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One day on Soekarno street, there are 3 teenagers who rode with a motorcycle. Because they
are did not following the traffic lights, there was an accident that made them to be rushed to the
hospital by the residents who helped him.
The first victim, Elizabeth, suffered from shortness of breath and blisters on her hands, a second
victim named Caroline suffered a blister on her leg, and a third victim named Michael had a
mild shock. Residents who helped them immediately contacted the victim's family.

10 minutes later while at Emergency Room, Siloam Hospital

Doctor : Nurse please check the patients vital sign and head to tee on the accident
(the three nurses immediately took action ttv, nurse 1 caroline, nurse 2 tackles Michael, nurse 3
tackles Elizabeth.)
Nurse Erna : Doc, Carolines vital sign is normal, Elizabeths blood pressure is normal,
but experiencing shortness of breath and Michael have low blood pressure
because of shock.
Doctor : Nurse Erna please do wound care to Caroline, Nurse Yuni give relaxation of
breath in combination with complementary therapy to Michael, Nurse Mirah
give therapy O2 3 liters dose and wound care.
All Nurse : Okay doc

Act Nurse Mirah to Elizabeth

Nurse Mirah : Miss, can you hear me?

Elizabeth : Yes, nurse.
Nurse Mirah : Is it really the name of misstress Elizabeth?
Elizabeth : Yes my name is Elizabeth nurse.
Nurse Mirah : Well, let me introduce my self my name nurse mirah, I am on duty today.
because you has shortness of breath, so now I will give you oxygen therapy.
Elizabeth : (Just nod)
Nurse Mirah : (While installing the oxygen hose) does it feel Miss?
Elizabeth : Already Nurse
Nurse Mirah : Do you feel better miss?
Elizabeth : Still a bit limp nurse.
Nurse Mirah :Well, Miss. In 15 minutes I will be back to check your condition again. Miss
can take a rest now.

Elizabeth : Thank you nurse

Action nurse Erna to Caroline

Nurse Erna : Good morning Miss. Is it really the name of mistress Caroline?
Caroline : Yeah right Nurse, Iam Caroline
Nurse Erna : As a result of this accident, there are blisters on the right foot of you. I am
nurse Erna do wound care for your wounds. About 5-10 minutes, are you
Caroline : Yes nurse, but does it hurt?
Nurse Erna : Maybe little bit Miss, but it's just a minute. In order to your wound quickly
dry and healed. Can I start now?
Caroline : Ok Nurse
(Any nurse who has prepared a set of wounds directly perform the action)
Nurse Erna : First, I clean your injury.It's little bit of a pain
Caroline : Ahh ahhh uhh uhh hmmm it is pain
Nurse Erna : Now I apply antiseptic first Miss
Caroline : Ahh it is pain Nurse
Nurse Erna : Already bu, I close the wound first.
Caroline : Ok nurse
Nurse Erna : The wound should not hit the water Miss, then you must check again for
three days Miss. Thank you for your cooperation. Get well soon Miss
Caroline : Ok nurse. Thank you
Action nurse 2 to Michael
Nurse Yuni : Good morning Mr, is it really Mr Michael?
Michael : Yes, Nurse

Nurse Yuni : Well Mr, what do you feel now?

Michael : I feel very nervous about the previous incident that made my head very dizzy

Nurse Yuni : Well Mr, my goal here is to do complementary actions where the relaxation
or massage action is related to your condition, the benefits can reduce the
shock, the headache that you feel.

Michael : Oh okey Nurse. Which part in massage Nurse?

Nurse Yuni : I will massage later on the head and hands of you, about I do this action more
or less for 15 minutes pack, is it your willing?

Michael : Oh good nurse, I'm willing

Nurse Yuni : Ok Mr. It will start now

Michael : Okey Nurse

(Then Nurse Yuni give complementary therapy to Michael )

15 minutes later

Nurse Yuni : Mr, what do you feel after I give complementary therapy ?

Michael : I feel relax little bit. And headache already better.

Nurse Yuni : Okey Mr, Now you can take rest. If you need something, you can call me Mr.

Michael : Okey, Thankyou Nurse

Nurse Yuni : Your welcome Mr.

After the three nurses perform their actions immediately see a doctor and the doctor immediately
prescribed the medicine. Suddenly the patient's family came.

Family : What happened to my kids doc? Are they okay?

(while crying and panic)
Doctor : It's okay, they're okay, they just have mild shock and scratches. It's a
prescription and mom can go straight to pharmacy.
Family : Well, thankyou so much doc
At Siloams Pharmacy
Family : Excuse me Miss, I want to make up for drugs.
Pharmacy : Okay Mam, please wait Mam.
Family : Well bu.
5 minutes later.
Pharmacy : Elizabeth, Caroline and Michael. It's his medicine.
Family : Thank you

After redeeming the medicine, the family immediately brought caroline, Elizabeth and Michael
go home.

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