Wavefront Phenomenon Ischemic: The of Cell Death

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The Wavefront Phenomenon of Ischemic Cell Death

1. Myocardial Infarct Size vs Duration of Coronary Occlusion in Dogs


SUMMARY Irreversible ischemic myocardial cell injury develops occlusion, irreversible injury progressed as a wavefront toward the
in an increasing number of cells as the duration of coronary occlu- subepicardium. Transmural necrosis was 38 4% after 40 mi,
sion is prolonged. The present study quantitates myocardial necrosis 57 7% after 3 hours, 71 7% after 6 hours and 85 2% after 24
produced by 40 minutes, 3 hours, or 6 hours of temporary circumflex hours of ischemic injury. These results document the presence
coronary occlusion (CO) followed by 2 to 4 days of reperfusion, or by of a subepicardial zone of ischemic but viable myocardium
24 or 96 hours of permanent circumflex ligation In pentobarbital which is available for pharmacologic or surgical salvage for at
anesthetized open chest dogs. After 40 minutes of ischemia, myocyte least three and perhaps six hours following circumflex occlusion
necrosis was subendocardial but with increasing duration of coronary in the dog.

IN RECENT YEARS, there has been much interest in the with intravenous sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/kg), un-
idea that it is possible to salvage acutely ischemic, but still derwent endotracheal intubation, and was ventilated with a
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reversibly injured, myocardium, by either pharmacologic or Harvard 1063 respirator. Sterile instruments, sponges and
surgical intervention.1 S This concept is based on the belief drapes were used during the surgical procedure. A catheter
that not all cells die simultaneously in an area of acute myo- was placed in the right femoral artery via its saphenous
cardial infarction in man. The evidence supporting this branch to monitor blood pressure. Lead II of the standard
belief is largely intuitive but is suggested by a variety of per- ECG and peripheral blood pressure were recorded on a
manent and temporary coronary artery occlusion ex- Brush model 440 recorder at standard intervals throughout
periments in dogs. Although subendocardial necrosis results the experimental procedure. The left chest was opened
from even a brief period (20-40 min) of temporary coronary through the fourth intercostal space. The lung was retracted
occlusion, much of the subepicardial myocardium survives if and the pericardium was opened. The circumflex artery was
blood flow is restored.10' 11 Temporary occlusion studies isolated 10-15 mm from the aorta and one #I silk suture was
employing a variety of models and techniques, have gener- placed around it.
ally supported the idea that salvageable myocardium is pres- Three groups of dogs underwent temporary left cir-
ent for 2-3 hours after coronary artery occlusion.3' 10, 12-19 cumflex coronary artery occlusion followed by two-four
On the other hand, permanent occlusion of the vessel days of reperfusion: Group 1: 40 minute occlusions; Group
for 24 or more hours causes necrosis which is essentially 2: three hour occlusions; and Group 3: six hour occlusions.
transmural.3 These observations indicate that not all cells in In these dogs, occlusion was produced by pulling both ends
the ischemic myocardium die simultaneously and that, in the of the suture through a small glass tube and fastening the
dog, ischemic cells in the mid- or subepicardial myo- suture ends with the tips of a mosquito hemostat, thereby
cardium are available for salvage for a period of hours. kinking the artery within the end of the tube. In two groups,
The present study was done to assess the progression of occlusion was permanent (Group 4: 24 hours; Group 5: 96
cell death during acute myocardial ischemic injury in dogs hours) and was produced by double ligation of the artery.
and to determine the amount of ischemic but viable myo- Subsequent to reperfusion in groups 1-3 and subsequent
cardium available for salvage at various times following to ligation in groups 4 and 5, incisions were closed, air was
occlusion of a major coronary artery. The results show that removed from the chest and dogs were allowed to recover
irreversible injury develops at variable times. A wave of cell from anesthesia.
death begins in the subendocardial myocardium and pro-
gresses toward the subepicardial myocardium. The sub- Determination of Extent of Necrosis
endocardial myocardium dies early, while many cells in the
subepicardial myocardium survive for up to six hours After the appropriate period of occlusion with or without
following coronary occlusion. These results provide an reperfusion, each dog was re-anesthetized, the chest
anatomic baseline in dogs for evaluating pharmacologic or reopened and the heart excised. The circumflex artery was
surgical attempts to modify infarct size. opened to establish the point of occlusion and ensure that
arterial thrombi had not developed in the reperfused groups.
Materials and Methods The left ventricle was opened and three transmural slices
were cut longitudinally through the posterior papillary mus-
Mongrel dogs weighing 9-20 kg were assigned to one of cle which is centrally located within the area made ischemic
five groups as described below. Each dog was anesthetized by circumflex coronary artery occlusion.20 The slices were
photographed and fixed in 10% phosphate buffered formalin
From the Department of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, for preparation of histologic sections. Myocardial necrosis
Durham, North Carolina, and Northwestern University Medical School,
Chicago, Illinois. was identified in sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin
Supported in part by NIH contracts NOI-HV-52999 and 72-2984 and by (H&E) and was quantitated from photographic enlarge-
grants HL-18833 and HE-08729. ments of the sections stained with Heidenhain's variant of
Address for reprints: Keith A. Reimer, M.D., Department of Pathology,
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710. Mallory's connective tissue stain (CT) (fig. 1). (The latter
Received February 24, 1977; revision accepted June 2, 1977. stain accentuates contraction bands and cytoplasmic
WAVEFRONT OF MYOCARDIAL NECROSIS/Reimer," Lowe, Rasmussen, Jennings 787

