Line Time

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1 in 1995 The United States was bombed by the terrorists in Oklahoma when it was 1 year

2 in 1998 The United States attacks Iraq, again I was 4 years old and I just changed cities

3 in 2000 the ice of the North Pole melted 1.5 km of open water in August I was 6 years old and
began to study
4 when the Netherlands legalized marriage between people of the same sex I was 7 years old did
not understand that it was that

5 when eltsunami happened in the Indian Ocean that killed 290,000 people on December 26 I was
10 years old had finished primary school

6 Muslim terrorists bomb the London transit system on 7 July I was 11 years old and I remember
traveling to visit my father

7 when Barack Obama was elected President of the USA I was 15 years old and I felt very happy to
have lived that moment

8 I remember that the first nation to legalize cannabis was Uraguay I was 19 years old and I did not
decide to study

9 when the first embryonic stem cells were created through cloning I was 19 years old trying to
enter the national university

10 Donald Trump President of the USA I was 23 years old and I was finishing my elective sena

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