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Network Review Summer 2016 55

Challenging Orthodoxy modern spirit-release therapists now also a colleague from the International

b o o k r e v ie w s
David Furlong approach these situations through Futures Forum. His experience and
hypnotic regression techniques, study have enabled him to pull together
where the intrusive entity or entities many disciplines and strands and
THE SCIENCE OF are communicated with, helped and convert these into a readable and
SPIRIT POSSESSION then released. Palmer also suggests practical narrative with which the reader
(2nd Edition) methodologies for further research into can engage deeply. One of the most
Dr Terence Palmer (SMN) this field, which is sadly ignored by the interesting features of the book is the
Cambridge Scholars, 375 pp., 52.99, medical establishment that broadly number of questions over 250 and
h/b, (20% discount for Members) ISBN prefers to see such conditions as the injunction that we should live these
978-1-4438-6810-5 stemming from neurological disorders questions rather than impose answers
that can best be treated by medication. that do not do justice to the complexity
This book, based on Palmers Ph.D.
of our overall situation. The four main
thesis, is a scholarly and authoritative
Because the book sets out to challenge elements, illustrated on the cover, are
exploration into a little understood area
the current orthodox position on the transformative innovation, biologically
of human experience. Palmer sets out
causes of mental problems, which it inspired design, living systems thinking,
his stall in the Introduction where he
does more than adequately, it is full and health and resilience.
of scientific terminology and jargon
that make it a potentially difficult read In his introduction, David Orr reminds
The purpose of this book is to
for the lay person and this is my main readers that cultures are not designed
demonstrate that, contrary to popular
belief in academic circles and in the criticism of this book. However, for those from the top down, but grow organically
collective conscious of institutionalised interested in, or working with mental and from the bottom up, starting on a small
mechanistic science, there is a psychological health, where a possible scale as a seed initiative. On this
scientific framework that can, and does, cause could be spirit intrusion in one journey, we need to begin by changing
accommodate the phenomena of spirit form or another, it should be a must to our perception of and therefore our
possession in all forms and diversity have on the bookshelf. relationship with Nature, no longer
(Palmer, 2014:39). standing apart but realising that we
David Furlong is Director of the Spirit are integral to life and co-creators of
To accept the concept that individuals Release Forum and author of Illuminating the future. All chapters also take the
can be influenced and affected, both the Shadow. form of questions, with a number of
mentally and physically, by spirit entities,
leading to psychological illness, first
ecology-futures subsections. We need to move from a
perception and narrative of separation
necessitates that there is adequate studies to what Thich Nhat Hanh calls interbeing
based on relationality, cooperation and
scientific evidence for the continuation
of consciousness beyond the death of collaboration rather than rivalry and
the physical body. To support his thesis competition. Gregory Bateson is quoted
Palmer draws heavily on the work of as saying that the major problems in
the now little known nineteenth century the world are the result of the difference
researcher, Frederic Myers (1843-1901), between how nature works and the way
who was one of the founders for the people think. Readers will emphatically
Society for Psychical Research. Myers agree with this statement once they have
primary objective was to pursue scientific read this book as they will very clearly
evidence that Man has a soul and his understand that our current economic
conscious personality survives bodily system is structurally unsustainable,
death, states Palmer (2014:30). It is depending as it does on continuous
clear that Myers exploration into these extraction of natural resources to
fields was limited by the understanding turn them into economic assets while
of his time and, although his posthumous externalising the ecological and social
book Human Personality and Its Survival costs. (p. 210)
of Bodily Death (1903) was well received
by some of his followers, his ideas on A key transformative theme is that
the unconscious or subliminal self, of health. As pioneers like Sir Albert
gained no acceptance within psychology Howard demonstrated, the health
or the scientific establishment. Drawing of the soil is primary, because on it
on Myers concepts, Palmer brings us depend successively the health of
back to the central task of true scientific plants, animals and humans. A healthy
enquiry, which should be the open- ecosystem is a resilient one, and Daniel
minded exploration of all phenomena, of shows how regenerative agriculture can
which perceived spirit-possession is an
Ecological Activism turn depleted soil as a source of carbon
example. David Lorimer to healthy soil as a carbon sink. Nothing
could be more important than this kind
Utilising a wide variety of sources, both DESIGNING of regenerative agriculture, as supported
ancient and modern, Palmer lays the REGENERATIVE by a major 2013 UNCTAD report, given
foundation for an understanding of spirit CULTURES the impact of agriculture on ecosystems.
possession that strongly supports the Our own degenerative diseases are
Daniel Christian Wahl
notions that separate disembodied spirit a major drain on government health
entities can access and influence the Triarchy Press, 2016, 287 pp., 20, p/b systems around the world, and much of
minds of individuals and, on occasions, ISBN 978-1-909470-77-4 this could be prevented by changes in
take up residence within the psyche. I am not surprised that this seminal book diet - but these are unlikely to happen
This in turn can give rise to a range has been so enthusiastically endorsed on a sufficient scale owing to our
of psychological conditions such as by the likes of Fritjof Capra, Hazel current agricultural and food systems.
schizophrenia, hearing voices and Henderson, Joanna Macy and David Orr. Fundamental change, as Naomi Klein
similar mental health problems. We If you only read one environmental book also observes, will require social mass
are informed how obvious cases of this year, this should be it. Daniel has movements using all the communication
possession were tackled in past-times a background in biology, holistic science, power of the Internet.
through traditional exorcisms and how natural design and sustainability, and is
56 Network Review Summer 2016

