92 Making-Predictions Can

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Functional English

Making Predictions

A prediction is what you think will happen

inthefuture. Predictions are based on:

1. personal opinions

2. facts or background information

Look out the window. Can you make

a predictionabout tomorrows weather?

Making a Prediction Asking for a Prediction

Read the dialogue, and practise with a partner. Listen to your teacher read these common
Englishquestions. Can you spot the differences?
A:Who do you think is going to win the election?
Question 1
B:I think Trump is going to win.
What will happen tomorrow?
A:Really? I think Clinton will win.
What do you think will happen tomorrow?
B:Why do you think Clinton will win? Whats going to happen tomorrow?

A:I bet lots of Republicans wont vote.

Question 2
B:My mom probably wont vote!
Who is going to win the election?
I bet it will be a tight race, though.
Who do you think is going to win the election?
Who will win the election?

Question 3

What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?

What do you think the weather
is going to be like tomorrow?
What will the weather be like tomorrow?

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Making Predictions
Functional English

Grammar Review
A. Using Will and Be Going To

We use the simple future Will Be Going To

tense to make a prediction. will + base verb be + going to + base verb

That tree will fall That tree is going to

down in the storm. fall down in the storm.

B. Using Think and Bet

We use the verbs think or bet Think / Bet

before will or be going to to think / bet + will / be going to + base verb
emphasize that the prediction
I think that tree will fall down in the storm.
isour own personal opinion.
I think that tree is going to fall down in the storm.
I bet that tree will fall down in the storm.
I bet that tree is going to fall down in the storm.

C. Using Probably and Likely

We use the adverbs probably or Probably / Likely

likely to show the degree to which will + adverb + base verbOR be + adverb + going to + base verb
we believe in our predictions.
That tree will probably fall down in the storm.
That tree is likely going to fall down in the storm.

D. Avoiding Common Grammatical Errors

# Rule Incorrect Correct

1 Do not use to after will. It will to rain. It will rain.

2 Do not forget to with be going to. It is going rain. It is going to rain.

3 Do not use will and going to together. It will probably going to rain. It will probably rain.

4 Do not forget the be verb. It going to rain. It is going to rain.

It will raining tomorrow. It will rain tomorrow.

5 Do not use the -ing form. It is going to It is going to
raining tomorrow. raintomorrow.

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Making Predictions
Functional English

A. Dialogues

Complete the dialogues, and check your answers with your teacher.
Then practise the dialogues with a partner.

Dialogue 1: Likely

A:Do you think its going to rain tonight?

Word List:

B: . There are some dark clouds out there. will

1. probably
A:True. The baseball game likely get rained out.

B:Yes, I theyll postpone it until tomorrow.


Dialogue 2: Unlikely

A:Do you think Trump is going to win the election?

B:Its highly . Word List:

A:What makes you say that?

B:Some Republicans probably vote.


A:True. I my parents wont vote.


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Making Predictions
Functional English

Practice cont.
B. Matching

Match up the questions and answers.

1. When do you think they will arrive? a) No, I think it will probably be sunny.

2. Who do you think is going to win? b) I bet Clinton will win.

3. How much do you think it will cost? c) I think shes going to have a boy.

4. Do you think its going to rain? d) They will probably get here around 7:00 pm.

5. What do you think shes going to have? e) It will likely cost about 25 dollars.

C. Question Formation

Use the future tense to form questions to go with the following points.
Then take turns making predictions with your partner.

Topics Words to Use

the winner of the next election will

the weather outside tomorrow going to
the next country to land on the moon bet
your home location at 80 years old think
your job 20 years from now probably
the total number of children youll have (or nieces or nephews)

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Making Predictions
Functional English

Task 1


Listen to your teacher read out a question. Respond with a prediction.

(Your teacher will tell you whether to speak or write your answer.)






Task 2


Spot the common errors and rewrite the sentences correctly.

1. The package will probably going to arrive on Friday.

2. The New York Rangers going to win tomorrow.

3. We will getting there around 8:00 pm.

4. I think that dress will to be too big for her.

5. Its going to snowing on Sunday.

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Making Predictions
Functional English

Task 3


Use the prompts to ask your teacher or partner five prediction questions.


1. the weather next week

2. the winner of the Stanley Cup next year

3. another World War (yes/no prediction)

4. your wealthiest friend five years from now

5. the age you will be when you retire







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Making Predictions
Functional English

Answer Key

Students review language and useful expressions for making TIME: 1 hour
predictions. They practise common English phrasesandreview
TAGS: functional English, useful expressions, predictions,
how to use the simple future tense with think, bet, probably, and
making predictions, predict, future, probably, likely
likely. They also learn how to avoid some common errors when

Warm-Up Asking for a Prediction

Discuss together as a class. Read the common questions out loud to yourstudents and have
them respond with a corresponding answer. Then have them say
the questions and you can respond with a corresponding answer.
CLB Skill Competencies

Speaking:IV. Sharing Information

CLB Skill Competencies

Speaking:I. Interacting with Others

Making a Prediction

Read out loud or in pairs.

Grammar Review

Review the grammar with your students,

CLB Skill Competencies and go through the common errors.

