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Technology Plan Evaluation: Module 3

Group Members:
Angela Clark
Briana Dunckley
Joy McCook

Georgia Southern University

Fall 2016
Dr. Charles Hodges
Paulding County Technology Plan
Annotated Resources

Anderson, Larry (1994, Spring). Guidebook for an Effective Technology Plan. National Center
for Technology Planning, 2, 16-26. Retrieved from

In this guidebook, there are two different sections that discuss the importance of mission
statements and philosophy of instructional technology. A mission statement and a philosophy are
the foundation to a strong technology plan. The reason being that they explain the who, what,
where, when, and why of instructional technology. The most important of those ws being the
why. When change happens, especially in schools, it can be unsettling for both the students and
the teachers. This guidebook explains why having a strong mission statement and philosophy
from the start will help reassure others that this new library or school is headed in a positive
direction. The guidebook states that the philosophy is important because it establishes the goals
of the future and ultimately brings peace to the present. The mission and vision statement help
show teachers, students, faculty, staff, parents, and the community what is desired and what
intrinsic and extrinsic factors it is going to take to get there. This resource really helped us in
developing our criteria for our rubric on the mission and vision statement area.

DeKalb County School District. (2015). DeKalb County Technology Plan. Retrieved from

Immediately after opening up the DeKalb County Technology Plan, it is apparent this district
takes into account how their school and community feel about the technological initiative.
Administering surveys to students, teachers, staff, and parents is important prior to creating a
technology plan because it allows others to have a voice in the process. If people feel like they
are a part of the creation, they will be more likely to advocate for the creation. For example,
DeKalb County includes feedback delivered in many different formats, bulleted lists, graphs, and
tables. Students, parents, and even the business community were all invited to participate in these
surveys prior to the writing of the technology plan. DeKalb Technology Plan published the
results of questions involving blended learning, 1 to 1 learning, school portals, school website,
communication, and much more. Additionally, with the results DeKalb County received, the plan
then lays out exactly what will be done in the future to ensure the concerns expressed in the
surveys were addressed. By allowing their community and entire school to get involved in this
plan will help the transition in a more technologically competent support system. We used this as
an example to help us better determine what all should be included in a technology plan. It gave
us more resources for us to use on our rubric.

Eller, C. (2016). Savannah Chatham County Public School System Technology Design
Guidelines. Retrieved from

This technology design plan for Savannah Chatham County Public School System describes the
standards, guidelines, and procedures for technology. This plan by Carl Eller describes their
procurement and installation responsibilities, the standards, the details for setting up both the
hardware and software including room design information including a standard classroom, a
computer lab, the media center, administrative areas, welcoming room, common areas, gym,
teacher workroom, cafeteria, and multipurpose rooms. We used this as an example to help us
better determine what all should be included in a technology plan. It gave us more resources for
us to use on our rubric.

Falana, R. (2014). Burke County School System Three-Year Technology Plan. Retrieved from

In this three year technology plan, Rudy Falana describes the Burke County School Systems
vision and mission statement as well as including information about technology access in the
county. He discusses their current reality which includes access to technology, how that
technology is used, their gap analysis, goals, benchmarks, evaluation plan, budget, responsibility
list and their timeline that affects all of these items. He describes their communication and
marketing plans and describes how these plans integrate with other long-term initiatives in the
county. He describes their professional development with technology and their Eighth Grade
Technology Literacy Plan. He concludes with their interoperability and redeployment procedures
as well as their internet safety policy and the acceptable use policy. We used this as an example
to help us better determine what all should be included in a technology plan. It gave us more
resources for us to use on our rubric.

Ganas, S. (2014). Ware County School System Three Year Technology Plan. Retrieved from

In this three year technology plan, Sam Ganas explains the vision for the technology use in the
Ware County School System. He explains the current use of technology by teachers and students,
administrators, as well as how parents use technology. He further explains the school systems
technology readiness and support system. He discusses how the school system communicates
these findings out to all involved parties including stakeholders as well as how they can use
marketing to increase the use of technology. He also discusses how the school system uses
professional development and the funds used to do so. He concludes with their countys
employee and student acceptable use forms and their internet safety policy. We used this as an
example to help us better determine what all should be included in a technology plan. It gave us
more resources for us to use on our rubric.

