PTS 2 Inggris Kelas 7

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Dokumen : FM-AKD-03/03-05
No. Revisi : 0
Tanggal Berlaku : 1 Juli 2016


Jl. Melati Wetan No. 51 Yogyakarta 55225 (0274) 583973

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VII (tujuh) / 2 (dua)
Hari/tanggal : Rabu/ 8 Maret 2017
Waktu : 07.30 - 09.00 (90 menit)

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Arrange the jumbled words into a good sentence.
games I like because playing is really it fun
- - - - - - - -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a. 2-7-3-5-1-4-6-8-9 c. 4-5-1-6-7-3-8-2-9
b. 2-7-3-5-1-4-8-6-9 d. 4-5-1-6-7-3-8-9-2
2. Jarjit : What do you do every weekend?
Upin : I go to a river near my house to catch some fish. I enjoy this activity very much.
Jarjit : So, you say that _____ is your hobby?
Upin : You are right!
a. diving c. hiking
b. fishing d. swimming
3. Naruto : Do you like reading comics?
Jiraiya : Yes, ________.
a. I dont know c. I like it a lot
b. I dont like it d. I cant stand
4. Yaya : Does your mother like reading?
Gopal : Yes, she ________
a. do c. does
b. dont d. doesnt
5. Tika : ________
Sinta : Cooking is my hobby.
a. What are you making? c. What is your hobby?
b. What are you cooking? d. Who is cooking?
The following text is for questions number 6 to 8
Anto : What is your hobby?
Rian : My hobby is cycling. And yours?
Anto : I like jogging. When do you go cycling?
Rian : I usually do it on Sundays.
Anto : Does it make you healthier?
Rian : Yes, of course. Cycling can strengthen the heart and lungs.
6. What is Antos hobby?
a. Riding motorcycle c. Jogging
b. Riding bicycle d. Going in cycle
7. When does Rian usually go cycling?
a. Once a week c. In the morning
b. Every Sunday d. On his sparetime
8. Which statement is CORRECT based on the text?
a. Anto and Rian like cycling.
b. They go together on Sundays.
c. Cycling is healthy for your heart and lungs.
d. Jogging is healthier than cycling.
9. Noah : I think our city is very hot at the moment.
Joan : I dont think so. ________ our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
a. I know it c. He forget it
b. I am thinking of d. In my opinion

10. Sam : What do you think of this coat?
Sue : ________
a. It doesnt suit you c. My mother bought it yesterday
b. The coat is the same as jacket d. I think its delicious
11. I think ________
a. practising English every day is very good
b. go jogging is good
c. read books every day is very important
d. my brother very diligent
The following text is for questions number 12 to 14.
How to Boil an Egg

Things you need

1 egg
1 small saucepan
0,5 liter of water

1. Fill the saucepan with water
2. Bring water to boil
3. Put egg in water with spoon
4. Boil for 4 minutes
5. Turn off the stoves
6. Drain the saucepan
7. Serve the egg in egg cup
12. What type of text is that?
a. descriptive c. procedure
b. narrative d. recount
13. To avoid the egg being broken, what should you do?
a. Fill the saucepan with water c. Turn off the stove
b. Put egg in water with spoon d. Serve the egg in egg cup
14. What is the synonym of stove?
a. cooker c. heater
b. cook d. heat
15. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good procedure text entitled Sweet Tomato Slice
1. Put them on a plate or cup
2. Put ice cup on it
3. Do you like tomatoes? I will tell you how to make sweet tomato slices
4. Leave for a while until all the sugar has dissolved
5. Second, sprinkle sugar around the sliced tomatoes
6. Now, here is how to do it. First, slice each tomato into eight parts
7. Your sweet tomato slices are ready to serve
8. To make it, you will need three red tomatoes of about the same size, sugar and ice cubes.
a. 3-8-6-5-4-1-2-7 c. 8-3-6-4-1-2-5-7
b. 3-6-8-5-1-4-2-7 d. 8-3-2-6-5-7-1-4
The following text is for questions number 16 to 19

Public Telephone

Firstly, (16)_____ the reciever and wait for the dialing tone. Then, (17)_____ some coins
into the coin slot. (18)_____ the number you are calling. After you have finished talking,
(19)_____ down the reciever at the handle.

