ST Botolph's Church, Quarrington

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St Botolphs Church, Quarrington

St Botolphs Church is an Anglican place of worship tired and 1 to 3 were under 16. In 2004 a log cabin-style
in the village of Quarrington, part of the civil parish of building was constructed by Pinelog Ltd using funds from
Sleaford in Lincolnshire, England. The area has been set- the Parochial Church Council. It serves as a robing space
tled since at least the Anglo-Saxon period, and a church for choristers and can be used as a meeting room for up
existed at Quarrington by the time Domesday was com- to 30 people. Equipped with disabled toilet facilities, the
piled in 1086, when it formed part of Ramsey Abbey's building also serves as a Sunday School.[5]
fee. It was granted to Haverholme Priory about 1165,
and the Abbey claimed the right to present the rector in
the 13th century. This right was claimed by the Bishop of 1.2 Architecture and ttings
Lincoln during the early 16th century, and then passed to
Robert Carre and his descendants after Carre acquired a St Botolphs Church consists of a west tower adjoining
manor at Quarrington. With capacity for 124 people, the a nave with a north aisle; at the end of the nave is a
church serves the ecclesiastic parish of Quarrington with chancel with a chapel on the north side.[6] Owing to its
Old Sleaford and, as of 2009, had an average congrega- age, the excellent tracery and a very good 14th cen-
tion of 50. tury door, the church has been listed at grade II* on the
Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or
Recognised for its age and tracery, the church has been Historic Interest in the United Kingdom since 1949,[6]
designated a grade II* listed building. It has a tower and recognising it as particularly important ... of more than
spire with a nave and north aisle ending at a chancel at the special interest.[7]
east end. The oldest parts of the building date to the 13th
century, although substantial rebuilding took place over Incorporating a window and two-light openings for the
the following century. Renovations followed and the local bell, the tower and its spire have been dated to the mid-
architect Charles Kirk the Younger carried out restoration 14th century,
although its pinnacles were replaced in
work in 186263, when he added the chancel in his par- 1887. The antiquarian Edward Trollope did not like the
ents memory. The high interiors three bays of arcading spires design, saying that it looks as if it had slipped
correspond to the three windows in the naves south wall down. Built in a Decorated Gothic style, the tower
and the north aisle wall; those on the south wall are un- joins to the nave with a triple-chamferred arch.[9] The
usual for the hexagons and trefoils in the reticulated de- nave has been heavily restored and contains elements
signs. from a range of periods. The architectural historian Sir
Nikolaus Pevsner refers to the south wall as puzzling
because of the traceryit is unclear what is Victorian
fancy and what is correct restoration. The wall itself
1 Description is 14th century (Pevsner suggests about 1300) and incor-
porates a priests doorway with mouldings, capitals and a
1.1 Location, services and facilities bust of a man; the windows to its east have been restored,
but follow a 14th-century reticulated style, although un-
St Botolphs Church is the parish church of the benece usually they feature hexagons with pointed trefoils: the
of Quarrington with Old Sleaford, which encompasses oddest patterns, as Pevsner puts it.[6][9] The north aisle is
most of the village of Quarrington in the English non- from the 13th century, although a 12th-century doorway
metropolitan county of Lincolnshire. The benece is sits between its late-14th-century windows.[6] At the east-
a rectory and falls within the deanery of Laord and ern end of the nave is the chancel, which has a polygonal
the archdeaconry and diocese of Lincoln;[1] the priest- (quinquangular) apse and was constructed between 1862
in-charge is the Reverend Mark Stephen Thomson, who and 1863 by Charles Kirk the younger in memory of his
took over from the Reverend Sandra Rhys Benham in parents, the elder Charles Kirk and his wife Elizabeth. Its
2016.[2][3] Dedicated to St Botolph, the church is on windows were made by Ward and Hughes.[8][9]
Town Road.[1] The rectory was constructed in about 2000 Both Pevsner and Historic England regard the interior as
and has a study area used as the parish oce.[4] high relative to the Churchs small size.[6][9] The nave
Along with 20 spaces in the choir stalls, the nave and has arcading across three bays with chamfered arches
aisle pews can comfortably seat 124 adults and 149 at a and capitals; the arcades on the north side are Early
pinch"; as of 2009, the average congregation size for the English and, dating to the 13th century, are the earli-
main Sunday service was 50, about half of whom were re- est visible parts of the church. Historic England sug-


