SPMRG 2017 Qmainbook

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[1103/2] Bahasa Melayu
TAHUN 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Faedah Tujuan mengadakan
Aktiviti Hari memelihara dan Ciri-ciri sekolah
TAJUK menyertai sukan Sambutan Hari Guru di
Kebangsaan memulihara selamat
Lasak peringkat sekolahh
bangunan bersejarah


TAHUN 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Faktor destinasi
Kepentingan hutan Peranan Punca-punca berkurangan Semangat
TAJUK pelancongan
bandar kaunselor bekalan air bersih Patriotisme

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Kaduk, Ayam dan Raja Cinta Ahmad Mutawakkil
Cerpen Munsyi Gerhana Manusia (2015)
Jaket Kulit Kijang Dari Istanbul Hipertensi
Drama Berkhidmat untuk Negara Drama Bukan Gila
Prosa Tradisional Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan Prosa Klasik Burung Terbang Dipipiskan Lada

Puisi Tradisional Syair Bidasari Gurindam Beberapa Petua Hidup (2015)

Gurindam 12 Fasal Yang Keenam Seloka Berbuat Istana Zaman Dahulu
Sang Gembala Kuda Sejadah Rindu
Aku Membaca Lagi Pesan Lelaki Kecil kepada Gadis Kampus
www.sibermerdeka.com.my Erti Hidup Bererti
Gelanggang Kudup Perang


Tahun Soalan (a) Soalan (b)
Nov 2012 Latar masa Nilai Kemanusiaan
Nov 2013 Sinopsis Pengajaran
Nov 2014 Cara watak utama selesaikan konflik Latar masyarakat
Nov 2015 Persoalan kasih sayang Pengajaran tentang kerjasama
Nov 2016 Nilai tanggungjawab Latar masa

Perlis/Kedah/Pulau Pinang/Perak Jendela Menghadap Jalan Songket Berbenang Emas
Selangor/Ng Sembilan/WP Kuala
Leftenan Adnan Tirani
Lumpur/WP Putrajaya
Di sebalik Dinara Silir Daksina
Pantai Kasih Bimasakti Menari

Get up-to-date information on scholarships the day theyre released.


Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1 [1103/1]

Kertas ini mengandungi dua bahagian iatu Bahagian A karangan berpandu dan Bahagian B karangan panjang. Calon mesti menjawab
bahagian A dan memilih mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian B

Bahagian A
[30 markah]
[Masa dicadangkan 45 minit]

Arahan: Berdasarkan ilustrasi di bawah, huraikan pendapat anda tentang langkah-langkah mengekalkan kehijauan bumi kita.
Panjang huraian anda hendaklah antara 200 hingga 250 patah perkataan.
JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web www.afterschool.my

Ask our counsellors questions and receive an answer within 24 hours.


Bahagian B
[100 markah]
[Masa dicadangkan 1 jam 30 minit]

Pilih satu daripada soalan di bawah dan tulis sebuah karangan yang panjangnya lebih daripada 350 patah perkataan.

1. Kegiatan rekreasi merupakan aktiviti yang mampu merapatkan hubungan kekeluargaan. Sebagai seorang remaja apakah peranan
anda dalam usaha merapatkan hubungan kekeluargaan melalui aktiviti rekreasi.

2. Belakangan ini remaja begitu mengambil berat akan penampilan diri terutama yang berkaitan bentuk badan. Sehubungan dengan
itu pelbagai jenama dan kaedah rawatan telah diperkenalkan oleh pembekal dan pengedar produk pelangsingan badan tanpa
mengira kesan sampingan terhadap pengguna. Sebagai seorang pengguna nyatakan hak anda dalam membanteras gejala produk
pelangsingan badan tiruan dan mengandungi bahan berbahaya ini daripada berleluasa.

3. Anda telah mewakili sekolah dalam menyertai satu pertandingan pidato yang bertajuk Kepentingan Semangat Kejiranan
dalam Kehidupan Bermasyarakat.

JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web www.afterschool.my

Sediakan teks ucapan pidato anda itu selengkapnya

4. Perniagaan dalam talian mampu menjana ekonomi bukan sahaja individu malah, dapat meningkatkan ekonomi negara.
Huraikan kepentingan peniagaan dalam talian dalam meningkatan pendapatan isi rumah.

5. Watak memainkan peranan penting dalam menghidupkan cerita dalam sesebuah novel. Berdasarkan sebuah novel yang
anda kaji, huraikan kepentingan watak sampingan dalam membantu menghidupkan watak utama sesebuah novel.

Browse through extensive UPU guides to ensure your application stands the best chance.

Bahasa Melayu Kertas 2 [1103/2]

Soalan 1 : Rumusan
[30 Markah]

Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian buat satu rumusan tentang kepentingan pendidikan keibubapaan dalam mendidik
anak-anak dan langkah-langkah memupuk rasa tanggungjawab dalam kalangan anak-anak. Rumusan anda tidak boleh melebihi
120 patah perkataan.

Sistem pendidikan memainkan peranan yang amat penting dalam membentuk generasi dan pemimpin pada masa akan datang.
Oleh itu, sekolah adalah menjadi tempat utama dalam membentuk dan menghasilkan pelajar yang bukan sahaja bijak tetapi juga
berwibawa, berkarisma, berakhlak mulia, dan berketrampilan untuk menjadi pemimpin pada masa hadapan. Namun apabila
berlaku peningkatan gejala keruntuhan moral dan pelbagai gejala sosial, keseluruhan komuniti telah menunding jari kepada pihak
kementerian pendidikan dan melupakan terus bahawa pihak utama yang perlu sama-sama bertanggungjawab ialah ibu bapa. Banyak
kajian membuktikan bahawa masalah kurang ilmu berkaitan keibubapaan merupakan indikator utama kepada keruntuhan institusi
keluarga. Keruntuhan institusi keluarga bukan sahaja membawa kepada keruntuhan moral dan merebaknya gejala sosial malah
menjejaskan pembinaan generasi cemerlang yang merupakan pemimpin pelapis dan pewaris pembangunan negara.
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Justeru, pedidikan keibubapaan amat penting dititik beratkan pada masa kini. Mereka disedarkan dan diinsafkan tentang betapa
besar peranan dan fungsi mereka dalam menjana generasi cemerlang dan negara maju. Dengan sikap, ilmu dan kemahiran
keibubapaan diyakini matlamat itu akan tercapai. Rata-rata hasil penyelidikan berkaitan dengan keruntuhan moral dan gejala
sosial sejak tahun 1980an hingga kini membuktikan bahawa faktor utama keruntuhan moral dan pelbagai gejala sosial berpunca
daripada krisis keluarga. Kegagalan ibu bapa menyempurnakan amanah, tugas, dan tanggungjawab masing-masing menjadi titik
tolak kerutuhan institusi kekeluargaan. Pendidikan keibubapaan amat relaven pada masa kini dan masa-masa mendatang ke arah
pembinaan akhlak, pengukuhan institusi keluarga, pembinaan generasi cemerlang, masyakat, ummah, dan negara.

Perkembangan anak dari segi fizikal, sosial, emosi, mental, dan intelek banyak dipengaruhi oleh interaksi antara ibu, bapa dan anak-
anak, kerana itulah pentingnya para ibu bapa mempunyai pengetahuan keibubapan. Sebahagian ibu dan bapa semesti berkerjaya
untuk menyara ahli keluarga. Namun, mereka juga memerlukan tiga set kepakaran untuk menyempurnakan amanah, tugas dan
tanggungjawab sebagai ibu bapa iaitu, sikap keibubapaan yang menentukan tingkah laku seseorang ibu dan bapa. Mereka perlu
mempunyai keyakinan dan kepercayaan terhadap fitrah, pembawaan, kemampuan, bakat dan pelbagai aspek kanak-kanak yang lain.

Ilmu, pengetahuan dan pengalaman berkaitan dengan perkembangan kanak-kanak juga mempengaruhi sikap seseorang ibu
bapa. Asuhan sejak kecil dan pendidikan yang diterima oleh ibu bapa juga turut mempengaruhi sikap keibubapaan. Ini bererti
kepercayaan, keyakinan, ilmu, asuhan, pendidikan dan pengalaman yang diterima merupakan rempah ratus dan ramuan yang
membentuk sikap keibubapaan. Mengetahui serba serbi berkaitan dengan perkembangan kanak-kanak, ilmu psikologi, ilmu
pendidikan, ilmu kesihatan, ilmu pemakanan, ilmu keselamatan dan sebagainya. Bidang-bidang ilmu ini wajib dikuasai oleh setiap ibu
bapa dalam menyempurnakan tugas dan tanggungjawab sebagai ibu bapa.

Abad ke 20 menjanjikan cabaran yang lebih besar dalam pendidikan kanak-kanak apabila persekitaran semakin komplikated dengan
kelahiran teknologi canggih dan tinggi. Alaf baru iaitu abad ke-21 merupakan era globalisasi dan ICT ke arah menyediakan generasi
cemerlang . Kurang minat belajar terutama dalam kalangan remaja lelaki merupakan antara cabaran utama pendidikan pada dekad-
dekad mendatang. Oleh itu ibu bapa perlu pertingkatkan pengetahuan sebagai persediaan menghadapi dunia yang tiada sempadan
pengetahuan dan tiada had merebaknya gejala sosial ini.

Ibu bapa yang mempunyai ilmu keibubapaan dapat seimbangkan antara pendidikan dunia dengan saham akhirat. Masyarakat tidak
boleh perlekehkan bertapa pentingnya penerapan pengetahuan agama kepada anak-anak mereka. Semua agama menyaran ibu bapa
agar mempunyai tanggungjawab yang seimbang terhadap anak-anak kerana anak merupakan anugerah, amanah, tanda kebesaran,
dan, ujian daripada tuhan serta sebagai penerus kesinambungan generasi manusia. Malah, melalui pengetahuan keagamaan anak-
anak mereka tidak terdedah kepada perkara-perkara maksiat.

Ibu bapa yang bertanggungjawab berjaya mencetuskan perdamaian dan keharmornian rumah tangga bagi membolehkan anak-
anak mendapat perlindungan dan kasih sayang daripada kesempurnaan rumahtangga yang dipimpin oleh ibu bapa mereka. Anak
diibaratkan kain putih yang terpulang kepada ibu bapa untuk mencorakkan dan mewarnakannya. Sesungguhnya dan tidak syak
lagi bahawa ibu bapa yang mempunyai sikap, ilmu dan kemahiran yang tinggi berkaitan dengan keibubapaan, berkeupayaan untuk
menjadi ibu bapa misali. Keluarga bahagia negara sejahtera.

Decide whether a course is suitable for you with our course selector.

Soalan 2 : Pemahaman
[35 markah]

Soalan 2 (a) Petikan Umum

Berdasarkan petikan Soalan 1, jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri.

i. Berikan maksud persekitaran semakin komplikated. [2 markah]

ii. Mengapakah ilmu keibubapaan perlu diseimbangkan antara pendidikan dunia dengan akhirat. [3 markah]

iii. Pada pendapat anda wajarkah pasangan yang bakal mendirikan rumahtangga mengikuti kaunseling keibubapaan
sebelum berkahwin.
[4 markah]

Soalan 2 (b) Petikan Drama

Baca petikan drama di bawah dengan teliti, dan kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri

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Terima kasih ibu dan ayah yang melahirkan dan membesarkan aku, kerana merekalah aku mengenal kehidupan. Terima kasih
akal kerana mengajarku mengenal ilmu, kerananya aku menjadi manusia yang pandai dan ternama. Terima kasih takdir kerana segala-
galanya atas keistimewaan yang aku kecapi ini. Atas segala terima kasih ini, terima kasih teristimewaanku kepada manusia budiman yang
membangunkan kesejanteraaan rakyat dan negara; merekalah para petani berjasa yang membekalkan nasi, yang melanjutkan usiaku
ke saat-saat ini. Merekalah para nelayan berani yang menghidangkanku tangkapan laut, kerananya aku mentafsir makna makanan.
Merekalah para buruh perkasa yang berjemur di bawah terik mentari yang menghadiahkanku hidup yang selesa.
Petani, buruh, nelayan ialah wira sejati yang menukarkan impian pembangunan menjadi kenyataan. Kepada petani, buruh, nelayan
seluruh kasihku tertumpah. Terima kasih. Bagaimanakah harus kubalas budimu? (Kesakitan kembali menyerang AZMIR). Aduuuh!
(Masuk seorang penari balet melintasi AZMIR. Dia menyangka Ani, kekasihnya lalu hendak memeluknya. Ternyata bahawa dia hanya
memeluk angin). Ani, mengapa kautinggalkan aku keseorangan di sini? Aku benci tempat ini.
ANI: Siapa kata abang keseorangan? Ini kan Ani, di sisi abang.
AZMIR: Kau baru datang, ya? Jangan tinggalkan aku keseorangan, Ani.
ANI: siapa kata abang keseorangan? Ani sentiasa bersama-sama abang setiap masa.
AZMIR: Tapi tadi....
ANI: Abang bermimpi agaknya.
AZMIR: Tapi ani... (AZMIR terpinga-pinga apabila melihat ANI sudah tiada). Ani, jangan permainkan abang. Ani, tolong abang.
Tolong keluarkan abang dari sini. (AZMIR kembali dan keadaan seperti pada awal tadi: sedang menahan

Dipetik daripada drama Bukan Gila oleh Sharif Shaary

dalam Antologi Sejadah Rindu Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

i. Berdasarkan petikan drama mengapakah kita perlu menghargai petani, buruh, dan, nelayan. [2 markah]

ii. Pada pendapat anda, apakah sumbangan yang wajar dihulurkan pada pesakit supaya mereka cepat sembuh
dan kembali berkeyakinan [3 markah]

iii. Nyatakan satu nilai murni yang terdapat dalam petikan, dan satu nilai murni lain yang terdapat dalam
keseluruhan drama. [4 markah]

Guides about loans such as PTPTN, Yayasan Bank Rakyat, Bantuan Kewangan Asasi &
more, available.

Soalan 2 (c) Petikan Prosa Klasik

Baca petikan prosa klasik di bawah dengan teliti, dan kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya menggunakan ayat anda sendiri.

Maka ada seorang anak Seri Bija Diraja, Tun Umar namanya, terlalu berani, kelakuannya gila-gila bahasa. Maka disuruhnya
oleh Bendahara Paduka Raja suluh perahu Siam itu. Maka Tun Umar pergilah dengan sebuah perahunya olang-oleng. Telah bertemu
dengan perahu Siam yang banyak itu, maka dilanggarnya sekali, dua tiga buahalah. Maka Tun Umar pun kembalilah. Maka orang Siam
terlalu hairan melihat kelakuan Tun Umar itu. Telah hari malam, maka Awi Dicu pun datanglah. Maka oleh Bendahara Paduka Raja
segala pohon kayu bakau dan myirih dan tumpu api-api itu sekaliannya disuruhnya tambati puntung api. Telah dipandang oleh orang
Siam, tiada terbilang lagi banyaknya, maka kata hulubalang Siam, Terlalu banyak kelengkapan perahu Melaka itu, tiada terbilang lagi.
Jikalau ia datang apa hal kita? Sedang sebuah perahunya tadi lagi tiada terlawan oleh kita.
Maka kata Awi Dicu, Benarlah seperti kata kamu itu; marilah kita kembali sementara belum siang ini.
Maka segala orang Siam pun kembalilah.
Adapun perigi di Batu Pahat itu, orang Siamlah membuat dia. Maka diikuti oleh Bendahara Paduka Raja sampai ke Singapura.
Maka bendahara pun kembali ke Melaka menghadap Sultan Muzaffar Syah. Maka segala perihal ehwal itu sekaliannya dipersembahkan
oleh bendahara ke Bawah Duli Sultan. Maka baginda pun terlalu suka; maka baginda pun memberi persalin akan Bendahara Paduka
Raja daripada pakaian yang mulia-mulia, dengan segala hulubalang yang pergi bersama-sama itu semuanya dianugerahi baginda
persalinan masing-masing pada kadarnya.
Adapun segala orang Siam yang kembali itu, telah ia sampai ke benua Siam, maka Awi Dicu pun masuk mengadap Paduka
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Bubunnya. Maka Paduka Bubunnya pun terlalu marah; maka ia sendiri hendak pergi menyerang Melaka itu. Maka ada seorang
anak Paduka Bubunnya, Cau Pandan namanya. Maka ialah bercakap Ke Bawah Duli Paduka Bubunnya hendak menyerang Melaka,
sembahnya Duli Pra Cau, lengkapi patik, patiklah mengalahkan Melaka itu.

(Dipetik daripada cerita Burung Terbang Dipipiskan Lada

dalam Sejadah Rindu DBP)

(i) Berdasarkan petikan, mengapakah orang Siam kembali sebelum matahari terbit. [2 markah]

(ii) Apakah yang dilakukan oleh Bendahara sehingga menyebabkan orang Siam terpaksa berundur? [3 markah]

(iii) Pada pendapat anda apakah manfaat melakukan helah semasa berlaku peperangan. [3 markah]

Worried about your pathway after SPM? Let us guide you through it.

Soalan 2 (d) Sajak

Baca sajak di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya dengan menggunakan ayat anda sendiri.

Ini gelanggang kita
yang diwariskan oleh pendekar-pendekar datuk moyang lebih
lima dekat yang lalu
satu persepakatan kaum untuk diturunkan kepada anak cucu
dikemudian hari.

Hari ini kitalah pewaris gelanggang yang terbina dari keringat

dan air mata
dengan gelanggang inilah negara aman makmur rakyat berpadu
kita pelihara gelanggang ini dengan kejap sepenuh hati
kita mempertahankan kedaulatan watan dari anasir jahat
kerana telah terbukti dapat menyatupadukan pelbagai keturunan.

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Para pendekar kita harus berani berjuang menangkis tohmahan
demi mempertahankan maruah gelanggang keramat suci ini
suara momokan sumbang memperlekehkan menyentuh hati nurani
kita sanggah nyah tanpa kompromi dari menggugah gelanggang
jangan sekali bermain api kelak membinasakan diri sendiri.

Marilah para pahlawan setia kita kukuhkan ukhuwah

Elakkan pertelingkahan sesama sendiri.

Kita pewaris abadi yang menjunjung amanah ini

agar kecemerlangan tercerna di persada arena
terus memacu kejayaan demi maruah harga jati diri
membina sebuah Negara bangsa yang harmoni dan dihormati
kita junjung dan taat hingga ke akhir hayat.

Dipetik daripada sajak Gelanggang oleh Onn Malini

Dalam antologi Jaket Kulit Kijang,
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

i. Apakah yang dimaksudkan oleh penyajak dengan Kita pewaris abadi yang menjunjung amanah ini. [3 markah]

ii. Persepakatan kaum merupakan wadah yang menyumbang kepada kemajuan negara.
Buktikan kebenaran pernyataan tersebut. [3 markah]

iii. Jelaskan dua nilai-nilai murni yang terdapat dalam sajak tersebut. [4 markah]

Soalan 3: Pengetahuan dan Kemahiran Bahasa

(30 markah)
Jawab semua soalan.

(a) Tulis satu ayat bagi setiap perkataan di bawah ini untuk menunjukkan bahawa anda faham akan maksud dan penggunaannya.
Anda tidak boleh mengubah imbuhan serta menggunakan perkataan itu sebagai peribahasa dan kata nama khas.

(i) kehujanan
(ii) permuafakatan
(iii) kecergasan
(iv) kebingungan
(v) pendedahan
(vi) kegugupan
[6 markah]

More than 50 different scholarships in our scholarship section, updated daily.


(b) Senaraikan kata hubung berpasangan yang terdapat dalam ayat di bawah.

(i) Walaupun Encik Tamri berpangkat tinggi, namun beliau tidak pernah bersikap sombong.

(ii) Ramli berpendapat daripada terus bersubahat dengan pengedar dadah itu lebih baik dia melaporkan kegiatan tidak
bermoral itu kepada pihak polis.

(iii) Merokok bukan sahaja membahayakan kesihatan bahkan juga membazirkan wang.
[6 markah]

(c) Dalam petikan di bawah terdapat satu kesalahan ejaan dan satu kesalahan penggunaan imbuhan. Senaraikan dan betulkan
kesalahan-kesalahan itu. Bagi setiap ayat anda tidak boleh menyenaraikan lebih daripada satu kesalahan ejaan dan satu kesalahan
penggunaan imbuhan. Anda tidak perlu menyalin petikan itu semula.

(i) Manfaat pembinaan lebuhraya ialah dapat jimatkan masa dan memendekkan waktu perjalanan kita.
(ii) Kita perlulah berusaha sedaya-upaya memajukan lagi negara kita agar kekal kemerdekaan.
(iii) Membaca buku dapat pemudahkan seseorang menyelesaikan masaalah.
[6 markah]
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(d) Dalam setiap ayat di bawah, terdapat satu kesalahan penggunaan kata atau istilah dan satu kesalahan tatabahasa. Senaraikan dan
betulkan kesalahan-kesalahan itu. Bagi setiap ayat anda tidak boleh meyenaraikan lebih daripada satu kesalahan pengunaan
kata atau istilah dan satu kesalahan tatabahasa. Anda tidak perlu menyalin ayat itu semula.

(i) Barangan pembuatan Malaysia bukan sahaja bermutu, serta dapat bersaing dengan barangan luar negara.
(ii) Ramai remaja akan melakukan kesalahan moral bila terpengaruh dengan rakan-rakan yang berfikiran buruk
(iii) Mereka belajar di sekolah yang sama namun, tidak berkenalan di antara satu sama lain.
[6 markah]

(e) Bina satu ayat daripada peribahasa di bawah ini.

(i) Kokok berderai-derai, ekor bergelumbang tahi

(ii) Mengail yu, dapat setoka
(iii) Langkah bendul
[6 markah]

Soalan 4: Novel
[15 markah]

Jawab soalan di bawah. Jawapan anda hendaklan berdasarkan novel-novel yang anda pelajari.

(i) Songket Berbenang Emas karya Khairuddin Ayip

(ii) Tirani karya Beb Sabariah
(iii) Bimasakti Menari karya Sri Rahayu Mohd Yusop
(iv) Silir Daksina karya Nizar Parman
(v) Jendela Mengadap Jalan karya Ruhaini Matdarin
(vi) Leftenan Adnan Wira Bangsa karya Abdul Latif Talib
(vii) Di Sebalik Dinara karya Dayang Noor
(viii) Pantai Kasih karya Azmah Nordin

(a) Pengajaran amat penting dalam memberi kesedaran kepada pembaca. Berdasarkan dua buah novel yang anda pelajari,
huraikan satu pengajaran bagi setiap novel tersebut.
[7 markah]

(b) Huraikan dua persoalan bagi salah satu novel yang anda pelajari.
[8 markah]


Dapatkan info pendidikan terkini dalam Bahasa Melayu. Layari afterschool.my/bm.


[1119/2] English
Letter 1. Descriptive Describe an outing with your friends
2. Argumentative Should parents give children more
freedom? 2012 Q1 Message Q9-Q15 Q16-Q25 Q26-Q30 Q31
2012 3. Expository Saving money for the future Q2 Advertisement (verb, preposition, (Description (Inferential and referential (Summary on how Amirs
4. Narrative Write a story beginning with The teacher Q3; Q6 Extract adverb, pronoun, on the role of questions based on a efforts to succeed in
walked into the classroom. It was the first period Q4; Q7 Letter vocabulary) fluids) passage about a determined football and how he
5. Open topic Cleanliness Q5 Notice Amir and his blind surprised his coach)
Q8 Cartoon strip grandfather)
Letter 1. Descriptive Truly Malaysian. Describe what this means
to you
2013 Q1 Advertisement Q9-Q15 Q16-Q25 Q26-Q30 Q31
2. Argumentative Is tuition necessary?
Q2; Q3 (tenses, vocabulary, (Information on Questions based on a (Summary on what the
2013 3. Expository Write a story about being alone
Newspaper extract preposition, a magazine passage about a mountain rescuer did to save Daniel

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4. Narrative Write a story that ends with and so I became
Q4 Letter to the possessive pronoun) subscription ) climbers experience when when he was trapped in
a better person
newspaper disaster stuck when he was his room)
5. Open topic Reality shows
Q5 Book synopsis in his chalet)
Q6 Factual text
Article 1. Descriptive Describe an important family event and
Q7 Report
how you felt about it
Q8 Notice
2. Argumentative There is a lack of freedom given to
teenagers today. Do you agree? 2014 Q1; Q3 Q9-Q15 Q16-Q25 Q26-Q30 Q31
3. Expository Why are animals important to human Newspaper report (conjunction, tenses, (Advertisement (Inferential and referential (Summary on the challenges
2014 beings? Q2 Advertisement preposition, pronoun, about a questions based on a faced by the participants
4. Narrative Write a story about a fisherman beginning Q4 Article adjective, noun) bungalow unit) newspaper report about the when exploring the caves)
with The wind blew strongly. Out at sea Q5 Conversation writing attending a basic
5. Descriptive A friend in need is a friend indeed. Q6; Q7 Excerpt caving course)
Describe how a friend helped you in a difficult time Q8 Notice
Speech 1. Descriptive Describe what makes you happy and
2015 Q1; Q8 Q9-Q15 Q16-Q25 Q26-Q30 Q31
explain why
1 stimuli (short text (SVA, determiner, (A magazine (Inferential and referential (Summary on the steps
2. Argumentative Social networking has caused a lot
message), 2 short Wh-question, article based questions based on a taken by the vet and his
of problems. How is this true?
texts, 4 extracts/ vocabulary usage, on a survey of narrative text) team to save a pair of cubs)
3. Expository Why is having good neighbours
articles, 1 short preposition, sending text
2015 important?
text message conjunction, simple messages
4. Narrative Write a story about someone you know
present tense) during dinner)
who took a big risk and had a good result. Begin your
story with, Everybody said that the
5. Descriptive Honesty is always the best policy. 2016 Q1 Facebook Q9-Q15 Q16-Q25 Q26-Q30 Q31
Describe an Experience when this was true for you. extract (Subject-verb (Book reviews) (Inferential and referential (Summary on why Arvind
Q2, Q4 & Q5 agreement, questions based on a story was attracted to Sneha
News article preposition, about a young man who and what he did as a result
Talk 1. Descriptive Write a story about a time in someones
Q3 & Q8 Notice demonstrative meets a girl while travelling of meeting her)
life when music played an important role
Q6 Advertisement pronoun, verb, home by train from college
2. Argumentative Some people believe that all
Q7 Text adverbs, adjective) for the holidays)
students in Malaysia should learn at least three
languages. What do you think?
3. Expository There are many things to do after SPM
examination. Write about your plans for the next three PAPER 2
months and the challenges you might face.
4. Narrative Wwrite about your experience helping YEAR SECTION D (LITERATURE COMPONENT)
Puan Ramlah, an elderly lady who lives alone. End INFERENTIAL AND REFERENTIAL QUESTIONS IN SUBJECTIVE FORM
your story with: I learnt a lot about myself by
helping Puan Ramlah. 2012 Q32 - Poem (Nature)
5. Descriptive What is the best way to help teenagers Q33 - Novel (To write about tan event that makes you angry, based on one of these novels: The Curse, Step by
stay fit and healthy? Wicked Step, or Catch us if You Can)

2013 Q32 - Poem (He Had Such Quiet Eyes)

Q33 - Novel (To write about an important decision made by one the characters in one of these novels: The Curse,
Step by Wicked Step, or Catch us if You Can)
2014 Q32 - Poem (In the midst of hardship)
Q33 - Novel (Students have to refer to this phrase One has to struggle to improve ones life and to write on how far
this is true of the novel they have read: The Curse, Step by Wicked Step, or Catch us if You Can)

2015 Q32 - Poem (Are You Playing Your Flute)

Q33 - Novtel (Students need to write about a character that is a good role model for teenagers and give reasons with close
reference to the text)

2017 Q32 - Poem (What Has Happened to Lulu)

Q33 - Novel (Students have to describe a scene that makes them happy or sad from the novel they have read:
Dear Mr. Kilmer, Captan Nobody, Sing to the Dawn)

English Paper 1 [1119/1]

Time: One hour and forty-five minutes

This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B. Answer both sections. You are advised to spend 45
minutes on Section A and one hour on Section B.

