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Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Primary School Mid Year Reports 2010

Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Primary School

Mid-Year Report

“Educating For Eternity”

This is a mid-year report for:

Class Level:

Godliness Rich Relationships Ownership of Mastery Wisdom in Decision Making

Transformational Learning Harvest Focus
Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Primary School Mid Year Reports 2010

New Zealand Curriculum Levels

Table 1
Table 1 shows the NZ curriculum levels that our children should be achieving at for their particular year.
The darkest section of the bar is where your child is expected to be achieving at by the end of the year.
Example, level 1 of the curriculum should be achieved by the end of Year 2 (notice – year 2 is the darkest
section of the bar).

The Levels:
‘Levels’ = 1a (Year 1) /1b (Year 2) /2a (Year 3) /2b (Year 4) /3a (Year 5) /3b (Year 6) /4a (Year 7) /4b (Year 8).
The ‘Effort’ score endeavors to summarize the ‘focus & energy’ a student brings to a subject,
rated according to the following:
E = Excellent, VG = Very Good, S = Satisfactory, P = Poor.

Reading Current Effort Reading Goal:
Godliness Rich Relationships Ownership of Mastery Wisdom in Decision Making
Transformational Learning Harvest Focus
Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Primary School Mid Year Reports 2010


Learning AreaComment Effort Next Comments

Additional steps at school:

Next steps at home:
Oral Language
Inquiry Learning*

Written Education Current Effort Writing Goal:
(including spelling & handwriting) Level
Visual Art (Art & Craft)

Comment Next steps at school:

Next steps at home:

Mathematics Current Effort Mathematics Goal:

Level E

Comment: Next steps at school:

Next steps at home:


Godliness Rich Relationships Ownership of Mastery Wisdom in Decision Making

Transformational Learning Harvest Focus
Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Primary School Mid Year Reports 2010


Personal & Social Development Work Habits

Polite & respectful Settles to work quickly & willingly
Demonstrates self-control Works steadily with consistent focus
Cooperates well with other children Completes tasks well
Works well within a group Works independently
Is reliable Is careful, neat & tidy
Is courteous & kind Careful homework habits

Key: E = Excellent, VG = Very Good, S = Satisfactory, P = Poor

Attendance (half-days) half days. Signed ____________________

(Class Teacher)

Godliness Rich Relationships Ownership of Mastery Wisdom in Decision Making

Transformational Learning Harvest Focus

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