Enrolment Overview: 1. Select My Student Center' From Your Myglasgow Homepage

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Enrolment Overview

1. Select My Student Center from your MyGlasgow homepage.

2. The Student Centre screen is displayed.

To begin Enroll By My Requirements, select the Enrollment link as below.

Note: You must complete Academic Registration before commencing enrolment.

3. The Enroll By My Requirements screen will appear.

This screen displays both compulsory and optional courses for your chosen
programme of study.

Scroll down to view content.

The required credits/units for the year are displayed. As you enrol onto courses the
credits/units taken total will increase and the credits/units needed will decrease
allowing you to see how many more credits/units are required for a full curriculum.

You are only required to enrol for your current year of study, so if you are in 1st Year,
select the courses for Year 1.
4. Click the arrow to expand the list of courses

The compulsory and optional courses will now be shown

5. Scroll down to view your compulsory and optional courses. Within each section you
will be advised how many credits/units you are required to take of each type of

Please note if you are enrolling on an A and B course (eg Psych 1A and Psych 1B)
ensure you select the same class times for each to avoid timetable clashes.

Select a course for enrolment by selecting the link within Description.

6. The course detail and a list of classes are now displayed. This includes from and to
dates, days available, locations and start, and end times.

Please note the first five rows will display by default click View All to see all
available classes
7. The link under Section also provides detail of a class, e.g. Lecture LC01

Enrolment sections are denoted by the Select button. Choose an enrolment section
at a suitable time and click Select to commence enrolment
8. The Select Your Other Classes for this Course Screen is now displayed.

Note: Many classes are taught via a range of methods e.g. laboratories and tutorials,
additional classes may be required.

Select the required additional classes at a time which suits you and fits your

Note: Status symbols are displayed to denote Open, Closed, and Wait List for

Click Next at the bottom of the screen once you have made your selection
9. The Confirmation of Class Selection Screen is displayed.

A summary of classes selected is displayed.

Read any Class Notes for additional information.

Click Next
10. The Course Detail screen is displayed.

The selected classes have now been added to My Choices.

Note: The enrolment process is not yet completed.

My Choices enables students to save all course selections and check for timetable
clashes and check prerequisites have been met prior to completing enrolment.

Select click here to view My Choices

11. The My Choices Add Classes to My Choices screen is displayed.

You can click my timetable to view your proposed timetable this will display any
potential timetable clashes.

You can also select courses by ticking the Select tickbox and clicking on Check
Suitability this will check pre-requisites have been met and will provide detail of any
classes which are causing a timetable clash.

Note: Contact your Adviser of Studies if you meet a prerequisite but are receiving a
message to tell you that Enrolment Requisites have not been met.

If you receive a message alerting you to a timetable clash, alternative class times for
one of the courses should be selected. See the guides for Making Changes
12. My Timetable is opened in a new window

Classes are displayed in My Timetable as enrolled (Green) and selected in My

Choices but not yet enrolled (Blue)

Note: My Timetable may help you identify available timeslots for other courses.

Go back to MyChoices to complete enrolment.

13. To complete the enrolment process, check the tick box. You may select multiple
classes to enrol onto at the same time. You can also delete a course from
MyChoices if you wish to select different class times or a different course.

Click Enroll
14. The My Choices Confirm Classes screen is displayed summarising all the class times
you are selecting.

Click Finish Enrolling

15. The My Choices Enrollment Results screen is displayed

If you are added to a course the message displayed is Success: Enrolled

If you do not meet the requirements of the course or a timetable clash with a course
you are already enrolled on is detected you will not be enrolled and will need to
select another course or classes at different times.

Click View My Timetable to view enrolled classes

16. The timetable is opened in a new window

Your enrolled classes will show in green

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