gest that this nave was likely added to an earlier, now- advowson of All Saints, concluded that it was the second
lost nave.[6][9] The westernmost arch is wider and shorter church in the Abbeys manor of Quarrington, and that the
than the rest, giving what Trollope called a very awkward other church was St Botolphs or a predecessor.[21][19]
appearance.[10] The chancel arch follows a 13th-century Henry Selvein, a knight, held Quarrington of the Abbey
style, although it was built with the 186263 work. In- and in about 1165 granted it to Haverholme Priory,[22]
side the chancel, shafts with oral capitals adorn the walls, who presented Alexander de Brauncewell as rector in
while the tiled ooring and painted roof give it a rich ap- 1218.[23] The priory are known to have presented rec-
pearance. The nave includes 19th and 20th century win- tors in 1248 and 1269 as well.[23] The Bishop of Lin-
dows by H. Hughes (1877) and Burlison and Grylls, while
coln, who had held a manor at Quarrington since Domes-
another (dated 1917) commemorates the Barrett family. day, claimed the right to present its rector in the early
Morris and Co. worked on a window in the north aisle in
16th century. Bishop Holbeach alienated the manor to
1935.[6][9] the Crown in 1547 and it was eventually purchased by
The churchs xtures include a 19th-century pulpit and the Sleaford merchant Robert Carre, but the Bishop still
choir stalls, and a chancel screen in a Decorated style; tried to present the rector; Carre protested and the dis-
a font from the 14th century has foliage designs on the pute was settled when Lord Chief Justice Coke ruled that
bowl, but lacks a base.[6][11] The earliest record of an or- Carre would present in future.[24]
gan at St Botolphs is from 1867, when one was opened
for the chancel by Bevington; it has since been moved to
Pointon. In 1915, the church paid for an organ bought 2.2 Construction and later history
from N. E. Snow to be xed by Cousans at the cost of
130. The present organ, however, was built in 1929 by A slender chancel arch existed until the mid-19th cen-
J. J. Binns and has two manuals and a pedalboard.[12] tury and might have been pre-Conquest, but the earliest
Some of the memorials in St Botolphs date to the 18th visible extant part of the church is the 13th century north
and 19th century,[6] although a plaque commemorating arcade, which may have been added to an earlier, now-
one Thomas Appleby dates to 1683 and several other 17th lost, nave. The spire and tower date to the middle of the
century tablets were noted by Gervase Holles.[13] A tablet next century, roughly when the nave was rebuilt. Many of
to Romaine Hervey (d. 1837) by J. J. Saunders is inside the windows are reticulated in a fashion popular during
the church;[9] elsewhere in the grounds are tombstones the early 14th century. Several medieval bequests are
belonging to the Sharpe and Kirk families and mark- known: Olivia, wife of John Rossen of Quarrington left
ers to the Shannons, including the artist Charles Hasle- 12 pence to the rector and church each in 1412; a dona-
wood Shannon (d. 1937),[6] whose father, Rev. Freder- tion of wool was made by another parishioner, Joan, wife
ick William Shannon, was rector of Quarrington and Old of William Ward, around the same time. Later, 8 pence
Sleaford from 1861 to 1910.[14][15] The churchyard con- was left to the churchwardens by an unknown resident.
tains the Commonwealth war graves of four British Army In the latter half of the 16th century, the living of Old
soldiers of the First World War and four Royal Air Force Sleaford became extremely poor and its church proba-
airmen of the Second World War.[16] bly fell out of use. Some time afterwards, the rector of
Quarrington obtained a presentation to Old Sleaford, but,
discovering the lack of tithes, he left. Robert Carre con-
2 History vinced him to take in the parishioners of Old Sleaford at
Quarrington in return for a yearly payment;[25] as of 2015,
the parishes are still combined.[26] Amendments to the
2.1 Background, origins and advowson
fabric of the church were made in the early modern pe-
Ramsey Abbey possessed a manor at Quarrington from riod, beginning when the chancel was rebuilt on a smaller
about 1051 which, by the time Domesday was com- scale some time after the Reformation and inset with 12th
piled, included two churches.[17] The antiquarian James and 13th century stonework,[6] the whole thing described
Creasey suggested that the missing church was All Saints as very miserable by Edward Trollope.[8] This was re-
in Old Sleaford,[18] where the Abbey held a manor as placed in 1812 by a Georgian-style chancel, constructed
sokeland of Quarrington,[19] while Trollope thought it had under the guidance of the rector, Charles James Blom-
been lost, buried probably in a farm yard now occu- eld. The North Aisle was rebuilt in 1848 and a new pul-
pied by Mrs. Cubley.[20] In 1909, two amateur local pit, screen and pews were added the following year.[6]
historians, H. Greenval and F. Cenlices, reckoned that The Victorian period witnessed extensive restoration
both churches were lost and had stood on land marked by work at Quarrington. Most of the naves windows were
stone crosses near Tellgate on the SleafordFolkingham altered, and the chancel and part of the vestry were re-
road and on Stump Cross Hill.[21] But in 1979, the local built by Charles Kirk in 186263, who also widened the
historians Christine Mahany and David Roe reassessed chancel arch. Parts of the tower and spire were remod-
the Domesday evidence and, after analysing the manorial elled 24 years later.[6] The Census of Religious Worship
structure, documentary evidence and the history of the (1851) reveals that the Church had room for 120 peo-
3.2 Bibliography 3

