Effect of Yoga On Short Term Heart Rate Variability Measure As A Stress Index in Subjunior Cyclists: A Pilot Study

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Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2013; 57(2) : 153158





Department of Physiology,
BLDE Universitys Sri B. M. Patil Medical College,
Bijapur, Karnataka, India
( Received on September 3, 2012 )

Abstract : Subjunior athletes experience mental stress due to pressure

from the coach, teachers and parents for better performance. Stress, if
remains for longer period and not managed appropriately can leads to
negative physical, mental and cognitive impact on children. The present
study was aimed to evaluate the effect of integrated yoga module on heart
rate variability (HRV) measure as a stress index in subjunior cyclists. Fast
furrier transform technique of frequency domain method was used for the
analysis of HRV. We have found a significant increase in high frequency
(HF) component by 14.64% (P<0.05) and decrease in the low frequency
component (LF) of HRV spectrum by 5.52% (P<0.05) and a decrease in LF/
HF ratio by 19.63% (P<0.01) in yoga group. In the control group, there was
decrease in the HF component and, no significant difference in the LF
component of HRV spectrum and LF/HF ratio. The results show that
yoga practice decreases sympathetic activity and causes a shift in the
autonomic balance towards parasympathetic dominance indicating a
reduction in stress. In conclusion, yoga practice helps to reduce stress by
optimizing the autonomic functions. So, it is suggested to incorporate
yoga module as a regular feature to keep subjunior athletes both mentally
and physically fit.

Key words : yoga heart rate variability stress subjunior cyclists

INTRODUCTION (subjunior athletes) experience dual pressure

from coach demanding good performance and
Sports uphold a well-balanced healthy even from teachers and parents as well for
lifestyle. It imparts both positive and negative better academic performance. This makes the
influences on different developmental stages children experience stress manifesting
of children. Children practicing sports detrimental effects on their health (1).

*Corresponding author : Dr. Satish G Patil, Department of Physiology, BLDE Universitys Sri B.M.Patil Medical
College, Bijapur, Karnataka, India; Email: sathupatil@yahoo.co.in; Cell No.: 9986789583
154 Patil et al Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2013; 57(2)

Inappropriate management of stress for conducted to evaluate the effect of integrated

longer period leads to negative physical, yoga module on HRV measure as a stress
mental and cognitive impact on children (1, index in subjunior cyclists.
2). It also leads to anxiety, depression, poor
memory and lower academic achievement METHODS
(3). Studies show that chronic life stress and
diseases are very closely associated (4, 5). The present study was conducted on 24
Stress influences the hypothalamus via the healthy subjunior cyclists of Government
limbic system and cause changes in the school of sports, Bijapur District, Karnataka.
heart rate variability (HRV) through the Both males (n=12) and females (n=12) were
autonomic nervous system. Heart rate recruited for the study. The age of subjects
variability (HRV) is a non-invasive measure ranged from 11-13 years. Subjects with LF/
being used to evaluate the mental stress and HF ratio > 2; were included for the study.
to determine the status of autonomic Subjects on any medication or suffering from
nervous system (6). any acute or chronic disease were excluded
from the study. Informed consent was
Stress increases the sympathetic activity obtained for participation in the study. The
and decreases the activity of parasympathetic study was approved by the institutional
nervous system (7). In a short term HRV ethical committee.
analysis in sub junior cyclists, an increase
in sympathetic activity and decrease in Study design
parasympathetic dominance was observed
indicating stress in these subjects (8). In The subjects were screened and those
addition to the cycling practice, notable with LF/HF ratio > 2; were selected for the
increase in stress levels might be associated study after thorough examination. The
with the busy academic schedule and extra subjects were randomly divided into study
coaching classes. This might contribute to group (n=12) and control group (n=12) by
eminent mental stress than a physical one using random number table. The study group
in an individual. These children necessitate was assigned to yoga training by a yoga
a proper relaxation technique to overcome instructor for one hour daily in the evening
inordinate mental stress. from 5.30 PM to 6.30PM for four weeks. The
yoga training includes asanas, pranayama
Yoga is an ancient system of life style and meditation (10) (Table I). The control
having a psycho-somatic-spiritual discipline group was assigned to routine practice
that helps to achieve a harmony between for the same duration, under the supervision
our mind, body and soul. Yoga helps to of their coach. Two subjects, one from the
manage stress and to reduce anxiety leading yoga group and another from the control
to negative affects and enhances the group discontinued the study because they
positivity and mental Poise (9). Currently got selected for the national level
no documented studies depicting role of yoga competition. All the recordings were made
on stress in sub junior athletes were twice, before and after four weeks of
available and hence the present study was intervention.
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2013; 57(2) Effect of Yoga on HRV in Cyclists 155

