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Transdisciplinary Unit

Holy Family Primary School

Wonderful Water
Term 1 2 3 4

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Assessment Evidence
Science Achievement Standard: Georgraphy Achievement Standard:

By the end of Year 2, students describe changes to objects, By the end of Year 2, students describe a person, site and/or event
materials and living things. They identify that certain materials and of significance in the local community and explain why places are
resources have different uses and describe examples of where important to people. They identify how and why the lives of people
science is used in peoples daily lives. have changed over time while others have remained the same.
They recognise that the world is divided into geographic divisions
Students pose and respond to questions about their experiences and that places can be described at different scales.
and predict outcomes of investigations. They use informal Students describe how people in different places are connected to
measurements to make and compare observations. each other and identify factors that influence these connections.
They record and represent observations and communicate ideas in They recognise that places have different meaning for different
a variety of ways. people and why the significant features of places should be

Curriculum Links Curriculum Links

Science Understanding Inquiry and Skills
Earths resources are used in a variety of ways (ACSSU032) Sort and record information and data, including location, in tables
and on plans and labelled maps (ACHASSI036)
Science as a Human Endevaour
People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for Present narratives, information and findings in oral, graphic and
their environment and living things (ACSHE035) written forms using simple terms to denote the passing of time and to
describe direction and location (ACHASSI043)
Science Inquiry Skills
Participate in guided investigations to explore and answer Knowledge and Understanding
questions (ACSIS038) The way the world is represented in geographic divisions and the
Use a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and location of Australia in relation to these divisions (ACHASSK047)
provided tables and through discussion, compare observations with
predictions (ACSIS040)
Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 1

ways (ACSIS042)

Enduring Understandings:
By the end of the unit students can articulate their understandingsnot just know or do. They showcase the main concepts, lines of inquiry
through formative assessment tasks and convey their insights gained through their learning experiences.

Students understand where water comes from, how it travels and why it is an important resource.
Lines of Inquiry
Part B component of ABC Model = teacher directed learning experiences. Part C component of the ABC Model= matrix activities are
available for students to enrich their learning experiences.
As a unit is developed, consideration must be given to how students will develop the enduring understanding. This should be developed
through 3 to 4 lines of inquiry. Elements of the Quality Teaching Framework are evidenced in the articulation of the lines of inquiry.

1. How water moves through our environment and how it gets to our taps?
2. Where is water in our world?
3. Why water is important and how can we conserver it?

How will your students demonstrate their understanding?

Formative Assessment Summative Assessment: In- house showcase

The formative assessment should answer each line of inquiry. These A culmination of formative assessment tasks and matrix activities
become the evidence of the learning undertaken during the term. that demonstrate the students learning over the course of the unit.
They form the framework for the summative assessment. The showcase demonstrates the significance of what the students
have learnt.
1. Students in groups of three work together to develop a
creative display on their given topic (evaporation, 1. Students create a pic collage poster on the conservation of
condensation, precipitation, transpiration and run off). water. Listing why it is important and how we can conserve it
2. Storyboard on how gets to our tap. around school.
3. Students colour and label the world map using the given key.

Further curriculum links

Design and Technologies Media Arts

Design and Technologies Processes and Production skills Create and present media artworks that communicate ideas and
Use materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to stories to an audience (ACAMAM056)
safely make designed solutions (ACTDEP007)

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 2

Use personal preferences to evaluate the success of design ideas,
processes and solutions including their care
for environment(ACTDEP008)

Sequence steps for making designed solutions and working

collaboratively (ACTDEP009)
Hook students in the beginning and hold their attention throughout eg present students with a problem that cant be solved until the end of
the unit.

Students in groups see what happens to different surfaces when they get wet. They use a foam cup and cut holes in the bottom of them.
Students then pour water through their cups and see what happens to the water when it hits different surfaces- pavement, grass, sand,
tanbark, and a steep hill. Students record this information. Fill out page (Resource Sheet 2)
General capabilities Cross-curriculum priorities

Literacy Numeracy ICT Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
Asia and Australias Engagement with Asia
Critical and creative thinking Sustainability
Personal and social capability
Intercultural understanding
Ethical understanding

Learning Engagements
Tuning In (T) Finding Out (F) Sorting Out (S) Going Further (G) Reflecting and
To engage students To assist students to To assist students to To provide taking Action (R)
in learning. gather new process the opportunities for To encourage
information about information to students to pursue students to do
Adjusted Learning
the unit. develop an an area of interest something with or
understanding. more deeply and to about what has
work been learnt.
T F S G R Line of Inquiry 1: How water moves through our environment and how it gets to our taps?
Lesson 2: Thursday 20th July (Mr Stink Excursion 30min)

