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Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

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Monitoring land use/land cover change, urban growth dynamics and MARK
landscape pattern analysis in ve fastest urbanized cities in Bangladesh
Mohammad Mehedy Hassan
Department of Geography, University of Florida, 3141 Turlington Hall, P.O. Box 117315, Gainesville, FL 32611-7315, United States


Keywords: With little known and explored urban morphology in the fastest growing countries like Bangladesh in South Asia,
Five cities this study aims at exploring urban spatial signature and explaining spatiotemporal land use and land cover
Land use/land cover patterns in the ve cities (Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet, Khulna, and Barisal) in Bangladesh. Using time series
Urban growth Landsat imagery, socioeconomic data and, other geospatial information with ecological analysis tools, this study
Landscape fragmentation
quanties and characterize the spatial-temporal landscape patterns and urban growth trajectory across the ve
Sustainable development
selected sites. The spatial representation of these ve sites demonstrates a continuous increase in urban/built-up
areas replacing arable agricultural land, waterbodies, vegetation cover and wetlands, which thereby sub-
stantially altering the structure and function of the ecosystem surrounding the cities. Built up areas, representing
impervious surface as observed from land cover maps in these ve cities, are expanding quickly. The total built-
up cover within the ve cities grew from 2356 ha in 1973 to 13,435 ha in 2014 with a net increase of ap-
proximately 468%, while vegetation cover and crops eld within same time period declined at 27.77% and
61.91%, respectively. This dramatic urban/built-up expansion has resulted in an increasingly faster alteration in
the landscape composition causing to structural complexity at both class level and landscape level. Such rapid
and unplanned urban expansion further has brought an overwhelming challenge to planners and policy makers,
and has put a strain on local authorities to properly manage and utilize its limited land-based resources due to
lack of time series geospatial information. The resulting thematic map and spatial information from this study is,
therefore, to facilitate an understanding of urban growth dynamics and land cover change pattern in the ve
cities in Bangladesh. The result further can aid planners, stakeholders, and other interested groups to make the
best possible choices regarding limited land-based resources to achieve an economically prosperous and en-
vironmentally sustainable future.

1. Introduction (Islam, 2011), which is thought to be responsible for as much as two-

thirds of the hike in urban population in Bangladesh (Afsar, 2003). In
As one of the fastest urbanized countries in the world, Bangladesh addition, changes in urban delimitation and the denition of an urban
has experienced an unplanned and a rapid rate of urbanization in recent area over the last decade have also facilitated urban expansion and the
years (Hassan and Nazem, 2015). Currently, 34% of her population subsequent population increases (BBS, 2011; Islam, 2011). A notable
lives in urban areas and this total is expected to reach 56% in the year feature of this expansion is that the growth in urban areas has spilled
2050 (UN, 2014). The estimated growth of urban population over the over to local administrative boundaries, and in some cases, multiple
last two decades was 4.22% per annum, while the national population cities or growth centers have merged into a single entity.
growth rate was 2.14% per year (growth calculated from 1991 to 2011 This rapid and uncontrolled urbanization, however, is an important
population census). Such explosive population growth with socio-eco- phenomenon in the economic development, social progress, and cul-
nomic progress led to exurbanizaiton and urbanization in Bangladesh tural transformation of the country because 64% of the national gross
over the past decades which has further resulted in a territorial ex- domestic product (GDP) is generated in the urban sector (UPPR, 2011;
pansion of each cities and growth centers. As a result, the total territory Nazem et al., 2011). Additionally, these cities hold a special place in the
occupied by cities expanded to 10,712 square kilometers, accounting country as they are the cultural, industrial, business, education, in-
for 7.25% of the country's total land areas (BBS, 2001). This phenom- novation, entertainment, and political heart of the entire nation (Islam,
enal urban growth has been attributed to many factors, including nat- 2011).
ural population growth and large inux of rural-urban migration Rapid urbanization in Bangladesh is exerting enormous pressure on

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Received 4 December 2016; Received in revised form 5 July 2017; Accepted 7 July 2017
Available online 08 July 2017
2352-9385/ 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

