Fisica Quantica Solucionario Eisberg Resnick PDF

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Solutions Supplement to Accompany QUANTUM PHYSICS OF ATOMS, MOLECULES, SOLIDS, NUCLEI, AND PARTICLES Second Edition [hale Walrad = vary W.)] 1 vt Robert Eisberg Robert Resnick Prepared by Edward Derringh PREPACE This supplement contains solutions to most of the ore-involved problens in the QUANTUM PHYSICS text; with one exception, solutions to probless in the Appendices are not’ ineiudea. ‘The supplement is directed toward instructors, ant this has influenced the presentation, Kot every algebraic step is exhibited. The units have mot been displayed explicity in every equation. (SI units are adopted in the supplement, mainly because they are briefer than the text notation.) Rules with regard to significant figures have rot been stzictly’ ebserved, although there should be no outlandish violaticns. Use of sysbols ard choice of rotation 4s generally cbrious and therefore not exhaustively defined for each problen, Tt is » pleasure to thank Prof, Richard Shurtleff (Wentuorth Institute of Tectnology) for preparing the solutions to the problems in Chapter 18, Preparation of the supplenent, including choice of probleng, was left to the undersigned, who was also his ow typist and illustrator, He would appreciate a note, of up to moderate asperity, from those who detect’ an error and/or mistake. December 24, 1964 Edvard Derringh 41 Montgomery Drive Plymouth, MA 02360 Chapter One Ceepter Two. Chapter Three . Chapter Four Chapter Five - ERESRRRBeausey eo. GRNPTER OnE: 2 ‘he radiart eneray contained in volume dV that is moving toware Bat any tine, in the frequency Snterval vy vids 48 &,(vidv = o,(vrev 2 av, here {1 is the solid angle subtended at a? by A. With 2 = acoso/e* ond av = rsinbardedy, the eneray becomes a (vidv = 2 a, ividv Asinécossdndsdy. ‘The energy in this frequency interval that crorces A in time t from the entire upper hemisphere is yz t= iin BF an iebeantatytr jel paheo Bpividy = 2 pinay act. Hence the energy that passes through a unit area in unit time from the upper hemispbere is dvidu = Ba tvidv/at = 2 p.(vidve my a oon w a4 2 2 Pe five - wf # heey gy) 89. ‘a e =A, = =. 7M ee, vy FA, ee 5.4509 x 10" we, wy oy ~ 2282 6 5 cany x 194 Be. 5.51 x 10 ‘Therefore, Vgg * HCW, + vy) = 5.46 x 104 ay by = vp - v= 909 x 20 Be, Since gly) = COnbw3, Je?) (ea — 337, mmarically; ering sc? = 1.006 x 107, Tvg/XT = 4.37, av 1 = 78.08, Dp lYyy) = (2-006 x 2079) (78,04)2 = 1,289 x a0), ‘The area of the hole is Re ret 65 x 109)? w 7.654 x 10 ey Bence, finaly, P= KI7.854 x 107°) (2.998 x 20°) (2.289 x 107) (9.9 x 20%, P= 7.51 W. 1s fo) = arnton = anc7 x 10%) L = 3.685 x 10° w, 15.67 x 10%) (5700) §, (b) The mass lost in one year is Bt = (4.096 x 10) (3.156 x 107) = 1.292 x 1027 kg. mee ‘The desired fraction is, then, 292 x 1917 Me = 6.5 210 2.0 x 10°? r= Be ie (a) The solar constant $ is defined by s- mm F = Barth~sun Gistance, L_,. = rate of energy output of the gun. Let R = zedlus of the earth; the rate P at which energy Ampinges on the earth is ote to ots, ‘The average rate, per n’, of arrival of energy at the earth's surface is Pay - 3 #5 ots, 4am’ nn” 338 Win? 2 411353 wn?) = 338 W/m? ® 338 = ot = (5.67 x 10%)n4, = 200K. =f er RO =f with x = he/AkT. Rt 4.965, by Problem 18. Thus, Amant * FO) = 42.403" cen Smmtc?, Now find x such that RO) = 0.2.00)! 2, = 1.882, x, = 10.136. Mmerteally, uo ped = Sete poe ah Ee (2.38 x 10°) (3) = a= 4.798 x 10a, Ay = 4.798 x 1079 1.882 = 2.55 om, -798 x 1079 /20.136 = 0.473 mm. 1-22 By Problom 20, ‘8 that the wavelengths sought mst satisfy 5 L = 1%0n OL, per (he) Sane ¥ doain let x = be/er. In ters of x, the preceding equation becomes ~ xy Solutions are wy - 2.736; x, = 8.080. Since, for Mays x= 4.965, these solutions cive dye LEISe dg = O61 22a Let \" = 200 nm, A" = 400 rms then, 3 ee,” 08 Js ey 2 ee hese"kT . Spermar = = 3-02G°. e 75 (6.628 x 3074) 2.998 230) s5967 x, x10") (0.38 x 10%) 35987/T < = Samat = (3.82) (4)° = 0.1296. 