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Learning Record

15 Aug 2017
Purpose : searching three revolution to help our group select the topic
Note :
1. The Glorious revolution happened in England. It is the conflict between religious
tension and the King Jame II of England. British people dont want their King to
intimate with French and believe in catholic. So his son in law, William III of Orange
Nassau who is Dutch stadholder took the throne. The reason for this revolution is that
the conflict in religious as King Jame is catholic and party in congress didnt like
catholic. Another reason is that there is no balance of power between king and
2. American revolution is the conflict between British and the American. First of all, at that
time, British colonized American and order them to do what they want; for example,
British tax every goods that export to American. So American native people didnt satisfy
and fight for their freedom.
3. French revolution is the movement that change Frenchs foundation which effect to all
over Europe. The monarchy end in French which mean that there is no King and
becoming the age of enlightenment. The reason for this to happen is that French was
very poor and people need to pay more tax to the government. The effect of this
revolution is middle and lower class has more power that before and led to the creation
of French Republic.
** The glorious revolution come first, then American revolution and finally French
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g77WJU3aQEA
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlUiSBXQHCw
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEZqarUnVpo

- I think that I do well as I can complete the goal which is to find rough information about
three revolutions. In my opinion, I think that these three revolutions relate to each other;
for example, Glorious revolution cause the constitutional Monarchy which impact other
country in Europe such as France. Then British connect to American as American fight
them for their liberty.
- I want to choose American revolution because I think that this revolution is the twist
point of American to flourish. Therefore, if our group agree to select American revolution,
then I will research more about what cause American revolution in detail.

23 Aug 2017
Purpose : Research about American revolutions cause
Note :
- French and Indian war (1756 - 1763)
- 7 years war
- British = 13 colonies at North East Coast of American // French = Canada
- Conflict between American and France to conquer land over North America
(argument about territory)
- Native America choose French side
- Colonist choose British side
- British won -> sign Treaty of Paris in 1763 = war end
- British control the territory from Mississippi River to Appalachian Mountains
- After war, British has a lot of debt
- British increase in taxing American people -> cause the conflict
- English settlement @ Jamestown Virginia -> Plymouth Massachusetts
Reference :

- First of all I set my goal in the class as to research all of the causes that lead to American
revolution. However, I dont finish in class so I continue to work on in the evening. But in
the end, I still finish just one of the cause; not all of it, because when I dont focus on my
task much and watch some other youtube clip that doesnt relate to my purpose.
- In my point of view, I learn by watching video clip too much as I should find some article
to read in order to know the information in detail. I also think that watching youtube can
easily lose my concentration because I like to watch other clip in the up next part.
- I think that this war is the major cause that lead to other cause of American revolution.
British suffer from this war and want to have more money as the way they were so they
increase in tax to American people. So these people didnt satisfy much as they think that
it is not fair to work for other people without receiving much advantage.
26 Aug 2017
Purpose : continue to research about the cause of American revolution
Note :
- Taxes, Laws
- due to British debt, they increase taxes for colonist to pay.
- Sugar Act (1764) : tax on sugar, molasses and imported good
- Stamp Act (1765) : tax on printed materials
- Townshend Act (1767) : tax on glass, tea, silk, paper and lead -> 1770 every tax
drop except tea
- Currency Act,
- No Taxation without Representation = colonists dont have power to control their
- Protest in Boston
- aka Boston Massacre 1770
- group called Sons of Liberty formed in 1765
- British add new tax on tea
- In 1773, another protest in Boston : Boston Tea Party = patriots throw British tea
from Boarding ship into the water
- Intolerable Act
- British add this law to punish colonist (Massachusetts) for Boston Tea Party
- 4 Act
- Boston Blockade = to shut down port of Boston for trade
- Administration of Justice Act = royal officials will be tried in Britain for a fair trial
- Massachusetts government = British will choose Americans government
- Quartering Act. = require American to house and feed British troops
- Growing Unity among the colonies
- with many laws that British create, colonist began to be more unity against British
- join the Son of Liberty
- First Continental Congress
- In 1774, 12 of 13 colonies form The First Continental Congress Meet and sent petition to
King George III (King of England) to repeal Intolerable Act.
- British are more restrictive and increase troop so they began to Boycott British goods
- I think that this time I can success my goal. I can find the possible causes that lead to this
revolution. I found that everything is a consequence of each other. Now, I can understand
more about why American people revolt themselves against British as they want to have
freedom and equality.
- For my personal view, if British didnt push so much pressure on American for paying tax
to clear British debt, then the result might be better than British lose the colonize land.
- In this day, I have some struggles in reading the article and summarize it. I dont like to
read the article so I need a lot of concentration to focus on my work and read through the
article. However, I think that I can summarize well.