SECTION A: Directed Writing

(35 marks)
[45 minutes]

You are one of the writers of your schools monthly bulletin. You are asked by your teacher advisor to write an article on the causes of
students stress and ways to overcome it.

1. Poor sleeping habits
2. Academic pressure
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3. Busy schedule
4. Unhealthy eating habits
5. Peers
6. Poor time management
Ways to overcome:
1. Sleep accordingly
2. Be positive
3. Improve time management skill
4. Practice a healthy diet

When writing your article, remember to:

Provide a suitable title
Use all the notes given
Add two more ways to overcome students stress

[50 marks]
[Time suggested: One hour]

Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics:

1 Describe the most memorable day of your life

2 Lack of parental guidance is the cause of moral decadence among teenagers. Discuss.

3 Teenagers are the future of the country.

4 Write a story about a person who has sacrificed a lot in life.

End your story with and it is true that life is full of surprises.

5 When there is a will, there is a way

Write about your experience when this was true.



English Paper 2 [1119/2]

Time: Two hours and fifteen minutes

This question paper consists of four sections: Section A. Section B, Section C and Section D. Answer all sections in this
question paper. Questions in Section A have four options.

(15 marks)
[Time suggested: 25 minutes ]

1 The saying above means

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A we need to stand first C togetherness is what will make us strong
B falling is inevitable after standing D we need both unity and division to be able to
stand and fall

2. Which statement is true about the London Olympics 2012 badminton match?
A Taufik Hidayat won the match with Lin Dan in the Round of 16
B Lee Chong would be playing against Chen Long in the Semi finals
C Lin Dan lost to Sho Sasaki from Japan in the Quarterfinals
D Lee Hyun-il managed to go to the finals after beating Chen Jin

PADANG TERAP: The damage to school property during the first wave of floods in Kelantan,
Terengganu and Sabah in December is estimated to be RM10 million. The damage caused by the
second wave of floods which affected schools in Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Johor, Perak and
Sabah earlier this month is still not known, said Education Minister Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid. He
said this was because he has yet to receive a full report on the damage caused by the second wave

3 All these statements are true except

A The flood had affected 3 states during the first wave C The second wave has affected another 3 states in
B The first wave has led to a loss of RM 10 million the country
D The Education Minister has received a
complete report of the tragedy

Questions 4 and 5 are based on the stimulus below

1. Put the cream, mascarpone, Marsala and sugar in a large bowl.

Whisk until the cream and mascarpone have completely
combined and have the consistency of thickly whipped cream.

2. Get your serving dish ready. Put the coffee into a shallow dish and
dip in a few sponge fingers at a time, turning for a few seconds
until they are nicely soaked, but not soggy. Layer these into your
dish until you have used half the biscuits, then spread over half of
the creamy mixture. Using the coarse side of the grater, grate over
most of the chocolate. Then repeat the layers (you should use up
all the coffee), finishing with the creamy layer.

3. Cover and chill for a few hours or overnight. This can now be kept
in the fridge for up to 2 days. To serve, dust with cocoa powder
TIRAMISU and grate over the remainder of the chocolate.
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4 Which of the following ingredients is not needed? 5 Which of the steps is not needed?
A Mascarpone A Whisk the cream only in a large bowl before adding
B Biscuits the sugar
C Salt B Dip some biscuits in the coffee mixture one at a time
D Sugar until soaked
C Grate the chocolate on top of the layers of the
biscuits and the cream
D Chill for two hours before dusting it with cocoa
powder and the remainder of the chocolate

Fates & Furies

By Lauren Groff



Every story has two sides. Every relationship has two perspectives. And sometimes, it turns out, the key to a
great marriage is not its truths but its secrets.

A book to submit to, and be knocked out by. Meg Wolitzer

Addictive to read. Stylist

6 Based on the review above, we can say that the

A The book is not good for those who have addictions
B The book has won two prestigious awards in 2015
C The book tells a story that is compellingly good to readers
D The book tells about the story behind Lauren Groff s marriage

Dear Sangeetha,
Hello my dearest cousin. I hope you are doing well at
your new school, although Uncle Jaya told me that you are not
really doing well. Sangeetha, I think what you need to do is just
keep your head up and be positive. Remember that everything
happens for a reason and Im sure you will make it through.
Your cousin,

7 From the advertisement above, we know that 8 From the note we can conclude that Sangeetha

A The book sale will be held for 9 days A is Uncle Jayas niece
B The treasure hunt registration must be made online B is not in good terms with her father
C The public can buy books even at 5 am in the morning C is going through some stress at school
D The public can participate in a non-stop book D is being made fun of because she always keeps
shopping at 2.30 pm her head down

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Questions 9-15 are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

KOTA KINABALU: Their experience as boatmen paid off for Edward Delos Reyes and Chu Chung Ying who __9__the
catamaran skipper Sharizal Shalian and crewman Aman Abdul.
They __10__set off to help in the search operations, departing Kota Kinabalu for Pulau Tiga in a longboat __11__about
8pm on Saturday after getting word about the missing vessel.
We realized that if anything __12__ to the catamaran or the passengers, they would be drifting in a southerly direction,
carried by the sea currents, said Edward when met at the Karamunsing Police Station here. They were __13__to be __14__by
police who had also questioned Sharizal and Aman.
Edward, who has been a boatman for about a decade, said it was about 4.30am when they __15__ some voices shouting for
help in waters of Pulau Tiga. He said he and Chu pulled Shahrizal and Aman into their boat and gave them water and biscuits before
continuing the search.

9 A rescue 13. A presence

B rescued B present
C rescues C presented
D rescuing D presenting

10. A has 14. A taken
B had B asked
C have C questioned
D having D interviewed

11. A in 15. A listen

B on B listened
C by C hear
D at D heard

12. A happens
B happen
C happened
D happening

[10 marks]
[25 minutes]
Questions 16-25
Read the following banner and complete the graphic organizer

Have you ever felt overwhelmed, practically paralyzed when it comes to your studies? Do you feel like escaping from
your worries by skipping class altogether to perhaps party with your friends? Finding yourself in a situation like this can
mean that you are under stress.
Stress can motivate you to do better. On the other hand, too much stress can disrupt your health resulting in symptoms
such as irritability, fatigue, inability to sleep. Recognizing that you are under stress, and finding out the source will enable
you to manage it.


FAILURE: We all experience this fear many times in It helps to discuss your fears with a trusted friend or
our lives. You may be afraid of not passing the course or counselor or teacher. This will enable you to clarify your
the exams, not getting a good grade for a term paper, or thoughts and feelings, identify what stresses you out
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looking bad in a class presentation. and find help on dealing with it from another persons
BEING COMPARED: A third source of stress would perspective. Remember that failing in a course, or exam
be the fear of lagging behind versus your peers. If you does not detract from your value as a person. It only
means you did not succeed this time. Keep in mind that
consider yourself highly competitive, you might be
pressuring yourself to be at the top of your class, and there is always a second chance.
achieve an excellent grade in almost every exam and
paper to be submitted.


Most students calendar would be filled with class Keep in mind your primary objective in being in school
schedules, as well as social activities, sports tournaments, and use this as a yardstick to trim off activities that do not
dance practice, dates with friends, family events and so bring you closer to your goal. For example, ask yourself,
on. Sometimes there seems to be no more time for rest do you really need to accept every social invite?
leaving you feeling overwhelmed.
Source: www.studyguide.org
Questions 16-25
Using the information from the banner given, complete the graphic organizer.

Benefit of stress
(16) It can ______________________________________
Health effects of too much stress
(17) ____________________
(18) ____________________
(19) ____________________

- Fear of failure
Causes - (20) ____________________
- (21) ____________________
of stress - students time would be filled with class schedules,
social activities and sports
- no time to (22) _____________

(24) _____________________
(23) __________________________ - discuss with friend, counselor or teacher

__________________________ LEARN TO PRIORITIZE

- remember your main
(25) __________________

[10 marks]

[25 marks ] [50 minutes ]

Questions 26-31 are based on the following passage.

1 There was something in the elderly womans demeanor that caught my eye. Although slow
and unsure of step, the woman moved with deliberation, and there was no hesitation in her
gestures. She was as good as anyone else, her movements suggested. And she had a job to do.

2 It was a few years ago, and I had taken a part-time holiday-season job in a video store at the
local shopping mall. From inside the store, Id begun to see the people rushing by outside in the 5
malls concourse as a river of humanity, occasionally ebbing during odd hours but mostly
overflowing in the deluge.

3 The elderly woman had washed up on my retail beachhead, along with a younger woman
who I guessed was her daughter. The daughter was displaying a serious case of impatience,
rolling her eyes, huffing and sighing, checking her watch every few seconds. If she had 10
possessed a leash, her mother wouldve been fastened to it as a means of tugging her along to
keep step with the rush of other shoppers.

4 The older woman detached from the younger one and began to tick through the DVDs on

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the nearest shelf. After the slightest hesitation, I walked over and asked if I could help her find
something. The woman smiled up at me and showed me a title scrawled on a crumpled piece of 15
paper. The title was unusual and a bit obscure. Clearly a person looking for it knew a little about
movies, about quality.
Rather than rushing off to locate the DVD for the woman, I asked her to walk with me so I
could show her where she could find it. Looking back, I think I wanted to enjoy her company for
a moment. Something about her deliberate movements reminded me of my own mother, whod 20
passed away the previous Christmas.
As we walked along the back of the store, I narrated its floor plan: old television shows,
action movies, cartoons, science fiction. The woman seemed glad of the unrushed company and
7 casual conversation.

We found the movie, and I complimented her on her choice. She smiled and told me it was 25
one shed enjoyed when she was her sons age and that she hoped he would enjoy it as much as
she had. Maybe, she said with a hint of wistfulness, he could enjoy it with his own young
8 children. Then, reluctantly, I had to return the elderly woman to her keeper, who was still tapping
her foot at the front of the store.

I escorted the old woman to the queue at the cash register and then stepped back and 30
lingered near the younger woman. When the older womans turn in line came, she paid in cash,
9 counting out the dollars and coins with the same sureness shed displayed earlier. As the cashier
tucked the DVD into a plastic bag, I sidled over to the younger woman.

Is that your mom? I asked. I halfway expected her to tell me it was none of my business.
10 But possibly believing me to be simpatico with her impatience, she rolled her eyes and said, 35
Yeah. There was exasperation in her reply, half sigh and half groan.

Still watching the mother, I said, Mind some advice? Sure, said the daughter. I smiled to
11 show her I wasnt criticizing. Cherish her, I said. And then I answered her curious expression
by saying, When shes gone, its the little moments thatll come back to you. Moments like
this. 40
It was true. I missed my mom still and remembered with melancholy clarity the moments
when Id used my impatience to make her life miserable.

The elderly woman moved with her deliberate slowness back to her daughters custody.
Together they made their way toward the stores exit. They stood there for a moment, side by
side, watching the rush of the holiday current and for their place in it. Then the daughter glanced 45
over and momentarily regarded her mother. And slowly, almost reluctantly, she placed her arm
with apparently unaccustomed affection around her mothers shoulders and gently guided her back
into the deluge.
(Carl Schrutz for The Readers Digest)

26 From paragraph 1, how was the older womans movement?

(a) [1 mark]
(b) [1 mark]

27 From paragraph 2, what can you say about the crowd at the shopping mall?
[2 marks]

28 From paragraph 4, why did the writer decide to approach the older woman?
[2 marks]

29 From paragraph 8, which word means:
(a) followed: [1 mark]

(b) without hesitation : [1 mark]

30 In your opinion, how did the old womans daughter feel at the end? Give a reason to support your answer.
Answer: [1 mark]
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Reason :
[1 mark]

31 Based on the passage given, write a summary on:
how did he help the older woman and the daughter
the lessons learnt by the writer and the young woman

Credits will be given for the use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning.

Your summary must:

be in continuous writing (not in note form)
use material from lines 14 to 48
not be longer than 130 words including the 10 words given below.

Begin your summary as follows:

The older woman began ticking through the DVDs and without hesitation
[15 marks]

[20 marks]
[35 minutes ]

32. Read the poem A Poison Tree below and answer the questions that follow

I was angry with my friend; And it grew both day and night.
I told my wrath, my wrath did end. Till it bore and apple bright.
I was angry with my foe: And my foe beheld it shine,
I told it not, my wrath dis grow. And he knew that it was mine.
And I watered it with fears, And into my garden stole,
Night and morning with my tears: When the night had veiled the pole;
And I sunned it with smiles, In the morning glad I see;
And with soft deceitful wiles My foe outstretched beneath the tree.
William Blake

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(a) From stanza 1, what does the word wrath mean?
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Based on stanza 2, why do you think the poet has deceitful wiles?
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Based on stanza 3, what does the apple symbolise?
______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) In your opinion, is having wrath good? Provide a reason.
Opinion: _______________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Reason : _______________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

33. The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.

Dear Mr Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford
Sing to the Dawn - Minfong Ho

Choose one of the novels above and answer the question below

Based on the novel you have studied, write about the extent to which the main character is shaped by the society. Provide evidence
from the text.

[15 marks]



[1449/2] Mathematics
PAPER 2 (Section A) PAPER 2 (Section B)
TOPIC Answer all questions Choose 4 from 5 questions
12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16
1 Polygon I, II 1 2 2 2 2
2 Transformations I, II 2 2 2 2 2
F 3 Algebraic Expressions II, III 2 2 2 2 2
O 4 Algebraic Formulae 1 1 1 1 1
M 5 Linear Equations I, II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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6 Linear Inequalities 1 2 3 3 2
1 7 Indices 2 2 1 1 2
3 8 Statistics I, II 2 2 3 3 2
9 Solid Geometry III 1 1 1 1 1
10 Circles I 1 1 1 1 1
TOTAL QUESTIONS FORM 1 - 3 12 14 11 15 14 3 3 3 3 3

1 Standard Form 4 4 4 4 4
2 Quadratic Expressions 1 1 1 1 1
and Equations
3 Sets 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
F 4 Mathematical Reasoning 1 1 1 1 1
R 5 The Straight Line 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1
M 6 Statistics III 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 Probability I 1 2 2 3
8 Circles III 1 1 1 1 1
9 Trigonometry II 3 2 2 2 2
10 Angles of Elevation and 2 2 2 2 1
11 Lines and Planes in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TOTAL QUESTIONS FORM 4 16 16 17 16 17 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1
1 Number Bases 2 2 2 2 1
2 Graph of Functions II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 Transformations III 1 1 1 1 1
F 4 Matrices 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
O 5 Variations 3 2 2 2 2
M 6 Gradient and Area under 1 1 1 1 1
a Graph
5 7 Probability II 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 Bearing 1 1 1 1 2
9 Earth as a Sphere 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 Plans and Elevations 1 1 1 1 1
TOTAL QUESTIONS FORM 5 12 10 12 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
TOTAL 40 40 40 40 40 11 11 11 11 11 5 5 5 5 5

Mathematic Paper 1 [1449/1]

[Time suggested: 1 hour 15 minutes ]

1 0.003729 x 105 is written as 3.729 x 10q in the standard 7 In Diagram 2, PQ = PR = PT, PTS, PUR, QUT
form. State the value of q. and QRS are straight lines, find the value of x.
A -11 C -7
B -8 D -2

2 Find the product of 0.00l675 and 0.004
A 6.7 105 C 6.7 106
B 4.19 10
D 4.19 102

3 0.000076 3.4 106 Diagram 2
A 7.26 105 C 7.26 106 The value of x is

B 4.2 105 D 4.2 106 A 98 C 114

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B 112 D 116

4 Diagram 1 shows the net of a prism




Calculate the volume in m3, of the prism
A 1.2 105 C 7.26 105
B 3.6 10 5
D 1.2 104
Diagram 3

5 State the value of digit 4 in the number 334215, in base In diagram 3 , FGHIJKLMQ is a regular polygon.
two Find the value of x.
A 1002 C 111101002 A 40 C 80
B 11001002 D 1000000002 B 60 D 100

6 Given 4q48 is a 3-digit number in base 8, find the value of
q if 4q48 = 1001111002.
A 4 C 6
B 5 D 7

9 In Diagram 4, ACD is a common tangent to two circles 12 Diagram 7 shows graphs of y = cos x and y = sin x.
centred at P and O respectively. DE is a tangent to the
circle with centre O. PBO and COF are straight lines.

Diagram 7

Diagram 4 Find the value of a.

Calculate the value x + y. A 90 C 180
A 120 C 138 B 135 D 225
B 132 D 174
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10 In Diagram 5 triangle I is the image of triangle II under a 8

certain rotation. 13 In Diagram 8, PQR is a straight line and sin SRQ =

Diagram 8

Find the value of cos PQS.

15 8
Diagram 5 17 17

Which of the following points A, B, C and D is the centre B 8 D
17 17
of the rotation?

14 Diagram 9 shows three points R, S and T on a horizontal ground.

11 Diagram 6 shows the triangle KLM. Point L is the image of RS = 24m and ST = 7m. RP with the height of 8.5m and TQ are
point K under a certain reflection. two vertical flag poles. Given that, the angle of elevation of point
Q from point P is 22.5.

Diagram 9

Calculate the height, in m,of flag TQ.

A 9.57 C 18.07
Diagram 6 B 10.36 D 18.80

Which of the points A, B, C and D is the image of
M under the same reflection?

15 Diagram 10, shows a wall and a tree separated by a river. 20

If the angle of depression of point A from the top of the
tree, V is 40


21 Given find the value of x.



22 If 100000-2x = 10, then the value of x is

Diagram 10

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Calculate the height of the tree in meters.
A 15.10 C 21.45
B 16.30 D 21.65 B D 2

16 In Diagram 11, R, S and T are points on a horizontal

plane. R is due north of S and the bearing of T from R is
134. The bearing of S from T is 23 (3 x-1 y3)

A 9 x-5 y9 C 9 x-5 y97

B 9 x-5 y3 D x-5 y9

24 List all the integer which satisfy the linear inequalities 2x + 2

3x 8 < 2x + 5
A 11, 12 C 11, 12, 13
Diagram 11 B 10, 11, 12 D 10, 11, 12, 13

A 046 C 180 25 The solution for 9x 5 < 2 is

B 088 D 226
A x < C x<
17 P(50 N , 125 W ), Q and R are three points on the earths
surface withPQ = QR = RP measured along the great
circle. Q is due south of P. The position of R is B x < D x<
A (10 U /N , 55 T/E
B (20 U /N , 55 T/E )
C (10 U /N ,125 T/E ) 26 Diagram 11 shows the height, m, of six students in Class 5
D (20 U /N , 125 T/E ) Amanah.

18 (x + 2y)2 (x 2y)2 = 1.0 1.5 1.3
A 4y2 C 4xy
B 8y2 D 8xy

19 Given 3m 4 = m + 2 then m = x 1.5 1.6

3 n

A C Diagram 11

It is given that the mean of the height is 1.35 m. Calculate the
B D sum of the median and the mode.
A 0.1 C 1.5
B 1.4 D 2.9

27 Diagram 12 shows four pictograms of items sold in a 30 Diagram 15 is a Venn diagram shows the result of study
Farmers Market. about three favourite foods of 100 students. Given that set
P = {students who like noodle}, set Q = {students who like
rice}and set R = {students who like bread}.

Diagram 15
Diagram 12
Which of the following statements are NOT true about
represents 50 mangosteens; RM0.80 each the study?
A 15 students like all the three foods.
represents 20 durians; RM15.00 each B 24 students like rice and bread.
C 73 students like noodle only.
represents 50 star fruits; RM1.50 each D 50 students like noodle and rice.
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represents 20 pineapples; RM5.50 each 31 Diagram 16 shows a straight line on a Cartesian plane.

Stall A sold mangosteens and durians whereas stall B sold

star fruits and pineapples.
Stall B had added 200 star fruits in their sales. Find the
minimum numbers of pineapples should be added, so that
the sale can overwrite the sale of stall B.
A 24 C 137
B 25 D 138 Diagram 16

28 The diagram 13 shows the graph of a function. Find the gradient of the straight line PT.



32 A straight line passes through the points ( 1, 2 ) and (13, 6).

Diagram 13 Find the y-intercept of the straight line

Find the value of a and of n. A C

A a = 1, n = 1 C a = 1, n = 1
B a = 1, n = 1 D a = 1, n = 1
29 The diagram 14 shows a Venn diagram with
the universal set, = J K L.
33 Diagram 17 shows a straight line PQ on a Cartesian plane.

Diagram 14 Diagram 17

List all the elements of set set K L.

A { 2, 6, 8 } C { 1, 2, 6, 8 } Given that the gradient of PQ is
B { 3, 4 } D { 2, 3, 4 }
Find the y-intercept of PQ.
A 4 C 4
B 4 D 6

34 In a class, 15 pupils wear spectacles. If a pupil is selected 37 Table 3 shows some values of the relation between variable, x
at random from the class, the probability that the pupil and y.
wears spectacles is 3 .
Calculate the total number of pupils in the class.
A 40 C 45
B 42 D 50 Table 3
Express y in terms x.
A y = 2x3 C y = 2x2
35 Table 2 shows the number of ballpoint pens and gel pens B y = 2x D y = 2x3
of three different colours, that are sold in a shop.
38 The time taken to complete the construction of a building varies
directly with area of building and inversely with the number of
workers involved. Given that nine workers takes three days to
complete the building of area 300 m2.
Calculate the building area can be completed by ten workers
within nine days.

A 100 C 900
B 400 D 1,000
Table 2

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If a pen is chosen at random from the shop, what is the
probability that a black ballpoint pen is chosen? 39 1 3 x 1 12 4

y 1 12 1 10 0
Find the value of x + y.

B D A 13 C 2
B 11 D 15

36 Diagram 18 is an incomplete bar chart shows 300 students 10 1 4 2

which get grade A and grade B in a Mathematics test. 40 3P ,
9 1 9 10
Number of student
find matrix P.
1 1
A C 3
110 3 11
3 0
100 6
80 6 1 14 3

B D 0
70 18 9
Grade A Grade B

Girl Diagram 18

If a student is chosen at random from the group of girls,

find the probability that the girl get Grade A.



Mathematic Paper 2 [1449/2]

[52 marks]
[2 hours 30 minutes ]

Answer all questions in this section.

1 (a) Set A is the set of even numbers and set B is the set of perfect squares. Complete the Venn diagram in the answer
space to show the relationship between set A and set B.

(b) Given three sets P, Q and R, such that the universal set, and . Draw the
Venn diagram in the answer space to show the relationship between sets P, Q and R.

[3 marks]

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The length of a rectangle is 2 cm longer than three times its width and its area is 56 cm. Calculate the perimeter of
the rectangle .

[4 marks]

3 Diagram 3 shows a trapezium ABCD with area 15 cm2. Calculate the length of AB.

[4 marks]


4 Diagram 4 shows a prism . Given K, L, M and N are the midpoint of AD, BC,EH and FG.

Diagram 4

(a) Name the angle between the plane MBC and plane ABCD

(b) Calculate the angle between the plane MBC and plane ABCD.
[3 marks]

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5 (a) Write a true compound statement from the below statements.

[4 marks]
1 { A, B, C }
{ A, B, C }
(b) Write down Premise 1 to complete the following argument:

Premise 1 : .

Premise 2 : is not an improper fraction.

Conclusion : cannot be changed into a mixed number.

(c) State the converse of the following implication and hence determine whether the converse is true or false.

If x is 4, then x2 is 16
[5 marks]



(b) .

(c) .

6 In Diagram 6. PQ is parallel with AB and AQ is parallel with x-axis. Equation for straight line AB is 2y = 6 4x.

Diagram 6


(a) the coordinates of Q,

(b) the equation of the straight line AB,

[5 marks]
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7 Diagram 7 shows a composite solid consisting a right prism and half of a right cylinder.

Diagram 7

Given that BF = CE = 10 cm , FG = EH = 8 cm dan BC = 13cm. By using calculate the volume of the solid.