FiGuRE 2. A transmural Slice throt4h the poster-wr papillary

FiGu;tE 1. ArOotive prinit qf a hi'stolbgic seciion stained with musek jivrn a dog sacrificed thme dM qfter a 40 min occlusion.
Heidenhain's wrtoant Qf Udibry's connective t0sue-stain (CT-) to
i 77he yetlbw ama in the subendocaidial zone (top qf phologrqph) U*
demonstrate the technique qfquantitating nec?MU. no section was necrotic. Focal hypererni and emormW can be seen in e center
Qf ihe necrotic area. ne outer two thir& qfthie wall is Wable m3v-
preparedjivm a transmura! sike iqf heart cut 16"Itudinally ihmugh cardium which was isehemic bui was sWvoged 4 reperfitsion,
the posten'or papillary mtack. ne nogatiw print %w made by Prow
jeciin the histologic sectibn ftom a photogrVhk enlarvr onto
black and whiie photographic pqper. ne neerotic arem out. (especially 3) subepicardial myocardium. Siiben-
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were in group
Uhed, withjrequent mkrosc QPe ver.ftcatjon, One tmcedphotogtqph do cardial hemorrhage was prominent. in addifim, there
I i

jivm each qf three serial sikeslheari %w phoiocVied and the were often small, pale gray foci, usually in the center of the
necrotic and viable areas on the cppi'es were cut out and we
I muscle, which grossly appeared to contain no
0 ve mfl nec Pwis vms calculated ias I h e p emen t qf myorardiiim ih th e blood (fig. 4). These pale gray fbc'i, sur un
three immmuml sections qf liqpiltaq muscle. 7he ittlitret M this y
section, ohlainedjivm a dog sacrificeiijbur dq)s qftep a three hour
hemorfhage. were present in two of eight dogs with three
hour occlusions and in six of eight dogs with six hour
ternporary occlusion, sho%i three zones: a morphologically weflw
preserved ceniral core f C),, a hemorrhqg1c midibhe (Ikht siatning in occlusions.
this negatlw print) ^ and a pemhemi necrotic zone with t'htael Micro opj ttle hemorrhage or inflammatory
vusilukiturv (P.). Ae laiter zone showw extmtve phagocytosis of
necrotic cdh and eariy rqiair. nt's is a relatively krge three hour
imant but vtabk musek is present in a patehy dbtribution within
the outer vmU qf ihe sectibn.

granularity which are prominent features of necrosis es4.

pecially fbllowing temporary coronary occlusion.) Necrosis

was expressed as the overall percentage fbr the three

transtriural slices cut from each hearL Statist'ical corn.
parison between groups was done Using the Student's ncn.
paired r4est.