1 Lat x= oP57T, then, pes The photoelectric equation is he = eA + Whe With Vg = 2:85 v For A = 300 rm, and Vy = 0.82 V for 2 = 400 mm, te = 8.891 x 107 + 3 x 107%p, be = 5.255 x 10 + 4 x 10%, +3 x 107 = 5.255 x 10 + 4 x 10 ) fy 7 3-636 x 10779 = 2.27 ev. be = G91 x 107 + (2 x 2077) (3.636 x 107%), he = 19.799 x 10776 Jom, te) ro) 3.636 x 109 = 15.799 x 10°F ng, Xp = 5-445 x 1077 m= 544.5 mm. ra In a magnetic field r= m/oB. 7 P= av = eB = (1.602 x 107) (2.88 x 107, p= 3.012 x 1079 keeva, x10 = 2.05607 wey Aso, e = (0.05637) + co.sin)?, EB = 0.5141 Mev. sence, fa) K mE - Ey = 0.5141 - 0.5110 = 0.0031 Mev. (b) ‘The photon energy 1s Byte = 2 = GEES = 0.0175 wavs My 7 Foy Em 1S - Be = 244 bev, 2 (a) Assuming the process can operate, spply conmervetion of . Riareniney and of memes uae @ | © ——> Sewanee make 4 |4 Beo-p. ese equations taken together imply that P= Kye. ro) But, for an electron, Basted, +e)? = pi? + ‘ pe va? + 20/0. on (m) and (**) can be satisfied tovether enly if Ey # 0, which is not true for an electron. (b) In the Compton effect, a photen is present after the collision; this allows the conservation laws to hold without contradiction. Bad Let n = number of photons per unit volume. In tine t, all Photons initially @ distance < ct will cross area A normal to the beam direction. Thus, ates x= BEBE» BORD ey « EE For two beans of wavelengths 4, and A, with X) Aenea oh mM. Me 2 and therefore ny fat aa he energy density is p = shy = mhe/i. Since this differs fron 1 nly by the factor © (which is the same for both beans), then if 1 "oy, the equation above holds again. mes Set Ky = 20 keV, Ry = 0; K, = electron kinetic energy after the first deceleration; then ee eer te a eo 1 with ad = 0.13 om. Since he = 1.2400 ket-rm, cr these equations become LB 29 yy UBM ny ah wa, +0. Solving yields, fa) K, = 5.720 kev ©) Ay = 0.0868 mz A, = 0.2166 mm, 2-28 mV +n = yc, nit + 6) = amy, c = a a= 4/5. Bence, « iz ‘i Senan, ma Say? ond Bt me™p = dyc?/2, Ry the Doppler shift, EY = BL = 69/1 + 8)} = £/3, bea ah = aye? a Laboratory Frame x at rest e— ame © ©— « eo- Benet = me? + aR, Bie = 300" + nye’ He. Merefore, amg? + x = 307 + mcm’, B= 3a’, so that En aye +*K= a,c. 2 Beng any + mye + Ky E = 2(0.511) + 1 = 2.022 Mev, o P= Efe = 2.022 MeV/c: P, = 07 poke + ayia 2 a? + 210.sun ca) = 1.422 mevie. P = (2.022 ~ 1.422) = 0.600 Mev/er = 9:600, - transferred = $920000) = 29.78. 233 ‘The murber of particles stopped/scattered between distances x and xide 1s dT (x) = cI Gipax. Hence, for a very thick siab that ultinately stops/acatters all the incident particles, the average distance a particle travels is vee AE = DE = UO the limits on all x integrals being x = 0 to x= =. my, = 1.675 x 1077 iar evidently, the particle is a neutron. oad ee, enya ee, GEE) pada? any' =, But K = ev and E, =m,0%, so that 2, Meme = Gas - FEO Hagan, wd W/2e, * evfanyc?. Therefore, a3 zeta ny ayy Oe) renveiaeivisete Linde: evcemye?; att 1+ ev/amye? = 1 t get a= rycen? ne angey* te B 1 38 ne Be He non = pe ne = 6h om oe tye (fer oF Mumerically, ho = (6.26 0 50) 2.998 2 a0" ye) (2.602 x 107 amev) C10 eve” he = 1.2400 x 107? Mees hence, Atm) = = $626 x ws 2.990 2 10 w/e) _ 0.12000 bev s a0 te, 1.602 x 10° Paes ee, # = (0.1240)? + (o.suy? + B= 0.5258 Mev; Ks EB - £) = 0.5258 = 0.5110 = 0.0168 Mev = 14.6 kev. &) p- Slzmo me Sh Fig, = 224 Kat, These are cama-nys, or hard rays. (c) The electron microscope is prefereble: the gamma-rays are difficult to focus, and shielding would be required. 