local capacities and on limited land-based resources, leading to many In the north, the city of Rangpur lies between 25 41 to 25 49 north
problems such as pollution, crime, trac congestion, poverty, and latitudes and 89 12 to 89 18 east longitudes with an average elevation
economic and ecological challenges for the entire country. Such growth at 35 m above the sea level. It is a relatively juvenile divisional head-
puts a strain on the ability of city authorities to provide services like quarters that received status as a city corporation in 2010 (BBS, 2011),
energy, health care, transportation, sanitation, and physical security. serving a primarily agricultural region on the greater north Bengal of
Further it underscores pressing concerns for urban planners, stake- Bangladesh.
holders, and policy makers in the country due to a shortage of re- The city's growth, however, has been powered by its recent up-
sources, time-bound urban information, and lack of professional plan- grading administrative status, from a district township to a divisional
ners (Hassan and Nazem, 2015). headquarters, and by the foundation of a public university, Begum
Moreover, the urban growth in Bangladesh has typically been de- Rokeya University, and a Medical College. Upgradation of this previous
scribed as either a change in the absolute area of urban space, or as an district town to divisional headquarters has increased its importance in
aggregate measure of the extent of cities with respect to decadal po- all respects, including a special emphasis on its economic aspects.
pulation growth based on census data. State-owned census data in Currently, the city of Rangpur is the home of nearly 308,000 people,
Bangladesh, however, ambiguous, has often raised conict between with a density of 6057 persons residing in the 50.69 square kilometers
government and non-government sources. Additionally, it oers a of its jurisdictional area.
vague approach in dening administrative delimitation with un- The city of Rajshahi is the fth largest city in the country, located to
predictable spatial information on population distribution in urban the northwest in Bangladesh, between 24 21 to 24 26 north latitude
areas. Hence, such aggregate measure delivers limited information re- and 88 32 to 88 40 east longitude, with an average elevation of 21 m
garding the spatial patterns of urbanization, its precise physical extent, above sea level. The economy and industry are mainly based on agri-
and the driving elements of the urbanization process. cultural products and factories, like silk and other cottage industries. In
Empirical study suggests; as urbanization continued to increase, spite of being an important city, industrial development in Rajshahi has
landcover become increasingly diverse in pattern, fragmented in not taken place to any great extent. The city, however, is well connected
structure and more complex in shape leading to a number of negative with a developed road network to all regional and interregional cities in
consequences to biotic and abiotic resource (Qi et al., 2014), such as the country. Currently, the city has a population of 448,087 within its
losses of fresh productive agricultural land (Hass et al., 2015), dis- 48 sq. km. jurisdiction (BBS, 2014).
turbance to rural economic stability and lifestyle, and loses of habitat The Sylhet in the north is the fourth largest urban agglomeration in
and species diversity (Wu et al., 2011). Thus, periodic urban growth the country and the regional headquarters in the northeastern region of
and its changing patterns must be monitored and characterized, and Bangladesh. The city is located on the bank of the river Surma, between
understood its resultant impact on the land, ecology, and the environ- 24 51 to 24 56 north latitude and 91 5 to 91 54 east longitude with
ment in respect to spatial and temporal context. an average elevation of 20 m above sea level. To the north, the eleva-
Although RS in combination with GIS has already proven to be a tion of the city gradually increases to above 30 m due to the presence of
powerful and most useful technique for tracking urban growth and land several undulating hillocks, whilst the south is comparatively low with
use/land cover change, there have been none or few systematic studies an average elevation of 17 m. Topographically, the landscape is at
conducted on tracking urban growth and land cover change in ve cites along the river bank, where the elevation seldom exceeds 20 m. This
selected as the study area for this research. In addition, previous studies monotonous topography, however, is broken up by hills in the north
have shown that (Hassan et al., 2015) the urban land in Bangladesh has and northeast parts of the city. The maximum height of this undulating
increased exponentially, with development being chaotic and in- landscape is 40 m above sea level. The hills in the metropolitan, from
ecient in the last two decades. Thus, a comprehensive understanding north-south, are presumed to have inuenced the precise location of the
of urban growth and land cover change across the selected cities of the early township foundation, but due to rapid urbanization these ob-
study area, which may raise awareness and concern for the need of stacles have become minor.
better policies and planning for urban land development, is required. The other two sites in this study are in the south of the country with
Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to explore and explain proximity to the sea and the world's largest mangrove forest. These two
spatiotemporal land use/ cover change, urban growth dynamics and metropolises provide excellent linkages with several navigable rivers,
landscape pattern analysis across ve urban areas in Bangladesh. Using the sea, other coastal towns and growth centers, and with the country's
time series Landsat imagery, socioeconomic data, and other geospatial largest port cities- Chittagong and Mongla. These metropolises have a
information enabling with GIS and remote sensing and ecological unique physiography and geophysical setting and their proximity to the
analysis tools, this study quanties and characterize the temporal pat- coast has shaped their formation.
tern of urbanization and varieties of spatial signature and textural form In the south, Khulna is the regional capital of southwest Bangladesh
of landscapes in ve urban areas. and the third largest urban center in the country. It is located at 22 46
to 22 54 north latitudes and 89 28 to 89 35 east longitudes, on the
2. Description of the study area, data source and methods west banks of the Rupsha and Bhairab rivers, with average elevation of
7 m (23 feet) above sea level. Physiographically, the area is part of the
2.1. Study areas largest delta in the world. It is characterized by Ganges tidal oodplains
having lower relief and crisscrossed by innumerable canals and rivers
Among the ve study areas, three sites are located in the north, and surrounded by tidal marshes and swamps. The city of Khulna is stra-
the other two are located in the south of the country (Fig. 1). In general, tegically important as it links the second port city of the country-
the landscape of all ve cities are easily accessible from the capital city- Mongla, and a direct railway connection with Kolkata of India, and
Dhaka of the country either by road, air, or water ways. The topography other parts of the country including the capital city Dhaka. The major
of these cities ranges from low, at wetland to slightly undulating with economic sectors in the city are jute, chemicals, sh and seafood
a few small swampy areas with elevation ranges from 20 to 35 m such packaging, food processing, sugar mills, power generation, ship
as in Rangpur, Rajshahi, and Sylhet. While cities in the south such as building and export processing. The township rst became a corpora-
Khulna and Barisal have an average elevation of 7 m. Nearly 2.5 million tion in 1984 with an area of 46 square kilometers. This study however,
and approximately 8% of the country's urban population live across conducted beyond the city corporation areas due to continuous north-
these ve cities (BBS, 2014). The highest population density is found in ward expansion into the Gilatola cantonment, the Shirmoni residential
Khulna (13,134 persons) and Sylhet city (12,704 person), and the area and south-west along Satkhira-Khulna highway including the area
lowest in Rajshahi at 4628 persons per sq km (BBS, 2014). of Khulna University.

M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

Fig. 1. Location and elevation map of ve cities.

The other study site in the south is Barisal, which stands on the bank study is 86.59 sq. km. that includes the city corporation area (58.97 sq.
of the river Kirtonkhola, located in the southern coast of Bangladesh at km.) and its immediate periphery to the north, northwest part along to
90189023 east longitude and 22382245 north latitude. The the Dhaka-Barisal highway.
average elevation of the city from mean sea level is 7 m. The high Climate pattern of these selected sites follows the general trend of
elevation lands lie in the north, northwest and eastern part of the study the rest of the country. The cool and dry winter (December-February) is
area where major urban development has taken place. It is the sixth- followed by a hot and rainy pre-monsoon period (March-May) and then
largest city of Bangladesh and the population surpassed 339,308 in the by the cooler but very wet monsoon season (June-September). This is
2011 census year (BBS, 2014). The areas, however, included in this followed by a transitional humid and showery period up to the

M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

Table 1
Synoptic representation of the study areas.
Source: (BBS, 2014)(Urban Area Report)

City Location Rank in National Population Average Elevation Jurisdiction Area Corporation Status Literacy Rate
Context (2011) (meter) ( (Year) (%)

Khulna 22 46 to 22 54 north latitudes 89 3rd 664,728 7 50.61 1990 73.6

28 to 89 35 east longitudes
Sylhet 24 51 to 24 56 north latitude 91 4th 531,663 20 41.85 2001 67.4
5 to 91 54 east longitude
Rajshahi 24 21 to 24 26 north latitude 5th 448,087 21 97.18 1991 74
88 32 to 88 40 east longitude
Barisal 2238 to 2245 north latitude 6th 339,308 7 69.19 2000 74.8
9018 to 9023 east longitude
Rangpur 25 41 to 25 49 north latitudes 89 7th 308,000 35 50.69 2010 72
12 to 89 18 east longitudes