Gross and Microscopic Fiestures 6f iscbemic ligury
70.nvorary Oceiiistiolu
Necrosis was observed 'in every dog fbilowing either tetn-i
porary or permanent coronary; occlusion, F flowing 40 mih
of temporary tircumflex occlusion, necrosis occurred
throughout the region supplied by .the circum ex artery but
typically was restricted to the subendocardial myo ard'
Longitudinal sections through the posterior papillary muscle
(which is in the approximate center of the rcgion supplied by
the circumflex artery) always demonstrated subendocardial
necrosis i(fig. 2). MicrosCo 4cally necrotic myocytes ShOWM
loss of nutlei and ftequently showed promment myofibr'illar
contraction bands (fig. 3)i By two days an acute inflamma"
tory response was present and by three to fbur days; .the
nrocess of 6haeocvtogis and rienair had beeun around the

| |~~~~~~~~~~~cular
|S dam;age and resultant hemorr:hag aro0uid these cen:
i2| M _ 2 ~~~~~~~~~~tr4l
ggE pale fiocl suggested1 t;hat mVicrovasc:ular perftsion was
and thle myocrardi um Nvithin these smal:l foci mlost
t | | | |--
g ct~~~~~~~dosely reEsembled 0myocEardium underg oing autoyi:35s 1:n the
||g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~absenc'*
| | of pert'ilsion.-8io Myo4cyte>s isho 0x Wely spate

ss sStiailons indica:ting Myria;r:axatXia:Dluc

Q | s 8 B l 2 el~~~~~~~~w ch were very Nintly sataine but 8:til apipeare to bie::in-
; | |i g i l _ i1n the he;morthagitc miadz:one (fig8: 5b;) necrofil: myo
gZ i
4| ~~~~~~cytes showewd nt(3flb-ri l'ar contractionlbands, increased
cytoplasmic tgran:ularity, and n:ucletar karyol:ysiis.
FiGuRt 4. 7)nsnuml sike throt4 ihe pwitenior pqpft:mw- in the4 s:ubepicardial mysicardi:um, necrosis wAas occa
CiEeobtained t" d@ fer a tihre hour ;temora occls4b ne Sionally conflu:ent bu:tt- pically 1island necrWotie myocytes
inenertwothiris f he 4fs necmii; bt tth;e outrthWqthe"U wereintersperse W:th slands oftVible eci ofe sen4d
(bottofm0 ptb m4Z0:sZ4 ytetnnt to small penetrating ariteSn's HemortbaS w0as A t@t
:Honorhge s m mnent in ihe subeVndoaa regiton b tdos nt but te p;rocesses ofiS nflSaffm:fion a:nd repai'r haLd begsun,
etenint themidnWo<tiuStXAsmipakSctentmicoreipreset 4
:::: ::
jiibewan o h'rgt fth hade edfa. Vdb"ol at s:uggesting thaSt the vasSculaturle wasS pree:rver 'in this; zone.Ll
g thetpxfhheartrgt 0theitiu At0he nontoelded0

InN:rcts produced by permanent coronary o Wlusions w;ere

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response w;as observed w.ithin th central pa;le aredas buSt th?ey simiElar In many re:spect2s to tose reul0tin em sl h:rS of
were always surrtounded by hetmorrhage aLnd an infltrate of Itempo0rary cortonary ofccluslion but ditred acording to their
segmetedi nuttrophiis (figt 5a). Necrtic arterioles ob- age at sacrifice.0 At bot;h 24 (fig. 60) ahd 96 ;(fig. 7) hour0s; t;hree
structed by swoellenl endothelial cells Were ft^equent. Thie vas distinct zonles coul be: identified, The Sube: ocardi:al myo-lO
WAVEFRONT OF MYOCARDIAL NECROSISIReimer, Lowe, Rasmiusen, Jennings 789

Traosinural Progression of ischemic Cell Deaffi

Summartzing the morphologic observations, m oca ial
infArcts showed three distinct zones of necrosis I
devdloped uentially wi"th increasing durAtion of coronary
occlustom These were 1) a central zone 'in whl&h hemorrhage
and ammation were absento 2) an hemorrhagic midzone&
and 3) a peri eral nonhemorrhagic zone in which inflam-
mation, hagocytosis and infhret repair occurred rtiat' 1*
These zones and the transmural progression of ischernic
imury w'joth respect to dur a t on of occlus'ton are summarized