ple, attendances of 20 and 40 in the morning and after- [14] Darracott, Joseph (October 2009). Shannon, Charles
noon respectively and 20 Sunday scholars.[27] As Sleaford Haslewood (18631937)". Oxford Dictionary of National
expanded, houses were built along London and Station Biography. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 4 January
Roads, pushing the town inside the Quarrington parish 2016. (Subscription required (help)).
boundaries in what became New Quarrington.[28] To deal [15] For his appointment as rector, see The Clergy Directory
with the growing population, a second church was de- and Parish Guide. 1873. London: Thomas Bosworth.
signed in the early 1900s on donated land in the parish, p. 337; for his retirement see, New Quarrington.
to be built closer to Sleaford. Disruption during the First Grantham Journal. 22 January 1910. p. 6. Retrieved
World War, parish boundary changes in 1928, and rising 4 January 2016 via British Newspaper Archive. (Sub-
costs delayed the plans. Instead a church hall was built in scription required (help)).
1932 on Grantham Road and as of 2009 was being used
[16] Find war dead: St Botolphs, Quarrington. Common-
as a community centre. An extension to the Church was
wealth War Graves Commission. Retrieved 30 July 2016.
added in 2001, providing a kitchen, disabled toilet and
other facilities; built in matching stone, it incorporated a [17] Mahany & Roe 1979, pp. 11, 13
stained glass window from the north aisle.[29]
[18] Creasey 1825, p. 305

[19] Mahany & Roe 1979, pp. 1114

3 References [20] Trollope 1872, p. 428

3.1 Citations [21] Walker & Lane 1996, p. 3

[22] Mahany & Roe 1979, p. 13

[1] St Botolph, Quarrington, Sleaford Lincolnshire. A
Church Near You. Church of England. Retrieved 17 [23] Trollope 1872, p. 429
September 2015.
[24] Trollope 1872, pp. 119, 426427
[2] For a statement of his appointment, plus details of his
previous appointment, see Crosslincs. Lincoln: Diocese [25] Elsdon 1997, p. 71
of Lincoln. JulyAugust 2016. p. 7. Retrieved 18 July
2016. For his full name, see Thompson, Mark Stephen. [26] Quarrington with Old Sleaford. A Church Near You.
Crockfords Clerical Directory. London: Church House Church of England. Retrieved 28 August 2015.
Publishing. 2016. Retrieved 18 July 2016 via KnowUK [27] Ellis 1981, p. 98
database by ProQuest.
[28] Ellis 1981, p. 125
[3] Benham, Mrs Sandra Rhys. Crockfords Clerical Direc-
tory. Church House Publishing. 2015. Retrieved 22 Oc- [29] Quarrington and Old Sleaford Parochial Church Council
tober 2015 via KnowUK database by ProQuest. (Sub- 2009, pp. 67
scription required (help)).

[4] Quarrington and Old Sleaford Parochial Church Council

3.2 Bibliography
2009, p. 7

[5] Quarrington and Old Sleaford Parochial Church Council Creasey, James (1825), Sketches, illustrative of the
2009, pp. 56, 8 History and Topography of New and Old Sleaford,
James Creasey, OCLC 12993053
[6] Historic England. Church of St Botolph (1360452)".
National Heritage List for England. Retrieved 6 March Ellis, Charles (1981), Mid-Victorian Sleaford: 1851
2015. 1871, Lincoln: Lincolnshire Library Service,
ISBN 978-0-86111-102-2
[7] Listed buildings. Historic England. Retrieved 7 July
2015. Elsdon, Sheila M. (1997), Old Sleaford Revealed:
A Lincolnshire Settlement in Iron Age, Roman,
[8] Trollope 1872, p. 430
Saxon and Medieval Times: Excavations 1882
[9] Pevsner, Harris & Antram 2002, p. 605 1995, Oxbrow Books, ISBN 1-900188-32-5
[10] Trollope 1872, pp. 430431 Mahany, Christine M.; Roe, David (1979),
Sleaford, Stamford: South Lincolnshire Archaeo-
[11] Trollope 1872, p. 431
logical Unit, ISBN 0-906295-02-5
[12] Lincolnshire Quarrington, St. Botolph [D04121]". The
Pevsner, Nikolaus; Harris, John; Antram, Nicholas
National Pipe Organ Register. British Institute for Organ
Studies. Retrieved 22 October 2015.
(2002) [1989], Lincolnshire, The Buildings of Eng-
land, New Haven and London: Yale University
[13] Trollope 1872, pp. 431432 Press, ISBN 978-0-300-09620-0

Quarrington and Old Sleaford Parochial Church

Council (March 2009), Benece Prole and State-
ment of Need: Quarrington, Cranwell and Silk
Willoughby in the Deanery of Laord, Diocese of
Lincoln, Diocese of Lincoln, archived from the orig-
inal (PDF) on 23 February 2012, retrieved 22 Oc-
tober 2015

Trollope, Edward (1872), Sleaford and the Wapen-

takes of Flaxwell and Ashwardhurn, London: W.
Kent & Co., OCLC 228661584
Walker, Fiona; Lane, Tom (November 1996), An
Early and Middle Saxon Settlement at Quarring-
ton, 1, Sleaford: Archaeological Project Services,
doi:10.5284/1012834 (inactive 2017-01-18)

Coordinates: 525914N 02552W / 52.987219N


4 External links
St Botolphs Church, Quarrington, Sleaford

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