Melaleuca Business Builder Guide

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Supplement al inf o rmation

to help youbuild and understand

1, o ur Melaleuc a bu sine s s.
Thankyou foryou interest in our Customer Referral Program.

Each and every month Melaleuca mails thousands of cheques to Marketing

Executives who share their love for our products with others and benefit
from our unique Customer Referral Program. The amount written on
the cheques we send varies. Many receive cheques for small amounts of
money who have referred one or two customers, but some cheques are
for substantial amounts of money and dramatically enhance the financial
wellness of the recipients. Our program continues to enhance lives, and our
desire is that your work will help you find the reward you seek.

AII the information you need to build a Melaleuca business is here and
it's easy to follow. All you have to bring is your time, your effoft, your
commitment, and your willingness to learn. Congranrladons on your
decision to begin your Melaleuca business.

Th e Mel.ale ur a Te am, Malays i a


Enhancing the lives of those we touch by helping people reach
their goals.t'
Geai[g Started -..........7

ihd seven,Critical Business-Building Activities. ...............................8

Hovr \(/ourD YoU LIKE
Perhapsyouwantto earn enough to pay for your Melaleuca prlducts, m6l<N the car or house pajlrnent,
ot eem enough to get out of debt.Whatever your godl,Melaleucahas the answer.

" I fell in love with the Classic Tooth Howmuch moneywouldyou like to make with aMelaleucabusiness? Howmuch
Polish andTough &tnder, and desire do you have to get out ofdebt, pay offyour mortgage, or help send your children
Ifound I couldnt live withoutThe to college? Do you have an enduring entrepreneurial spirit, or are you someone who
Vitality Pack. I loved the products would just like to eam a litde money on the side?
so much, I began to tell people about
them. My ftrst cheque was just $zus,
then $8us, then $z4us, and then I paid Categioryr
for myproduct orderwith my cheque
from Melaleuca. I spent three years Prefened Customer
using my Melaleuca business to pay
' I prefer naturally based products and want to make my home safer for my family and
for my products. However, as I told
more friends, my cheques grew and I
realized this was really a great business. .I wantto improve my health andwellness
Melaleuca has given me the ability
' I may refer a customer from time to time, but my primary interest is just being a
to be there for my children and help
them pay for college."

Barbam Rae, Executive Dirednr lII,


"I have been with Melaleuca for 14

I enrolled as acusro-"rrorffi
products. I decided everyone needed
to hear about these products, so I
started telling everybody about them.
I tried to enroll four people or more
every month. Melaleuca has afforded
me such a wonderfirl financia-l
oppornrnity-over the past 14 years
Melaleuca has sent me over $zoo,ooous.
$roous a month does not sound like a
lot, but that's $r,zoott a year that is not
coming out of the budget"

Debbie Denning Director Iy,



"For zo years, this has been a real
Categoryz family business. You can maintain a
true residual income, and if you work
Part-Tirne Refemal Bonus a litde harder, it will grow. Many in

Director 5$16o permonth or more our organization have eamed $5opus

or $r,ooout a month for years. We have
' I am comforrablewith myfamily's level ofincome, butl would like to make s$r6o
or eamed a six-{igure income for 19 out of
more per month to cover wel]ness-based products or other items
the past zo years. It's absolutely changed
' I can see how I could earn some extra money by shatng Melaleuca products with our lives. \7e were able to get totally out
a few
friends andfamilymembers and maytryto make some ongoing referrals of debt in three and a half years. We were
the fust to invite Frad< to come over
and watch us bum our mortgage. WeVe
Director f[-D( S$8oo or more per month been able to change our whole ffnancial
' I care about purchasing healthy products and Id like the chance to eam s$goo- siruation and lifesryle, and it's
S$8,ooo month been wonderfirl."

Ron and Camilb Era*m,

' I would like to help my family, fiiends, and colleagues experience great products
while Executiv e Diredor s lll, Idaho, IJ S
increasing my income enough to save for my children's college, remodel my
home, or
enjoy a few more leisure activities

I have afewdebts,like mymortgage and carpayrnent, arrd Iil like to paythem "I enrolled in November 1985 at the age
morequickly of 66, a year after most people retire.
I am willing to devote z-3 nights (5-ro hours) Melaleuca was only two months old at
a week to building a Melaleuca business
the time and had only eight produca,
all based on Melaleuca OiLThe first
appeal was the safety ofthe products.
I was a nurse in a hospital and I saw
so many children come in because of
unsafe products. I had to let everyone
know, especially parents with small
Sigfri{icant Refemal Borurs children, that they needed safe products
Senior Director-senior Director D( 5$6,4oo ormore permonth in their homes. It took me eight years
. Im very interested in bUlding a business and I have ofconsistent work to reach E:recutive
a goal of eaming 5$64oo or
morepermonth Dftector status, but I knew it would be
worth it. I have a much better refrement
. I have several loans and credit cards and I would like to get out ofdebt than if I had stayed in nursing, I'm able
. I can block out 3-4 nighs to do so much more because I dont
a week (ro--zo hours) for my Melaleuca business
have ffnancial worries. And I keep

E:recutive Director andAbove S$r6poo ormore permonth leaming new things and thoroughly
enjoy working with the company. It,s
'I would like tobe ffnanciallyindependent-I'm rookingfor abusiness
that can amazing to think that I have eamed
support me and my family at a level of S$ r(ooo or more p"r 234 consecutive bonus cheques &om
. I am prepared to spend zo+ hours perweekworking myMelaleucabusiness Melaleuca!"

. I want to get totally out of debt, including rny mofigage
Exeaft iu e Dirutor, Washington, U S


Melaleuca manufactures quality products, sells them at reasonoble pnces,
6nd gtues customers the opportunity to share in the reuenues.

