale of this property completed in May 2016, Upon ele ofthe property, 29.6 percent of the proceeds (§,067,036.52) was pald back tothe CDBG progr, the zemaining proceeds were shaced among various taxing agencies, inci the Cay of Allambra. The City amended the FY 2016-17 Action Plan to allocate these funds recipted in FY 2015-2016 for public improvement projects and the new Homeless Outreach Services Progam. “The City recived approval from the State to uilize its non CDBG portion of the sales proceeds ($4,684,660) to full its eepayment obligation to the Housing Asset Fund (funds previously otrowed by the City to pay the Supplemental Education Revenat Augmentation Fund SERAF), ‘As of March 2017, the Successor Agency has paid $4,547,356 co the Housing Asset Fund, with the balance of $137,304 to be deposited after Jly 1, 2017. Oven a tox of $5,019,279 wil be available in dhe Housing Asset Pund fr affordable housing the comma. In aiion, the City pesodially pursues other state and federl grants for public improvement project. HOME Match Requirements: Tse City ie eoquzed wo provide «25 pesceat match on all HOME, FFund expenditures except for planning and administration, CHDO operating, CHDO capacity building, snd CHDO project specise expenses when eepayment is waived. ‘The City has an excess HOME match of avee $5 millon from previous years. ‘This excess wil be adequate 10 say the City’s HOME match requirements fo a extended period of time ec 1 sees ath om pr Feral scl year 5354,04805 2. Nich contribs ring curent Federal cal yar 522,112.50, 3 Toa male aval for curot Fora year Uh tps Une 2) ATT. O6215| 4 Mak tly fr caren edo acl your 3,284.00, 5 Esces ah cad oir o nod Fetal scalar Une minus Line 4) UAT TTAB Table = Fiscal Year Summary: HOME atch Report se camo: 226 007m 75, owe mtu rp ToT agains ory Bis Enis nd one sires Ensen ie oer an ala tras HOME pos consis dur he mtn ped os od Cy Pte Cs Total ee ae ispanle Hispanic Dale ‘mount 139479 siaara Numba 2 Sub- Contacts ~ a | Comeacts Dol Amount Nene [ Sub-Contracts _ [ nanber ar Amount [iiiy Oars af Rail Propty dbs arbor ol HOME essa pat cra rv HOME fsa pps ast corns ees Po Pe eee ‘sander ispanle Hispanic Namba Dal Amount Table 9— Minority Ouners of Rental Property CcaPER [sess sina [ere Oneal Tels Teng aad read : rer roa eos Islander __Hispanie re eo ren fee) Number Gos food i Tota “Table 10 Relocation and Real Propary Acquistion CAPER CR-20 - Affordable Housing 91.520(b) [Evaluation oe jursdlcion’ progres in roving afordable housing eudng We nur ad | types of families served the number of exelylnncone, loncome, moderate income, and rmidele-incame persons served. _ ___ ‘Nubor a Homess hous ob poids sllordablehesin nls _ o Nunber of Non-Honles usaf be ode ards housing units 1 "Number of Specal Needs haussiols be fled hang nts ° 0 @ W Table T1- Number of Households ‘Nbr of households suppor though Rena Desltanoe I ‘Number of households supported though The Produsten of New Unis "Number ofhouseholés supported through Rehab of Exsing Unts a ‘Nunbar of houshols spore roigh Poguson of Estng Uns 7 1 2 a it Total “Table 12 umber of ousehoi Supported Discuss the difference between goals and outcomes and problems encountered in meeting these {goals __ ——— : The Gi didnot fan an affordable etal howring prot dug the reporting period. Dung FY 2016-2017, two households closed escrow with FTHB downpayment assistance, ad seven houscholds were searching for a home. Housing cost for the azssted hovseholds meet Section 215 affordable housing requcements “The Cixy receive approval Gans the State w ute iy wwn-CDDG gration of the sles proceeds ($4,684,660) to full is tepsyient obligaion to the Hlowsing Asset Fund (funds previously ‘hotsossed bythe Ci t pay the Supplemental Education Revenue Augmentation Fund (S ‘As of March 2017, the Successor Agency has epaid $4,547,356 co the Housing Asset Fond, with the ‘lance of $137,304 tobe deposited after July 1, 2017. Overall a wal of $5,019,279 wl be available fn the Hossing Aset Fund for affordable housig i the corameniy. In FY 2016-2017, te Cit wine Housing Asset Pond to acquire a propery (910 Benito). The City t $252,662 (wbidy mit for 2 dee bedeoor lit) ip peice yeas? HOME CAPER conse CHIDO funds in addiéon to $32494 of Housing Asset Fands to sebailiste a uit located at 910, Benito Avenue. ‘The two-bedroom/one-bathtoom single-family home will he substantially rehabilitated and expanded «© a three-bodroom/swo-bathroom ome. ‘The uait will be resold through the City’s Fest'Time Homebuyes pogeam. ‘The CHDO Request for Proposal (RFP) was sdecuited