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Part II

Binomial Trees: Basics

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model

5 One-Period Binomial Model

One-Period Binomial Model
Replicating Portfolio
Risk-Neutral Pricing
Market Completeness

6 Multi-Period Binomial Model

7 American Options

8 Futures

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model

You want to buy a call option on a stock with maturity in one year
and with a strike price of 105. The current stock price is 100, and
you know that the stock price in one year will have increased by
20% or decreased by 20%. The risk-free interest rate is 5%
(discrete compounding).

What is the value of this option?

How can you hedge this option?

Use a binomial tree

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model One-Period Binomial Model
One-Period Binomial Model

Central assumption on stock price behavior

two points in time: t = 0, t = 1
two states at t = 1
up (stock price increases)
down (stock price decreases)
stock price at t = 0: S0
stock price at t = 1 q u
 S1 = S0 u

up-state: = S0 u 
down-state: S1d = S0 d S0 qH

assumption: u > d
Hq S d = S0 d
q q -1
t=0 t=1
Further assumptions
no transaction costs, no taxes
infinite divisibility
unlimited short selling

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model One-Period Binomial Model
Option Pricing: Example (contd)

S0 = 100, u = 1.2, d = 0.8
S1u = S0 u = 120, u
S1d = S0 d = 80 q S1u = 120
 C1 = 15

Option: payment in t = 1 S0 = 100 

depends on stock price, C0 =?
C1 = max{S1 K , 0} H
H S1d = 80
up-move C1d = 0
q q-
C1u = max{S1u K , 0} t=0 t=1
= max{120 105, 0}
= 15
C1d = max{S1d K , 0}
= max{80 105, 0}
= 0

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model One-Period Binomial Model
Replicating Portfolio

Consider the following portfolio

0.375 shares long
borrow 28.57 at risk-free rate r
t = 0: Portfolio value 0.375 S0 28.57 = 8.93
t = 1: Portfolio value 0.375 S1 28.57 1.05

0.375 120 28.57 1.05 = 15 up
0.375S1 28.571.05 =
0.375 80 28.57 1.05 = 0 down

this is exactly the value of the call option!

Result: portfolio replicates call option
Economic argument: if there are no arbitrage opportunities
value of replicating portfolio today = value of call today

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model One-Period Binomial Model
Replicating Portfolio

If C0 = 10 (> 8.93 = portfolio value): arbitrage!

t=0 t=1
sell 0.375 shares: +45
repay loan: -30
payoff option: -15
buy 0.375 shares: -37.50
borrow money: +28.57
sell option: +10.00
sell 0.375 shares: +30
repay loan: -30
payoff option: 0
risk-free profit with no initial investment

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Replicating Portfolio

Replicating Portfolio

Replicating Portfolio: A portfolio that consists of basis

assets (here: stock, risk-free investment at interest rate r ) and
for which the future value at t = 1 is exactly equal to the
value of the derivative at t = 1.

Central Idea (for pricing)

replicating portfolio and derivative have the same value at
replicating portfolio and derivative must also have the same
value today

Central Idea (for hedging)

replicating portfolio and derivative have the same value at
it is possible to hedge a long position in the derivative with a
short position in the replicating portfolio (and vice versa)

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Replicating Portfolio

How to Determine the Replicating Portfolio

Portfolio: shares, amount B as a risk-free investment

(B > 0: investment at r , B < 0: borrowing of money at r )
Value at t = 1
S1 + B (1 + r )
Condition: value replicating portfolio = value derivative
S0 u + B (1 + r ) = C1u
S0 d + B (1 + r ) = C1d

Replicating portfolio

C1u C1d C1u S0 u

= B=
S0 u S0 d 1+r

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Replicating Portfolio

Arbitrage and No-Arbitrage

Arbitrage opportunity
positive payment today or
a chance to receive a positive payment tomorrow
without any initial investment and without any risk of a
negative payment tomorrow
Value replicating portfolio 6= value derivative Arbitrage!
replicating portfolio > derivative:
buy derivative, sell replicating portfolio
t = 0: keep positive difference
t = 1: payments in all states are zero
replicating portfolio < derivative:
sell derivative, buy replicating portfolio
t = 0: keep positive difference
t = 1: payments in all states are zero