Georgia Department of Education: Instructional Technology. (2015). Retrieved from

The Division of Instructional Technology at the GaDOE is involved with Georgia schools,
RESA, LEA, and offices of GaDOE to support student achievement. This site includes the
template for technology plans that many Georgia schools have used. Since most schools in
Georgia use this as a template, we felt it was an important resource for us to use as well. The
technology plan is designed to improve education. The Technology Inventory provides
collection of data on schools technology and infrastructure. This inventory fulfills the
requirements for E-Rate program. There is a step-by-step guide to Cybersafety. This includes
policies and agreements for staff, students, and parents and implementation of safety and security

Jackson, Lorrie. (2005, February 23). Retrieved from

The National Education Technology Plan: An Interview with OET Director Susan Patrick
In this insightful interview with Susan Patrick, one of her biggest focuses when developing a
technology plan is that of the leadership department. She is not just talking about administration,
even though she does say administrators are sometimes the farthest behind times and do realize
how far behind they are. However, she expresses the importance in advocating leadership
across the board. When developing a technology plan, think about turning students into teachers
and turning teachers into leaders. With the hierarchy of leadership, everyone will feel
accountable for his or her part. She uses phrases like supporting teachers and empowering
students. Often times when it comes to technology, there is a lack of confidence due to lack of
familiarization with the tech trend or fear of learning something new. Patrick focuses on the
importance of developing leaders and confidence when creating a technology plan. This resource
helped us identify different key roles played by personnel in the technology plan.

Liberty County Technology Department. (2015). Liberty County School System Instructional
Technology Plan for 2015-2016. Retrieved from

The Liberty County School System Instructional Technology Plan was written by the Liberty
County Technology Department. It is a one year plan. They discuss their technology goals and
show how they are organized by the SAMR design which means Substitution, Augmentation,
Modification, and Redefinition. They discuss their professional development plans in three tiers:
1) Professional Development for all teachers on the function of technology, 2) Professional
development that is data driven and often times merged with teaching and learning, and 3)
Professional Development that is targeted towards professional development plans and
individuals who have specific needs. They discuss their plans for media which includes but is
not limited to the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl and student media festivals. They include their
plan for improving student achievement for media literacy and their plan of support for all
teachers using technology. They also describe their innovative digital instruction which includes
iTunes and digital textbooks. We used this as an example to help us better determine what all
should be included in a technology plan. It gave us more resources for us to use on our rubric.

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Six Step Process in Creating a
Technology Plan. Retrieved from

This is about selecting a committee for the technology plan. The six steps include purpose and
scope of the plan, size of the committee, identifying members, developing a format, orienting the
committee and communicating the plan. The technology plan should be embedded in the
districts improvement plan. After the formation of the committee, they will use their expertise in
five areas that consist of student learning, teacher preparation and delivery of instruction, data
management and communication process, resource distribution and technology support. The
selection of individuals for the committee is detailed. The members need to collaborate, able to
make good decisions, show support and be influential in decision making. This site shows the
importance of the committee because the technology plan is important.

Paulding County School District. (2014). Paulding County School District: Three Year
Technology Plan. Retrieved from

This technology plan is the one our group is evaluating using our rubric. It is a three year
technology plan. It is setup describing the vision, the current reality, the gap analysis, and then it
gives goals, strategies, and benchmarks. It also describes it communicating and marketing plan,
professional development, and then they attached their appendices.

Scott, M. (2014). Houston County School System Three Year Technology Plan. Retrieved from

In this three year technology, Dr. Mark Scott discusses the vision and mission statements for
technology in Houston County School System. He discussed their current reality in which he
includes their access to technology and data sources, their actual technology use by students,
teachers, administrators, and parents. He also includes in their current reality the gap analysis.
Then he shows in detail their strategic plan for technology which includes the following goals:
student achievement, student and stakeholder engagement, organizational effectiveness, and
learning and growth. He then describes their communication and marketing goals as well as their
professional development for technology. He concludes with the internet acceptable use policy,
their web pages policy, the internet safety policy, their purchasing policy, their quality control
policy, the cost control policy, the standardization policy, and several other policies concerning
bids and vendors. We used this as an example to help us better determine what all should be
included in a technology plan. It gave us more resources for us to use on our rubric.