FIGURE 6A Dwwmurdl slice ihmWh ih- e posrehbr pqpilkiry mta. diagrammatically in figure 9. Irreversi le hijury of ruyo.
ek jivm dbg sacrificed 4fter a 24 hour pomanetit 14ation q/* the
cytes was typically subendoiardial at 40 min whereas sub.
etnumflex anerv,, Necro! 4w muvck iy not as cleat.y deniareated epicardial myocardium was presaved by re-establishing
gr=4 iivm vta bk mwck a! iht's time. Rowver &is tologic blood flow at this time. As the ischernic period was
anabdis sho" that necmsts iv pmeni throooout the trunsmuml
prolonged, irreversi'ble im'ury moved progress'ively toward

seciibn eweptjbr a thin sub.pkardiW Hm of vidble niusek .arwhw). the subepicardial mvocardiurn and b 24 hours necrosis
d y

ne iql4ret Los chamctert'zed Oy a sti6endocardial cenlwl core, a cenw tvplcaliy was transmaral. Microvascular injury as
tmi hemomhogic zone and a per#theral zone. evidenced by hemorr age att repa t ol
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y 0 ic
areas, also progressed ftom subendocardial to subepicardial
cardium contained a central zohe whiieh Showed wucturally myocardium. However, the time scale of mj'icrovascular in.
relatively well preserved myocvtts Without hemorrhage 6r jury appeared to he slower since hemorthage did not extend
inflammation, By 96 hours; cells 1'n this central zone were out to the edge of necrotic areas. Rather, there was always a
peripheral zone of myo yte necrosis in the presence of an ap.

still relatively well preserved although they showed nuclear parently intact
and glassy cvtoplasm (fig. 84 vasculature.
A hemorrhagic midzone was invariably present at 24
hours but hemorrhage was relativdly mild, By 96 hours of Infard Size vss Duradon of OWuw'on
permanent coronary occlusion (fig., 7), hemorthage was The -transmural extent of necrosis, calculated as a percent
prominent and appeared equivalent to hemorr age in in.

of transmurat sections througb the posterior papillary mus-

Lrcts produced by 3 or 6 hours of temporary coronary cle i is summarized in table I and figiure 10. The progression
Occlusion with 96 hours of reperfasion.
The peripheral zone at 24 hours was characterized by of irreversible irv-ury from subendocardium to 8tibepicar-
coagulation necrosis and act.te inflammation. Myocytes dium with increasing duration of 6CCWsion describei above
restilted in more necrosis at three
siginificantly (p A. 0.05)
showed nuclear pallbr oi karyolysts and glassy hyper. hours (57 .b 7%) compared with 40 nim (38 4%) and at 24
eosinophilic cytoolasm. Coittraction bands, whicb were abw hours (85 .-i 3%) compared with three hours (P .< 0,01).
sent ftom subendocardial areas of necrosis; were present in a
few scattered cells on the periphery of the area of necrosis.. Mean mf4rct size at six hours (71 .i 7%) was intermediate
However, they were much less ftequent fbilowing permanent between the three hour and 24 hour means but did not di&r
than fbilowing temporary coronary occlusion. By 96 hours, significantly ftom tither.
pbagoeytosis of dead cells and replacement by grantilation The average rdlative proport'ion of the transmura myo.
tissue had bqun on the periphery of the areas of necrosis cardium at risk but still salvageable after various durations
(fig, 8b)4 of coronary occlusion can be estimated (fig. I as follows:
Since permanent ligation resulted in necrosis of 85
myocardium in the transmurtil sections studi min
of TCO cau ed 38% rosis; 38/85 X 100 45% of the =

m y ocardium 4t iisk was already irreversibly irij*ured by 40

min, Nevertheless; an average of 55% of the myocardium at
risk was reversibly inJured at 40 min and wa salvaged bv
reperffision. By three boars, about 100 (57/85 X I -

33% of myocardium at risk was still potentially salvageable

and bv six bours only 16% remained salvagi Able.
Hemodynamicsl Eleiitroc"ographic Oanges and Survival
Acute occlusion of 'the circumfl" coronary arterv in the
open chest dog, while producing a large area of ischernia,
caused little acute chahee in heart rate and a mild reduct'ion

> st ,Jt .;
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"' -P'v:sS s& #gr * + 6 t

