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Stewarding Department

"Goals of the Stewarding Department" Category

Tips to Keep Your Kitchen Safe and Clean

It is easy to be complacent about kitchen cleanliness. After all, you do not see any visible threats. You
have wiped the counters. You have cleaned the floors. What else is there to clean? Unfortunately, there
are microorganisms that just lurk around ready to do damage to your health.

If you do not want to end up with diarrhea or food poisoning, it is a good idea to learn how to keep your
kitchen safe and clean from germs and bacteria. Here are some tips on how to do this:

1. Keep kitchen surfaces clean and free from clutter. If you have kitchen gadgets and appliances that
need to be discarded or replaced, then do so. If there are kitchen tools that you do not use, then get rid
of them. These things only serve as homes for germs and bacteria. They only gather dirt and dust.
Make sure that appliances, gadgets or tools that you regularly used are also well maintained and kept
clean. Dangerous tools should be stored properly and must be kept out of childrens reach.

2. Get a trash bin for the kitchen and make sure that it has a lid. You need a trash bin, but it needs to
have a lid in order to keep flies and other insects away. Garbage tends to attracts all sorts of insects, so
your trash bin must be covered at all times. You also have to make sure that you take out the trash as
soon as the bin is full. In fact, you should take out the garbage every day without waiting for the bin to
fill up. You also need to clean it at least once a week. Disinfect it regularly as well. This will help keep
germs away.
3. Keep your refrigerator or freezer clean at all times. You need to remove old, expired, stale and rotten
food out of the refrigerators shelves and racks before you put in new groceries. Regularly check out
expiration dates to see if there are items in your refrigerator or freezer that you need to get rid of.
Rotten food tends to breed germs and bacteria and this can contaminate other foods, so it is best that
you throw them out.

4. Learn clean kitchen habits and practices. For instance, learn to make it a habit to use separate
chopping boards for different food items. Cross contamination can occur when you use the same
chopping boards for meat products and vegetable products. By using different boards, you significantly
reduce cross contamination. You also need to make it a habit to change your dishcloth regularly. In fact,
you also need to different cloths for different surfaces. Launder your cloths with hot water regularly as

Remember to stock up on paper towels. Clean any mess that may cause contamination with paper
towels. You can easily throw out these cleaning materials and avoid further contamination. Wash
kitchen surfaces that gets regularly touched. Your hands are the dirtiest parts of your body. You can
transfer germs easily through touch, so you should make sure that kitchen surfaces like knobs, buttons,
controls and handles are clean regularly. Make it a habit to wash your hands before you handle food.
You also need to clean pans and crockery after use, so you can avoid attracting germs and bacteria.
Cockroaches and rats are also attracted to dirty crockery.

Common Goals of the Stewarding Department

Of course, the goal of the stewarding department is to help raise the profits of the restaurant; however,
there are little common goals that the stewarding department needs to achieve towards attaining the
principal goal of all the departments in a restaurant the increased profits.

So, what are these common goals that the stewarding department has?

To Maintain a Clean and Organized Environment in the Kitchen

Although one is inclined to think that maintaining a very clean kitchen environment is difficult, what with
all the things going on and the busy people running around, it actually is not. With a very good work
flow and an excellent working schedule, maintaining a clean environment will be a breeze. To make it
work, teamwork is very much emphasized since even the smallest error could disrupt the flow in the

There are many reasons why this is of the utmost importance:

A clean kitchen ensures the safety of the restaurants diners.

An organized kitchen ensures smooth work flow because everyone will know where everything is.

A clean environment speaks of a professional staff working in a professional kitchen.

Now, if all these are achieved, then the restaurant would earn a good reputation, attract new customers,
and increase its profits.

To Inculcate Responsibility and Competence

Another goal of the Stewarding Department is to inculcate responsibility and competence in all its staff,
thus, helping the restaurant save money and increase its profits. Now, how can being responsible and
competent do all these?

By proper handling and storage of food products, spoilage and wastage are diminished.

By knowing how to properly operate and take care of the kitchen appliances and equipment, damages to
these items are minimized.

By following strict safety guidelines and policies, accidents and injuries are lessened.

By following strict personal hygiene and making sure that the workplace is kept just as clean and orderly,
food-borne illnesses and associated risks are reduced.

By giving respect to other kitchen staff, conflicts are avoided, allowing for more teamwork and less stress
in the workplace.

If conflicts or accidents happen in the restaurant, this would put a temporary stop on the restaurants
service. Likewise, issues like spread of a food-borne illness would also temporarily close the restaurant.
This would mean revenues lost for the restaurant. On the other hand, damaged kitchen equipment and
spoiled food products would mean that the restaurant has to shell out cash just to have the kitchen
equipment repaired or replaced and to restock the food products.

To Promote the Restaurant and Push It to the Top

The ultimate goal of the stewarding department is to help promote the restaurant by making sure that
they are giving quality service to its customers. For this reason, customer care is a must. This means
giving respect to the restaurants customers. If a customer complains, the issue should be dealt with
respectably, and if a customer gives a negative feedback, then know what went wrong and strive to do

You should know that if the customers did not like the service, bad reviews are soon to follow. However,
if all the members of the restaurant workforce work together to attain the goal of making the restaurant
a success, then success is sure to be theirs. In time and with continued excellent service, the restaurant
will be recognized in the industry as among the top restaurants in the area and, hopefully, the world.

A Quick Look at Stewarding Goals

A restaurant kitchen will never be successful if it does not have a

stewarding department. After all, the stewards are considered as the backbone of the restaurant
industry as they carry the burden of ensuring that everything is spic and span inside and outside the
restaurant kitchen. Without them, the reputation of the restaurant will suffer, and it will not matter if
you have a very good chef whipping up great dishes if the health and safety of the diners are not

So, what are the common goals of the stewarding department, especially since the stewards are
considered as a very integral part of the restaurant industry?

One, because restaurants deal with people and diners, one of the most important goals then of the
stewarding department is to provide the utmost importance to customer care and satisfaction. After all,
the customers are going to be the bread and butter of the restaurant, and without them, the restaurant
will not survive. For this reason, the stewards should always be respectful to the diners. They should
never argue with the customers, and if an argument arises, the kitchen steward is urged to inform the
chief steward who will handle the situation himself. The management holds regular meetings and
trainings geared towards giving 100% customer care and satisfaction, and the stewarding department is
always encouraged to attend these events to meet the goal.
Two, it is also the stewarding departments goal to ensure that the quality of the food is preserved at all
times. Now, this can only be ensured if the stewarding department is very strict when it comes to
cleaning the whole kitchen, inside and out. It cannot be denied that a dirty kitchen can contaminate
fresh food products, and if you serve contaminated food to your diners, then it can lead to health
problems which, in turn, can lead to legal problems. For this reason, the stewards have to be very
meticulous in maintaining the cleanliness of all the areas in the kitchen as well as the front of the
restaurant so as to avoid contaminating the food products with anything that can harm people.

Three, another common goal of the Stewarding Department is to help promote a professional
atmosphere in the whole restaurant. It will not do the restaurant any good if there is tension and
fighting in the restaurant. If there are fighting and tension between the staff, then the work flow of the
kitchen will be affected, thus, affecting the whole restaurant as well. For this reason, the staff is
encouraged to be respectful to each other, too. If a kitchen steward has any problems with his
coworkers, he is recommended to bring the issue to the chief steward who can act as a mediator
between them.

These are just some of the common yet very important goals of the stewarding department, and to
achieve this means to help make the restaurant a success. However, this will be made possible if all work
together in achieving the goals.

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Tips in Maintaining the Dishwashing Machine

The dishwashing machine is a very important part of the restaurant

kitchen. This is, after all, used in washing, rinsing, and sanitizing all the cutleries and crockery in the
kitchen as well as the utensils, glasses, etc. If this breaks down, it could greatly affect the smooth work
flow in the kitchen. Now, it is the Stewarding Departments duty to make sure that the dishwashing
machine is always in tiptop condition, and it is also the stewards job to maintain the good condition of
the dishwashing machine.

Here are some guidelines on how to maintain the dishwashing machine as well as how to properly
operate one.

Dishwashing Machine Maintenance

Always make sure that the exterior of the dishwashing machine is kept clean at all times. You can make
use of a little detergent to clean the surface and wash it off with a damp sponge.

To avoid clogging up of the dishwashing machine, make sure that you have scraped off all the solid food
particles off of the utensils, dishes, glasses, etc. It will also not hurt to do a little pre-wash to remove the
solid food particles before putting them inside the machine.

Always make it a point that the filter of the dishwashing machine is kept free from food debris and solid
particles. It is the stewards job to make sure that the filters are cleaned regularly and that any holes in
the filters be reported so that it can be replaced immediately.

Always make sure that you are using the right detergent for the right purpose.

Operating the Dishwashing Machine

Before you use the dishwashing machine, make sure that you wear gloves as well as foot wear. You
should also use the cap and apron provided by the management. This is done so as to protect your

Next, you have to open the inlet valve for the hot water and the steam. After this, you then have to
check the chemical can, making sure that it contains the right level of detergent as well as right level of
rinse aid. Once done, you can then turn on the dishwashing machine.

When the temperature of the wash tank climbs to a minimum of 60 degrees Celsius and when the
temperature of the rinse tank climbs to a minimum of 82 degrees Celsius, then you can now turn on the
conveyor button.

By this time, all the food debris and solid particles from the soiled items should have been removed and
scarped off. Furthermore, the soiled items should all have been separated, the plates with the plates,
the utensils with the utensils, the glassware with the glassware, etc.

Provided that the step above has been done, place the soiled items unto the feeding ends moving
conveyor belt. You also have to make sure that the glassware and the cups as well as the food containers
are placed upside down or inverted along the trolley.

At the conveyors end, gather the washed and clean utensils. One tip though, never wipe the excess
water off the washed items, even with a clean cloth. When transferring the washed items unto its
appropriate rack, never, ever touch the inner aspect of the washed items. In storing them, make sure,
too, that they are placed upside down on their appropriate racks to avoid accumulation of dust, etc.

