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UDC 624 (083.

75) SABS 1200 LE-1982

Stormwater d r a i n a g e






A p p r o v e d by t h e O b t a i n a b l e f r o m the
SOUTH A F R I C A N P r i v a t e B a g X191
on 3 N o v e m b e r 1 9 8 2 0001 R e p u b l i c of S o u t h A f r i c a

Telegrams : C o m p a r a t o r , P r e t o r i a

P u b l i s h e d and p r i n t e d in t h e R e p u b l i c of S o u t h A f r i c a by t h e
South A f r i c a n B u r e a u of Standards

ISQN 0-626-%330 -2 Gr 6
5 SABS 1200 LE-1982
Stormwater drainage




1.1 This specification covers the construction of stormwater drainage systems and ancillary works.
NOTE: The standards referred to in the specification are listed in Appendix A.

2.1 SUPPORTING SPECIFICATIONS. Where this specification is required for a project, the following
specifications shall, inter alia, form part of the contract document:
a) Project specification;
b) SABS 1200 A or SABS 1200 AA, as applicable;
c) SABS 1200 D or SABS 1200 DA, as applicable;
d) SABS 1200 DB;
e) SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable;
f) SABS 1200 LB.

2.2 APPLICATION. This specification contains clauses that are generally applicable to the construction of
stormwater drainage. Interpretations and variations of the specification are set out in Portion 2 of
the project specification which precedes this specification in a contract document.

2.3 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS. For the purposes of this specification, the definitions and abbreviations
given in the applicable of the specifications listed in 2.1 and the following definitions and
abbreviations shall apply:
a) Definitions
Geofabric blanket., A blanket so woven from synthetic fibres that it is capable of acting as a filter
that retains some or all of the solid particles carried in a fluid but, with varying
. . degrees
. of
restriction, allows the passage of the fluid.
Invert slab. The slab (normally of concrete) that forms the bottom of a culvert.
Prefabricated culvert units. Portal or rectangular culvert units that have been prefabricated from
b) Abbreviations
AC : Asbestos cement
CI : Cast iron
CID : Constant internal diameter
COD : Constant outside diameter

3.1 CULVERT UNITS AND PIPES. Prefabricated culvert units and pipes shall comply with the followirig
requirements, as applicable:
a) Precast concrete pipes. Concrete pipes shall comply with the applicable requirements for SC type
pipes of SABS 677.
b) AC pipes. AC pipes shall comply with the applicable requirements of SABS 819 and shall be provided
with loose sleeve type couplings.
c) Portal and rectangular precast concrete culvert units. Portal and rectangular precast concrete
culvert units shall comply with the applicable requirements of SABS 986 for the classes of deck and of
invert shown on the drawings or scheduled, as applicable, and in addition culverts or culvert sections,
as relevant, shall be capable of withstanding the appropriate proof loads given in SABS 986 applied on
any line parallel to the longitudinal axis without showing any sign of shear failure or incipient shear
d) Skewed ends. Where pipe culverts are to be constructed at a skew angle of more than 20 O, units with
the required skew ends shall be obtained from the manufacturer or the skew ends shall be cut CII Site, as
specified in the project specification.
Where portal and rectangular units are to be supplied square for a skewed culvert the portiou that would
otherwise be cut off shall project outside the culvert head walls.
e) Defects. All broken, bent, chipped, cracked, dented, or otherwise damaged units shall, if so
authorized in writing, be repaired to the Engineer's satisfaction, or they shall be removed and replaced
with undamaged units.

3.2 NON-CELLULAR RUBBER JOINT RINGS. Joint rings shall be of one of the types of rubber specified in SABS
974 : Part I.


3.3.1 Bedding Cradle and Selected Fill Blanket. Materials for the bedding shall comply with the applicable
requirements given in Clause 3 of SABS 1200 LB.
3.3.2 Concrete. Except as required in 3 . l ( a ) and (c), concrete shall comply with the relevant requirements of
SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable.