beginning of winter. From mid-November to late February the weather Imagine 14 software; other images were subsequently co-registered to
is typically dry and cool A brief description of these ve cities are this OLI-TIRS image as a reference to perform geometric correction. The
presented in (Table 1). results of this image-to-image registration were examined using three
dierent methods, including examining the root mean square error
2.2. Data sources (which was less than 0.5 pixels), using image overlays, and image
ickering/blending (Hassan, 2015). All images were registered
This study makes uses of various spatial and non-spatial data from and re-projected to local coordinates (Bangladesh Transverse Mercator
diverse source including multiyear population census data, socio-eco- with datum Everest 1830) and a rst order polynomial transformation
nomic census data from city level statistical year books, and rst hand with nearest neighbor resampling was applied.
data from eld level observation.
The main spatial and temporal data used in this study such as; 2.4. Image classication
Landsat MSS 60 m (1973), TM 30 m (1989), ETM 30 m (2000) and OLI-
TIRS 30 m (2014) satellite image were derived from open access Accurate information on urban growth and land cover change de-
Landsat imagery services at All Landsat image rived from satellite images is crucial for the monitoring of urbanization,
were cloud free and were acquired between January and March of the land management and environmental change studies (Turner et al.,
respective year. The specic date and year for this study was selected 2007). However, acquiring accurate information for such studies can
because of the availability of cloud free Landsat imagery across the ve still a challenging task, particularly in urban areas, due to extremely
sites. GIS data like; administrative boundary, road network, and other heterogenous landscapes and often occurring problem of mixed pixels.
physical features were collected from particular city corporation oce, For example, sands or bare soils are often confused with bright im-
oce of the City Development Authority and Urban Development pervious surfaces due to their similar spectral reectance. To deal with
Directorate (UDD). The details data characteristics, sources, temporal these problems, a wide range of parametric and non-parametric
scale and spatial resolution are described in Table 2. To determine the methods for analysis of airborne and satellite derived imagery are in
extent or physical delimitation of the city study area, in most case, city practice and continue to be proposed. Since increasing accuracy in land
corporation boundary was considered. However, for cities like Sylhet cover classication is essentially important for remote sensing analysis,
and Barisal, master planning boundary was taken into account, and for data mining technology and machine learning algorithms such as
Khulna, the north boundary of the city corporation area was extended Support Vector Machine (SVM), Articial Neural Network (ANN), De-
due to agglomerations of continuous built-up area and the density of cision Tree (DT) and ensembles classier such as Random Forest (RF),
contiguous ambit. used in remote sensing studies have shown a quantum increase in re-
cent times.
2.3. Pre-processing of the input data In particular, SVM (Vapnik, 2000) and Random Forest (Breiman,
2001) have recently received considerable attention in remote sensing
Prior to image processing, the Landsat images were stacked to ob- image classication due to their ability to successfully handle small
tain multi-band composite images and later subset with respect to the training data sets with computational eciency, and often producing
study area, in order to reduce computation and image analysis time. higher classication accuracy than the traditional methods (Qian et al.,
Using road network data, a comparatively high-resolution image from 2015; Mountrakis, Im, and Ogole, 2011). Both SVM and RF are su-
OLI-TIRS was geo-referenced mostly through ArcGIS 10.2.2 and Erdas pervised, non-parametric statistical learning techniques (Cutler et al.,

Table 2
Description of the collected geospatial and socio-economic data.

Data Types Year Producer Scale

Metropolitan Master Plan (Urban Development Plan, Structure Plan) UDD, LGED
and Detailed Area Plan
Landsat MSS, TM, ETM and OLI-TIRS 2/21/1973, 1/27/1989, 1/26/2000, 3/21/2014 USGS global land cover 60 m, 30 m
facilities Spatial Resolution
Physical Features, Road Network Data UDD, CUS, LGED
Socioeconomic data, Population Census, Urban Area Report 1984,1987,1991,2001,2008 2011,2013, 2014 Bangladesh Bureau of Statics
Topographic Map 1956 US Navy 1:250000
Urban Poor Settlement Survey 2011 Center for Urban Studies (CUS)

M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

2007), which are not imbedded with assumption problems, and typi- within each sector was calculated (Xu et al., 2007; Raee et al., 2009).
cally involve the identication of multiple classes (Jin, 2012). Finally, these values were displayed as spider graph (Fig. 6), allowing
Although non-parametric based algorithms for image classication the spatial distribution of built-up areas to be visualized and illustrated.
methods have shown high image classication accuracy rates, this
study uses rule-based supervised image classication techniques a 3. Results and discussion
maximum likelihood classication (MLC) algorithm to classify six land
cover classes in the ve cities of the study area. The reasons for 3.1. Accuracy assessment
choosing MLC are self-evident: rstly, the purpose of this study is to
examine spatial extent of built-up areas, rather than focusing on shape, Since image heterogeneity presents a major challenge in land cover
dimension and the internal variation of various urban structures. classication, accuracy assessment was carried out in combination with
Secondly, classication accuracy of non-parametric based algorithms eld observation GPS data, manual interpretation of Landsat images,
mainly depends on availability of spatial, spectral and temporal re- topographic maps, google earth high resolution images, and random
solution of remote sensing data. Lastly, MLC for urban land cover sampling. Topographic map with random sampling, for example, was
classication and impervious surface mapping have been employed in a used to validate the thematic map of 1973 and 1989, while GPS point as
number of previous studies and is still used because this algorithm reference dataset associated with training sample extracted from high
greatly reduces the data requirements while still providing a greater resolution google map and Landsat images were used to validate the
potential to extract detailed information on urban landscape (Jat et al., land cover map of 2000 and 2014. Since GPS ground truth data were
2017; Ramachandra et al., 2015; Yuan et al., 2005; Yin et al., 2005). mostly collected in the vicinity of the road network, additional sets of
Hence, considering the research objectives, data availability, compat- validation points using random sampling for each landcover map was
ibility with previous work and the availability of the algorithm in generated to ensure unbiased distribution of verication data across the
mostly image processing software, maximum likelihood algorithm in study area (Fig. 2). In this way, nearly 200250 (varied from year to
Erdas Imagine platform is used in this study for Landsat image classi- year) stratied sampling points were generated (Liu et al., 2009;
cation for the ve cities. Shooshtari and Gholamalifard, 2015; Yi et al., 2016)and then used with
Six types of land cover classication scheme for this study was de- GPS data for class-specic accuracy assessment. The number and spatial
veloped, partly derived from Anderson et al. (1976) rst-order hier- distribution of verication point were varied due to dominance of
archical classication system and based on previous knowledge and certain land cover classes. Waterbodies for example; having consistent
eld investigations combined with additional information from pre- spectral signature across the landscape and easy to distinguish from
vious research. Land cover classication types were determined by a other classes. Thus, it requires small set of validation point but provided
combination of supervised and unsupervised (ISODATA) classication higher classication accuracy (< 97% for all periods) then other
(Suribabu et al., 2012), as well as manual interpretation of satellite classes. On the other hand, fallow land and agricultural land are often
images (Peng et al., 2011; Bui et al., 2013) topographic maps, survey confusing and perhaps the most challenging task in image classication,
data and ground truth information. In this way, six thematic land use particularly in tropical region like Bangladesh where fallow typically
and land cover categories were generated (Table 3) and classied using covers with grass, given the similar spectral reectance as agricultural
training sites or signature les that appeared fairly homogeneous on the land. As a result, fallow land in this study had the lowest classication
image. accuracy rate around 6279%. The overall accuracy assessment result
Nearly 3060 signatures were collected for each land cover classes was also varied with the respect of the study area, availability of aux-
and were submitted for statistical analysis of similarities (Wondrade iliary data and the spatial resolution of the thematic map. Accuracy
et al., 2014). Using Google Earth, and GPS eld survey data in addition assessment, for example, were higher with the map of 2014 and 2000,
to an image enhancement technique, these land covers were manually ranges between 90 and 93 with Kapa statistics 8187 due to available of
distinguished and a reasonable signature was extracted from each land supporting documents. However, for the map 1989 and 1973, assess-
use class. Using these signature les, supervised classication was ment result was between 81.17 and 86 with Kappa values ranges from
carried out with a maximum likelihood algorithm (Yuan et al., 2005). 73 to 77, which are good but not represent strong agreement
Finally, to reduce potential salt-and-pepper eects, a 3 3 majority (Congalton, 1991). However, these minor drawbacks should not com-
lter was applied before the classied land covers were used for further promise the goal of this study to illustrate the urban dynamics and
analysis (Yin et al., 2005; Bui et al., 2013). To demonstrate the spatial utilities of landscape metrics in landscape fragmentation studies.
conguration of urban expansion, eight transect zones, forming fan
shaped areas, were created with respect to pre-determined urban 3.2. Spatial and temporal patterns of urbanization across the ve cities
center. The fan-shaped transects were drawn in GIS, referenced around
the location of each study area city corporation building in the center of The selected cities for this study are the major centers for banking
the old town. Then using a GIS overlay, the built-up areas that fall and nance, retailing, trade, transportation, tourism, real-estate, busi-
within each zone were aggregated and the total area of each category ness, political, and administrative functions that house nearly 8% of the
country's total urban population (BBS, 2014) and approximately 20% of
Table 3 its economic units (BBS, 2013). Due to a dierent geographical loca-
Land use/land cover classication scheme. tion, topographical setting, and regional factors, as well as adminis-
trative and economic functions, city growth is looked at and studied for
Land Cover Types Description
various spatial scales and temporal dimensions. Fig. 3 and Table 4
Urban/ Built up area These include all developed land, including commercial, utilize satellite images for dierent time periods over the past four
residential, industrial and other infrastructure decades to clearly illustrate the radical transformation of the landscape
Agriculture/Crop eld Land used for agriculture, paddy eld, vegetables, fruits pattern and the typical urban growth in the ve selected cities (Fig. 4).
and other cultivable lands
Water bodies Lake, ponds, lagoon, river, aqua shing and vast sea
Of the ve study areas, four cities i.e., Rajshahi, Sylhet, Barisal and
water Khulna, began and then developed along the banks of great rivers, in-
Forest and Vegetation Hilly forest, homestead vegetation, coastal mangrove, cluding the Padma, Suruam, Kittonkholam and Rupsha-Vairob, re-
bush and shrubs spectively. The growth and expansion of these city landscapes was
Fallow land Open hill, exposed hilly soil, landll, barren land, bare
primarily dominated by the meandering patterns of these rivers, the
soil, Sandy beaches, Dune and River bank
Lowland/Wetland Accretion Land, Deposited land, river bank topography of the river valleys in which each city stands, and the cir-
cuitous nature of their transport routes. Later development of the Assam

