Sameeha September 2017

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Look at me teacher Heather.

I can do this
September 2017 by Heather
Learning Priority: learning to trust in others.

Sameeha, this is a big break through for you, not only the clombing
but the communication with me and you not even noticing that
mum was no where to be seen. Fantastic! You were very happily
climbing on the climbing frame and constantly calling out to me
Teacher Heather. Look at me!
It is not easy getting up onto the climbing
frame especially when you are wearing a
lovely warm ski suit but you were
determined to do this and mostly would
not accept help. When you achieved another level up the ladder,
again you would call out to me to show me. If I didnt respond
straight away, (because I was working with another child) you
just kept calling until I did and were very
proud of your efforts. You then went down the slide and had to
swing on the bar of the swing frame. Again making sure you got my
attention. This circuit was repeated over and over and each time
you managed to do the climbing just that
little bit easier. Perseverance pays off.
You are gaining confidence in and control
of your body.
You are developing verbal skills for a range
of purposes.
Islamic link: Tawakkul: trusting in gods plan
Te Whriki: Communication: you are discovering different ways
to be creative. You are able to express
your feelings and ideas using a wide
range of materials

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