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Some examples to answer the question "How does he/she FEEL about me/this/that/etc?

***A BIG THANK YOU to all the ladies (in parentheses below) who commented on my post and offered help. You guys
are AWESOME!!!

RIDER - passion. People interested, fascinated, looking for contact.

Preparing for change/rushed of your feet= feeling in a whirl. (Liza Victoria Massey)

CLOVER - happiness, hope, joy. Free and easy feeling. Feeling lucky.

SHIP - Depending on surrounding cards or people want to come to the querent, get close to him or wants to move away.
Longings/nostalgia (Deni Galeva)
Distant feelings (Sowilo Dawn)

HOUSE - trust. People a sense of security and stability. Feeling comfortable and safe.

TREE - rather, feeling so-so. Not particularly interested. You can even boredom.
Grounded (Efsun Kagnici Saunders)

CLOUDS - people confused, mixed-up, depressed, sad. He doubts, his feelings are constantly changing. Stressed.

SNAKE - mixed feelings. Jealousy and envy, mistrust/suspicious. But also a temptation. Twisted or vindictive?
Malevolence, rancor, envy (Deni Galeva)
feeling trampy? (Sowilo Dawn)

COFFIN - a great sadness, depression, suffering. (With fish - tears.) Tired, ill.

BOUQUET - delight, interest, location. Happy man and finds attractive querent. generous?

SCYTHE - anguish, jealousy, pain. Offended, hurt. Feeling in pain?

Edgy (Efsun Kagnici Saunders)

BROOM - internal conflicts. People disappointed, annoyed. Angry. bitter?

Competitive, argumentative, defensive/confrontational (Sowilo Dawn)

OWLS - uncertainty, anxiety, melancholy, annoyed?, indecision, fear.

CHILD - feelings grow. Trust, openness, carelessness. Playfulness, curious.

FOX - imaginary or simulated feeling. Distrust, dishonesty, escape from feelings.

Feeling on guard (Deni Galeva)
Cunning, witty, or mischievous. Manipulative? (Sowilo Dawn)
Skeptical (Efsun Kagnici Saunders)

BEAR - jealousy, passion, sense of stability.

Guarding their territory. Brave/courageous, daring (Deni Galeva)
Possessive (Steluta Sabau)
Powerful, sometimes Rude (Efsun Kagnici Saunders)
Grouchy (Liza Victoria Massey)

STARS - clear, beautiful and happy feelings, deep feelings.

STORK - changeable feelings.

someone trendy- always on to the next best thing- grass is greener on other side. Likes change. (Sowilo Dawn)
Unsettled (Efsun Kagnici Saunders)

DOG - friendship, constancy in feelings. Trust, loyalty, intimacy. generous? kind?

TOWER - coldness, lack of interest. The man does not show feelings, distancing. Lonely?
Feeling arrogant - higher up than others. (Sowilo Dawn)

GARDEN - openness. People would like to get to know. Need for others?

MOUNTAIN - cooling feelings, frustration, lack of interest. Man locked. Isolated, lonely.

ROADS - changeable feelings twofold. Uncertain, or double-minded?

Diplomatic - can play both sides (Sowilo Dawn)

MICE - sadness, fear, fright. Feelings anymore. Irritated/stressed?

HEART - Love, love. Man is very centrally located to the querent. Concern for others.

RING - affection. People would like to develop a relationship, strengthen the link. Committed, bound by duty/obligated.

BOOK - unconscious feelings. Man until he realized his feelings and is not ready to reveal. Or hidden feelings he doesnt want
anyone to know?

LETTER - ??? Feeling fickle, or light????

Wanting to explain (Liza Victoria Massey)
Poetic (Sowilo Dawn)
Shallow/Superficial feelings interest. (Steluta Sabau) Because of this possible boredom?

LILY - harmonious, gentle, (passionate feelings-Sexual desire *for some people. Others dont really see lily that way unless
whip is close by). Feeling calm/at peace. Maybe feeling OLD?

SUN - happiness. Querent as sunlight for a person gives warmth and energy. Confident, victorious, and successful.

MOON - gentle, very deep feelings. Attraction. But also uncertainty, fear, sadness, romance and dreams.

KEY - strong feelings stable. sure things will go your way/sure of yourself?
Feeling important - they have all the answers (Sowilo Dawn)

FISH - feeling uncertain, floating, exciting. Feeling independent/free.

Deeply sensitive about the subject (Deni Galeva)
ANCHOR - very stable feeling dependence interest. Settled, Lazy?
Hopeful (Liza Victoria Massey)

CROSS - painful feelings, momentous. Burdened, grieved, sullen. Feeling like a victim (the world is against you).
Needy, sorrowful, gloomy, down, negative. (Sowilo Dawn)

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