3 Sep 2017
Purpose : What happen in American revolution
Note :
War Begin!!
- April 19, 1775
- British soldiers in Massachusetts order to arrest the Colonists leaders

Events & Timeline

- Battle of Lexington and Concord (April 19. 1775)
- British Army set out from Boston to capture rebel leaders Samuel Adams and John
Hancock in Lexington & to destroy Americans store of weapons in Concord
- Paul Revere ward the colonist that British army was arriving.
- Samuel Adams and John Hancock can escape.
- @ Lexington
- Gunshot was the first shot of American Revolution called shot heard around the
world (but dont know that American or British soldier shot)
- Americans fled away
- @ Concord
- Americans decide to cross North Bridge to Concord
- They defeat British troop at North Bridge
- British retreat back to Boston

- Second Continental Congress (May 10, 1775)

- 13 colonies organize the war
- appointed George Washington as commander of the Continental Army
- Fort Ticonderoga (May 10, 1775)
- upstate New York between Lake Champlain and Lake George
- May 10, 1775
- 3 battles
- Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold capture Fort Ticonderoga from British

- Battle of Bunker Hill

- June 17, 1775 @Charlestown, Massachusetts
- British were forced out of Boston
- American invade -> British take 2 hills (Bunker and Breeds) to gain advantage
- actually take place at Breeds Hill but name the battle as Bunker hill because the army
thought they were on Bunker Hill
- Leaders : British = General William Howe, Major John Pitcairn
American = Colonel William Prescott
- American know than British were planning to take advantage over the hill arounds Boston,
so they secretly moved their troops to Bunker and Breeds Hill and prepare for the battle.
- The next day, British attack. William Howe led three assaults. American fight back two
assault and run away.
- 226 British were killed and 800 wounded while American did not suffer.
- Result = British won but has a lot of suffer
- American boots confident

- The Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)

- Thomas Jefferson write first draft
- famous statement :: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
- declare to be independence from Britain

- Battle of long island, New York (August 27, 1776)

- largest battle of Revolutionary war @Brooklyn
- major battle
- American commander = General George Washington, Israel Putnam, William Alexander
and John Sullivan
- British Commander = General William Howe, Charles Cornwallis, Henry Clinton and
James Grant
- Before battle -> George Washington know think that British will attack New York City so he
set his army from Boston to New York and give order to defend city.
- However, American lost and retreat to Brooklyn Heights all the way to Pennsylvania.
- British stay in New York City

- Crossing the Delaware (December 25, 1776)

- cross into New Jersey to attack British army of Hessian soldiers held the town of Trenton at
the other side of Delaware river.
- turn the war back to Americans favor
- Battle of Trenton
- George Washington easily won the war as the Hessians were not prepare for this battle.
- Hessian soldiers = German soldiers that British hired to fight.
- why was crossing of Delaware so important?
- American army were discourage right before the battle so they need to win some battle
for boosting the courage of the soldiers.
- 3 crossing
- 1. army surprise the Hessians and won the Battle of Trenton
- 2. return to American armys original camp which bring 100 Hessian prisoners and
weapons they had captured
- 3. push back British Army and take back much of New Jersey

- America Chooses a flag (June 14, 1777)

- continental congress adopts the stars and Stripes Flag
- 13 red and white alternating stripes
- blue area with 13 white stars

- Battle of Germantown (October 4, 1777)

- British won the battle
- Continental Army had attack British which gave soldiers and patriots renewed confidence.
- @Germantown, Pennsylvania just outside Philadelphia
- George decide that it was time for American to attack
- result = decisive victory for British
Americans morale was boosted -> French enter the war as U.S. allies.