[4 marks]


8(a) A stall sells fried noodles and fried rice. The stall sold 150 plates of fried noodles and 145 plates of fried rice on
Monday. The stall sold 200 plates of fried noodles and 250 plates of fried rice on Tuesday. The total sales on
Monday and Tuesday were RM1400 and RM 2150. Find the price of a plate of fried noodles ana plate of
fried rice. Represent the situation above by forming two linear equations.

(b) Hence, by using matrix method, find the price of a plate of fried noodles and a plate of fried rice.
[ 6 marks ]


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9 In Diagram 9, ABZD and CBWD are quadrants of circles centred at A and C respectively. The triangle XYZ
touches the arc BZD at Z where Z is the midpoint of arc BZD and DC = 7 cm

Diagram 9

By using , calculate

(a) the perimeter, in cm, of the shaded region.

(b) the area, in cm2, of the shaded region.

[4 marks]



10 Table 10 shows the card name of students of Form 5A put in a box P and box Q. The name that has been
picked is to represent the school to attend a seminar.

Table 10
Two students were chosen to attend a seminar at the end of the week.
(a) A card is picked at random from box P and then another card is picked at random from box Q.
Diagram 10 in the answer space shows the incomplete possible outcome of the event. Complete the
possible outcomes in Diagram 10.

(b) List all the possible outcome of events and find the probability that,
(i) both students are boys.
(ii) Mat or Ela are chosen.
[6 marks]
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(b) (i)


11 Diagram 11 shows the speed time graph of a motion of a particle in (t + 5) s.


Given the distance travelled in the first t s is 158 m, find

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(a) the value of t.

(b) the distance travelled by the particle at constant speed.

(c) the rate of change of speed in the last 5 second.

[6 marks]



[52 marks]

Answer all questions in this section.

12 (a) Complete Table 12 in the answer space, for the equation

[2 marks]

(a) For this part of the question, use the graph paper. You may use a flexible curve rule. By using a scale of
2 cm to1 unit on the x-axis and 2 cm to 10 units on the y-axis, draw the graph of of 2 x 7

[4 marks]

(b) By using the graph drawn in 12(b), find

(i) the value of y when x = 1.6
(ii) the value of x when y = 9.8
[2 marks]

(c) Draw a suitable straight line on your graph to find the values of x which satisfy the equation
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(x 3)2 = 8 for 2 x 7. State the value of x.

[3 marks]



x -2 -1 0 1 2.3 3.7 4.5 6 7

y - 1.6 - 2.7 -1 - 11.4 11.4 5.3 2

Table 12

(b) Refer graph.

(c) (i)



x = ...........................................................
Graph for question 12

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13 (a) Transformation T is a translation 8

Transformation R is a clockwise rotation of 90o about the centre (0, 1).
Transformation U is a reflection at y-axis.
State the coordinates of the image of point Y under each of the following transformations:
(i) RU,
(ii) UT
[4 marks]

(b) Diagram 13.2 shows trapezium EFGH and trapezium ABCD drawn on a Cartesian plane.

8 y



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G x
4 2 0 2 4 6

Diagram 13.2
Describe in full

(i) Transformation V
(ii) Transformation W
(iii) A transformation that is equivalent to the transformation WV.
[8 marks]

(c) Given PQRS is a quardrilateral,
(i) At the answer space in page 29, draw the imge of PQRS under an enlargement about centre
origin with the scale


(ii) Given the area of the image in (b) (i) is 16 cm2, calculate the area of PQRS.


(a) (i)



Note :
Question 13 starts at 13(a)

(a) (i) Draw your answer in Diagram 13.2


0 x


14 The data in Table bellow shows the telephone bill, in RM, paid by 30 families for a certain month.
80 43 86 64 64 52

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55 52 58 95 58 68
63 47 78 37 46 65
45 73 88 32 72 51
95 78 58 41 59 67

(a) Based on the data in the above table, complete the frequency table in the answer space .
[ 4 marks ]

(b) Based on the table in the answer space, calculate the estimated mean of the telephone bill paid by a family.
[ 3 marks ]

(c) By using a scale of 2 cm to RM10 on the x-axis and 2 cm to 1 families on the y-axis, draw a frequency
polygon to represent the data.
[ 4 marks ]
(d) State the number of families who paid the highest bill.
[ 1 marks ]

Class Interval Mid-point Frequency
30 - 39


(c) Graf


Graph for question 14

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15 Diagram 15(a) shows a solid right prism with rectangular base MNPQ on a horizontal plane. The surface PSTN
is its uniform cross-section of the solid. The rectangle RSTU is an inclined plane. UM, TN, SP and RQ are
vertical edges.

Diagram 15(a)

(a) Draw to full scale, the elevation of the solid on a vertical plane parallel to NP as viewed from X.
[ 3 marks ]

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(b) Another solid right prism is joined to the solid in the Diagram 15(a) at the vertical plane MNDU.
The combined solid is as shown in Diagram 15(b). ABC and ACN are inclined planes. BCM and NCM
are vertical planes. Base ABMN is a trapezium which. AB and NM are parallels. BMQ is a straight line.
Given that CB = CM = 7 cm.

Diagram 15(b)

Draw to full scale,

(i) the plan of the combined solid,
[ 4 marks ]

(ii) the elevation of the combined solid on a vertical plane parallel to AB as viewed from Y.
[ 5 marks ]

(b) (i)


16 P ( 45S, 70B ), Q and R are three points on the surface of the earth. Q is due north of P where P and Q form
the angle of 105 at the centre of the earth. QR is a diameter of the common parallel of latitude.

(a) Find the latitude of Q.

[ 4 marks ]

(b) State the location of R.

[ 3 marks ]

(c) Calculate the shortest distance, in nautical mile, from P to R measured along the surface of the earth.
[ 3 marks ]

(d) An aeroplane took off from P and flew due north to Q with the speed 600 knot. Then it flew due east

to R with the speed 540 knot. Calculate the total time, in hours, taken for the whole flight.
[ 3 marks ]

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[1249/2] Sejarah
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
K1 K2 K1 K2 K1 K2 K1 K2 K1 K2 K3
1 Kemunculan Tamadun awal dunia 2 2 1 2 5 2 2 5
2 Peningkatan tamadun 2 2 2 1 2 5 2 1
3 Tamadun Awal Asia Tenggara 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 -
4 Kemunculan Tamadun Islam dan
1 2 2 4 - 2 2 -
perkembangan di Makkah
5 Kerajaan Islam Madinah 3 2 6 3 2 2 6 2 6

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6 Pembentukan Kerajaan Islam dan
2 5 2 3 2 2 2,7
7 Islam di Asia Tenggara 2 2 2 6 2 7 3 -
8 Pembaharuan dan Pengaruh Islam di
2 2 3 2 1 -
Malaysia Sebelum Kedatangan Barat
9 Perkembangan di Eropah 2 6 2 1 2 2 2 -
10 Dasar British terhadap Ekonomi Negara 8 dan
2 2 7 2 8 2 2 -
1 Kemunculan dan Perkembangan
3 3 3 8 2 3 2 3 8
Nasionalisme Di Asia Tenggara
2 Nasionalisme di Malaysia sehingga Perang
2 7 2 3 2 3 9 2 3
Dunia Kedua
3 Kesedaran Pembinaan Negara dan Bangsa 2 2 9 3 3 4 4
4 Pembinaan Negara dan Bangsa Malaysia 3 8 2 2 9 2 1 9
5 Pembinaan Negara dan Bangsa Merdeka 1 2 3 1 3 1 -
6 Pengukuhan Negara dan Bangsa Malaysia 3 4 2 10 2 3 3 -
7 Sistem Pemerintahan dan Pentadbiran
2 2 2 10 2 4 2 -
Negara Malaysia
8 Pembangunan dan Perpaduan untuk
2 2 4 2 4 2 10 2 10
9 Malaysia dalam kerjasama Antarabangsa 2 9 3 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 K3
JUMLAH 40 9 40 11 40 11 40 11 40 11

K1 - Bilangan soalan
K2 - No soalan
K3 - Bilangan soalan

Dapatkan khidmat nasihat pendidikan dari kaunselor secara percuma. Layari afterschool.my/bm.

Sejarah Kertas 1 [1249/1]

Arahan: Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan. Jawab semua soalan. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan,
iaitu A, B, C dan D. Bagi setiap soalan pilih satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan objektif yang
disediakan. Jika anda hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat. Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baharu.

1 Bagaimanakah ciri kehidupan bandar yang bertamadun menurut 7 Peperangan al-Basus yang berlaku pada Zaman Jahiliah
pandangan cendekiawan Islam? menunjukkan masyarakat Arab mementingkan
A Kemajuan pesat dalam bidang ekonomi A agama
B Kebebasan mengamalkan sebarang agama B darjat
C Kesejahteraan semua lapisan rakyat C puak
D Ketinggian tatasusila masyarakat D kawasan

2 Setiap negara kota dalam tamadun Mesopotamia mempunyai Tarikh 6 Ogos 610 Masihi bersamaan 17 Ramadhan
pintu gerbang yang pelbagai bentuk. Apakah kepentingan pintu Tempat Gua Hirak
gerbang dalam tamadun tersebut?
A Sistem tulisan Peristiwa Allah menurunkan wahyu yang pertama kepada
B Senjata peperangan Nabi Muhammad SAW
C Lambang kedudukan masyarakat
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D Alat upacara keagamaan Rajah 3

3 Pada tahun 509 S.M , Rom mengamalkan sistem pemerintahan 8 Rajah 3 di atas berkaitan dengan sejarah perkembangan Islam di
republik yang ditadbir oleh dua orang konsul. Mengapakah dua Makkah. Apakah kesan peristiwa tersebut?
orang konsul tersebut dilantik? A Zaman Jahiliah berakhir
A Memudahkan perluasan empayar B Pelbagai kaum bersatu
B Mengukuhkan hubungan luar C Negara bangsa diasaskan
C Menghalang pemusatan kuasa D Sistem khalifah dilaksanakan
D Memilih pemimpin berwibawa
9 Abdullah bin Arqat membantu Rasulullah SAW berhijrah ke
Madinah. Apakah bentuk bantuan yang diberikan?
Sukan Kesusasteraan Seni berpidato A Menjadi penunjuk jalan mengawal keselamatan
B Mengawal keselamatan
Rajah 1 C Menyiasat pergerakan musuh
D Membekalkan barang keperluan
4 Mengapakah bidang dalam rajah 1, diberi penekanan dalam
pendidikan di Athens? 10 Bagaimanakah kedudukan orang Yahudi seperti yang
A Menanam sikap keberanian terkandung dalam Piagam Madinah?
B Melatih pemimpin berwibawa I Diiktiraf sebagai penduduk Madinah
C Melahirkan individu seimbang II Bebas menjalin hubungan dengan pihak luar
D Mengukuhkan semangat patriotisme III Terlibat dalam pentadbiran negara
IV Dijamin keselamatan selagi setia

Konsep dewa-raja A I dan II

Konsep orde kosmos B I dan IV
C II dan III
Rajah 2 D III dan IV

5 Mengapakah konsep dalam rajah 2 diamalkan oleh kerajaan awal 11 Bagaimanakah Khalifah Uthman bin Affan berjaya meluaskan
di Asia Tenggara? wilayah Islam?
A Mempelbagaikan istiadat istana
B Mengekalkan pentadbiran yang adil A Semangat jihad dipupuk
C Menggambarkan upacara keagamaan B Armada laut diperkukuh
D Memperkukuhkan kedudukan pemerintah C Perkahwinan politik digalakkan
D Perjanjian dengan pemimpin tempatan
6 Bagaimanakah kerajaan Funan berubah daripada kerajaan agraria
kepada kerajaan maritim? 12 Dasar sosial Islam yang diamalkan kerajaan Turki Uthmaniyah
A Pertahanan laut kuat yang menarik minat orang Kristian di Eropah untuk memeluk
B Pelabuhan yang strategik Islam. Apakah aspek yang ditekankan dalam dasar tersebut?
C Persaingan antara kerajaan
D Kemerosotan hasil pertanian A Warisan bangsa
B Jurai keturunan
C Pengumpulan kekayaan
D Kecemerlangan individu

Berminat dengan kursus kemahiran?. Layari afterschool.my untuk ketahui kursus percuma yang ditawarkan.

18 Perjanjian Tordesillas telah ditandatangani pada tahun 1494.

Sebelum Islam Selepas Islam Apakah kesan perjanjian tersebut?
A Kemunculan negara baru
Beraja X B Keruntuhan institusi beraja
C Pembayaran pampasan perang
Rajah 4 D Pembahagian kawasan pengaruh

13 Rajah 3 di atas menunjukkan perubahan yang berlaku dalam 19 Akta Tanah Simpanan Melayu telah diperkenalkan pada 25
sistem pemerintahan di Asia Tenggara selepas kedatangan Islam. November 1913. Apakah kesan akta tersebut terhadap orang
Apakah X ? Melayu?
A Kesultanan A Taraf hidup meningkat
B Demokrasi B Meneroka petempatan baru
C Aristokrasi C Kekal dengan pertanian tradisional
D Republik D Membayar cukai yang tinggi

14 Mengapakah undang-undang Islam sukar dilaksanakan 20 Mengapakah sistem pendidikan pada zaman penjajah gagal
sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah Islam di Asia Tenggara ? menyatupadukan kaum di Tanah Melayu ?
A Pembesar kurang memberi galakan A Penubuhan sekolah Inggeris
B Mendapat tentangan daripada penduduk B Pengaruh golongan mubaligh
C Masih terikat dengan undang-undang adat C Pengamalan asuhan keluarga

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D Perang saudara dalam kalangan pemimpin tempatan D Perkembangan sekolah vernakular

15 Mengapakah institusi baitulmal diperkenalkan oleh Kesultanan 21 Apakah implikasi pelaksanaan birokrasi Barat kepada negara
Melayu Melaka? Thai?
A Menetapkan kadar cukai A Persaingan kuasa Barat
B Menguruskan harta kerajaan B Pemantapan kuasa raja
C Mengendalikan adat istiadat istana C Pengekalan kemerdekaan
D Menentukan bidang tugas pembesar D Penguasaan ekonomi oleh pembesar

Motif Seni Ukiran Orang Melayu Sistem Pendidikan di Indonesia awal abad ke-19

Sebelum Islam Selepas Islam Bandar Anak golongan priyayi

Binatang seperti burung dan ayam X Kampung Anak orang kebanyakan

Rajah 5 Rajah 7

16 Rajah 4 di atas menerangkan perubahan motif dalam seni ukiran 22 Berdasarkan maklumat dalam rajah di atas, apakah tujuan
orang Melayu selepas kedatangan Islam. Apakah X ? Belanda mengasingkan pendidikan tersebut?
I Tumbuh-tumbuhan A Mengelakkan masalah pemberian bantuan
II Cakerawala B Menyekat penghijrahan penduduk ke bandar
III Geometri C Memecahbelahkan perpaduan penduduk tempatan
IV Bunga-bungaan D Menghapuskan amalan tradisi penduduk tempatan

A I , II dan III
B I, II dan IV 23 Haji Abdul Rahman Limbong telah memimpin penduduk
C I, III dan IV tempatan Kuala Telemong, Terengganu menentang British.
D II, III dan IV Mengapakah penentangan itu dilakukan?
A Pengenalan pendidikan sekular
B Pengenalan peraturan tanah
Becker : Saya banyak dosa. Bolehkah saya menebus C Pelucutan jawatan pembesar
dosa saya ? D Pembunuhan penduduk tempatan
Jacob : Boleh. Beli saja surat pengampunan daripada gereja

Rajah 6

17 Dialog di atas menggambarkan situasi di Eropah pada abad

ke-16. Mengapakah Martin Luther menentang amalan penganut
Kristian seperti dalam dialog di atas?
A Ajaran agama diselewengkan
B Kadar jenayah meningkat
C Rakyat jelata meningkat
D Kuasa raja tercabar

Ask our counsellors questions and receive an answer within 24 hours.


31 Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu telah ditandatangani oleh

Mat Salleh raja-raja Melayu dan British pada 15 Ogos 1957. Apakah kesan
Dato Bahaman perjanjian tersebut?
A Pembentukan kerajaan bercorak republik
24 Berdasarkan tokoh di atas, mengapakah perjuangan mereka B Pengaruh golongan kiri dihapuskan
gagal? C Pesuruhjaya Negeri dikekalkan
A Senjata tidak lengkap D Pemisahan kuasa negeri dengan persekutuan
B Tenaga tentera kurang
C Kemudahan asas kurang 32 Apakah yang dilaksanakan oleh pemimpin Tanah Melayu pada
D Sokongan pembesar tidak cukup tahun 1950-an untuk merealisasikan kemerdekaan Persekutuan
Tanah Melayu?
25 Pada awal abad ke-20, kegiatan berpersatuan di Sabah tidak A Memperkukuhkan perpaduan kaum
menonjol. Mengapakah keadaan tersebut berlaku? B Mengadakan pungutan suara
A Halangan daripada pemerintah C Mendapatkan sokongan luar
B Perbezaan taraf hidup antara etnik D Berunding dengan komunis
C Menghadapi masalah kewangan
D Kelemahan sistem perhubungan 33 Pada bulan April 1961, parti Barisan Sosialis telah memenangi
pilihan raya Hong Lim, Singapura. Mengapakah kemenangan
26 Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Johor yang dikuatkuasakan parti tersebut membimbangkan Lee Kuan Yew?
pada tahun 1895 mempunyai ciri asas bagi pembinaan negara A Kuasa British kukuh
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dan bangsa. Apakah buktinya? B Perpaduan kaum terjejas

A Pemerintahan raja berkuasa mutlak C Kemajuan ekonomi tergendala
B Perlembagaan bertulis yang lengkap D Proses kemerdekaan tergugat
C Pengiktirafan kerakyatan pelbagai kaum
D Persamaan dengan Hukum Kanun Melaka 34 Apakah perkara yang terkandung dalam Akta Malaysia yang
diisytiharkan pada 26 Ogos 1963?
I Hak Sabah mengawal perkhidmatan awam
Count Camillo Benso di Cavour II Hal ehwal luar negeri tanggungjawab negeri
Otto Eduard von Bismark III Pertahanan di bawah kawasan kerajaan negeri
IV Agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi Persekutuan
27 Kedua-dua tokoh berikut berjaya menyatukan negara
masing-masing di Eropah pada abad ke-19. Apakah persamaan A I dan II
kedua-dua tokoh tersebut. B I dan IV
A Mengenepikan perbezaan warna kulit C II dan III
B Menyatukan masyarakat majmuk D III dan IV
C Menggunakan kaedah realpolitik
D Membina empayar yang luas 35 Mengapakah Jata Negara penting kepada warganegara Malaysia?
I Memupuk perpaduan
28 Apakah peranan Lembaga dalam sistem pentadbiran Adat II Menanam semangat waja
Perpatih di Negeri Sembilan? III Mengukuhkan kedaulatan sultan
A Memilih Undang IV Menerapkan semangat patriotisme
B Menjadi ketua agama
C Menjaga alat kebesaran A I, II dan III
D Menggubal dasar negara B I, II dan IV
C I, III dan IV
D II, III dan IV
Pengenalan Malayan Union
Penyerahan Sarawak kepada British 36 Apakah bidang kuasa Yang di-Pertuan Agong seperti yang
termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia?
29 Senarai di atas adalah tindakan British yang membangkitkan A Membubar Parlimen
kemarahan orang Melayu pada tahun 1940-an. Mengapakah B Menggubal undang-undang
tindakan tersebut membangkitkan kemarahan orang Melayu? C Memilih ahli Dewan Rakyat
A Mencampuri adat istiadat tempatan D Menetapkan tarikh pilihan raya
B Menjejaskan hak kaum peribumi
C Menghalang perpaduan kaum 37 Mengapakah Majlis Perundingan Negara mengisytiharkan
D Mengubah sempadan negeri Rukun Negara pada 31 Ogos 1970?
A Menyusun semula masyarakat
30 Apakah langkah kerajaan British di Tanah Melayu yang B Memartabatkan bahasa kebangsaan
bersesuaian dengan Piagam Atlantik 1945? C Meningkatkan kemajuan ekonomi
A Mengadakan rundingan dengan AMCJA -PUTERA D Memperkukuhkan perpaduan rakyat
B Membentuk Jawatankuasa Perunding Perpaduan Kaum
C Menerima cadangan pembentukan Persekutuan
Tanah Melayu
D Mengekalkan kedudukan Negeri-negeri Melayu Bersekutu

Browse through extensive UPU guides to ensure your application stands the best chance.

38 Bagaimana matlamat Rancangan Malaya Pertama untuk

membangunkan kawasan luar bandar dapat dicapai? Britain
I Menyatupadukan penduduk Australia
II Membuka kawasan pertanian baru New Zealand
III Menyediakan kemudahan pinjaman
IV Menamatkan kutipan cukai pertanian 40 Selepas merdeka, Malaysia telah menandatangani perjanjian
dengan negara di atas. Mengapakah perjanjian tersebut
A I dan II ditandatangani?
B I dan IV A Memperkuat pertahanan
C II dan III B Menambah aset ketenteraan
D III dan IV C Mengekalkan hubungan diplomatik
D Menggalakkan kemasukan pelabur asing
39 Perang Dunia Pertama tercetus di Eropah mulai tahun 1914
hingga 1918. Mengapakah Amerika Syarikat turut terlibat
dalam perang tersebut?
A Menguji senjata
B Permintaan Britain
C Mempertahankan Serbia
D Menyekat ideologi komunis

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Worried about your pathway after SPM? Let us guide you through it.

Sejarah Kertas 2 [1249/2]

Bahagian A
[40 markah]
Jawab semua soalan

1 Kemunculan tamadun Hwang Ho dapat dikesan daripada jumpaan tengkorak homo sapien yang dikenali sebagai Peking Men yang
dikatakan hidup pada sekitar tahun 400 000 S.M.

(a) Berikan dua dinasti dalam pemerintahan tamadung Hwang Ho

i. _______________________________________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

(b) Anyang merupakan salah satu contoh negara kota dalam tamadun Hwang Ho. Nyatakan apakah bukti kepentingan bandar
Anyang kepada tamadun Hwang Ho.
i. _______________________________________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________________________________________
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[2 markah]

(c) Apakah fungsi hamba dalam tamadun Hwang Ho?
i. _______________________________________________________________________
ii _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

(d) Bagaimanakah raja dinasti Chou bertindak untuk mendapatkan taat setia para pembesarnya?
i. _______________________________________________________________________
ii _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

(e) Berdasarkan pengetahuan sejarah anda, bagaimanakah kerajaan Malaysia memberi pengiktirafan kepada kaki tangan awam?
i. _______________________________________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

2 Sejak tahun 622M sehingga pembukaan semula Kota Makkah tahun 630M, beberapa siri peperangan antara orang Quraisy
Makkah dengan orang Islam telah berlaku.

(a) Senaraikan dua peperangan yang berlaku di Madinah antara tahun 622-630 Masihi.
i. _______________________________________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

(b) Berikan dua garis panduan yang mesti dipatuhi oleh tentera Islam dalam peperangan.
i. _______________________________________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

(c) Nyatakan dua sebab Islam membenarkan umatnya berperang.
i. _______________________________________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

(d) Nyatakan dua bukti bahawa Islam berkembang bukan dengan cara peperangan.
i. _______________________________________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

(e) Berdasarkan kepada pengetahuan sejarah anda, bagaimanakah cara untuk mengelakkan peperangan daripada berlaku?
__________________________________________________________________________ [2 markah]

Decide whether a course is suitable for you with our course selector.

3 Pada abad ke-20 muncul persatuan-persatuan yang membincangkan pelbagai persoalan bangsa Melayu.

(a) Nyatakan apakah tujuan penubuhan Kesatuan Melayu Singapura (KMS).

[1 markah]

(b) Senaraikan dua kejayaan Mohammad Eunos Abdullah selaku pengasas kepada Kesatuan Melayu Singapura.
i _______________________________________________________________________
ii _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

(c) Berikan dua tujuan penubuhan Persatuan Sahabat Pena Malaya ( PASPAM ) yang ditubuhkan pada 1934.
i _______________________________________________________________________
ii _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

(d) Kenapakah pada peringkat awal Persatuan Melayu Sarawak gagal dilaksanakan?
[1 markah]

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(e) Berikan dua alasan kegiatan berpersatuan tidak tersebar ke kawasan pedalaman di Sabah.
i _______________________________________________________________________
ii _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

(f) Nyatakan dua kelebihan apabila kita terlibat secara aktif dalam sesuatu persatuan.
i _______________________________________________________________________
ii _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

4 Sistem politik masyarakat Melayu tradisional berbeza daripada sistem politik negara moden pada hari ini. Pembentukan kerajaan
berasaskan kepada kewujudan seseorang raja.

(a) Nyatakan apakah tanggungjawab seorang raja kepada rakyatnya.
i _______________________________________________________________________
ii _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

(b) Apakah balasan rakyat apabila raja telah melaksanakan tanggungjawab raja sebagai pemimpin.
i _______________________________________________________________________
ii _______________________________________________________________________
[2 markah]

( c) Bagaimanakah Bangsa Malaysia yang mempunyai perbezaan disatukan ?
[3 markah]

(d) Sekiranya pembentukan Malaysia telah dipengaruhi oleh konsep pembinaan negara dan bangsa Eropah, apakah kemungkinan
bentuk negara dan bangsa Malaysia hari ini.
[3 markah]

Guides about loans such as PTPTN, Yayasan Bank Rakyat, Bantuan Kewangan Asasi &
more, available.

Bahagian B
[ 60 markah ]
Jawab mana-mana tiga (3) soalan daripada tujuh (7) soalan yang disediakan

5 Nabi Muhammad s.a.w berasal daripada keturunan pemimpin Makkah yang terkenal.

(a) Terangkan keperibadian Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yang menjadikan baginda tokoh yang amat disenangi
[6 markah]

(b) Pengamalan sifat keperibadian Nabi Muhammad s.a.w boleh membantu membangunkan negara. Terangkan.
[8 markah]

c) Berdasarkan kepada pengetahuan anda, terangkan ciri-ciri kepimpinan yang perlu ada kepada pemimpin sesebuah

[6 markah]

6 Reformation merupakan suatu gerakan yang berlaku di Eropah Barat pada abad ke-16.

(a) Terangkan faktor yang menyebabkan Gerakan Reformation.

