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"An Evaluation of Cinema Advertising Effectiveness,"

Analysis of the growth of private label brands, including a profile of consumer purchasers and the impact of
retail consolidation.

"The History and Future of Service Quality Assessment"

The importance of examining and analyzing your product and market before taking action, and then continuing
to gather information to get ahead and stay ahead.

"Customer Satisfaction Research"

Global marketing strategies of American car industry versus the Japanese car industry.

How do McDonalds market its products to its customers as compared to KFC?

Online marketing versus direct marketing. Which is a better strategy?

What marketing strategies should be used for a brand new restaurant to attract young customers?

How can you make marketing plan for a real estate business who are stepping into construction business.

How to market a product so that it can revamp its image?

How does Nike keep hold of its market because of its great marketing?

What are the major Cost elastic products involved in construction in UK and how their elasticity can be reduced
with the help of international trade and cost budgeting?

Auto mobile financing became a Key for UK countries to boost their international trade with third world
countries. How did this affect their economical conditions and international relationship?

Business and Financial Analysis of a domestic business in Africa expanding towards International Trade.

Third world countries seem to be penetrating in the International Trade which is a threat to domestic markets of
the International Trade Competitors. How can there supplies be utilized to promote domestic businesses and
maintain international relationship.

The global financial crisis has made many international stock markets make a record breaking fall. Chinas
foreign exchange reserves dropped down for the first time in the last 5 years. Evaluate how this fall could be
prevented and how can this issue be resolved?

There is an expected growth of Meat consumption in the global market of up to 3%. How can Ireland take a
comparative advantage in the International Market?

If a chain of Omani food restaurants is launched in the cut throat Irish market. What Business Strategies should
be used and how well can they reduce the wastage of their raw material.

Penetrating pricing methods could help beat the competitors in the industry but what effect would it had on the

What is the role of business ethics in keeping the staff motivated and to increase the productivity?
Wedding photo businesses have a very niche market and it is a seasonal business. How training can improve
current and future performance?

The economic impact, Ireland health care business creates by hiring nurses from second world countries to help
provide relief to the current nursing shortage here.

How International Association of Schools of Social Work can further reach out to third world countries in dire

Anti-Racism drive. How social worker organizations can eradicate racism from this society?

Management system to increase the distribution of food in Somalia.

Gaza: A lost cause for social working organization?

What can be done in setting up a women support shelter in Afghanistan?

How social workers can increase the level of education in rural Pakistan?

Psychological problems of homeless children: How can they be addressed?

The analysis of ever rising personal debt situation, how people manage to get into and out of it?

You could also think student loans. Line of Credit or private Student Loan? Which is better for college tuition

Will the economic predicament have an impact on students loan? If so, how and why?

Personal auto finance has been a cause of increased accidents and traffic within the UK. This is one of the
reasons of money floating within the nation which is good for the economy but how can the deficits be reduced

Can Foreign Portfolio Investment Bridge the Smaller Firm Financing Gap Around the World?

The Role of Arbitrageurs in the Takeover Process

Explain how the use of derivatives can be used to determine maximum profit and minimal cost

Corporate Finance and Governance research at HSE has recently focused on equity and debt issues and
particularly initial public offerings. How can this be helpful in increasing their productivity and services?

The central problem of Corporate Governance for UK listed firms is therefore rendering managers accountable
to shareholders. Investigate the ways in which the mechanisms used to control these managerial agency
problems are enforced.

Is there any connection between Service creativity & Profitability in a commercial bank? How do the creativity
for services in a bank recognized as following situations:
Creativity as boundary breaking in a bank
Creativity as innovative in bank
Creativity as boundary pushing in a bank

An analysis of the effect of the deregulation of a commercial banks investment

How commercial banks can battle poverty more effectively than they are doing at the moment. "Can the
provision of micro-finance be lucrative for commercial banks?"

Prevention of Frauds in Banking System of United Kingdom ... Focus on the utility of Internet banking, mobile
banking to the banks, disadvantages, cost-benefit analysis, and suggest measures to over come the shortcomings
associated with these channels

Analyze the influence of quality in retail banking, in particular its emergence as a source of competitive
advantage in personal banking.

Will raising the national minimum wage change the face of poverty in America, or will every income level jump
with it?

What is the role of contemporary accounting in identifying the capital accumulations conflicts?

How the contemporary accounting theory one differs from the second issue?
What are the intangible and tangible inflows/outflows which can help in the management of Cash flow?

Assessing Risk in Introducing High Tech Products. New software implementation where all of your current
systems are going to be replaced with a single, enterprise wide system like Peoplesoft or SAP.

Purchasing mortgage backed securities in today's market. Most are probably undervalued due to the scare but
how do you manage the risks.

Purchasing a home in a declining market.

What are the downsides to microfinance and micro-crediting? And what are effective alternatives to

Transition to the cash economy: the design, description and analysis of a microfinance programme in
indigenous San communities in western Botswana."

Microfinance: its impacts on Children and Women." The impact on women: women empowerment; women
knowledge of health, nutrition, and other basic social services messages. The impact on children: education
(enrollment rates), health and nutrition; child labor.

What is US response to the Alternative Investment Market for stock trading?

Some alternative investment options available for investors that are safe other than stock market?

An analysis of the disadvantages of using the payback period to compare investment alternatives

Discovering Customary Law for Governance and Regulation of Emerging Markets: Integrating Islamic
Financial Services Industry with International Financial and Securities Markets

Is there a critical but analytical evaluation of Islamic financial instruments? A Comparative Literature Survey of
Islamic Finance and Banking"

Topic#1: The role of IT in human resource development.

Topic#2: Difference in techniques of human resource in developed countries and underdeveloped

Topic#3: Time management: How can it increase the revenue of an organization?

Topic#4: In house recruitment: Its pros and cons defined.

Topic#5: The dos and donts of Disciplinary actions

Topic#6: How over emphasized on achieving goals actually hinder in attaining that goal.

Topic#7: Is HRM the pursuit of attitudinal shaping?

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