When the work shift is over, do not forget to turn the conveyor button off, making sure, too, that the
dishwashing machine is cleaned, especially the filter.

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Why Maintain a Clean Kitchen?

One of the most important duties of the kitchen

steward is not only to wash and clean the whole kitchen but to also maintain the hygiene and cleanliness
of the place. This is, after all, the place where food is prepared, cooked, and prepped to be served to the
diners. But why should the steward department maintain a clean kitchen, and what are the common
things done to ensure the cleanliness of the workplace?

Keep the Workplace Clean

There are a lot of very important reasons why the cleanliness and hygiene of a professional or
commercial kitchen should be maintained at all times. As stated above, this is where food preparation
happens and this is where food is cooked. It is the duty of the stewarding department to make sure that
the products and ingredients do not come into contact with harmful chemicals like the cleaning agents
or with bacteria like salmonella. For this reason, everything in the kitchen are washed and cleaned
regularly, especially the countertops, the utensils and appliances needed in cooking, the walls and floors,
the refrigerators and freezers, etc. A sloppy and dirty kitchen can cause food-borne illnesses, and this
incident can lead to losses in clients and revenues. It can also lead to lawsuits if people get sick because
of contaminated food.
As a kitchen steward, you should also always keep in mind that the way your workplace looks and smells
speaks a lot about the whole restaurant. Professionalism starts at the back of the restaurant, the
kitchen, so keep the area clean and it will be translated to the front of the restaurant, the dining area.

Lastly, a very clean and very organized kitchen provides a good flow. Chefs would know where a certain
kitchen item is, saving them a lot of time than running around looking for the item.

Ensuring Safety and Cleanliness

Here are some of the common things that the steward department does to ensure safety and cleanliness
of the kitchen:

After each use of the chopping boards or the countertops, it should be washed and rinsed thoroughly to
avoid cross contamination, after which a sanitation solution is applied over the surface to kill off any
remaining bacteria. The same goes for cooking utensils such as pots, pans, knives, etc.

All clothes used to wipe off the countertops and all the areas where food is prepared and cooked should
also be washed thoroughly and rinsed in the same sanitation solution. Mops used on floors and walls
should also be washed in hot water, after which it is hung and left to dry.

It is the stewarding departments duty to make sure that the food and ingredients are separated from
the cleaning products. Make sure that they are kept a good distance away from the food.

There should be a regular washing and cleaning schedule for all kitchen equipment so as to avoid debris
and grime accumulation.

One thing that should be remembered though by all kitchen employees is that the duty of maintaining a
clean kitchen does not rely solely on the shoulders of the Stewarding Department. Instead, all of them
should make a conscious effort in maintaining the cleanliness of kitchen. If they see a spill on the floor,
wipe it off immediately with the floor mop to avoid accidents and then place a sign that warns people
that the floor is wet.

"Kitchen management" Category

Proper Handling of Chemicals

Commercial as well as professional kitchens
do make use of chemicals not only for cleaning and washing all that is inside the kitchen but also for
disinfecting them and killing off any bacterial growth. This is done so as to maintain the hygiene and
cleanliness of all areas of the kitchen, thus, ensuring the health and safety of its diners by minimizing the
risks of food-borne illnesses.

Chemicals can be hazardous to ones health though, especially if handled inappropriately. For this
reason, there are the proper ways on how you should handle them.

Using Chemicals

The most important thing that you have to remember when it comes to using chemicals is to never use
chemicals that do not have any labels. If unsure of what the chemical is for, give it or report it to your
manager for proper disposal.

In using chemicals, always make sure that you only use the right chemical and the right quantity for the
right purpose. To really be safe, it is just as important that you read the instructions that usually come
with its container before using the chemical.

It is also recommended that you use the appropriate protective gears like gloves, boots, masks, or
goggles to protect yourself.

Handling Chemicals

One big no-no when it comes to handling chemicals is to never mix them together. There are certain
chemicals for certain purposes only, so always make sure that you are using the right one for a specific
task to avoid mishaps.

Open the bottle or the container gently, making sure that there will be no spills that will get on your
body or splashes that could get into your eyes.
Now, if you are going to transfer some of the chemicals into a decanter, always make sure that you are
using the right spray bottle. These bottles are usually labeled, so it will not be that big of a problem. Do
not transfer chemicals into an unlabelled bottle such as a coal bottle or a drinking glass.

In handling chemicals, you should make it a habit that you are wearing the right protective equipments
like protective gloves and boots. You should also wear protective masks as well as goggles to protect
your respiratory system and eyes.

Storing Chemicals

After using the chemical, make sure that you store it at its appropriate place. Remember that chemicals
should always be kept away from food products and food storage areas like the cold storage,
refrigerators, and pantry. This is done so as to avoid contaminating the food products with the

Never, ever leave them lying around, lest someone trips on it and spills its contents on the floor.

In storing chemicals, you should make it a habit to always store the most hazardous and dangerous
chemicals on the bottom of its storage place, while the least hazardous and dangerous ones go on the

Disposing Chemicals

Most chemicals used in the restaurant are for cleaning, washing, rinsing, and disinfecting purposes only,
so there are no special disposal requirements needed. In fact, most of these chemicals can safely and
easily be rinsed down the drain.

However, to be on the safe side, it is recommended that a chart be provided for the chemicals and how
to dispose of them properly. Should they be flushed down the drain or thrown into garbage bin? Should
they be reused and recycled, or should they be collected for proper disposal by the towns chemical
collection center?

Points to consider though when it comes to chemical disposal:

It would do you a lot of good to read and understand the recommendations set forth by the
manufacturer when it comes to proper chemicals disposal.

It is also recommended that you get in touch with the local wastewater treatment facility to know its
rules and policies when it comes to chemical disposal.

It is best that you discard one chemical at a time to avoid harmful and dangerous chemical reaction.

For large quantities of chemicals, it is better if the professionals took care of this matter for proper

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Garbage Disposal

Among the many duties of the stewarding department

is the proper disposal of garbage and other waste materials. This is very important because one of the
responsibilities of the kitchen steward department is to maintain the cleanliness of the restaurant
kitchen in order to safeguard the health of its diners. A dirty kitchen can ruin the reputation of a
restaurant, however good its name may be.

Proper Location of the Garbage Area

The garbage area should be situated far from where the food and ingredients are kept. In fact, it should
never be situated near the vicinity of the food production area where food is usually prepared. It should
also be kept well away from the cooking area so as to avoid contaminating the food with anything
harmful to the body.

Common Guidelines in Proper Garbage Disposal

Each restaurant has its own guideline for proper garbage disposal that its Stewarding Department uses.
However, here are some of the most common ones that restaurants and their kitchens should follow.

Garbage bins should be placed in all parts of the kitchen, except those mentioned above, and these
garbage bins should be lined with plastic liners. The stewarding department has to clear the garbage
bins at least four times a day so as to avoid piling up of garbage, and the garbage and waste materials
should be transferred to its appropriate garbage trolleys. Of course, the plastic liners should always be
changed each time the garbage bin is cleared.

When it comes to proper garbage disposal, you should always make it a point that you are wearing
disposable gloves so as to protect your bare hands from coming into contact with the garbage. You
should also make sure that the opening of the garbage bin plastic liner is tied shut.
After disposing of the garbage bags properly, it is recommended that you thoroughly wash and sanitize
your hands before moving on to the next task. This is very important especially if you are going to be
working near the food preparation area or working with food products itself.

Dry Versus Wet Garbage

Before anything else though, the kitchen stewards assigned to garbage disposal should know the
difference between dry and wet garbage. In a nutshell, dry garbage materials are those items that can
be recycled. They are inorganic materials such as plastic, papers, cardboard boxes, etc. When it comes
to dry garbage materials, the kitchen stewards should also know how to properly segregate the items.
Plastic items should have one container, and so do cardboard boxes, glasses, papers, etc. On the other
hand, wet garbage materials are the organic items that can be decomposed and used for fertilizer.

It is very important that the restaurant has appropriate guidelines when it comes to garbage disposal.
Not only will these guidelines prevent the contamination of food with harmful substances, but this will
also protect the diners as well as the staff from these harmful substances. Remember, dirty kitchen
increases the risk of food poisoning, so preventing this is one of the biggest and most important duties of
the stewarding department

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Kitchen Sanitation Begins with Cleanliness of


The most important responsibility of the stewarding

department and its staff is to protect its diners and customers from any food-borne diseases and
illnesses. In a nutshell, a food-borne illness is any disease that a person gets through the ingestion of
contaminated food. The disease may come from an infected person, transferred to food, and then
transferred to the victim. Or it can also come directly from the food itself, especially if the food was
undercooked and was contaminated with bacteria like salmonella.

Now, what can the stewarding department do to ensure the safety of the diners?

Training the New Stewarding Department Staf

Restaurants hire new kitchen stewards all the time, and it is the duty of the head steward or whoever
assigned to train the new staffs to introduce them to the training manual. The manual will include all the
necessary information like the cleanliness standards of the restaurant, how to clean each item in the
kitchen, the appropriate use and storage of chemical cleaning agents, among others.

Aside from this, the new staff will also be taught about food-borne illnesses and the steps that can be
taken to avoid them and to prevent its spread. This will include proper personal hygiene, proper
handling and storage of food, maintenance of all kitchen items, and cross contamination risks and

From Training to Practice

After training, it is now the responsibility of the new staff to practice what he or she learned.

Kitchen hygiene and cleanliness starts with yourself, so the moment you leave work, you have to make
sure that you are following the safety and cleanliness guidelines of the kitchen. Do not wear heavy
makeup, jewelries, strong perfumes, or nail varnish to work, especially if the kitchen prohibits it. You
have to make sure, too, that your nails are always trimmed.

If you have a cold virus, flu, diarrhea, sore throat, or anything that is catching, you should notify your
supervisor immediately. Stay at home if needed.