YouVe seen them bgfore-businesses that promise gteat wealth and prosperity with a

minirnal amour{#effort. what m"k"s Mel"l"rr." diff"rnt? Melaleuca marrufacnrres

qualiry products, sells them at reasonable prices, and gives customers the oppomrnity
to share in the revenue. By ehminating the costs of distribution, advertising, and
delivery to stores, Melaleuca saves the customer money, creates customer loyalty, and
/ k a financially sound companywith a long provides an oppomrniry for customers to build a sensible business that comes with
track record ofsuccess residual income.
/ Produces unique products that people like
tobuymonth aftermonth Consu.rner Direct Mar{retingf
/ Hasloyalcuaomenwithahighmonthto-
Consumer Direct Marketing redirects funds that would typically be used for
advertising, muhiple shipping costs, various middlemen, and several distribution
month reoder rate Qpproximately 9/")
channels into spending for higher quality ingredients, product innovations, and
/ Provides wellness products that are proven
revenue sharing with customers. The result is a method of delivering quality, low-cost
to be more economicalthan namebrands.
products to families around the world-and then sharing the income with those
/ Offers an oppornrnitywhere anyone can families.
build a successfiilbrsiness
/ Is concemed about its customers, their TRABITIONAL BUSINE$S MOIIEL GONSUMER DIRECT MARKffING'
homes, and the environment, and thus
produces products and services that Each enlrty
promote wellness for every aspect of life takes a
portion ()f the
/ There is no risk and no majorinvestrnent
otherthan time and commitrnent . \.__-rrr,
/ You dont have to quit your regular job or

investyour savings e1, p;n"";"g *th Ma"r**ln" *i"*", o*"n,t

You can work ftom home and create your
own schedule

There is unlimited income potential

The consumer


rttln:1sl':Tsi 11 :":":"-"1*rs- - - -


/ There are no repeat sales presentations and

no pressuring customers to purchase Melaleuca Is Not Multi-Level Marfteting
/ Products are shipped directlyto customers, Vhen you think of multi-level marketing, you may think of overbearing salespeople
so there is no needforyou to worry about trying to manipulate others into buying lots of inventory You may imagine a get-
inventory billing, delivery or complicated rich-quic-k scheme with promises of great wealth through very litde work. You might
paperwork envision business schemes that lack a compelhng product, but hype up the promise of
/ You have thejoy ofhelping others improve
big incomes.
their health and ffnances There are several reasons why Melaleuca is not like multilevel marketing. At
Melaleuca, there are no inventories to buy, no financial risks, and no hype. Customers
/ Achieving a balance betweenwork and
only buy what they need each month. Some customers becorne Marketing Executives
family is a real possibility
and earn a commission ftom the monthly purchases of the customers they refer.
However, the majority of customers buy each month without any interest in receiving
comnissions-they simply want healthier lives, healthier homes, and exceptional
products at great prices.


CETnNG Srnn:inn
Once you'ue enrolled, determine your category andleuel of commitment.Whafs the next step?

Dont wait to start working on your business. Right now you,re ! Consider your "whyl' Your success is determined by your
e4periencing the excitement of a new oppoffuniry Capitalize on desire, and your desire is based on what you want from
that energy Melaleuca-and how much you want it.Think about the
one thing *rat's really motivaring you to succeed, and write it
DONTDOITAIJONE "town (see page r r). Then dont let anything else get in your
In Melaleuca, successfirl business builders team up with their way
enrollers and with otherbusiness builders. your enroller can ! Determine your business hours. \7rite down the days and
show you how to conduct a presentation, handle resistance, build times you will devote to your Melaleuca business. How many
your contact list, and morei hours are you willing to invest each week?
n Start your contact list. \X/rite down roo names-without
prejudging how interested they may be-to get your contact
Take a moment now to review your calendar. To tmly succeed,
list started. Choose the ffrst 8-ro names to call during your
you must work your Melaleuca business on a consistent basis
48-hour session.
everywee\ setting aside specific hours ofthe day Ifyou have
another job, work your Melaleuca business when you get home. Irnportant: You may be v ery enthuiastic about gelting started with yow

I(rithout your time and commitrnent of energy, Melaleuca new business,but please follnw thtse irnportant sttpsbefore yotty +}-itsrour
just become another missed opporiunity EoIlow-IJp sesion.This training will help youleam how to build your


Once you've enrolled with Melaleuca, your enroller will arrange
for a follow-up session. Complete the tasks on the checklist
E Select Your First Order. Ifyou havent shoppped for your
6rst order, write down the products youd like to tqz your
below before this meering, so you will be prepared and ready
enroller will help you shop during your 48-Hour Follow-Up
to move forward as quickly as possible. Each ofthese steps is
meeting. If he or she is unavailable, you can call Melaleuca
e4plained in more deujl later in this booklet.
and place it yourselfwhen you are ready

Your 48-Ilour Follow-Up session is scheduled for: E Order a Career orValuePack and negin
Date ConvertingYour Home to Melaleuca Products.
Tirne Ordering a Career Pack is an important decision as you start
yourbusiness. It gives you e4posure to Melaleuca products at
Before your follow-up session, be sure you have done the a substantial dis count of 4o''/n5oo/o offregular prices, it provides

-- homework:
following you with the most efficient way to experience the majority of
Melaleuca products right away, it qualifres you for pacesetter
! Read Your Melaleraa Customer Membershrpbooklet. Become Bonuses and it takes only a few enrollnents to pay for itseH
famfiarwith it forfuture reference. n Review the Product Information CD. In your Business
n Subscribe to MyMelaleuca andVatch the Discovering Kit is a CD-ROM containing detailed information about
Melaleuca DVD, read the magazines. Vatch the videq then Melaleuca products.Take some time to become familiarwith
play theDeliuermg'JTellnes DVD as you tum the pages in the Melaleuca's products, likeThe Vitaliry Pacl€ or Replenef.
Deliuenngwellnes book Review the MelaleumCounfuy Catalog This CD will be a usefirl ongoiirg resource. you can also find
and Leadushipln Action magazines. other helpfirl information at you can
subscribe for free for your ffrst godays.
n Identi$'products to order. As you review the catalog,
identify those products you would like to order. ! Review suill rngYour MelabwaBusiness. Vrite down roo
names-without prejudging how interested they may be-to
I Write downyour questions. \7rite down any questions you
get your contact list started (see page rz). Choose the ftrst
have to discuss witl your enroller.
8-ro names to call during your 48-hour session.
n Reviewyour categorygoal. Review the descriptions of
n Refer 8 Preferred Custohers. Starr referring contacts
the three categories in the beginning ofthis booklet and
from your contact list. once you reach 8 personally enrolled
in the D eliu ering wellness book. Rededicate yourself to your
customers) your Director's Kit will be shipped to you
personal goals.