Students create a poster about all the things they know about water (using their 5 senses: looks like, feels like,
smells like, sounds like, tastes like, or answering where it comes from, where it goes, what it is used for and how we
can use it responsibly create displays).
Lesson 3: Wednesday 26th of July

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 3

Watch the video with the students (30 minutes). Complete the

What You Need

For each group:

Glad bags
Black textas
Coloured blue water (in plastic cups for each student)
Masking tape

Talk About It
Ask children: What happens when water is heated? When it cools?
What To Do

1. Distribute materials. Have kids write their names, draw the sun, clouds
and water on their glad bag.
2. Students then pour in their coloured water and seal the bag tightly.
3. Carefully, they place lids into baggies and seal tightly.
4. Have students choose a window that gets plenty of sun (where kids can observe bags easily). Help them
tape bags to the inside of the window. Students splash around their water in their bags for a bit. Students
write down a prediction of what will happen to their water in their science journals.
5. Leave bags in the sun for most of the day. Near the end of the day, have the kids observe the bags. What
do they see? (Read the information sheet to explain to students)
6. Students review their prediction and write a sentence recapping one thing they learnt about the water
cycle today.
Next Stop
Ask students: What might have happened if we had left the baggies open? (Water would evaporate into the air
in room)

Show students the poster on TDRIVE of the water cycle- DO NOT GO TOO MUCH INTO DEPTH ABOUT EACH AREA
Lesson 4: Thursday 27th of July

Students are placed in groups of four and given an area of the water cycle: run off and ground water,
evaporation,condensation and precipitation. Discuss with students they are going to research and develop a

poster on the water cycle. Ask them some things we will need to know about each area (when this does happen
in the water cycle (before and after what) and what happens during this time to the water. Introduce students to
their science journals.

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 4

Step one- Locating Resources (Where I can find resources poster)

Tell students you have a wondering question about water: How does frost form?
Asks student where can I get information on frost from? (library or the computer).
Tell students you will use the library to find this information.
Where in the library could I find information?
Show students the resources you have got on frost from the library (some stories and some information).
Ask students what resources I should be taking notes from and why? (information texts only because they
present fact).
Students write down their topic and questions about their topic in their science journals (on different
pages) and note down what resources they would like to use to gather information (books and ipad
Tell students that next week they will be visiting the library to take notes on their topic. Remind them that
no copying should be allowed.

Lesson 5: Tuesday 1st of August ( Half CLASSROOM and half LIBRARY Lesson)

Step two- Gathering and Organising information (what information is important poster and how can I organise
my information poster)


Revisit what students will be doing this lesson: they will be gathering information on their topic related to their
Model to students: I have collected these books on frost and am finding out how frost forms.
Tell students that you want to take only keywords from the texts first- reminding them that I am looking at
how frost forms ask students what are somethings I need to know? what is frost? What does frost look and
feel like? What was frost before it became frost? What steps does frost go through to become frost? Write
these on the board.
Students develop questions for each page in their science journal that relates to their topic, this is where
the corresponding keywords will go. For example: what happens to water in this part of the water cycle.
Read the text on the TDRIVE with the students- highlighting the keywords and recording these in the
relevant sections. KEEP THESE FOR NEXT LESON.


Students will have sticky notes and their science journals.

Remind students where to find information. I will give you a bunch of websites they can access.
Students record keywords in science journals under relevant headings.
my keywords have been written, ask the students if I am finished or what I should do next? Make notes

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 5

into sentence keywords. Students will do this tomorrow.

Lesson 6: Wednesday 2nd of August

Step three- Organising information CTD

Model using your keywords from previous lesson how to use keywords from texts to make sentences using
your own words (place these in dots points in no real order).
Students work with their group to make sentences using their keywords.
Review your sentences with the students and ask them if some information is needed (take out
unnecessary information), is there more information required?
Students review their sentences to ensure they are well written.
Ask students if you are done and what step you need to take next- hopefully they will say organise your
Lead students to understand that information needs to be structured logically so readers can easily
understand what you are telling them.
Using your information ask students what sentence sounds like a beginning sentence and re-format your
sentences into a paragraph about how frost forms.
Students then have time to structure their sentences made from their library lesson into a paragraph.

Lesson 7: Wednesday 9th of August

Step four- organising and presenting my information

Students have time to re-read their writing to ensure it flows and makes sense.
Reflect on your poster on how frost forms, by asking the children these questions: does the information
makes sense? Do I understand the information? Is there something that can be added or taken away?

Groups swap work and comment on the paragraphs written: does the information makes sense? Do I
understand the information? Is there something that can be added or taken away?
Students are given time to edit their paragraphs.
Students are asked what I can add to my poster on how frost forms that help readers further understand.
They then design their posters for their water cycle display. Remind them that diagrams and pictures can
be included to enhance their displays.