When you get to your workplace, regular hand washing is given utmost importance. Wash your hands
before touching or handling anything that will come into contact with food; wash your hands after using
the restroom; wash your hands after touching any part of your body especially if there are cuts or
wounds on the skin; wash your hands each and every time you sneeze; wash your hands after cleaning
the garbage bin and taking out the trash. In general, wash your hands after each task.

It is very clear that kitchen sanitation and cleanliness starts with oneself. You have to be responsible not
only for your safety but most especially for the safety of the diners and customers as well. It will not do
you a lot of good to perform very well at your duty but fail to take care of yourself. It will also not matter
if the countertop or the chopping board is very clean if you are negligently transferring bacteria from
your body to the surface.

Everyone working in the kitchen, not only the staff of the stewarding department, should follow very
strict personal hygiene to assure the safety and health of their diners.
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The Ten Kitchen Cleaning Commandments

1. Thou shalt clean up all spills as soon as possible

after they occur. Thus it saves thyse lf a world of bother, as the stains shall not dry in place, requiring
considerable elbow grease and effort to remove. However, it also use thy noggin and not try to wipe
spills off a red-hot element, burning thy fingers nastily in the process.

2. Thou shalt not use poisons for cleaning benches where food is prepared. Instead, thou shalt use the
natural house cleaning products that thy God hath created, such as vinegar and baking soda. Thus thou
shalt not consume minute traces of wicked chemicals.

3. Thou shalt clean thy refrigerator on a regular basis to avoid the growth of mould and the proliferation
of vile stenches. The best way to clean a refrigerator is to switch the power off at the wall (for verily, thus
it conserve energy and be a good steward not only of the earth but of the pennies in thy purse) and
remove all the items therein, flinging such items are dubious, mouldy or past their use-by dates into the
compost heap or organic recycling system so that they might be returned unto the soil from whence they

Then it cleans the interior of thy fridge with baking soda and a soft, damp cloth, remembering that the
most efficient way of cleaning refrigerators is to work from top to bottom. The baking soda hath
manifold benefits, absorbing stenches as well as cleaning grease and grime from the interior without
harsh scratching. And forget not to clean the compartments in the door of thy refrigerator. Finally, thou
shalt rinse any residue of baking soda from the walls, door and floor with a clean damp cloth.

4. Remember thy floor, to keep it regularly mopped and vacuumed. Verily, the kitchen is the heart of the
home, so many feet walk on it, spreading the surface with mud, fluff and dust.
Furthermore, grains of rice, oatmeal and scraps of broccoli fall upon the floor when food is prepared.
And for the slothful or those burdened greatly with many labours, if thy kitchen floor is clean, the whole
house looks cleaner. Cleaning the floor of the kitchen can be done with the vacuum (daily or twice
weekly, depending on how messy thy household is and whether or not ye eat in the kitchen) or with the
mop. Extremely dirty floors should be cleaned with a scrubbing brush and warm soapy water, drying the
floor as thou goest with a series of old towels.

5. Thou shalt have separate chopping boards for cutting meat and cutting other substances. The
chopping board used for chopping meat should be sterilized with boiling water. For this reason, thou art
advised to use a wooden chopping board for meat, as this shall not melt or have the surface damaged by
hot water.

6. Thou shalt not use the tea towels to dry thine hands, nor shalt thou use the hand towel for drying the

7. Thou shalt change tea towels and dish cloths daily, sending the old ones to the laundry for cleaning.
For verily, these are a breeding ground for bacteria.

8. Thou shalt cover frying food with a lid while cooking, else thou wilt cover all the top of the stove and
thy splashguard with grease, which is difficult to clean. However, cleaning grease off the stove top can be
accomplished with baking soda and a damp cloth, or with an Enjo cloth designed for the purpose.

9. Thou shalt keep thy rubbish covered, for thus thou shalt deter vermin (including greedy cats and dogs)
from raiding therein. Furthermore, this prevents bad smells. To remove smells from inside the rubbish
bin, sprinkle baking soda inside, as this absorbs smells.

10. Thou shalt rinse all dishes as soon as the meal is finished. This makes it easier to clean the dishes
either in the dishwasher of when washing dishes by hand.

Nick Vassilev is the director and owner of Anyclean, a successful window cleaning London business
established in 1998. His company offers a wide array of window cleaning services to large and small
commercial clients throughout Greater London.

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Save Money by Controlling Food Spoilage and

Unnecessary Accidents
Food products, especially fresh ones that need to be
delivered daily, do cost a huge some of money particularly if you are serving a large number of diners
daily. For this reason, it is important that restaurants learn how to save some money and cut back on
the losses by controlling food spoilage. Now, this particular duty does not rely on the chefs alone but
also on the Stewarding Department. With this being said, what needs to be done to save some money
and reduce food spoilage?

Rotating the Food Products

In a nutshell, rotating the food products simply means first in and first out. When the kitchen receives
its food products, they should be sorted, labeled, and dated immediately, and when it comes to storing
the new supplies, you have to make sure that the new products go to the back and the older stocks
move forward. This way, you are rotating the food products and saving the restaurant from unnecessary
costs brought about by food spoilage.

Maximizing All the Products

Another way of saving some money is to make sure that all the products are maximized. This means that
chefs should make use of measuring tools such as cups and scales to get the proper measurement of
ingredients. This way, they get to avoid using up too much ingredient.

The stewarding department can also help achieve this goal by making sure that the cans and jars are
truly empty of any product before throwing them away.

Ensuring Cleanliness of Cold Storage and Refrigerators

Dirty refrigerators, freezers, and cold storage can also lead to food spoilage. This is brought about by
bacteria, germ, and dirt buildup that could lead to contamination of the food products. To avoid
unnecessary food spoilages and unwarranted costs, the stewarding department should make it a point to
regularly wash and clean the cold storage and refrigerators so as to avoid buildup of dirt, bacteria, and

Ensuring Cleanliness of the Whole Kitchen

Of course, to really save money, cleanliness and hygiene of the whole kitchen is very much emphasized.
Food counters and countertops should be sanitized and disinfected to avoid food-borne illnesses such as
salmonella infection. The stewarding department should also make it a point that all utensils used in
eating and cooking, and they should also make it a point that the walls and floors of the kitchen are
clean as well. Nothing can protect the diners health and safety better than a very sterile kitchen.

Preventing Damage of Kitchen Appliances and Unnecessary Accidents

Another way to save money is by preventing damage of kitchen appliances and unnecessary accidents.

For this reason, it is important that damaged electrical equipments and appliances as well as damaged
electrical cords and sockets be reported to the appropriate personnel immediately. This way, accidents
caused by overload is avoided, and the kitchen appliances and equipments are kept safe and secure from
electrical hazards.

When it comes to unnecessary accidents, it is important that the kitchen staff walk carefully instead of
run when they are carrying food products. If they trip and fall, not only will he injure himself but he will
also cost the restaurant a sum of money by spoiling the food product.

"Responsibilties of a kitchen steward" Category

Washing Guidelines of Food Preparation


Food preparation utensils are also called the kitchenware.

These kitchen items consist of the utensils that chefs use to prepare the food. These are your cookware
and bakeware like the baking pots and pans as well as mixing bowls, and these are also your dishware
and drinkware. The food preparation utensils also include the colander, food processor, juicer, garlic
press, potato masher, measuring cups and spoons, mixers, chopping knives and chopping boards, pasta
pot, vegetable peelers, spatulas and cooking spoons, woks, and a whole lot more.
Those listed above are, of course, not the complete list of the food preparation utensils as there are
more. In a nutshell though, these are anything and everything that is needed in the kitchen to prepare
foods, and as such, they should be kept clean and sanitized after each use.

The Stewarding Departments Duty

Because it is very important that the diners health be safeguarded at all times, the kitchen Stewarding
Department and its kitchen stewards should be very meticulous when it comes to washing these food
preparation utensils. Aside from being meticulous and thorough, the kitchen stewards should also work
quickly so as to avoid bottleneck problems. Remember, the chefs are always going to need these food
preparation utensils, so it is the stewards job to provide the chefs the items that they need at all times.

Process of Washing Food Preparation Utensils

Washing food preparation utensils is no different from washing dishware, eating utensils, glassware, etc.
especially if the kitchen has a dishwashing machine.

The first thing that the kitchen steward has to do is to remove the food particles from the food
preparation utensils. Call it a pre-washing process, but this is a very important process because the food
and solid particles could block the filters and cause damage to the dishwashing machine. If there are
burnt food sticking to the pots and pans, then it is best to soak it in water for a few minutes. This way,
the liquid will soften up the solid mass a bit and make it easier to scrape off. Never scrub the food
preparation utensils like burnt pots and pans too vigorously, lest you damage it.

Next, the steward has to check and make sure that the dishwashing machine is at the right temperature
and that it contains the right level of detergent soap, rinsing aid, and sanitizer prior to switching the
machine one. Once okay, place the items upside down unto the conveyor and wait for them at the end
of the conveyor.

Now that they have been washed, rinsed, and sanitized, never touch the inner aspect of the kitchen
preparation utensils when transferring them from the dishwashing machine to their appropriate storage
containers and racks. This is done so that contaminants from your hands will not come into contact with
the inner aspect of the kitchen items, thus, contaminating them once more. In storing them, be sure to
place them upside down on their racks. This way, fluid will not gather and dust will not accumulate.

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Washing Guidelines of Utensils

One of the most important duties and responsibilities

of kitchen stewards is to always make sure that anything that will come into contact with the diners lips
are kept clean and sanitized. This is very important because a slipup can cause problems not only for the
diners themselves but also for the restaurants.

Each restaurant has their own guidelines when it comes to washing utensils. There are kitchens that
make use of dishwashing machines, and this is commonly seen in commercial kitchens where there are a
lot of diners and the kitchen stewards have to keep up with the demand. But then again, there are also
restaurants that manually wash their utensils, and this is commonly seen in smaller restaurants that
draw lower traffic.