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[4 markah]

(b) Sejauhmanakah kesan Gerakan Reformation terhadap Eropah?
[4 markah]

(c) i. Gerakan Reformation membuktikan bahawa perubahan terhadap sesuatu perkara perlu dilaksanakan untuk
menghasilkan sesuatu yang lebih baik. Sebagai seorang pelajar, apakah sikap yang perlu anda miliki agar perubahan
kearah kemajuan diri dapat dilaksanakan.
[6 markah]
ii. Adakah sikap toleransi penting untuk mewujudkan masyarakat Malaysia yang bersatu-padu?
Berikan pendapat anda.
[6 markah]

7 Dasar British telah membawa kepada perkembangan perbandaran dan sistem pengangkutan di Tanah Melayu pada awal abad ke-20.

(a) Terangkan faktor kemunculan bandar-bandar baru.

[4 markah]

(b) Bincangkan kepentingan sistem pengangkutan di Tanah Melayu.
[4 markah]

(c) i. Sebagai seorang jurutera perancang bandar, bagaimanakah anda merealisasikan sebuah bandar mesra alam dan
berteknologi tinggi.
[6 markah]
ii. Berikan cadangan anda untuk meningkatkan kualiti pengangkutan awam di negara kita.
[6 markah]
BAPA Raja Mongkut
ANAK Raja Chulalongkorn

Rajah 1

8 Rajah 1 menunjukkan pemerintah Siam iaitu Raja Mongkut dan anaknya , Raja Chulalongkorn.

(a) Bagaimanakah tokoh tersebut dapat mengekalkan kemerdekaan Siam ?

[4 markah]

(b) Pada pandangan anda, apakah kebaikan sistem birokrasi Barat yang boleh dicontohi oleh negara kita ?
[6 markah]

(c) i. Gerakan nasionalisme di Thailand terbahagi kepada dua tahap. Bincangkan.

[6 markah]
ii. Semangat nasionalisme rakyat Malaysia merupakan unsur terpenting dalam mengekalkan kedaulatan Negara.
Berikan pendapat anda.
[4 markah]

Worried about your pathway after SPM? Let us guide you through it.

9 Penentangan terhadap British telah dilakukan oleh pemimpin dan rakyat tempatan sejak abad ke-19 iaitu sejak di awal
kedatangan British ke Tanah Melayu.

(a) Bagaimanakah persengketaan antara DatoSyahbandar dan Dato Kelana Sungai Ujong telah membawa kepada camputangan
dan penguasaan British di Sungai Ujong.
[8 markah]
(b) Penguasaan James Brooke di Sarawak mendapat tentangan daripada beberapa orang pemimipin tempatan.
Jelaskan sebab dan tindak balas penentangan oleh pemimpin di bawah.
i Rentap [4 markah]
ii Lingir [4 markah]

(c) Mengapakah semangat perjuangan menentang British oleh pemimpin di atas wajar dicontohi oleh generasi muda hari ini?
[4 markah]

10 Parti Perikatan telah bertindak untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu setelah kejayaan cemerlang
Parti Perikatan dalam pilihan raya pertama pada 1955.

(a) Terangkan isu-isu yang diberi perhatian oleh ahli jawatankuasa Suruhanjaya Reid dalam merangka perlembagaan

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merdeka Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.
[5 markah]
(b) Nyatakan isi penting Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1957 yang menjadi asas kepada pembentukan
Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang merdeka.
[7 markah]

(c) i Berdasarkan pengetahuan sejarah anda, nyatakan kepentingan Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1957
[4 markah]
ii Jelaskan iktibar yang boleh diambil daripada kejayaan negara dalam usaha mendapatkan kemerdekaan.
[4 markah]

11 Malaysia mempunyai dasar luarnya yang tersendiri, iaitu berbaik-baik dengan semua negara.

(a) Huraikan matlamat yang ingin dicapai oleh Malaysia melalui dasar luarnya.
[4 markah]
(b) Terangkan faktor penggubalan dasar luar Malaysia.
[8 markah]
(c) Jelaskan tahap-tahap perkembangan dasar luar Malaysia.
[8 markah]


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[1511/2] Science
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

4 4 4 6 5
6 NUCLEAR ENERGY 3 3 3 3 3
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10 NUTRITION 2 3 4 2 3

4 3 3 3 4
12 CARBON COMPOUND 3 3 5 4 5
13 MOTION 5 4 4 5 4
TOTAL 50 50 50 50 50

2012 2013 2014 2013 2014
1 SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 BODY COORDINATION - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 -
3 HEREDITY AND VARIATION - 1 - - - - - - 1 - 1 - 1 - -
- - 1 - - 1 1 - - 1 - - - 1 -

5 ENERGY AND 1 - - 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - 1
6 NUCLEAR ENERGY - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - 1
7 LIGHT, COLOUR AND SIGHT - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - 1
8 CHEMICALS IN INDUSTRY - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - -
9 MICROORGANISM AND THEIR - - 1 1 - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1
10 NUTRITION 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - -
CONSERVATION OF THE - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - 1 -
12 CARBON COMPOUND - - - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 1 - 1 -
13 MOTION 1 - - 1 - - - 1 1 - - - 1 - -

14 FOOD TECHNOLOGY AND - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - -

15 SYNTHETIC MATERIALS IN - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 1 -
INFORMATION AND - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - -
TOTAL 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3

Science Paper 1 [1511/1]

This question paper consists of 50 questions. Each question is followed by four options A, B, C and D.
Choose one correct answer for each question. Answer all the questions.

1 Which of the following is an example of voluntary action? 5 Diagram 3 shows a stage of meiosis.
A Writing C Coughing
B Peristalsis D Knee-jerking

2 Diagram 1 shows four endocrine glands in the human body.


L Diagram 3

The process shown in the diagram is known as

A mutation C fertilization
B replication D crossing-over

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6 Which of the following is an example of hereditary diseases
N caused by sex-linked genes?
A Albinism C Downs syndrome
Diagram 1 B Haemophilia D Sickle cell anaemia

Which of the glands K, L, M or N, functions when drinking a lot 7. Haziq with curly hair (Kk) married Sheila with curly hair (Kk).
of water? If the curly hair gene is dominant (K) while the straight hair
A K C M gene is recessive (k), what would be the pair of genes for their
B L D N child who has curly hair ?
A KK C KK or Kk
3 What type of disease will a person suffer from if he has B Kk D Kk or kk
deficiency of insulin
A Goitre C Anorexia 8 Diagram 4 shows the changes in the state of matter.
B Diabetes D High blood pressure

4 Diagram 2 shows the reaction of a hand when touches a hot


Diagram 4

What is process X ?
Diagram 2 A Condensation C Melting
B Sublimation D Boiling
Which of the following shows the impulse pathway of the
reaction ? 9 Which of the following is true about isotopes?
A P S T R Q C Q S T R P A Isotopes have the different chemical properties.
B P R T S Q D Q R T S P B Isotopes have the same melting point and boiling point.
C Isotopes have the same proton number but different
nucleon numbers
D Isotopes have the same number of protons but different
number of neutrons.

10 Element X has 13 protons, 14 neutrons and 13 electrons.

Which of the following statements about X is correct ?
A Element X is neutral
B The proton number of X is 26
C The nucleon number of X is 14
D Element X is positively charged
11 Diagram 5 shows the symbol of atom Y. 14 Comparison between physical changes and chemical changes
are shown in the following table below. Which of the pair of
19 changes is true?
Y Physical Change Chemical Change
9 irreversible reversible
Diagram 5
B change in chemical no change in chemical
Number of Number of Number of property property
protons electrons neutrons little or none energy is
C requires a lot of energy
A 9 10 10 required
B 9 9 10 no new substances new substances
C 9 9 19 D
produced produced
D 19 19 28
15 Which of the following oxides cannot react with carbon ?
12 Diagram 6 shows an electrolytic cell. A Zink oxide C Copper oxide
B Lead oxide D Aluminium oxide

16 Diagram 7 shows the nuclear fission of substance X.

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Substance K

Electrode P Electrode Q
Diagram 7
Diagram 6
What is substance K?
Which of the following is true about the electrolytic cell ? A Iodine-31 C Uranium-235
A Electrode P functions as the cathode of the cell. B Carbon-14 D Phophorus-32
B Anions move towards electrode Q during electrolysis.
C Solution R acts as an electrolyte to allow electric current to 17 Which of the following shows the correct path of energy
flow through it. transformation when generating electricity in a nuclear
D The chemical energy is produced through electrolysis when reactor ?
molten naphthalene is used as solution R. A Heat energy nuclear energy kinetic energy
electrical energy
13 The following equation shows a process occurs under sunlight in B Heat energy kinetic energy nuclear energy
plants. electrical energy
C Nuclear energy heat energy kinetic energy
electrical energy
D Nuclear energy kinetic energy heat energy
electrical energy

What is process X ? 18 How does nuclear fusion differ from nuclear fission?
A Translocation C Photosynthesis A It produces radioactive radiations.
B Transpiration D Germination B It requires very high temperature to provide sufficient
kinetic energy to the nuclei.
C It occurs when an electron bombards an unstable
nucleus atom.
D It can only produce nuclear energy.

19 Diagram 8 shows the overlapping of red, blue and green lights on 22 Which of the following coloured inks are used in colour
a white screen. printing?
A Red, blue, green and black
B Cyan, magenta, red and black
C Red, blue, green and black
D Magenta, yellow, cyan and black
K 23 Which of the following processes occurs when an impure metal
is mixed with a pure metal ?
A Purification C Polymerisation
B Alloying D Crystallisation

24 Diagram 11 shows the arrangement of particles in an alloy.

Diagram 8 X
What colours can be seen in areas J, K and L ?

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A Cyan Magenta Yellow
B Yellow Cyan Magenta
C Magenta Yellow Cyan
D Diagram 11
Magenta Cyan Yellow
Why is atom X added to the metal?
20 Diagram 9 shows a camera A To increase the hardness of the metal
B To lower the boiling point of the metal
C To increase the rate of reaction
D To enable the metal to conduct electricity

25 Diagram 12 shows four microorganisms, P, Q, R and S.

Diagram 9

Which part is function to control the amount of light that

enters the camera ?

21 Diagram 10 shows an experiment carried out to study the image

formed in a pinhole camera.
Black paper



light shield R S
Diagram 10 Diagram 12
What will happen to the image if the bulb is moved away
from the pinhole camera? A Yeast Virus Protozoa Bacteria
A The image becomes smaller. B Bacteria Virus Bacteria Protozoa
B The image becomes blurred. C Yeast Bacteria Protozoa Bacteria
C The image becomes smaller and blurred. D Protozoa Bacteria Yeast Virus
D There is no image formed.
26 An individual is diagnosed with Hepatitis A. Which part of his 30 Diagram 14 shows an artery in the brain which is blocked by
body could be infected? substance X.
A Lung C Liver
B Brain D Intestine

27 The following information shows some diseases caused by


W : Malaria
X : Tetanus
Y : Hepatitis B Diagram 14
Z : Common cold
What could substance X be ?
A Oil C Sugar
Which of the following diseases cannot be prevented by B Salt D Cholesterol
vaccination ?
A P and S C Q and R 31 Diagram 15 shows a food pyramid.
B P and R D Q and S
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Razak is infected by disease as shown in picture above. What

treatment is suitable to cure him? Diagram 15
A Undergoing radiotherapy
B Taking in antibiotics orally Which of the following is true about how the food pyramid
C Injecting antiserum into the patients body can guide us to have healthy diets ?
D Applying antifungal cream on the infected body part A Consume a lot of food rich in fats and sweets which is
arranged on top of the pyramid
29 B Consume the sufficient amounts of breads and cereals
C Consume vegetables and fruits occasionally
D Consume more meat and fish than milk

32 A young woman refrains herself from eating food to maintain her

slimy body. Her body weight decreases drastically. What disease
could she suffer from ?
A Anorexia C Heart disease
B Thrombosis D High blood pressure
Diagram 13
33 Which of the following is the best method to avoid pollution
Which of the following can be used to control the population caused by used plastics ?
vector show in Diagram 13 ? A Throw the plastics into a river
A Rear fish in ponds B Burn the plastics in an open area
B Spray insecticide C Use biodegradable plastics
C Pour out water from the vase D Bury the plastics in a deserted area
D Spray oil on the surface of water in drains

34 Raman wants to control the amount of mice in his palm oil 38 Diagram 17 show three types of vehicles.
estate. Which of the following is the most suitable method to be
used ?
A Use of pesticides to kill mice
B Introduce owls to the estate
C Use of pathogens to kill mice
D Capture the mice using cage
35 The following information shows some processes which occur in
the nitrogen cycle.

Diagram 17
What type of engines is used by vehicles T, U and V?
C RPTQS Two-stroke Four-stroke Four-stroke

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D RPTSQ petrol engine petrol engine diesel engine

36 Table 1 shows the decrease population in fish in a fishing area Two-stroke Four-stroke
from the year 2009 to 2013. B No engine petrol engine petrol engine

Year Population of fish Four-stroke Four-stroke

C No engine petrol engine diesel engine
2009 600
2010 550
Two-stroke Four-stroke
2011 460 D No engine
petrol engine diesel engine
2012 430
2013 290

Table 1 39 Which of the following objects has the greatest momentum ?

A A 10 kg object moving at a velocity of 20 ms-1
Which of the following methods is suitable to solve this B A 15 kg object moving at a velocity of 35 ms-1
problem ? C A 20 kg object moving at a velocity of 25 ms-1
A Restricts the use of drag nets D A 25 kg object moving at a velocity of 15 ms-1
B Stops fishermen from fishing in that area
C Encourages fishing during breeding season 40 Diagram 18 shows the flow of air over an object.
D Captures the young fish to breed in fish ponds
37 Diagram 16 shows an experiment to study the effect of different P
solutions on latex.

Q Aerofoil S

Latex + X Latex coagulate

Diagram 18

Which of the following statements is true ?

A The flow of air at area S is slower than at area Q.
Latex + Y Latex not coagulate B The flow of air at area P is faster than at area R.
C The air pressure at area P is higher than at areas Q and R.
Diagram 16 D The difference in pressure at area P and area R to cause the
object move downwards.
Solution X Solution Y

A Distilled water Enthanol

B Ethanoic acid Ammonia solution
C Formic acid Sodium chloride solution
D Ammonia Hydrochloric acid
41 Diagram 19 shows a Bernoullis tube. 46 Which of the following is the reason to produce quality breeds
through cross-breeding ?
A To produce breeds with miniature fruits
B To produce breeds with different gene contents
C To produce breeds with more nutritional values
D To produce breeds with high resistance to diseases
Water Water
flows in flows out
47 The windscreen of a car is made of
A Perpex C Epoxy resin
Diagram 19 B Polystyrene D Polyvinyl chloride
Arrange the water pressure at points X, Y and Z from the 48 Which of the following shows the similarity between
lowest to the highest. thermoplastic and thermoset ?
A X Y Z A Both can be recycled
B X Z Y B Both are resistant to heat
C Y X Z C Both dissolve in organic solvents
D Z Y X D Both are good electrical insulators
Distance = 60 km
42 49 Diagram 20 shows a schematic diagram of a radio receiver
Time = 25 minutes
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X Y Loudspeaker

Diagram 20
Henry drives his car for a distance of 60 km for 25 minutes. X Y
What is the speed of the car ?
A Aerial Tuner circuit
A 0.04 ms-1
B 2.4ms-1 B Tuner circuit Aerial
C 4.0 ms-1 C Amplifier circuit Tuner circuit
D 40 ms-1 D Tuner circuit Amplifier circuit
43 Which of the following is the main purpose of food processing ?
A To reduce the wastage of food 50 Diagram 21 shows the transmission of information between the
B To fulfill the needs of consumers Earth satellite station and communication satellite in space.
C To maintain the nutritional value of food
D To make food lasts for a longer period of time

44 The following information shows three methods used to process

Transmitted through R
l Cooling
l Freezing
l Freeze-dying

A They spoil the taste of food.

B They destroy food nutrients.
C They cannot preserve food for a long time.
D They do not sterilize food.
Diagram 21
45 Why can the milk only be kept for a few days even it has been
pasteurized ? What is the function of R ?
A Because the bacterial spores are still in the milk A Acts as carrier waves
B Because the enzymatic reaction occurs in the milk B Strengthens the signals received
C Because the hot weather outside will cause it to spoil C Increases the frequency of wave
D Because microorganisms from the air change the milk into D Changes the signals into sound waves
acid when they enter the milk



Science Paper 2 [1511/2]

Section A
[20 marks]
Answer all questions in this section.

1 Diagram 1 shows an experiment to study the melting point of substance Q.

Boiling tube Thermometer


Substance Q

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Diagram 1
The result of the experiment is recorded in Table 1.
Time / minute 0 5 10 15 20 25
Temperature / C 60 70 80 80 80 90

(a) Based on Table 1, draw a graph of temperature against time. [ 2 marks ]

Temperature / oC

(b) Based on the graph in (a), determine the melting point of substance Q. Mark the melting point of substance
Q on the graph. [ 1 mark ]

(c) What is the relationship between the temperature of substance Q and time in the first 10 minutes.
____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark ]

(d) State one responding variable in this experiment?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark ]
2 Diagram 2 shows an experiment to compare the reactivity of metals K, L and M with dilute acid.

Dilute sulphuric acid


Diagram 2
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(a) Write down one observation for the above experiment

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Write down one inference that can be made from the above observation
____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) State the manipulated variable in this experiment

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) Predict what are metals K and L in Diagram 2 using the following information:
____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]


Metal K

Metal L

Metal M Iron nail

[2 marks]

3 Diagram 3 shows an object X in front of a convex lens

Object X

F 2F

2F F

Diagram 3

(a) Draw a ray diagram of the image formed by object P in Diagram 3

[2 marks]

(b) Measure and write down the size of the image

______________________________ cm [1 mark]

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(c) State one characteristic of the image formed in Diagram 3.
____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Name one optical instrument which uses the principle shown in Diagram 3
____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
4 Diagram 4.1 shows the apparatus set up to study the hardness of copper and brass


copper block brass block

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Diagram 4.1

Diagram 4.2(a) and Diagram 4.2(b) shows the effect on the copper and brass when
weights of the same mass are dropped on them

Copper block Brass block

Diagram 4.2 (a) Diagram 4.2 (b)

(a) State one fixed variable in this experiment?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) State one inference that can be made based on the observation
____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Based on Diagram 4.2(a), measure and write down the depth of the dent made by the copper block
______________________________ cm [1 mark]

(d) State the composition of brass.

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(e) What is the operational definition of a copper block

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Section B
(You are advised to spend 50 minutes on this section.)

5 Diagram 5 shows a section through the human brain


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Diagram 5

(a) Name Q and R in the space provided in Diagram 5

[2 marks]

(b) State one function of the part labelled P

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) P has folded surfaces. What is the reason for having folded surface?
____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) In Table 5 tick(4) the actions controlled by part Q of the brain

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Table 5
6 Diagram 6 shows chromosome sets in a Child Y with a genetic disorder

Diagram 6

(a) What type of mutation is formed in Diagram 6?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Name the disease that Child Y may be suffering from?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
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(c) How many chromosomes did Child Y have?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) Which pair of chromosome can cause the child to suffer from the disease named in (b)
____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(e) Give one characteristic features of Child Y

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(f) Based on Diagram 6, what would be the sex of Child Y?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

7 Diagram 7 shows the apparatus set-up to obtain pure ethanol from a solution.

Water out
Liebig condenser

Water in
Mixture of ethanol
and water

pieces of

Diagram 7
(a) Name the method shown in Diagram 7.
____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Why is water let into the condenser from the lower tube?
____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Suggest one use for the pieces of porcelain?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) The method of purification is a combination of two processes. What are they?
____________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(e) Based on Diagram 7, name the distillate?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

8 Diagram 8 shows three radioactive rays P, Q and R, with different penetration force.

Aluminium plate A sheet of paper Lead plate

P :_________________ Q :_________________ R :_________________

Diagram 8

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(a) On Diagram 8, name the radioactive rays P, Q and R that can penetrates through each substance?
[3 marks]

(b) Which ray does not deflect in an electric field?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Radioisotopes in Table 8 are important for human beings.

Plutonium -238 Carbon-14

Phosphorus -32 Uranium -238
Sodium-24 Iodine-131

Table 8

(c) Based on Table 8, write down the radioisotopes used for agriculture purposes?
____________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
9 Diagram 9 shows an apparatus set-up to study the reaction of different metals with oxygen.

L: Metal P Metal Q

Metal R


Diagram 9

(a) On Diagram 9, name K and L using the following information:

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Glass wool
Potassium manganate (VII)
Metal powder
[2 marks]

(b) State the function of potassium manganate(VII) in this experiment?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Table 9 shows the observation of this experiment

Metal Observation
P Burns with a bright flame
Q Glows a little with a dim flame
R Glows with a red colour

Table 9

(c) Based on Table 9, state

(i) the most reactive metal

(ii) the least reactive metal

[2 marks]

(b)Arrange the metals descendingly according to their reactivity with oxygen

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Section C
Answer Question 10 and either Question 11 or Question 1

10 Study the following statement :

Different colour filters transmit different coloured lights
when white light passes through it.

You are given red filter, blue filter, green filter and other apparatus.

(a) Suggest a suitable hypothesis for this scientific investigation

[1 mark]

(b) Using red filter, blue filter, green filter and other apparatus, describe an experiment based on the following criteria

l Aim of the experiment [1 mark]

l The variables [2 marks]
l List of apparatus and materials [1 mark]
l Procedure [4 marks]

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l Tabulation of data [1 mark]

11 (a) State four differences between physical change and chemical change. [4 marks]

(b) Diagram11 shows examples of several metals


Aluminium Iron Tin Copper

Diagram 11
Study the picture in Diagram 11. Explain how you would develop a concept based on the information in Diagram 11.
Your answer should be based on the following steps:
l Identify two common characteristics [2 marks]
l Develop initial concept [1 mark]
l Give another example and non-example in relation to the concept [2 marks]
l Explain the actual concept [1 mark]

12 (a) State three purposes of alloying and give one example of alloy [4 marks]

(b) Setia Dinamik Industrial Park has become heavily polluted with toxic gases released by factories. After several years, acid rain takes
place at the industrial park. You, as an environment officer, have been asked to explain to the factory managers how to overcome this

Your answer should include the following:

l Identify the problem [1 mark]

l Clarification of the problem [1 mark]
l Solving methods [3 marks]
l Choose the best method and explain your choice [1 mark]



[3472/2] Additional Mathematics
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1 Functions 3 3 3 2 2 3
2 Quadratic Equations 1 1 1 2 1 2
3 Quadratic Functions 2 2 2 1 2 1
4 Simultaneous Equations
5 Indices and Logarithms 2 2 2 2 2 2
6 Coordinate Geometry 1 2 2 2 2 3
7 Statistics 1 1 1 2 2 1
8 Circular Measure 1 1 1 1 1 1
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9 Differentiation 1 2 1 2 2 1
10 Solutions of Traingle
11 Index Number
12 Progressions 3 3 3 3 2 3
13 Linear Law 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 Integration 2 1 2 1 1 1
15 Vectors 2 2 2 2 2 1
16 Trigonometric Functions 2 1 1 1 1 1
17 Permutations and Combinations 1 1 1 1 1 1
18 Probability 1 1 1 1 2 1
19 Probability Distributions 1 1 1 1 1 2
20 Motion in a straight line
21 Linear Programming
Total Number of Questions 25 25 25 25 25 25

TOPIC 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1 Functions 1
2 Quadratic Equations 1 1
3 Quadratic Functions 1
4 Simultaneous Equations 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 Indices and Logarithms 1 1
6 Coordinate Geometry 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 Statistics 1 1 1 1
8 Circular Measure 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 Differentiation 1/2 1 1 2/5 1 1
10 Solutions of Traingle 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 Index Number 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 Progressions 1 1 1
13 Linear Law 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 Integration 1 1/2 1 1 3/5 1 1
15 Vectors 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
16 Trigonometric Functions 1 1 1 1 1 1
17 Permutations and Combinations
18 Probability
19 Probability Distributions 1 1 1 1 1 1
20 Motion in a straight line 1 1 1 1 1 1
21 Linear Programming 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total Number of Questions 6 5 4 6 5 4 6 5 4 6 5 4 6 5 4 6 5 4

Additional Mathematic Paper 1 [3472/1]

Answer all questions

1 Given the function f (x) = 4x + 7, find

(a) f (-1)

(b) f -1(2)
[3 marks]




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2 Diagram 2 shows the mapping for the functions f and g in the arrow diagram.

3 f
Diagram 2
Given that f(x) = mx - 7 and g(x) = 10x + n, where m and n are contants. Find the value of m and of n. [3 marks]


3 Express 2 4 = 1 in the form of ax 2 + bx + c = 0

x x2

[2 marks]

4 If p and q are the roots of a quadratic equation 2x2 + 2x 5 = 0, fin the value of p2 + q2

[3 marks]
5 Diagram 5 shows the graph of a quadratic function f (x) = ax2+ bx + c.


-3 o 3

Diagram 5
(a) State the roots of f (x) = 0, [1 mark]

(b) Find the values of a, b and of c . [3 marks]

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6 Given a quadratic function f(x) = 2 (x 2)2 - 6.

(a) State the coordinates of the turning point of the graph of f (x), [1 mark]

(b) Find the range of values of f(x) for 0 < x < 3. [2 marks]




7 Solve the equation

(4 x)4 (8 x)-1 = x 4

[3 marks]

8 Simplify :

log m 27 + log m8 logm 125

log m6 log m 5
[3 marks]


9 Diagram 9 shows a graph of y = log10 2x which intersects the x-axis at h and passes through the point P(8, k)

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P (8, k)

O h
Diagram 9

Find the values of h and of k.

[3 marks]


10 It is given that 3. 9, x, , 2187, is a geometic progression.

(a) State the value of x

(b) Write the three consecutive terms before 2187.