Lesson 8: Thursday 10th of August

Students continue to work on their posters (FA 1)

Students are given time to reflect on their work as a group some questions they can answer: do we work
well together? Could we have used our time better? What did we enjoy doing? What do we need to
work on?

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 6

Lesson 9: Wednesday 16th of August

Materials needed: a bucket of coloured water, 6 foam cups, 6 plastic containers, sand from the sandpit (students
collect, Landforms anchor chart.
Ask students what happens to rain once it hits the ground. Accept all answers and record them on the
Students are now going to explore how water travels. Students are placed in groups of 3 or 4- they need
coloured water, a foam cup and container.
Student go out and collect some sand in their container.

They make a hill in the container using sand and create various channels. Students then pour the water
down the hill like rain falling from the sky. Students record how the water travels by drawing a diagram in
their science journals.
Discuss with students that the sand is like the land surface, it represents hills in the landscape.
The coloured water represents the rain. When the rain falls from the sky some of soaks into the land, dries
up or runs off because the water makes rivers, streams, pools, swamps and lakes (refer to anchor chart).
Ask students to how we could stop the water from travelling down the hill. Discuss with students how we
stop water in our world; build land up, put in dams in make a river, use drains or sewers ect.

Lesson 10: Thursday 17th of August (Brittany and Vanessa out for ECT day)

Incursion- Icon Water (45 min lesson)

Visit the website to explain how water travels
to our taps.

Lesson 11: Wednesday 23rd August

Materials needed: 6 plastic bottles (cut in half), cotton balls, rocks and sand (from our environment) and 6 plastic
Ask students how they think water gets to our taps record answers on the board.
Discuss with students that water goes through various steps to get to our taps and it comes from the sky.
Ask students if they think the water that falls from our sky is clean and something they would drink? Discuss
with students that our not only comes from our taps but our rivers as well. Ask the question is the water in
our river clean and something they would drink?
Students in groups of 3 or 4 are given a plastic cup and asked to make their water as dirty as possible
using our environment.
Students are asked to work as a group to find a way to make their water clean using the materials listed
above. Come together as a class and share ideas.

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 7

As a class complete the following experiment: (
o Place the top half (with the spout) of the bottle into the bottom half.
o Push the cotton balls to the spout of the bottle to make the first layer.
o Place sand as the next layer and rocks at the top.
o Then pour the dirty water on the rocks and it should come out the spout and into the bottom half
of the bottle clean.
Students write a sentence explaining what happened to the dirty water and why they think that
Revisit the question how does water get to our taps? Record answers.

Lesson 12: Thursday 24th of August

Revisit how water travels to our taps information (go through each stage briefly)
Students create an artistic storyboard of how water gets to our taps. Students must include all steps and
ensure their design is easy to understand and follow (see page of 30 of Resource book for design) (FA 2)

Lesson 13: Wednesday 30th of August

Students continue to work on their assessment items.

Students partner up with their friend and gain feedback on their designs- one positive and one negative
Display works around the room.

T F S G R Line of Inquiry 2: Where is water in our world?

Lesson 14: Thursday 31st of August

Materials needed: blank colouring in sheet world map, world map (physical display), lap books, planet colouring
in sheet and Australia PPT.

- Ask students to draw and colour in the world map. NO NEED TO CORRECT THEM.
- Ask a few students to share why they have coloured in certain areas of their map different colours? Why
are there different shapes on the map and what do they represent?
- Now display the world map on the board.
- Watch youtube clip:
- Discuss with students what a continent is a large land mass, ocean great big bodies of water and seas
they are smaller than oceans.
- Refer back to the world map go through with students.
- Go through Australia (PowerPoint slides with students) Use as displays.
- Introduce students to My World Lapbook (TDRIVE) No need for country/city/home (street will be school)

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 8

- Students have time to colour our planet.

Lesson 15: Wednesday 6th of September

Remove world display map. Materials needed: other pages of lapbooks, Australia PPT, blank colouring in page of
world map.

Student continue on their lap books until finalised.

Refer back to slideshow and students complete the challenge on the last slide (FA 3).

T F S G R Line of Inquiry 3: How can we conserve water?

Lesson 16: Thursday 7th September

Ask students to think about what their parents do for work and how they might use water- record answers.
Add in: Plumbers, hairdressers, chefs, firefighters and fishers.
Discuss that water can be used in a variety ways for a variety of different reasons. Tell students that we will
be having a visitor coming into school to tell us how they use water in their job.
Students come up with some questions to ask this person about how they use and manage water-
avoiding yes or no type questions:

What is your job?
How much water do you use?
What do you use water for at work?
Do you have to do anything special to the water before using it?
Could you do your job without water?
How do you use water responsibly?