Using the Dishwashing Machine

Before you make use of the dishwashing machine, make sure that you have scraped off all the solid
particles clinging to the utensils. You can remove them by giving the utensils a pre-wash. Once done,
check the dishwashing machine and make sure that everything is in order before operating it. This
includes checking the temperature as well as the level of the water, detergent, and rinse aid. If
everything is okay, place the utensils on the conveyors feeder portion.

Manually Washing Utensils

In manual washing of the utensils, you have to make use of three sinks. The first sink is where you are
going to wash the utensils as it contains water and soap solution. The second sink is where you are going
to rinse the utensils as it contains clean hot water. The third sink is where you are going to sanitize the
washed utensils as it contains water and chlorine, about 100 ppm.

Handling and Storing the Washed Utensils

Storing the washed utensils properly is just as important as washing, rinsing, and sanitizing them. After
all, all the hard work will go to waste if you do not store the utensils properly and they get contaminated
by dust, bacteria, etc. For this reason, here are some tips on how you should properly handle and store

As soon as the utensils have been washed, either by dishwashing machine or manual washing, never
touch the portions that will come into contact with the diners lips. Handle the utensils by their handles
so as to avoid contaminating them with your bare hands. Furthermore, it is not recommended to wipe
off any excess liquid with cloth, however clean the cloth may be.

Commercial kitchens do have utensils storage equipment where these kitchen items are kept. These
equipments are made from very durable and very reliable materials, and they can keep dust away from
the washed utensils.

Of course, as a kitchen steward, it is also your main duty to make sure that the utensils storage
equipments are kept clean. You have to do regular thorough washing and sanitizing of the equipment so
as to deter the growth of bacteria and accumulation of dust and grime. It will not do the restaurant a lot
of good if you keep clean utensils in an unclean storage area.

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Washing Guidelines of Glassware

One of the main responsibilities of the Stewarding

Department is to make sure that all parts of the kitchen are spic and span. This is most particularly
important when it comes to all things that will touch the customers mouths, one of which is the

You might be inclined to think that washing glassware is a very easy job to do, but if you are a hotel
steward, you will find out that there are very strict guidelines when it comes to washing them. After all,
you are a member of the stewarding department, and you are responsible for the health and safety of
the diners.

So, what are the common guidelines of washing glassware, and what are the responsibilities of stewards
when it comes to washing them?

Restaurants need speedy cleaning of glassware, especially during the busy times like lunch and dinner,
but it does not mean that you have to give up quality washing for quantity. Restaurant kitchens usually
make use of a detergent mixed with chlorine (about 50 to 100 ppm per 250 ml on 1 liter of water). The
glassware should be soaked in the solution for a couple of minutes and then scrubbed gently with a soft
scrubbing pad so as not to leave scratches on the glass surface. After this, the glassware should then be
rinsed off with potable water. Lastly, the glassware should also be disinfected with chlorine to make sure
that any remaining bacteria or germs are killed off.

To store the glassware, make sure that you keep them in their proper location. Most importantly, make
sure that you store them upside down on their racks so as not to allow excess fluid to pool inside the

As for the stewards responsibilities, they are responsible for checking each glassware and making sure
that there are no chipped rims or broken pieces. Separate the glassware with chipped surfaces from the
okay ones and report them to the appropriate personnel for immediate replacement. Stewards are also
responsible for disposing of the chipped glassware the proper way.

Aside from chipped glassware, the hotel steward is also responsible for making sure that there are no
stains on the glassware. Stains are more easily seen in old glassware, and it is a turn off to present
stained glassware to diners. For this reason, here are some simple steps on how to remove stain on

Instead of thoroughly scrubbing the glassware with a scrubbing pad, which can cause scratches, what
you can do is to fill the glassware with warm water. Mix in a little detergent to the water and then add
about a couple of tablespoon of rice into the mixture. Swirl the liquid and the rice around for about half
an hour and then pour the contents out. Rinse the glassware thoroughly and store them in their rack
upside down so as to let the excess water flow off and not pool inside the glassware.

Another tip in removing stains is to use eggshells, instead of rice. This way, you get to save some money
at the same time.

In no time at all, your old glassware can look good as new.

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What are the Duties and Responsibilities of a

The importance of a dishwasher is oftentimes ignored. In

fact, there are some people who think that this is a lowly job. However, you should know that a
dishwasher is just as important as the chefs in the kitchen because, without a dishwasher, you are sure
to expect chaos inside the kitchen as the chefs run around looking for clean plates and glassware.

So, what are the common duties and responsibilities of a dishwasher?

The first and foremost obligation of a dishwasher is to ensure that all the dishes and glasses are washed,
rinsed, and dried for the next use. Aside from this, they are also responsible in washing and rinsing of
the utensils like spoons, forks, and table knives.

Because professional as well as commercial kitchens use dish machines, it is the obligation then of
dishwashers to make sure that the dish machines are working well and are keeping the correct
temperature. In connection with the dish machines, they also have to make sure that they are using the
proper detergents and solutions in washing kitchen items so as to avoid accidents like food poisoning.

Aside from all these, they are also responsible for keeping track of the dishware, cookware, silverware,
glassware, etc. through inventory maintenance, and they are to report any losses, breakages, damages to
the proper personnel for record keeping and replacement.

However, these are not the only duties of dishwashers because they also play a major role in maintaining
the cleanliness of the whole kitchen. It is their duty and responsibility to segregate waste materials such
as tea bags and napkins from the kitchen utensils and dispose of them properly according to
biodegradable and non-bridgeable materials. They are also in-charge of making sure the back door
where the dumpster area is located be kept clean at all times to avoid bacteria overgrowth and rodent
infestation, an overabundance of which can lead to food-borne illnesses and other diseases caused by
germ- and bacteria-carrying rodents.

Because cleanliness of the kitchen is given utmost importance, dishwashers also have the responsibility
of cleaning walls, floors, and countertops, making sure that they use the proper cleaning chemicals to kill
off germs. It is also their responsibility to wash and rinse the mops and rags so as to avoid germ,
bacteria, grime buildups. Because these chemicals may be harmful to ones health, it is their duty then
to keep them away from where food is commonly stored.

Restaurants will need good teamwork to prosper, and teamwork should start at the back of the
restaurant where majority of the action happens. The dishwasher not only has to perform his duties and
responsibilities very well, but he should also be able to support other members of the kitchen staff as
well. It is only through proper teamwork that 100% guest satisfaction is achieved.

The dishwasher is indeed a very important member of the kitchen staff. Through them, the restaurant is
assured of a good work flow and smooth kitchen operation. They also play a very big role in making sure
that there is a quick turnover of the restaurant tables. Without them, the restaurant industry will die.

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Washing Guidelines of Cookware and


If you want to ensure the safety of your diners and

customers, especially when it comes to their health, then you have to make sure that you know how to
properly wash and rinse the cookware and the bakeware of the kitchen. These are the kitchen items
that the chefs will use to cook and bake dishes, so they should be very clean to avoid food contamination
that can lead to serious illnesses like food-borne diseases brought about by bacteria ingestion.

So, what are the guidelines employed by restaurants when it comes to washing and cleaning cookware
as well as bakeware?

Common Washing Guidelines

The first thing that you have to do is to fill the sinks three-fourths up with potable water. Once done,
pour detergent into the first sink, preferably 250 ml/1 L of water, and chlorine into the third sink,
preferably 50 to 100 ppm of chlorine.

Make sure that you scrape off any leftover food from the cookware and bakeware before placing them
into the first sink (containing detergent) where you have to leave them in for about two to three
minutes. After a couple of minutes of soaking, scrub the kitchen item with a scrubbing pad, making sure
that you clean the corners very well where food sometimes tend to gather.

After scrubbing them, place them in the second sink that contains potable water alone and then rinse
them off, making sure that you remove any traces of detergent.

After rinsing them, place them in the third sink (containing chlorine) for about two minutes to three
minutes. This is done to disinfect the cookware and bakeware.

Lastly, make sure that the disinfected cookware and bakeware are dried and stored upside down in their
proper storage areas. This is done so as to prevent dust or liquid accumulation.

Tips in Washing and Cleaning Cookware and Bakeware

There are some cookware and bakeware sets that should never be washed via the dishwasher machine
as doing so can cause color changes. For this reason, it is the Stewarding Departments duty to teach the
dishwashers what sets can and cannot be washed via the dishwasher machine and how to properly wash
and clean such items.

In using new cookware and bakeware sets, it is very much advisable to thoroughly wash and clean them
first before using them. This is done so as to avoid food product contamination.

If there are hard-to-remove foods, what you can do is to pour a mixture of water and vinegar onto the
cookware or bakeware and boil, after which you can now easily scrape the food off and wash as directed.

On the other hand, if there are hard-to-remove food stains, what you can do is to mix a small amount of
baking soda with water until you form a paste. Once done, cover the food-stained area with the paste
and leave it on for a few minutes and then scrub the stain off with the scrubbing pad. Do not use steel
wool or any coarse scrubbing material so as not to damage or abrade the cookware or bakeware.

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Goals of the Stewarding Department

Kitchen management

Responsibilties of a kitchen steward

Stewarding Department

Stewarding Department How-To's

Stewarding Department Planning

Stewarding Department Training

Stewarding Office

"Stewarding Department Training" Category

The Cleaning of Walk-In Freezers and Chillers

Commercial kitchens make use of walk-in freezers as
well as chillers to store their fresh food products. After all, the restaurant will be feeding a lot of diners,
and the establishment is going to need a bigger space where they can store the food products. For this
reason, it is very important that the walk-in freezer and chiller are always kept clean and free from grime
and dust as these can increase bacteria buildup. Bacteria buildup can lead to health problems for the
diners and legal problems for the restaurants.

Why Clean the Walk-In Freezers and Chillers?

As stated above, it is for heath reasons that the walk-in freezers and chillers should be cleaned regularly
by the stewarding department. A dirty walk-in freezer and chiller will greatly reduce the quality of the
food products even before they are prepared and cooked. This is because the dirt and grime may have
contaminated the food products. Furthermore, since walk-in freezer and chiller are very chilly, you might
not notice the bad odor coming from a rotting food product simply because it has been frozen and the
liquid is not giving off the bad odor.