3.4.1 Bricks. Bricks shall have been obtained from an approved manufacturer and shall be either general
purpose (special) burnt clay bricks or engineering bricks that comply with the applicable requirements of
SABS 227, or Class 514 calcium silicate bricks that comply with the applicable requiremfrits of SABS 285.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer samples of the bricks that he intends using in the
construction of the Works. The samples of the bricks that are approved will be retained by the Engineer.
(See Subclause 3.1 of SABS 1200 A or SABS 1200 AA, as applicable.)
SARS i x i n 6
Stormwater d r a i n a g e

3.4.2 P r e f a b r i c a t e d Chambers and S h a f t s . P r e f a b r i c a t e d manhole s e c t i o n s may be of spun c o n c r e t e , a s b e s t o s

cement, g l a s s - r e i n f o r c e d p o l y e s t e r , PVC, o r such o t h e r m a t e r i a l s a s a r e r e q u i r e d i n terms of t h e
schedule. P ~ e c a s tc o n c r e t e c y l i n d e r s s h a l l comply with t h e a p p l i c a b l e requirements of SABS 1294.
S c c t i o n a l spun c o n c r e t e c y l i n d e r s s h a l l comply with t h e requirements f o r p i p e s of SC type and C l a s s A of
S A W 677. J o i n t i n g between c y l i n d e r s s h a l l be of t h e i n t e r l o c k i n g s e l f - c e n t r i n g t y p e .
3.4.3 Manhole Covers, Grid I n l e t s , e t c . Covers and frames f o r manholes and g r i d i n l e t s s h a l l be s u p p l i e d i n
matching sets. The cover and frame of each s e t s h a l l b e a r a s e r i a l number ( a p p l i e d by means of o i l
p a i n t ) t o e n a b l e t h e s e t s t o be i d e n t i f i e d . The C o n t r a c t o r s h a l l e n s u r e t h a t , when i n s t a l l e d , t h e covers
and frames s t i l l comply w i t h t h e requirements of SABS 558 f o r freedom from warp and evenness of s e a t i n g .
Unless o t h e r w i s e r e q u i r e d i n terms of t h e p r o j e c t s p e c i f i c a t i o n , covers and frames f o r manholes s h a l l
comply with t h e requirements of SABS 558 f o r Type 2B i n t h e c a s e of manholes i n roads and o t h e r a r e a s
s u b j e c t t o road t r a f f i c l o a d s , and Type 4 i n t h e c a s e of manholes i n a r e a s not s u b j e c t t o road t r a f f i c
3.4.4 S t e p I r o n s . S t e p i r o n s s h a l l comply with t h e a p p l i c a b l e requirements of BS 1247 and s h a l l b e of s u i t a b l e
l e n g t h f o r t h e w a l l of t h e manhole i n t o which t h e y a r e t o b e b u i l t .

3.5 GEOFABRIC BLANKET. The s y n t h e t i c f i b r e s of a g e o f a b r i c b l a n k e t s h a l l c o n s i s t of a t l e a s t 85 % by mass of

polypropylene, p o l y e t h y l e n e , a p o l y e s t e r , a polyamide, o r a co-polymer of v i n y l c h l o r i d e and
v i n y l i d e n e - c h l o r i d e , o r any combination of t h e s e polymers, and s h a l l c o n t a i n such a d d i t i v e s as a r e
necessary t o r e n d e r t h e f i l a m e n t s r e s i s t a n t t o t h e e f f e c t s of u l t r a - v i o l e t r a d i a t i o n and h e a t .
The amount of water absorbed by t h e f a b r i c a f t e r 24 h soaking i n watcr a t 20 OC s h a l l be less than 1 % by
mass, and i t s e q u i v a l e n t open s i z e (EOS), s t r e n g t h , and o t h e r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s s h a l l be a s s p e c i f i e d i n
the project specification.
The E n g i n e e r ' s approval of t h e make and grade of t h e g e o f a b r i c s h a l l be o b i a i n e d by t h e C o n t r a c t o r b e f o r e
t h e C o n t r a c t o r o r d e r s any g e o f a b r i c o r u s e s it on t h e Works.

4.1 HANDLING AND R I G G I N G .The p l a n t and r i g g i n g equipment used by t h e C o n t r a c t o r f o r handling and p l a c i n g
any pref'abricated c u l v e r t u n i t s h a l l be such t h a t t h e s h e l l of t h e u n i t i s n o t o v e r - s t r e s s e d a t any t i m e
during construction.