B us INES s-B urrDrr.{c AcnvrTrE s
ABOIIITHESEVEN A contact list i3 sihp$
a hst of names of people whom you intend to contact-people

you know, people you dont know, friends, family, acquaintances, colleagues, babysitters,
The principles used in running a business
teachers, neighbors, and communiry leaders. But at Melaleuca, a contact list is much
more. It is the Lifeblood of your business.
are pretqt much the same regardless of
the type ofbusiness. Your contact list gets you started on monthly appointments and weekly
First, you must determine the presentations. later, as you continue to modify, expand, and develop your contact list,

critical activities that drive the business, it will keep your business alive and growing. Every day you should spend some time
and then you must do thern consistently calLing contacts, following up with current contacts and adding new contacts to your

Over the past several years we have been list. Performing these activities helps build your organization and keep it strong year
teaching the Seven Critical Activities that after year.
drive Melaleuca business. As I travel the
counuy and meet with our Marketing
Executives, I am surprised by how many ACilVIIY TWO: SET APPOINTMENTS
of those who want to be successfrrl cannot The importance of setting appoinunents cannot be understated. Without
tell me the key activities they are engaged appointments, you are out ofbusiness. They are the key to a zuccesfirl growing business.
in. This is a business. Ve, as business Your approach canbe set up into four distinct parts.
operators, need to know, understand,
and implement those activities that drive r. CreateUr$ency
our zuccess. \X/e must be hard at it, doing r-z minutes maximum. Any longer and you may get
You want your call to last only
those things every day drawn into making the presentation on the phone. This is a mistake as Melaleuca is
Those who are wairing for some best presented in person, where the potential customer'can see the Deliueringlffellness
gimmick or secret system to propel them book and anyproducts you maywant to showhim/her.
into motion will never experience the
reality ofsuccess. Nothing replaces hard u. Sincerely Cornplirnent
The second part of setting appointments is to compliment the person. It tells her why
work! Nothing! Of course, we could
youVe chosen to talk to her. It helps her feel good about herselfand leaves her more
all work hard doing the wrong thing.
That's why it is essential that we each
open to what you have to say \Zhen someone notices something special about you,

understand what those Seven Critical doesrlt it make you more receptive to them?
Activities are. leam them. Teach them to
your people. Implement them daily 3.Approach
At this point you can insert whatever approach worls best for you and the person with
There is no secret to how the
whom youte speaking. There are many approaches you can use-here are just a few
Senior and Execudve Directors got
where they are. They understand those . The family approach
seven activities and theywork atthem . The product approach
consistentlyThere is a magic way to build
. The straighdorward business approach
a large, successfirl Melaleuca business! It's
called hard work! Doing the right things!
Everydayl +Confirrrr
The last part of the conversation is to confirm the appointment. Give the person two
or more options. "I'm free for lunch tomorroq or we could get togetherThursday

')^/ ,t./,.1./z^r
or Friday moming for coffee. \X/hich works best for you?" Once you have the
appoinrment, thank the person, tell him or her youte looking forward to it, and

CEO ofMelaleuca,Inc. confirm the date and time once again. Make sure you mark it down inyour calendar.


Melaleuca leaders use the Deliuedngvellnesspresentation every time they do a
presentation. There are several reasons for this:
. Others can copyyour actions. All ofyour enrollees who want to build a
business can do the same DelfuerutgVellness presentafion.

' rt's proven successfi.rl. Melaleuca's top business builders put this presentation
together based on years ofexperience. ACTIVITIT SE\IIEN: LEAD By
Melaleuca makes it easy to use. Depending on your audience size;choose from A strong Melaleuca business leader leads
the small booldet, table-top flip chan, large {lip chart, Ce or the DVD.
by example because she knows that her
. It's visual. People can leam faster and can beter recall with visual cues. actions are usually duplicated by those
in her organization. k she professiona!
. It's simple. Anyone can understand the presentation using this format. product-centered and positive? If sq
otherswill duplicate her actions. Is she
ACTMTY FOIIR: HOLD 48-HOUR FOLLO\Ir-UP MDETTNGS &sorganized, demanding, and late to
There are two basic tlpes of Follow-Up sessions: meetings? lf sq others will observe and
r. Customer Follow-Up duplicate these actions as well
z. Business-Builder 48-Hour Follow-Up Your first two months as a
Melaleuca Marketing Executive are
Thecustomer Follow-up is for those new customers who have selected a category r cridcal You get only one chance to
level of interest. It introduces them to the Melaleuca products, explains the sholping create your story-make it as great as
process, and helps ensure that they will remain happy .,rrto-"r, fo, y""., ,o -
..o". you can! Iater, when youte referring
The 48-Ho'r Follow-up is a meeting scheduled to be within new customers and tryring to encourage
4g hours of enrollment
to help category z and 3 MarketingExecutivesbegin buildingtheirbusinesses.In them to build quickly, they'll want to
follow-up session, the enrollerintroduces the newbusinessbuildertoMelaleucaby know how you &d it you'llbe telling
answeringquestions, explainingthe shoppingprocess, teachingaboutthe products, your'getting started" story over and over
often helping the newenrollee to staft shopprng. again, so it's important to set your sights
on reaching Director in your ffrst month,
ACTTVITIT FM: CELEBRAIE SUCCESS and Director II in your second month.
The mission of Melaleuca is to help people reach their goals. To inspire and motivate
people, you must celebrate their accomplishments.
Melaleuca thrives on celebradon! From the smallest of achievements to the
largest ones, from enrolJing one customer to achieving Corporate Director, the
thatteeps the fire buming is the celebration, the reward, and the recognitior. t".dlr.
nged to feel good about what they're doing. vhen that happens, modvation increases,
excitement grows, and abilities expand. In addition, celebration encourages repetition
and helps establish good business-building hablts.