[3 marks]



11 Diagram 11 shows the first four stacks of arrangement of new tyres stored under a staircase of a tyre shop

Diagram 11

The first stack consists of three tyres, the second stack consists of 3 tyres more than the first stack. The third stack consists
of 3 tyres more than the second stack. This patern continues for the following stacks. Find
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(a) the number of tyres in the fifth stack. [2 marks]

(b) the total number of tyres that can be stored under the staircase if only 9 stacks can fit in the space provided.
[2 marks]





y = 2x2 + 7x

0 2

Diagram 12(i) Diagram 12(ii)

Diagram 12(i) shows the curve y = 2x 2 + 7x. Diagram 12(ii) shows the straight line graph obtained when y = 2x 2 + 7x
is reduced to the linear form Y = 7X 2. Express X and Y in terms of x and / or y.

[3 marks]

13 Diagram 13 shows a staight line PQ obtained when y is plotted againts 1 . Point A lies on PQ.

A m

Q 1 O x
Diagram 13

Given that OP = 6 units and OQ = 2 units. The variables x and y are related by the equation, yx = abx +x
where a and b are constants. Find

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(a) the value of a and of b , [3 marks]

(b) the value of m . [1 mark]

14 Diagram 14 shows a test to identify the distance of hearing the sound of azan produced by Ar-Rayyan Mosque


N(31, 8)

Diagram 14 14

Hakeem cycles along the straight line, from the mosque at point M (3, 20) and stops at point N(31, 8), where the sound of
azan can last be heard

(a) Find the furthest distance of hearing the sound of azan from the mosque can be heard. [2 marks]

(b) As Hakeem moves along the straight line, he notices that the sound of azan from the mosque can only be heard
clearly as far as point T which is three quarter of the distance from point M to point N .
Find the coordinates of point T . [2 marks]



15 Find the equation of a straight line that passes through the point (2, 5) and perpendicular to the line 2x 3y = 8 .

[3 marks]

16 It is given that cos = p , where is an acute angle. Find sin 1 in terms of p.

[3 marks]
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17 Diagram 17 shows a fish pond in the shape of a semicircle with centre 0, which is also the mid point of AD, enclosed in
a rectangular garden of length 7 m and width 3.5 m. Flower bed (i) and (iii) will be planted with herbs while flower bed
(ii) will be planted with Morning Glory.


(i) (iii)


Given the fish pond has a radius of 3 m. Find

(a) the angle BOC n radian, [1 mark]

(b) the shaded area to be planted with Morning Glory. [3 marks]

[Use = 3.142. ]



v u

Diagram 18

Diagram 18 shows the vectors u , v and w drawn on a grid of equal squares. Determine

(a) |w| , [1 mark]

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(b) Vectors w in terms u and v . [1 mark]




19 Diagram 19 shows a triangle OPQ , where O is the origin. It is given that the coordinates of point P and point Q are
(-3, 4) and(-5, -2) respectively.



Diagram 19


(a) PQ [2 marks]

(b) the unit vector in the direction of PQ. [2 marks]



20 Diagram 20 shows part of the graph of a curve and a straight line that intersect at point A and point B.
B(6, 8)

Diagram 20

(a) State the value of 0b y dx + 3b x dy ,

(b) Given that 0b y dx = 24 , find the area of the shaded region
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[3 marks]




21 Given the curve y = 12 ax3 bx has a stationary point at (2, -20). Find the value of a and of b .
[4 marks]

22 A set of data consists of 8 numbers. The sum of the numbers is 112 and the sum of the squares of the numbers is 1638.

(a) the mean, [1 mark]

(b) the standard deviation [2 marks]




23 Find the number of numbers between 1500 and 5000 that can be made from the digits 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 if each digit is used
only once.

[3 marks]


24 A study shows that the probability of Form 6 students from SMK Tanjung Permai having a note book is p . If n students
are selected at random from the school, the mean and the variance of the number of students having note book are 32 and
11.52 respectively. Find the value of p and of n.

[3 marks]


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o k 1.4

Diagram 14

Diagram 14 shows a standard normal distribution graph. The probability represented by the area of the shaded region is
0.2899. Find

(a) P( 1.4 < z <k), [1 mark]

(b) the value of k. [2 marks]






Additional Mathematic Paper 2 [3472/2]

Section A
[40 marks]

Answer all questions


Diagram 1
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Diagram 1 shows a rectangle ABCD. M is the midpoint of AB . Given that the perimeter of ABCD is 48 cm and
the area of triangle DMC is 54 cm2. Find the length of AB and of BC , in cm, given AB > BC

[7 marks]

2 Table 2 shows the frequency distribution of the mass of a group of students in a class.

(a) It is given that the median mass of the distribution is 54.5. Calculate the value of k. [3 marks]

(b) Use the graph paper to answer this question.

Using a scale of 1 cm to 10 kg on the horizontal axis and 1 cm to 2 students on the vertical axis, draw a histogram
to represent the frequency distribution of the mass. Find the mode mass. [5 marks]

Mass (kg) No. of students

30 - 39 7
40 - 49 10
50 - 59 16
60 - 69 k
70 - 79 5

Table 2

3 (a) Prove that tan 2x = tan x (1 + sec 2x). [2 marks]

(b) Sketch the graph of y = tan 2x for 0 x . Hence, using the same axes, sketch a suitable straight line to find
the number of solutions for the equation 2x tan x (1 + sec 2x) = 0 for 0 x .
State the number of solutions. [5 marks]

4 An object is shot vertically upward. The height of the object is given by a quadratic function f(t) = 30t 5t2

(a) Express f (t) in terms of a(t p)2 + q. [2 marks]

(b) Sketch the graph that represent the movement of the object. [3 marks]

5 A ball is released from a height of 120 cm. It rebounds to a height of 102 cm, 86.7 cm and so on as shown in Diagram 5.




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Diagram 5

(a) Show that the heights of the ball form a geometric progression and hence, state the common ratio. [2 marks]

(b) Find the height of the ball after 9th rebound. [2 marks]

(c) Find the total heights of the ball before it stops. [2 marks]

r cm

h cm

Diagram 6

6 Diagram 6 shows a solid object comprising of a cylinder and a hemisphere. The radius of the hemisphere is r cm, the height of the
cylinder is h cm and the total surface area of the solid object is 45cm2. [Surface area of a sphere is 4r2]

(a) Show that the volume of the solid object, V cm2 is given by V = 5 (9 r ).
[4 marks]
2 3

(b) Determine the value of r such that the volume of the solid object is maximum. [3 marks]
Section B
[40 marks]
Answer any four questions from this section.

7 (a) In a survey carried out in a particular district, it is found that three out of five car owners have alloy wheels on their cars.
If 8 car owners are chosen at random from the district, calculate the probability

(i) exactly 6 of them have alloy wheels on their cars,

(ii) at least 2 of them do not have alloy wheels on their cars.

[5 marks]
(b) A group of students are given an Additional Mathematics test. The scores obtained by the students have a normal
distribution with a mean of 60 and a standard deviation of 15. A score of at least 90 will be graded as A+.

(i) A student is chosen at random from the group. Find the probability that the student has a score between 40 and 65.

(ii) It is found that 30 students are classified as A+ students. Find the total number of students in the group.
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[5 marks]
8 Diagram 8 shows a straight line PQ which is a tangent to the curve 2y = x2 + 4 at R (4,10) .

2y = x 2+ 4

R (4, 10)

0 P (n, 0) T

Diagram 8

(a) the value of n, [3 marks]
(b) the area of the shaded region , [4 marks]
(c) the volume generated, in terms of , when the region bounded by the curve, the y-axis and the straight line
y = 10 is revolved through 360 about the y-axis. [3 marks]

9 Use graph paper to answer this question

Table 9 shows the values of two variables, x and y , obtained from an experiment. Variables x and y are related by
the equation y = hx3 + kx2 where h and k are constants.
x 2 3 4 5 6 7
y 11.9 45.1 p 224.2 397.8 637.3
Table 9
y y
(a) Plot againts x, using a scale of 1 cm to 1 unit on the x-axis and 1 cm to 2 units on the 2 axis.
x2 x
Hence, draw the line of best fit.
[5 marks]
(b) Use the graph from (a) to find the values of

(i) h,
(ii) k,
(iii) p.
[5 marks]
Graph for Question 9

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10 The diagram shows the straight lines PQS and QRT. Q is the mid point of PS. Given that the line PS has the equation
8x + 3y = 24

8x +3y = 24
(0,1) R

Diagram 10

(a) Find
(i) the coordinates of point Q , [2 marks]
(ii) the quadrilateral OPQR. [2 marks]
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(b) Given that QR : RT = 1 : 3, find the coordinates of point T .

[2 marks]

(c) A point W moves such that its distance from point T is twice its distance from point S.

(i) Find the equation of the locus of point W, [3 marks]

(ii) Hence, determine whether the locus cuts the y-axis. [1 mark]

11 Diagram 11 shows two circles, centres P and Q , touching each other at point T . The radii of the circles with centres P and
Q are 9 cm and 16 cm respectively. SR is a common tangent to both circles.


Diagram 11
(a) PQR, in radian,. [2 marks]

(b) The perimeter, in cm, of the shaded region . [4 marks]

(c) The area, in cm2, of the shaded region. [4 marks]


Section C
[20 marks]
Answer any two questions from this section

12 A particle moves along a straight line and passes through a fixed point O. Its accelaration is given by a = pt + q , where
p and q are constants. Given that the velocity and the accelaration of the particle when passing through O are
4 ms-1 and 3ms-1 respectively. The particle is instantaneously at rest 4 seconds after passing through O.

(a) the value of p and of q, [5 marks]

(b) the maximum velocity, in ms-1, of the particle, [2 marks]

(c) the total distance, in m, travelled by the particle in the first 4 seconds. [3 marks]


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4 cm D
8 cm 7 cm
Diagram 13
Diagram 13 shows a right prism with horizontal base ABCD . Given AB = BF = 8 cm, BC = 7 cm and AF = 4 cm.

(a) AEB, [5 marks]

(b) the area of AEB, [2 marks]

(c) the angle between the plane BCEF and the base ABCD. [3 marks]

14 Use graph paper to answer this question

En. Zainal, a tourist bus operator wants to organize a trip consisting of x adult participants and y children participants. The trip
is based on the following constraints.

I The total number of participants must not exceed 90
The ratio of the number of adult participants to the number of children
participants is at most 3:2
The number of children participants can exceed the number of adult
participants by at most 30

(a) Write three inequalities, other than x 0 and y 0 which satisfy all the above constraints. [3 marks]

(b) By using a scale of 1 cm to 10 participants on both axes, construct and shade the region R which satisfies all
the above constraints. [3 marks]

(c)Use your graph in (b) to answer the following questions.

(i) If 40 adults participate in the trip, find the range of the number of children participants. [1 mark]
(ii) The fares for an adult participant and a children participant are RM50 and RM30 respectively. Find the
maximum total fares that can be collected by En. Zainal. [3 marks]

Graph for question 14

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15 Table 15 shows the price indices of four commodities A,B,C and D used in the manufacturing of a certain product.
The diagram shows a bar chart which represents the relative quantity of usage of these four commodities.

Price Index for the year 2015
based on the year 2012 30

Redative quality
A 115
B 150
C x 10

D 130
Table 15 Diagram 15

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(a) Calculate

(i) the price of commodity B in the year 2015 if its price in the year 2012 is RM32 , [2 marks]

(ii) the price index of commodity D in the year 2015 based on the year 2010 if its price index in the
year 2012 based on the year 2010 is 110 . [2 marks]

(b) The composite index for the cost of manufacturing the product for the year 2015 based on the year 2012 is 122.

(i) the value of x, [3 marks]

(ii) the price of the product in the year 2012 if the corresponding price in the year 2015 is RM305. [3 marks]


SPM 2017

[4531/2] Physics

CHAPTER 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

4 2014
1 2015
2 20162
AND 8 7 9 8 10
AND PRESSURE 74 94 19 27 26

HEATFORCES AND MOTION 58 37 93 85 10 4

LIGHT 57 79 94 73 64
HEAT 5 3 3 5 4
LIGHT 5 7 4 3 4
WAVES 6 4 6 4 8
WAVES 6 4 6 4 8

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ELECTRONICS 43 44 64 44 34

12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16
12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16
1 -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- - - - - -
MOTION 11 22 11 22 22 -- -- - - - - - - 1 1 - -- - - -1 1

PRESSURE - - 11 22 -- -- 11 -- - - 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1- - - -- -

HEATHEAT 11 11 -- 1 -- -- 11 11 - - - - - - - -- - - -- -
LIGHT - - 11 11 1 11 -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - 1 1- -
FORM 5 5
WAVES 22 -- 11 11 22 11 -- - - 1 1 - - - - - -1 1- -- -
ELECTRICITY - - 1 - - - 1 1 - - 1 - - - 1
ELECTRICITY - - 1 - - - 1 1 - - 1 - - - 1
ELECTROMAGNETISM 1 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 - - 1 - -
ELECTROMAGNETISM 1 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 - - 1 - -
ELECTRONICS 1 1 - 1 1 - - - - - - 1 - 1 -
ELECTRONICS 1 1 - 1 1 - - - - - - 1 - 1 -
RADIOACTIVITY 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -
RADIOACTIVITY 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -

12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16
FORM 4 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16
FORM 4 OF PHYSICS - 1 - - - - - - - -
1 1
- -
- 1
- -
- -
- -
- 1
- - -
FORCES AND PRESSURE 1 - - - - - 1 1 - -
FORCES AND MOTION - - 1 - 1 - - - 1 -
HEAT - - - - - 1 - - - 1
FORCES AND PRESSURE 1 - - - - - 1 1 - -
LIGHT - 1 - 2 - - - - - -
HEAT - - - - - 1 - - - 1
LIGHT - 1 - 2 - - - - - -
WAVES 1 - - - - - 1 - - -
ELECTRICITY - - 1 - - 1 - - - -
ELECTROMAGNETISM 1- -- -- -- 1 - - - - 1 1 - 1 - 1 -
ELECTRONICS -- -- -1 -- - - - 1 - - - - - - - -
RADIOACTIVITY -- - -- -- - 1 - - - - - 1 - 1- 1

ELECTRONICS - - - - - - - - - -

RADIOACTIVITY - - - - - - - - - -

Physics Paper 1 [4531/1]

1 Which of the following steps can be taken to reduce parallax 6 Which of the following situation where all the forces are in
error while taking a measurement from the voltmeter ? equilibrium?
A The pointer needs to be seen through an A a = 0 ms-2
anti-parallax mirror.
B The pointer image is at the right of the pointer.
C Take several readings and find out the average.
D Use a more sensitive voltmeter. B a = 10 ms-2

2 Which of the following statements is true ?
A Zero error is an example of random error. v = 4 ms-1
B All the readings in systematic errors are inconsistent. C
C Random errors occur due to carelessness of the observer
when making a measurement.
D Random error will increase consistency.
7 The diagram below shows a bullet of mass 15 g is fired at 200
3 Which of the following is a vector quantity? ms-1 from a pistol of mass 2.0 kg.
A Age of sun
200 ms-1

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B Acceleration of gravity
C Mass of a ball
D Distance between Ipoh and Melaka

4 The diagram below shows a ball " collide" with a boy.


What is the recoil velocity of the pistol?

A -1.5 ms-1 D 5.0 ms-1
ball B 1.5 ms-1 E 10.0 ms-1
C 3.5 ms-1

8 Which situation relates to inertia?

What happen to the boy?

A Move together with the ball in the direction of the ball.
B Move together with the ball opposite the direction of the ball.
C Move alone in the direction of the ball.
D Move alone in the direction of the ball. A

5 The diagram below shows a squid moving forward by

discharging a jet of water from its body.


The forward movement of the squid can be explained by
A Principle of conservation of energy.
B Newton's first law of motion.
C Principle of conservation of momentum
9 Which of the following is not an example of fossil fuels? 13 The diagram below shows a container filled with cooking
A Coal D Natural gas oil. Assuming the density of the cooking oil is 800 kg m-3,
B Petroleum E Oxygen determine the pressure at point X.

10 v (ms-1)

t (s)
0 1 2 3 4 5
A 800 Pa D 3000 Pa
The graph above shows the motion of an object. How far does B 1600 Pa E 3600 Pa
the object move in 5s? C 2400 Pa

A 5 m D 20 m 14 The container in the diagram below contains incompressible

B 10 m E 30 m liquid. A downward force of 12 N is exerted on piston K.
What will be the magnitude of the upward force experienced
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C 18 m
by piston L?
11 The diagram below shows a simple mercury barometer. Air is cross
trapped in the upper portion of the glass tube. If the atmospheric area 5cm2
pressure is 76 cm Hg, what is the pressure of the trapped air in K L cross
the tube? area 20cm2

trapped air

A 10 N C 24 N
150 cm B 12 N D 48 N

26 cm
15 Two ships traveling in the open sea are not encouraged to
move parallel to each other in the same direction so as to
avoid colliding with each other. This can be explained by

A Archimedes Principle. C Pascals Principle.

A 16 cm Hg D 76 cm Hg B Bernoullis Principle.
B 20 cm Hg E 150 cm Hg
C 50 cm Hg
16 The diagram below shows the cross-section of a dam. Why
does the thickness of the dam increases towards the base of
12 Which of the following is not a characteristics of pressure in the dam?

A The pressure in a liquid is directly proportional to its depth

B The pressure at a certain depth of a liquid is the same on the
Earth or on the Moon
C The pressure in a liquid acts in all direction

A Water pressure increases with depth.

B The density of water increases towards the base of the dam.
C So that more water can be stored.
D Less material is needed to build the dam.

17 A 5W immersion heater is used to heat 0.1 kg of a certain liquid. 23 What is the physical quantity that is kept constant in Boyles
If the rise in temperature of the liquid after 2.0 minutes is 3C, Law, Charles Law and Pressure Law?
what is the specific heat capacity of the liquid, assuming all the
heat released by the heater is absorbed by the liquid? A Volume D Absolute temperature
B Mass E Pressure
A 200 J kg-1 C-1 D 4000 J kg-1 C-1
B 400 J kg-1 C-1 E 5000 J kg-1 C-1 24 The radius of curvature of a concave mirror is 40 cm. What
C 2000 J kg-1 C-1 is the object distance, u, must an object be placed in order to
produce an image at infinity?
18 What is the advantage of using mercury in a liquid-in-glass
thermometer? A u > 40 cm D 40 cm > u > 20 cm
B u = 40 cm E u = 20 cm
A Mercury is non toxic.
B Its specific heat capacity is high.
C It is a liquid. 25
D It expands uniformly when heated.

19 The sensitivity of a liquid-in-glass thermometer can be increased


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A Using a liquid which conducts heat better.
B Reducing the thickness of the wall of the bulb. The diagram above shows a stripe of mirror used in a meter
C Using a shorter tube. scale. What is the error can be minimize with the presence of
D Using a tube with narrower bore. the stripe of mirror?
20 What is the name given to the amount of heat required to change A Zero error C Parallax error
1 kg of ice at 0C completely to water? B System error D Relative error
A Heat capacity
26 Which of the following is not the nature of light?
B Specific heat capacity
C Specific latent heat of fusion
D Specific latent heat of vapourization. A An object can be seen is because the object is able to
emit light.
21 Which of the following statements is false regarding gas in an B The colour of an object can be seen is because the object
enclosed container that is suddenly compressed without any reflects the colour of the light.
change in temperature? C Light travels in a straight line in one medium.
D Light is absorbed by an black and dark object.
A The density of the gas increases.
27 A beam of light from a ray box is directed at point O as shown
B The average speed of the gas molecules increases.
in the diagram below. Which of the following is the beam
C The average kinetic energy of the gas molecules remains
of ray leaving point O?
[critical angle for glass is 42 ]
D The average distance between the gas molecules decreases.
22 Which of the following graphs correctly represents Charles B
Law? O
V (m3 ) V (m3 ) C
glass o
0 T (K) 0 T (K) ray box

V (m3 ) V (m3 )
28 What are the characteristics of the image of a distant object
formed by a convex lens?

A Real, inverted and smaller than the object.

B T (K) D T (K) B Real, laterally inverted and smaller than the object.
0 0
C Virtual, inverted and bigger than the object.
D Virtual, upright and smaller than the object.
29 A telescope has an objective lens with a focal length of 120 cm 36 In a 3-pin plug, blue is the colour of the
and eye lens with a focal length of 15 cm. How many times does
the image being magnified from the observed object? A live wire C neutral wire
B earth wire
A 2 C 8
B 6 D 10 37 A torchlight bulb uses a 4.5 V supply and the current flowing
through it is 0.2 A. How much electrical energy is used if the
30 Which of the following describes the way a water wave torchlight is turned on for 1 minute?
propagates from deep to shallow water correctly?
A 28 J D 60 J
Speed Wavelength B 45 J E 120 J
C 54 J
A Decreases Decreases
B Decreases Increases 38 Which of the following materials would you use as the core of
C Increases Decreases an electromagnet?
D Increases Decreases
A Bronze C Iron
B Copper D Silver
31 Sound can be diffracted by an opaque object but light cannot.
This is due to the fact that
39 The efficiency of transmitting electrical power by cable
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A sound travels slower than light. through great distance can be improved by
B sound waves have a longer wavelength.
C sound wave needs a medium to propagate while light can A lowering the voltage and using thick cable.
propagate through vacuum. B lowering the voltage and using big current.
C increasing the voltage and using thin cable.
32 Which of the following is the same in gamma rays, ultra violet D increasing the voltage and using thick cable.
rays and visible light?

A Frequency C Wavelength 40 Which of the following arrangements will produce the

B Velocity highest induced current in the solenoid?

33 Which of the following devices does not make use of stationary solenoid
stationary solenoid
electromagnetic waves in its operation? 1ms -1
1ms -1
A Radio set C Loud speaker A C G
B Mobile phone D Camera G

34 Tungsten is chosen to be used as the filament of an electric bulb stationary solenoid 1ms -1
1ms -1 1ms -1
rather than copper. This is because 1ms -1
A tungsten is a better conductor of electricity.
B the melting point of tungsten is higher. G

C tungsten is cheaper.
D copper burns easily.
41 The diagram below shows a current carrying conductor in a
permanent magnet field between two magnets.
35 All the resistors shown below are identical. Which of the
following circuits w24est effective resistance?


In which direction will the conductor be moved?


42 A magnet is moved towards a coil of insulated wire as shown 46 The diagram below shows a circuit whereby an a.c. supply is
below. connected to a resistor via a diode.

a.c mains supply


In which direction does the coil try to move? C.R.O

A Away from the magnet D Upwards

B Towards the magnet E Downwards What would the trace on the screen of the CRO looks like if
the time-base is switched on?

43 The process of adding a pentavalent element to a pure silicon

crystal is known as A C

A receiving C excitation
B donating D doping

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44 The diagram below shows the structure of a cathode-ray B D
oscilloscope tube. A fixed potential difference is applied across
the deflection plates.

anode 47 The diagram below shows a ray of light traveling from air into a
block of glass. Which of the angle is the critical angle?
cathode screen
deflection plates D
air A glass
Which of the following will increase the angle of deflection of
the spot on the screen?

A Decrease the distance from the deflection plates to the screen.

B Increase the length of the deflection plates. A vibrator in a ripple tank vibrates at a frequency of 6 Hz. It
C Increase the potential difference between cathode and anode. causes a wave with a wavelength of 0.02 m. What is the speed
D Decrease the separation of the deflection plates of the wave?

45 Which of the following electronic devices allows current flow in A 0.02 ms-1 D 6.00 ms-1
one direction only? B 0.12 ms-1 E 12.00 ms-1
C 3.00 ms-1
A Thermistor C Transistor
B Resistor D Diode 49 Air at room temperature of 27C is kept in a sealed container
at a pressure of 2 atm. If the air is then heated, without any
change in volume, to a temperature of 57C, what would be
the pressure of the gas now?

A 0.5 atm D 2.2 atm

B 1.0 atm E 2.5 atm
C 1.2 atm

50 Which of the following is true about buoyant force?

A A floating object does not experience any buoyant force.

B Buoyant force is influenced by the density of an object.
C An air bubble from the bottom of a lake rises to the surface
because the buoyant force acting on the air bubble is
greater than the weight of the air bubble.
D Buoyant force is a scalar quantity.



Physics Paper 2 [4531/2]

Section A
[60 marks]
Answer all questions in this section.

1 Diagram 1.1 and 1.2 below shows part of an instrument that can be used to measure the diameter of a 20 sen coin.

0 1

cm 0 10
0 1 2

0 10
2 3

0 5 10

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2

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(a) Name the measuring instrument.

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) What type of error is shown by the instrument?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) What is the value of the error shown in Diagram 1.1 and 1.2 above?
____________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

2 Diagram 2 shows a man standing still on reflexology therapy stones. He exerts a pressure on the reflexology therapy stones.

Diagram 2

(a) What is meant by pressure?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) The mass of the man is 50 kg and the area of contact of the man with the reflexology therapy stone is 40 cm2 .
Calculate the pressure exerted by the man on the reflexology therapy stones.

____________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(c) Based on diagram 2, state one way by which the man can reduce the pain experienced by his soles when walking
barefooted. Explain your answer.

____________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

3 Diagram 3 shows a man carrying a block of ice of 2.5 kg that he just bought from a shop. He could feel that the ice is at a
constant cold temperature. The surface of the ice is wet and water is dripping down from the block of ice.

Diagram 3
(a) Name the heat energy which is absorbed by the block of ice.
____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

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(b) State one reason why the temperature of the block of ice and the water dripping down are the same even though heat
is supplied.

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Calculate the heat energy, which is absorbed from the block of ice. [The specific latent heat of fusion of water,
l = 3.36 x 105 J kg-1]

[2 marks]

(d) Sketch the graph of temperature against time to show the change of phase.

[2 marks]
4 Diagram 4.1 shows a SONAR waves is sent by transmitter at the lower part of the boat and the echoes are detected by hydrophone.
Diagram 4.2 shows the trace on the screen of oscilloscope.
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Diagram 4.1 Diagram 4.2

(a) What is meant by wavelenght?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Sound waves with frequency of 5.8 x 105 Hz are used to determine the depth of the sea. The speed of sound waves in sea water is
1250 ms-1. The time-base of the oscilloscope is adjusted at 50 ms cm-1. If the time interval between the transmitting and receiving a
pulse of waves is 1.2 s. Calculate

(i) the depth of the sea.