', 4 ..,

FIGUJRE 8. Four day permanent infarct. a) Central core: Myocytes are relatively well preserved but show pale or absent
nuclei and pale cytoplasm with loss of sarcomere cross striations. Capillaries appear obstructed by swollen endothelial
cells. There is a prominent neutrophilic infiltrate around the edge of this core. H & E X 325. b) Peripheral edge: Necrotic
myocytes have been removedfrom the edge of the infarct and have been replaced by capillaries andfibroblasts which have
begun to grow into the infarct from surrounding viable muscle. Viable muscle is present in the subepicardial myocardium
around a small penetrating artery (low left corner).

tricular contractions often were frequent. Between 30 and fused but occurred in 10 of 29 dogs that acutely survived per-
120 min, arrhythmias temporarily subsided, but with manent coronary ligation. These late deaths were not
occlusions continued beyond two hours, intermittent ven- monitored but most likely resulted from ventricular fibrilla-
tricular tachycardia usually developed. Reperfusion after 40 tion. The overall survival was 56% and did not differ
min of coronary occlusion was associated with a high in- statistically between groups.
cidence of ventricular fibrillation (41 % of dogs surviving
occlusion). However, six of 14 of these dogs were
resuscitated by direct current countershock. In contrast to
the 40 min period of ischemia, reperfusion after three or six
hours of occlusion did not precipitate VF. Deaths occurred
during the first few minutes after occlusion in all groups, and
at reflow in the 40 min group. Deaths subsequent to the
acute experiment were infrequent in dogs that were reper-
40 Minutes

FIc;URE 9. Diagrammatic summary of the progression of the

wavefront of ischemic cell death with respect to duration of cor-
onary occlusion. Necrosis (all shaded areas) occurs first in the sub-
endocardial myocardium and with longer durations of coronary
occlusion involves progressively more ofthe transmural thickness of
the ischemic zone. (Dashed line indicates the anatomic boundary
between ischemic circumflex and nonischemic LA D coronary beds.) 3 Hours
Microvascular injury, evidenced by interstitial hemorrhage
(horizontal cross hatching), also progresses from subendocardial to
subepicardial zones but the time scale is slower than that for
myocyte necrosis. Complete cessation of microvascular perfusion
may result in a central core (dotted areas) of necrotic muscle devoid
of either hemorrhage or inflammatory response. Thus following
either temporary or permanent coronary occlusions, the infarct may
demonstrate, grossly and by light microscopy, a central core of rela-
tively preserved necrotic muscle, a hemorrhagic midzone, and a
peripheral zone of organizing necrosis. At three hours after occlu- -~~----- ~ XJ5 24 Hours
sion there is typically a significant amount of subepicardial myo-
cardium which is viable and can be salvaged by reperfusion.
WAVEFRONT OF MYOCARDIAL NECROSIS/Reimer, Lowe, Rasmussen, Jennings 791

TABLE 1. Percent Necrosis in the Posterior Papillary Muscle* wavefront which gradually moves toward the subepicardium
Group I Group 2 Group 3 Grour 4 Group 5 during a period of six hours (figs. 9-11). Previous studies
(40 min (3 hr (6 hr (24 Br (96 hr have shown that cell death does not develop immediately or
14 49 83 96 75
simultaneously even in areas of severe ischemia.'0 Cir-
42 56 44 91 70 cumflex occlusion for 15 min is completely reversible in that
22 64 47 71 90 reperfusion completely prevents necrosis, but occasional
43 46 96 83 small foci of necrosis result from 20 min occlusions.'0 Reper-
41 18 67 72 fusion after 40 min of circumflex occlusion always results in
47 74 58 87 focal or confluent subendocardial necrosis. Three hours of
81 75 93 78
6 77 79 83 occlusion produces, on the average, significantly more
32 72 necrosis which is typically confluent in the subendocardial
52 92 myocardium with focal involvement of the mid- or sub-
26 92 epicardial myocardium. By 6 to 24 hours, necrosis becomes
27 98
35 71 nearly transmural. Residual viable myocardium in these sec-
62 83 tions is observed primarily in subepicardial foci, which are
36 93 often adjacent to blood vessels, and at the base of the
21 99 papillary muscle near the apex of the heart, i.e., at the junc-
23 tion of the beds perfused by the circumflex and the anterior
59 descending coronary arteries. A transmural progression of
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38 cell death has previously been suggested by histochemical