- Battles of Saratoga (September 19 - October 17, 1777)

- This decisive victory by American was a turning point
- British Leader = General John Burgoyne
- American leader = Major General Horatio Gates, Generals Benedict Arnold, Benjamin
- Burgoyne had a plan to spilt colonies in two along the Hudson River. They first recapture
Fort Ticonderoga from American.
- Result = American win
- Valley Forge (Winter of 1777- 1778)
- continental army under George Washington spends the winter training at Valley Forge

- Alliance with France (Feb. 16, 1778)

- France recognized the U.S. as an independent country with the Treaty of Alliance

- Battle of Cowpens (January 17, 1781)

- turning point in southern colonies

- Battle of Guilford Courthouse (March 15, 1781)

- @ North Carolina
- largest battles in South during Revolutionary War

- Battle of Yorktown (Oct. 19, 1781)

- last major battle
- British General Cornwaillis surrender

- Treaty of Paris (Sept 3, 1783)

- Treaty that officially end the war

New Government
- They decided to not ruled by a king anymore but rule by people instead. They elected by
people and balances of power to make sure that no one could become king.

- Today I do a lot of research because our group deciding to meet up tomorrow which is the
in-service day from school (Monday). As a result, we separate work in what we have to
research so that tomorrow we can discuss together and plan on what we have to do on
the product. My responsibility is to research about American revolution and the question
about How can we learn the obstacles from the American Revolution and apply it to our
- In my opinion, I dont complete my propose that I set because I only research the event in
American revolution and use the information that I had search but the answer for the
question doesnt finish it yet.
- I spent about half of day working on this and then do other stuff because I think that it is
okay if I can research about American revolution only and then do the question in other
day. Nevertheless, in the reality, I should accomplish all of my assignment that we deal
- For my research, I reckon of every revolution that people in the country need to
harmonize their spirit and fight against powerful country even though they might fall
many times; but if youre not abandon the will then it finally comes true in one day.
- I plan that I will explore more about the people daily life at that time and some twisting
point, turning point and key point in the American revolution as I think that my
information doesnt cover all of the topic yet. I also want to research more about the last
past of my information today because I think that it isnt complete yet.

6 Sep 2017
Purpose : research about Americans daily life, turning point and key point
Note :
- American daily life
- food : they have various type of food to eat but when there is the war, they
preserve food in form of pickle, dry and salt.
- clothing : they made their own cloth. Women wore long dress. Men wore breeches
and cotton shirt, a vest and tricorn hat.
- Hosing : poor people lived in one room homes. Wealthier live in house that has
many rooms. The kitchen and bathroom are separated from building.
- People have to emigrate from where they live when there is a war. Boys join the
army at age 16 as soldiers. Women take care of the soldiers as they need to cook,
make uniform and act as nurse.
- Turning point
- Battle of Trenton (Dec 26, 1776) : Americans win the battle after a series of defeats
and fight back against British. This boost the soldierss encourage to not left the
- Battle of Saratoga (Sep 19 and Oct 7 1777) : It is the first victory of American over
a major British army. British want to cut off New England from the Americas
colonies. The impact of this victory is French support American and boost confident
of Patriots.
- The arrivals of Lafayette and von Steuben (1777) : Lafayette (France) came to help
the battle as the commander and give advise to Washington. He lead the army to
Yorktown He also persuade King Louis XVI to poured troops and money into the
war more. Von Steuben is the one who brought up knowledge of European drills
and battlefield tactics including how to use bayonet. He train the army to be