16. a. hang c. throw

b. lift d. put
17. a. buy c. fold
b. close d. insert

18. a. hit c. punch
b. press d. touch
19. a. lift c. hang
b. throw d. put
20. We can find these things in the kitchen, EXCEPT
a. bolster c. strainer
b. grater d. whisk
21. We need these utensils when we want to make fried noodle, EXCEPT
a. a bowl c. a fork
b. a pan d. a teapot
22. The followings are the components of a procedure text, EXCEPT _____
a. goal c. characteristics
b. materials d. methods or steps
The following conversation is for questions number 23 to 26
Luffy : Ace, I think our room needs to be repainted.
Ace : I think so. The color is not suitable with our new pictures.
Luffy : What color do you suggest?
Ace : Um... I think blue is just perfect.
Luffy : Youre right. Lets make our room blue.
Ace : Yeah! And make our parents surprised!
23. Where does the conversation happen?
a. in a classroom c. at school
b. in a library d. at home
24. Who are having the conversation?
a. two brothers c. two classmates
b. two friends d. two old friends
25. What color do they choose to paint the room?
a. red c. yellow
b. blue d. white
26. What is the Indonesian equivalent of suitable?
a. sesuai c. sempurna
b. buruk d. lemah
The following conversation is for questions number 27 to 29
Mrs. Nohara is carrying some books. Sinchan -his son- notices.
Sinchan : The books must be very heavy. Let me help you, Mom.
Mrs. Nohara : Thanks.
Sinchan : Where should I put them?
Mrs. Nohara : On the new bookshelf near the window, dear. Thanks.
Sinchan : Anytime.
27. Where does the conversation happen?
a. At school c. At the library
b. At Mrs. Noharas house d. At a bookshop
28. Sinchan says, Let me help you, Mom. It means .
a. She offers help c. She wants something
b. She asks for help d. She asks for information
29. Where will Sinchan put the books?
a. in the cupboard c. in Mrs. Noharas room
b. in the library d. on the bookshelf
The following conversation is for questions number 30 to 31
Sasuke : Do you like smoking?
Naruto : (30) _____________.
Sasuke : Why?
Naruto : Because its not good for our health. What about you?
Sasuke : No, (31) _____________. I think it can cause air pollution.
30. a. Im fond of it c. I dislike it
b. I love it d. I really like it
31. a. I like it so much c. I dislike it
b. I love it d. I really like it
The following conversation is for questions number 32 to 33
Ninung : Tomorrow is holiday; I want to go to go to a good place.
Dudung : What about going fishing to Toba Lake?
Ninung : (32) _____________. It is too far. What about going shopping to Matahari?
Dudung : (33) _____________. I need new shoes. Okay, see you tomorrow.
32. a. I think thats nice c. Hmm..Okay
b. Yes, I think you are you are right d. I think thats not really good.
33. a. Great! c. Shopping is not interesting
b. I think its boring d. I hate shopping
The following conversation is for questions number 34 to 36
Sopo : Bos, what do you think of Indonesian horror movies in the (34)_____ recently? I mean,
do you like them?
Jarwo : Well, Id say I dont really like them. Id prefer comedy.
Sopo : Why? Horror movies are very entertaining.
Jarwo : In my opinion, why do we have to (35)_____ just to be (36)_____.
34. a. cinema c. market
b. mall d. stage
35. a. buy c. pay
b. make d. sell
36. a. ghost c. scared
b. haunt d. spooky
The following conversation is for questions number 37 to 40
My name is Annie and this is what I normally do. I love to walk on the mountain. During the
week I wake up early and go for a small walk on the mountain. I usually go with my father or
my brother. We like to get fresh air before we start our day. We live in the country far away
from the city. We think that our country life is wonderful because we are away from the noise
and pollution of the city. We often walk for about one-half hour and then return to our home.
On the week end we wake up early and go for a hike on the mountain. It is so nice to smell the
fresh air and see the wild animals. We stay there for about three hours and bring our lunch with
us. As you can see my family loves nature.
37. What does Annie love to do?
a. Mountain walking and mountain climbing
b. Mountain walking and hiking
c. Traveling and mountain climbing
d. Mountain climbing and hiking
38. How long does she walk?
a. For 30 minutes c. For one hour
b. For 90 minutes d. For half an hour
39. Who does she walk with?
a. With her father and brother c. With her brother and sister
b. With her father and mother d. With her sister and mother
40. The following statements are true, EXCEPT ...
a. Annie lives in the village
b. They seldom walk on the mountain
c. Annie walks on the mountain before going to school
d. They have lunch on the mountain every week

B. Fill in the blanks with correct expressions.

Shopkeeper: (1)________________?
Buyer : I want to buy a T-shirt.
Shopkeer : (2) ________________?
Buyer : Umm, maybe small or medium.
Shopkeeper: (3) ________________?
Buyer : Is blue available?
Shopkeer : I will check the stocks. (4) ________________, please.
Buyer : Okay.
<< buyer is waiting >>
Shopkeeper: Here you are. This one is the small one and that one is the medium one.
Buyer : Can I try them on? (5) ________________?
Shpekeeper : Oh, the fitting room is over there.
Buyer : Thank you
<< shopkeeper is waiting >>
Shopkeeper: Are they fit?
Buyer : Yes, (6) ________________. But, I will take the small one. (7) ________________?
Shopkeeper: It is Rp 95.000,00.
Buyer : (8) ________________?
Shopkeeper: The cashier is near the front door.
Buyer : (9) ________________!
Shopkeeper: Youre welcome.
Buyer : (10) ________________!
Shopkeeper: Bye!

C. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good procedure text based on the picture. REWRITE all
the sentences.
How to Make Onigiri

1. After that, close the rice over

2. And, then wet your hands
3. Finally, your onigiri is ready
4. First, add salt to the rice and
mix lightly
5. Form into a ball
6. Form into a ball again
7. Make a dent in the center
8. Next, put rice on your hand
9. Put umeboshi
10. Wrap with nori

D. Write 5 sentences based on the like and dislike survey below.


1. Naruto

2. Sasuke

3. Hinata

4. Rock Lee

5. Sakura

E. Write 5 sentences related to your opinion about SMP Joannes Bosco.

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