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HRM 590 Week 8 Final Exam (Version 2)

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1. (TCO A) Discuss two major trends that are currently affecting the practice of human resource
management. Provide examples of how a company's HRM practices might be affected by each
trend. (Points: 30)
2. (TCO B) To be a strategic business contributor, human resources must enhance organizational
performance, expand human capital, and be cost effective. Discuss how HRM professionals must
balance the competing demands made on them. (Points: 30)
3. (TCO C) Explain the most significant impact of a union on human resource management. (Points:
4. (TCO D) In developing human resource strategies, businesses face several important challenges.
Identify and describe four of these challenges. Link these challenges back to the HRM
department's strategy plan. (Points: 30)
5. (TCO E) While layoffs may seem prevalent in our work environment today, many companies still
face the challenge of retaining top performers and the skills needed to complete the job. Explain
how you would create a proactive retention program for a company. Describe the steps you
would take and substantiate each step. (Points: 30)
6. (TCO F) Substantiate the value of employee performance evaluations to the business and the
employee. Describe the factors/components you would include in a performance management
program and validate those items. (Points: 30)
7. (TCO G) Pay for performance plans vary in design. Some are designed to reward individuals as
well as team results. Describe both types of pay plans. Evaluate the value of both plans as it
relates to the organization/business. (Points: 30)
8. (TCO H) Explain how human resource technology can improve efficiency and effectiveness of
HRM functions. How, specifically, can technology support the business? Provide an example.
(Points: 40)

1. can improve efficiency and effectiveness of HRM functions. How, specifically, can technology
support the business? Provide an example. (Points: 40)

leader as the change sponsor or the change implementer of this change? Or was this leader in
fact both? Describe the difference between a sponsor of change and an implementer of change,
why they are both important, and why you feel your leader was one or the other.B. Evaluate the
leaders implementation of the change as it compared to the companys vision and mission
statement. Were they aligned? Did this alignment (or misalignment) contribute to the success or
failure of the change? Why or why not? (Points : 35)
1. (TCO A) When JetBlue left their customers sitting on the tarmac for hours on Valentines Day,
and their CEO was ultimately terminated as a result, the company was responding to (pick the best
group) (Points : 7)
2. (TCO A) Which of the following best shows forces for change vs. forces for stability? (Points :
3. (TCO B) Which of the following best defines the congruence model of diagnosing
change? (Points : 7)
4. (TCO C) The Burke-Litwin model states that there are four transformational factors of change.
Identify the answer below which contains at least three of those factors. (Points : 7)
4. (TCO B) During the diagnosis for change period, it is important to analyze the stakeholders for
their readiness to change. Using the power-interest matrix, you review the level of interest and
amount of power of stakeholders and determine the following: (Points : 7)
5. (TCO C) This organization is running like clockwork! This statement by a company leader is
likely to result in no change because(Points : 7)
6. (TCO D) The art of a leader managing the meaning of a vision for followers and aligning it with
his or her values is called (Points : 7)
7. (TCO F) The Emotional Intelligence domains and associated competencies are used to help us
determine when a potential change agent, or person, is ready for leadership. When a person
exhibits the competencies of integrity, initiative, and optimism, we know he or she has reached the
stage of (Points : 7)
8. (TCO G) One day, while on the company elevator, the head of HR is talking to the CEO and
doesnt realize his speaker phone is on when the CEO asks, Do you think that we can afford to
keep the downtown branch of the company open? Or is it time to think about across-the-board
layoffs? The HR head frowns, turns off the speaker and replies, Ill call you later and hangs
up. Four employees from the downtown branch are on the elevator and hear this comment. The HR
head tells the four employees (whose names he does not know), Say nothing about this. You
heard nothing. They immediately rush to their cubicles and begin spreading the word. The gossip
has hit the entire department and local news agencies by the 6:00 news that night. The CEO is
featured saying, This is nothing but a rumor at this point. We have no current plan to lay off
anyone. This is an example of what type of communication plan on the part of the CEO? (Points :
9. (TCO G) Toxic handlers, as related to change management communication, do the
following: (Points : 7)
10. (TCO H) A sign that a change is sustained could be seen as (Points : 7)
11. (TCOs G,H) Review this story and pick the best answer based on your understanding of
change management practices: Company X,Y,Z establishes a vision for change where cutting
costs is critical to our survival and establishes a reward system to the department which cuts costs
the most in one quarter, and states it will be a department-based reward system for the next four
quarters. By the most the management establishes, the cuts will be valued by a somewhat
complicated algorithm % and $$ of cut in the total expense budget. The sales team goes for the
gold and cuts their travel budget by 50%, which is by far the biggest department cut in both $ and
%. They win the 1st quarter reward. In quarter 2, the IT team cuts expenses the most by ending the
purchase of all new software or PCs. In quarter 3, the production line cuts their expenses the most
by laying off 60% of the workers (sales have dropped significantly and technology problems have
slowed production, so this was needed anyway.) (Points : 8)

HRM 587 Week 8 Final Exam (Version 2 -Essay Type)


Compile the change management imperatives that will go into making this a successful
change project.
Construct a set of strategies that managers can use to help employees cope with complex
Persuade the managers involved in this change that the imperatives that you identified and
the strategies to help employees cope with change will help them manage the complex
realities of this change project. (Points: 30)


Construct a model of change that reflects the reality of change in modern organizations and
reflects your beliefs about change.
Think of an organizational change that you believe should be implemented in an
organization where you work now, or one you worked for in the past. Create a plan to
implement change by integrating your change model.
Plan a system to measure how your model will impact the organization.


Evaluate the various types of change pressure that might impact the organization in terms
of: (a) staffing levels, and (b) corporate branding.
You are further asked to compile a list that compares each potential force for change to the
stability of the organization.
Speculate as to why some of these potential pressures on organizations to change do not
impact all organizations in the same way. (Points: 30)

Appraise the cultural impact of this change on the employees who will move from
government to private sector employment.
Speculate on the changes that will come to the strategic behaviors of the new privatized
organization compared to the government organization.
Propose a plan that will help bring alignment between former government employees and
the new strategy that they will have to work within. (Points: 30)


Compose a likely set of reasons why people will resist this change.
Appraise the most effective and least effective strategies for overcoming the resistance to
the change identified in the scenario.
Devise a plan to implement the most effective approaches to reducing change resistance.
(Points: 30)


Appraise two approaches to diagnosing organizational change, pointing out what works
and what does not work in effective organizational diagnosis.
Construct your own version of an effective diagnostic model using the best elements of
other models. Be specific about the components of the model you create.
Create a strategy that will measure the effectiveness of your diagnostic model. (Points: 30)


Help yourself by generating a checklist of key attributes of a good change communication

Then, compose an example change communication using an appropriate scenario.
Finally, formulate a methodology to measure the success of your communication plan.
(Points: 30)

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