See, John. (2001, February). Developing Effective Technology Plans. National Center for
Technology Planning, 19. Retrieved from

Developing Effective Technology Plans explains a key component of a successful school

technology plan: output, not input. Often times when a library or media center creates a plan in
order to initiate a stronger technological presence in the building, the idea is to bring in more
technology. However, that is not the appropriate way of advocating for change. As the article
states, Develop a plan that specifies what you want your students, staff, and administration to be
able to do with technology and let those outcomes determine the types and amount of technology
you will need. By focusing on the output rather than the input, schools and libraries are already
answering the question of why you need technology and not what technology do you need. A
successful and effective technology plan works on molding teachers, students, and faculty into
technological learners and digital innovators. We used this reference to know what is expected
on an effective technology plan.
Technology Plan Rubric Created by Our Group

Scored Component 3- Excellent 2- Adequate 1- Needs Improvement

Introduction The technology plan contains a The technology plan contains a The technology plan does not state
specific, well detailed mission or broad or generalized mission or the mission or vision statement nor
vision statement that includes the vision statement that does not does it include the classroom needs
classroom needs for technology include all the classroom needs for for technology and the impact that
and the impact that technology technology or the full impact that technology has on learning.
has on learning. technology has on learning.

Goals Goals are well written, Goals are vaguely stated without a Goals are incredibly broad without
understandable, and achievable. clear realistic vision. Goals include much direction or focus on
Goals include the following: some of the following but also might achievement.
-A specific action plan in order to have some missing.: Goals lack specific information on
achieve the goal. -A general action plan that will help action plans, deadlines, and student,
-A specific deadline when the move towards a goal. district, and state mission
goal should be met. -A deadline but with no specific date statements.
-Alignment with student, district, or no deadline at all.. -No goals or stated or goals do not
and state visions -Loose alignment with student, realistically express future
district, and state visions. achievements and/or plans.

Professional Professional development Professional development Professional development

Development expectations are clear and level of expectations are rather broad and expectations are not stated and do
technological competency is dont thoroughly explain the not express level of technological
thoroughly and specifically anticipated level of technological competency.
stated. competency. -No explanation is given for how
-Thoroughly explains how -A vague explanation is given for technological skill will be enhanced
teacher and facultys level of how technological skill will be in teacher, faculty, and staff.
technological skill will be enhanced among teachers and staff.
enhanced through various

Assessment of The assessment of all The assessment of all Assessment is incomplete or missing
telecommunication telecommunications and telecommunications and computer altogether on telecommunications
services, hardware, computer equipment is equipment is rather broad and does and assessment on the computer
software, and other comprehensive and contains not contain specific detailed equipment is missing or incomplete
services needed detailed information on the information on the hardware regarding hardware resources,
hardware resources, software, resources, software, software, telecommunication
telecommunication services, and telecommunication services, and services, and other services needed
other services needed and how other services needed and nor does it explain how the existing
the existing technology supports somewhat explains how the existing technology supports the goals. The
the goals. The assessment also technology supports the goals. The assessment also is missing any new
includes any new hardware, assessment also somewhat includes hardware, software,
software, telecommunication any new hardware, software, telecommunication services, or other
services, or other services needed telecommunication services, or services needed to make the
to make the technology support other services needed to make the technology support the goals.
the goals. technology support the goals.
Accessibility of The technology plan thoroughly The technology plan lists the The technology plan does not lists
technology lists the equipment that the equipment that the school already the equipment that the school
resources school already has access to. The has access to in a rather broad already has access to. The
technology plan thoroughly manner.. The technology plan is technology plan does not explain
explains how the technology very general and broad in how the technology equipment
equipment supports the schools explaining how the technology supports the schools objective and
objective as well as the equipment supports the schools is missing the technology being used
technology being used for any objective as well as the technology for any students with disabilities.
students with disabilities. being used for any students with

Maintenance The technology plan thoroughly The technology plan somewhat The technology plan does not
explains how existing and new vaguely explains how existing and explain how existing or new
resources will be maintained, new resources will be maintained, resources will be maintained, who is
who is responsible for the who is responsible for the responsible for the maintenance,
maintenance, as well as any costs maintenance, as well as any costs nor any costs incurred due to the
incurred due to the maintenance. incurred due to the maintenance. maintenance.