If there are no arbitrage opportunities, then:

C0 = S0 + B

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Replicating Portfolio

Pricing via Replicating Portfolio

Value of the derivative

C u S0 u
C0 = S0 + B = S0 + 1
S0 u C
= S0 + 1
1+r 1+r
C1u C1d Cu
S0 u
= S0 + 1
S0 u S0 d 1+r 1+r
C1u C1d 1 + r u Cu
= + 1
ud 1+r 1+r
1 1 + r u + u d u u (1 + r ) d
= C1 + C1
1+r ud ud
1 1 + r d u u (1 + r ) d
= C1 + C1
1+r ud ud

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Risk-Neutral Pricing

Pricing Equation

Value of the derivative (via replicating portfolio)

1 1 + r d u u (1 + r ) d
C0 = C1 + C1
1+r ud ud
In the example:
1+r d 1.05 0.8 u (1 + r )
= = 0.625, = 0.375
ud 1.2 0.8 ud
call price
C0 = (0.625 15 + 0.375 0) = 8.93

1+r d u(1+r )
ud and ud can be interpreted as probabilities
sum is equal to one
positive if u > 1 + r > d

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Risk-Neutral Pricing

When Does the Constraint u > 1 + r > d Hold?

When does the constraint u > 1 + r > d hold?

Assumption: u > d 1 + r
t = 0: purchase stock on credit (net payment is zero)
t = 1: net payment is
up: S0 u S0 (1 + r ) > 0
down: S0 d S0 (1 + r ) 0
Assumption: 1 + r u > d
t = 0: short position in stock, risk-free investment (net
payment is zero)
t = 1: net payment is
up: S0 (1 + r ) S0 u 0
down: S0 (1 + r ) S0 d > 0

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Risk-Neutral Pricing

When Does the Constraint u > 1 + r > d Hold?

there are no arbitrage opportunities
u > 1 + r > d holds
We already know
u > 1 + r > d holds
1+r d u(1+r )
ud and ud can be interpreted as probabilities
Putting the arguments together
there are no arbitrage opportunities
1+r d u(1+r )
ud and ud can be interpreted as probabilities
This result holds in general (and not just in our example)

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Risk-Neutral Pricing

Risk-Neutral Pricing

Theorem (Risk-Neutral Pricing)

If there are no arbitrage opportunities, the price of every redundant
asset is equal to the expectation under the risk-neutral
probability measure Q of its discounted future payoff
1  u d
 Q C1
C0 = qC1 + (1 q) C1 = E .
1+r 1+r

In the binomial model, the risk-neutral probabilities are

1+r d
q= , 1 q.

Theorem (Arbitrage and One-Period Model)

There are no arbitrage opportunities if and only if there exists at
least one risk-neutral probability measure.
Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Risk-Neutral Pricing

Risk-Neutral Pricing

Does risk-neutral pricing imply risk-neutral investors?

at first sight: yes...
at second (or third) sight: NO!
main point: q, 1 q are artificial probabilities
(and not the real probabilities)
risk-neutral pricing
. . . is based on replication and no-arbitrage (just another
notation) and so on non-satiated investors
. . . is not based on risk-neutrality
(no assumptions about risk attitude of investors are made)
Risk-neutral pricing is relative pricing
derivative price is determined relative to stock price, interest
rate and dynamics of the stock price. . .
. . . stock price, dynamics of the stock price and interest rate
are given exogenously

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Risk-Neutral Pricing

Example: Trinomial Model

The current stock price is 100. In one year, the stock price will
have increased by 20%, decreased by 20%, or it will remain
unchanged. The risk-free interest rate is 10% (continuous).

pur S1u = 120

S0 = 100 r

H r S1m = 100
pdHHr S1d = 80

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Risk-Neutral Pricing

Example: Trinomial Model

Is the market arbitrage-free?

calculate risk-neutral probabilities
solve the following linear system of equations:

pu + pm + pd = 1
pu 120 + pm 100 + pd 80 = 100 e 0.1

problem: the linear system of equations is under-determined

there is no unique solution
general solution:

pu 0.7629 0.5
pm = 0 + 1
pd 0.2371 0.5
pu , pm , pd depend on

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Risk-Neutral Pricing

Example: Trinomial Model

Candidate risk-neutral probabilities pu , pm , pd depend on

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

= 0.2 = 0.4 = 0.8

pu 0.6629 0.5629 0.3629
pm 0.2 0.4 0.8
pd 0.1371 0.0371 0.1629
risk-neutral pu , pm , pd > 0 pu , pm , pd > 0 pd < 0
probabilities? (therefore: no probabilities!)