A Melaleuca FastTrack is a results-driven program designed to help your organization
grow A series of meetings lasting between four and six weeks, the iast rrct
parricipants set goals, create action plans, implement those plans, repoft
and celebrate success. Team leaders provide motivatior,, ,,rppon, *d orining
facilitators organize the schedule and recognition awards.

Five essential activities rnake up the co'e of erreryFast Track

r. Assess the business and set goals
2. Create an action plan
3. Implement the plan
4. Report and celebrate success
5. Train and develop leaders


Wonps oF ApvrcE Anour rHE
Kmp BunorNc youn CoNracr I,$T CnBSRATE Succnss
"Your contact list is your commitment to gro\4th. I heard one "Great leaders make people feel bigger than they are. Followers
customer call it her confidence list, which makes sense. The then begin to thid<, acr, and produce bigger results than they
more names you have on your list, the more confidence you'll ever thought possible. It's all about building confidence. If
have that you can succeed. Ifthe ffrst three people on your List you want people to produce, you need to reward producdon.
say no, and you have roo names on your list, that means you still Recognition and celebradng success separate the caring leader
have 97 oppomnities for success." fiom the uncaring leader.They determine ifyour team is going
kcl< Jongkind, Executiu e Director W, British Columbia, LJ S to get excited and follow you, or watch you walk away alone.,'
Bruce N ewby, Corporate Director, Texas, rJ S
"The purpose ofany approach, whether it is in person or
over the phone, is to get an appointment to make aDelivering
Arweys BE INVotvED \nrH
presentation-and that's all! Melaleuca cannot be
"There is no doubt that FastTrack has been the key part ofour
explained in five minutes or on the run. It,s important to create
growth.The great thing about FastTrack is that it is the most
curiosiry and yet learn how to steer the conversation in one
empowering critical activiry In FastTrac! you can utilize all
direction only-to confirm the appointment.,,
seven critical activities. It's the way to train new leaders coming
Mark Atha, Cotyorate Dircctor:, Arizona, IJ S
up. It's creating'rurbo-energy' in our organization, spreading
out to various cities, and boosting our growth.',
MaxE PnrslxranoNs Chayleen and MarkTaliri, Executiue Directors yIII, Haw aii, IJ S
"The Delwenngwelbxess presentation was designed by
Marketing Executives with many years of experience. There is
no need to reinvent the wheel. Do a complete Delivuingwellness I,ren BY ExAMpLE
presentation every time and you will duplicate success in your "Converting your home to Melaleuca products with a Career
organization." or Value Pack is the fastest and most effective way to fully
Ed Bestlsl, Cotporate Director yI, Eloida, IJS experience the best ofour product line. \Zhen our Career pack
arrived, we took the products out ofthe box and started using

Horn 4B-HouR Fouovr-Up all of them right away"

Laraine Agren, Executive Director IX, Califomia, IJS
"One ofthe best activities guaranteed to bring results is the
48-Hour Follow-Up session. It is proven to create qualiry .€l.i.,is:, "+
enrollments and sustained growth. Businesses that consistently
hold 48-Hour Follow-Up sessions have higher average
commissions, higher average growh rates, lower attrition,
more Career and Value pack purchases, and more duplication
through advancement."
McKay Christ ensen, Prcsident, Melaleuc a lnc.


DEnNE YouR "\f/HY'
Perhaps one of the most important ff-rst steps is to write down why you want your Melaleuca
business to succeed. your ,why'' can help
you to continue building and working even when you may be discouraged, tired, or unsure ofyourself
Reviewlng the reasons for
your commitrnent to a Melaleuca business can be very powerftrl in helping you achieve the long-term energy
anJ drive your ne"d to
reach your goals. Fill out the following worlsheet and refer to it oft"n as you progress.

" trtIy' why' w as to build *ris

Itwe my corpomte job anl
be there for my dnuglrter. I
madt arcslutiontonanu
income qoal is an adAitional er month. miss anoth* perfurynarre u
school play. She needcd. me
_rygid like fo use the income for the {ollowinq: all the differmce. r b ecame
an h<e.utiue Dhedor in 1 4
slv needs me,Ihnve the

Il I t aA lhis addilional ineo-e, itwould benefit -v life

feAbilitytabe there:
l;n fAe followi Executive Diredarly'I,

is is reallv im rtantto me becaute:

You just solidifted your'whyJ'The more it impacts your motivations,

the more it will help motivate you to reach your goals.

I want to enroll B Preferced Customerg anA beco-e

a Director

I fo
enroll a tofal o{ Z0 Pre{erreA Customers and
create a Personal Director b (Aafe)


Your contact list is the first step toward a successful Melaleucabusiness
You should add to it regulnrly and always heep it with you!


THINKOFPEOPLEWHO... a list of names of people whom you intend to contact-people
A contact list is simply
you know, people you dont know, friends, family, acquaintances,, babysitters,
Are successful, but discontented.
teachers, neighbors, and communiry leaders. But at Melaleuca, a contact list is much
love theirjob, but want more out more. It is the lifeblood ofyourbusiness.
oflife. Your contact list gets you started on monthly appointments and weekly
presentations. later, as you continue to modify, expand, and develop your contact list,
Wony about downsizing or layoffs. it will keep your business a]ive and growing. Every day you should spend some time
calLing contacts, following up with current contacts and adding new contacts to your
Make good money, but have no time to
enjoy it. list. Performing these activities helps build your organization and keep it stong year
after year.
Own a business that also owns them.

Want a career change, but are finding it

difficult due ro educarional restrainls.

Are entrepreneurial, always looking for

good business ideas.

Are health-conscious or environmentallv


Have small children or grandchildren

in the home.

Shop frequently at a health food store.

Take vitamins and are interested ln

improving their health.

Are worried about a health problem.