59 and electrophysiologic techniques. Cox has shown irrevers-
27 ible loss of dehydrogenase enzyme activity2l and of elec-
44 tromotive force22 gradually progressing from subendocardial
Mean 38 57 71 85 79 to subepicardial myocardium following coronary occlusion.
SE 4 = 7 7 = 2 6 The mechanism of this subendocardial to subepicardial
Number of dogs 23 8 8 16 3 progression of injury probably is related primarily to the
P values (based on Student's nonpaired t-test) transmural distribution of coronary collateral flow. In dogs,
40 min vs 3 hr: <0.05 collateral flow occurs largely via epicardial anastomoses and
40 min vs 6 hr: <0.001 reaches the myocardium via penetrating muscular arteries
40 min vs 24 hr: <0.001 which are functionally end arteries. During systole, in-
3 hr vs 6 hr: NS
3hrvs24hr: <0.01 tramyocardial tension is greatest in,2' and limits perfusion of
6 hr vs 24 hr: NS the subendocardial myocardium.'4 Increased subendocardial
*Overall percent necrosis in three transmural sections of the PP (see flow must occur during diastole in order to attain the uni-
methods and fig. 1).
TCO = temporary coronary occlusion; PCO = permanent coronary
form transmural distribution of flow normally observed in
artery occlusion. nonischemic myocardium20' 25. 2B This autoregulatory mech-
anism cannot compensate for total coronary artery occlu-
Discussion sion and a transmural gradient of collateral flow develops.
Flow in the central subendocardial zone is reduced to less
This study demonstrates that in dogs with circumflex cor- than 15% of flow in nonischemic areas (severe ischemia). In
onary artery occlusions, irreversible ischemic injury occurs the mid- and subepicardial myocardium, flow may be up to
first in the subendocardial myocardium and extends as a 15-30% of normal (moderate ischemia).'7
In addition, recent studies by Dunn and Griggs2' suggest
that, in vivo, there may be a transmural gradient of meta-
bolic rate with the greatest energy utilization occurring in
-I-- the subendocardial myocardium. Thus transmural differ-



n n 60-
16 3

40 mins. 3 hrs. 6 hrs. 24 h rs. 96 hrs.

FIGURE 10. Transmural necrosis, calculated as described in the
text and legend to figure 1, is plotted with respect to duration of
occlusion. Brackets indicate the SEM. Infarct size increased 0 3 6 24
progressively with time. Reperfusion at 40 min and 3 hours resulted
in significantly less necrosis compared with 24 hour infarcts. Six FIGURE 11. Proportion of ischemic muscle which is viable and
hour infarcts were intermediate between but not significantly potentially salvageable as a function of time after coronary occlu-
different from either three or 24 hour infarcts. sion. Data are plotted as a percent of 24 hour infarct size.