Lesson 17: Wednesday 13th September

Discuss why some people use more water than others record answers. Bring up the scenario Jenny has 10
people in her family in her family and Meg only has 4. Students write down why they think Jennys family
uses more water than Megs.
Share some ideas and discuss that more people have to shower, eat and drink.
Students are asked how Jennys family can save more water- record answers.
Watch and add in some more ways students can save
Students come up with one reason why water is so important and record this in their journals.
Some students share their ideas.
Watch (Water- Who needs it? California DWR)
Reflect on what on the video and record other ideas about the importance of water.

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 9

Lesson 18: Thursday 14th of September

Materials needed: Class set of iPads, BOOK and persuasive writing template.

Students are told that they will be creating a poster using the PicCollage application on the iPads.
Discuss the aim of their poster: to persuade their viewer into doing something.
Read .. (persuasive writing book) and discuss with students what language is used. Make it clear that
strong ideas are presented and not weak sentences like I think that or I like this.

Students are given the Persuasive Writing Template on TDRIVE. They start to plan out what their poster will
look like.
Students are placed in groups of three and a small lesson on how to use PicCollage on the iPads is run.

Lesson 19: Wednesday 20th of September

Students complete their posters and submit them via Seesaw (SA 1)
Print off that afternoon for lesson tomorrow.

Lesson 20: Thursday 21st of September

Students will post their posters around the school and view other students posters. They will reflect on their
designs and information.


- Water Works- Stage One (Primary Connections)

- Magic School Bus
- Water Filtration Experiment
- ACT Water Supply Map
- Continents Song
- Ways we can save water
- Why water is important
- Pic Collage Application

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 10

Formative Assessment Rubric 1- Inquiry Research Project
Note taking skills The students used The students have The students have Students have located Students have located
(Individually) information from a variety located a variety of located relevant some resources about resources about their
of sources to record a resources and recorded resources about their their topic. However topic. However, have
variety of keywords several keywords topic and recorded found it challenging to been unable to record
relating to their topic. connected to the keywords into the correct record this information important information
These keywords have sections of their science sections of their science into the correct sections from the resources
been organised journals. journals. of their science journals. provided.
appropriately in their
science journals.
Organising information The students have used The students have made The students have taken The students have used The students have used
(Individually) their keywords to create a logical and informative their keywords and made their keywords and made their keywords to create
a clear paragraph that paragraph that allows the them into an informative them into a paragraph. sentences. However have
allows the audience to audience to understand and structured However their paragraph been unable to put these
fully understand their their part of the water paragraph. The does not flow and sentences together to
area of the wter cycle. cycle. paragraph has a clear provides little information make a logical
Extra information has also beginning and end. about their topic. paragraph.
been included.
Final Design The students have The students have The students created a The students created a The students found it
(Whole group) created a well layouted presented their imaginative and basic poster that uses challenging to present
poster which presents information in a clear and structured poster that some imagery. However their information clearly
their information clearly to creative way. They have uses some imagery to the layout of information on a poster. They have
the audience. They have included extra things to help the audience gain a and imagery makes it included some extra to
included extra things to enhance the readers further understanding of difficult for the reader to their information.
add to the quality of their understanding of their their area. understand the topic. However it hasnt added
presentation. topic. to the quality of the

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 11

Formative Assessment Rubric 2- Storyboards
Sequence Students have completed Students understand Students understands the Students have some Students were unable to
extra research and have water travels to get to sequence in which water understanding of how sequence how water
clear understanding of our taps they clearly must travel to get to our water travels to our taps. travels to our taps.
how water travels to our understand the taps.
taps. sequence.
Imagery Students used detailed Students used clear, Students used clear Students provide some Students were unable to
and realistic images of labelled drawings of drawings of each section clear and correct images provide clear drawings of
each section of our water each section of our water of our water supply of how water travels in Canberras water supply
supply system. supply system. system. our Canberra Region. system.
Information Students were able to Students were able to Students were able to
describe what was describe what was describe what was
happening in each happening in each happening in each
image using all of the image using most of the image using some of the
correct terms. correct terms. correct terms.

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 12

Formative Assessment Rubric 3- Using a World Map

Identifying locations on a Students were able to Students labelled the Students were able to Students were able to Students were able to
map locate and label the seven continents, the locate and label the locate and label the locate and label Australia
seven continents, all three oceans and seas seven continents of the seven continents of the on the world map.
oceans and seas that that surround Australia. world, the three oceans world.
surround Australia, the They are able to identify and seesthat surround
equator line, the north one other thing listed. Australia.
and south poles and the
northern and southern

Year 2 Transdisciplinary Unit Term 3, 2017 13

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