"Be passionate about your conuct list Create it, add names to it on a daily basis, and
keep itwith you always. A complete, current, and active contact list is central to the
zuccess of your business.'



Thirrk ofpeople in your
immediate "circle of
bfluence."These are
yourfamily members
and friends-people
who are close to you and
will EstEn to what you
say about Melaleuca.
Then continue to
expand andmove
outward, reaching more
people as you go.

Do not make judgments
about who will orworlt
be interested. Everyone THINK OF PEOPLEWHO.,.
is a potential customer. Even those who dont want to enroll may be able to give you
Have a need or desire to improve
reGrrals that you can add to your List. Highlight the people who you think would be
most likely to use Melaleuca products or appreciate what Melaleuca can offer them.
their lives.

\7ou1d benefft from the Melaleuca

Brrsiness Associates and Colleaglues oppomrniry
Think of people you know, but perhaps haverrt contacted in a while. Remember peopre
lil/ant to get out ofdebt or pay offcredit
who used to talk with you more ofien. list people you know at work, people your
spouse or paftner knows, or people you used to work with at other jobs.
Are worried about a college or
An Entreprenurial Spirit retirement fund.
1X/ho do you know who has been in or is stjll working a networking business, parq,-
\[ant exffa income so a spouse doesnt
plan, or other home-based business? \7ho have you ulked wrth that is always iookrng
have to work.
for the latest, greatest business oppornrnity? \X/ho has told you how much she wodJ
like to quit ajob and start her own business? Are currently working two jobs and are
Go through your personal lists. To whom do you send christmas cards? Do you have
accessto an alumni list, old high schoolyearbooks, or membership lists from clubs to
which you belong? How about your prA group, professional associations, commuriry
organizations like the lions club, Elks, or ski club? Dont forget your child's school.
Many teachers would like a way to eam some extra money!

Let Your Fingiers Do the Walkingi

Use your personal address book to look up other potential customers Like your
accourtant, doctor, lawyer, banker, chiropracto! dentist, optician, hairdresser, or anyone
else you may have visited or continue to visit on a regularLasis. look in your .hecktook
register for names of people you may have paid, including the carpet cleaner, florist,
grocer/checker, housekeeper, insurance agent, m"ter reader, p"ychiatrist, real estate
agent, travel agent, TV repairman, UpS delivery person, and waiter/waitress.


use the following spaces to write down-names to add to your initial contact list. Tten look up their phone numbers and keep
handytohelpyoumakeappoinunentsforfuturepresentations.Additionalpagescanbefoundin rheSorencritiaalActivitiesfuHet

Date Date to
Narne Phone Contacted Notes FollowUp




























There are more people in your Circle of Influence than you might think.
Use the following list as a way to jog your memory for more possible contacts.

Friends &Neigflrbors 42. Bus Driver 88. Barber r3z. Electrician

r. Family 43. BaLer 89. Beautician r33. Contractor
z. Friends 44 Car Sales 9o. UPS r34 Carpenter
l. lunch with 45. \X/aitress gr. Maihnan r35. lawn Maintenance
4 Neighbors \Waiter gz.TVRepair 136. Upholsterer
5. landlord 47.Chef 93. Fumiture Repair r37. Cabinet Maker
48. Cashier *.s 94. CableTV r38. Plumber
Farnily 49. Dishwasher
" 95. Auto Mechanic
6. Car Pool 5o. Copier Salesman 96. Body Repair Favorite llaurrte
7. Playswith Xids 5r. Cosmetic Sales 97. Photographer r39. Coffee Shop
8. Friend's Parents 5 z. Appliance Repairman 98. SatelliteTV r4o. Arcade
9. Relatives 53. Auctioneer 99. Vacuum Cleaner
ro. Spouse's Best Friend 54. Stewardess roo. Phone Installer ShoppingS/Stores
rr. Cousins 55.TravelAgent ror. Pest Control r4r. Grocery
rz. Babysitter 56. Antique Dealer roz. Computer Repair r4z. Conv.enience
13. In-laws 57. Sign Painter ro3. Computer Sales r43. Deaarrment
58.locksmith ro4. Cellular Phone r44. Hardware
Schoofleaching 59. Railroad Conductor r45. Auto Supply
14. Teacher 6o. Game\Tarden Errands/Iovyn 146. Electronics
15. Principal ro5. Parking Attendant r47.Tnes
16. Guidance Counselor Professional 106. Gas Station r48. Office Supplies
ry.KaratefBallet 6r. Engineer ro7. Dry Cleaner r49. Movie Rental
18. Coach 62. Realtor ro8. Flower Shop r5o. Health Food Shop
19. MusicTeacher 63.Iawyer ro9. Notary Public
zo. Scoutmaster 64. Professor Cornrnunity
zr. DanceTeacher 65. Architect Money r5r. Policeman
zz.Llbraian 66. Veterinarian rro. Banker r5z. Highway Patrol
23. PianoTuner 67.Witer rrr. Teller 15 3. Chamber of Commerce
58. Publisher rrz. Credit Union r54. Fireman
Vorft 69. Social \Worker rr3. Accountant r55. Volunteer
z4 Colleagues 7o. Pilot
25. Boss 7r. Printer l,IedicaVffealth Situations
z6.Sectetary 72. Suweyor rr4. Nurse 156. Iost Job
27. Payroll list rr5. Dentist r57. Has Beenlaid Off
28. Pension Plan Slnrts/Clubs 116. Doctor r58. Ilates Job
29. Personal Manager 73. Kiwanis rr7. Chiropractor
3o. Copier Man 74 Lions Club rr8. Pharmacist PersonalityTylrcs
3r. Union members 75. Rotary rr9. Therapist r 59. Valking Enryclopedia
32. NewEmployee 76. Bowlwith r2o. Health Spa 16o. Most likable
33. Operator 77. Huntwith rzr. Optician 16r. Bookworm
34. Bookkeeper 78.Tennis with rzz. Ambulance Driver
zq. Skiwith rz3. Orthodontist Personal S€rnric€s
churrh&Volunteef, 8o. Golf Pro 16z. lamaze Class
35. Preacher 8r. Play Bridge Ilorne7tlpkeep 163.Tanning Salon
36. Sunday SchoolTeacher 82. Pool v4.Punter
37. Youth Director 83. Jogs rz5. Roofer Otlrcr
38. Church Members 84 Clirnbs Mountains rz6. Insulator 164Miliury
85. Flang Glides rzT.Landscaper 165. Hotel
Vor*ers r 28. Vallpaper Installer 166. Machine Shop
39.Truck Driver Senrices rz9. RepairMan 167. AnimalTrainer
4o. Funeral Director 86. Caterer r3o. Inspector 168. DollMaker
4r. Cab Driver 87. DeliveryMan 13r. Carpet layer 169. Seamstress

The irnportance of setting aypoir*netit cannotbe und.erstated.without appointments,
you are out of business.They are thekey to a successful, growingbusiness.