Reading:IV. Comprehending Information

CLB Skill Competencies

Reading:II. Comprehending Instructions

(continued on the next page...)

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Making Predictions
Functional English

Answer Key cont.

Practice Review (Assessment Tasks)

A. DIALOGUES The following three tasks can be used for assessment purposes
and/or review practice. You can save all of the tasks until the
Dialogue 1: Likely Dialogue 2: Unlikely
endorassess your students throughout the lesson.
1. Probably 1. unlikely
2. will 2. wont TASK 1
3. bet 3. bet
Ask your students these questions orally.
Ask them to respond orally or in writing.
1. Do you think its going to rain tonight?
1. d 2. b 3. e 4. a 5. c
2. What mark will you get on this task?
3. When will you get home today?
4. W ill life become more difficult or

Help students form questions. Answers may vary. easier for humans in the future?
5. Which country will become part
1. Who will win the next election?
of the United States in the future?
2. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
3. Which country will be the next to land on the moon?
4. Where will you will live when youre 80 years old? / CLB Skill Competencies
Where do you think you will live when youre 80 years old?
Listening:IV. Comprehending Information
5. What will you be doing 20 years from now?
Speaking / Writing:IV. Sharing Information
6. How many children / nieces and nephews will you have?

CLB Skill Competencies TASK 2

Speaking / Writing:I. Interacting with Others Assess your students understanding of common errors.

1. The package will probably going to arrive on Friday.

2. T he New York Rangers are going to win tomorrow.
3. We will get getting there around 8:00 pm.
4. I think that dress will to be too big for her.
5. Its going to snow snowing on Sunday.

CLB Skill Competencies

Writing:II. Reproducing Information

(continued on the next page...)

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Making Predictions
Functional English

Answer Key cont.

Review (Assessment Tasks) cont. EDITORS NOTE:

Most English speakers use will and be going to interchangeably

TASK 3 when making predictions, and our lesson reflects this. Note that

Assess your students ability to form questions other English textbooks may differentiate future predictions with

orally in order to get others to make predictions. will vs. be going to in terms of opinion vs. fact, near future vs.
remote future, no evidence vs. evidence, etc.; however, we feel
1. What will the weather be like next week? / these differences are slight, not always true, often ignored by
What is the weather going to be like next week? / native speakers, and potentially confusing for students.
What do you think the weather will be like next week? /
What do you think the weather is going to be like next week? (continued on the next page...)
2. Who will win the Stanley Cup next year? /
Who is going to win the Stanley Cup next year? /
Who do you think will win the Stanley Cup next year? /
Who do you think is going to win the Stanley Cup next year?
3. Will there be another World War? /
Is there going to be another World War? /
Do you think there will be another World War? /
Do you think there is going to be another World War?
4. Who will be your wealthiest friend five years from now? /
Who is going to be your wealthiest friend five years from now? /
Who do you think your wealthiest
friend will be five years from now? /
Who do you think your wealthiest friend
is going to be five years from now?
5. How old will you be when you retire? /
How old are you going to be when you retire? /
How old do you think you will be when you retire? /
How old do you think you are going to be when you retire?

CLB Skill Competencies

Speaking:I. Interacting with Others

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Making Predictions
Functional English

Answer Key cont.

Canadian Language Benchmarks Summary


Stage:2 CLB Range:46* Primary Skill Competency:Speaking I. Interacting with Others


1 Warm-Up Speaking:IV. Sharing Information

1 Making a Prediction Reading: IV. Comprehending Information

1 Asking for a Prediction Speaking:I. Interacting with Others

2 Grammar Review Reading:II. Comprehending Instructions

34 Practice Speaking / Writing:I. Interacting with Others

Listening:IV. Comprehending Information

5 Review Task 1 (PBLA)**
Speaking / Writing:IV. Sharing Information

5 Review Task 2 (PBLA) Writing:II. Reproducing Information

6 Review Task 3 (PBLA) Speaking:I. Interacting with Others

*Note: **Note:

This CLB range is suggested by ESL Library based on PBLA refers to portfolio-based learning assessment in
the descriptors in the Canadian Language Benchmarks theLINC program (though any teacher can use these tasks
guide: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/pub/language- for review or assessment). Visit our Resources section for
benchmarks.pdf Assessment Tools that you can print and personalize for
PBLA: https://esllibrary.com/resources

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Making Predictions
Functional English

Answer Key cont.

Canadian Language Benchmarks Summary cont.


The following descriptors from the Canadian Language Benchmarks

apply to this lesson and are used with permission. For more
detailed information see: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/pub/
language-benchmarks.pdf and visit: https://www.language.ca/


Participate in basic social conversations for some everyday purposes. (5)

Ask for and give information in some detail; express opinions, feelings, obligation,
ability, and certainty one-on-one and in small group discussions or meetings. (6)

Understand short social exchanges containing casual small talk.

Writing Write short, simple texts about personal experience and

(4) familiar topics or situations related to daily life and experience.

Reading Understand the purpose, main idea, key information, and specific details in simple,
(4) short texts related to everyday familiar and personally relevant situations and topics.

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