Table I : Integrated Yoga module for stress. the Biomedical Signal Analysis group,
University of Kuopio, Finland (11).
Sl.No. Yoga practice Duration Frequency domain method was used for
(60 min)
analysis of HRV. A non parametric Fast
A Starting prayer 1 min Furrier Transform (FFT) technique was used
B Breathing practices to obtain the Power spectral density of the
1. Hands stretch breathing 02 min
2. Hands in and out breathing 02 min RR Series. Total power in the frequency
3. Ankle stretch breathing 02 min
4. Tiger breathing 02 min
range (0-0.40Hz) was divided into very low
C Quick relaxation technique 03 min frequency (VLF: 0-0.04), low frequency
D Asana (LF: 0.04-0.15Hz) and high frequency (HF:
1. Ardhakati cakrasana
(both sides) 2 min
0.15-0.40Hz). LF measure reflects both
2. Garudasana 1 min sympathetic and parasympathetic activity.
3. Bhujangasana 1 min
4. Sashankasana 1 min HF measure reflects parasympathetic
E Deep relaxation technique 7 min activity. The LF and HF components were
F Pranayama expressed in normalized units (n.u). LF/HF
1. Nadishudhi 5 min
2. Sitali 2 min ratio was calculated to assess overall
3. Bhramari 3 min balance between the sympathetic and the
G Meditation parasympathetic systems. HRV analysis was
1. Nadanusandhana 15 min
2. Om Meditation 10 min done as per the guidelines of a Task force of
H Closing prayer 01 min the European Society of Cardiology and the
North American Society of Pacing and
Electrophysiology (12). Heart rate (HR) was
Data acquisition
calculated from the RR interval obtained
from the ECG recording.
All the parameters were recorded after
supine rest for 10 minutes in the morning
Statistical analysis
between 8 am to 10 am at room temperature.
Blood pressure was measured by using the
The obtained data was expressed in
sphygmomanometer. A 5 minute ECG was
mean and standard deviation. A students
recorded in the standard limb lead II
paired t test was applied to determine
configuration using a four channel digital
polygraph (Medicaid systems Pvt Ltd, the statistical significance. Statistical
Chandigarh, India). The recorded data were significance was established at P<0.05.
visually inspected off-line and only noise free Data was analyzed using the SPSS
data were included for analysis. No ectopic software.
beats were found on offline scrutiny. The
subjects were asked to breathe normally RESULTS
during the ECG recording.
The demographic characteristics of the
Data analysis subjects in yoga and control group were
shown in Table II. There was no significant
HRV assessment was done using the HRV difference between the study and control
analysis software version 2.0, developed by group, indicates equal distribution.
156 Patil et al Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2013; 57(2)

TABLE II : Demographic Characteristics of subjects There was a significant decrease in the

in Yoga and control group (n=22).
LF component and an increase in the HF
component of HRV spectrum following a four
Variable Yoga group Control group P-
(n=11) (n=11) value weeks of yoga practice. The LF/HF ratio was
also significantly decreased in this group
Sex (Male/Female) 6/5 5/6
(Table III).
Age (Years) 11.630.67 11.520.62 0.29
BMI (kg/m2) 17.373.2 18.562.6 0.37
Heart Rate (bpm) 81.788.43 85.749.9 0.111 In the control group, a significant
Systolic BP 107.124.83 104.94.95 0.331 decrease in the HF component was found,
(mmHg) suggesting a decrease in the parasympathetic
Diastolic BP 70.964.84 70.153.38 0.281 activity. Though not significant, but an
increase in the mean LF and LF/HF ratio
Pulse Pressure 39.842.79 391.08 0.29
(mmHg) was found in this group (Table IV).
MAP (mmHg) 80.714.92 81.93.9 0.582
LF/HF ratio 2.70.5 2.620.49 0.591 DISCUSSION

Values are expressed in MeanSD. *P<0.05,

**P<0.01, ***P<0.001. HRV is a known prime non-invasive
BMI Body mass index; MAP Mean arterial measure for cardiovascular autonomic
pressure; LF Low frequency component regulation. HRV also provides an opportunity
of HRV; HF High frequency component of
HRV. to study and assess the association between

TABLE III : Heart rate variability before and after yoga intervention (n=11).

