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Diffusion of some Hydrocarbons in Air: a Regularity in the Diffusion

Coefficients of a Homologous Series1

Research Department, Dorv Chemical of Canada, Limited, Sarnia, Ontario
Received March 17, 1971

Diffusion coefficients in air at 298.2 "K and I atm pressure are reported for ethane, ethene, ethyne, cyclo-
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propane, propene, propadiene, propyne, butane, I-butene, 2-methylpropene, cis-2-butene, trans-2-butene,

1,3-butadiene, I-butyne, 2-methylbutane, 2,2-dimethylpropane, cyclopentane, and 1-pentene.
A linear relationship, valid for alkanes and alkenes, has been found between the diffusion coefficient and
the reduced molecular weight of the members of a homologous series and air.
Diffusion coefficients calculated by ten prediction equations were generally lower than those observed.

Les coefficients de diffusion dans l'air a 298.2 "K et sous une pression de une atmosphere sont rapportes
pour l'ethane, Pethene, l'ethyne, le cyclopropane, le propkne, le propadiene, le propyne, le butane, le butene-I,
le methyl-2 propene, le butkne-2 cis, le butine-2 trans, le butadiine-1,3, le butyne-I, le methyl-2 butane, le
dimethyl-2,2 propane, le cyclopentane et le pentine-I.
Une relation lineaire, valable pour les alcanes et les alcenes, existe entre le coefficient de diffusion et la
masse mol6culaire reduite des membres d'une sirie homologue et l'air.
Les coefficients de diffusion, calculCs a partir de dix equations de prediction, sont generalement plus bas
que ceux observes.
Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 50,31(1972)
For personal use only.

Introduction molecular forces, and those aimed at obtaining

Measurements of gaseous diffusion coeffi- data on systems of practical importance. Most
cients are of great value for both theoretical and studies of gaseous diffusion have been frag-
practical reasons. The detailed kinetic theory of mentary and few systematic investigations of
gases relates the diffusion coefficient in a binary related systems have been made. Recent notable
mixture to the intermolecular forces acting exceptions have been the investigations of noble
between the diffusing species (1). In principle, it gas mixtures by Van Heijningen, Harpe, and
is possible to calculate a diffusion coefficient Beenakker (2) and the diffusion of 147 com-
from intermolecular forces. However, knowl- pounds in air by Lugg (3).
edge of intermolecular forces is far from com- In this paper we report the results of a
plete; hence data necessary for this calculation systematic investigation of the diffusion of some
must be obtained from measurements of some hydrocarbons in air. These results have revealed
other property, such as viscosity, which can also a regularity in the diffusion coefficients of a
be related to intermolecular forces. Alternately, homologous series that has apparently not been
data on diffusion coefficients may be used to give previously observed.
information on intermolecular forces (2). The
practical need in engineering design for reason- Experimental
able values of diffusion coefficients has produced The apparatus and experimental techniques have been
a rash of semi-empirical prediction equations. described previously (4, 5). All data were corrected to
Most of these are soundly based on theory, but I atm pressure and 25 "C as before. In an attempt to refine
techniques two possible sources of experimental error were
have been forced to empiricism because of our investigated. Previously it had been considered that the
incomplete knowledge of intermolecular forces. effect of small atmospheric pressure fluctuations would be
Dichotomy of interest has divided diffusion negligible from the point of view of their effect upon the
coefficient measurements into two groups, those magnitude of the diffusion coefficient. However, if the
aimed at gaining greater understanding of inter- atmospheric pressure fell steadily during an experiment the
rate of loss of diffusing gas from the cell would be enhanced,
'Contribution No. 190. due to expansion of the cell contents, and if it rose steadily
'Present address: The International Nickel Company of during an experiment the rate of loss would be lowered, due
Canada Limited, J. Roy Gordon Research Laboratory, to contraction of the cell contents. If this effect were sig-
Sheridan Park, Clarkson, Ontario. nificant, then experiments performed with a steady pressure

TABLE1. Diffusion coefficients a t 298.2 "K

Infrared Diffusion coefficients in cm2 s-'

frequency No. of
Compound (cm-I) data Experimental Calculated
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 09/24/17

cis-2-Bu tene

drop would give diffusion coefficients showing positive cients of the alkenes, ethene, propene, 1-butene,
deviations from the mean of a set and those performed with and 1-pentene, are all higher-than those for the
For personal use only.

a steady pressure increase would show negative deviations.