Your approach canbe set up into four distinct pafts
It's crucial to have specific times for r. Create Urgency
when you will set appointments. If you z. Sincerely Compliment
wait until you "have time" to make calls, 3. Approach
a week cal tum into a month or twq
4 Confirm
and then the opporrunity has passed. Set
time aside every week. Try for example,
Sunday nights andTuesday momings.
You want your call to last only r-z minutes maximum. Any longer and you may get
CalendaE plan, stick to your plan, and be
drawn into making the presentation on the phone. This is a mistake as Melaleuca is
best presented in person" where the potential customer can see the Deliueringwellness
book and any products you may want to show him/her.
FaiJing to keep your call brief leads you into the trap of trying to immediately
ASKYOTIRSELF... erplain Melaleuca.That's like trying to describe a song without music.It's paramount
.will Melaleuca products enhance the to create a sense ofurgency, make the appointrnent, and end the conversation. How do
health ofothers? you create urgency? By simply letting them know you dont have much time, but you
would love to e4plain Melaleuca in person.
. Do I believe in the concept of
Consumer Direct Marketing*?
. Is this an oppornrnity
Sincerely Cornplirnent
with no ftnancial
The second part of setting appointments is to compliment the person. It tells her why
youVe chosen to talk to her. It helps her feel good about herselfand leaves her more
. If they try, can a-tryone really make open to whatyou have to say \X/hen someone notices something special aboutyou,
money? doesnt it make you more receptive to them?
Complimenting is also an excellent lead-in for any conversation-if it's sincere.
If the answer why wouldnt you
is 'yes,"
People will detect any sort offorced comment. Thirk back to identify what is qpecial
want to tell everyone, including family
about that person. If the contact is a referral from someone else, mention what that
and friends?
person said about the contact


For example:

Grocery clerlc I noticed how efficient you are at your job the other day and I m TIID"FORM'METHOD
lookingfor people like that. OFREIdIING
rrairdresser: You know, you're always Many Melaleuca business leaders
so willing to listen and help people, I just know
you'll be the type ofperson to succeed. recommend the FORM method of
relating to new contacts. An acronyrn for
Friend: I know you really care about what kids are exposed to these days, and I thought Family Occupatio4 Recreation, and Money,
you would want to help other families use safer products. : ,r this method helps categorize the need level

Referral rx/hen I ofyour new contact. Ifyoute really listening,

asked Bob who he knew with an enrrepreneurial spirit-a people
youVe most likely picked up on an area of
person who strives for something befier in life-he mentioned you.
need with yournew contact. \7ould he like
Neighbor: You know, I see how hard you work every day and I knowyou really care to get out of debt?That's a Money contact. Is
about providing the best things foryourfamily ret me tellyou about something that he really dying to have that new car or boat?
could help. That's a Recreation contact Does he wish he
could afford a college education for his child?
That's a Family contact Think about your
Approach contact before you call Does she want more
At this point you can insen whatever approach works best for you and the person with time with her family? Does she work too
whom you're speaking. There are many approache, yor, .*
ur"-here are just a few: many hours at the office? Is she stmggling to
.The family approach pay bills? Does she have a family member with

.The product approach health problems? Is her car about to quit every
. The straightforward business approach time she drives it? Use this infomation in
helping you set the appointment.
use rhe ones tlat work best for you Remanber, the objective is to get the appointrnent, and

The last part ofthe conversation is to confirm the appoinunent. Give the person
two or
more options. "I m ftee for hrnch tomonow or we could get together Thursday
or Friday
morning for coffee. \X/hich works best for you?"
Once you have the appointment, than_k the person, tell him or her you,re looking
forward to it, and conftrm the date and time once again. Make sure you mark it down"
in your calendar. You've just succeeded in getring an appointment! pat yourselfon
bac( pick up the phone, and do it again."i9


S7rurDoYouNEEnro Doro
CnrTorRrryOuroF DEer?
rf you're loohing for a *oy tot ri* extra money or reduce expenses,
Melaleuca has the answer. ulith a straryhlforward, proven approach,
Melaleuca giues
you the oppot4unity to get out of debt and enloy lfe to its

In a world of economic uncertainty, Melaleuca's work-ftom-home opporn:nity

helps many families use their spare time to help others
enjoy the beneffts ofhealth promoting products while earning the
extra -or"y rh"y.""d.
sometimes it helps to see the figures to determine what is needed to get'out
ofdek and set up a comfortable retirement.
Numbers in black and white can help clari$, the realiry ofyour situarion
and help you to set more specific goals for the future. ?ke a
look at the example below

Assumingyouare4oyearsoldand canearnf,Aretarnonyourmone)1
payoffyour debt in 7 years' To save s$r.6 million for retirement, you
will need s$z8,8oo
- per year or s$z,4oo per month (assuming a
non-tax-deGrred investment) for z|years.In total, you will
need S$4,ooo pe.;.;;-


above idormadon consists of example5 ryfu.1t the amount of income one-would requ'e to clear his/her debts.
in Singapore cunenry convened fion Noirh A11 ffgures referred to are
ag".-r l-.rt-g" rr"'.ir.Z3i.e.;;* a.ilar ro one ( r) U.s. do1a. r
"rn! ""

\TrurARE Tr{E \7nys ro Eanx
CoUPENSAiloN vrrTl{ Mnr-trEucn?
Eollowing are seueral ways in c6n edrn monthly commissions
and bonuses as a Melaleuca Marketing Executiue ;,

Product Introducrion Commission: The first month you personally help new
customers purchase Melaleuca products, you eam a commission of z o% or zf/o of the
total Product Points they purchase up to r5o product poirrts.