5.1.1 Pipe C u l v e r t s . The p r e p a r a t i o n of t h e t r e n c h bottom f o r p i p e s a t t h e depth s p e c i f i e d s h a l l comply with
t h e a p p l i c a b l e requirements of SABS 1200 DB and bedding s h a l l comply w i t h t h e a p p l i c a b l e requirements o f
SABS 1200 LB. Trenches s h a l l be k e p t s u f f i c i e n t l y d r y t o allow p r o p e r and s a f e l a y i n g , j o i n t i n g , and
bedding of t h e p i p e l i n e .
5.1.2 P o r t a l and Rectangular C u l v e r t s Exceot i n hard rock ( s e e t h e t r e n c h s h a l l be excavated t o a depth of 75 mm. or such o t h e r deDth
as may be shown on t h e drawings, below t h e l e v e l of t h e underside of t h e p r e c a s t i n v e r t s l a b o r t o t h e
l e v e l of t h e underside of t h e c a s t - i n - s i t u i n v e r t s l a b , a s a p p l i c a b l e . Where t h e c u l v e r t i s t o be
c o n s t r u c t e d i n new f i l l , t h e h e i g h t of t h e bank c o n s t r u c t e d s h a l l be such t h a t t h e depth of m a t e r i a l o v e r
t h e t o p of t h e c u l v e r t a f t e r i t h a s been l a i d w i l l be a t l e a s t 100 mm o r such g r e a t e r depth as may be
shown on t h e drawings. The excavation s h a l l be trimmed t o t h e shape of t h e i n v e r t of t h e c u l v e r t u n i t and, except on a rock
foundation, a bed of s e l e c t e d g r a n u l a r m a t e r i a l a s s p e c i f i e d i n Subclause 3.1 of SABS 1200 LB, of
t h i c k n e s s a t l e a s t 75 mm, s h a l l be p l a c e d , compacted, and shaped t o enable t h e c u l v e r t u n i t s t o be bedded
a s shown on t h e drawings, o r a s r e q u i r e d i n terms of t h e p r o j e c t s p e c i f i c a t i o n . where hard rock i s encountered t h e depth of excavation s h a l l be a t l e a s t 200 mm below, and t o t h e shape
o f , t h e underside of t h e c u l v e r t f l o o r u n i t , and t h i s space s h a l l be f i l l e d w i t h g r a n u l a r m a t e r i a l as
s p e c i f i e d i n
5.1.3 Unsuitable Founding Conditions. Where, because s o f t , soggy, spongy, or o t h e r w i s e u n s u i t a b l e m a t e r i a l i s
encountered, t h e bottom of t h e t r e n c h a s excavated does n o t provide a s u i t a b l e f i r m foundation f o r t h e
c u l v e r t , t h e u n s u i t a b l e m a t e r i a l s h a l l be excavated t o a depth below t h e bottom of t h e c u l v e r t i n d i c a t e d
by t h e Engineer and r e p l a c e d with g r a v e l o r o t h e r approved g r a n u l a r m a t e r i a l compacted t o a t l e a s t 90 %
of modified AASHTO maximum d e n s i t y . When so oqdered, t h e C o n t r a c t o r s h a l l c o n s t r u c t a l a y e r of c o n c r e t e
b l i n d i n g t o provide a s u i t a b l e working f l o o r .
5.1.4 Width of Excavation
a ) P o r t a l and r e c t a n g u l a r c u l v e r t s . The width of excavation s h a l l be equal t o t h e t o t a l o u t s i d e width of
t h e c u l v e r t p o r t a l p l u s a minimum of 1,O m f o r both s i n g l e and m u l t i p l e openings. I n t h e c a s e of
r e c t a n g u l a r c u l v e r t s having a span of up t o 1 200 mm and l o c a t e d n e a r t h e f i n i s h e d s u r f a c e , t h e Engineer
may r e q u i r e t h a t t h e excavation width s h a l l be t h e n e t width of c a s t - i n - s i t u i n v e r t s l a b s or t h e n e t
width of p r e c a s t i n v e r t slabs p l u s 100 mm. The a d d i t i o n a l width w i l l apply where b a c k f i l l i n g of t h e
t r e n c h with c o n c r e t e i s r e q u i r e d i n terms of t h e p r o j e c t s p e c i f i c a t i o n .
b ) Pipe c u l v e r t s . The requirements f o r minimum base width given i n Subclause 5.2 of SABS 1200 DB s h a l l


