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Salicylic Vaseline 10%

(Salicyl-Vaselin 10%)

areas of application
Salicylic Vaseline 10% is a cornea remedy for children from 1 year and adults. It is applied
externally in case of enhanced cornified skin formation (hyperkeratosis), corns (clavus) or

dosage and type of application

Apply Salicylic Vaseline 10% to the skin once or twice a day. Apply a maximum of 2 g
ointment per day for children and less than 20 g ointment per day for adults.

Hypersensitivity (allergy) to salicylic acid or one of the further components of Salicylic
Vaseline 10% ; contact hypersensitivity ; pregnancy ; children under 1 year (babies) ;
impaired renal function.

side effects
Skin irritations may occur in areas which have been applied with Salicylic Vaseline 10%.
In extremely rare cases a previously unknown hypersensitivity reaction (contact
sensitization) to salicylic acid may occur.

Salicylic acid may enhance the absorption of other medicines applied on the same area.
Salicylic acid absorbed by the body delays the degradation of methotrexate and enhances
the effect of sulfonylureas.

100 g Salicylic Vaseline 10% contain:
10 g salicylic vaseline*, low-viscosity paraffin**, white vaseline**
(*active agent, **further component)

article no.

package size
100 ml

Bombastus-Werke AG Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Ulrich Ks Commerzbank Dresden

Wilsdruffer Strae 170 Vorstand: Ulrich Brodkorb, Joachim Gnther BLZ 850 400 00
01705 Freital (Deutschland) Prokurist: Mathias Solf, Jrgen Geiler Konto 171 772 700
Telefon: +49 351 65803-0 Sitz der Gesellschaft: Freital IBAN: DE 84 8504 0000 0171 7727 00
Fax: +49 351 65803-99 Amtsgericht Dresden HRB 18772
E-Mail: USt.-Ident-Nr. DE140459872 St.-Nr. 26 / 100 / 00097 - as of 1st January 2014 -

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