Personal Enrolled Customer Commission: Beginning with your personal

customers'second month purchases, you can earn f/o,
t4o/o, or zo%o o{the product points
they purchase monthly

organization commission: Yo n ear'' a f/o commission on the product points

purchased mondrly by customers enrolled by others in your organization.

value Pack and career Pack commissions: rwhen customers you enroll or assist in
enrolling purchase a value Pack or career pac\ you eam a s$5o or s$75 commission.

one:rime Advancemerrt Bonus/pacesetter Bonus: As you advance your business to

a new status' you qualify to eam one-time advancement bonuses for each new status you
Ifyou rapidly advance through the Director rarrks, you quarifi to double eacir of
these advancement bonuses and earn up to S$r9,5oo onjust the pacesetter Bonus.

Pacesetter Mentoring Bonus: Each time one ofyour personal Marketing Executives
"Anyone can build this business to any
advances to Director through senior Direcor in pacesetter timeftame,
, orr"- yor-"*
time bonus. one time bonuses begin at s$ roo for Director and increase with each status height they desire. I know several people
up to s$3,6oo at senior Director. To qualift you must have an active status equal to or who are making $5oour-$l,ooous every
higher than the status of the advancing personal Director. month. And that is residual! \Xrhat a
marvelous feeling to help someone else
Quarterly Director Bonus: This bonus will be given at the end of each calendar change their life and ftnancial situation.',
quaner (March, June, september and December). All active Senior Directors and above
can share in a pool equal to r% ofproduct points plus all dollars not used in the
D eb omh Walters, Executiv e D ire ctor lII,
leadership pooJs. NorthCarolina,rJS

Leadership Pools: As your business grows, you can participate in montlly company
revenue sharing based on the increase ofnew customers in your organization.

Financial Freedom Bonus: Active Senior Directors can eam 5$600 per month and
Executive Directors can eam S$r,5oo per month.

* the cornpenntion section

see in thisbooliet for fn+her details.The abwe information is conect
attlutimeof pnnting.

Once you've enrolled, determined your category andlevel of commitment,
and reviewed yourbeglnning chechlist,you may wondey:Vhat's the next step?

There is no limit to how much you can eam in your Melaleuca business. It! all up to
EARNINGSINONEYEAR you-your effofts, your time commitment, your ability to leam and duplicate proven
methods, and your dedication to success.
MarketingExecutives in zoo5 and The faster you build your business and the more people who join your
zoo6who ac-hieved the status of Senior organization, the more success you will enjoy Melaleuca offers a unique bonus to those
businessmen and women who move quickly soon afterthey enroll You may eam in
Directorand above on the Pacesetter
schedule eamed signiff cant income
fiom their Melaleuca businesses. r. The Pacesetter Bonus rewards new enrollees and their enrollers for moving rapidly to
Director level
Low 5$28,532
z. The Pacesetter leadership Bonus allows advancing Directors the oppornrnity to
High s$+sl,z8z double their one-time leadership bonuses through the Director levels, including
advancement to Senior Director. The table below shows an example of the potential
Averagie S$95,r35 income available when you follow the Pacesetter Program.

*Tlumonthinwhithtntaldallars paidmay vary and.fupmls onlherequiremmtthal

atstomers oy statusbe
heldfor 3 or 4consecutitemontL*.

t Earnings mayvarybasedontlu anouttt of wdwtuuttspurchased andtlu efforts of Marhding0xuutiues.

Assumes auerage of 48I4odvt?ointsof yurclnsesby custnmmintlv otganization.
Eor a comgW representntion$whntMatketingExautiues eamwithtlrciyMelalaatbusirnx,vethe
CompnstianPlanandtlvtnrmeSlntistksinthisbtoldd"Ihis informahonafuinsthe CompnwtinnPlnn
and/or illus*atestlu etmingpotentinlof aMarhetingLxecutiue and doesnotwptesentwhnt arryMa*zting
Exrcutive will eavn nll figryes yefmed ts are in Singapore amenry.


Following is a realistic example of how much you can eam in your first two months
with Melaleuca if you achieve the status of Director and Director II.

Earrr 5$6oo+ Your First Month-Achieve Director

Product IntroductronBonus (zf/"f zo%of totalproduct points) ....................................... S$zzo

"rffhatever your goal, it's here for you
Pacesetter Director Bonus ............... ,.*.1"._.._...-........... S$zoo if you're willing to put forh the effort.
You can reach your goals. t$tre know*we
4Value PackAssist Bonuses (g5o each) ..................... .................................. Sgzoo
Brure andKrstinNewby
Cotporate DiredwqTexas, US

Earn S$rzoo+ Your Second Month-Achieve Director II

Product Introduction Bonus (zo% oftotal product points) ................................................. S$zoo

Pacesetter Director II Bonus ........... ................................ S$+oo

4 ofyour personally enrolled customers buy Value packs (g5o each) ................... Sgzoo

4 Value Pack Assist Bonuses ($5o each) ................. ..... S$zoo

Organization Commission (fiom rst month enrollees) ........................................................ S$zBo

nentlts may va;ryfwmbusinesstnbuiness. Eor an acanate rcyeseriation of whatMnkdmg

Exeattfues eam withtheirMelaleumbusiness, see tlrc cotnpmntionplan orthelnnme stnistis in
thisboohbt. Allfigures are in Smgapare dnilars.