M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

Fig. 2. GPS training point and random sampling location on map (Study
area Khulna).

Bengal Railway (which functioned from 1892 to 1942) catalyzed sub- had a major inuence on the development of that township. The area
stantial urban development in the city's heartland. An ecient circu- where the primary township developed was the inner side of the loop of
lation network, location, and linkage between the areas with regional this meandering river which was thus safe from erosion and ooding. It
towns and growth centers were important elements in both the town- was positioned at a comparatively higher altitude from the surrounding
ship formation and the development of these urban areas. area and was easily serviced by its water linkage. From observing the
topographic map of 1956 and the Landsat image of 1973, one can see that
3.2.1. Quantifying spatial pattern and urban growth trajectory in Barisal the city's early growth was restricted at Chawck Bazaar and surrounding
The coastal city of Barisal, in Southern Bangladesh grew and thrived the port and launch terminal where a dense built-up was found inside the
along the northwest bank of Kittonkhola, a navigable river, which indeed oval- shaped ring road along the Sadarghat and Port strip.

M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

Fig. 3. Spatio-temporal land cover pattern in ve cities (from 1973 to 2014). Fig. 3

The built- up area throughout these early periods was around observed, suggesting impressive growth toward the north (15% ex-
421 ha or only 5% of the total land area. Both the population and urban pansion), northwest (27% expansion) along the Dhaka-Barisal highway
expansion in the study area became impetuous between the 1974 and and also toward the southwest (25.6%), which is comparatively low
1981 census periods when net population increase was 45% with an lying and undulating ood prone, backwash areas, thereby consuming
annual growth rate of 6.4% (BBS, 1987, 1998). Built-up cover during fresh agricultural land, vegetation cover, and wetland.
this period (19731989) also exhibited the highest growth (aggregate In the following year, the population and the built-up area con-
growth 131.35%) at a rate of 8.20% annually and increased its share to tinued to increase in the city, but not as rapidly as during the previous
11.25% (974 ha) in city landscape formation. This increase in popula- decade. For example, the urban area in the period 19892000 increased
tion growth accompanied with economic progression in the area was to 1661 ha or 1.7 fold greater (it was 2.3 fold in 1989) than in the

M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

Table 4
Land use/ land cover statistics of the study areas (1973-2014).

Rajshahi 2014 (ha) % 2000 (ha) % 1989 (ha) % 1973 (ha) %

Agriculture 978 18.65 1671 31.86 2328 44.39 2440 46.52

Built-up 2708 51.63 1864 35.54 966 18.42 433 8.26
Fallow land 64 1.22 87 1.66 87 1.66 52 0.99
Lowland 99 1.89 193 3.68 268 5.11 231 4.40
Vegetation 949 18.09 948 18.07 1247 23.78 1780 33.94
Waterbodies 447 8.52 482 9.19 349 6.65 309 5.89
Total (ha) 5245 100.00 5245 100.00 5245 100.00 5245 100.00
Agriculture 1999 39.77 2440 48.55 3124 62.16 3550 70.63
Built-up 1831 36.43 936 18.62 392 7.80 110 2.19
Fallow land 59 1.17 38 0.76 24 0.48 20 0.40
Lowland 64 1.27 58 1.15 42 0.84 54 1.07
Vegetation 972 19.34 1348 26.82 1269 25.25 1169 23.26
Waterbodies 101 2.01 206 4.10 175 3.48 123 2.45
Total (ha) 5026 100.00 5026 100.00 5026 100.00 5026 100.00
Agriculture 428 9.85 605 13.92 769 17.69 1115 25.66
Built-up 3055 70.29 2686 61.80 2018 46.43 484 11.14
Fallow land 163 3.75 52 1.20 38 0.87 85 1.96
Lowland 92 2.12 98 2.25 124 2.85 234 5.38
Vegetation 425 9.78 716 16.47 1254 28.85 2233 51.38
Waterbodies 183 4.21 189 4.35 143 3.29 195 4.49
Total (ha) 4346 100.00 4346 100.00 4346 100.00 4346 100.00
Agriculture 203 3.70 456 8.32 964 17.59 2477 45.20
Built-up 3772 68.83 2798 51.06 1614 29.45 1027 18.74
Fallow land 53 0.97 79 1.44 113 2.06 245 4.47
Lowland 487 8.89 538 9.82 307 5.60 225 4.11
Vegetation 817 14.91 1380 25.18 2143 39.11 1302 23.76
Waterbodies 148 2.70 229 4.18 339 6.19 204 3.72
Total (ha) 5480 100.00 5480 100.00 5480 100.00 5480 100.00
Agriculture 2049 23.66 3277 37.85 4234 48.90 6003 69.33
Built-up 2069 23.89 1661 19.18 974 11.25 421 4.86
Fallow land 192 2.22 49 0.57 17 0.20 61 0.70
Lowland 77 0.89 330 3.81 198 2.29 39 0.45
Vegetation 3548 40.97 2632 30.40 2332 26.93 1431 16.53
Waterbodies 724 8.36 710 8.20 904 10.44 704 8.13
Total (ha) 8659 100.00 8659 100.00 8659 100.00 8659 100.00