ences in metabolic demand may also contribute to the gical means, the rate of progression of ischemic injury and
wavefront phenomenon of cell death. the size of the ischemic but still viable "border zone" with
respect to the duration of ischemia has received relatively lit-
Effects of Reperfusion tle attention in experimental animals. Also, at the present
Reperfusion of the area of ischemia had one or more of time, it is impossible to estimate, during life, the amount of
several effects in the present study which can be summarized salvageable myocardium following onset of myocardial in-
as follows: farction in man.
1) Reperfusion preserved viable myocytes. In the present study, necrosis within transmural sections
2) Reperfusion, where not impeded by vascular damage of the posterior papillary muscle was used as a quantitative
(peripheral zone), accelerated the disruption of irreversibly estimate of the transmural extent of cell death. Although
injured myocytes and permitted the process of inflamma- total left ventricular infarct size was not measured in this
tion, phagocytosis and infarct repair to begin quickly. study, the transmural progression of injury described oc-
3) Reperfusion permitted interstitial hemorrhage from curred throughout the circumflex bed. Necrosis within
vessels which had been injured by ischemia but were still per- transmural sections of the posterior papillary muscle has
fusable at the time of reflow. been shown to be a reliable index of overall left ventricular
4) Reperfusion had no effect on areas which apparently necrosis in this model (fig. 12).
had become nonperfusable (central pale zone). The present study re-emphasizes the fact that cell death
Necrosis following reperfusion of irreversibly injured occurs early in the subendocardial zone of severe ischemia
myocardium has been extensively studied at both the light and that about half of the ischemic myocardium that is
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and electron microscopic level. Reperfusion after 40 min of necrotic at 24 hours has already died by 40 min. However,
coronary occlusion results in the rapid development of cell death usually occurs more slowly in the mid- and subepi-
prominent myofibrillar contraction bands (fig. 3) and tissue cardial myocardium such that on the average, about a third
edema (by light microscopy).29 The ultrastructural features of the ischemic myocardium at risk is still salvageable at
of accelerated necrosis following reperfusion of irreversibly three hours. By six hours, there is little salvageable myocar-
injured ischemic myocardium include explosive cell swell- dium in most dogs.
ing with formation of large subsarcolemmal blebs, breaks in These conclusions are in general agreement with other
the sarcolemma, and the development of myofibrillar con- reperfusion studies. Estimated or anatomically measured in-
traction bands and mitochondrial calcification.30 32 farct size has been reduced by reperfusion after 30 min to
Interstitial hemorrhage was prominent after reperfusion three hours3 10, 12-18 but not after four or more hours of tem-
of 3 and 6 hour occlusions. It seems likely that this porary coronary occlusion.14 17 Experimental reduction of
hemorrhage reflects ischemic injury of the vasculature and ST segment elevation or CPK depletion has been observed
that hemorrhage may have contributed to increased in- with a variety of pharmacologic or mechanical inter-
terstitial pressure resulting in production of the no reflow ventions begun 30 min or more after coronary occlusion40-44
phenomenon in the central core33 and of the decreased com- and some salvage of ischemic myocardium has been
pliance and the further deterioration of local contractile documented anatomically with propranolol therapy in-
function which has been observed by Lang et al.34 and stituted three hours after circumflex occlusion in our
others. It is unlikely, however, that vascular damage and the model.45 Functional studies have shown that reperfusion as
resultant hemorrhage following reperfusion, caused infarct early as one hour after coronary occlusion does not result in
extension"' because a) reperfusion resulted in a smaller immediate hemodynamic improvement or in reversal of con-
average transmural extent of necrosis at 3 hours and in no tractile abnormalities.16' 46 However, Constantinil6 has
change at 6 hours compared with permanent infarcts, and b) shown that reperfusion after three hours of coronary occlu-
the transmural progression of myocyte necrosis appeared to sion, while providing no immediate improvement in cardiac
precede the development of vascular damage such that a
midzone of hemorrhage was always surrounded by a 75
peripheral zone of necrosis with an intact vasculature.
The relative morphologic preservation of the central core
in permanent occlusions has been emphasized by Bishop et 50.
al.,35 who implied that myocytes in this core might still be PP%
viable. The latter hypothesis is untenable in light of the Necrosis
severe early ultrastructural damage which has been demon- 25
strated in this central zone.36' 37 Rather, the slow progres-
sion of histopathologic changes in the central zone is
equivalent to the changes associated with postmortem
1lo 20 30
autolysis in the complete absence of blood perfusion.38' 3 LV % Necrosis
The presence of hemorrhage and vascular obstruction FIGURE 12. Necrosis as a percent of the myocardium in three
around these central core areas suggest that little or no per- transm ural sections of the posterior papillary muscle was calculated
fusion is penetrating such foci. from 17 dogs as described in the Materials and Methods section.
Necrosis as a percent of the left ventricle was calculated from
Estimation of Salvageable Myocardium with Respect to histologic sections of serial slices cut at 2-3 mm intervals through
Duration of Ischemia the entire infarcts of the same 17 dogs. Each point represents one
dog. With two exceptions, transmural papillary muscle necrosis
Although much research effort has been devoted to the provided a reliable index of total left ventricular necrosis. (From
concept of limiting infarct size by pharmacologic or sur- previously unpublished data of K.A. Reimer & R.B. Jennings).
WAVEFRONT OF MYOCARDIAL NECROSIS/Reimer, Lowe, Rasmussen, Jennings 793
function, decreased mortality and improved cardiac func- 6. Smullens SN, Wiener L, Kasparian H, Brest AN, Bacharach B, Noble
tion measured seven days later. Bresnahan et al.19 observed PH, Templeton JY: Evaluation and surgical management of acute evolv-
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and moves progressively toward the subepicardial myo- tion and the extent of myocardial necrosis. J Clin Invest 51: 2710, 1972
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progression of cell death (figs. 10, 11) provides a basis for the canine heart. Arch Pathol 97: 380, 1974
evaluating pharmacologic interventions in this model. 16. Constantini C, Corday E, Lang T-W, Meerbaum S, Brasch J, Kaplan L,
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A similar wavefront of cell death may occur in man. If we arterial occlusion: Effects on regional cardiac metabolic function and in-
assume that the ischemic cells do not die simultaneously, farct size. Am J Cardiol 36: 368, 1975
17. Mathur VS, Guinn GA, Burris WH III: Maximal revascularization
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Boyarsky for preparation of photographs. by temporary or permanent occlusion of a coronary artery. Lab Invest
13: 1491, 1964
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Infarct Size Reduction by Propranolol

