Unit 71: Class Activities: Above

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Through the class activities the teacher can develop creativity in the preschool child
by giving importance and value to what the child has made and by encouraging him to
develop his own ideas and thoughts. For example, when the child paints a boat on the sea, the
teacher could ask him what he had painted, what colors he had used and why he had painted
it. In this way, not only the teacher, but also the child is evaluating and describing the
product. Furthermore, if the teacher ascertains that a child is not happy with the task he has
accomplished, the teacher should show him the value of the task. This will give the child
security in his work and will allow him to further develop his creativity.

Through: by means of
To encourage: to give courage to, to support
To evaluate: to find out or decide the value of, to assess
Furthermore: moreover, in addition
To ascertain: To learn, to find out, to discover
Task: piece of work to be done
To accomplish: To achieve, to carry out, to do
Security: Protection, safety
Further: more, in addition
Creativity: Inventiveness, imagination
II. EXERCISE: Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the words defined
1. If there is confusion between goals and methods, explain that any one goal may be
achieved .... several different methods.
2. Above all, the child's wishes and feelings must be .... and taken into account in all
decisions that are made.
3. In the final discussion stage, the students will.... their work.
4. We set ourselves the .... of raising money for the needy students on the campus.
5. The committee members will begin the discussion upon the best method of ..... the
task in hand.
1. The children mentioned in the passage ............
a. don't have their own ideas.
b. haven't started school yet.
c. aren't interested in class activities.
d. are first year students in the primary school.
e. dislike drawing pictures.
2. The child can evaluate and describe what he has done......
a. by learning the teacher's idea about it.
b. after he developed his own ideas.
c. when they are allowed to paint pictures.
d. providing he knows what colors he used.
e. if he is asked questions about his product.
3. Telling the child how valuable and important his task is
a. encourages a child to participate in activities.
b. won't make him happy with his task.
c. will encourage him to produce new and original things.
d. allows the teacher to increase his creativity.
e. develop the teacher's creativity.

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