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We discovered that slightly over

half of our audience are male

(51.61%). This means that we
could aim our final music video
slightly more towards the male

This question showed that

90.00% of the people that
took our survey are under
18. Everybody who took the
survey is under the age of
24 which is the demographic
we are aiming at.
This question showed us that grime is the most
preferred genre showing us that rock is more of
a niche market.
3 people gave other responses of Indie, Metal
and Punk. These are all sub-genres of rock
and show the wide demographic of the rock

90.32% of people who com-

pleted our survey said that
they listen to music everyday.
This shows that the people we
surveyed are the audience we
should be aiming towards as
they listen to music the most
and therefore contribute the
most towards record sales.
45.16% said they like indie
rock music whereas 22.58%
said they didnt.
For the 32.26% that said they
didnt have an opinion on it,
this shows that they may not
have experienced it yet or
dont understand what the in-
die rock genre is.

10 people responded about

what they would expect to see
in an indie rock music video.
All of these suggestions will be
considered for our own indie
rock music video. These com-
ments were helpful to us as it
showed that some of the audi-
ence recognised conventions
and common elements within
this genre.
We found that sports brands
such as Adidas and Nike were
very popular with the people
we surveyed. This reflects
their popularity amongst many
young people. Topshop/
Topman and Vans were also
very popular. These brands
have an Indie Rock style,
which shows that the style of
our chosen genre is popular
amongst this group.

This shows that over half of

the people we surveyed
choose to stream their music.
We will target our music to-
wards people who use web-
sites such as Spotify rather
than people who buy CDs.
This also shows the change
from physical to digital in all
forms of media.
The survey found that people expect an indie rock music video
to predominately consist of performance shots. However, all
options had several votes so we will likely use a combination of
performance, narrative and conceptual shots in our final music

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