We can also learn a great deal from and ideologies, overpopulation,

b o o k r e v ie w s
indigenous perspectives, which Daniel overconsumption, the myth of endless
sums up as a perspective where the growth and denial of our predicament.
world is alive and meaningful and our This is exacerbated by a number of
relationship with the rest of life is one stupid beliefs such as that endless
of participation, communion and co- growth is somehow possible, that
creation. (p. 159) He also points out that population growth is not a problem and
their modes of communication involve that technology can solve everything.
deep listening and close community. The five sections deal with population,
They are no strangers to what we throughput and consumerism, key
now call biomimicry, which poses the aspects of a steady-state economy,
critical question of how humanity as ethics and policy for change. We
a whole can become a life-enhancing deceive ourselves if we think that these
presence on Earth. There is in fact much ecological realities can be evaded
more progress in this field of applied through intelligence and technology. The
technology than most readers will be total pressure of human consumption
aware of, and of which Daniel gives some on natural systems is excessive, and is
interesting examples. the direct product of population and per
capita consumption.
The design element in the title is a very
important one as an enabler of cultural Population is discussed not only in terms
transformation, which will also entail of numbers of people, but also numbers
a transformation of thinking through of cars and other products - sometimes,
the educational system. I remember as with biofuels, cars and people are in
David Orr making the point in a book direct competition. And although there
on eco-literacy that clever university respect, Daniel has written an essential is a demographic transition going on
graduates trained in old thinking are a handbook. with declining birth rates in many parts
hazard to the planet. In this respect, it is of the world, the human population is
encouraging that the Scottish curriculum
Towards a Steady State still increasing by about 80 million a
has as a central preoccupation learning Economy year - around 220,000 every day. The
for sustainability. Design or praxis David Lorimer decline in numbers is more than made
can provide a meeting point for theory up for by a corresponding increase in
and practice, which also constitutes a A FUTURE consumption. Robert Engelman proposes
learning journey with adaptive feedback. BEYOND GROWTH nine population strategies to stop short
We also need to instil a biocentric ethic Edited by Haydn Washington and
of 9 billion, with a particular emphasis
based on ecosystem health, including Paul Twomey on universal access to contraception,
ourselves, with the adoption of ecological education and empowerment of women,
public health. All this involves developing Earthscan 2016, 256 pp., 29.99, p/b. ending policies rewarding parents for
new forms of literacy within the system This book is both radical and having more than two children, and
and introducing systems thinking more fundamental, and is essential reading integrating teaching about population,
generally - I only came across systems for those who want to consider in more environment and development
thinking through my own reading and depth the potential evolution of the global relationships into school curricula.
research. economy beyond growth and towards
a steady state. William Rees sums up Eileen Crist contributes a particularly
Daniel makes it very clear that the importance of this evidence-based vigorous essay in criticising the wishful
regenerative cultures are rooted in briefing by asking whether our political thinking implied in the rhetoric that we can
cooperation. Although our crises leaders can rise above collective denial, double food production without further
demand a collaborative response, we are defy entrenched economic elites and damage to biodiversity just through
currently enmeshed in short-term and return to serving humanitys collective careful planning and management.
competitive systems that have resulted interest and survival with dignity. The idea She reminds the reader that the
in a cumulative ecological overshoot. of a steady-state economy was pioneered current volume of industrial agriculture,
In his final chapter, Daniel gives by Herman Daly in the 1970s and aquaculture and fishing constitute a
many potential avenues for progress must represent the eventual planetary mounting planet-wide disaster and that
involving redesigning economics based system since the current business as saying that we need to grow more food
on ecology, creating regenerative usual is quite unsustainable, as any without further ecological destruction is
and circular economies, shifting from informed person already knows. The not going to stop hungry and acquisitive
quantitative to qualitative growth, and initial chapter reminds us of some 20th people taking what they need clearing
co-creating regenerative enterprises. century figures, where human population more forests and grasslands, moving
Consistently with his own advice, Daniel multiplied by four, industrial pollution by up slopes, overgrazing pasture and
has been active in Majorca, using the 40, CO2 emissions by 17, fish catches range lands, decimating sea creatures,
very processes and questions set out by 35, mining ores and minerals by 27, replacing mangrove forests with shrimp
in this book. I am sure he is right that as well as the destruction of one quarter operations, or killing for cash or food.
we need to start on a local and small- of coral reefs, one third of mangroves The assumption here is that the current
scale, and indeed a great deal is already and half of all wetlands. This situation damage inflicted by our food system is in
going on although under- or unreported. continues, with our current ecological fact acceptable.
He takes to heart - and we can too - the footprint equivalent to 1.5 Earths and the
practice of the activist May East who, prospect of two-thirds of life being extinct Crist maintains that industrial food
after her morning meditation, consciously by 2100. production is the most ecologically
chooses where to put her attention devastating enterprise on earth and
that day, and which conversations and In our techno-bubble, we forget our that we need to consider the wisdom of
projects she will activate through the ultimate dependence on nature and limitations and humility (agricultural uses
power of her attention. We can all ask ecosystem services, and that the 70% of our water). It is startling to learn
ourselves how we can be the change economy is a wholly owned subsidiary that cropland already uses a portion of
we want to see in the world and work of ecology. Hayden Washington identifies the planet the size of South America,
with others in nurturing the seeds of a the key drivers of unsustainability while land for grazing farm animals eats
new and life-enhancing culture. In this as ecological ignorance, worldview up an area the size of Africa. This means

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