Common Dirty Areas of the Walk-In Freezer and Chiller

The most common areas where dirt, grime, and other solid particles tend to accumulate in walk-in
freezer and chiller are the bottom tray as well as the freezer. The trays as well as the gaps also
accumulate dirt and grime, and bacteria buildup can also be found on the fridge flooring. As part of the
Stewarding Department, kitchen stewards should also check the filter and the fan of the walk-in freezer
and chiller and make sure that you include these areas when you clean the walk-in freezer and chiller.

Common Guidelines in Cleaning Walk-In Freezer and Chiller

There are some dangers associated in cleaning walk-in freezer and chiller, so care should be taken by the
kitchen stewards to avoid accidents. For one, the stewards run the risk of freezing because of the very
low temperature inside the walk-in freezer and chiller. Plus, they could also slip inside the walk-in freezer
and chiller and sustain an impact injury.
For this reason, here are some common guidelines when it comes to cleaning walk-in freezer and chiller.

The chief steward should always make it a point to show the stewarding department staff where the
emergency release handle or button is. Furthermore, the stewards should be taught how to use the
handle or button in case one of them gets locked inside the walk-in freezer and chiller.

Never, ever clean the walk-in freezer and chiller when you are feeling weak or sick. Make sure that you
have somebody with you to help you out, or better yet, inform your chief steward that you are ill or sick
since you will be working near food products.

In case that you will be cleaning the walk-in freezer and chiller alone, make sure that another kitchen
steward knows exactly where you are and what you will be doing

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How to Properly Clear Broken Glass

When you work in restaurants, especially in the

kitchen, accidents will happen. A wineglass will fall off a table and shatter to pieces, or a crew may get
careless and unintentionally break the window glass. Now, accidents that include glass breakage can be
quite dangerous as someone might accidentally touch the broken pieces with his bare hand, causing an
injury or a wound. It can also happen that small and minute pieces of glass may end up on a diners
plate, causing more health and legal problems.

Clearing up broken glasses is not just a sweep and discard thing. You have to be very careful not only in
handling the pieces of broken glasses, but you also have to be very careful in properly disposing of the
whole thing. You most definitely would not want to find pieces of broken glasses lying around the
kitchen or, worse, near the food.

Restaurant kitchens have special containers that are specifically used to hold pieces of broken glasses.
These containers should not be lined with a plastic bin liner though as the jagged pieces will only rip the
lining to shreds. Restaurant kitchens also have special brushes and dustpans that are specifically used to
sweep up the broken pieces of glass. These items should only be used for the purpose of clearing away
and storing the pieces of broken glass, and they are labeled so as to avoid confusion.

Now, when an accident involving broken glass happens, you have to clear away the pieces of the broken
glass at once, using the labeled dustpan and brush. Gently sweep the surface off of broken glasses,
making sure that you caught all the pieces into the dustpan. Empty the dustpan into the special broken
glass container, making sure that there are no plastic bin liner lining the inside of the container.

If the broken glass container is full, then you can make use of an unused cardboard box. All you have to
do is to empty the dustbin into the cardboard box and sealing the top off with a tape. You have to mark
the cardboard box with broken glass for proper disposal.

If the accident happened near where food is being prepared, you have to notify your manager
immediately. A thorough cleaning of the area will have to take place to make sure that there are no
pieces of broken glass lying around the work area. Any and all foods that have come into contact with
the broken glass should be disposed of properly so as to avoid contaminating the food with minute
pieces of broken glasses. Likewise, cooking utensils, glasses, dishes, and other items that have come into
contact with the broken glass should also be washed just as thoroughly to remove the minute specks of
broken glasses.

Never, ever touch broken glasses with your unprotected hands. You should always wear protective
gloves (also preferably labeled for broken glass usage only) if you area going to pick up the pieces of
large broken glasses, never with your bare fingers and hands.

Lastly, never, ever use plastic bin liners to dispose of the pieces of broken glasses.

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Tips in Using Ladders and Steps

A ladder is only a ladder, you might think. You only
have to put one foot on the rail, hoist yourself up, put the other foot on the upper rail, and do the same
until you reach the top. Very easy, right?

However, you should know that improper use of the ladders as well as the steps in the restaurant and
the kitchen can lead to accidents that you could have avoided had you been careful enough. Improper
use of ladders and steps can also endanger other people who are passing by you. For this reason, it is
important that you know how to use these access equipments properly.

Risks Involved in Using Access Equipments

There are a number of risks associated with using access equipments. For one, you can easily fall off the
ladder. A body part like your arm or foot or a piece of your clothing could also easily get caught on the
ladder, causing you to lose your balance and fall over. You could also injure passersby by your
carelessness; say for example dropping a bucket onto someones feet.

If you erected the ladder the wrong way or placed it on an uneven surface, you could also fall, injuring
yourself and other people. Lastly, using damaged ladders and steps could easily cause an accident.

Because restaurants would want to be seen as an accident-free establishment, safety guidelines on using
access equipments should be taught to all, especially the Stewarding Department.

Avoiding Accidents

Accidents like this could easily be avoided if you take precautionary measures in using access

Always make sure that the ladder or the step is in good working condition. If it seems faulty, report it as
soon as possible to the proper personnel to have it checked and repaired.

If you are going to carry a heavy ladder, have someone help you. That way, you avoid injuring your back
and, at the same time, avoid accidentally hitting people with the ladder.
When erecting the ladder, always make sure that the floor is even and that you have erected the
equipment properly. If possible, have someone hold the ladder and secure it in place when you are
going up the access equipment.

When climbing the ladder, always make sure that your feet are properly and firmly planted on the steps
before hoisting yourself up. Make use of the rail to lift yourself and to avoid losing your balance.

Never carry too many things at once when you are climbing up a ladder. This way, the unnecessary risk
of falling objects is avoided, and injuring yourself is also prevented.

These are just some of the tips in using ladders and steps. The most important thing is that you should
always have your safety as well as the safety of other people on your mind when you are using access
equipments. Accidents from carelessness are avoidable if you have the presence of mind to check the
access equipment before using it.

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Dishwasher Training Manual

Although they are often ignored, the dishwashers of

the restaurant carry the brunt of hard labor inside the kitchen. They are, after all, the ones who are
responsible for keeping everything in the kitchen spic and span. Without then, the restaurant could
suffer from a negative reputation, which could lead to potential losses in revenues as their customers
decline. However, the responsibility of keeping and maintaining a clean kitchen does not rely on the
dishwashers alone as the whole Stewarding Department has to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of the

Of course, to realize this goal, everything has to start with proper training, and just like any other staff in
the kitchen, the dishwashers also go through strict training to ensure that the quality of service is met.
With this being said, what are the necessary things that need to be addressed during the training?
Proper Personal Hygiene

Proper personal hygiene should not be practiced by the dishwashers alone but by basically all of the
kitchen staff. They handle food, so it follows that they should take extra care in keeping themselves
clean so as not to contaminate the food they are handling or the kitchen items and surfaces that will
come into contact with the food.

Proper Use of Kitchen Equipments

Because dishwashers are going to use kitchen equipments such as the dishwasher machines, training
should include proper operation of these machines. This is done to avoid damages due to inappropriate
handling of the machine as well as to prevent accidents like electrical shocks, cuts, or burns. This should
also include knowing the proper temperature of kitchen equipments such as that of the cold storage,
refrigerators, freezers, dishwasher machine, etc.

Proper Washing of Kitchen Items and Equipments

This part of the training should also encompass not only cleaning of the kitchen utensils like the
silverware, glasses, dishes, pats, pans, etc, but this should also include washing and cleaning of kitchen
appliances like the dish machine, refrigerators, coffee makers, ice dispensers, ovens, etc. There are
special cleaning agents that should be used inside the kitchen so as to sanitize, deodorize, and disinfect
the kitchen items and equipments.

Proper Washing and Cleaning of Kitchen Floors, Walls, Countertops

Again, it is the duty of the stewarding department to wash and clean the floors and walls of the kitchen
as well as the countertops. They should be trained on what chemicals to use for what area of the
kitchen, and proper use of such chemicals, proper handling and storage of cleaning chemicals and the
items used for cleaning. They should always keep in mind to store these cleaning materials and products
away from foods and ingredients so as to avoid contaminating the food products with potentially
harmful chemicals.

Proper Garbage and Waste Disposal

Another yet important duty of the dishwasher is to know how to properly dispose of garbage and waste
materials. They should be taught on how to segregate waste materials appropriately according to
biodegradable and non-biodegradable, and they should also be taught on how to clean theses areas
such as the dumpster and back doors properly.

Proper Kitchen Conduct and Manners

Briefing dishwashers about proper kitchen conduct and manners is also very important. They should
understand that they will be working as a team together with other departments in the kitchen, so in
order to have a good flow, there should be teamwork inside and outside the kitchen.

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What Does It Take to be a Kitchen Steward?

Although you might think that it is so easy to become

a kitchen steward, it actually is not. You have to take a lot into consideration first before applying for a
kitchen steward job; however, it is not that difficult to know and learn what you will need to get a
kitchen stewarding job. So, what are the basic things that you need to know on how to become a
kitchen steward?

First of all, you have to know that a kitchen steward is in-charge of all non-cooking part of the kitchen.
This means that he is responsible for the maintenance of cleanliness and orderliness of the kitchen,
including the food prep areas, the stoves and counters, the freezers and the refrigerators, and the
pantries and the stock rooms. He is also responsible for all the crockery and cutleries as well as the
kitchen utensils and cooking pots and pans, et cetera. Through them, the chefs can easily perform their
own tasks and duties.

