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Simulation governance

Simulation governance is a management function, the purpose of which is to ensure and

enhance the reliability of predictions based on numerical simulation [1]. A plan for simulation
governance has to be tailored to fit the mission of each organization or department within
an organization: If that mission is to apply established rules of design and certification then
emphasis is on verification. This includes data verification, solution verification and code
verification [2]. An example would be application of standards to the design of pressure
vessels made of metals. If, on the other hand, that mission is to create design rules then
verification, validation and uncertainty quantification [3] (VVUQ) must be part of the plan.
For example, the development of design rules for composite materials is an ongoing challenge.
Generalization of the results of physical experiments would not be possible without proper
application of the concepts and procedures of VVUQ.
Standardization is an important aspect of simulation governance: Management should adopt
and, whenever applicable, standardize the best available practices in numerical simulation
for each problem class.
[1] Szabo B. and Actis R. Simulation governance: Technical requirements for mechanical
design. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 249-252 158-168, 2012.
[2] Szabo B. and Actis R. On the role of hierarchic spaces and models in verification and
validation. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 198 1273-1280, 2009.
[3] Oberkampf, W. L. and Roy, C. J. Verification and validation in scientific computing.
Cambridge University Press 2010.

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