There exists at least one risk-neutral probability measure

there are no arbitrage opportunities

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Market Completeness

Complete Market

Pricing via a replicating portfolio is only possible if such a portfolio

Definition (Complete Market, Incomplete Market)
The market is complete if there exists a replicating portfolio for
each contingent claim.
The market is incomplete if there is at least one contingent claim
for which no replicating portfolio exists.

Complete market Incomplete market

replicating portfolio exists replicating portfolio exists
for all contingent claims for some contingent claims

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Market Completeness

Complete Market

Binomial Model: X
two conditions: value of replicating portfolio = value of
derivative (in up- and down-state)
two variables: , B
the system of equations can be solved for all derivatives
if u 6= d

Trinomial Model
three conditions: value of replicating portfolio = value of
derivative (in up-, middle- and down-state)
two variables: , B
the system of equations can be solved for some derivatives,
but not for all

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Market Completeness

Complete Market

The replicating portfolio exists for all derivatives if the number of

equations (i.e. the number of states) is equal to or smaller than
the number of variables (i.e. the number of securities)

Theorem (Market Completeness in a One-Period Model)

The market is complete if and only if the number of linearly
independent securities is equal to or larger than the number of

Again, there is a relation to the risk-neutral probabilities:

Theorem (Market Completeness in a One-Period Model)
The market is complete if and only if the candidate risk-neutral
probabilities are unique.

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Market Completeness

Example: Trinomial Model (contd)

Is the market complete?

calculate candidate risk-neutral probabilities
We already know: no unique solution
market is incomplete
We can also show directly that the market is incomplete:
Contingent claim: C1u = 240, C1m = 200, C1d = 160
replicating portfolio: two stocks long
Contingent claim: C1u = 240, C1m = 200, C1d = 200
replicating portfolio: does not exist
however, we can still price the claim
1  u
C1 (0.7629 0.5 ) + C1m + C1d (0.2371 0.5 )

C0 =
= [230.5160 20]
for 0 0.4742 pu , pm , pd 0
price bounds: C0 (200.9382; 209.5600)
Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
One-Period Binomial Model Market Completeness


Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Prentice Hall,
8th edition, 2012, Chapters 12.1 - 12.2
Branger/Schlag: Zinsderivate: Modelle und Bewertung,
Springer, 2004, Chapter 3.1
Further Reading
Shreve: Stochastic Calculus for Finance I, Springer, 2005,
Chapter 1.1
Trautmann: Investitionen: Bewertung, Auswahl und
Risikomanagement, Springer, 2007, Chapter 10.1
Questions and Problems
Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Prentice Hall,
8th edition, 2012, Problems 12.1, 12.2, 12.4, 12.9, 12.10,
12.11, 12.14

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model

5 One-Period Binomial Model

6 Multi-Period Binomial Model

Multi-Period Binomial Model
Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree
Choice of Model Parameters
Properties of Option Prices

7 American Options

8 Futures

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Multi-Period Binomial Model
Multi-Period Binomial Model

Multi-Period Binomial Model

= sequence of one-period binomial models

Points in time: t = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . .
Uncertainty: each state at t is followed by two states at t + 1
(up or down)
Development of stock price from t to t + 1:

St u up
St+1 =
St d down

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Multi-Period Binomial Model
Multi-Period Binomial Model

S22 = S0 u 2

S11 = S0 u

S0 S21 = S0 u d

S10 = S0 d

S20 = S0 d 2

t=0 t=1 t=2

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Multi-Period Binomial Model

S0 = 100, u = 1.2, d = 0.8, r = 0.05. A call option (long) with
strike K = 105 matures at T = 2. What is the value C0 of this

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Multi-Period Binomial Model

S22 = 144
C22 = 39

S11 = 120
C11 =?