Now, as to the educational attainment needed to become a kitchen steward, you will be glad to know
that kitchen stewarding experience is far more prioritized by the future employees than educational
background. However, if you do not have any experience on kitchen stewarding, then it is best to start in
small restaurants and cafes, even cafeterias. The more experience you gather in this department, the
bigger your chance and opportunity of landing a job in a well-known restaurant; thus, advancing your
career further. It will also not hurt you to know the standards manual or the hygiene standards set by
the hygiene, health, and sanitary department of your city and state. This will surely give you an edge
over the other applicants.

When you land a kitchen stewarding job at any restaurant, you should know how to properly clean and
appropriately sanitize all the kitchen equipment, utensils, and what-have-yous. Since you will be dealing
with food and the health of the diners, you should know that it is a big no-no to use harmful chemicals
and cleaning products in the sanitation and cleaning of the kitchen. Always see to it that the cleaning
products are organic and are safe for the diners. Some of these natural cleaning and sanitizing products
include baking soda as well as vinegar.

The cleaning aspect of the kitchen steward also include garbage disposal, so a part of the kitchen
stewards duty is to segregate the trash into recyclable and non-recyclable trash. He is also in-charge of
proper garbage disposal and maintenance of the garbage containers cleanliness and orderliness.

Archive for the "Stewarding Department How-Tos" Category

Tips on How to Organize a Kitchen

Having an organized kitchen can certainly help streamline your

daily activities. This is also a good way to make sure that you keep your kitchen neat and clean. It does
not matter whether you are planning to change your current kitchen arrangement or you are planning to
move somewhere else. It is still a good idea to know the various tips on how to organize a kitchen. So,
how do you really achieve a well-organized kitchen? Here are some great tips to take note of:

1. Get rid of things you do not use or do not need. In fact, it is advised that if you havent used a
particular kitchen tool for the last six months, maybe you should consider getting rid of it. Yes, toss it
out. You can give it away if you want. You can put a garage sale and get a little bit of cash for your
unused kitchen tools. You can also donate it to charity. By getting rid of unused kitchen gizmos, you will
have more space for things that you do really need. Every item inside your kitchen should earn the right
to occupy a space. Infrequently used items should be kept somewhere else or should be thrown away
altogether. You do not have to keep your pasta machine because its large or expensive if you have not
used it for a long time.

2. Get kitchen equipment tools repaired or replaced if needed. It is hard to get organized if your pot
handle continually rattles or your favorite pan constantly scorches up the food. If you cannot get a
replacement, you can save for it. You should also consider getting rid of damaged kitchen tools.

3. Get your kitchen tools organized. Frequently-used objects should be stored or kept where they can
be easily reached. Take note of items that you use frequently and place them somewhere you can easily
reach them. For instance, knives should be kept near your cutting board, and they should all be kept in
your food preparation area. Infrequently used items can be stored in high shelves, back of cabinets,
garage, basement or attic. You need to have centers of activity. Items that are related to a particular
center should be stored in that area. This way, it will be easier for you to prepare the food. You will be
more organized.

4. Clean out storage or pantry regularly. Whether you store grocery or food items inside your pantry,
freezer, cabinet or somewhere else, you have to make sure that you regularly or periodically check
them. Throw out items that are expired, staled or spoiled. Get rid of items that will never be used.

5. Clear your kitchen counters. Like everyone else, you probably tend to store items on your counters.
However, you should try to clear your counters as much as possible. Pay attention to reducing
permanently stored items.

These are just a few of the things that you can do in order to organize your kitchen.

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Proper Handling of Chemicals

Commercial as well as professional kitchens
do make use of chemicals not only for cleaning and washing all that is inside the kitchen but also for
disinfecting them and killing off any bacterial growth. This is done so as to maintain the hygiene and
cleanliness of all areas of the kitchen, thus, ensuring the health and safety of its diners by minimizing the
risks of food-borne illnesses.

Chemicals can be hazardous to ones health though, especially if handled inappropriately. For this
reason, there are the proper ways on how you should handle them.

Using Chemicals

The most important thing that you have to remember when it comes to using chemicals is to never use
chemicals that do not have any labels. If unsure of what the chemical is for, give it or report it to your
manager for proper disposal.

In using chemicals, always make sure that you only use the right chemical and the right quantity for the
right purpose. To really be safe, it is just as important that you read the instructions that usually come
with its container before using the chemical.

It is also recommended that you use the appropriate protective gears like gloves, boots, masks, or
goggles to protect yourself.

Handling Chemicals

One big no-no when it comes to handling chemicals is to never mix them together. There are certain
chemicals for certain purposes only, so always make sure that you are using the right one for a specific
task to avoid mishaps.

Open the bottle or the container gently, making sure that there will be no spills that will get on your
body or splashes that could get into your eyes.
Now, if you are going to transfer some of the chemicals into a decanter, always make sure that you are
using the right spray bottle. These bottles are usually labeled, so it will not be that big of a problem. Do
not transfer chemicals into an unlabelled bottle such as a coal bottle or a drinking glass.

In handling chemicals, you should make it a habit that you are wearing the right protective equipments
like protective gloves and boots. You should also wear protective masks as well as goggles to protect
your respiratory system and eyes.

Storing Chemicals

After using the chemical, make sure that you store it at its appropriate place. Remember that chemicals
should always be kept away from food products and food storage areas like the cold storage,
refrigerators, and pantry. This is done so as to avoid contaminating the food products with the

Never, ever leave them lying around, lest someone trips on it and spills its contents on the floor.

In storing chemicals, you should make it a habit to always store the most hazardous and dangerous
chemicals on the bottom of its storage place, while the least hazardous and dangerous ones go on the

Disposing Chemicals

Most chemicals used in the restaurant are for cleaning, washing, rinsing, and disinfecting purposes only,
so there are no special disposal requirements needed. In fact, most of these chemicals can safely and
easily be rinsed down the drain.

However, to be on the safe side, it is recommended that a chart be provided for the chemicals and how
to dispose of them properly. Should they be flushed down the drain or thrown into garbage bin? Should
they be reused and recycled, or should they be collected for proper disposal by the towns chemical
collection center?

Points to consider though when it comes to chemical disposal:

It would do you a lot of good to read and understand the recommendations set forth by the
manufacturer when it comes to proper chemicals disposal.

It is also recommended that you get in touch with the local wastewater treatment facility to know its
rules and policies when it comes to chemical disposal.

It is best that you discard one chemical at a time to avoid harmful and dangerous chemical reaction.

For large quantities of chemicals, it is better if the professionals took care of this matter for proper

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How to Handle Glass and Glass Breakage

Inside the Restaurant

Glasses are one of the very fragile kitchen items inside a restaurant, and it is for this very reason that
care and precaution should always be given by the stewarding department when it comes to
transporting glass from the back of the restaurant to the front of the restaurant. Likewise, care and
precaution should also always be given when it comes to handling glass breakage.

Common Glass Policies Employed by the Stewarding Department

Here are some of the common glass policies that the kitchen stewards should mind.

If you are going to carry glassware, be sure to carry them on a tray when transferring them from one
area of the restaurant to another, including the kitchen.

If you notice that a glass is damaged or is chipped, report it to your chief steward immediately so that it
will be disposed of properly. Never give the diners chipped glasses.

As a kitchen steward, you should know that the correct way of storing glassware is to store them upside
down inside their proper storage container.

To further promote safety inside the kitchen, especially in the food preparation area, it is advisable to
place transparent covers over the tube lights as well as light bulbs.

In Case of Glass Breakage

The kitchen environment is a very busy one, so it is not surprising to see accidents involving glass
breakage. Now, as a kitchen steward, you should know that handling broken glass is not just about
picking it up and throwing it into the garbage bin. In fact, this is a big no-no because not only is it unsafe
to handle broken glass with your bare hands, but you are also putting the diners at risk. For this reason,
what are the necessary steps that should be done so as to handle broken glasses appropriately?

The first thing that should be done is to stop all ongoing work in the vicinity where the accident
happened. This is done so as to give the stewarding department ample time to clean the place

If the broken glass came into contact with food products, do not remove the broken pieces of glass from
the food. The food products are now contaminated by the pieces of broken glass, and there will be
minute specks that are harmful to the diners. For this reason, dispose of the contaminated food
products properly. You would definitely not want to serve your diners a sumptuous meal only to have
them complain of a speck of glass embedded somewhere in their dish.

If the accident happened anywhere near where food containers are kept and stored, then the kitchen
steward has to rewash all the food containers within the affected area immediately. This is done so as to
make sure that the food containers are, indeed, free from specks of broken glasses.

Lastly, necessary steps should be taken so as not to repeat the same mistake again.

Do not bring glass inside the food preparation area unless it is absolutely necessary.

If you are going to use glass in the food preparation area, make sure that you keep them at the lower

If possible, always use clear, see-through, and transparent glasses so as not to confuse its content with

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The Cleaning of Walk-In Freezers and Chillers

Commercial kitchens make use of walk-in freezers as well as chillers to store their fresh food products.
After all, the restaurant will be feeding a lot of diners, and the establishment is going to need a bigger
space where they can store the food products. For this reason, it is very important that the walk-in
freezer and chiller are always kept clean and free from grime and dust as these can increase bacteria
buildup. Bacteria buildup can lead to health problems for the diners and legal problems for the

Why Clean the Walk-In Freezers and Chillers?

As stated above, it is for heath reasons that the walk-in freezers and chillers should be cleaned regularly
by the stewarding department. A dirty walk-in freezer and chiller will greatly reduce the quality of the
food products even before they are prepared and cooked. This is because the dirt and grime may have
contaminated the food products. Furthermore, since walk-in freezer and chiller are very chilly, you might
not notice the bad odor coming from a rotting food product simply because it has been frozen and the
liquid is not giving off the bad odor.

Common Dirty Areas of the Walk-In Freezer and Chiller

The most common areas where dirt, grime, and other solid particles tend to accumulate in walk-in
freezer and chiller are the bottom tray as well as the freezer. The trays as well as the gaps also
accumulate dirt and grime, and bacteria buildup can also be found on the fridge flooring. As part of the
Stewarding Department, kitchen stewards should also check the filter and the fan of the walk-in freezer
and chiller and make sure that you include these areas when you clean the walk-in freezer and chiller.

