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Assessment Rubric

Name: Bill Project Grade =

Party: Participation Grade =

State/District: Total Grade for Model Congress =

5 = far exceeds expectations 3 = meets expectations 1 = does not meet expectations

4 = exceeds expectations 2 = approaching expectations 0 = not provided


A. Bill Authenticity: Does the bill look realistic including a creative title and correct formatting (i.e. like a real bill)? Are all
sections included? Is the bill topic/issue appropriate for Congress and the federal government to address?

5 4 3 2 1 0

B. S2. Statement of Purpose/Need: Does the sponsor provide a thorough explanation of why this bill is necessary or
important? Are numerous and specific details, supporting evidence (i.e. facts, statistics from research) provided?

5 4 3 2 1 0

C. S3. Provisions Benefit and Eligibility: Does the sponsor provide clear guidelines or rules about who can benefit from the
bill (ex: demographic groups)? Who is ineligible? What is legal or illegal?

5 4 3 2 1 0

D. S4. Provisions Terms and Benefits of Service: Does the sponsor provide details and a though explanation about what the
bill will do and/or change?

5 4 3 2 1 0

E. S5. Administration Does the sponsor identify and explain the role of federal agencies (ex: NASA, EPA, FCC), executive
departments (ex: Departments of Defense, Department of Justice, Homeland Security) charged with carrying out/enforcing the
provisions in the bill? Will state and local governments also have a role in carrying out/facilitating the provisions in the bill?

5 4 3 2 1 0

F. S6. Appropriations Does the sponsor identify a specific monetary amount of funding and provide a detailed explanation of
the money is needed for the grant, project, or program including the specific amount of funding needed to carry out the bill (think
about administration section). Is rational provided for appropriation request despite difficult times and limited resource (ex: how
will it benefit the economy long term)?

5 4 3 2 1 0 N/A

G. Sources and Research: Did the sponsor thoroughly research the topic/issue and content of the bill well using multiple sources
(SIX or more) or is just the minimum of FIVE content sources provided?

5 4 3 2 1 0

Revised 1/24/2017

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