S0 = 100 S21 = 96
C0 =? C21 = 0

S10 = 80
C10 =?

S20 = 64
C20 = 0

t=0 t=1 t=2

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree
Replication: Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree

Replicating portfolio
payoffs of replicating portfolio and contingent claim coincide at
every point in time and in every state
value of replicating portfolio = value of contingent claim

Replicating portfolio is determined by backward induction

at t = T 1: replication of the payment at T
(for every state at T 1, we have to solve for portfolio weights which will
in general depend on this state)
derivative value at T 1 (in every node)
at t = T 2: replication of the value at T 1
(for every state at T 2, we have to solve for portfolio weights which will
in general depend on this state)
derivative value at T 2 (in every node)
at t = 0: replication of the value at t = 1
derivative value at 0

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree
Replication: Example

Solution (Replication)
C22 C21 C22 11 S22
Node t = 1 up: 11 = S22 S21
= 0.8125, B11 = 1+r
= 74.2857

C11 = S11 11 + B11 = 23.2143

C21 C20 C21 01 S21
Node t = 1 down: 01 = S21 S20
= 0, B10 = 1+r

C10 = S10 01 + B10 = 0

C11 C10 C11 0 S11
Node t = 0: 0 = S11 S10
= 0.5804, B0 = 1+r
= 44.2226

C0 = S0 0 + B0 = 13.82

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree
Replication: Example

S22 = 144
C22 = 39
S11 = 120
C11 = 23.2143
11 = 0.8125
S0 = 100 B11 = 74.2857
C0 = 13.82 S21 = 96
0 = 0.5804 C21 = 0
B0 = 44.2226 S10 = 80
C10 = 0
01 = 0
B10 = 0
S20 = 64
C20 = 0

t=0 t=1 t=2

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree
Risk-Neutral Valuation

Risk-Neutral Valuation: backward calculation in binomial

at T 1: value follows from payment at T
CT 1 = E Q |FT 1
(. . . |FT 1 means: conditional on the state at time T 1)
at T 2: value follows from value at T 1
CT 1
CT 2 = E Q |FT 2
at t = 0: value follows from value at t = 1
Q C1
C0 = E |F0

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree
Risk-Neutral Valuation: Example

Solution (Risk-Neutral Valuation)

artificial probabilities: q = 1+r
ud = 0.625
Node t = 1 up:
1 h 2 i
C11 = qC2 + (1 q)C21
23.2143 = [0.625 39 + 0.375 0]
Node t = 1 down:
1 h 1 i
C10 = qC2 + (1 q)C20
0 = [0.625 0 + 0.375 0]

Node t = 0:
1 h 1 i
C0 = qC1 + (1 q)C10
13.8180 = [0.625 23.2143 + 0.375 0]

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree
Risk-Neutral Valuation

To calculate the value at t = 0, there is a shortcut:

Q C1
C0 = E |F0
Q 1 Q C2
= E E |F1 |F0
1+r 1+r
Q Q C2
= E E |F1 |F0
(1 + r )2
= EQ |F 0
(1 + r )2

Note: we have used the Law of Iterated Expectations:

E [ E [Y |Ft+k ] | Ft ] = E [Y |Ft ], k 0

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree
Risk-Neutral Valuation

In our example

C22 C21 C20

C0 = q 2 + 2q(1 q) + (1 q) 2
(1 + r )2 (1 + r )2 (1 + r )2
39 0 0
= 0.6252 + 2 0.625 0.375 + 0.3752
1.052 1.052 1.052
= 13.8180

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree
Risk-Neutral Valuation

Theorem (Risk-Neutral Valuation)

If there are no arbitrage opportunities, the price of a contingent
claim is equal to the risk-neutral expectation of the future
discounted payoff:
C0 = E |F0 .
(1 + r )T

In case of the binomial model, the risk-neutral probabilities for an

upward movement and a downward movement are
1+r d
q= , and 1 q.