have contributed to the primary development of the Barisal city in an

east-west alignment, later moving northwest along the Dhaka-Barisal
highway. Presently, the built-up area in the city has spread mainly
Rangpur along three corridors; in the northwest (26.4%) to the Dhaka-Barisal
Highway, in the southwest (35.5%) along Dhaka-Patukhali and west-
1973 ward (16%) to the Brisal-Jhalakathi highway. Together these three
Sylhet trajectories accounts for nearly 78% of the built-up area in the city. The
2000 elevation heights of these areas are 610 feet above sea level. Due to the
2014 natural barriers of the Kirtankhola River, the city of Barisal cannot
extend south, southeast, or east. In addition, due to low lying land,
spatial expansion of the already built-up area cannot spread further
Barisal westward.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Hectares 3.2.2. Quantifying spatial pattern and urban growth trajectory in Khulna
In the southwest, the city of Khulna, is mainly an expansion of trade
Fig. 4. Comparative urban/built-up growth trend in ve cities (19732014).
centers that were situated close to the Rupsa and Bhairab Rivers.
Khulna has long been the major center for trade and commerce and is
previous era when the annual growth rate was calculated at 6.4%.
the third largest economic center in the country after Dhaka and
Population at this time was growing at the rate of 3.2% in the city (BBS,
Chittagong. The city has a linear shape, stretching north and south
2008). Still, the major urban growth trajectory was toward the north,
along the west bank of the rivers, Bhairab and Rupsa, respectively. It
southwest and northwest at 18%, 26.6% and 37.8%, respectively. Due
was observed from the topographic map of 1956 that the primary
to population growth and the subsequent expansion of trade and
growth center was on the southwest bank of the Rupsha River, sur-
commerce, the current development of the city is radiating southwest,
rounding the location of the present City Center and Dack Bangla in
north, northeast, west and northwest- from the banks of the Kirtankhola
Sadar thana, where a relatively compact urban form was found. A
River and extending into rural areas and beyond the outskirts. Such
ribbon shaped development with sparsely populated settlement was
geographical expansion of the urban cover in the city amounted to 2069
documented along the Eastern Bengal railway corridor to the northwest
hectors in 2014 and comprised 24% of the city's landscape.
of the city. During this period, the estimated urban growth, as seen from
Topographical features of the area, together with the coast factors,
the topographic map, was approximately 350 ha with very slow organic