Common Guidelines in Cleaning Walk-In Freezer and Chiller

There are some dangers associated in cleaning walk-in freezer and chiller, so care should be taken by the
kitchen stewards to avoid accidents. For one, the stewards run the risk of freezing because of the very
low temperature inside the walk-in freezer and chiller. Plus, they could also slip inside the walk-in freezer
and chiller and sustain an impact injury.

For this reason, here are some common guidelines when it comes to cleaning walk-in freezer and chiller.

The chief steward should always make it a point to show the stewarding department staff where the
emergency release handle or button is. Furthermore, the stewards should be taught how to use the
handle or button in case one of them gets locked inside the walk-in freezer and chiller.

Never, ever clean the walk-in freezer and chiller when you are feeling weak or sick. Make sure that you
have somebody with you to help you out, or better yet, inform your chief steward that you are ill or sick
since you will be working near food products.

In case that you will be cleaning the walk-in freezer and chiller alone, make sure that another kitchen
steward knows exactly where you are and what you will be doing.

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Garbage Disposal

Among the many duties of the stewarding department is the proper disposal of garbage and other waste
materials. This is very important because one of the responsibilities of the kitchen steward department
is to maintain the cleanliness of the restaurant kitchen in order to safeguard the health of its diners. A
dirty kitchen can ruin the reputation of a restaurant, however good its name may be.

Proper Location of the Garbage Area

The garbage area should be situated far from where the food and ingredients are kept. In fact, it should
never be situated near the vicinity of the food production area where food is usually prepared. It should
also be kept well away from the cooking area so as to avoid contaminating the food with anything
harmful to the body.

Common Guidelines in Proper Garbage Disposal

Each restaurant has its own guideline for proper garbage disposal that its Stewarding Department uses.
However, here are some of the most common ones that restaurants and their kitchens should follow.

Garbage bins should be placed in all parts of the kitchen, except those mentioned above, and these
garbage bins should be lined with plastic liners. The stewarding department has to clear the garbage
bins at least four times a day so as to avoid piling up of garbage, and the garbage and waste materials
should be transferred to its appropriate garbage trolleys. Of course, the plastic liners should always be
changed each time the garbage bin is cleared.

When it comes to proper garbage disposal, you should always make it a point that you are wearing
disposable gloves so as to protect your bare hands from coming into contact with the garbage. You
should also make sure that the opening of the garbage bin plastic liner is tied shut.

After disposing of the garbage bags properly, it is recommended that you thoroughly wash and sanitize
your hands before moving on to the next task. This is very important especially if you are going to be
working near the food preparation area or working with food products itself.

Dry Versus Wet Garbage

Before anything else though, the kitchen stewards assigned to garbage disposal should know the
difference between dry and wet garbage. In a nutshell, dry garbage materials are those items that can
be recycled. They are inorganic materials such as plastic, papers, cardboard boxes, etc. When it comes
to dry garbage materials, the kitchen stewards should also know how to properly segregate the items.
Plastic items should have one container, and so do cardboard boxes, glasses, papers, etc. On the other
hand, wet garbage materials are the organic items that can be decomposed and used for fertilizer.

It is very important that the restaurant has appropriate guidelines when it comes to garbage disposal.
Not only will these guidelines prevent the contamination of food with harmful substances, but this will
also protect the diners as well as the staff from these harmful substances. Remember, dirty kitchen
increases the risk of food poisoning, so preventing this is one of the biggest and most important duties of
the stewarding department.

"Stewarding Department Planning" Category

Improving Your Stewarding Department

Do you want to improve the flow of your restaurant
kitchen? Are you looking for ways on how to go about achieving such improvement? If you are, then
here are four things that you should ask yourself and address to improve your restaurant flow, and it all
starts with the stewarding department.

Why Start with the Stewarding Department?

A good flow starts at the back of the restaurant. Make your kitchen more orderly and organized, and the
chefs can do their jobs quickly. The better the chefs move about in the kitchen, the easier the foods will
be cooked, and the faster the servers can serve the customers. Of course, to achieve all, you should start
at the Stewarding Department. They are, after all, the so-called backbone of the kitchen, without which
you can expect chaos.

The Four Things to Consider

As stated above, there are four things that you will need to ask yourself as well as address and give
importance to if you are after a smooth flow in the kitchen. These are:

Stewarding department service monitor. Do you have someone who monitors the services of the
stewarding department? If you do, is he doing it on a regular basis? If not, you should appoint one. A
staff who can monitor the departments service will give you an idea of what needs improvement in all
your kitchen staff.

Customer feedback. Do you have someone who monitors customer feedbacks? Do you have a program
that gathers customer feedbacks? If not, then it is recommended that you implement a customer
feedback program into your restaurant. You can print out a simple feedback form template and place it
somewhere where it is easily seen, and you can have someone gather it at the end of the day for review.
This is a good way to listen to your diners as well as improve your service.

Acknowledgement of staffs efforts. Do you praise your staff if they did well? Or do you simply take your
stewarding department for granted? Remember, nothing inspires others to give the best that he can
than to acknowledge his good efforts, and this is extremely true in the stewarding department. Give
your stewarding department the acknowledgement that it deserves for a job well done, and you can
expect better quality in service. If they make a mistake, address the issue in a positive way, rather than a
negative way, and the response will be just as positive.
Staff Adaptability. Does your stewarding department have the ability to adapt quickly to changes and
challenges? Can they take accountability for errors and mistakes? If not, then actively engage them to
exchange ideas on what needs to be done to correct the common errors and mistakes done in the
stewarding department. Ask them for their opinions, know how they feel about working in your
kitchens, and know if your stewarding department has aligned values.

These are just some of the things that you can do to improve your restaurant. You should always stress
the importance of having teamwork because only if there is teamwork can a restaurant become a

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Daily Sanitation Schedule for the Kitchen Area

The Stewarding Department should have a very good schedule when it comes to cleaning and
maintaining the cleanliness of the whole kitchen. After all, it is the stewardship schedule that provides a
smooth work flow inside the kitchen. If the chief steward cannot come up with a good stewarding
schedule, then you can expect chaos inside the kitchen.

Here is a sample of a daily sanitation schedule for the kitchen area.

After Each Use and at the End of the Day

The things and areas in the kitchen that need to be washed, rinsed, and sanitized after each use include:

Preparation areas.

Tilt skillet.
Rotisserie skewers and the tines. These also need to be degreased at the end of the day.

Slicers and stand.

Three-compartment sinks.

After Every Four Hours

There are also some areas in the kitchen as well as kitchen items that need to be washed, rinsed, and
sanitized every four hours. These are the:

Counters, especially the prep area counters. They should also be washed, rinsed, and sanitized in
between products.

In-use utensils. Like the counters, they should also be washed, rinsed, and sanitized in between

Scales. They should also be washed, rinsed, and sanitized between each use.

Hand sink handles.

Ice carriers.

In-use wiping cloths. Be sure to place them in their appropriate linen bag before they are sent to the

Knife holders.

Throughout Shift and as Needed

Some areas and kitchen equipments that need to be washed and wiped clean all throughout the shift
and as needed include:

Front doors.

Pizza oven.


Before and After Each Shift

Each stewarding department shift should make it a point that all these areas are taken care of before and
after each shift:

Bathroom mirrors should be spotlessly clean.

Bathroom should be restocked with hand soap as well as paper towels.

Hand sink areas should be washed, rinsed, and sanitized.

At the End of the Shift

At the end of each shift, it is the stewarding departments duty and responsibility to wash, rinse, and
sanitize these areas:

Front counters and shelves.

Countertop coolers and shelves.

Delivery counters.

Hood filters. They should also be degreased and air dried.

At the End of the Day

Before closing the restaurant, here are the areas in the kitchen and kitchen items that the stewarding
department needs to address:

Bathroom equipments and surfaces, including the bathroom floor and tiles as well as bathroom mirrors.

Condiment containers need to be washed, rinsed, and sanitized.

Cooling racks.

Dish racks.

Drain covers.


Ice-cream dipper well.

Line drawers.

Line inserts.

Mixer base and exterior.

Pizza oven.

Pizza oven tiles.

Product storage containers and bins.

Reach-in handles.

Reach-ins and wells.

Rotisserie, its holding drawers, and its exteriors.

Walk-in freezers and chillers.

Dry storage areas.

Mops and brushes. These should be washed, rinsed, sanitized, and hung upside down so as to allow the
excess liquid to drip down and for the mops and brushes to dry.

Trash receptacles.

Exterior premises of the restaurant.

Twice a Week

This may not be a daily duty, but still, this needs to be addressed on a bi-weekly basis.

Hood grease pans.

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Daily Sanitation Schedule for the Dining Area

It is not feasible to always clean all nooks and crannies

of the dining area hourly, just so you could maintain the hygiene and cleanliness of the establishment.
Not only will it be a big distraction to the diners, but it will also be a cause of annoyance as well. For this
reason, restaurants have set up daily sanitation schedules for their dining areas to at least maintain the
cleanliness of the area without being too much of a bother to the diners.

Here is a sample of a daily sanitation schedule for the dining area that the stewarding department and
its stewards have to follow.

Before Each Shift

Although not a part of the dining area, the rest room or bathroom should also be kept clean and
odorless. For this reason, the Stewarding Department should make sure that the bathroom mirrors are
spotless by cleaning it with a glass cleaner and that the bathroom is stocked with the necessary items.
These items include hand soaps as well as paper towels.

Every Four Hours

Every four hours, the stewards should not only wash and rinse the service hand sink as well as its
handles, but they should also sanitize them as well with a 200 ppm sanitizer.

Aside from this, the bar equipment should also be washed and rinsed as well as sanitized every four
hours. The same treatment also goes for the utensils that will come into contact with food.

At the End of Each Shift

At the end of each shift, it is the stewards job to also wash and rinse the bar counters. They should also
sanitize the areas with the 200 ppm sanitizer to make sure that it remains clean, even if they will not
come into contact with food.