5.2.1 General. Unless otherwise shown on t h e drawings o r d i r e c t e d , c o n s t r u c t i o n of c u l v e r t s s h a l l , a s f a r a s
i s p r a c t i c a b l e , begin a t t h e lower end. The Engineer may o r d e r t h a t t h e end of t h e l a s t u n i t of s h o r t
c u l v e r t s , o r of t h a t n e a r e s t t h e upper c a t c h p i t o r manhole i n t h e c a s e of long d r a i n s , be c u t t o t h e
l e n g t h o r skew r e q u i r e d , o r both.
P r e c a s t u n i t s s h a l l be l i f t e d and handled only by means of l i f t i n g d e v i c e s approved by t h e manufacturer.
L i f t i n g eyes s h a l l be caulked with a s u i t a b l e mortar a f t e r t h e u n i t s have been i n s t a l l e d .
The C o n t r a c t o r s h a l l e x e r c i s e due c a r e n o t t o damage, o v e r s t r e s s , or d i s p l a c e any c u l v e r t s by t h e
imposition of any l o a d s such a s may be caused by t h e movement of h i s own v e h i c l e s or compaction
equipment. Where superimposed moving l o a d s i n e x c e s s of t h o s e p r e s c r i b e d i n t h e a p p l i c a b l e road t r a f f i c
ordinance a r e , during t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n of t h e Works, l i k e l y t o p a s s over completed c u l v e r t s , t h e
C o n t r a c t o r s h a l l provide s u f f i c i e n t a d d i t i o n a l cover over t h e c u l v e r t s t o ensure t h a t t h e d e s i g n s t r e s s e s
on t h e c u l v e r t s a r e n o t exceeded.
7 SABS 1200 LE-1982
Stormwater drainage