[2 marks]
(ii) wavelength of the sound wave.

[2 marks]

(c) Observe the Diagram 4.1 and 4.2.

(i) Compare the amplitude of the reflection waves.

[1 mark]
(ii) Explain your answer in (c) (i)

[1 mark]

5 Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 show two eggs released from the same height and drop on to Surface A and Surface B respectively.

Egg Egg

Does not break Break

Surface A Surface B

Diagram 5.1 Diagram 5.2

(a) What is meant by impulse?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

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(b) With reference to Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2;

(i) Compare the force on the eggs that strike Surface A and Surface B.
________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Compare the time of impact of the eggs on Surface A and Surface B.
________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii) Compare the change in momentum of the eggs in both situations.

________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iv) State the relationship between the force produced in a collision and the time of impact.
________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(v) Suggest a suitable material for Surface A.

________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Diagram 5.3 shows a pile hammer used in driving a pile into the ground at a construction site.

Pile hammer


Diagram 5.3

Explain how a large force is produced by the pile hammer in driving the pile into the ground.

____________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
6 Diagram 6.0 shows an apparatus set up to study a method of producing electricity. Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show movements of
a bar magnet in and out of the solenoid with the same force. A center zero galvanometer is used to detect the direction of the current


Hollow cardboard


Diagram 6.0
Diagram 6.0

Magnet Magnet
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Hollow cardboard Hollow cardboard

Solenoid Solenoid

Diagram 6.1 Diagram 6.2

Diagram 6.2
Diagram 6.1

(a) Underline the correct answer in the bracket to complete the answer below. The method of producing electricity without
the electrical supply is known as (electromagnet, electromagnetic induction, transformer). [1 mark]

(b) Observe Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2,

(i) Compare the direction of the current flow

________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Compare the magnitude of current flows

________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii) Compare the polarity of magnet at P

________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iv) Relate between the relative motion of the magnet to the polarity at P.
________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(v) Relate between the relative motion of the magnet to the polarity at P.
________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(c) State the physics law involved in b(iv)

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) Base on the information and the diagram given above, explain term of energy changes involved in the system.
____________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

7 Diagram 7.1 shows the use of a transistor in a circuit as an automatic switch.

X Lamp

R1 27 12 V, 24W

12 V

R2 3
Diagram 7.1

(a) Name the type of transistor shown in Diagram 7.1.

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b)Based on Diagram 7.1:

(i) What is the potential difference across XZ?

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________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) What is the total resistance between point X and point Z?

________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii) Using the answers from (b)(i) and b(ii), calculate the potential difference across XY.
________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(iv) Tick (x) to show what will happen to the lamp,L, if the base-emitter potential difference, VBE is 2 V?

On Off
[2 marks]
(c) Diagram 7.2 shows a transistor is used to light up the lamp,L during the night. The resistor R2 is replaced
with a light dependent resistor. Lamp, L

R1 240V, 24W
12 V


Diagram 7.2
Some modifications need to be done to the circuit in Diagram 7.2 so that the lamp can be automatically switched on
during the day. State the suitable modification and give one reason for the modification.

(i) The position of LDR.

Reason _________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(ii) An electrical component connected to lamp 240 V, 24 W.

Reason _________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
8 Diagram 8.1and Diagram 8.2 show a weightlifter is making trial to determine the suitable method to lift a load of mass 60 kg for
longer time.

60 60


2m 2m

Diagram 8.1 Diagram 8.2

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(a) What is meant by equilibrium state?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) What is the weight of the load?

____________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(c) In the space below, draw the scale drawing of the triangle of forces to determine the value of T1. [Use the scale 1 cm : 10N]

[2 marks]

(d) Calculate the tension T2 in Diagram 8.2

[2 marks]

(e) Based on the answer in (c ) and (d), state the suitable way to lift the load for a long time. Give one reason for your answer.

____________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(f) If the weightlifter let go the load, calculate the final velocity of the load before it touches the surface of the ground.

[2 marks]

Section B
[20 marks]
Answer any one questions from this section.

9 (a) Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2 show a transparent block made of a material with a different refractive index.
A light ray travel in both blocks with the same incident angle, i.

i = 40 i = 40

Diagram 9.19.1 Diagram 9.2
Diagram 9.2

(i) What is meant by a refractive index?

________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

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(ii) Using Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2, compare the refractive index, refraction angle and critical angle
between the two blocks.
________________________________________________________________________ [5 marks]

(b) (i) State two conditions under which light ray would undergo total internal reflection. [5 marks]

(ii) Diagram 9.3 shows a light ray is incident on a piece of Crown Glass of critical angle 42.

Diagram 9.3

(c) Diagram 9.4 shows the structure of an optical fibre used in telecommunications.

Inner core Light ray

Outer cladding
Diagram 9.4

Optical fibres are made of fine strands of glass. Each single glass fibre (inner core) is coated with a thin layer of another type of glass
(outer cladding).You are required to give some suggestions in designing an optical fibre which can carry more information.
Explain your suggestions base on the following aspects:

(i) refractive index of the inner and outer glass

(ii) the properties of material used for optical fibre

(iii) the thickness of the glass

[10 marks]
10 Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show the bulbs connection at the fruit stores. The bulbs and the battery in both the store are identical.

Bulb Bulb
Bulb Bulb


Diagram 10.1 Diagram 10.2

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(a) (i) What is meant by a potential different? [1 mark]

(ii) Draw a circuit diagram for each circuit and label the type of circuit. [1 mark]

(b) Using Diagram 10.1 and 10.2, compare the brightness of the bulbs. Relate the brightness of the bulb, the potential
different and the current flow for the bulbs to deduce a relevant physics concept.
[5 marks]

(c) Diagram 10.3 shows an electric kettle which is a rated at 240 V, 2 000 W and connected by a flexible cable to a three-pin-plug.

Electric kettle

Three-pin plug

Heating element

Flexible cable

Diagram 10.3

Suggest modifications that can be made to the electric kettle in Diagram 10.3 so that it can boil water faster and has better safety.

[10 marks]

Section C
[20 marks]
Answer any one questions from this section.

11 Diagram 11.1 shows a small aircraft. Diagram 11.2 shows a cross section of the aircrafts wings.

Cross section shape


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Diagram 11.1 Diagram 11.2

(a) Name the shape of the cross sectional of the aircraft wings. [1 mark]

(b) The aircraft obtains its lift when flying due to a difference in pressure of the air between the upper and
bottom sides of the wings.

(i) Explain how this difference in pressure is produced. [3 marks]

(ii) Name the principle involved in your answer to(b)(i). [3 marks]

Table 11 shows characteristic of four design of the aircraft wings.

Difference in
Area of wing/ Density of wing speed of air
Design Shape of cross section of wing m2 material/Kgm-3 above and
below the

P 40.0 2100 10.0

Q 41.5 2300 0.0

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R 42.5 2000 0.0

S 38.2 2050 8.0

(c) You are requested to choose a suitable wing to be installed with the body of the aircraft.

By referring to the information given in Table 11, explain the suitability of each characteristic and suggest the most
suitable wing to be installed with the body of the aircraft.

[10 marks]

(d) An aircraft installation department chooses wing P to be installed with its aircrafts which has maximum mass 800 kg.

(i) If the air pressure below the wing is more than the air pressure above the wing by 500 N m-2 , calculate the force that
exerted from below of the wing.

[2 marks]

(ii) Determine the resultant force and its direction that exerted to the wing of the aircraft.

[2 marks]

(iii) Calculate the vertical acceleration of the aircraft.

[1 mark]

12 Diagram 12.1 shows an electric bell.


Soft iron core



Diagram 12.1
(a) (i) State the energy transformation that takes place when an electric bell rings. [1 mark ]

(ii) Based on the Diagram 12.1, explain the working principle of how an electric bell rings when the switch is on. [4 marks]

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(b) An electric bell in Diagram 12.1 is able to produce a louder sound .

Table 12 shows the characteristics of electric bells P,Q,R,S and T which could produce a loud sound.

Size of the Distance between the hammer The number of turns of the coil
Electric Bell Curvature of the gong
hammer and the gong/cm around soft iron core
P Big 2.0 50 High
Q Big 5.0 100 High

R Big 5.0 100 Low

S Small 5.0 50 Low

S Small 2.0 100 Low

You are asked to study the electric bells P,Q,R,S and T.

Explain the suitability of each characteristic of the electric bell in Table 12 and hence, determine which electric bell is able to
produce the loudest sound.

Justify your choice.

[10 marks]
(c) Diagram 12.2 shows an electric bell 12 V,10 W is connected to the output of a transformer
The efficiency of the transformer is 80%.

12 V, 10 W
40 a.c
Electric bell

Calculate Diagram 12.2

(i) the electric current in the electric bell

(ii) the electric current in the primary coil

[5 marks]



[4541/2] Chemistry
Number of Questions
Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3
11 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 STRUCTURE OF THE ATOM 4 6 2 1 2 3 Q1 Q1 Q3 Q1
7 7 6 5 6 4 Q2 Q2 Q3
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5 2 2 6 3 5 Q3 Q3 Q2 Q9 Q3 Q1
4 CHEMICAL BONDS 3 3 4 2 4 4 Q10 Q4 Q3 Q3 Q4

5 ELECTROCHEMISTRY 5 6 2 5 4 4 Q5 Q6 Q4 Q4 Q6 Q9

6 ACIDS AND BASES 4 2 4 4 6 3 Q4 Q7 Q7 Q5


7 SALTS 2 1 1 4 3 5 Q7 Q10 Q7 Q9 Q6

3 3 5 4 2 2 Q7 Q1 Q2 Q2

9 RATE OF REACTION 3 2 4 5 3 Q2 Q10 Q7 Q6 Q4

10 CARBON COMPOUNDS 5 4 6 4 5 Q9 Q1 Q5 Q8 Q8 Q7

11 OXIDATION AND 2 6 8 4 4 Q6 Q8 Q5 Q10 Q8


12 THERMOCHEMISTRY 5 6 3 4 5 Q8 Q6 Q10 Q5 Q10

2 2 3 2 3 Q8 Q5

Chemistry Paper 1 [4541/1]

Each question is followed by either three, four or five options. Choose the best option for each question and then blacken the correct space
on the answer sheet.

1 Which of the following solutions has a pH value less than 7? 7 Diagram 2 shows National Monument which is made up
of an alloy.
A Glacial ethanoic acid
B Dry ethanoic acid vapour
C Aqueous ethanoic acid
D Ethanoic acid solution in methylbenzene

2 An electrolyte can conduct electricity because it consist of

A Ions in the solid state

B Free moving molecules in water
C Free moving atoms in the molten state
D Free moving ions in the aqueous state
Diagram 2
3 Which of the following pairs of reagents is most suitable for Which is the composition of this alloy ?

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preparing silver chloride?
A Iron, zinc C Copper, zinc
A Silver metal and hydrochloric acid B Copper, tin D Tin, iron
B Silver oxide and hydrochloric acid
C Silver carbonate and hydrochloric acid 8 Diagram 3 shows the structural formula of PVC.
D Argentum nitrate solution and hydrochloric acid
H Cl H Cl H Cl
4 The pH values of three acid solutions of 0.1 mol dm are shown

in Table 1 C C C C C C

Solution pH value H H H H H H
X 2.5
Y 1.0 Diagram 3
What is the structural formula of its monomer?
Z 6.0
Table 1
Arrange the acids according to an ascending order of degree of A C

A X, Y, Z C Z, X, Y
B X, Z, Y D Y, X, Z

5 Diagram 1 shows a model of an atom.



Diagram 1 9 What is the meaning of one mole ?

Which scientist proposed this model of an atom? A The mass of 6.02 x 1023 particles of any substance.
B The volume occupied by any gas at a particular
A Neils Bohr C James Chadwick temperature and pressure.
B J.J Thompson D Rutherford C The amount of substance that contains the same number
of atoms in 12 g of carbon -12.
D The amount of substance that contains the same number
6 Photochromic glass is a type of glass that is of molecules in 32 g of oxygen gas.
sensitive to light intensity.
10 A substance is said to be reduced if
Which chemical present in photochromic glass gives this
property? A oxygen is lost C electrons are lost
B hydrogen is lost D its oxidation number
A Boron oxide C Silver bromide increases
B Silver nitrate D Copper (II) chloride
11 Corrosion of metal and marble structures are caused by acid 17 Diagram 5 shows an energy level for the reaction P + Q PQ.
rain. Which gases can cause acid rain?



A I and II only C III and IV only III
B II and IV only D I and IV only

12 Aspirin is a modern medicine not suitable for

children and pregnant mothers. Reaction pathway
Diagram 5
Which type of medicine is insulin classified as?
Which Roman number represents the activation energy in this
A Hormone C Antibiotic reaction?
B Analgesic D Stimulant
13 Which substance will change aqueous iron(II) sulphate from B II D IV
light green to brown?
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A sulphuric acid C chlorine water 18 Which of the glass is suitable to make the following apparatus
B sodium hydroxide D sulphur dioxide gas in diagram 6 ? .

14 Which of the following properties can be predicted based on the

position of the element in the Periodic Table of Elements?

A The number of neutrons in an atom of the element

B The number of isotopes the element has Diagram 6
C The charge of the ion formed by the element
D The relative atomic mass of the element A Fuse glass C Borosilicate glass
B Lead glass D Soda lime glass
15 Which chemical can be used to differentiate between
hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid?
19 Which of the following statement is true for an ionic
A Barium sulphate C Lead(II) oxide compound with an ionic formula of XY2 ?
B Barium carbonate D Lead(II) carbonate
A An atom of X has 2 valence electrons while an atom of Y
has 7 valence electrons.
16 Diagram 4 shows the apparatus set-up of electrolysis of aqueous B X is from Group 14 and Y is from Group 16 of the Periodic
silver nitrate solution. Table of elements.
C One atom of Y donates two electrons to be accepted by an
atom of X.
D One atom of Y shares two electrons with one atom of X.
Silver plate
Silver nitrate
20 What are the applications of electrolysis in industries ?

Diagram 4 I Purification of impure copper

II Electroplating of copper with nickel
The half equation at anode is III Extraction of iron from iron(III) oxide
IV Extraction of aluminium from aluminum oxide
A 4OH- 2H2O + O2 + 4e
B Ag+ + e Ag A I and II only C I, II and IV only
C Ag Ag+ + e B I, II and III only D I, II, III and IV
D 2H+ + 2e H2

21 Table 2 shows the volume of hydrpgen gas collected every 30 s 26 The reaction between lead(II) nitrate and potassium iodide is
for the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid. represented by the equation below.
Time /s Volume of oxygen gas /cm3
Pb(NO3)2 (aq) + 2KI (aq) PbI2(s)+ 2KNO3 (aq)
0 0.0
30 5.0
60 9.0 25.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 potassium iodide solution is mixed
with 25.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 lead(II) nitrate solution. What
90 12.0 is the maximum mass of lead(II) iodide produced in this
120 14.5 reaction?
150 16.5 [ Relative atomic mass :I = 127, Pb = 207]
180 18.0
Table 2 A 4.18 g C 8.35 g
Calculate the average rate of reaction in the second minutes B 5.76 g D 11.52 g

A 0.075 cm3 min-1 C 9.0 cm3 min-1

B 4.5 cm3 min-1 D 18.0 cm3 min-1 27 Diagram 9 shows the set-up of the apparatus for displacement
reactions in test-tube X, Y and Z.

22 Diagram 7 shows the set-up of apparatus of a chemical cell with a

voltmeter reading of 1.3 V.

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V zinc silver zinc

Zinc rod Copper rod X Y Z

Iron (II) sulphate solution Lead (II) nitrate solution Copper (II) sulphate solution
Porous pot
Zinc sulphate Copper(II)
solution Diagram 9
sulphate solution In which test tube does replacement reaction takes place?
Diagram 7
Which of the following will increase the voltmeter reading ? A X only C X and Y only
B Z only D X and Z only
A Replace the zinc rod with iron rod.
B Replace the copper rod with silver rod. 28 Propene reacts with bromine to produce compound P
C Increase the concentration of the two solutions.
D Replace the porous pot by a salt bridge. CH3 CH = CH2 + Cl2 P

23 During a complete combustion reaction, 1 mole of alkane will Name compound P using IUPAC
produce 4 moles of water. The alkane is
A 1,1 dichloropropane
A methane C propane B 1,2 dichloropropane
B ethane D butane C 1,2 dichloropropene
D 2,3 dichloropropane
24 Which ion has the highest concentration in an aqueous solution
of sodium sulphate?
29 Diagram 10 shows the set-up of apparatus for electroplating.
A H+ (aq) C Na+ (aq)
B OH (aq) D SO42 (aq)

25 Diagram 7 shows the electron arrangement of an ion formed

from atom X.
Silver Iron spoon
x solution
Diagram 10
Which of the following equations represent the reactions at the
anode and cathode?
Diagram 8
Which of the following is true about atom X ? Anode Cathode
A Atom X has donated electrons. A Ag ++ e- Ag Ag Ag ++e-
B Number of electrons of atom X is 8. B Ag Ag ++ e- Ag ++ e- Ag
C Electron arrangement of atom X is 2.8. C Ag Ag + + e- Fe +3+ 3e- Fe
D X is an element in Period 3 of the Periodic Table. D Fe 3++ 3e- Fe Fe Fe +3+ 3e-
30 Diagram 11 shows the mixture of liquid Z and water in a test 34 Which of the following chemical equation is balanced?
A 2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 CaCl2 + 2NH3 + H2O
B 2Cu(NO3)2 2CuO + 4NO2 + O2
Liquid Z heat
C KI + Pb(NO3)2 PbI2 + KNO3
D CuCO3 + HNO3 Cu(NO3)2 + CO2 + H2O
35 Which statement explains why duralumin is harder than pure
Diagram 11
A Aluminium atoms form ionic bonds with copper atoms in
Which of the following is liquid Z? duralumin.
B The copper atoms in duralumin are more reactive than
A Glucose C Ethanoic acid aluminium atoms
B Ethanol D Ethyl ethanoate C The arrangement of atoms in duralumin is less orderly
compared those in pure
D Aluminium atoms form positive ions in the presence of
31 The thermochemical equation for a neutralization reaction is copper atoms
given below.
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Volume of Q
KOH + HCl KCl + H2O H = -57 kJ mol-1 36
oxygen /cm 3 P

Which neutralization reaction has the same value for the heat of
neutralisation ?

A HCl + NH3 NH4Cl

C NaOH + HNO3 NaNO3 + H2O Diagram 14
D H 2 SO4 + 2NH4OH (NH4)2 SO4 + H2O
The curve P in the diagram shows the decomposition of
32 Diagram 12 shows the result of a series of test that is carried out 20 cm3 of 0.40 mol dm-3 hydrogen peroxide at 30C, using
by a student on solution Y. 0.2 g of manganese(IV) oxide as a catalyst. Which of the
following will result in the curve Q?
BaC12 (aq)
white precipitate Experiment Volume of Concentration Mass of Temp-
Solution Y hydrogen of hydrogen manganese erature
Pb (NO3)2 (aq) peroxide peroxide (IV) oxide / oC
NH3 (aq)
excess white precipitate
A 20 0.25 0.4 30
white precipitate B 25 0.40 0.2 30
C 40 0.25 0.2 30
Diagram 12
D 40 0.40 0.2 40
W hich of the following could be solution Y

A Calcium(II) chloride C Magnesium chloride 37 Element X and element Y react to form a covalent compound
B Zinc sulphate D Lead(II) sulphate with a formula XY2.
What is the possible proton number of X and Y?
33 An organic compound Z has the structure as shown in the
diagram 13 below. X Y
A 3 8
B 6 8
C 4 9
H H D 11 16
Diagram 13
Which pair of compounds will react to produce Z?

A Methanol and ethanoic acid

B Ethanol and ethanoic acid
C Propanol and ethanoic acid
D Methanol and propanoic acid

38 Table 3 shows the proton number for element P and element Q. 42 The equation below represents the reaction between lead(II)
nitrate solution and sodium chloride solution.
Element Proton number
Pb(NO3)3(aq) + 2NaCl(aq) PbCl2(s) + 2NaNO3(aq)
P 11
Q 16
What is the concentration of lead(II) nitrate solution if 4 cm3
Table 3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sodium chloride solution reacts completely
with 5 cm3 of lead(II) nitrate solution?
Which statements describe the compound formed between
element P and element Q?
A 0.2 mol dm-3 C 0.8 mol dm-3
I The formula of the compound is PQ2 B 0.4 mol dm-3 D 1.6 mol dm-3
II The compound has high melting and boiling point.
III The compound decomposes when electricity is passed
through its aqueous solution. 43 Diagram 15 shows a flow chart for a reaction of the oxide of an
IV The compound dissolves in water to form an alkaline element in Period 3 of the periodic table.

A I and III only C I, II and IV only

B II, III and IV only D I, II, III and IV

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Oxide of X
39 The chemical equation below represents the reaction in the
Haber Process.
+ HNO3 + NaOH
N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) 2 NH3 (g) Dissolves to form a Dissolves to form a
colourless solution colourless solution
How can the rate of reaction be increased?
Diagram 15
I Heating the mixture of gases
II Compressing the mixture of gases What is X?
III Shaking the mixture of gases.
IV Passing the mixture of gases through powdered iron. A Silicon C Magnesium
B Sulphur D Aluminium
A I and II only C I, II and IV only
B I, II and III only D I, II, III and IV
44 Diagram 16 are the structural formulae which represent
organic compounds P and Q.
40 7g of X contains four times more atoms than
that in 7 g of iron.

Calculate the relative atomic mass of X?

[Relative atomic mass: Fe = 56]

A 8 C 28
B 14 D 224 Q
41 The equation below shows the reaction between magnesium and Diagram 16
sulphuric acid.
What is the name of the compound formed when P reacts
Mg(s) + H2SO4(aq) MgSO4(aq) + H2(g) with Q using concentrated sulphuric acid as a catalyst?
Which of the following statements is true?
[Relative atomic mass of H = 1; Mg = 24; S = 32; O = 16] A Buthyl ethanoate C Propyl ethanoate
B Ethyl butanoate D Ethyl propanoate
A 1 g magnesium reacts completely with 1 g sulphuric acid.
B 1 mol magnesium reacts completely with 1 mol hydrogen
C 24 g magnesium reacts completely with 98 g sulphuric acid.
D 2 mol hydrogen gas are produced when one mol sulphuric
acid reacts completely with excess magnesium.
45 The reaction between nitrogen and oxygen is shown in the 48 What is the change in the oxidation number of iron and
equation below. Which of the following statement is true of the manganese in this reaction?
6I + Cr 2O7 2- + 14H+ 3I2 + Cr3 + 7H2O
N2(g) + 2O2 (g) 2NO2 (g) H = + 66 kJ mol-1
Iodine Chromiun
I The reaction releases heat.
II 33 kJ of heat is absorbed from the formation of 1 mole of A From -1 to +2 From 2 to +3
nitrogen dioxide.
B From -1 to +3 From +4 to +2
III The activation energy of the reaction is 66 kJ mol-1
IV The energy content of nitrogen dioxide gas is higher than the C From -1 to 0 From +6 to +3
sum of the energy content of nitrogen gas and oxygen gas. D From -1 to 0 From +2 to 0
A I only C II, III and IV only
B II and IV only D I, II, III and IV 49 Which of the metal oxides can be reduced by heating with
carbon powder?

46 Diagram 17 shows the rusting process of iron. A Calcium oxide

B Magnesium oxide
Water droplet C Copper(II) oxide
D Aluminium oxide
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O2 O2

e e Carbon X
Metal Carbon Y

Iron(II) sulphate
Anode solution Acidified Potassium
manganate (VH)
Diagram 17 solution
Which of the following equations occurs at the cathode?

A Fe Fe2+ + 2e
B Fe2+ + 2e Fe Dilute sulphuric acid
C O2+ 2H2O + 4e 4OH-
D 4OH- O2+ 2H2O + 4e
Diagram 19

47 Diagram 18 shows the energy level diagram for the Diagram 19 above shows the set of apparatus of an
decomposition of magnesium carbonate. experiment to investigate the redox reaction in terms of the
electron transfer at a distance. What is the colour change
observed at electrode X and electrode Y in the U-tube?
MgO + CO 2 X Y
A Colourless Light green
H = +450 kJ mol -1 B Brown Colourless
MgCO 3 C Light green Yellow
D Brown Yellow
Diagram 18

Which of the following deductions can be made from diagram


A Heat is absorbed in the reaction

B An exothermic reaction occurs
C Total energy of the reactants and the products is 450 kJ
D The reactants contain more energy than the products



Chemistry Paper 2 [4541/2]

Section A
[60 marks]
Answer all questions

1 Table 1 shows the proton number of four elements : P,Q,R and S.

Element Proton Number

P 1
Q 9
R 12
S 6
Table 1

(a) State the number of valence electrons in atom S

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

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(b) Element P and element S combine to form a compound X

(i) State the type of bond formed in compound X

________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Draw the electron arrangement of the bond in compound X

[2 marks]

(c) Explain why compound X has a low boiling point.

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) Magnesium reacts with element Q to form compound Y.

(i) Write the chemical formula of compound Y.

________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii)Write the chemical equation for the reaction between magnesium and Q gas.
________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii)Magnesium reacts with Q gas to form compound Y. Calculate the volume of gas Q required to react with
6.0 g of magnesium at s.t.p.[Molar volume of gas = 22.4 dm3 mol-1 at s.t.p]

[2 marks]
2 The research and development of chemistry has led to the production of useful manufactured substances to improve our quality of life.
Table 2 shows some examples of these substances.

Types of substance Examples

Polymer Polyvinyl chloride
X Reinforced concrete
Glass Y
Ceramic Cement

(a) (i) What is meant by a polymer?

___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Polyvinyl chloride is often used in the making of water pipes. State one advantage of this type of pipe compared to
iron pipe.
__________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
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(iii) In the space provided, draw a structural formula of polyvinyl chloride.