228 fa) Set dx = 10 M. h_ _ 6.626 x 104 Pee a + ti a. 3 p = 2:2120 x10? peeve _ 2.998 x o" m/s _ 9.5868 kev a 1.602 x 10728 s/c s E = Re? + ERS = (0.9868)? + (51107)* = 511.0095 evs K = B~ By = 51100095 - S11 = 0.95 Moric binding energies are on the order of a fes electron wits no that this result is consistent with finding electrons inside ators. th) ox = 10714 5; hence, p= 9-868 Meu/c, fram (a). ee wet oe = once? + ast as.0012 Mes K=E- Ey = 9.8812 - 0.5110 = 9.37 Mev. This is approximately the averace binding eneruy per nucleon, po electrons will tend to escape from nucle! (c) For @ neutron oF proton, p= 9868 MeV/c, from (b). Using $38 MeV es 0 Test enercy, B= (pte? + Ep) * = (9.8687 + 9367) K + = 938.052 Mev; Ey = 936-052 - 936 = 0.052 Mev. Jast result is much less than the average binding enersy nucleon; thus the uncertainty principle is consistent with these particles confined inside nociet. i E (a) Since p, > Cp, and x > tx, for the smallest E use p, = 2p, and x = 6x to cbtain e= due)? + ean? with mare B, the minimum cnergy becomes B= deb? + wou? see tem oat) (b) Set the derivative equal to zero: 2 #--R a ae 30 ~~ seh ae? oe tel” = Gavi Substituting this into the eqression for E hove gives Fain" EEO ~ tiv. ae (a) Let the crack be of zero width and gx = horizental aiming error (1.e., drop point not exactly above crack). This implies an initial horizontal speed v, given by as Bo i= 4s a result of this, the ball lands a horizontal distance x from ‘the release point, given by Bence, the total horizontal distance X from crack to impact point is ears xe ges ESS, ang) Be To mininize, ect gk in (heh, diy "9 + oem Gator. han BAH - OGL ) 16H = 10m, B/G — 1, R~ 0.001 hy, then Ky, = (10 “103)* = 3x 107 m, approninately, ‘Therefore, v a8 8 Put an electron behind each age slit and cheerve any recoll aap 7 due to its collision with 3 a consider an electron oscillating along @ dimeter. When at & distance ¥ from the cantar of the atom, the force on the electzon Fa qa omen’, where 9 = 6/ (47/3) > 0 since the net charge on atcn-electron i +e. Therefore, 2 rege Se ‘This force is attractive: f.e., directed toward the center of the atom. Hence, 2 rem 2 wm orem tages. If the electron revolves in a circular orbit of raitius Ry Pom, 2 2 2 Fe ey 2 Fs wae =o? + wl = S ‘The bo frequencies are seen to be equal. The equality applies also to oscillations of amplitude less than R and clroular orbits of radius less than R, since the charge exterior to the amplitude or radius exerts zero force on the electron for spherically symmetric charge distributions. a (a) Momentum conservation: MW = Mucos® + moosb, Musing = ming. eo— > --- © : . . Kinetic energy conservation: tan? a? + ea, ‘The momentum equations give: muccs} = Miv - ures0) musing = Musin®. Bence, rhv? = woe? - auvesee + u7), he energy equation yields nt = mtv? = 0, Bquating the to expressions for =%7 2 (v? = 2uveoss + u*) = Met? =u, ooo =e Zt - Bz ma +Za+ (Since m 0, a minimum for cost, a maximum for ¢. Substitute this valve of u into the equation for cos® tc get 2-421 ae, =B=cdp< ot > 700 ) v8 oe . - = ‘The maximm force felt by the alpha-particle in passage through ‘the atom cocurs at the aton's surface: =o im” Grey For maximum deflection, suppose this force imparts momentum 4p perpendicular to the original direction of motion: ap = Pat « Ftat) = FA, - ph. on a ‘Then, anticipating a small deflection @, eo aw ” Trey 2c? Ras) For gold, Z = 79; supose K, = 5 Mov; then 719,2 ao?) AOL a2 2 TE aes 20" eat. (ao) (5) (2.602 x 10) 6 = (8.968 x overall deflection 1s about 0.0001 rad also. Only if all the deflections dus to the electrons are in the sme direction could a larger deflection, about 0.01 rad, be obtained. a +12 ty Bys.4-8,9, 2 zte’, : Oo peg? Oe Ram ‘Whe solid angle of the detector is ee = aye = 1.0/(20)? = 10 trad. Alo, n= (6 moclet per an’) (thickness) , pe e002 (297) (2.661 x 1074) Nence, by direct mmerical substitution, a+ 6.7900 x sin" (8/2) ‘The mumber of counts per hour is # = (3600)a% = 0.2405 —L—. sin'e/2 This gives: = 10": # = 4237; ena: bed. 3 n= m= 2, 7.382 x 1074 = Rt6.626 x 10 ne? 2 rary ‘The periods of revolution of electron and proton are equal: ze, Ss. yy fe ‘pe ‘The motion is chout the center of mass of the electromproton system, 20 that ope pbs Ua 12 wae? ave, “2 (a) Frequency of the first line: vy = o/}, = aye - Sh = of the series Limit: v= cf, = (4s - 0}. Frequency Yet y= Bye - 01 marefore, ty w= yy ty. (ml) o 2 by yD . =9. pe aye? 8 O) Fon 2 = NMA, = BE = 26.6 evs K = 26.6 - 10.2 = 16.4 ev. (by Fig, 1 = 13-6 + 16-4 = 30.0 ov. + (a) By nementus conservation, by te, Vunbining this with energy conservation gives 2 try)? BF = vg = by + bi? = bv + HB? = bw # IS tp = te + OO yg Mg, von va + ee, vay = De (b) Since V = CMA, Y= Cpe Aw dg + He ee ed - 4) = 22.089 ev. a Neglecting recoil: dq = age = 102.6 m. 24 With recoil: 19, Bs AE, 5 02.089) 0,602 10) 6.040 x 10°, ‘0 ic* (2) (1.673 x 10*7) (2.998 x 10°)? 2. = 661 am. ‘The kinetic energy of the electron is k= osu mn gig». wien = 0.0400, this Gives K = 409.9 eV, For helium, the second ionization potential from the ground state is 2 2 3.6 8 (13.6) Bn GE aug ae 54.4 ev, Hence, Bp) = S44 + 409.3 = 463.7 o8, a = BS = 2.674 mm, per Ay (a) Bat a -4). Seer Na nestin, 22 2 age yk Bt 9 Rig hse — de: TE Ay = Aggr CER Zeng? + ng=4, Jens2 > n=6. 2s (b) Now take into acouunt the reduced mass ur 28 28 1.2 yy (a07et 2 Miel2)7e ge "a> Teg aa Ae = a 0 ic 4mic Ye a 5 a (e) 5 yt ER BBY ae ETE eal - Zh. Therefore, Mie > Mar po that ew eas Ak Ts Tala = aE? Mal a Hence, compared to the hydrogen Hi Line, the helium 6*4 Line wavelength is a littie shorter. () Since A « yo? (the factor 2 is combined vith Way - Moy to aive equal Values for # and He), Mea ~ te Yite = er Oe Mize es eee: Bh = (4.084 x 1074 (656.3 nm) = 0.268 nm. - +8, ae os My saz ‘The momentum associated with the angle @ is L = Iu. The total energy E is 2 a Bekeke ab. L te indopondent: of 8 for a freely rotating object. Henen, by 26 the Kilson-Somerfeld mule, 6 180 = nh, Lg de = L(2s) = (ZTE) (2m) = nh, RTE) = Mie pe. oe) la) ‘The time-dependent part of the wavefunction is MUCH SABE. oi2avt | ‘Nwrofore, sQ% eam + ve dG Wh) Since E = by = 2eHu, ean. (0) The Limiting x can be found fron vA Acvonting to Frample 5-6, the nomalizing integral is 5 z/C) 4 eye) 25 x we @ Sein 7k i=2'@!) 2 - sin’ " a (zee = x4 ® (aE/O* 0 este + sts ecm, ca problem 5-3(c) provides the Limits on xz the wavefunction is 1a 2 7 wie SH tat mn 2 28 Hence, the desired probability is given by 52 (a) Since 1 = Brook ct, ‘2 SZ prob. = Bene? (ex/a) dx = BloosMoas = $ - 12 = 0.1955, G 16 independant of B. ¥ = Asin(2rx/aye HP, In the grown state, E = Fy (c) The space parts of the weve AY, functions are ¥ Vy = Roos (axsad, 7 Asin (2rx/a). $ceciI lates more rapidly, since with By > Egy Wet Ae * I+ e4y/te?| = BFie,9,| > |= eee les?| = Bie,94L, for most x. ze (a) To nomalize the wavefunction, evaluate 3/2 2 -{ vevdx, J-af2 IY = 0 outside this resion), Wlth ¥ = Asin{2u/a)e HEM, this becomes 2 l= wife ome -ix fustow . lo aad. tb) This equals the valve of A for the ground state wavefunction and, in fact, the normalization constant of all the excited 30 states equals this also, Since all of the space wave functions are simple sines or cosines, this equality is understandable. Se12 The wavefunction ts. v= BYeintem/aye Me, 40/2 EY sin? (aec/ada = 0. af +af2 Seotete Scola, ae oe : sth wah? = 7 i FE we Ot, p= gat. a (a) Problems 5-11 and 5-12 yield . Bw emidy = ye? - athe ¥ sep = tray = emily = he? - Be asa BL (&) In the ground state, soup = (0.288) () = 1.2 f In the first excited state the uncertainties in position and momentum both increase over the ground state values, due to the higher energy of the particle. soe ‘The normalized wavefunction is ee Hc s7 2H gaits 17 ' (#) with B= BW/(c/m. (a) Since the kinetic energy is p?