Any units that become deformed or cracked, or that are not constructed to the required lines, levels, and
grades (see 6.4 and 6.51, or that become displaced in the course of the work, shall be removed and
replaced by the Contractor at his own expense.
5.2.2 Pipe Culverts. Pipes shall be laid and bedded to the level and alignment shown on the drawings or as
directed. They shall be laid hard up against each other longitudinally to obtain tight joints and they
shall be supported evenly throughout the barrel length. Holes or grooves of adequate size to allow for
jointing and for bedding thickness under joints, shall be cut in the bottom of the trench. Pipes shall
be laid centrally in the trench in such a manner that the side allowances specified in Subclause 8.2.3 of
SABS 1200 DB are available as working space for the proper bedding of the pipes in terms of SABS 1200 LB
and to suit the class of bedding specified in the project specification or given in the schedule or on
the drawings. For ease of inspection pipes shall be laid with the manufacturer's class and quality
identification marks visible from the top of the trench unless, in the case of larger pipes, the position
of lifting eyes renders this impractical.
Each pipe shall be cleaned out and carefully examined for possible damage immediately before laying. The
onus of detecting damage shall rest on the Contractor. Should any damaged pipe be laid, it shall be
removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Joints of butt-ended pipes shall be externally wrapped with
a) two layers of 0,4 mm thick plastics dampcourse; or
b) two layers of hessian of mass per unit area 340 g/m , the hessian having been previously soaked in a
bituminous emulsion; or
c) one layer of geofabric blanket of thickness at least 16 mm.
The wrapping shall in all cases be at least 200 mm wide and shall be centrally placed over each joint.
Before being wrapped with hessian, pipes shall first be primed with a coat of 60 % bituminous emulsion.
Ogee type pipes need not be wrapped but shall be laid with the spigot ends pointing downstream.
Spigot and socket pipes with rubber ring joints shall, unless another method is approved or specified by
the Engineer, be jointed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
5.2.3 Concrete Casing of Pipelines. Where shown on the drawings or ordered, pipes shall be fully encased in
prescribed mix 15 concrete to the dimensions shown on the drawings or ordered. Temporary supports shall
be provided near the pipe ends to support the pipes during placing of the concrete. The placing of
concrete shall be such that all spaces under the pipes are completely filled. Use shall be made of poker
vibrators to ensure proper filling with concrete of all spaces under and around the pipes, and
displacement or flotation, or both, shall be prevented.
All temporary supports provided for the pipes shall be removed as concreting progresses.
5.2.4 Pipes with Open Joints Laid with Geofabric Blanket Wrapping. Where the pipeline is intended to serve a
dual function by allowing flow of water through the joints in both directions, but it is necessary to
prevent leaching of the soil or draining of the surrounding area during dewatering, the Engineer may
direct that the pipes be laid with open joints on a bedding. The bedding shall comply with the
requirements of SABS 1200 LB for the class of bedding specified by the Engineer. Where so directed, the
outside of each pipe joint shall be completely wrapped with a strip of geofabric blanket of width at
least 200 mm centrally placed over the joint. The overlap of the ends of the strip shall be at least
200 mm.
5.2.5 Portal and Rectangular Culverts
a) Cast-in-situ invert slabs. Cast-in-situ invert slabs shall be constructed to the dimensions and at
the locations shown on the drawings or as directed. They shall be reinforced as detailed on the
b) Precast invert slabs. A layer of fine selected granular material of thickness at least 75 mm shall be
placed on the bottom of the excavation, levelled, compacted to at least 90 % of modified AASliTO maximum
density and trimmed to grade and line, to form a bed to receive the precast invert slabs. The slabs
shall be carefully placed on the prepared bed, true to line and grade and so bedded that they are
uniformly supported over their whole area on the bedding material.
c) Placing of upper portion. The units of the upper portion of precast portal and rectangular culverts
shall be placed accurately on the invert slabs, with a thin layer of 1:3 cement:sand mortar between the
horizontal contact surfaces to ensure a firm and uniform support.
The units of the upper portion shall be butt-jointed end to end and each joint shall be covered with
geofabric blanket placed symmetrically over the joint.
Where two or more culverts are placed side by side to form a multi-barrel culvert, the space between the
culverts shall be filled with prescribed mix 10 concrete up to the level of the top of the culverts.

5.3 CULVERT CONSTRUCTION BEFORE MAJOR EARTHFILL OPERATIONS. Where a culvert is to be constructed ahead of
major earthfill operations, the Contractor shall prepare the existing ground by excavating, filling, and
compacting as necessary to ensure that the foundation for the culvert is true to grade and of uniform
density over its entire length.


5.4.1 Pipelines. Backfilling of pipe culverts shall comply with the applicable requirements of SABS 1200 DB.
5.4.2 Portal and Rectangular Sections. Material used for backfilling of portal and rectangular sections shall
comply with the requirements of Subclause 3.5 of SABS 1200 DB and shall be obtained by the Contractor
from approved borrow pits, if necessary.
Backfilling alongside the walls and over the top shall be watered, mixed, placed, and compacted in layers
not exceeding 150 mm after compaction, to a density at least equal to that required for the material in
the adjoining layers of fill, subgrade, and subbase, as applicable, or to at least 90 % of modified
AASHTO maximum density in the case of excavations made in natural ground.
Backfilling shall be carried out simultaneously and equally on both sides of the structure to avoid
unequal lateral forces.
SABS 1200 LE-1982 8
Stormwater drainage


