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OGTT means oral glucose tolerance test. It is a laboratory test to diagnose diabetes mellitus.

In this
test glucose is administered to a person orally and blood glucose levels are measured at a regular
intervals and interpretation is done between blood glucose levels with various disorders associated
with carbohydrate metabolism.

Indications of glucose tolerance test:

To detect hyperglycemia - DM
Alimentary glycosuria
To diagnose endocrine disorders
To find out the cause of coma, convulsion, etc.

Importance of OGTT:
1)To find out the ability of the body to metabolize carbohydrate.

2)To detect
Diabetes mellitus
Endocrine dysfunction
Renal glycosuria
Alimentary glycosuria
The individual should te kept fasting for whole night (10-16 hours).
Fasting venous blood for plasma and urine samples are collected.
75gm glucose in 250-300 ml water is given orally
Venous blood and urine samples are collected either at the end of 2 hours or at
1/2 hour intervals for 2-2.5 hours.
plasma glucose on each sample is estimated. Sugar on each urine sample is

Result/Interpretation of OGTT:
1) Normal OGTT Plasma/ serum glucose values in all samples are within nomal range,
no Sugar in urine.

2) Diabetes: (WHO criteria)

Blood glucose Normal mmol/L Diabetes Mellitus (mmol/L)

Fasting 3.9-6.1 (<110) 7.0 ( 126)

2 hours after 75gm load 4.4-7.8 (<140) 11.1 (200)

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