Throughout the Shift and at the End of Each Day

Of course, there are also some areas that need to be wiped clean and sanitized all throughout the shift
and most especially at the end of each day. These kitchen items and areas are the:

Cappuccino machine. Its steamer as well as its spout needs to be washed with hot water and then
sanitized. The steward also has to buff the machines exterior.

Soda machine. This also needs to be wiped clean as well as its exterior buffed with a clean cloth.

Front counters. The front counters should be wiped with a clean wiping cloth, making sure to polish it

Coolers. Likewise, the coolers also need washing, rinsing, and sanitizing with a cleaning agent, clean
water, and sanitizer. After which, the steward has to wipe the excess liquid off with a clean cloth and
polish spotless.

Tables. Always wipe the table clean with a cloth and then apply some cleanser to wash the table. Rinse
it off with clean water and then spray on the sanitizer. Wipe excess liquid off with clean wiping cloth,
making sure that you leave it spotless.

Chairs and railings as well as booths. These need only a good wiping with a wiping cloth and water to
remove soil as well as dust.

At the End of the Day

At the end of the day, here are the areas that need to be washed, rinsed, as well as sanitized:
The bus station shelves as well as the utensil containers.

The coffee machines and the coffee servers, making sure that the urns are also washed, rinsed, and
sanitized and the exterior or the machine polished.

The iced tea dispenser.

The soda machine nozzles, making sure that you leave the diffusers in the sanitizer solution for a few
minutes to thoroughly sanitize it. Do not forget, too, to thoroughly give the interiors a good scrubbing.

The cleaning room, making sure to sweep the floor as well as mop it clean and making sure, too, to
organize everything for the next day.

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Smooth Daily Duties of the Cafeteria Attendant

As a cafeteria attendant and a part of the Stewarding Department, you also have duties that you have to
be very meticulous about. This is particularly true since you will be playing a major part before and after
the cafeteria opens its door to the public. So, what are the main duties of the cafeteria attendant? What
can be done so that there will be a smooth flow of the daily duties?

Before the Cafeteria Opens

Before the cafeteria opens, it is your duty to check the soda unit and place ice cubes. It is also your duty
to refill the ice cubes as needed. Aside from placing ice cubes inside the soda unit, you should also check
that all condiments like salt and pepper are refilled and are in their right places. You should also make
sure that the napkin holder is refilled.

Although it is the dishwashers duty to fill the dishwasher machine as well as check that it has the right
and proper washing solutions, it will not hurt to double check everything. Make sure that it is set at the
right temperature and make sue, too, that there is fresh water. You should also wash and rinse any
dishes, utensils, glasses, etc. that have been left by the previous shift, if any.

Once done, you have to make sure that the serving line is prepared appropriately. You also have to
check and see that all the tables and chairs are arranged neatly and are clean.

Lastly, be sure to take out the trash that the previous shift left.

After the Cafeteria Closes

After the cafeteria closes and once the dishes, utensils, glasses, and everything else have been washed,
rinsed, and stored in their appropriate storage area, it is your duty as a cafeteria attendant to drain the
dishwasher machine as well as clean it up. You should also make sure that the filters are clean. Aside
from this, you also have to make sure that all the stainless steel tables are wiped down with a very clean
cloth and sanitized.

It is also your obligation to empty out all the trash cans inside the cafeteria and the kitchen and take the
trash out to the garbage bin outside. Once done, do not forget to replace the plastic bags and reline all
the trash cans.

You also have to clean up the area. This includes mopping up any spills as well as sweeping up the floor.
Do not forget to mop and sweep the front of the cafeteria as well as the back of the cafeteria.

Before leaving the cafeteria, you also have to make sure that the serving line is refilled with the
necessary items like the dishes, utensils, and glasses as well as trays.

Aside from all these, it is very important to clean the mess up whenever there is one and not wait for the
shift to end. This way, accidents are avoided.

These are the common duties of a cafeteria attendant. It is necessary that the schedule is followed so as
to have a smooth flow of the daily duties.

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Common Safety Guidelines in the Kitchen

One of the goals of restaurants, aside from making a big name for
itself in the industry, is to be recognized as an accident-free establishment. But this recognition can only
be gotten through hard work and teamwork, the ingredients for success.

Turning a restaurant into an accident-free establishment is not that difficult to do though. Through
proper training of all kitchen staff as well as a very competent stewarding department, this can be
achieved. Of course, everything starts with the safety guidelines of a kitchen and the strict
implementation of these guidelines.

Cleaning Stationary Equipments

The Stewarding Department is the backbone of a restaurant. They are the ones who wash and clean the
kitchen as well as maintain its hygiene and cleanliness. For this reason, their risk of getting into an
accident, may it be minor or major, is higher than the other kitchen staffs simply because they have to do
most of the heaviest and dirtiest works in the kitchen. One such duty is cleaning of stationary
equipments, especially those that run on electricity.

Before starting to clean the electrical kitchen equipment, be sure to unplug it from the socket and be
sure, too, that your hands are dry. This way, you will not get electrocuted.

If you see some fraying on the cords or some damages to the wall socket, be sure to report it
immediately to the appropriate personnel.

Preventing Slips and Falls

It will always happen that someone will accidentally spill liquids onto the floor. Now, the duty of
mopping up the spill should not rest on the stewarding department alone, but this should be the duty of
everyone who works inside the kitchen.

When you see a spill on the floor, you should immediately wipe it off with a floor mop and then place a
wet floor sign over the area so as to prevent others from stepping onto the wet floor and subsequently
falling down.

It is also just as important that you keep the hallways, aisles, and stairs clear and free from clutters like
boxes and carts. This way, accident caused by tripping over boxes will be avoided.

Since wet kitchen tiles can be slippery, it is recommended that you wear non-skid shoes so as to prevent
falls and slips. However, wearing non-skid shoes should not be enough, but you still have to practice
caution. For this reason, you should never run, especially if you are carrying a heavy load.

When you are going to use a ladder to reach for overhead things, be sure to use the ladder the proper
way. It is better to climb higher up on the ladder than to simply stand on the lowest rung and reach
above your head to reach the item. This way, you still exercise proper body mechanics that can save you
from a lot of backaches. If you are going up a flight of stairs, be sure to use the handrails to prevent falls.

These are just some of the common safety guidelines that should be practiced in a kitchen. If all the
kitchen staffs do this and work together in preventing avoidable accidents, then the restaurant is on its
way to becoming an accident-free restaurant.

"Stewarding Office" Category

A Sample of Stewarding Department Ezine

Dear Subscribers,

We noticed that the number of our subscribers is growing every week. We are pleased to know that we
can be of

service to more and more people who are working in this industry. We hope that you find useful and
relevant information

from our site. We welcome any suggestions and comments that will help us further improve our site.
Please do not

hesitate to email us at

Also, please do not hesitate to share this newsletter. Hit that forward button and send this to your
friends and colleagues.

Anyway, here are this weeks posts:

Washing Guidelines of Glassware

So, what are the common guidelines of washing glassware, and what are the responsibilities of stewards
when it comes to washing them?

Smooth Daily Duties of the Cafeteria Attendant

So, what are the main duties of the cafeteria attendant? What can be done so that there will be a
smooth flow of the daily duties?

Common Duties of a Stewarding Staff

Here are some common duties of a stewarding staff that relates to team work.

4 introduction us from the distraction of having to guess or experiment or analyze as we prepare a

meal. On the other hand, the great virtue of thought and analysis is that they free us from the necessity of
following recipes, and help us deal with the unexpected, including the inspiration to try something new.
Thoughtful cooking means paying atten tion to what our senses tell us as we prepare it, connecting
that information with past experience and with an understanding of whats happening to the
foods inner substance, and adjusting the preparation accordingly.
To understand whats happening within a food as we cook it, we need to be familiar with the
world of invisibly small molecules and their reactions with each other. That idea may seem
daunting. There are a hun-dred-plus chemical elements, many more combinations of those
elements into molecules, and several different forces that rule their behavior. But scientists
always simplify reality in order to understand it, and we can do the same. Foods are mostly built
out of just four kinds of moleculeswater, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. And their behavior
can be pretty well described with a few simple principles. If you know that heat is a manifestation
of the movements of molecules, and that sufficiently energetic collisions disrupt the structures of
molecules and eventually break them apart, then youre very close to understanding why heat
solidifies eggs and makes foods tastier.
Most readers today have at least a vague idea of proteins and fats, molecules and energy, and
a vague idea is enough to follow most of the explanations in the first 13 chapters, which cover
common foods and ways of preparing them. Chapters 14 and 15 then describe in some detail the
molecules and basic chemical processes involved in all cooking; and the Appendix gives a brief
refresher course in the basic vocabulary of science. You can refer to these final sections
occasionally, to clarify the meaning of pH or protein coagulation as youre reading about cheese
or meat or bread, or else read through them on their own to get a general introduction to the
science of cooking.

Finally, a request. In this book Ive sifted through and synthesized a great deal of information, and have tried
hard to double-check both facts and my interpretations of them. Im greatly indebted to the many sci entists,
historians, linguists, culinary professionals, and food lovers on whose learning Ive been able to draw. I will
also appreciate the help of readers who notice errors that Ive made and missed, and who let me know so
that I can correct them. My thanks in advance.
As I finish this revision and think about the endless work of correcting and perfecting, my mind
returns to the first Erice workshop and a saying shared by Jean-Pierre Philippe, a chef from Les
Mesnuls, near Versailles. The subject of the moment was egg foams. Chef Philippe told us that he
had thought he knew everything there was to know about meringues, until one day a phone call
distracted him and he left his mixer running for half an hour. Thanks to the excellent result and to
other surprises throughout his career, he said, Je sais, je sais que je sais jamais: I know, I know
that I never know. Food is an infinitely rich subject, and theres always something about it to
understand better, something new to discover, a fresh source of interest, ideas, and delight.

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