and the City received one proposal ~ from Hast LA Commuaity Corporation in the Jvoont of $285,156, ‘The Cli awarded the contact to East LA. Commnity Corporation atthe May 1, 2017 City Connell meeting, Rehabilitation work will proceed in FY 2017-2018, “The County of Los Angeles Community Development Commission Public Housing Authority administers the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program oa bebalt ofthe City of Albambra. As ‘of August 2017, the County Public Housing Avthorty was assisting $83 Alhambra bouseholds with Section & Vouchers. The income levels for the vouchers are 491 extremely low income households, [82 very low incamne hourchold, nine lor income household, asd one household wit income over the limit. The majority (17) ofthe voucher holders ae eldely houscholds and 282 are households thatinelode pessoas with disabiies. “The City does aot identify tamgeted populations when providing affordable housing assistance. The Citys affordable housing progrums aze made available to all persons and households provided the household qualifies anc does not exceed 80 percent of the median income cxitera, Accesiity improvements ate eligible improvements under the City's rehabilitation programs. Oceasionaly, such improvenents ate included ia the aebbilitstion work scopes. Discuss how these outcomes wil impact future annual action plans. “The City’s Housing Rehabilitation Program and First-Time Homebuyer rogram are wellzecived in the community, Rehabilitation is undereay for another eg housing units and seven households have been approred (or FTHB avsstance and are searching for a home. "The City will likely continue these programs inthe fore With accumulated CHDO finds and tional eexeaue from the now CDBG shate of the sl of Fremont Paz, the City wil prsueaddtioasl affordable housing opportunities inthe Faure Include the namber of extremely low-income, lowincome, and moderate-income persons served by ‘each activity where information on income by famly size is required to determine the eligbilly of the activity. Extrema Lowinome (0% AMI 2 1 Lown 6 AM) 1 1 Moora neo (0% A) 2 4 Total 3 s ‘Table 13 - Wun of Parsons Sonved Narrative information “The City’s CDBG-finded Minor Hovsiag Rehabilitation program asiied two extremely low income, one lw incomne, and two moderte income houssholds. For the HOME-fonded Major Housing Rehabiitaion Program, one extzemely low income, one low income, and evo moderate income households were asst. Tn addition, two moderate income households received asistance tinder the City’ Fitst-Time Homebuyer Dovenpayment Acstence program. ‘The City provides CHER 8 cent 8019 O75) sistance to income-quilied applicants ona estinfint- served bass with the exception of urgent ‘needs an! emergency. CAPER 9 neon: 200 9170 9708) CR-25 - Homeless and Other Special Needs 91.220(4, e); 91.320(d, 91.520(0) “Evaluate the jurisdiction's progress in mating Rs specific objectives for reducing and ending homelessness throughs Reaching out to homeless persons (especialy unshetered persons) and assessing thei individual seeds “The Caty parurpaes in the etfowts coordinated by LAHSA to assess the homeless population and their nets in the Cy. In addition, the Alhambss Police Depaetment maintains a resource lst an provides referrals to the homeless. Specify, the Alhambra Police Department has a full-time 40- hhour » week mental health clinician (ftom the County Mental Health Services Department) who tides slog in the Geld with a corpont. The dlncian works with the homeless to place them in peychintre (aciities, help locate thei families, reunite them with family, xeserve them space at Shelter, and connect them with service providers, etc. This service will assist che homeless, including those who ate being discharged from publicly fanded iostiutions and systems of ear, «0 fobjaia more sible housing amangements. ‘The dlincin also assists with any othet mental health fssues in the schools, domestic eal, ete. The City continsea to pastner with the County Mental Health Services Department to assist the homdess in obtising, more pemmanent housing serangements and other supportive seevices, In alti, the Cty amended in PY 2016-2017 Action Pla ie Novernber 2016 to allocate funding fora plot Homeless Outreach Services progam. This program offers the following sexvices (Outreach and engagement of homes individual; Coordinated Entry System (CES) Intake and Assessment (VESPDAT); Linkage to shelter and housing sources through the CES, Relesals to community resources such at medical care, mental heals