/2n the corresponding operator is g a - (er Fan 2B on ty, 2 2 Fe wa'fa - ean = BGS owe. fo Sinilarly for the potential energy U = yew: 2 Fn LB OO hay « nek fate, cao" 7) =k se foe T= nS Sa Fae. (>) This same relation, U = T = 46, is obeyed by the classical oscillator also. Seis ‘Use the notation er, = + jri= ey = fe Cleerty = afro B+ ne = Op), - implying that (Gp) end (xp), cannot both be real. Also, by integrating by parts, - Op) = iKbery| \ on = ofa. Thus, pl, = Cpe. If Gp), 4s real, this last relation says that (sp), 4s real also, which contradicts the first finding above. Bence (xp), is complex and therefore so is (xp) 2. How try - salen + fpr oe Sp = 40), + Gp) ,} = Gp), + GPE), 5B = Be(xp) so that Chis new ip 45 resi, as desired. = With V = 0, the energy of the photon is E=p. Replacing the eneray £ and moventum p by their operators gives HE - ~iy_ 2, nH - -ie BL Now set ¥(x,t) = pOdT(t) and divide the equation by ¥ to cet wdZ- wel B-x, where K is independent of x and t. Write K = kjie and the two. equations directly above became i se perce Fe -tkor + 7 , Be tey + peck, fence, for the photon, yn etklect) | = fa) Gh} toe curvature of 4 proportional to |V = 8]: here |v 2B] Se targe the function oscillates rapidly in x, and Ubere |v -B| is small it oscillates less rapidly (hence, nodes are close tovether in the former case, farther apart in the latter). In the first state, |V ~ | is just large enoush to turn Overs no notes. The loth state will have 10-1» 9 nodes, leading to an odd function since V is symmetrical about the crisin, The wavefunction decays exponentially wherever W>E, the classically forbidden region. For further discussion, see Buaeple 5-12, which treats the sintlar sinple harmonic vacillator potential. 3s (c) Classically, the probability deneity function P is clven by Peay, 8? the nomaltzation constant. Geray conservation gives vi B= tet tex, the upper sign for 100, Using this, re @ ‘ego. ‘te determine B, uso the nomalizaticn condition Te a Grattsr Je tag) - meee ee ee are given by v=0Qork=V= Sx. Evaluating the integrals cives ?-aretor Particular values are: PIO) = C/Ae PEEVE) = PL-E/C) = =: Lomo) © 207 yee? (d) The graph of the classical density function xeserbles that for the simple harmonic oscillator, the lack of a horizontal ‘tangent at the origin being the main difference an a rough ketch. ee 36 5224 See Probles 5-25. 325 With no amp, the wavefunction will be sinusoidal inside the classical regicn of motion and a decaying exponential cutside. The lowest energy wavefunction will contain no nodes, In the present situation, in the region of the hump the Gapared sath the ne-np case) Is needed cutside the Bamp. foro V~ 0 oo that the curvature is proportional to E. Hence, a larger E is required: that is, the first eigenvalue with bimp is greater than the first eigenvalue withoct the inp. = By essumption, B= 5, + vy, = bump potential energy, ¥ = wavefunction with no bep in potential. The integral is the area under a curve of TUY VS x. Now Vy, = 0 except where it 1s ecual to Vp/10. Clearly the area Will be larger if the bump is located where yHY is relatively large (1.e., in the center for ¥,) than if the bump is placed where YY is amall, i.¢,, at the edge in this case. Evidently then, &, i larger’ for the contered Lrp. o-27 Schrodinger's equation is Sy. Be -weeo. Jn the region in question, = ¥, = constant, E < Vp, so that «By, - ¢ Biv, -H > 0. Bens, a ie the general solution, However, =o, = is yoo) = 0, requiring B= 0, ee, as the wavefunction. xe Since is real, the probability density P is Pewee Neo Recalling that x is measured from the center of the binding region, the suggested eriterion for D gives nb PAEDD oI, 2_n Bath) oR DL oor 2amvy - BY s31 Use the scheme suggested in Problem 5-26: Ea By + sytved, An which and ¥ are eigenvalue and eigenfunction of the lowest thersy state of the Infinite, flee, square well potential. Pros 3 Bemple 59,10 the time-independent. part of ¥ 1s a= hos tena. Fence, f a &, Synod = 2) ene? texyady coe (ex/a ex = —2|cos” rafal, ha 5232 ‘The wavefunctions in question are 9, = Dosim, 2, = Dhsincer(ae eh, with B, = 48). The Linear combination t= ve 1 #6 Normalizing this last gives 1 = femrae, eye + TO eT + Gey te = Since ¥, and ¥, already are nomallze’, agp rye The real pazts of J¥yY,@e and S75¥,Gx each are a [estore - foome = 0. la ‘MRerefore, in order that ¥ be nomalized, it is required that 38 cyef + on68 = 1. 