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BIR Ruling DA-065-97 A memorandum of agreement for the construction of a condominium is executed between

Ayala Land and Davao Motors Sales Company. is not subject to DST since it is not in relation to a sale. Also. only
affects certain heirs. The BIR ruled that the disposition was not subject to donors tax since it is in essence a
socialized housing program conducted by the private sector which is encouraged by the government. making them
not liable for Capital Gains Tax. BIR Ruling 145-98 Posadas heirs executed an agreement where in they would
exchange lands in order to get their preferred share in a parcel of land left to them. donors and documentary stamp
taxes. 16.6 million in donors taxes for his donation of parcels of land in favor of his daughter. BIR Ruling 455-93
Repudiation in favor of first-born grandchildren is subject to donors tax because it is not a universal disposition.
Davao requested a ruling if the conveyance of land to the joint venture will be subject to Documentary Stamp Tax. 1

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