MODULE 1 Review Experimental Design (1.01)

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MODULE 1 Review

Experimental Design (1.01)

Independent and Dependent Variables

The steps of the scientific method in order
How to write a formal hypothesis correctly
The importance of
o testing one variable at a time
o including a control group
o sample size
Replication of results
o similar results with similar environmental conditions
o interpretation of data by scientists with different backgrounds
Know what science is and how it differs from other disciplines
o what it is
o why its not considered real science

Data and Experimentation (1.01 and 1.02)

How to analyze data

o in a table and graph
o how it affects an outcomes
o how to formulate conclusions from evidence/data
o role of creativity in design
o goal is to
answer a scientific question
test a hypothesis
Different research methods including
o robots
o importance/usefulness of small scale models
o collecting and analyzing data

Ocean Zones (1.02 and 1.03)

Know the ocean zones including

o what zone of the ocean you are likely to find
photosynthetic organisms in
bioluminescent organisms in
primary producers in
o how the following differ between the zones
dissolved oxygen
o depths of each zone
o feeding strategies associated with each zone

Tides, Currents and Waves (1.03)

o what causes them
o the difference between spring and neap tides
Know what causes waves
o how the Coriolis Effect impacts surface currents
o how downwelling and upwellings affect nutrient and oxygen content

Properties of water (1.04)

Know how each impacts oceans (large bodies of water) and ocean life
o Universal solvent
What about it makes it be considered the universal solvent
o Density
o Heat Capacity
o Vapor Pressure
o Salinity
o Surface Tension
o Specific Heat

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