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree
Risk-Neutral Valuation

Risk-neutral valuation can also be used to give a relation

between the values at t and at t + s:
Ct = E Q |F t
(1 + r )s

This can be rewritten as

Ct Q Ct+s
= E |Ft
(1 + r )t (1 + r )t+s

In mathematical finance:
discounted derivative prices are Q-martingales
(i.e. the expected future value is equal to the value today, or, stated differently,
the process does on average neither increase nor decrease)

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree

Derivative prices normalized with the money market account

are Q-martingales
Money Market Account (MMA): results from rolling
investment at risk-free interest rate

B0 = 1, B1 = (1 + r ), . . . , Bt = (1 + r )t , . . .

Martingale: stochastic process for which the expected future

value is equal to the current value
Application of martingales in option pricing theory:
under the risk-neutral measure Q . . .
discounted stock prices grow on average with 0
stock prices grow on average with r
and: futures prices grow on average with 0
(will be shown later on)

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Backward Calculation in Binomial Tree
Equivalent Martingale Measure

Instead of the money market account, any other security

(which does not pay any dividends and always has a positive
price) can be used to normalize derivative prices
Numeraire Asset: asset used to normalize prices
Equivalent Martingale Measure: a probability measure
under which
the prices of all assets, normalized with the numeraire, are
(equivalent martingale measure depends on the numeraire: if we use
a different numeraire, we have of course to use a different
equivalent martingale measure!)
the set of future possible states does not change (only their
probabilities are different)

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Choice of Model Parameters
Length of Time Interval

So far: t = 1 In general: t
assumption until now: assumption from now on:
length of time interval is 1 length of time interval is t
the interval from 0 to T is the interval from 0 to T is
divided into T steps divided into T /t steps
discounting with 1+r discounting with (1+r1 )t
(discrete interest rate) or (discrete interest rate) or
e r (continuous interest e r t (continuous interest
rate) rate)
u and d determine stock the smaller t the closer u
price uncertainty and d are to e r t

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Choice of Model Parameters
Determining u and d

Determine: u, d and the artificial probabilities q, 1 q

match uncertainty of stock price: volatility is
Q St
Var = q(1 q)(u d)2
= 2 t

correct pricing of stock:

Q St
E = qu + (1 q)d
= e r t

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Choice of Model Parameters
Determining u and d

Two equations for three unknown variables

different additional assumptions
Assumption: u = d1 (will always be used in this lecture)
approximate solution

u = e t
, d = e t

e r t d ue r t
risk-neutral probabilities: q = ud , 1q = ud
Assumption: q 0.5
approximate solution

u = e (r /2)t+ t
, d = e (r /2)t t

e r t d ue r t
risk-neutral probabilities: q = ud , 1q = ud

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Choice of Model Parameters

The risk-free interest rate is r = 0.05. The volatility of the stock
price is = 0.4.

t 1.0000 0.5000 0.2500 0.1250 0.0625

assumption: u = d1
u 1.4918 1.3269 1.2214 1.1519 1.1052
d 0.6703 0.7536 0.8187 0.8681 0.9048
q 0.4637 0.4739 0.4814 0.4868 0.4906
assumption: q 0.5
u 1.4477 1.3071 1.2123 1.1476 1.1031
d 0.6505 0.7424 0.8126 0.8649 0.9031
q 0.5027 0.5009 0.5003 0.5001 0.5000

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Choice of Model Parameters
Dependence on Number of Steps

Price of a call option on the stock (current stock price: 100) with
maturity in one year and strike price 100?

option price

number of steps

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Properties of Option Prices

Sensitivity Analysis for Option Prices

stock pays no dividends
options are European

Call Price Put Price

Stock Price (S0 ) + -
Strike Price (K ) - +
Volatility () + +
Time to Maturity (T t) + +/-
Interest Rate (r ) + -

parameters for base case: S0 = K = 100, = 0.4, T = 1,

t = 1/50, and r = 0.05

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Properties of Option Prices

Impact of Strike Price

Call Price Put Price

option price
option price

strike strike

The higher the strike price

the smaller the future payoff of a call
the larger the future payoff of a put
Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Properties of Option Prices

