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Directions: Below is a simple activity for you to work on. Practice the task following the given procedure.


Drawing paper
Masking tape


T Square


Drawing Table


1. Press firmly the T-square against the working edge of the drawing table.

2. Place the drawing paper close to the working edge of the drawing table and working head of the T-
square depending on you if you are right or left-handed, while the paper is placed on top edge of the T-

3. Fasten the upper left portion of the drawing paper followed by the lower right portion and finally the
remaining corners.

Note: Always fasten larger backing sheet of thicker drawing paper on the board first.
Occupational Health should aim to:

1. Promote and maintain the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all

2. Place and maintain the worker in an environment suitable to his physiological and psychological

3. Protect workers from risk resulting from factors adverse to health; and

4. Prevent workers from resignation due to health caused by poor working conditions.

The reasons for establishing good occupational safety and health standards are frequently
identified as:

Moral an employee should not have to risk injury at work, nor should others associated with
the work environment.
Economic many governments realize that poor occupation and health per result in cost to the
State (e.g. through social security payments to the incapacitated, costs for medical treatment,
and the loss of the employability of the worker). Economic studies human welfare in terms of
the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
Legal Occupational safety and health requirements may be reinforced in civil law and/or
criminal law.

Safety Standards are standards designed to ensure the safety of products, activities or processes and

OSHC Workplace Regulations

1. The place and all equipment and furnishings are maintained in thoroughly safe, clean and hygienic
condition and in good repair.

2. Keep the place free from rodents, cockroaches and other vermin.

3. Provide adequate facilities for hand washing, cleaning and disposing of waste.

4. Establish proper procedures for infection control.

5. Keep the floor area and free from waste, water and grease.

6. Keep cabinets dry, clean and close tightly.

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