services; subetance shure eeament and legal aid, amoag others, 4+ Relationship bulging with homeles individuals as well as business owness and patrons of “Alhambra, od + Promote good neighbor policy through skill buldiag with homeless individuals related to proper conduc in ple spaces. ‘With sic moaths of ioplemenation, this propa sisted 29 iadvidals with vious serves. Specifically, 13 persons completed the ite and ascent, five persons towed into Cis Housing, three persons wee tfeted t0 the Housing and Jobs Colaboraives (HC) and ten petona were efeed penmnnent howsing programs ‘aes “Alhambra continues to participate inthe Los Angeles Continzum of Care Strategy as the primary delivery systan of comprehensive and coordinated housing aod services for the homeless. TRE County's regional Contnnum of Cate system includes over 100 agencies that provide emergency, transitional and pesmanent roppottive housing, pha services to address the needs of homeless eons acd enable tension to independent living, In 2014, the City amended the Zosing Ordinance to inckode provisions for emergency shelters, wanstional hovsiog, and suppostive housing, ‘The Cty wil continue to moaitor the effectiveness of these zoning provisions CAPER 10 cu comes: fp 7370) eiping low-income individuals and families avoid becoming iomeless, especially extremely ion- income individuals and familias and those who are: likely to become homoless aftr being discharged from publicly funded institutions and systems of care (such as heath cae faites, ‘mental health facies, foster care and other youth facies, and corrections programs and institutions); and, receiving assistance from public or private agencies that address housing, healt, social services, employment, education or youth needs Homeless prevention services are also avaible citywide through the Fair Housing, program provided by the Housing Rights Center. Fair housing sevice assist those who are at ssk of ‘becoming honneless by improving the tentat/landiord relationship, redacing evictions, and asiting households in finding adequate housing, Other homeless services and facilities are provided by sgencies located throughout the San Gabriel Valley thit help prevent homeessnes. ‘The City Police Depactment partners with the County Mental Health Services Department 10 conduct homeless outzach. ‘The il time mental health icin fom the Couny ides along in the field with a corporal The dlincin works with the homeless, ineloding those being discharge fom. publiely funded institutions and eystems of cae, to place them in sable housing atrangements and ‘help reunite them with fal, and coanect them with service providers, ee Teping homeless persons (especially chronically homeless individuals and families, families wth cilécen, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth) make the transition to permanent housing and independent ving, including shortoning the period of time that individuals and families experience homelessness, facilitating access for homeless individuals and families to affordable housing units, and preventing incviduals and families who were recon homeless from becoming homeless again “Agencies such ae Catholic Chater San Gabriel Region provide services to help people attain self saliency through case management, jab placement, skills assessment, and_ psychological ‘counieling. Olten a vaiey of services ate offered, including low-cost child cee, emezgency vtlty fand other asistane, individual aod family counseling, immigration/refugee services, homeless texvces,welfce to work program, medical nd social services, and mote. ‘The City coatiaues 9 refer residents in need to the appropsite agencies. CAPER 1" cs cane 206 07 708) CR-30 - Public Housing 91.220(h); 91.320() Se ‘tion taken to encourage public housing residents to become more involved in management and participate in homeownership Not applicable “tions taken to provide assistance to troubled PHAS ‘Not applicable CcaPER 2 CR-35 - Other Actions 91.220()-(K); 91.320(0)-() ‘tions taken to reniove or ameliorate the negative effects of public policies that serve as barriers ‘o affordable housing such as land use contos, tax polices aflecting land, zoning ordinances, building codes, fees and charges, growth imitations, and policies affecting the return on residential Investment 91.220 (); 91.320) ‘Market and governmental fctors pore eonruaints to the provision of adequate and affordable housing, These factors tend to disproporionately impact lower and moderate income households

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