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before and after Coronary Ligation in Dogs


SUMMARY Coronary occlusion in the dog results in irreversible tions of transmural slices through the posterior papillary muscle.
myocardial cell injury which develops first in subendocardial areas of Propranolol reduced infarct size by preventing necrosis in peripheral
severe ischemia and subsequently spreads into mid and subepicardial (subepicardial) areas of moderately ischemic myocardium. Pre-
areas of moderate ischemia. The effect of propranolol on this treatment with propranolol reduced necrosis from 85 3% (un-
progression of ischemic injury was evaluated. Three groups of dogs treated) to 52 4% (P < 0.05). Delayed propranolol therapy was
were studied: 1) untreated, 2) treated with propranolol before and about half as effective as pre-treatment and reduced necrosis to
throughout coronary ligation, and 3) treated with propranolol begin- 71 3% (P < 0.05). Propranolol also limited microvascular injury
ning three hours after ligation. Dogs were sacrificed 24 hours after so that perfusion defects, detected with the dye thioflavin S, were
coronary ligation and necrosis was quantitated from histologic sec- smaller in treated dogs.

MYOCARDIAL CELL DEATH following acute coronary limited by propranolol. Infarct size was significantly reduced
occlusion, develops first in severely ischemic subendocardial by propranolol therapy instituted prior to, and maintained
myocardium, and progressively spreads to involve areas of throughout coronary occlusion. Intervention with pro-
moderately ischemic mid- and subepicardial myo- pranolol three hours after coronary ligation was less effec-
cardium. ' 2 Many studies have supported the idea that this tive but still produced a significant reduction in infarct size.
process can potentially be limited by early pharmacologic,
mechanical or surgical intervention.1 Materials and Methods
Previous studies have demonstrated that , blockade with Mongrel dogs of both sexes weighing 9-28 kg were
propranolol or practolol reduces epicardial or precordial ST anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/kg), in-
segment elevation following experimental coronary occlu- tubated, and ventilated with a Harvard (Model 1063)
sion or following myocardial infarction in man.8-10 respirator. Aseptic surgical techniques were used. Lead II of
Histologic studies of necrosis following temporary coronary the standard electrocardiogram (ECG) and peripheral blood
occlusions have provided direct demonstration that pro- pressure, via a catheter in the right femoral artery, attached
pranolol delays cell death in areas of severe ischemia.1l-l3 to a Statham (P23AC) pressure transducer, were monitored
The present study was done to determine whether necrosis on a Grass (Model 5) polygraph. The right saphenous vein
within the peripheral, moderately ischemic zone of infarcts was catheterized for propranolol or saline infusion and both
produced by permanent coronary ligation in dogs could be catheters were kept open with dilute heparinized saline.
The chest was opened in the fourth left intercostal space,
From the Departments of Pathology, Northwestern University Medical the pericardium was incised, and the circumflex coronary
School, Chicago, Illinois, and Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
North Carolina. artery was isolated 1-2 cm from the aorta. Dogs in a
Supported in part by NIH contracts NOl-HV-52999 and 72-2984 and by pretreated group (group B) were given 5 mg/kg propranolol
grants HL 18833 and HE08729. (intra-arterially) 10 min prior to coronary occlusion and an
Address for reprints: Keith A. Reimer, M.D., Department of Pathology,
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710. additional 1.0 mg/kg/hr in heparinized saline was infused
Received February 24, 1977; revision accepted June 2, 1977. intravenously at 0.7 cc/min beginning 30 min after occlusion
The wavefront phenomenon of ischemic cell death. 1. Myocardial infarct size vs duration
of coronary occlusion in dogs.
K A Reimer, J E Lowe, M M Rasmussen and R B Jennings
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Circulation. 1977;56:786-794
doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.56.5.786
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