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A. Three New Words

1. Demosticate

a. Goats were probably the first animals to be domesticated, followed closely by sheep.
b. In Southeast Asia, chickens also were domesticated about 10,000 years ago.
c. Later, people began domesticating larger animals, such as oxen or horses, for plowing
and transportation.

My Sentence :
In early agriculture era, the animals must be domesticated to help humans farming

2. Ditches
a. Drainage ditches play major roles in agriculture throughout the world.
b. Controlled subsurface drainage from sensitive areas to vegetated drainage ditches
makes possible a better balance between water drainage and water retention needs.

My Sentence :
Dams water is flowing through the ditches to farming area.

3. Gronula
a. Homemade granola can be a healthy, comforting, and delicious treat
b. This granola can be kept in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to 2 weeks

My Sentence :
Luthfi has just harvested sorghums, and then he makes gronula from them.

B. History of Agriculture in the Empire of Japan

Agriculture in the Empire of Japan was an important component of the pre-war Japanese
economy. Even though Japan had only few of its land area under cultivation before the Pacific War,
most of households made a living from farming. Japanese planted land was mostly dedicated to rice. In
the early Meiji period, landowners collected a high rate of rent in kind, rather than cash and as a result
they played a major role in the development of agriculture, since the tenant farmers found it difficult to
obtain capital. Gradually, with the development of cash crops to supplement the mainstay of rice, and
the growth of capitalism in general from the turn of the twentieth century onwards, agricultural
cooperatives and the government took over the role by providing farm subsidies, loans, and education
in new agricultural techniques.

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