M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

growth and a comparative stable population. The process of urbaniza- thoroughfare, Natore-Rajshahi lane at Boalia Thana. There was also a
tion, however, accelerated between 1950 and 1960 when planned in- sparsely populated settlement near the eastern corridor beside the
dustrialization took place at Khalishpur, including the establishment of Damkura Passage that ran toward the west alongside the Dhaka-
an anchorage at Chalna with the subsequent declaration of that city as a Rajshahi Highway. The major expansion of Rajshahi began only after
regional headquarters in 1961. Until this time, the population in the the liberation of Bangladesh, while the city was connected by rail and
city was 128,000, but it grew more than three-fold to 468,000 persons road with other regional growth centers in north Bengal. Within a few
in 1974 (BBS, 1984) when the built- up area reached 1027 ha in the years, Rajshahi's developed area grew to 966 ha, as estimated from a
Metropolitan region. thematic map showing growth between 1973 and 1989. The city's de-
Using the easy and navigable access of the rivers Rupsa and Bhairab veloped area steadily expanded outwards at rates which often exceeded
and convenient linkages with other regional towns and growth centers, 10% per year, in south-east, south-west and west directions, which
the city has become the most important center of business, commerce, comprised 10.3%, 14% and 42% of developed land, respectively. Due to
industry, tourism and transportation hub in the region. As a result, both the presence of prominent educational institutions like Rajshahi
population growth and subsequent urban expansion received stimulus University of Engineering Technology (RUET) and Rajshahi University
after the post-independence era of Bangladesh. For the 19741981 in the eastern edges of the city, which occupy one-third of the current
census, the population in Khulna city totaled 665,417 persons (BBS, city corporation land, the built-up area could only expand between the
1984) while built-up expanded to 1614 ha in 1989, in where industrial area of the river embankment road and the Dhaka-Rajshahi Highway in
installations with residential uses were the main occupants of urban the east.
land. Throughout this phase, major urban expansion took place to the Rajshahi city's growth however, nearly doubled in 2000, when built-
northwest along the Jessore-Khulna highway (this trajectory remains up exceeded to 1864 ha with population increases to 388,811 persons
the major built-up expansion at 56%) and surrounding Khalishpur in the city corporation area and 651,062 persons in the statistical me-
where major industrial sites like jute mills and other heavy industry tropolitan area (BBS, 2008). Still, the bulk built-up expansion took
(e.g. Khulna newsprint mills and Khulna hardboard mils) are situated. place in the west (33%) surrounding Munshipara, Haragram, Bullan-
On the other hand, residential development continues to the south, para and along the Rajshahi-Nawabganj Highway. To the north it ex-
adjoining the immediate periphery of the old town, and heading panded along the major thoroughfare (airport road), a new residential
northwest near the location of Boyra, Sonadnga, Daulatpur, and the area at Uposhohor and industrial area at Sopura on the northern edge of
Gialtola Cantonment. the city. Furthermore, some residential (e.g. Padma, Parijat and
In the following periods, 19892000, the city witnessed substantial Chayanir) and industrial development projects also contributed to the
urban growth when the built-up surpassed 2800 ha, nearly double in built-up development in the city over this period. In addition, several
size compared to the previous decades. The net built-up growth was road developments, such as the Alupatti-to-Sonadidhi road through
73.3% with an annual increasing rate of 6.6% over this period. This Sahebbazar, the extension of greater road from Gourhanga to Talaimari
huge urban expansion may have been linked to several ambitious road and Kalpana cinema hall to the rail station road during the 1990s
projects, including 9 residential development projects on 265 acres of allowed substantial land development in adjoining area.
land at Sonadanga, Nirala, Mujgunni, Daulatpur, Shiromoni, and The city Rajshahi has experienced recent growth in all directions,
Mirrerdanga. In addition, a planned heavy industrial estate was de- particularly in the north along the airport road, in the west parallel to
veloped at Shiromoni on 511.29 acres of land ( the Padma embankment and city bypass corridor, and in the east along
bd/City_Development.php). Moreover, the establishment of a promi- the Dhaka-Rajshahi Highway. Built-up cover diusing outward from
nent education institution like Khulna University (1991) on the south- the city core, with leapfrog development, scattering urban settlement
west outskirts and later construction of a city by-pass on the west over the rural landscape by consuming agricultural land, vegetation
periphery of the city that connecting with the Ruphsa Bridge on the cover, water bodies, low land and fallow land that are present in be-
south and the Jessore highway on the north, allowed exponential de- tween city periphery and inner circle of Rajshahi bypass thoroughfare.
velopment in the Western region of the city by consuming lowlands that Currently the built-up area in the city corporation area exceeds 2708 ha
had once been used for agriculture and shrimp farming purposes. as calculated from thematic map of 2014 and the city population is
The city's recent growth, however, has been observed as moving in a 449,756 persons as of the 2011 census (BBS, 2014).
westward direction along the four major corridors, including to the
northwest surrounding the KUET road, along the old Satkhira link and 3.2.4. Quantifying spatial pattern and urban growth trajectory in Rangpur
Satkhira-Khulna highway, the Bastuhara bypass link, Jalil Shorani, In the case of Rangpur, little or no organized urban forms were
adjacent to Khulna University and near to the Zero point. All these areas documented until the post-independence era of Bangladesh. The pri-
have mainly witnessed residential development by lling in of lowlands mary settlement according to a topographic map from 1956 was to the
and encroaching on fresh arable agricultural land, water bodies, and north-east edges of the city surrounding the present Sath-matha point
vegetation cover. As a result, the built-up cover in the city exceeded (Seven road conjunction) and extending towards south-west to north-
3772 ha by 2014 and accounted for nearly 69% of the city's land cover, east, along the Eastern Bengal Railway corridor. The city, however,
while crop elds and vegetation cover declined 92% and 37%, re- later shifted towards the north-west corridor due to the construction of
spectively during that same period. some major government buildings, including the cantonment, the
central hospital, administrative and education facilities, and the den-
3.2.3. Quantifying spatial pattern and urban growth trajectory in Rajshahi sication of road infrastructures coupled with proximity to commercial
In northern Bangladesh, the city of Rajshahi, is the oldest and facilities. As a result, a gravitational shift took place in the location of
sizeable urban form in the region, dating back to seventeenth century, railway corridors to road linkage corridors, and these places later be-
when it was the preeminent trading center for silk with the Dutch and come the main urban development area. In 1973, the current city
later the French and English. The city's primary growth, as it has been growth areas were primarily agricultural with only a few small houses
observed from the topographic map of 1956, is a rectangular shape with was found along the major road network. This predominantly rural,
approximately 350 ha urban form (calculated in GIS) grounded just agricultural landscape gradually changed to a peri-urban landscape due
between railway and river, surrounding the location of the Dargah para to increased human settlement in the 1970s and 1980s, and subse-
and Shaheb bazar parallel to the river bank, and its alignment closely quently, built-up space spread toward southwestward form the north-
touching the northern margin of the Eastern Bengal Railway. The river west along the main road. Presently the city accounts for nearly
in the south and railway in the north served as barriers that forced the 1831 ha of built-up area, which is nearly double than in the year 2000
town to grow in a ribbon-like form almost exclusively along a single and ve times higher than in 1989. The city's current growth

M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

4000 Fig. 5. Net gain and loss land cover classes in ve cities over 41-
year study period.







Agriculture Builtup Fallow Lowland Vegetation Waterbodies
Rajshahi -1462 2275 12 -132 -831 138
Rangpur -1551 1721 39 10 -197 -22
Sylhet -687 2571 78 -142 -1808 -12
Khulna -2274 2745 -192 262 -485 -56
Barisal -3954 1648 131 38 2117 20