Impact of Volatility

Call Price Put Price

option price
option price

volatility volatility

The higher the volatility, the higher . . .

the probability of very high stock prices (high call payoff)
the probability of very low stock prices (high put payoff)
Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Properties of Option Prices

Impact of Time to Maturity

Call Price Put Price

option price
option price

time to maturity time to maturity

The longer the time to maturity

the higher the probability of very large stock price changes
the lower the discounted strike price
Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Properties of Option Prices

Impact of Interest Rate

Call Price Put Price

option price
option price

interest rate interest rate

The higher the interest rate

the lower the discounted strike price
the higher future stock prices (under Q)
Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Multi-Period Binomial Model Properties of Option Prices


Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Prentice Hall,
8th edition, 2012, Chapters 12.3 - 12.4, 12.7 - 12.8
Branger/Schlag: Zinsderivate: Modelle und Bewertung,
Springer, 2004, Chapter 3.2
Further Reading
Clewlow/Strickland: Implementing Derivatives Models, Wiley,
1998, Chapter 2.1 - 2.3
Shreve: Stochastic Calculus for Finance I, Springer, 2005,
Chapter 1.2
Trautmann: Investitionen: Bewertung, Auswahl und
Risikomanagement, Springer, 2007, Chapter 10.3
Questions and Problems
Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Prentice Hall,
8th edition, 2012, Problems 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, 12.8, 12.12

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options

5 One-Period Binomial Model

6 Multi-Period Binomial Model

7 American Options
Valuation of American Options
Early Exercise of American Options
Blacks Approximation for American Options

8 Futures

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Valuation of American Options

American Options

European Options: can only be exercised at maturity
American Options: can be exercised up to maturity
Optimal Exercise Strategy
European Options
exercise at time T if option is ITM
binomial tree: test at the final nodes at T whether to exercise
or not
American Options
exercise at time if option is far enough ITM
binomial tree: test at each node from T to 0 whether to
exercise or not

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Valuation of American Options

American Call, American Put

Model: S0 = 100, u = 1.2, d = 0.8, r = 0.05 (discrete

interest rate), interval length t = 1
American put expiring at T = 2 with strike price 105
determine the value of the put
determine the optimal exercise strategy
American call expiring at T = 2 with strike price 105
determine the value of the call
determine the optimal exercise strategy

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Valuation of American Options

American Put

S22 = 144
payment: 39
do not exercise
S11 = 120
payment: 15
do not exercise
S0 = 100 S21 = 96
payment: 5 payment: 9
??? exercise
S10 = 80
payment: 25
S20 = 64
payment: 41

t=0 t=1 t=2

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Valuation of American Options

Valuation of American Options

Pricing an American option: backward induction in the tree

At each node in the binomial tree, we have to test whether
early exercise is optimal or not.
At time t
value of the option if it is hold for one more period
alive Q Ct+1
Ct =E |Ft

payoff in case of exercise


Option Value at t: maximum of the two values

Cta = max Ctalive , Ctexercise

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Valuation of American Options

Example: Valuation of American Options

risk-neutral probabilities: q = 1+r
ud = 0.625
Node t = 1 up:
P2 1  2
P11 alive = E Q qP2 + (1 q)P21 = 3.2143

|F1 =
1+r 1+r
P11 exercise = max{K S11 , 0} = 0
n o
P11 = max P11 alive , P11 exercise = P11 alive = 3.2143

Node t = 1 down:
P2 1  1
P10 alive = E Q qP2 + (1 q)P20 = 20

|F1 =
1+r 1+r
P10 exercise = max{K S10 , 0} = 25
P10 = max P10 alive , P10 exercise = P10 exercise = 25

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Valuation of American Options

Example: Valuation of American Options

Node t = 0:
P1 1  1
P0alive qP1 + (1 q)P10 = 10.8418

=E |F0 =
1+r 1+r
P0exercise = max{K S0 , 0} = 5
P0 = max P0alive , P0exercise = P0alive = 10.8418

Value of the American put: 10.8418.