Budget Budget including the costs and Budget including some costs and Budget is missing or does not
funding of all items are clear and funding of items are rather broad include costs and funding of items.
specifically stated. Budget and not specifically stated. The Budget does not explain where the
explains where the funding will budget explains vaguely where the funding will come from.
come from as well as detail any funding will come from as well as
grants that can be applied for. detail very generally any grants that
can be applied for.

Ongoing evaluation Evaluation contains specifically Evaluation gives broad Evaluation does not contain
how the effectiveness of generalizations on how the specifically how the effectiveness of
technology purchases are effectiveness of technology technology purchases are measured
measured. purchases are measured. or the evaluation process is missing
all together.
Technology Plan Rubric Used by Our Group to Evaluate Paulding County School Districts
Technology Plan
Scored 3- Excellent 2- Adequate 1- Needs Improvement Reason for Scoring on
Component Paulding Countys
Technology Plan

Introduction The technology plan The technology plan contains a The technology plan does Paulding County has a
contains a specific, well broad or generalized mission not state the mission or very clear and
detailed mission or or vision statement that does vision statement nor does it detailed vision
vision statement that not include all the classroom include the classroom needs statement. They also
includes the classroom needs for technology or the full for technology and the have clearly state the
needs for technology impact that technology has on impact that technology has technology needs for
and the impact that learning. on learning. the district as well as
technology has on stating how the
learning. technology will be
used to improve
student learning.

Goals Goals are well written, Goals are vaguely stated Goals are incredibly broad Paulding County has
understandable, and without a clear realistic vision. without much direction or 5 very detailed, well
achievable. Goals Goals include some of the focus on achievement. explained goals. For
include the following: following but also might have Goals lack specific every goal, they have
-A specific action plan in some missing.: information on action plans, included strategies to
order to achieve the -A general action plan that will deadlines, and student, achieve each goal, a
goal. help move towards a goal. district, and state mission benchmark for each
-A specific deadline -A deadline but with no specific statements. goal, evaluation
when the goal should be date or no deadline at all.. -No goals or stated or goals methods for each
met. -Loose alignment with student, do not realistically express goal, the funding
-Alignment with student, district, and state visions future achievements and/or source and amount
district, and state visions plans. needed for each goal,
and the person
responsible for
making it happen.
However the plan is
missing the deadlines
for each goal.

Professional -Professional -Professional development -Professional development Paulding County has

Development development expectations are rather broad expectations are not stated very clearly defined
expectations are clear and dont thoroughly explain and do not express level of their professional
and level of the anticipated level of technological competency. development plans.
technological technological competency. -No explanation is given for The professional
competency is -A vague explanation is given how technological skill will development is
thoroughly and for how technological skill will be enhanced in teacher, ongoing and PCSD
specifically stated. be enhanced among teachers faculty, and staff. recognizes the
-Thoroughly explains and staff. importance of a
how teacher and continued education
facultys level of and development.
technological skill will However they do not
be enhanced through explain the
various strategies. anticipated level of
competence in their

Assessment The assessment of all The assessment of all Assessment is incomplete or Paulding Countys
of telecommunications and telecommunications and missing altogether on plan describes their
telecommuni computer equipment is computer equipment is rather telecommunications and software and
cation comprehensive and broad and does not contain assessment on the computer hardware being used
services, contains detailed specific detailed information equipment is missing or from data collected
hardware, information on the on the hardware resources, incomplete regarding and how it supports
software, and hardware resources, software, telecommunication hardware resources, their goals as well as
other software, services, and other services software, their communication
services telecommunication needed and somewhat explains telecommunication services, and marketing plans.
needed services, and other how the existing technology and other services needed They also describe
services needed and supports the goals. The nor does it explain how the their gap analysis in
how the existing assessment also somewhat existing technology how their software
technology supports the includes any new hardware, supports the goals. The and hardware still
goals. The assessment software, telecommunication assessment also is missing needs some
also includes any new services, or other services any new hardware, adjustment to meet
hardware, software, needed to make the technology software, all of their goals.
telecommunication support the goals. telecommunication services,
services, or other or other services needed to
services needed to make make the technology
the technology support support the goals.
the goals.