accelerated because of its recent administrative status as well as re- remittance enabling rural people to move to the city to take advantage
puted academic institutions like Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur of the security and the upgraded civic facilities. The majority of this
Medical College and Cadet College. Due to the presence of several migrant population previously lived on the northern bank of the Surma
textile, jute, and pharmaceutical companies, the area has been as- River. In absolute numbers, the population increased to 117,398 in
suming the status of a large urban agglomeration comprising these in- 1991 census, doubled from the previous census in 1981 (BBS, 1998). In
dustries and other commercial development in the inner and outer belts the following decade (19892000), built-up areas have continued to
of city areas. The recent growth trajectory as observed from the land grow (at the rate of 3% per year), but at a less rapid pace than before.
cover map of 2014, expanding towards the south (20.3%) surrounding The urban developed area reached 2686 ha in 2000, constituting 62%
the Modern stoppage, towards the manmade barrier of the railway to of the urban land cover.
the east (3.5%), towards the north-west (19.3%) along the Rangpur- Although built up growth in the city and its adjoining periphery
Dinajpur Highway and to the west (27.1%) along the City Bypass. The dropped to 3.0% per year between 1989 and 2000 period, the popu-
city's periphery has been extending into rural areas since the mostly at lation by this time increased remarkably to 320,280 people at the rate
or gently rolling countryside presents no obstacles to the area's devel- of 17.28% (19912001 census period) annually in the city (BBS, 2008).
opment. Unauthorized and unplanned developments at the edge of the Given the physical constraints in the north, further outward expansion
city, especially haphazard and piecemeal homesteads, commercial was restricted, and as a result, subsequent urban growth was directed
areas, and other non-conforming land-uses, occurring mainly along the toward the eastward corridor (24.34%) along the Dhaka-Sylhet
major routes of communication, were observed during the eld survey. highway and north-west corridor (20.70%) through the Sylhet-Su-
namgang highway and these axis becomes the main trajectory for the
recent urban development. Currently the city enjoys higher population
3.2.5. Quantifying spatial pattern and urban growth trajectory in Sylhet
growth at the rate 6.59% per year as estimated from 2001 to 2011
The growth of the north-eastern city- Sylhet was primarily inu-
population census (BBS, 2014) while the built up expansion in the city
enced by the commercial cultivation of tea, the importance of the shrine
comparatively stable and observed slow growth at the rate of 1.0% per
of the saints Hazrat Shahajalal and Shahparan, abundant natural re-
year as estimated from the thematic map between 2000 and 2014
sources (e.g., major gas and oil reservoir), being an important tourist
period. Currently the net built up expansion in the study area is 3055 ha
gateway to the country, as well as the economic impact of international
which accounts for 70.29% of urban land and home of nearly 531,663
remittance from millions of overseas employees especially from the
population (BBS, 2014).
United Kingdom. The topographic map of 1956 and subsequent Landsat
Over the 41-year, the selected cities in this study has experienced
images suggest that the early growth of the Sylhet city took place on the
huge urban/built-up expansion by expense of agricultural land and
at plain of the river bank (where the average elevation is 20 m) sur-
vegetation cover. As represented in Fig. 5, the net amount of agri-
rounding the location of Kazir bazar, Kotwali, Lama bazar, and
cultural land and vegetation cover in the ve cites was lost by 9928 and
Sheikhghat. Later urban growth extended to the north-north-west along
3321 ha respectively while built-up was gained by 10,960 ha. Highest
the major thoroughfares of Hazrat Shahjala shrine and the airport road.
built-up expansion was taken in place like Khulna, Sylhet and Rajshahi
Based on the 1973 Landsat images, it is estimated that the net built up
at net amount 2745, 2571 and 2275 ha respectively. Vegetation and
growth by this time covered 484 ha, accounting for 11.14% of the city
agricultural land, on the other hand, was lost by 485 and 2274 ha in
land area. In the following period between 1973 and 1989, city ob-
Khulna, 1808 and 687 ha in Sylhet and 831 and 1462 ha in Rajshahi
served a substantial built-up expansion at approximately 317%, with
respectively. Vegetation cover, however, city in Barisal appears to be
annual growth rates of nearly 20%. The bulk amount of the built-up
increased by 2117 ha. These are due to mainly much of the study areas
expansion up to this time took place to the north and west of the city,
are rural-urban mixed and partly because of increasing number of
which constitute 28% and 17% of the built up respectively. Later urban
homestead vegetation resulting from reforestation program in the
expansion extended over the hillock towards the north (16.25%), north
coastal areas of the country.
east (18.41%), and west (19.44%) of the city. These huge built up ex-
tensions can be linked to massive infrastructure development, in-
creasing civic facilities in the city. This expansion resulted in an im- 4. Compositional and congurational changes in landscape
portant migration of the rural population into the city, especially those pattern
in the rural community whose relatives live in the United Kingdom.
Therefore, one can assume that the growth rate may be due to foreign Anthropogenic activities such as urbanization continued to reveal,

M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

Rajshahi Rangpur
North North
North 400 North
North 700 North 350
West East West East
600 300
500 250
400 200
300 150
200 100
100 50

West 0 East West 0 East

South South South South

West East West East

South South

Sylhet Khulna
North North
800 2500
North 2000 North
North West North East
West East
500 1500
200 500
West 0 East West 0 East

South South
South West South East West East



North North
West East




West 0 East

South South
West East


2014 2000 1989 1973

Fig. 6. Spatial and temporal urban/built-up expansion trajectory in ve cities.

landscapes become increasingly complex in shape and structure, by multiple impervious surfaces, possesses signicant ecological threats
leading to leap-frog and discontinuous development across the city to wildlife over time through the process of habitat loss and degrada-
(Yetao et al., 2010). Impervious surfaces including roads, buildings, and tion due to landscape fragmentation (Wu et al., 2011; YeTao et al.,
other man-made infrastructure serve as walls to animal movement, 2010).
dividing wildlife populations, disrupting gene ow, metapopulation Over the last decades, post classication land cover maps with
dynamics and species dispersal, transforming contiguous landscapes landscape metrics have been used to study landscape fragmentation
into small patches with low connectivity (Liu and Yang, 2015; Seto and analysis (Seto and Fragkias, 2005; YeTao et al., 2010; Shrestha et al.,
Fragkias, 2005; Lausch et al., 2015). Thus, urbanization, characterized 2012). Landscape metrics provide quantitative representation of habitat

M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

% Urban Land MPS NP

80 18 2000

16 1800
60 14
50 1200
40 1000
30 800
4 400
10 2 200
0 0 0
1973 1989 2000 2014 1973 1989 2000 2014 1973 1989 2000 2014


120 1.28 80

100 1.26
80 1.24

60 1.22 40

1.20 30
20 1.18
0 1.16 0
1973 1989 2000 2014 1973 1989 2000 2014 1973 1989 2000 2014

Fig. 7. Changes in spatial metrics at class-level across the ve cities.

25 70 30
20 25
15 40
30 15
20 10
5 10
0 1973 1989 2000 2014 0
1973 1989 2000 2014 1973 1989 2000 2014


0.90 1.60 90
0.80 1.40 80
0.70 1.20 70
0.60 1.00 60
0.50 50
0.40 40
0.30 30
0.20 0.40
0.10 0.20 10
0.00 0.00 0
1973 1989 2000 2014 1973 1989 2000 2014 1973 1989 2000 2014

Fig. 8. Changes in spatial metrics at landscape-level across the ve cities.

composition and conguration within landscapes by measuring frag- FRAGSTATS (McGarigal and Marks, 1995) spatial pattern analysis
mentation and describing specic patterns and process for a given program. The results and generated matrix are shown in Fig. 7 and 8.
landscape. As this study specically focuses on landscape fragmentation Both class level and landscape level metrics computed in this study
in terms of spatial connectivity, the landscape metrics that are the most suggest that there are diverse landscape patterns and land fragmenta-
relevant to achieve the research objectives and provide insights into the tion processes across the ve cities. For example, the number of patches
key ecological components and urbanization patterns are employed and (NP) for the city of Barisal, Khulna, Rajshahi and Rangpur rst in-
explained. Thus, six landscape level metrics, i.e., PD, SHEI, IJI, SHDI, creased and then declined, while the city of Rangpur continues to in-
AWMFD, LSI, and CONTG, and six class level metrics including MPS, crease towards the end of the periods. NP basically describes the degree
NP, ED, AWMPFD and LPI were selected and computed using the of subdivision for a specic class of landscape by counting the total