5.5.1 General. Catchpits, manholes, and inlet and outlet structurcs shall be constructed in accordance with
the details shown on the drawings or as directed.
5.5.2 Brickwork. Brickwork shall be properly bonded in a 1:3 cemerit:sand mortar, an approved bond being used
where the thickness of the brickwork does not exceed 115 mm, and stretcher bond with headers every 5th
course where the brickwork is more than 115 mm thick. Bricks shall be well and regularly bonded with no
false headers. All bricks shall be whole except where required as closers. Bricks shall be well wetted
before laying, and each brick shall be pressed into its bed to leave a finished joint of thickness not
exceeding 10 mm. All joints shall be filled solid with mortar, and joints in exposed faces shall be
pointed as the work proceeds.
Where pipes enter brickwork, they shall be thoroughly caulked into the wall and rendered with mortar.
5.5.3 Plaster. Where plastering of brickwork is required, all joints shall be well raked out and the brick
face thoroughly wetted before plaster is applied. Plaster shall be not less than 12 mm and not more than
20 mrn thick. Plaster finish shall be smooth and even and shall show no trowel marks. Unless otherwise
specified all plaster shall be finished with a steel trowel. Plaster shall consist of one part of cement
to three parts of approved fine sand.
5.5.4 Manhole Covers and Grids. Manhole and grid frames shall be set firmly in a 1:2 cement:sand mortar of
thickness such that the covers are flush with the final surface.
5.5.5 Precast blanho&. Precast manholes shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable details shown
on Drawing LE-1.
5.5.6 Benching. All benching shall be rendered in 20 mm granolithic plaster and finished smooth and true with
a steel trowel. Corners shall be rounded to dimensions shown on the drawings.
5.5.1 Precast Inlet and Outlet Structures. Precast inlet and outlet structures shall be manufactured in
accordance with the dimensions shown on the drawings. These structures shall be laid and jointed
generally as specified for precast concrete pipe culverts, or precast portal or rectangular culverts, as
5.5.8 Headwalls. Cast-in-situ concrete headwalls shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown on
the drawings and the concrete shall comply with the relevant requirements of SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA,
as applicable.

5.6 CULVERTS ON STEEP GRADIENTS. Where culverts are constructed on gradients steeper than 1 in 5, particular
care shall be taken to protect excavations from stormwater damage. The trenches shall be excavated to
firm ground, or, if over-excavation is necessary in order to obtain a firm floor, the excess excavation
shall be backfilled with selected granular material or prescribed-mix 10 concrete. After that,
successive units, starting from the lower end, shall be placed firmly against each other to prevent
subsequent movement.
Thrust and anchor blocks shall be constructed in prescribed mix 15 concrete into which anchor bolts or
other anchoring devices are cast and straps shall be fitted as shown on the drawings or detailed in the
project specification.
Pipes shall be bedded and trenches backfilled, starting at the lower end, in uniform layers of equal

5.1 THE RAISING OR LOWERING OF EXISTING MANHOLES. Where existing manholes require to be either raised or
lowered, the work shall be carried out in such a manner that the finished work complies with the
applicable requirements of 5.5.
Unless otherwise specified or ordered, the cover of each manhole that is to be raised or lowered shall be
re-installed after the work of raising or lowering the manhole has been completed (see 5.5.4).

6.1 GENERAL. Tolerances will be determined on the basis of permissible deviations of inlet inverts from
designated location, alignment, grades, and levels. The Contractor shall construct each of the various
parts of the Works within the limits set out in 6.2-6.5 (inclusive).

6.2 KERBSIDE CATCHPITS, KERB INLETS, OR GRID INLETS. The permissible deviation of the longitudinal location
of a kerbside catchpit, kerb inlet, and grid inlet shall be half a kerb length in the case of kerbs other
than extruded kerbs, and 0,5 m in the case of extruded kerbs. The permissible deviation of the lateral
location of a kerbside catchpit, kerb inlet, and grid inlet from the designated distance from the centre
line of the road shall be 25 mm, except that any open grid or grid frame shall be truly parallel to and
within 5 mm of the face of the kerb.


6.3.1 Location. The permissible deviation of the location of manholes and catchpits (other than kerbside

catchpits) from the designated positions shall be half a pipe length longitudinally and 5 150 mrn
laterally, except where locations are dimensioned from fixtures such as fences, kerbs, railway tracks,
and the like, in which event the permissible deviation in each direction shall be 50 mm.
6.3.2 Construction. The walls and roof of each manhole and catchpit structure shall conform to the tolerances
specified under Degree of Accuracy I11 for concrete structures in Clause 6 of SABS 1200 GA or
SABS 1200 G, as applicable.

6.4 INVERT LEVELS. The permissible deviation of the level of the invert from the designated level shall be
-+ 25mm (measured on the main flow culvert at the inlet to the manhole or catchpit, as relevant).