5233 ta) The total enersy ie E = pt/ae + v. But V = 0 in the region of notion, 20 that 2 E Frm = EG, re B= Reyes + gmp zign + eytyee Pyne «By Aiso, by Problem 5-32, /Y¥jc = /¥gY,dx = 0 and therefore FE qqrme + Binge. 2 22 E + egg OS, a* F2 Lt E = ccf, + 030382. (©) Since oct + ey¢$ = 1, E= = cxepe, + cok, = By + cych(B, - By). With 0 < cocg <1, this means that BS Fky Hence, if the particle can be found either in level 1 or 2, making transitions between then, its averase energy, as WOuld be eqected, Lies between the energies of the two levels. 40 5-34 (a). The probability density yey has a time dependence of il: ~ Eth and thorefere the frequency is =, - Bm -—— $e no? 811.67 x 1077) Go)? 42.602 x 10°)” 051 Mes B= 4B, = 8.206 Mev, y = B= 2005), ) ape x 197) me, 4.136 x 107 (b) The froquency of the a ¥ Fhoten is the same as in (a). The hy = 6.204 = 2.051 = 153 Mev. {e) Photens with this = energy lie in the gmme-ray region of the Gare six Mere A = amplitude of incident save, B = amplitude of reflected wave, C = amplitude of the Nangnitted wave. There is ro wave moving in the +x-direction In region I. Also, 1 4 {20 = vy)) ke » © —S- (Qeeimuity of wavefunction and derivative at x = 0 imply A+BEC, KA FRE = KC. ‘These equations may be solved to give the reflection and the Hranmnission amplitudes in terms of the incident amplitude, the results being: k, . pe Bota capen ae a ‘The reflection coefficient R and transmission coefficient T now became wp et oka? a= Ratt Gee CCM, 2 _ Mk, tT = 6 ge . BR GE ae "hese expressions for R and T are the same as those obtained if ‘the incident wave came from the left. a (a) Assuming a wave incident fron the left: region 1: y= neh +e, = amet region 2: y= FEM 6 cel, = Canty, = EA region 3: y= Ce + pe AK, but D = 0 since there exists only a weve moving to the riche in this region. Continuity of the wavefunction at x = 0 and x =a require that: A+B=P+G, aw Pek 4 galt 2 oeihia, ay) Continuity of dy/déx at these same points yields: tk - tk,B = -kP + kG, cau ko 4 colt? = tr, col, av) (2) From (4), A+B-Ger From), +B GES Gate ogthit, roy BoE ecke® KH cell Gass From (ii), Aik, ~ Bik, = -ky(A +B - G) + kG, Alik, + ig) + Bik - ik) = 2k, (ita) From Gv), Aka “aoa + BG) + cx ol a ag — BTR + a cela s TH = cr A, vay Row work with (11a), (ita), (ive). From (Lisa), ooh - Gm BETA, + thy) + Bok, ~ thy)}. Substituting this into (11a) gives AU 9 the /2kade®* + ch - an, /anre™®*) (ity + BEC = i 2K VE + + Hey de RAY o cole, and (tva) becomes AUS + Sh, /2e,)02* ~ Cy ~ 8h, /2e,)0*24) lave) x, + BEG = ty foe te = 05 + eI MY = AC e fers Solve for B in (iib) and substitute into (ivbls if q, @* are detained by Galt ik tel = ty, the result may be written 28 gathse os (co = Big + gee) + Bigels® ~ gee) = 10 at Now solve for C/A, using the definitions of q, q*, such as Fat? = sey Mhgy etc., to obtain “4 Hence, the transmission coefficient is YAO “Hay nde 41 Gy Pegde™™ 2 UaeR Pee Pe gla y = 26 Oy Mig) hq2gh?ch2® — HA)? — eg? - ge?) 7¥7, 2 2 py2y2(h2® 2 ghey? 25-2, T= L6G, VU (1 > Kye) Ce @ EY)? + 160, D7, 2p 2,2 (L + kK) re gn et. 2p, Fizally, os TE kg >> 1, then eM! >> o*!* and the transalssion coefficient hecenes, under these clremstances, za Tor Ee y o Now 0 < E/W) <1 and therefore = sz wea-2i 4, e! —f wEa-% “o “o Since, in fact, it is assumed that k,@ >> 1, ere > 1, 1,57 6-4) “o Yo and therefore, under these conditions, z Ey gta Te16 Bu - Pee. 0 0 weiss ye atkia y peter, region 21 v= PoE 4 comthee, reaton 3: b= oot, Tn these equations, = 3, = -¥95, w= mera ky = Game - 4) (a) Contimaity of the wavefunction at x = 0 and x =a ives At+B=F+S6, peikt® , gothaa . pyle Contimity of dy/éx at x = 0 and x = a gives Byh- DyB- age - ye, Piro - eco - ti 0e9, () These are the seme as the corresponding expressions in Problem 6-5, if in the latter kp is replaced with -ik,. Making this alteration in the expression for T in Problen 6-5 yields for the new tranemission