Structural formula of polyvinyl chloride.

[1 mark]

(b) Reinforced concrete is used in the construction of framework of highways, bridges and high-rise building

(i) What is type of substance for reinforced concrete?

___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) What is the advantage of using reinforced concrete compared to concrete?

___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Preserved food is usually stored in glass containers.

(i) Explain why glass containers are more suitable for storing preserved food than metal containers.
___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) State the type of glass used in glass containers.

___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii) Name the main component in glass and substance added to make glass container.
___________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(d) Cement is an example of ceramic used as building materials. Name another ceramic that is also used as building materials.
____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]


3 Diagram 1 shows the set up of apparatus to determine the empirical formula of a metal oxide.

Lid of X

M metal strip

Triangular piped clay


Diagram 1

(a) What is meant by empirical formula?

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____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Identify the apparatus labelled X in Diagram 1.

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Name a suitable metal in which the empirical formula of its oxide can be determined by this experiment.
Give a reason for your answer.
____________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(d) State two precautions that should be taken during this experiment.
____________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(e) The table below shows the results obtained in the above experiment. Determine the empirical formula of Metal M oxide.
[Relative atomic mass of O=16, M = 27]

Mass of apparatus X + lid of X 19.85 g

Mass of apparatus X + lid + M metal strip 25.25 g

Mass of Apparatus X + lid of X + M metal oxide 30.05 g

[3 marks]
4 Diagram 2 shows the set-up of apparatus to investigate the electrolysis of 1.0 mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acid and 0.0001 mol dm-3 of
sodium chloride using carbon electrodes.

Electrode Y
Electrode X

Electrode W Electrode Z

Hydrochloric acid Sodium chloride solution

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

(a) (i) Identify all the electrodes which serve as anode and cathode.
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Anode _______________________________________________________________
Cathode _______________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

(ii) Name the product that is formed at electrode W.

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii) Write the half equation for the reaction that occurs at electrode W.
_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) (i) State the observation at electrode Y.

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Name the product formed in (b)(i)

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii) Suggest a test to confirm the product in (b)(ii).

_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(c) In a separate experiment, the 1.0 mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acid is replaced with 1.0 mol dm-3 of nitric acid and
electrolysis is carried out.

(i) State the product that will form at electrode W.

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Explain your answer in c(i).

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

5 Diagram 3 shows the flow chart of a series of conversion of carbon compounds.

Process I Compound X Process II

Glucose Compound Y

Process IV
Process III

Compound Z
Ethyl propanoate

Diagram 3

(a) Process I involves the use of yeast. Name Process I.

___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

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(b) Draw the structural formula of compound X.

[1 mark]

(c) Compound Y is formed when the vapour of compound X is passed over heated porcelain chips in Process II.

(i) Write the general formula for the homologous series of compound Y.
_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Describe chemical test to identify compound Y

_________________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

(d) Compound Z liberates carbon dioxide gas when calcium carbonate is added to it.

(i) Name the functional group of compound Z.

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Write a chemical equation for the conversion reaction in Process III.
_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(iii) Name a reagent that is suitable to be used in Process III.

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(e) (i) Name a carboxylic acid that is suitable to prepare ethyl propanoate
_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Write molecular fomula for ethyl propanoate.

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

6 Diagram 4 below shows the set- up of apparatus to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction.

50 cm3 0.1 mol dm-3 of sodium

thiosulphate solution

Diagram 4

5 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid is added to 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 of sodium thiosulphate solution at different temperature.
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The time taken for a fixed quantity of sulphur produced was recorded as shown in the Table below

Temperature ( C) 28 35 40 45 50

Time taken for a fixed quantity of

33 24 19 16 14
sulphur produced (s)

time (s -1)

(a) What is the colour of the sulphur produced?

____________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) Suggest how you determined that a fixed quantity of sulphur is produced in this experiment.
____________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(c) (i) Complete the value of (s -1) in Table 6.2

[1 mark]
(ii) Draw a graph of temperature against 1 on the graph paper on the next page.

[2 marks]

(d) (i) Based on the graph, state the relationship between rate of reaction and temperature.

[1 mark]

(ii) Explain your answer in (d) (i) using the collision theory.

[3 marks]
Graph for question 6

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Section B
[20 marks]
Answer any one questions
7 (a) Diagram 5 shows the standard representation for three element P, Q and R.

39 24 35

19 12 17
Diagram 5

Based on diagram 5,

(i) In which group and period of the Periodic Table P is located?

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[2 marks]

(ii) Which element forms a positve ion more easily? Explain your answer.
[3 marks]

(iii) Compare the atomic size of element Q and element R. Explain your answer.
[4 marks]

(b) A,D and E are placed in Period 3 of the Periodic Table of Elements.The oxides of these elements show different properties
when react with nitric acid and sodium hydroxide solution. Table 5 shows the properties of the oxides of the elements.

Reaction with nitric acid Reaction with sodium hydroxide

Oxide of White solid dissolves to form No change. White solid does not
Element A colourless solution dissolve

Oxide of White solid dissolves to form White solid dissolves to form

Element D colourless solution colourless solution

Oxide of No change. White solid does not White solid dissolves to form
Element E dissolve colourless solution

Table 5

Based on the table 5,

(i) State the acid-base properties of the oxide of A , oxide of D and oxide of E. Explain.
[6 marks]

(ii) Suggest the example name of element A, element D and element E.

[3 marks]

(iii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between oxide of A and nitric acid.
[2 marks]

8 (a) Combustion of alcohols is an exothermic reaction.

(i) Write the equations for the combustion of methanol and ethanol. Using these two equations, explain why the heat of
combustion of methanol and ethanol differs.

[5 marks]

(ii) Sketch a graph to show the relationship between the heat of combustion of the first five alcohols against the
number of carbon atoms per molecule.

[2 marks]

(b) (i) Explain what is meant by the heat of precipitation using the formation of silver chloride as an example.

[2 marks]

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(ii) Describe an experiment to determine the heat of precipitation of silver chloride. Include a labelled diagram,
the experimental procedure and the calculation in your description.

[11 marks]

Section C
[20 marks]
Answer any one questions

9 The flow-chart in Diagram 6 shows the industrial process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid by Contact Process.

Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV

Sulphur SO2 SO3 H2S2O7 H2SO4
Oxygen Oxygen Concentrated Water
sulphuric acid

Diagram 6

(a) (i) Write the chemical equations for the reactions in Stage II, III and IV.

(ii) State the conditions required for the reaction in Stage II.

(iii) Explain why SO3 is not directly dissolved in water to produce H2SO4 in Stage IV.

[8 marks]

(b) (i) What is meant by composite materials?

(ii) Fibre glass is a composite material. What are the constituents of fibre glass? Compare the physical
properties of fibre glass with that of its components.

[5 marks]
Brass is an alloy of copper used for make taps. Pure copper is not suitable for making taps because it is too soft.

Explain the difference in hardness of pure copper and brass in terms of the arrangement of atoms in the substance.

[7 marks]

10 (a) Using a suitable example, explain the meaning of redox reaction in terms of the change in the oxidation number.
_____________________________________________________________________________ [4 marks]

(b) Using a suitable example, explain why double decomposition is not a redox reaction.
_____________________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]
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(c) Table 6 shows the observation that occurred in two experiments. Identify a suitable compound for reagent X and a
suitable metal for metal Y. Explain the observations that occur in each of the following reactions. Write an ionic equation
for each reaction.

Experiment Observation

Reagent X is added to iron(II) sulphate solution The solution changes colour from pale green to yellow

Metal Y is dipped into copper (II) sulphate solution The blue solution changes to colourless and a brown solid is formed

Table 6
[8 marks]

(d) Corrosion of iron can be prevented using a sacrificial metal. Using a suitable example, explain how corrosion of iron
can be prevented by using this method.

[5 marks]



[4551/2] Biology
Chapter 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Cell structure and cell organisation 4 4 2 4 4
Movement of substance across plasma
P membrane 3 3 2 3 2
P Chemical composition in the cell 1 1 5 4 6
E Cell division 2 4 3 3 3
Nutrition 6 8 8 5 4
1 Respiration 4 6 5 3 5
Dynamic ecosystem 6 5 3 4 3

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Endangered ecosystem 4 2 2 2 3
J Transport 4 2 5 6 4
E Support and locomotion 4 1 2 4 2
T Coordination and response 3 5 4 2 4
I Reproductuion and growth 2 4 4 5 4
V Inheritance 3 4 3 2 4
Variation 4 1 2 3 2
Total 50 50 50 50 50

Chapter 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Cell structure and cell organisation Q1 1/2Q1 Q1
P Movement of substance across plasma
A Q2 Q6 Q1 Q3
P Chemical composition in the cell Q1 Q3 1/3Q3 Q2
R Cell division Q3 Q2 Q2 Q2
Nutrition Q9 Q9 Q5 1/3Q3 & Q8
Respiration Q6 Q5 1/2Q6
S Dynamic ecosystem Q8 Q8 Q7
T Endangered ecosystem Q8 Q9 Q9 Q9
Transport 1/2Q6 1/3Q3 & Q4 Q8
C Support and locomotion 1/2Q1
T Coordination and response Q3 Q8 Q6 Q6
R Reproductuion and growth Q7 Q4 Q5
E Inheritance Q4 Q7 Q5
Variation Q7 Q4

Biology Paper 1 [4551/1]

1. The following statement are the characteristic of an organelle 5. Diagram 4 shows the changes of a plant cell after being
in cell. immersed in hypertonic solution for 1 hour.

Build up by two units of membrane

Contain genetic information

Diagram 4
Which of the following organelle has the above
characteristic? Which of the following is the condition of the plant cell after
A Chromosome C Nucleus being immersed the hypertonic solution?
B Ribosome D Centriole A Crenate C Deplasmolysed
B Plasmolysed D Hemolysed
2. Diagram 2 shows the process of phagocytosis by Amoeba sp.
6. A slice of mustard green stem was immersed in 30% of sucrose
solution. Which observation is correct after one hour?
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Epidermis C Epidermis

Diagram 2

Which of the following organelle is involved in the digestion
of food in the process?
B Epidermis D Epidermis
A Nucleus C Ribosome
B Lysosome D Contractile vacuole

3. Diagram 3 shows three different tissues at joint. 7. Diagram 5 shows the formation of polypeptide.

Diagram 5

What is process Q ?
A Condensation C Hydrolysis
Diagram 3 B Plasmolysis D Crenation

What are the function of the tissues? 8. Which of the following is the correct reason why maltase only
able to digest maltose but not starch?
A Structure of maltase is similar to maltose
A B Starch causes the denaturation of maltase
C Active site of maltase only can bind to maltose
B D Maltase is not active when its bind to starch

To absorb shock 9. Diagram 6 shows the molecule of an enzyme and a substrate.


4. Which of the following process involved in the movement of

sodium ions from soil into the root hairs of plant?
A Facilitated diffusion C Active transport
B Simple diffusion D Osmosis
Diagram 5

Which part labelled A,B,C or D is active site ?


10. Diagram 7 shows a phase of mitosis in a cell. 15. Which of the following fruit could prevent night blindness
A Guava C Watermelon
B Papaya D Orange

16. Diagram 11 shows a structure in human digestive system.

Diagram 7

What is the phase ?
A Prophase C Anaphase
B Metaphase D Telophase

11. Diagram 8 shows a process in a cell division. Diagram 11

Which of the following is not true about the functions of
structure shown in Diagram 11?


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Diagram 8
What is the importance of the process? C
A Produce two chromosomal number D
B Ensure the chromosomal set is diploid
C Produce variation among the newly formed 17. Diagram 12 shows a method of food processed.
D Ensure the number of chromosome in daughter cell is
half from the parent cell

12. Diagram 9 shows metaphase of mitosis in an animal cell.

Diagram 12
What is the advantage of processing food using this method?
A Food is free from growth of all microorganism
B Food is free from preservative chemicals
Diagram 9 C Nutrient like vitamin B is retain
What is the number of chromosome in a daughter cell after D Shorten the expiry date of food
the cell completes its division?
A 2 C 8 18. Table 1 shows the volume of fruit juice to decolorise 1 ml
B 4 D 10 DCPIP.

13. Which food contain saturated fats?

A Butter C Olive oil
B Margerine D Coconut oil

14. Diagram 10 shows the human alimentary canal

Table 1
What is the percentage of vitamin C found in orange juice and
pineapple juice?

Diagram 10 B
Which parts labelled A, B ,C or D produce enzyme that able
to digest starch to maltose? D

19. Diagram 13 shows an experiment to study respiration and 25. Diagram 15 shows a structure N on legume plant.
photosynthesis, using two test tubes, P and Q.

Diagram 15
Which of the following is the function of bacteria which live in
N in nitrogen cycle?
A Fix nitrite to ammonium compound
Diagram 13 B Fix atmospheric nitrogen to nitrate
Which of the following are the result of the experiment after C Fix ammonium compound to nitrite
half an hour? D Fix nitrite to nitrate

26. Table 2 shows the number of plant Q present in 10 different

quadrats. The size of each quadrat is 1 m X 1 m.
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20. Diagram 14 shows the structure of alveoli.

Diagram 14
What process occurs between alveolus and structure P Table 2
during gaseous exchange? What is the density of Q ?
A Osmosis C Facilitated diffusion A 8 m2 C 15 m2
B Diffusion D Active transport B 12 m2 D 120 m2

21. Ethanol produced by yeasts during fermentation is used to 27. Diagram 16 shows an experiment to determine the level of
produce wine and beer. pollution in river S and T.
Which of the following enzyme is used in the production of
wine and beer? Water sample from river S Water sample from river T
A Amilase C Lactase
B Zymase D Maltase

22. After a 100 metre race, an athlete suffered muscle cramps.

Which of the following helps the athlete to recover fast?
A Massaging the cramped muscles
B A glass of glucose to drink
C Fast and deep breathing
D Moving the athlete to a shade
The time for methylene blue The time for methylene blue
23. Which is a biotic component of an ecosystem? solution to decolorise is 30 solution to decolorise is
A Water C Bacteria seconds from river S 1minute from river T
B Soil D Temperature Diagram 16

24. An abandoned mining area can form a primary forest. Which is a correct conclusion from this experiment?
Which of the following sequence is correct in the formation A River T contain more disolved oxygen compare to river S.
of the primary forest? B River S is less polluted than river T.
A Successor, climax community, pioneer C BOD value of river T is higher than river S
B Pioneer, climax community, successor D River T contain more microorganism than river S
C Pioneer, successor, climax community
D Successor, pioneer, climax community

28. The following information refers to the thinning of the 33. Diagram 20 shows a blood circulatory system of an animal.
ozone layer.

X - Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) leakage from air conditioner

Y - Chlorine atom breaks down ozone molecule
Z - Ultraviolet rays break down chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) molecules

Which sequence is correct?

A X, Y, Z C Z, X, Y Diagram 20
B X, Z, Y D Z, Y, X Which of the following statements is true about the blood
circulatory system?
29. Diagram 17 shows a type of human blood cell. A Heart pumps out a mixture of oxygenated and
deoxygenated blood
B Blood enters the body tissues at low pressure
C It is a double circulatory system
D It is a open circulatory system

Diagram 17 34. Diagram 21 shows a lumbar vertebra.

What is the main function of this cell?

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A To undergo phagocytosis
B To transport carbon dioxide
C To transport oxygen
D To produce antibody

30. Diagram 18 shows a cross section of a young dicotyledon

root consisting of a few main tissues. The cutting root is
placed in eosin solution for a few hours. Diagram 21

What are the structures labelled P, Q and R ?

Diagram 18
Which of the following tissues will be first to be D

31. A boy accidentally cuts his finger. The blood clots occur 35. What will happen to the movement of fish if the caudal fin is
slowly. What cause the blood to clot slowly? injured?
A Lack of vitamin C in his meal A Unable to move forward
B Lack of vitamin K in his meal B Unable to yawn
C His blood is infected by pathogen C Unable to stop moving
D His blood is flows with low pressure at the wound D Unable to pitch
32. Diagram 19 shows structure Z in human lymphatic system.

Diagram 19

What happen to the human body if Z is malfunction?
A Fats from intestine will be accumulated in Z
B The concentration of antibody in the body decrease
C The immunity level increases
D The flow of lymph is obstructed

36. Diagram 22 shows the structure of human forearm. 39. Diagram 25 shows cross section of human skin.

Diagram 22
Diagram 25
Which of the following action of P and Q will cause the arm
straighten? What happen to P and Q during cool day?
A Contracts Relaxes A Lie flat Contract
B Contracts Contracts B Stand upright Relax
C Relaxes Contracts C Lie flat Relax
D Relaxes Relaxes D Stand upright Contact
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37. Diagram 23 shows the structure of the muscles in a leg and

40. Diagram 26 show a graph of the blood glucose concentration in
an forearm. a healthy person before, during and after a meal.

Diagram 23

Flexor is the muscle which bends the joint while extensor is

the muscle which straighten a joint.
Which of the following muscles are known as flexor? Diagram 26
A Quadriceps femoris and triceps
B Quadriceps femoris and biceps What causes the decrease in glucose level 3 hours after the meal?
C Biceps femoris and triceps A Antidiuretic hormone C Glucagon
D Biceps femoris and biceps B Insulin D Adrenaline

38. Diagram 24 shows the right and the wrong way to lift a heavy 41. Diagram 27 shows a neuron.

Diagram 27
What is a function of L?

A Increase the speeds of impulse
Diagram 24 B To transmit impulse to cell body
C To transmit impulse out of cell body
Which of the following part of body will have the highest D Act as insulator
risk to suffer from injury?

42. Diagram 27 shows the structure of a nephron. 45. Diagram 30 shows two types of twins.

Diagram 30

Which statement are true about the twins?

Twin P Twin Q
Diagram 27
A Fertilisation between Fertilisation between one
Which of the following activities cause W to be less two ova and two sperm ovum and one sperm
permeable to water? Different genetic Similar genetic constituent
A Exercise a lot B constituent and physical and physical characteristic
B Eating salty foods characteristic
C Drinking a lot of water Two umbilical cords and Two umbilical cords and
D Drinking a lot of carbonated drinks C one placenta two placenta

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Same sex or different Same sex
43. Diagram 28 shows the changes in the thickness of the uterus D sexes
wall during menstrual cycle.

46. What is the main cause of menopause in female humans?
A Ovary secretes less oestrogen
B Ovary secretes less progestrogen
C Pituitary secretes less luteinizing hormone(LH)
D Pituitary secretes less follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

Diagram 28 47. An individual is suffering from Thalassemia.

Which activity is not suitable to be carried out by the
On which day is an ovum likely can be fertilized by a sperm? individual?
A 5 C 21 A Scuba diving C Driving
B 14 D 28 B Reading D Watching

48. A boy has blood group B and his sister has blood group O.
44. Diagram 29 shows a process of spermatogenesis. Which is the correct combination of genotypes belonging to
their parents?
Process X
Father Mother
Secondary spermatocyte Spermatid
Diagram 29 B AB OO

What is process X?
A Meiosis I C Cytokinesis D AO AB
B Meiosis II D Mitosis

49. Diagram 31 shows the light and dark Biston moths on the 50. What is the number of chromosomes in an individual
tree bark. with Klinefelters syndrome?
A 44 C 46
B 45 D 47

Diagram 31

What is the advantage of the variation to its survival?
A Can protect themselves from predators.
B Can adapt better to polluted environment.
C Can live in different habitat
D Can attract the opposite sex for breeding
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Biology Paper 2 [4551/2]

Section A
[60 marks]
Answer all questions in this section

1 Diagram 1 shows the level of cell organisation of humans.

Level T
System P

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Cell Q Cell R Cell S

Diagram 1

(a) (i) Name system P.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) State a function of system P.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) (i) Cell Q, Cell R and Cell S are different type of cell in system P. Draw Cell R in box provided in Diagram 1

[1 mark]

(ii) State two differences between Cell Q and Cell S.

Cell Q Cell S

[1 mark]
(c) (i) State level of cell organisation shown in Level T.
_______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Give one reason for your answer in 1(c)(i).

_______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(d) Diagram 1.2 shows a knee jerk action.

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Diagram 1.2

Explain the role of cell Q and Cell S in the action.

_________________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

(e) Alzheimers disease is a neurological disorder that maybe affects an individual around the age of sixty.
State two symptom of the disease.

_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

2 Diagram 2 shows three types of blood cell.

Cell X Cell Y Cell Z

Diagram 2

(a) Name cell X, and Cell Y.

X: ______________________________________________________________________
Y: ______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) (i) Explain one adaptation of cell X in order to carry out its role efficiently.

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_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(ii) Name a disease that is related to the lack of Cell X.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iiI) State one symptom of the disease.

______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Cell Y is one of the leucocyte cell in human body. Explain how Cell Y involve in body defence.
_________________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

(d) Salman was injured while mowing the yard of his house. After a while, he found the blood stops flowing from the
injured area due to blood clotting process.
Based on Diagram 2, state a cell that involved in blood clotting process and explain how the cell works.

_________________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]
3 Diagram 3.1 shows a polymer R which contain in bread . Diagram 3.2 shows the formation of polymer R from monomer P and molecule
Q by process X.

Bread Polymer R
Diagram 3.1

Process X Process X

Monomer P Molecule Q Polymer R

Diagram 3.2
(a) (i) Name polymer R.
_______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
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(ii) State why body needs monomer P.

_______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii) Explain process X.

_______________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(b) Polymer R is hydrolysed to molecule Q by using enzyme S. Diagram 3.3 shows the sequence of the reaction.

Enzyme S
+ H2O
Polymer R Molecule Q
Diagram 3.3
(i) Name enzyme S.
_______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iI) State the function of enzyme S in the reaction.

_______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) Enzyme is widely used in our daily life as well as in food industry and manufacturing of detergent.
State one example of food industry that uses the enzyme S.
_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(c) In manufacturing of detergent, enzyme S is also added to detergent to make washing clothes become more easier.

(i) Explain how enzyme S helps in washing clothes activity.

_______________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

(ii) A housewife used the detergent with hot water to wash a cloth.
Explain the result of the cleaning process?

_______________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

4 Diagram 4.1 shows a hinge joint.

Diagram 4.2 shows an upper limb of human.


Diagram 4.1 Diagram 4.2

(a) (i) Explain the role of muscle X and Y when the elbow flexed.
_________________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

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(ii) If muscle Y impaired, what will happen to the forearm movement.
_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) (i) A person took too much seafood in his diet for along period of time.
Explain the problem that will occur at joint.

Health problem :_____________________________________________________________

Explanation :_____________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

(ii) Suggest one way to overcome the problem at (b)(i).

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iii) Osteoarthritis is another problem related at the joint.

Explain how osteoarthritis different with problem at b(i).

_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(c) Suggest two ways how to maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system in the body.
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________

[2 marks]
5 Diagram 5.1 shows part of Madam Ns reproduction system.

Uterus wall

W Process V
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Diagram 5.1

(a) (i) Name process V.

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Name hormone that stimulate process in (a)(i).

_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(b) (i) Madam N is pregnant. Explain why Madam N does not experience menstruation in the following month.
_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(ii) Structure W degenerate after 8th week of pregnancy and Madam N experienced a miscarriage. Explain why.
_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(c) Madam N decides to undergo the in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment after she fail to conceive. She is given
Follicle Stimulating Hormone(FSH) in her early treatment. Explain why.
_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(d) Diagram 5.2 shows a part of the placenta during foetal development.


Diagram 5.2

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(i) Structure K consists of two type of blood vessels.
State the name of both blood vessels.
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________

[2 marks]

(ii) Placenta is also involved in endocrine system, explain how placenta act as an endocrine gland after
3 month pregnancy.
_____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]
Section B
[40 marks]
Answer any two questions from this section.

6 Diagram 6.1 shows the digestive system and organs associated with digestion.

Food P

Organ R

Diagram 6.1

(a) Based on Diagram 6.1.

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(i) Name the organs that are involved in the digesting of food P.
_________________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]

(ii) Explain the processes which occur to the food P until it can be used by body cells.
_________________________________________________________________________ [7 marks]

(b) Organ R acts as a checkpoint which controls the amount of nutrients released into the blood circulatory system

Based on the above statement, explain the role of organ R in assimilation of nutrients in foods P.
_________________________________________________________________________ [5 marks]

(c) Diagram 6.2 shows a gastric bypass surgery is used to treat severe obesity.

Before surgery After surgery

Effect after surgery
Stomach Stomach

Stomach become too small

Smaller stomach connected
to the middle parts of the
Duodenum small intestine
Ileum Duodenum

Diagram 6.2

(d) Explain how the above operation can reduce excessive weight problems.
_________________________________________________________________________ [5 marks]

7 Diagram 7 shows the structure of nephron and blood vessels in human kidney.

Diagram 7

(a) Based on Diagram 7, process Q occurs between the glomerulus on the Bowmans capsule. Explain the process.

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_________________________________________________________________________ [4 marks]

(b) An individual is found to have a high content of glucose in his urine. Explain why.
_________________________________________________________________________ [6 marks]

(c) Individual R: Less water and more salt in the blood

Individual S: More water and less salt in the blood

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is involved in regulation of water. Aldosterone of salt is involved in regulation of salt.

Explain the regulation of water and salt contents in individual R and S respectively based on the following sequences:

Blood osmotic pressure

Amount of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and its action
Amount of aldosterone and its action
Effect of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone on the urine produced and blood osmotic pressure

[10 marks]
8 Mr Lingam has blood group A, while his wife,Madam Lutchemi has blood group B. Their daughter Kumari has blood group O.
I and I are dominant alleles while I is recessive allele.The inheritance is summarized as in diagram 8.1.

Parents Mr Lingam Madam Lutchemi

Phenotype Blood group A Blood group B

Offspring Kumari
Phenotype Blood group O

Diagram 8.1
(a) Explain how Kumari inherits blood group O.
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_________________________________________________________________________ [5 marks]

(b) Continuous variation and discontinuous variation are types of variation.