6.5 ALIGNMENT AND GRADE. The permissible deviation of the alignment and grade of each culvert and pipeline
shall be 5 20 mm from the designated line and level, or from the line between culvert or pipe inverts at
successive manholes or catchpits, as applicable, when measured over any 6 m length, and all such
deviations shall be gradual.
9 SABS 1200 LE-1982
Stormwater drainage


7.1 Stormwater drains will not be tested for leakage of water unless such a test is specified in the project


8.1 GENERAL. Although the measurement and payment for excavation arid backfilling is dealt with in SABS 1200
DB and for bedding in SABS 1200 LB, the relevant items for trenches for stormwater will be scheduled in
the section of the schedule covering stormwater drains. The operation of placing and compacting bedding
shall be regarded as part of the operation of pipe or culvert laying.


8.2.1 Supply and Lay Concrete Pipe Culverts. On Class ...
bedding (type, class, and nominal
diameter of pipes, and special jointing, if any, stated) ...................................
Unit: m
8.2.2 Supply and Lay Portal and Rectangular Culverts
~. Comolete with precast invert slabs (size, class, and type stated)............. ..........
Ilnit: m

b) Without precast invert slabs (size, class, and type stated) .............................
Unit: m
The length will be measured along the soffit of the culvert.
The rate shall cover the cost of supplying, testing, loading, transporting, and off-loading together with
provision and placing of the selected granular material where required for bedding and installation,
laying, jointing, cutting on site, and waste.
Separate items will be provided for different sizes, types, and classes of culverts and, in the case of
concrete pipe culverts, for pipes laid on bedding of Classes A, B, C, and D.
8.2.3 Extra-Over Items 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 for Supplying End Units for Culverts with a Skew of more than 20
a) Pipe culverts (type and diameter stated) ............................................... Unit: No.
b) Portal and rectangular culverts (type and size stated) .................................
Unit: No.
The rate shall be an extra over the rates for Items 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 above and shall cover the additional
cost of manufacture, supplying, and laying of the skew end units, irrespective of the angle of skew.
8.2.4 Extra-Over Items 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 for Cutting End Units for Culverts on Site
a) Straight cut ............................................................................ Unit: No.
b) Skew cut ................................................................................ Unit: No.
8.2.5 Cast-in-situ Concrete, Formwork, and Reinforcing Steel. The relevant items given in Clause 8 of SABS
1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable, shall apply.
8.2.6 Concrete (Specified Grade or Prescribed Mix Stated) Backfill to Rectangular Culverts and
Trench Bottom .............................................................................. Unit: m .
The relevant items given in Clause 8 of SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable, shall apply.
8.2.7 Supply and Lay Precast Concrete Inlets and Outlets to Culverts
(size and type stated)............................................................. Unit: No. or pair
Except where scheduled as a pair, each inlet and each outlet will be measured separately.
The rate shall cover the cost of supplying, loading, transporting, off-loading, and installirig.
8.2.8 supply and Install Manholes, Catchpits, and the Like
a) Manholes (type and depth stated) ....................................................... Unit: No.
b) Catchpits (type stated) ................................................................ Unit: No.
c) Extra over or under item (a) above for variation in depth of manholes from the standard depth
designated for purposes of tendering (standard depth and manhole type stated) ..............
Unit: m
The rate shall cover the cost of supplying and installing or laying (as applicable) the units complete
with floors, benching, concrete, brickwork (if any), covers, frames, grids, and other accessories, but
excluding excavation and backfilling, which will be measured separately. The rate shall also cover the
cost of connecting manholes, catchpits, and the like to conduits, and of building conduits into the walls
of such structures.
The unit of measurement in the case of item (c) above will be the metre of increased or decreased depth
of manhole measured in relation to the standard depth designated for tendering purposes.
The rate shall be an adjustment to the sum tendered for the manhole. It will be payable pro rata,
measured to the nearest 0,l m for each depth and type stated, either as an extra amount payable to the
Contractor in the case of an increase in depth, or as a decrease in the amount payable in the case of a
decrease in depth from the standard depth.
8.2.9 Alternative to Subclause 8.2.8. Where the items referred to in 8.2.8 are very large or cannot
conveniently be standardized for payment according to complete units, or where details are not shown on
drawings at the tender stage but are to be given later by the Engineer (see 5.5.1), the various types of
work and items of material provided will be measured separately in accordance with the items listed in
(a) - (c) below and such other items as may be necessary. Concrete and fonnwork will be measured in
terms of Subclause 8.1 of SABS 1200 G or Subclause 8.1 of SABS 1200 GA, as applicable, and excavation and
backfilling in terms of Subclauses 8.1 and 8.2 of SABS 1200 DB.
a) Brickwork:
1) 115 mm thick ........................................................................... Unit: m 2
2) 230 mm thick ........................................................................... Unit: m 2
3) 345 mm thick ........................................................................... Unit: m 2
Brickwork will be measured on the centre line of the walls. Areas occupied in walls by pipes will be
included in the areas measured, and corners and intersections common to more than one brick wall will be
measured only once.
The rate shall cover the cost of the brickwork complete including pointing and building in of pipe units.
b) Plaster (minimum and maximum thickness stated) ..........................................
Unit: m 2
The rate shall cover the cost of raking out joints. in the brickwork and applying a 1:3 plaster to all
surfaces required to be plastered.
c) Benching in .... concrete with ....rendering ...........................................
Unit: m 2
The area will be measured in plan from the drawing.
SABS 1200 LE-1982 10
Stormwater drainage