coefficient, a-k t=f- WOM) Using the expressions for i, k, given above reduces this to jist _ gctkeny? ro we ee-D ‘00 ce (a) The opacity of a barrier is proportional to 2,877" and therefore the lower mass perticle (proton) has the higher probability of getting through. (b) With vq = 10 Mev, B= 3 Mev, a = 207M a, At foLtous eat we z ae ‘The required masses ae m, = 16679 #1077 ig, mg # Dye FOr the proton k,8 = 5.803 and, using the approximate fommla, Bp 7 3-26072 (5-803) = 5.06 x 269. Since n= 2n,, 22 noted above, ka = /2(5,802) for the deuteron, 207. Hence, = 2.36072 8-207) 2.5 x a0? a -19,2 ga Pe ox uh Maney? @) B= zor = (19) (2.38 x 1074) 047 8.625 x 10? Mey = 0.002. 138 xT = 2x 10> m; also, MRM EY Se t= oon. (c) Numerically, a= 2c B,-£ as FO - Fy = 0.032; kas wo a ZF 2-1 re (a + Bt = 0-409)" = 0.0073. 0.032 (¢) The actual barrier can be Vv wonsidered as a series of harriers, each of constant height but the heights decreasing with ry hence V,-E diminishes with © ond the probability of he penetration is greater than for ' an equal width barrier of ° constant heicht ¥ge es /; — -—- f#— - — - ——_- — fa) Assuming a wave incident from the left, the wavefunction in the indicated regions will be ee ty pete, pm Pe DEE y olka wa cok, The expressions for the k's are ey = VERE - VIM, i = ACE AL. ‘The equations for the wavefunction are identical with those in Problem 6-5 if in the latter k, is replaced with ik, (rote the different for the k's in the two probiens, however) Using Tlk,.k)) from Problen €-5 and making the change gives AGA a8. tey2; tTefl- . 16g /h,) Bt, 2 5; eltet _ ta Oxyse,)" = (B= V,)/Ex we = 21 sint,-),, and therefore, Altematively, apply the continuity of the wavefunction and of Sts derivative at x= 0 and then at x= a to get A*B=F4G, KA = KBs +k, retke® 4 gelked - gatkie, eee calla = nyoatls, 49 ‘These are four equations for the five amplitudes A,B,F,C, Solving relative to ¢ gives hy k ae = ef 8fcosk,8 - a + weir, Aka, wie = wg = hel anigs, Fre = yet rR) 8Q) k a+b. % gic = yet Belay 4 My ‘The transmission coefficient is T = C*C/AtA. Substitution of the appropriate amplitudes civen yields the sane expression for Tas obtained above. (b) In order that T= 1 it is required that sin’k,a = 0 which in tum requires kati may 2p 3) veee In tems of the particle energy E, this is La won, (c)_ In the region of the weil, that 4s, in region 2, the probability density is gh, = rel 4 one ret ¢ co, Seek, Wye = CES + (1 ~ eos! gla ~ x) hy Ls % ‘evaluated by using the F,G amplitudes found in (a). The oscillatory part of this poobsbility density has a macdsum at * xe a. If Ka = ne, it also has a marine at x= 0. Tis inplies that an integral nunber of halfwavelengths fit above the well; ise., that aan ays but this is equivalent to nm) and = 0.7 eV, B= K + Vp where (6.626 x 104)? 3 a9. x 10) (@ x 107)? (1.6 x wy B= n°(0.588 ev). dt By = 0.588 ov > E, and the cbserved vibration is not the zero-point motion. (b) Clearly then, n >> 1 and therefore Banh = 29a? + n= 28 yer take M = 2000 kg: 2 Why? = 2000) UP gw 10°5, (6.626 x 10°} As an example, 530 The zero-point eneray is By = es = sa cc yma ‘Trerefore, 5 By = 442.085 x 107%) A Sean x 104, 41x10 Fy = 0.051 ev. se ea (2) Using By = 0.051 ev, the Level specing will be SB = tn + Whe = Mo = 0.102 ev = 28), () ‘the energy of the photon = AE = 0.102 ev. (ec) For the photon, E = hoy. But =~ he, Sm Se where w = Classical oscillation frequency. Tus, 713, a2. pass wl) 4. lig, en (6.026 10} * . (é) Photons of this frequency are in the infrared spectrum, A= 12,000 nm. Sz ta) on A= AB a35 mee, gate ay 7 0-498 2. &) Esta’ =$Ba? + B= 0.003. (e) Sine n> ay 0.0490 (6.626 x 107") (0,498) (€) Since an 1, ab hy = 3.32 0, (e) A polynomial of degree n has n nodes; hence, the distance between “bumps” = distance between adjacent rodes = 2A/n = 200.00/0.5 x 1074) = 1.3 x 1079 x 10%, mm ‘The time-dependent equation is Bay. Hp ores Whey eet) = Hey, z)RIE) Let. Putting this