Before After 95% confidence interval t P

Variables yoga yoga value value
MeanSD MeanSD Lower Upper

LF (n.u) 72.73.47 68.694.51 0.417 7.619 2.486 0.032*

HF (n.u) 27.293.47 31.34.52 7.619 0.417 2.486 0.032*
LF/HF ratio 2.70.5 2.170.45 0.207 0.846 3.677 0.004**

Values are expressed in MeanSD. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001. LF Low frequency component of
HRV; HF High frequency component of HRV.

TABLE IV : Heart rate variability at baseline and after four weeks in control group (n=11).

Baseline After 95% confidence interval t P

Variables yoga 4 weeks value value
MeanSD MeanSD Lower Upper

LF (n.u) 71.83.64 73.783.03 4.987 1.096 1.425 0.185

HF (n.u) 28.213.67 25.242.74 0.083 5.861 2.293 0.045*
LF/HF ratio 2.620.49 2.940.38 0.733 0.087 1.751 0.111

Values are expressed in MeanSD. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.

LF Low frequency component of HRV; HF- High frequency component of HRV.
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2013; 57(2) Effect of Yoga on HRV in Cyclists 157

psychological processes and physiological system are: the hypothalamic-pituitary-

reactions. It expresses the balance adrenocortical axis (HPA) and the
between the regulation of sympathetic and sympathetic-adrenal-medullary (SAM)
parasympathetic nervous system (13). Stress system. Cortisol is released in response to
decreases the HF component of HRV the HPA activation where as SAM system
spectrum and increases the LF component activation releases catecholamines. These
and LF/HF ratio indicating an increase in two hormones help to cope with any form of
the activity of sympathetic nervous system stress. But continuous or prolonged stress
(7). This increase in sympathetic activity interferes in the regulation of physiological
is the key factor for development of systems by the HPA and SAM systems
cardiovascular disease (14). resulting in an increased risk for physical
and mental disorders (5). Kamie T et al.,
In the present study, we have found a found a significant decrease in the serum
significant increase in HF component by cortisol level during yoga practice in yoga
14.64% (P<0.05), decrease in the LF instructors (17). Schimdt et al., found a
component of HRV spectrum by 5.52% decrease in urinary excretion of adrenaline,
(P<0.05) and decrease in LF/HF ratio by nor adrenaline, dopamine and aldosterone
19.63% (P<0.01) in Yoga group. These during a comprehensive residential three
changes suggest a decrease in sympathetic months of yoga training (18). By this one
activity and increase in parasympathetic can conclude that yoga practice helps in
dominance. This shift in the autonomic optimization of autonomic functions and
balance towards the parasympathetic stress response system thereby enhancing
dominance indicates a reduction in stress. the coping mechanism for stress.
It has been reported in various studies that
yoga practice will help to bring about a It may be concluded from the finding
balance and optimization of autonomic of the study that the yoga intervention
functions (15-16). In the control group, a reduces the stress by optimizing the
significant decrease in HF component autonomic functions. So, it is suggested to
(P<0.05) and, an increase in mean LF
incorporate this yoga module as a regular
component of HRV spectrum and LF/HF
feature for subjunior athletes to keep them
ratio was observed suggesting an increase
both mentally and physically fit.
in sympathetic activity. We have also
observed a significant reduction in HR by
18.13% (P<0.01) in yoga group where as no
significant change was observed in the
control group. A shift in an autonomic We are thankful to BLDE University,
balance towards the parasympathetic Karnataka, India for the financial support
dominance may explain the reduction in HR to the study. We express sincere thanks to
in the subjects of yoga group. the coach and head of the Government sports
school, Bijapur, Karnataka, India. We also
The hypothalamic controlled two thank to all the cyclists who volunteered to
important pathways of the stress response be subjects in this study.
158 Patil et al Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2013; 57(2)


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