M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

number of patches for a given area (Turner et al., 2001). While NP is Diversity metrics quantify landscape composition by measuring
best used in conjunction with other landscape metrices, increasing richness and evenness of patch types (Shoyama and Braimoh, 2011).
patches in a given landscape generally indicates greater fragmentation Diversity metrics are inuenced by the number of land cover categories,
with less continuity. Initially, the city of Barisal showed the greater and by patch richness and evenness. Shannon's Diversity Index (SHDI)
number of vegetation patches and peaking in 1989, while urban and measures relative patch diversity, or the proportional abundance of
agricultural patches both grew gradually, reaching the greatest number- each patch type within the landscape. SHDI index tends to be zero when
around 550 patches- at the end of the study period. This indicates a there is only one patch in the landscape and increases as the number of
highly-fragmented city landscape due to high number of small patches. patch types increases. While Shannon's Evenness Index (SHEI) measures
Vegetation patches across the ve cities remain highest over the study the patch distribution and abundance within landscape. SHEI is equal to
period compared to a dierent time period. This may be a result of the zero when the observed patch distribution is low and approaches one
expansion of homestead vegetation and urban sprawl at the rural-urban when the distribution of patch types becomes more even. From 1973 to
interface at the city edges. 2014 the diversity metric for the city of Barisal, Rangpur and Rajshahi
LPI quanties landscape composition through the percent of land- increased constantly indicating that the landscape composition became
scape occupied by the largest patch (Mcgarigal, 2001). It is the ratio of more even and land use types were more equally distributed. However,
the area covered by the larges patch in the landscape to the total area of this trend was inversed during 19892014 for the Khulna and Sylhet,
landscape. LPI has widely been used as an indicator of landscape suggesting an increasing heterogenous in that particular landscape. In
fragmentation (Sun et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2012). contrast, the subsequent slight decline in SHDI and SHEI between 2000
LPI approaches 0 when the largest patch of the corresponding patch and 2014 reected that the continual increase in urban land use trun-
type is increasingly small and 100 when the entire landscape consists of cated the heterogeneity and made landscape uneven again.
a single patch. Largest patch index (LPI), across the ve cities sharply CONTAG is a landscape-level metric that measures to what extent
declined since 1973 but then increased from the year of 2000. This landscapes are aggregated or clumped as a percentage of the maximum
implies that the once dominant vegetation and agricultural land cover possible (O'Neill et al., 1988). CONTAG approaches 100 when all patch
declined due to rapid expansion of urbanization and were replaced by types are maximally aggregated and the landscape consists of single
built-up patches. LPI both in Barisal and Rangpur decline at 44% and patch. While CONTAG approaches 0 when the patch types are vastly
60% respectively, while in Khulna, Sylhet and Rajshahi LPI declined disaggregated with landscape is dominated by greater number of
until 1989 at 40%, 16% and 57% respectively, then increased until the smaller patches. The CONTAG tend to decrease over time and parti-
end of the study time period. The examination of LPI for each class cularly at a higher rate in Barisal, Rangpur and Sylhet, however the
allows a better understanding about the behavior of this metric than values again became higher since 2000. This tendency armed that
when analyzed for the entire landscape. LPI at the class level quanties landscape was vastly disaggregated and less contiguous pattern during
the percentage of total landscape area comprised by the largest patch. the period of 19892000 then it tends to be homogeneous, mainly in-
As such, it is a simple measure of dominance. For example, agricultural uenced by increasing urban classes. This fact is already evident as the
patch for all the cities were the dominant classes in 1973. However, it land cover map shows the agricultural dominated urban landscape of
decreased with time, declining to 95% in Barisal, 97% in Rajshahi, 96% 1973 became spatially heterogeneous and fragmented during the ex-
in Khulna and 78% in Rangpur due to increasing dominance of built-up pansion of anthropogenic structure and vegetation cover by 1989. Later
land cover. of the study period, vegetation and agriculture becomes segmented into
The quantity and quality of the large patches have a direct impact smaller patches, as a result, a new matrix of urban development has
on the total number and diversity of species in the ecosystem (Freitas replaced over the vegetation matrix.
et al., 2013). Patch size aects biomass, primary productivity, nutrient The area-weighted mean patch fractal dimension (AWMPFD) de-
storage per unit area, as well as species composition and diversity scribes the shape complexity of a landscape (Tian and Wu, 2015).
(Asgarian et al., 2015; Wei and Zhang, 2012). As a general rule, the AWMPFD approaches 1 for landscapes with simple shape of perimeter
larger the patch, the better it is for wildlife conservation. Patch Size is while it approaches 2 for highly complex shape of perimeters. The
used to measure the subdivision of habitat in a landscape and can serve fragmentation of the built-up patches, expressed by the AWMPFD,
as an indicator of ecosystem function as the size of patches can indicate shows a uctuation and diverse trend across the ve landscapes. The
the number of species that the area can support. Mean Patch Size (MPS) value of AWMPFD shows an increasing trend at the end of the period
for all the cities in this study dropped sharply since the 19731989 and before it dropped signicantly in 2000. This trend, however, was higher
remained constant during the rest of the period. This might seem sur- in Barisal and Rajshahi then Rangpur, Sylhet and Khulna. This con-
prising; however, it can be explained by the loss of several of the rmed that the landscapes for the ve cities had complex shape peri-
smaller vegetation patches. meters between 1973 and 1989 then again in 2014.
PD and ED metrics both measure the complexity of the shape of The last metric computed for this study is the Interspersion
patch and represent the spatial heterogeneity of a landscape mosaic Juxtaposition Index (IJI), which measures patch adjacency or how
(Wei and Zhang, 2012). ED is a measurement of landscape congura- patch types are interspersed or intermixed within a landscape. IJI is
tion with applications to the study of edge eects. Both PD and ED calculated in percentage and approaches 100% when all classes are well
metrics grew steadily across the ve cities which indicates the in- interspersed and approaches zero when patch types are poorly inter-
creasing fragmentation in the landscapes. There is a notable spike in PD mingled. IJI tends to decline for the city of Barisal, Khulna and Rajshahi
for the city of Rangpur and Sylhet in 2000 and in ED for all ve cities in before it reached its highest of around 60% in 2000. For the city of
1989 which can be attributed to the proliferation of vegetation and Rangpur, the IJI value tended to increase from 45% in 1973 to 65% in
agricultural patches. The highest rate of change of both metrics was 2014. The IJI value for Sylhet increases in 2014 but at a lower level
observed in the period between 1989 and 2000. Examination of edge than in 1973. Overall the IJI results indicate that Sylhet and Rangpur
metrics at class level found both agriculture and vegetation edge den- city landscape leading to a more intermingled than Rajshahi, Khulna
sity metrics was the highest in 1973 and keep growing to the rest of the and Barisal. They also indicate that the highest interspersion for all
period for the ve cities except Sylhet and Khulna where built-up edges cities during the period of analysis occurred in 19892000. This pos-
replaced in agricultural classes from the year of 1989. Shape metrics are sibly indicates a trajectory of urban expansion and landscape trans-
as important as patch size metrics for the understanding of landscape formation within the study area.
conguration. LSI as shape metrics for this study increases over time in The gradual changes in landscape metrics across the ve cities
all cases, although it has lower value in Khulna and Sylhet and higher suggest that the landscapes are constantly undergoing a major trans-
value in Barisal and Rangpur at the end of the period. (Fig. 8) formation from one dominant land cover to another resulting from

M.M. Hassan Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 7 (2017) 6983

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