8.2.10 Accessories
a) Manhole covers including frames (type stated)............................... ............
Unit: No.
b) Grid inlets including frames (type stated) .............................................
Unit: No.
c) Step irons ............................................................................. Unit: NO.
d) Other accessories (detailed) ...........................................................Unit: No.
Each rate shall cover the cost of supplying and installing the accessory.
8.2.11 Anchor Blocks ....................................................................... Unit: No. or m
The relevant items given in SABS 1200 G or SABS 1200 GA, as applicable, shall apply.
8.2.12 Extra-over Item 8.2.1 or 8.2.2 for Construction of Inclined Culvert ........................
Unit: m
The rate shall cover the cost of additional or more difficult work of any kind in respect of laying,
excavation, and backfilling that may be required to install the culvert at a slope in excess of 1:s.
8.2.13 The Raising or Lowering of Existing Manholes ...............................................
Unit: No.
The rate shall cover the cost of removing the cover and frame, demolishing the top of the manhole, if
required, materials and labour for rebuilding the manhole to the designated new level, and setting and
grouting the cover and frame to the correct level.
SAES 1200 LE-1982
11 S to r m w at er d r a i n aqe





Interlocking Joint
3 STEP lRONS(BS 1247)


r \


t Dimensions in millimetres


I 1
1 1 (33: 1 I :I 1


DIAM.,mm 1 LENGTH,mm

250 5 0 0 ,
I 000
, 500,


mrn, min.


250 , 500,
CHAMBER I500 85 REDUCER I 500 150
I 000
250 500, , 95 REDUCER I750 I50

ADAPTOR 7 50 I50

Drawing LE - I - Precast Concrete Manhole for Stormwater

SABS 1200 LE-1982 12
Stornwater drainage


Reference is made to the latest issues of the following standards:

BS 1247 Manhole step irons

SABS 227 Burnt clay masonry units
SABS 285 Calcium silicate masonry units
SABS 550 Cast iron surface boxes and manhole and inspection covers and frames
SABS 677 Concrete non-pressure pipes
SABS 819 Asbestos cement sewer pipes
SABS 974 Rubber joint rings (non-cellular)
Part I : Joint rings for use in gas, water, sewer, and drainage systems
SABS 986 Precast reinforced concrete culverts
SABS 1200 A -
Civil engineering construction General
SABS 1200 AA Civil engineering construction - General (small works)
SABS 1200 D
SABS 1200 DA
SABS 1200 DB Civil engineering construction
Civil engineering construction Earthworks
Civil engineering construction Earthworks (small works)
Earthworks (pipe trenches)
SABS 1200 G -
Civil engineering construction Concrete (structural)
SABS 1200 GA Civil engineering construction - Concrete (small works)
SABS 1200 LB Civil engineering construction - Bedding (pipes)

SABS 1254 Precast concrete manhole sections and slabs

sabs pta

ISIJN 0-626-06330 -2

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