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package com.sanfoundry.


import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.Collections;

import java.util.PriorityQueue;

import java.util.Queue;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class BranchandBound

static int[][] wt; // Matrix of edge

// weights

static String[] city; // Vector of city

// names

static int n; // Dimension for wt

// and city

static ArrayList<Tour> soln = new ArrayList<Tour>();

static int bestTour; // Initialized in

// init()

static int blocked; // Ditto

static boolean DEBUG = true; // Show

// accept/reject

// decisions

static boolean VERBOSE = true; // Show all tours

// discovered


private static class Tour implements Comparable


int[] soln;

int index; // In branch-and-bound, start of variable

int dist;

static int nTours = 0;

// Best-first based on dist, or DFS based on maxheap of index

static boolean DFS = true;

static boolean DBG = true;


* Presumable edges up to [index-1] have been verified before

* this constructor has been called. So compute the fixed

* distance from [0] up to [index-1] as dist.


private Tour(int[] vect, int index, int[][] wt)

dist = 0;

for (int k = 1; k < index; k++)

// Add edges

dist += wt[vect[k - 1]][vect[k]];

if (index == n)

dist += wt[vect[n - 1]][vect[0]]; // Return edge

soln = new int[n]; // Deep copy

System.arraycopy(vect, 0, soln, 0, n);

this.index = index; // Index to permute

nTours++; // Count up # of tours

if (DBG)

System.out.printf("Idx %d: %s\n", index, toString());

public int compareTo(Object o)

Tour rt = (Tour) o;

int c1 = rt.index - this.index, c2 = this.dist - rt.dist;

if (DFS)

return c1 == 0 ? c2 : c1;


return c2;

public String toString()

StringBuilder val = new StringBuilder(city[soln[0]]);

for (int k = 1; k < n; k++)

val.append(", " + city[soln[k]]);

val.append(", " + city[soln[0]]);

val.append(String.format(" for %d", dist));

return val.toString();

private static void init(Scanner inp)

int sub1, sub2;

String line;

n = inp.nextInt();

wt = new int[n][n];

city = new String[n];

// Initially, there are NO edges; hence -1.

for (sub1 = 0; sub1 < n; sub1++)

Arrays.fill(wt[sub1], -1);

inp.nextLine(); // Discard rest of first line

for (sub1 = 0; sub1 < n; sub1++)

city[sub1] = inp.nextLine();

Arrays.sort(city); // Just to be sure (binarySearch)

inp.nextLine(); // Discard blank spacing line;

blocked = 0; // Accumulate ALL weights for upper bound

while (inp.hasNext())

int head, tail;

int dist;

String src, dst;

line = inp.nextLine(); // E.g.: "George" "Pasco" 91

// Chop out the double-quoted substrings.

head = line.indexOf('"') + 1;

tail = line.indexOf('"', head);

src = line.substring(head, tail);

head = line.indexOf('"', tail + 1) + 1;

tail = line.indexOf('"', head);

dst = line.substring(head, tail);

dist = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(tail + 1).trim());

sub1 = Arrays.binarySearch(city, src);

sub2 = Arrays.binarySearch(city, dst);

wt[sub1][sub2] = wt[sub2][sub1] = dist;

blocked += dist;

blocked += blocked; // Double the total

bestTour = blocked; // And initialize bestTour


// Used below in generating permutations.

private static void swap(int[] x, int p, int q)

int tmp = x[p];

x[p] = x[q];

x[q] = tmp;

// Generate the available tours by branch-and-bound.

// Generate the initial permutation vector, then save that state

// as the first examined in the branch-and-bound.

public static void tour()

int[] vect = new int[n];

int start;

Queue<Tour> work = new PriorityQueue<Tour>();

// First permutation vector.

for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)

vect[k] = k;

start = Arrays.binarySearch(city, "Spokane");

if (start >= 0)

vect[start] = 0;

vect[0] = start;

work.add(new Tour(vect, 1, wt));

while (!work.isEmpty()) // Branch-and-bound loop

Tour current = work.poll();

int index = current.index;

vect = current.soln;

if (index == n) // I.e., Full permutation vector

if (wt[vect[n - 1]][vect[0]] > 0) // Return edge?

if (current.dist < bestTour) // Better than earlier?

{// Save the state in the list

bestTour = current.dist;


if (DEBUG)

System.out.println("Accept " + current);

else if (DEBUG)

System.out.println("Too long: " + current);

else if (DEBUG)

System.out.println("Invalid: " + current);


// Continue generating permutations

int k; // Loop variable

int hold; // Used in regenerating the original state

for (k = index; k < n; k++)

swap(vect, index, k);

if (wt[vect[index - 1]][vect[index]] < 0)


work.add(new Tour(vect, index + 1, wt));

// Restore original permutation

hold = vect[index];

for (k = index + 1; k < n; k++)

vect[k - 1] = vect[k];

vect[n - 1] = hold;


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

String filename = args.length == 0 ? "RoadSet.txt" : args[0];

Scanner inp = new Scanner(new;

System.out.println("Data read from file " + filename);




System.out.println("Tours discovered:");

for (Tour opt : soln)


if (soln.size() == 0)

System.out.println("NO tours discovered. Exiting.");


System.out.println(Tour.nTours + " Tour objects generated.");


System.out.println("Best tour: ");


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