Accessibility The technology plan The technology plan lists the The technology plan does Paulding County
of technology thoroughly lists the equipment that the school not lists the equipment that explains in their gap
resources equipment that the already has access to in a the school already has analysis that closing
school already has rather broad manner.. The access to. The technology the gap for their
access to. The technology plan is very general plan does not explain how students with
technology plan and broad in explaining how the technology equipment disabilities is an
thoroughly explains how the technology equipment supports the schools ongoing goal. They
the technology supports the schools objective objective and is missing the describe their
equipment supports the as well as the technology being technology being used for assistive technology
schools objective as used for any students with any students with program and explain
well as the technology disabilities. disabilities. how it helps to close
being used for any this gap as well as the
students with responsibilities of the
disabilities. Assistive Technology
Lead position.

Maintenance The technology plan The technology plan somewhat The technology plan does Paulding County
thoroughly explains how vaguely explains how existing not explain how existing or explains existing
existing and new and new resources will be new resources will be resources will be
resources will be maintained, who is responsible maintained, who is upgraded or
maintained, who is for the maintenance, as well as responsible for the refreshed through
responsible for the any costs incurred due to the maintenance, nor any costs regular maintenance
maintenance, as well as maintenance. incurred due to the checks. The plan
any costs incurred due maintenance. includes who is
to the maintenance. responsible and the
sources for costs.

Budget Budget including the Budget including some costs Budget is missing or does While PCSD does give
costs and funding of all and funding of items are rather not include costs and rough estimates of
items are clear and broad and not specifically funding of items. Budget budgeting under each
specifically stated. stated. The budget explains does not explain where the goal, the budgets are
Budget explains where vaguely where the funding will funding will come from. broad and vague as
the funding will come come from as well as detail far as funding. Next to
from as well as detail very generally any grants that the proposed budgets
any grants that can be can be applied for. include words like
applied for. estimated or
and/or or to be
determined. These
lackadaisical budget
plans do not offer a
solid economic

Ongoing Evaluation contains Evaluation gives broad Evaluation does not contain The plan does discuss
evaluation specifically how the generalizations on how the specifically how the the evaluation
effectiveness of effectiveness of technology effectiveness of technology methods but does not
technology purchases purchases are measured. purchases are measured or go into specifics of
are measured. the evaluation process is purchasing new
missing all together. technology.

Recommendations for Paulding Countys Technology Plan

We recommend that the Paulding County Technology Department specifically list the deadlines
with specific dates in which they hope to achieve each of their five goals. We understand this a
three year plan and they might not be able to be specific to an exact date but they do need to list
the deadline so they can evaluate where they are each year in trying to accomplish their goals.
Along with their goals and deadlines, it is recommended that Paulding County further specify
and solidify their budgets. Given that the rough estimate of technological costs in this plan is
well over two million dollars, a more thorough description of amounts and funding is needed. In
their professional development, they discuss all the different professional developments that they
offer to the staff but they do not set goals in stating how many will participate and to what level
of competency they will be after receiving the training. In fact, they state in their gap analysis
that a number of teachers do not feel comfortable in using a variety of the different technology
software that they use and offer.

To keep from purchasing items that may not be needed or misused, Paulding County should
include in their plan a specific evaluation method. The method should include if the items will
be used for education purposes and not put on a shelf or for personal use. The evaluation
methods should include surveys, cost breakdowns and stated purposes for technology. Some
specifics can include if the purchases will be used for more than just a few lessons, if the items
could be used in other content areas, and if the maintenance and replacements are costly.

The Paulding County School District receives a 20 out of 24 using our rubric. Overall, the
Paulding County Technology Plan was thorough in what is expected of the school district to
enhance students education through technology.

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