Statistical analysis of experiments in which these conditions
corresponding alkanes. Propane and n-pentane
obtained showed no such systematic trend in the diffusion were determined previously (5) and have the
coefficients. We therefore conclude that any effect of small values 0.1 144 f 0.0015 and 0.0856 f 0.0035 cm2
systematic atmospheric pressure changes during an experi- s-', respectively. Propadiene and 1,3-butadiene
ment is negligible. have higher diffusion coefficients than the cor-
The frequencies of the i.r. absorption bands used to follow
concentration changes in the diffusion cell lay near the OH responding alkenes. The values for cyclopropane
stretching vibration frequency of water, consequently and cyclopentane are both higher than the re-
changes in atmospheric humidity during an experiment spective straight chain alkanes quoted above.
might effect the results due to changes in atmospheric Lugg (3) reported that the diffusion coefficients
absorbance in the reference beam of the i.r. spectrophotom-
eter used to follow concentration changes in the cell.
of chain isomers of many substituted alkanes
Consequently the relative humidity of the room was mea- was in the order iso > n. This order is observed
sured during experiments. Analysis of results showed no with pentane but not with butane. Beatty (6)
trend in diffusion coefficient with humidity. observed that the binary diffusion coefficient
Materials for the system 2,2-dimethylpropane-pentane
The compounds studied were pure grade (99 mol% or was higher than the self diffusion coefficient of
better) and were obtained from the following sources:
ethane, propene, n-butane, 2-methylpropene, 1-butene, cis-
pentank; consistent with this we find the dif-
2-butene, trans-2-butene, 1,3-butadiene, 2-methylbutane, fusion coefficients in air to be ordered 2,2-
1-pentene, and cyclopentane (95 m o l x ) , Phillips Petroleum dimethylpropane > pentane. We also note a
Company; ethyne, cyclopropane, propadiene, propyne, significant difference between the cis and trans
1-butyne, and 2,2-dimethylpropane, Matheson of Canada, isomers of 2-butene.
Ltd.; ethylene, Imperial Oil, Limited.
Diffusion coefficients were calculated from
the detailed kinetic theory equation (1) as in
Results and Discussion previous work (4, 7) and from nine other pre-
Table 1 gives the mean observed diffusion diction equations using modified versions of the
coefficients in air of the c o m ~ o u n d sstudied computer programmes of Jarvis and Lugg (8).
together with their root-mean-square deviations, The equations used are named in order of de-
the number of data obtained, and the i.r. fre- creasing accuracy of their predictions, together
quency used to follow concentration changes of with the root-mean-square deviations in cm2 s-'
the diffusing gas. Inspection of the data reveals of the predicted from our experimental results:
some systematic trends. The diffusion coeffi- Wilke-Lee (9), f0.0087; Slattery-Bird (lo),
I 33
I f0.0092; the kinetic theory equation (I),
f 0.0105; Chen-Othmer (1 1), f0.0106; Fuller,
Schettler, and Giddings (l2), f0.0122; Hirsch-
felder, Bird, and Spotz (l3), f0.0141; Othmer-
Chen (l4), f 0.0147; Andrussow (15), f 0.0202;
Gilliland (16), f0.0220; and Arnold (17),
k0.0414. In general, all of these equations pre-
dicted diffusion coefficients lower than the
experimental values, and none was completely
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 09/24/17

successful in arranging the diffusion coefficients

of isomers in the correct order. Indeed the
equations of Gilliland (16), Andrussow (1 5), and
Fuller, Schettler, and Giddings (12) are unable
to distinguish between isomers at all!
If good data for its use were available, the
kinetic theory equation should be superior to
the other equations because of its sound theoret-
ical basis. In our calculations we used tabulated
values of the Lennard-Jones potential param-
eters for the hydrocarbons obtained from
I viscosity measurements (I), where available;
where these data were not available they were