(for comparison: the value of the European put is 9.0561)

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Valuation of American Options

American Put

S22 = 144
P2exercise = 0
S11 = 120 do not exercise
P1exercise = 0
P0alive = 3.21
S0 = 100
P0exercise = 5
do not exercise S21 = 96
P2exercise = 9
P0alive = 10.84
do not exercise S10 = 80 exercise
P1exercise = 25
P0alive = 20
exercise S20 = 64
P2exercise = 41

t=0 t=1 t=2

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Valuation of American Options

And Now: American Call

S22 = 144
C2exercise = 39
S11 = 120 exercise
C1exercise = 15
C0alive = 23.21
S0 = 100
C0exercise = 0
do not exercise S21 = 96
C2exercise = 0
C0alive = 13.82
do not exercise S10 = 80 do not exercise
C1exercise = 0
C0alive = 0
do not exercise S20 = 64
C2exercise = 0
do not exercise

t=0 t=1 t=2

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Early Exercise of American Options

Call on Underlying that Pays no Dividends

Theorem (American Call on Underlying that Pays no Dividends)

If the underlying pays no dividends and if the interest rate is
positive, it is never optimal to exercise an American call before

The value of the American call is at least as high as the value
of the corresponding European call.
Value of the European call:

Cte max{St Ke r (T t) , 0}
St Ke r (T t)
St K

Put together: value of the American call exercise payoff

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Early Exercise of American Options

Call on Underlying that Pays no Dividends

Economic intuition: if the American call is not exercised . . .

the strike price is paid later +

the stock is received later
asymmetric payoff profile +
high stock prices: profit
low stock prices: losses are capped

There is no argument in favor of early exercise!

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Early Exercise of American Options

Put on Underlying that Pays no Dividends

Theorem (American Put on Underlying that Pays no Dividends)

If the underlying pays no dividends and if the interest rate is
positive, it may be optimal to exercise an American put before

The value of the American put alive is at least as high as the
value of the corresponding European put.
Value of the European put:

Pte max{Ke r (T t) St , 0}
Ke r (T t) St
K St

So: Value of the American put Q exercise payoff

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Early Exercise of American Options

Put on Underlying that Pays no Dividends

Economic Intuition: if the American put is not exercised . . .

the strike price is received later
the stock is sold later
asymmetric payoff profile +
low stock prices: profit
high stock prices: losses are capped
The first argument speaks in favor of early exercise!
Investor waits if the potential profit from future decreases or
the stock price is high
. . . and will thus exercise the put if the stock price is very low
(and cannot fall by much more therefore)

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Blacks Approximation for American Options

Blacks Approximation for American Options

Theorem (Blacks Approximation for American Options)

Blacks Approximation gives a lower bound for the value of an
American option:

C0a max{C0e (t1 ), C0e (t2 ), . . . , C0e (tn )}

where C0e (ti ) is the price of a European option with maturity date
ti (0 t1 < t2 < . . . < tn T ) and the same strike price as the
American option.

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Blacks Approximation for American Options

Blacks Approximation for American Options

American Option European Option

(expires at T ) (expires at ti T )
long can exercise at any time until T long can only exercise at ti
long can commit himself to exercise only at ti
. . . he then basically holds a European option
. . . but has given up some rights

C0a (T ) C0e (ti )
Blacks Approximation:
uses several European options with different times to maturity

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
American Options Blacks Approximation for American Options


Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Prentice Hall,
8th edition, 2012, Chapters 10.5-10.6, 12.5
Further Reading
Cox/Ross/Rubinstein: Option pricing: A Simplified Approach,
Journal of Financial Economics 7, 229-263, 1979
Shreve: Stochastic Calculus for Finance I, Springer, 2005,
Chapter 4.1 - 4.2
Questions and Problems
Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Prentice Hall,
8th edition, 2012, Problems 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.8, 10.13, 20.2,

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann

5 One-Period Binomial Model

6 Multi-Period Binomial Model

7 American Options

8 Futures
Futures Price
Futures Price vs Forward Price

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Futures Futures Price
Determination of Futures Price

futures = forward + . . .
settlement-payment at time t (long position)

FtT Ft1

FtT : futures price at t (T is maturity date)

convention: futures price is set such that futures value
immediately after each settlement-payment is zero
at maturity: FTT = ST
(by definition of contract)
Now: calculation of futures price