into the first equation aives ¢ 2 ee ee a - Eye Cbs PEs TY s veuy cyte = eZ a ax? ay? ae” = assuring that V does not depend on t explicitly. Dividing the ns ‘The ground state energy of a hydrogen Like atom is 2.4 gee Be yt. (ane) 2 58 © ‘The reduced mass is ee He ue en-=—, Mwe*"e © Mme since each rucieus to be considered is surrounded by one electron. The charges and rasses of the nuclei are a oe ae ny = proton mass. The mass relations are approximate. Since 7 5 = 4 follows thet Fy = yt)? = m0 = hgh)? = 0.9995m,5 Ep = uptt)? = wf ~ gebagy) ? = 0.9997; att gabe Ege © Mpg (2) ‘These cive the ratios: B/By 1.0002; F/B, = 4.0025. ced (a) Since Ryy = xe*/780, wiry = (a7e*/ "Aye, P naw 2 mime where dP/ér = 0: 7, Be le - rfayree 4a, r= 0 and r= = yielding minima. fb) Direct oppiication of Bq.7-29 with #1, n ¥ = Sap. {c) There is a lower Minit (sero) to x, but no upper Limits thus! it is expected that F > dey b= 1 gives a 28 (a) The potential enersy and the ground state wave functicn are: v= = even Yoo = wap erae, () In the geound state, B= ae /(ere,) 720. Since ag = Sree /we?, 4 Face ee. (ancy) an" (0) Ae for the kinetic energy, e EsE+0) W-E+t F~ 0. Kev zs (a) For the state with my Song = DE tedaget 8 c088, 2 eg 32eap (4eg) fiPrgar cos" esinbdrdids, 2 oa" co) 24a} (dae) Jy For the Mnits on r,6,4 see Problem 7-8. Now, 0 that ror the states with m, = fi: tren Be Polat maine Aim, and therefore 2 Yan --——# s Fei petedbdb, 4na9 4969) Jo 2 ¢ £ eax. tae 2 ay teen) ‘This is the same as (#) above. Hence, reqariless of the value of Me Vay = (b) In the case of k= 0, san = ba Me engl, giving 2 2ypt/ ye Eyes agree reaay, 2 2 aan * Tap htnagy| (2 ~ 21m Me» - egy) = 28+ (c) These results are expected since, with v« r”>, the average Potential eneray seen by the electron is the seme for al n = 2 states, regardless of i. Thus, the expectation value of an energy Will be the same for these states. wy Rr) must satisfy Bq.7-17: &.28+H0-on-10 +d. ur-x, Boat, Boose ye ‘Substituting these into the radial equation gives nes et? « Reger — vel) Been + wet? Now E is 2 constant independent of r, and V = k/r; thus the to tems in {} ate proportional to ct, x). as x approaches zers, 2 5, 2, Al, pence, {+ 0, and the equation is satisfied. zu (a) To avoid infinities, intagrate radially to a finite limit Rr 1 1 2, p-—t_[w 2nrainedrde = (1 - cose), «m3 ad f= P(z3.5¢) = G.147¥. (b) For this state: 5/2 _-E/ 2a Soyo ~ Weare Eo. SR "ZRRERY) Y ESS of WT eS wees eee AY ae INKS TIN i fo faze Pe a Roti of ated yetei iy 3 aed Spat i; ay ; * on 4 ¢ i 24 bits 66 and therefore FR - H3,0,010,0,0) + (3,2,09463,1,0) + 263,1,040,1,0) + (3,2,008(,2,0) + 2,2,08G,2,1) + 2G,2,2)9G,2,2)). Noe substitute the specific expressions for the various wavefunctions appearing in the shove. La2 tome: 24(3,2,1)*03,2,1) + (3,2,2)*(3,2,2)) = a e001 + 2000%e - aecetoy 2081) Ty 63,2,0)#(3,2,0) = 2,5 rhe 2/8%¢ (300049 - 1%, (81) “a9, Hence, the sum of these tems 1s 2 ,A,-2t/3e0, 3081) 75a, Independent of 64+ = 1 tems: 203,1,0)4@,2,1) + @,2,0)*0,2,0) = an E2272 independent of €,4. Tho & = 0 toms depend on r only. Thus, all tems in JE); have been accounted for and their sun found to be independent of direction, so that ¥G, is spherically symmetric since it depends on r ony. 7216 () Lijop 7 ihlaind $5 + cottons 2, = ghee 2 F/B ag pelt Yanan ~ ane Tae Mretnbe Moa 2a, Ba ey gots BAP tn ‘Therefore, Kxoplar1 ~ Ktdeotesing + coteccs¢) iy, 11 Hgvcnaiaa "HODES (enee + saingye,,., = Heotse' th... (b) This result cannot be put into the form Se,opfai-1 = Faia with © independent of 1, i ‘The operator 1s question is civen by 2 2 . yl 2 ay, © 1h + igh; Fplcine ty aa By By.7-13 this may be written 2 ate ob, = a? - bee? By, mut Bt? & - ooke? B - oat. + oe -3e wire), 2? B era + vy -3e -wre by By.7-17.- Schrodinger's equation Ls We = Hav - Ee. Substituting these last two results into the expression for L?, ives co ny =an+ Dee.

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