I FIG. 1. Linear plots of diffusion coefficient in air at

For personal use only.

estimated from critical properties listed by 25 "C against reduced molecular weight for the diffusion of
Kudchadkar, Alani, and Zwolinski (1 8) by the n-alkanes, Q ; n-alkenes, H ; and n-alkynes, A.The inter-
method of Stiel and Thodos (19). Where critical section of lines for alkanes and alkenes is marked +.
properties were not available they were esti-
mated by standard methods (19). Potential gave good straight lines. A least square fit to the
/ parameters for the mixture were calculated equation :
from those for the pure components as before
(7) using the Hudson-McCoubrey combining
rules (20) and ionization potentials as follows: gave values for the slope m, intercept c, intercept
,I ethane, ethene, ethyne, propene, propadiene,
propyne, 1-butene, 1,3-butadiene, and 1-butyne
on the p axis, correlation coefficients, and
standard deviations of experimental value of 9
from Herzberg (21), butane, 2-methylpropene, from the fitted line listed in Table 2. The
cis-2-butene, trans-2-butene from Bernecker and probability of obtaining these values of the cor-
Long (22), 2-methylbutane, 2,2-dimethylpro- relation coefficients by chance alone is less than
pane, and cyclopentane from Lorquet (23), 0.01, indicating that the data are well represented
cyclopropane from Cermak (24), and 1-pentene by a linear relationship (26). To increase the
from Honig (25). It is probably this estimation number of data used in this calculation we
of data that causes the kinetic theory equal ion included our previous values for methane (4)
to be slightly inferior to the Wilke-Lee and and propane (5) and Lugg's values for hexane
Slattery-Bird equations for the present systems. and octane (3).
In Fig. 1 are plotted the observed diffusion The intercepts of these lines on the reduced
coefficients against the reduced molecular weight molecular weight axis are very close to the mean
of each system, defined by molecular weight of air, 28.967. This is con-
sistent with the limit of p + M A as M H+ a,
and the expectation that 9 + 0 as M H+ co.
Figure 1 shows that the lines for the n-alkanes
and n-alkenes intersect close to the point for
where M A is the mean molecular weight of air methane. This would imply that, as far as dif-
and M H is the molecular weight of the hydro- fusion is concerned, methane can be regarded
carbon. Data for the n-alkanes and n-alkenes as the first member of the alkene series. No

2. Values for least squares fit to eq. 3

p axis Standard Correlation

Hydrocarbon m c intercept deviation coefficients
n-alkanes 0.3344 0.01206 27.73 0.0062 -0.9945
n-alkenes 0.3261 -0.01130 28.85 0.001 -0.9996

linear correlation was observed with the alkynes 2. R. J. J. VAN HEIJNINGEN, J. P. HARPE,and J. J. M.
but our data are insufficient to draw any con- BEENAKKER. Physica, 38, 1 (1968).
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3. G. A. LUGG. Anal. Chem. 40, 1072 (1968).

clusion about the trend of diffusion coefficient 4. M. C o w l ~ a n dH. WATTS. Can. J. Chem. 49,74 (1971).
with reduced molecular weight in this series. 5. R. F. BARRand H . WATTS. J. Chem. Eng. Data. In
The kinetic theory equation can be written in press.
the form 6. J. W. BEATTY. J. Chem. Phys. 51,4673 (1969).
7. H. WATTS. Can. J. Chem. 49,67 (1971).
8. M. W. JARVIS and G. A. LUGG. Report 318, Depart-
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where Tis the absolute temperature and Q(T*) toria, Australia.
9. C. R. WILKEand C. Y. LEE. Ind. Eng. Chem. 47, 1253
is a collision integral at a reduced temperature (1955).
of T* = kT/&,, and el, and a,, are molecular 10. J. C. SLATTERY and R. B. BIRD. A.1.Ch.E. J . 4 , 137
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mann constant. The implications of eqs. 2 and 3
For personal use only.


are that aIz2Q(T*) varies in a systematic, but Ind. Eng. Chem. 58, 19 (1966).
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