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Futures Futures Price
Determination of Futures Price

Consider the following trading strategy

at t: buy futures contract (after the settlement-payment)
at t + 1: sell futures contract (after the settlement-payment)
Resulting cash flows
at time t at time t + 1
- futures value: 0 T FT
settlement-payment: Ft+1 t
futures value: 0
Plugging into the risk-neutral pricing equation:
" #
F T FT + 0
0 = E Q t+1 Ft


Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Futures Futures Price
Determination of Futures Price

Interest rate at t is known

1 h
0 = E Q Ft+1 FtT |Ft
Solve for FtT :
h i
= E Q Ft+1 |Ft
The futures price today is equal to the risk-neutral
expectation of the futures price tomorrow!
Again, we can use a shortcut:
h h i i
FtT = E Q E Q Ft+2 T
|Ft+1 |Ft
h i
= E Q Ft+2 |Ft
= ... h i
= E Q FTT |Ft = E Q [ST |Ft ]

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Futures Futures Price
Determination of Futures Price

Theorem (Futures Price)

The futures price is a martingale under the risk-neutral measure
Q: h i
FtT = E Q Ft+s
|Ft 0t t +s T

With the terminal condition FTT = ST , this gives

FtT = E Q [ST |Ft ] .

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Futures Futures Price

Model: S0 = 100, u = 1.2, d = 0.8, r = 0.05 (discrete

interest rate), interval length t = 1
Consider a futures contract on the stock that matures at time
T = 2.
determine the futures price in every node
calculate the payments of the future
calculate the value of the futures contract in every node

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Futures Futures Price
Example: Futures Prices

S22 = 144
F22 = 144
S11 = 120
F11 = 126
S0 = 100 S21 = 96
F0 = 110.25 F21 = 96
S10 = 80
F10 = 84
S20 = 64
F20 = 64

t=0 t=1 t=2

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Futures Futures Price
Example: Settlement-Payments

S22 = 144
F22 = 144
F22 F11 = 18

S11 = 120 S21 = 96

F11 = 126 F21 = 96
F11 F0 = 15.75 F21 F11 = 30
S0 = 100
F0 = 110.25
S10 = 80 S21 = 96
F10 = 84 F21 = 96
F10 F0 = 26.25 F21 F10 = 12

S20 = 64
F20 = 64
F20 F10 = 20

t=0 t=1 t=2

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Futures Futures Price vs Forward Price
Comparison of Futures and Forward Prices

The stock price satisfies the following equation:

S0 = E Q = EQ ,
(1 + r )T BT
BT = (1 + r )T : money market account
Using the formula for the covariance
1 1
S0 = E Q [ST ] E Q + Cov Q ST ,
= E Q [ST ] B0 (T ) + Cov Q ST ,
B0 (T ): price at 0 of a zero-coupon bond that matures at T
This gives
S0 1 1
= E Q [ST ] + Cov Q ST ,
B0 (T ) | {z } B0 (T ) BT
| {z } Futures Price
Forward Price

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Futures Futures Price vs Forward Price
Comparison of Futures and Forward Prices
h i
Futures Price > Forward Price Cov Q ST , (1+r )T
positive correlation between underlying and risk-free interest
remember (from slide 65): long invests at a high interest rate
and borrows at a low interest rate
futures price is higher to offset this advantage
h i
Futures Price < Forward Price Cov Q
ST , (1+r )T
negative correlation between underlying and risk-free interest
remember (from slide 66): long invests at a low interest rate
and borrows at a high interest rate
futures price is smaller to offset this disadvantage
h i
Forward Price = Futures Price Cov Q ST , (1+r ) T =0
underlying and risk-free interest rate are uncorrelated
(special case: interest rates are deterministic)

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann
Futures Futures Price vs Forward Price

Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Prentice Hall,
8th edition, 2012, Chapters 5.8, 17.6
Questions and Problems
Hull: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Prentice Hall,
8th edition, 2012, Problems 5.4, 5.11, 5.12, 17.3

Derivatives I
Dr. Patrick Konermann

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