(II) Legal Requirements (III) Industry Standards (IV) Application Risk (V) Project Size

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Functional testing is mostly Validation techniques

Branch Coverage Another name for decision coverage

project inputs influence testing? Contractual requirements

(II) Legal requirements(III) Industry standards
(IV) Application risk
(V) Project size

Risk analysis talks about what types of tests must be conducted, what stages of testing are required
and outlines the sequence and timing of tests

Preparing and automating test cases before coding is called Test first approach
B. Test-driven development

Testing Process comprised of Test Plan and Test Cases

B. Test log and Test Status
C. Defect Tracking
Objective of review meeting isTo identify problems with design
B. To solve the problems with design
White Box Testing Same as glass box testing
B. Same as clear box testing
In formal review, Rework: fixing defects found typically done by _________Author
IEEE 829 test plan documentation standard contains all of the following except: test
plan when to stop testing- What is the purpose of test completion criteria in a test plan:

In the MASPAR case study: An error in the code was so obscure that you had to test
the function with almost
every input value to find its two special-case failures.

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