- I think that I do well in this research even though I dont finish all of the turning point but
I do some of it. The part that I do well is to summarize the main idea and write down
information in the note. Before that, I dont like to read the article; it feel like many line of
paragraph make my eyes blur. Now, my reading skill has some improvement. Thus, I feel
satisfy with this result.
- My knowledge has gain more and I start to realize that American revolution has indirect
impact leading to French revolution. As French is Americans alliance so they spend
money to support the battle and when they receive the victory, French might be proud of
it and the spend more money to show their power. This can cause the problem in finance
so people have to pay more tax to government (leading to dissatisfaction among lower
9 Sep 2017
Purpose : continue research turning point of American revolution and the effect of American
Note :
- Turning point
- battle of Monmouth (June 28, 1778) : with the help of Baron von Steuben who
train Americans army, Americans can held the field and make British retreated.
- Battles of Kings Mountain (Oct 7 1780) and Cowpens (Jan 17, 1781) : Patriots
(Americans side) defeated Loyalist militia (people in Britishs side); many
neutral citizens then went to patriot side as they dont like British more. As a
result; this influence for American to win this two battles.
- Siege of Yorktown (Sep 28 - Oct 19, 1781) : last battle of the revolution.
American won because they surrounded British. British finally surrender.
Effect of American Revolution
1. in Great Britain
for political, people didnt stay in power for very long.
for economic, their debt skyrocketed after the war. the trade between British and
America ruined.
2. World
American Revolution is the example for other country to follow.
Americans ideals, constitution, government and some principle are cultivate in many
impact on political development in western world
3. America
largest ramifications
stronger federal government under U.S. constitution


- Firstly, I continue to research what I have not done from other days. I use the same source
and my previous learning record to track down where I am. When I start reading the article, I
have some confusion in the battles of Kings Mountain, Cowpens and Yorktown. Therefore I
go to read other websites article which can enhance my comprehension about each battle
that is mentioned above to help me understand why it is the turning point of American
revolution. On the other hand, I can easily summarize the consequence of this revolution as
it is very reasonable; for example, British has a lot of debt because they spend money to
battle with American and they also lose the war.
- I feel like I almost finish my research because our group decide to separate work. My
responsibility is to research everything about the American revolution and one research
question. So I dont need to find out the information about John Locke and Thomas Hobbes.
I also know some information about these two people and their idea (Lockeanism and
Hobbesianism) since we already learn in the class. We also do Venn diagram to compare and
contrast about two different idea about humans nature. Now I need to do only answer the
research question.

12 Sep 2017
Purpose : answer the question How American pass their obstacle? How we can use it in
daily life??
Note :
- Americans disadvantage = smaller population, lack of experience, few weapon, army
weaker than British troop, not much knowledge in battlefield, financial problem,
Congress didnt want to commit to Washingtons strategy, lack of organization, American
divide into two groups which are patriot and loyalist, lack of allies
- American pass their obstacle by rely on themselves first and then rely on their allies
(France) They dont give up easily even thought they lost in many battles. They have a
great leader to lead them and increase their courage to fight against British. Leader know
how to boost up their morale. They bring themselves up to show the France that if you are
my alliance, you will win this battle with me.
- With France and Spain support, American gain some knowledge about weapon, tactics in
the war and drill the troop from European that has more experience than the new country
which doesnt much explore about war or big fight.
- We can use this in our daily life by dont give up easily. Do your best. Find people to help
you if you cannot do it alone. Being unity can success the goal more than being alone.
Learn and find more knowledge in order to reduce the difficulty in completing the goal.

- First of all, I compete this purpose in learning record. I think that this task is very
challenging to me since I need to analyze my background information about the revolution
and think of how their pass the obstacle by myself because there is no information about
this on the internet. I begin with research about what is American revolution obstacle; I
luckily found some website containing this kind of information so that I can easily examine
the synopsis. In addition, I also think of the solution to pass the obstacle in daily life by
myself. In my point of view, the question need deeply analysis which might not be found on
the internet, but instead provide a lot of though to figure the answer.

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