(i) Identify the type of variation of blood group. Give a reason for your answer.
_________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(ii) State the differences between continuous variation and discontinuous variation.
_________________________________________________________________________ [4 marks]

(c) Kumari lost plenty of blood during an accident. She needs to replace the blood lost. Explain why her father is not a
compatible donor to Kumari.
_________________________________________________________________________ [4 marks]

(d) AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The virus
can be transmitted by sexual intercourse with the infected person. Discuss the importance of the HIV test to ensure
the virus is not transmitted to their children.
_________________________________________________________________________ [5 marks]

9 As the country s population continues to increase, the people needs increases too. The natural resources are relentlessly
exploited to fulfil the demand for shelter, infrastructure and agricultures.
Diagram 9.1 shows human activities that endangered ecosystem.

Diagram 9.1

(a) (i) Based on Diagram 9.1 and your biology knowledge, explain bad effects of these activities toward the ecosystem.

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_________________________________________________________________________ [6 marks]

(ii) Suggest the measures which should be taken by government and the people to reduce the problem.
_________________________________________________________________________ [4 marks]

(b) The following statements are human activities in an ecosystem.

The use of chlorofluorocarbon in air conditioners and refrigerators.

Combustion of fossil fuels in the factories.

Based on the statements, discuss how the activities endanger the ecosystem.
_________________________________________________________________________ [10 marks]



[3756/2] Prinsip Perakaunan
TOPIC 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

K1 K2 K1 K2 K1 K2 K1 K2 K1 K2
1. Pengenalan kepada Perakaunan 2 - 2 1(b) 1 - 1 1(a) 1

2. Klasifikasi Akaun: Aset, Liabiliti, 3 4 1 - 2 - 1 5 2 1(a)

Ekuiti Pemilik, Hasil, Belanja dan 1(b)
Akaun Kontra

3. Dokumen perniagaan sebagai 1 - 4 - 2 1(a) 1 1(b) 2

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sumber maklumat

4. Jurnal sebagai Buku catatan pertama 2 1(a) 1 1(a) 2 - 3 1(c) 2

4(a) 2(a)

5.Lejar 6 1(b) 4 1(c) 4 5 3 - 2 5(b)

6. Imbangan duga 3 - 3 - 3 1(b) 2 1(d) 2 6

7. Penyata Kewangan 4 1(d) 1 2(a) 4 2 7 3 8 3

Milikan Tunggal 2 4(a)

8. Perakaunan untuk Tunai 1 - 2 - 2 - 3 2(b) 3 0


9. Perakaunan untuk Penggajian 1 - 1 - 6(a) 1 - - 1 1(c)


10. Perkongsian 5 5 4 2(b) 5 1(d) 5 6 2 1(e)


11. Syarikat Berhad 2 - 3 4(b) 4 1(c) 3 - 3 5(a)

12. Kelab dan Persatuan 2 1(e) 3 3(a) - 1(e) 3 - 4 2


13. Rekod Tak Lengkap 3 - 3 5(a) 3 4(c) 2 - 3 -


14. Perakaunan untuk Pengurusan 3 3 4 - 4 3 3 4 3 1(d)


15. Maklumat untuk Membuat 2 6 4 - 3 6 3 - 2 4(c)


Jumlah soalan 40 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 40 6

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Prinsip Perakaunan Kertas 1 [3756/1]

Jawab semua soalan

1 Antara yang berikut, manakah pengguna dalaman penyata 7 Antara yang berikut, urus niaga manakah yang tidak boleh
kewangan direkodkan dalam jurnal am

A Pemiutang C Pemegang saham A Ambilan barang niaga untuk kegunaan peribadi

B Pihak bank D Pihak pengurusan B Kemasukan aset sebagai modal tambahan
C Belian aset bukan semasa secara kredit
2 Badan yang bertindak sebagai pendaftar akauntan ialah D Jualan aset bukan semasa secara tunai

A MIA C CIMA 8 Jadual menunjukkan catatan bergu beberapa urusniaga


3 Peringkat ke 4 dalam kitaran perakaunan ialah Urusniaga Catatan Bergu

Akaun Didebit Akaun Dikredit
A Buku catatan pertama
B Penyediaan imbangan duga I Membayar
pemiutang Pemiutang Tunai

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C Pelarasan dengan tunai
D Catatan penutupan Memasukkan
II Tunai Bank
tuanai ke bank
4 Antara yang berikut, manakah merupakan belanja bukan Membeli barang Belian
III Pemiutang
kendalian niaga secara kredit
IV Membawa masuk
A Hutang lapuk kenderaan untuk Modal Kenderaan
B Susut nilai aset bukan semasa kegunaan
C Rugi luar biasa
D Belanja pengangkutan
Antara berikut, urusniaga manakah mempunyai catatan
5 Akaun kontra bagi jualan ialah bergu yang betul ?
A Akaun diskaun diberi A I dan II C II dan IV
B Akaun diskaun diterima B I dan III D III dan IV
C Akaun pulangan belian
D Akaun ambilan 9 Rekod urus niaga di dalam buku catatan pertama dibuat
berdasarkan dokumen sumber. Pilih padanan yang betul
6 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan suatu aliran urus niaga.
Buku catatan pertama Dokumen sumber
A Jurnal belian Invois salinan
B Jurnal jualan Nota debit salinan
C Jurnal pulangan belian Nota kredit salinan
D Jurnal pulangan belian Nota kredit asal
Pembeli Penjual
10 Pilih pengelasan akaun yang betul

Akaun Nyata Akaun Nominal
A Akaun Belian Akaun Perabot
Apakah padanan yang sesuai? B Akaun Jualan Akaun Kenderaan
C Akaun Tunai Akaun Pulangan Belian
X Y D Akaun Belanja Akaun Stok

A Tunai Borang Pesanan

11 Butiran manakah yang akan dicatat dalam lajur pelbagai di
B Cek Nota Debit
Buku Tunai Runcit
C Katalog Nota Debit
D Nota serahan Invois A Setem dan surat berdaftar C Baiki tingkap
B Alas meja D Pinjaman

Ask our counsellors questions and receive an answer within 24 hours.

12 Antara yang berikut, urus niaga manakah yang direkod dalam 18 Pilih padanan yang betul
buku tunai?
Butir Pengelasan
I Bayar insurans III Beli perabot dengan tunai
II Ambilan barang niaga IV Beli lengkapan secara kredit A Kadar bayaran terakru Aset
B Insurans terdahulu Liabiliti
A I dan II C II dan IV
B I dan III D III dan IV C Belanja am terakru Liabiliti
D Faedah atas simpanan terakru Aset
13 Butiran manakah yang terdapat dalam akaun kawalan
19 Catatan Hutang Lapuk Terpulih akan direkodkan seperti
A Diskaun diberi C Pulangan masuk berikut:
B Diskaun diterima D Hutang lapuk
Debit Kredit
14 Item yang dicatat di sebelah kredit imbangan duga ialah
A Akaun Untung Rugi Akaun Hutang Lapuk
A Faedah atas overdraf C Ambilan
Akaun Hutang Lapuk
B Hutang lapuk terpulih D Sewa dibayar B Akaun Penghutang
15 Berikut ialah Imbangan Duga bagi Perniagaan Sifah Akaun Hutang Lapuk
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C Akaun Untung Rugi

Imbangan Duga pada 31 Julai 2016 Akaun Hutang Lapuk
D Akaun Untung Rugi
Debit Kredit
RM RM 20 Diberi maklumat seperti berikut:
Perabot 4 000
Tunai 6 000
Pemiutang 8 000 Kos Kenderaan 45 000
Penghutang 5 000 Peruntukan Susut Nilai Kenderaan 15 000
X 700 Untung atas pelupusan 1 000
Y 2 000
Modal 5 700 Hitungkan harga pelupusan kenderaan.
15 700 15 700
A RM 30 000 C RM 29 000
Apakah butiran untuk X dan Y B RM 31,000 D RM 44 000

21 Maklumat di bawah menunjukkan akaun perdagangan bagi

X Y suatu perniagaan.
A Ambilan Pinjaman
B Stok awal Stok akhir Akaun Perdagangan bagi tahun berakhir 31 Mei 2016
C Angkutan masuk Angkutan keluar RM RM RM
Stok Awal 2 800 Jualan 12 900
D Jualan Pulangan jualan
Belian 8 300 - Pulangan Keluar 200
+ Duti atas belian 350 Jualan Bersih 12 700
16 Antara yang berikut, manakah yang diambil kira semasa Angkutan Keluar 150
menghitung modal kerja? Belian Bersih 8 800
11 600
I Bank III Pemiutang - Stok akhir 3 100
II Stok awal IV Kenderaan Untung kasar 4 200
12 700 12 700
A I dan III C II dan III
B I dan IV D III dan IV
Terdapat butiran yang tersalah catat dalam akaun perdagangan
17 Item yang manakah yang direkodkan dalam Kunci Kira-kira di atas. Hitung untung kasar sebenar selepas kesilapan ini
I Faedah atas simpanan III Gaji terakru
II Perabot IV Untung kasar A RM 4 350 C RM 4 600
B RM 4 750 D RM 5 100
A I dan II C II dan III
B I dan III D III dan IV

Browse through extensive UPU guides to ensure your application stands the best chance.

Soalan 22 berdasarkan Kunci Kira-Kira berikut 26 Butiran manakah yang direkodkan sebagai pembayaran tunai
dalam belanjawan tunai
Kunci Kira Kira pada 30 Jun 2016
RM RM A Dividen atas pelaburan
Aset bukan semasa Ekuiti Pemilik B Belanja bulanan yang tidak berubah
Premis Modal awal C Faedah atas pinjaman bank
20 000 100 000
D Kutipan daripada penghutang
Kenderaaan 70 000 Rugi bersih 2 400

Aset semasa Liabiliti semasa 27 Maklumat berikut dipetik daripada Perkongsian Hup Seng.
Stok akhir 2 900 Pemiutang 5 300
Insurans terdahulu 2 180 Sewa terakru 180 RM
Bank 8 000 Modal Hup 30 000
103 080 103 080 Modal Seng 20 000

22 Berapakah modal kerja

Hup dan Seng bersetuju untuk membahagikan untung atau
A RM 5 480 C RM 13 080 rugi mengikut nisbah modal. Untung bersih selepas
B RM7 600 D RM 18 560 mengambil kira gaji pekongsi, faedah atas modal dan faedah
atas ambilan pada 30 Jun 2016 ialah RM7 700.

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23 Maklumat berikut diperoleh daripada buku perniagaan En Rafini Hitung bahagian kongsi untung Hup pada 30 Jun 2016
pada bulan Julai 2016
RM A RM3 080 C RM4 620
B RM3 850 D RM7 700
Baki debit di buku tunai 1 000
Caj bank 20
28 Antara yang berikut, item manakah yang akan dikreditkan
Cek tak laku 80 dalam akaun perasingan untung rugi
Deposit belum dikreditkan 100
Dividen 50 A Kongsi untung
Cek belum dikemukakan 200 B Faedah atas modal
Buku cek 15 C Faedah atas ambilan
D Faedah atas pinjaman
Faedah atas simpanan 500

Hitungkan baki kredit di Penyata Bank pada bulan Julai 2016 29 Aset yang manakah yang tidak didebitkan di dalam akaun
A RM1 520 C RM 1 715
B RM1 535 D RM 1 750 A Kenderaan C Bank
B Perabot D Penghutang
24 Item manakah yang terdapat di bahagian pembayaran dalam slip
30 Encik Raymond dan En Prakash ingin membubarkan
A Caruman KWSP (pekerja) perkongsian mereka. Semasa pembubaran, kenderaan yang
B Caruman KWSP (majikan) berharga RM20 000 telah diambilalih oleh Encik Raymond
C Elaun kerja lebih masa dengan harga M18 000. Catatan bergu yang tepat untuk
D Elaun Dobi urusniaga ini.
25 Maklumat berikut diperolehi daripada slip gaji Encik Sina,
seorang penyelia kilang Debit Kredit

Gaji pokok 5,000 A Modal RM 18 000 Realisasi RM 18 000

En. Raymond
Elaun tetap perumahan 500 Modal
B Realisasi RM 18 000 En. Raymond RM 18 000
Elaun perjalanan 300
Potongan cukai berjadual bulanan 225 Modal RM 20 000 Realisasi RM 20 000
En. Raymond
PERKESO 55 Modal
D Realisasi RM 20 000 En. Raymond RM 20 000
Kadar caruman KWSP bagi pekerja adalah 11% dan bagi
majikan adalah 12%. Berapakah gaji bersih Encik Sina sebulan?

A RM4 915.00 C RM 4 882,00

B RM 4 255.00 D RM 4 860.00

Decide whether a course is suitable for you with our course selector.
31 Pilih pernyataan yang benar tentang saham biasa 37 Maklumat berikut diambil daripada buku Perniagaan Hamid

A Menerima tunggakan dividen

Modal pada 1 Januari 2016 77 030
B Tidak berhak mengundi dalam Mesyuarat Agung
C Jumlah dividen bergantung kepada keuntungan syarikat Modal pada 31 Januari 2016 106 910
D Menerima dividen terlebih dahulu daripada pemegang
saham keutamaan Ambilan sepanjang tahun 2016 2 400
Modal tambahan pada 1 Januari 2016 12 000
32 Apakah dokumen yang dikeluarkan oleh Pendaftar Syarikat
apabila segala peraturan dipatuhi
Apakah yang diperolehi Perniagaan Hamid pada 31 Disember
A Sijil Perakuan Pemerbadanan Syarikat 2016
B Tatawujud Syarikat
C Tataurus Syarikat A Untung RM20 280
D Prospektus B Untung RM15 480
C Untung RM 44 280
33 Butiran manakah yang tidak terdapat dalam tatawujud syarikat D Untung RM 39 480

A Pernyataan tentang liabiliti pemegang saham 38 Pengurus kilang perabut jati Kheryani Berhad dibayar gaji
B Jenis perniagaan yang dijalankan RM5 000 sebulan. Apakah perbelanjaan tersebut?
C Tujuan penubuhan syarikat
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D Cara pembayaran dividen A Kos buruh langsung

B Kos bahan langsung
34 Apakah butir belanja modal bagi kelab dan persatuan C Kos Prima
D Kos overhed
A Susutnilai aset bukan semasa
B Belanja pengubahsuaian bangunan pejabat
C Elaun kehormat kepada pengerusi atau ahli jawatan kuasa 39 Maklumat di bawah ini merujuk kepada pengeluaran jendela
D Belanja menjalankan urusan pentadbiran dan hiasan oleh kilang DAceh
bayaran perkhidmatan
35 Maklumat yang berikut dipetik daripada buku Kelab Ragbi
Bengals pada 1 Januari 2016 Harga jualan seunit

RM Kos berubah seunit : Bahan langsung 200

Buruh langsung 150
Tunai di tangan 400
Tunai di bank 8 000 Kos tetap: Gaji 120 000
Insurans 50 000
Lengkapan pejabat kelab 19 000 Sewa 90 000
Rumah kelab 67 770
Yuran terakru 200 Hitung titik pulang modal bagi pengeluaran produk tersebut
Yuran terdahulu 300 A 5 200 unit
Pemiutang 210 B 4 200 unit
C 1 040 unit
Hitung dana terkumpul kelab ragbi Bengals pada 1 Januari 2016 D 2 400 unit

A RM94 500 C RM95 790 40 Manakah yang merupakan nisbah kecairan

B RM94 860 D RM95 880
A Margin C Nisbah semasa
B Tokokan D Pulangan atas modal
36 Akaun perdagangan kantin Kelab Sukan dan Riadah Hati Ria
menunjukkan untung berjumlah RM 2 500. Untung tersebut
akan dipindahkan ke

A Akaun yuran
B Kunci Kira-kira
C Akaun penerimaan dan pembayaran
D Akaun pendapatan dan perbelanjaan


Guides about loans such as PTPTN, Yayasan Bank Rakyat, Bantuan Kewangan Asasi &
more, available.

Prinsip Perakaunan Kertas 2 [3756/2]

Bahagian A
[60 markah]
Jawab semua soalan

1 (a) Nyatakan konsep perakaunan yang berkaitan dengan situasi yang diberi

Seorang pemilik Syarikat Maju Jaya Berhad telah meninggal dunia, tetapi Lembaga Pengarah masih menjalankan
pengurusan perniagaan seperti sedia ada.
[2 markah]

(b) Nyatakan akaun yang perlu didebit dan dikredit bagi setiap urusniaga berikut

(i) Menerima cek daripada penghutang

[1 markah]

JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web www.afterschool.my

(ii) Membeli barang niaga secara kredit
[1 markah]

(c) Nyatakan buku catatan pertama yang sesuai bagi urus niaga berikut

(i) Kedai buku Wan Mastura menghantar nota debit salinan kepada pelanggannya
[1 markah]

(ii) Pemilik mengambil bunga untuk promosi

[1 markah]

(d) Pendapatan dan potongan Encik Mawi bagi bulan April 2016 adalah seperti berikut

Gaji pokok 3 500

Bantuan sara hidup 300
Pinjaman perumahan 500

Hitung gaji bersih Encik Mawi

[2 markah]

(e) Nyatakan 3 peruntukan yang terkandung dalam Akta Perkongsian 1961

[2 markah]

Worried about your pathway after SPM? Let us guide you through it.
2 Nizam dan Razak ialah pekongsi dalam perkongsian NIRAZ yang berkongsi untung atau rugi mengikut nisbah 3:2. Imbangan duga
pada 30 Jun 2016 adalah seperti di bawah
Debit Kredit
Kenderaan 19 000
Pulangan jualan 575
Gaji pekerja 3 125
Pinjaman oleh Razak 12 000
Angkutan masuk 300
Sewa 2 400
Faedah atas pinjaman 240
Diskaun 130
Komisen diterima 320
Ambilan 920
Nizam 700
Razak 925
Modal pada 1 Julai 2015
JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web www.afterschool.my

Nizam 25 000
Razak 10 000
Akaun Semasa pada 1 Julai 2015
Nizam 675
Razak 280
Stok pada 1 Julai 2015 10 300
Kadar bayaran 1 360
Insurans 1 500
Belian dan jualan 42 715 77 835
Penghutang 4 300
Bank 42 900
Gaji Nizam 2 000
Pemiutang 6 000

132 750 132 750

Maklumat tambahan

(i) Stok pada 30 Jun 2016 bernilai RM11 700

(ii) Faedah atas modal dibayar 8% setahun
(iii) Faedah atas ambilan 8% setahun
(iv) Faedah atas pinjaman pekongsi 6% setahun
(v) Gaji Nizam ialah RM3 200 setahun manakala Razak ialah RM2 900
(vi) Susutnilai kenderaan ialah 10% setahun atas kos

Anda dikehendaki menyediakan

(a) Penyata pendapatan bagi tahun berakhir 30 Jun 2016 [4 markah]

(b) Penyata pengasingan untung rugi bagi tahun berakhir 30 Jun 2016 [6 markah]

(c) Akaun semasa setiap pekongsi [6 markah]

(d) Kunci kira-kira bagi tahun berakhir 30 Jun 2016 [6 markah]

(e) Nizam akan keluar negara untuk menemani isterinya melanjutkan pelajaran pada 15 Disember 2016. [3 markah]
Jelaskan tindakan yang perlu diambil untuk membubarkan perkongsian NIRAZ

More than 50 different scholarships in our scholarship section, updated daily.


3 Pada 1 Januari 2016, Dayangku memulakan perniagaan menjual dengan wang tunai RM50 000 sebagai modal. Berikut merupakan
anggaran kewangan perniagaannya bagi tiga bulan berakhir 31Mac 2016

(i) Hasil jualan setiap bulan :

Januari 10 000
Februari 14 000
Mac 15 000

30 % dari jualan adalah secara kredit dan tempoh kredit selama satu bulan

(ii) Belian pada bulan Januari berjumlah RM15 000 dan akan berkurang tiap-tiap bulan sebanyak 10% daripada bulan sebelumnya.

(iii) Pinjaman bank oleh perniagaan sebanyak RM30 000 diterima pada bulan Februari. Pinjaman dibayar balik RM1 500 setiap
bulan bermula Mac 2016

(iv) Sewa kedai RM1 500 setiap bulan dibayar pada awal bulan berikutnya

JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web www.afterschool.my

(v) Belanja bulanan yang tetap ialah kadar bayaran iaitu sebanyak RM350

(vi) Dua orang pekerja diambil pada bulan Januari dengan gaji bulanan RM1 500 seorang. Pada bulan Februari, seorang lagi pekerja
diambil dengan gaji RM2 000

(vii) Sumbangan modal RM5 000 diperolehi daripada ahli keluarga pada bulan Februari

Jumlah penerimaan dan pembayaran sebenar untuk tempoh tiga bulan berakhir 31 Mac 2016 adalah seperti berikut:

Penerimaan RM
Modal tambahan 5 000
Jualan tunai 28 000
Penghutang 29 000
Pinjaman Bank 9 000

Kadar bayaran 9 00
Belian 41 000
Gaji 5 000
Sewa Kedai 2 000
Bayaran balik pinjaman bank 2 500

Anda dikehendaki

(a) Menyediakan Belanjawan Tunai bagi 3 bulan berakhir 31 Mac 2016 [13 markah]

(b) Menghitung varian dengan membandingkan belanjawan dengan prestasi sebenar [12 markah]

Dapatkan info pendidikan terkini dalam Bahasa Melayu. Layari afterschool.my/bm.

Bahagian B
[40 markah]
Jawab mana-mana dua soalan sahaja

4 Pada 1 Januari 2016, Syarikat Murni Berhad mempunyai modal berdaftar sebanyak 1 000 000 saham keutamaan 6 % RM2 sesaham
dan 6 000 000 saham biasa RM1 setiap satu

500 000 saham keutamaan telah diterbitkan pada nilai tara sementara 4 000 000 saham biasa telah diterbitkan kepada orang ramai
pada harga RM0.50 sesaham. Semua saham yang diterbitkan telah dipohon dan dibayar penuh.

Pada 30 Jun 2016 Lembaga Pengarah memutuskan untuk membayar dividen interim 2% kepada pemegang saham keutamaan dan 5%
kepada pemegang saham biasa

Pada 31 Disember 2016 setelah keuntungan syarikat diketahui, Lembaga Pengarah telah mengisytiharkan:

(i) Pembayaran dividen kepada pemegang saham keutamaan

(i) Pembayaran dividen akhir 4% kepada pemegang saham biasa

JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web www.afterschool.my

Anda dikehendaki:

(a) Mengira

(i) Modal dibenarkan

(ii) Modal diterbitkan

(iii) Modal belum diterbitkan

(iv) Dividen interim saham keutamaan

(v) Dividen interim saham biasa

(vi) Jumlah dividen saham keutamaan

(vii) Jumlah dividen saham biasa [14 markah]

(a) Menyediakan

(i) Akaun permohonan saham biasa

(ii) Akaun bank

(iii) Akaun modal saham biasa [6 markah]

Dapatkan khidmat nasihat pendidikan dari kaunselor secara percuma. Layari afterschool.my/bm.

5 Buku Tunai Peniaga Yani (ruangan bank) menunjukkan baki yang berbeza daripada baki Penyata Bank pada 31 Mac 2016.
Butir-butir terperinci Penyata Bank dan Buku Tunai diberikan di bawah.

Tarikh Butir No. cek Debit Kredit Baki

2016 RM RM RM
Mac 5 Baki (kt) 5 000
6 Cek 1000344 1 920 3 080
12 Cek 1000346 700 2 380
15 Deposit 900 3 280
17 Cek 1000347 560 2 720
20 Deposit 1 240 3960
24 Cek 1000348 860 3100
26 Faedah simpanan tetap 440 3 540
28 Buku cek 20 3 520
29 Dividen 240 3 760
30 Sewa perintah sedia ada 300 3 460

JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web www.afterschool.my

Buku Tunai (ruangan bank sahaja)
2016 RM 2016 No.cek RM
Mac 1 Baki b/b 3 080 Mac 4 Belian 1000345 600
7 Kamil 1 200 10 Leema Enterprise 1000346 700
8 Perniagaan RXZ 900 15 Insurans 1000347 560
22 Jualan 1 240 20 Kedai Rose 1000348 680
28 Sewa diterima 600 23 Gaji 1000349 1 400
31 Zaiton Trading 800 31 Baki h/b 3 880
7 820 7 820

Maklumat tambahan

(i) Cek Kamil yang telah didepositkan pada 7 Mac 2016 dipulangkan oleh bank kerana cek tak laku

(ii) Cek 100348 dicatat dengan jumlah yang salah dalam buku tunai

Anda dikehendaki

(a) Mengemaskinikan Buku Tunai [10 markah]

(b) Menyediakan Penyata Penyesuaian Bank Pada 31 Mac 2016 [10 markah]

Berminat dengan kursus kemahiran?. Layari afterschool.my untuk ketahui kursus percuma yang ditawarkan.
6 Maklumat berikut dipetik daripada rekod perakaunan dua buah perniagaan yang menjalankan perniagaan runcit. Kedudukan kewangan
pada 31 Disember 2016 adalah seperti berikut

Ucu Enterprise

Stok pada 1 Januari 2016 6 160

Stok pada 31 Disember 2016 6 580
Modal pada 1 Januari 2016 51 000
Jualan 65 848
Belian 43 640
Perabot 8 000
Kenderaan 20 000
Penghutang 21 185
Pemiutang 21 490
Bank 32 340
Kadar bayaran terakru 900
Insurans terdahulu 220
JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web www.afterschool.my

Lengkapan 11 250
Untung bersih bagi tahun kewangan ini 6 600

Basir Trading

Pulangan atas modal 12 %

Kadar pusing ganti stok 8 kali

(a) Anda dikhehendaki menghitung nisbah berikut untuk Ucu Enterprise

i. Kos jualan

ii. Stok purata

iii. Kadar pusing ganti stok

iv. Nisbah semasa

v. Pulangan atas modal [20 markah]

(b) Kedai manakah yang lebih cekap menguruskan stok. Berikan alasan anda [2 markah]

(c) Nyatakan perniagaan yang menawarkan pelaburan terbaik. Berikan alasan anda [2 markah]

[2 markah]
(d) Adakah Ucu Enterprise mampu membayar liabiliti semasanya. Berikan alasan anda


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