The Pacesetter Program is part of Melaleuca's Compensation plan. New enrollees
can earn up to S$zoo and their enrollers earn S$roo when the new enrollee buys a
career Pack or value Pack and becomes a Director. This bonus rewards new enrollees
and their enrollers for moving rapidly to the Director level. New enrollees and their
enrollers can each earn a S$roo bonus if
EXAMPI,E r' -ir'
Ilre new enr.ollee (who earts S$roo) the enroller (who earns S$roo)
Ifyou enroll on August r5, August
r. becomes a Preferred Customer, and r. has an active status ofDirector or
would be your month of enrollment. you
z. buys a Value or Career Pack, and above, and
have two calendar months-september
3. becomes a Director within the first two z. has, since joining Melaleuca,
and October, in this case-to achieve
calendar months following the month of purchased a Value or Career Pack.
Director status. You would then need to enrollment.
advance one Director status level each
month to continue on Pacesetter time PACESETTER LEADERSHIP BOhIUS
Advancing Directors through Directors IX, and Advancing Senior Directors through
Senior Directors IX, can double their One{ime leadership Bonuses each time
they advance depending on whether they meet the Pacesetter timeline. Rapidly
advancing Drectors will earn Pacesetter Leadership Bonuses instead of the One-
Time leadershipbonus.

Minimum# Averase Months ro

One-Time Pacesefter of Personallv leaders"hip- Persoaal oualifr
Enrolled' Points Directors froriTimi.f
Customefs Required Required Enrollment
S$roo S$.zoo 8 r o zMonths
Director III S$3oo
Dkectorv S$joo S$rp;

DirectorVll S S$z,ooo

SeniorDrcctor montls since achievhs

Senior flirector "
S$3,6oo S$z,zoo
-- .};FPXG
IO 5
*-l -;M;fi;
SeniorDirectiorll ffi.:::-;;-*.:: r--;. -
Senior DirectorIII f/ootPEG ic'%ofPEG 6 .2
SeniorDiectorfV. 5%ofpEc io% ofPxc 6 r Monrlls
SeniorDirectorV sz"ofpEc- liozofffc-- -*--^ --7'----
-rr--.-- -*-*:*;ffi.-
W@m.--5%APxc@:- '..l- r* -.4r];;frI;:=-
SeniorO*&orVtt- 5y.ofPEG
loXofpfC - zo * - -
ir 8 - --rr,A";rf,,
seni-tirectorr,il sz.ofpg6--=o%;fpEc----. ';;- -- -i3 - - 8 Months
SeniorDirectorlX sZofruC--- loEiFiEE..- * ' ro Months
Executive Director ro% of PXG 20 15 10 rzMonthJ'::
Note: PEG, (Pe$onal Enrollee Group) volume is the total organizational product point volume of a Marketing Execudve's personal
Enrollees in any
given month. For advarrcing Directors to quaLify for Pacesetter Leadership bonuses, they must hold their
new status for three consecutive months.


CotvrPENSATrox Prnx
Melaleuca's Compensation Plan is designed to reward independent Marketing
Executives who develop customers for Melaleuca products. The income you eam from
your Melaleuca business is determined by three factors: the numbbr.&customers you
have, the amount each customer purchases each month, and your effectiveness in
buildlng a marketing organization that includes other Marketing Executives who help
you expand your customer base as they build their own marketing organizations.

The key to understanding the Melaleuca Compensation plan is to remember that all
commissions and bonuses eamed are based on the sale of products to end consumers.
"End consumers" are customers who purchase products to use in their homes. you do
not eam commissions and bonuses for recruiting or signing up customers-but you
will be paid commissions whenever those customers buy products. And that can mean
monthly residual income for years to come. Frankl. VanderSloot
"Melaleuca's Consumer Direct
The information on the next few pages explains the Compensation plan, and is not
Marketing* program provides the
representative of what any Marketing Executive will earn. Any representation or
oppomrnity for people to succeed
guarantee of specific eamings would be misleading. Success with any business takes
through their own efforts. Tens of
hard wor\ diligence, perseverance, and leadership. Success with Melaleuca will
thousands of famfies are now competing
depend on how effectively a Marketing Executive exercises those qualities.
direcdy with major manufacturers
of nutrition, pharmaceutical, bath &
body, and home care products-and
winning! \7hen customers purchase
Frark I,. VanderSloot, CEO
Melaleuca products each month, profits
ftom those sales go directly to famiJies

throughout the world rather than to large






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C olt prxSATI oN S utvttr,tARy
Prodrrct Introdrrction Cornmission. As the Enroller, rJ7hen you advance to Senior Director II through IX for the
you earn up to zf,A commission on the first r5o product first time you receive of your Personal Enrollee Group
points purchased by your personal cusromers when they volume as a one time bonus. \7hen you advance to Executive
shop in their first month (select pack and back up orders Director through Executive Director IX you receive ro% of
excluded). If you are the immediate Marketing Executive your Personal Enrollee Group volume as a one time bonus.
in the customer's suppon line, you earn z7o/o. If you are
not, you eatn zoo/o and the immediate Marketing Executive Pacesetter Bonuses. \7hen a new enrollee advances
earns f/". to Director in Pacesetter timeframe, the enrollee and their
enroller can each earn a one-time pacesetter bonus if:
Circle of Influence Bonrrs. Marketing Exe.rtirr"rlit*
who qualify for Circle of Influence (COI) in a month by
The new enrollee (who earns S$zoo) The enroller (who earns S$roo)
r. becomesaPreferredCustomerand r.hasanacdvestatusofDirector
enrolling 4 new customers will receive an additional COI Or above, and
bonus of S$r5o. If the Marketing Executive,s Average z. purchases a Value or Career Pack, and z. has, since joinhg Melaleuca,
Retention Index (Anf) is above B5%, the bonus will be paid purchased a Value or Career

in the qualfing month. If the Marketing Executive's ARI is Pack.

3. becomes a Director within the {irst
below 85%, the bonus will be paid after the cusromers have
two calendar months following the
remained active for 3 months. month of enrollment.
Then as you advance through the Director ranks in
Personal Enrolled Crrstomer Comrnission. As pacesetter tirneframe you earn one-time bonuses equal to
an active Director, your commission paid on your personal two times the one-time advancement bonus at each starus.
customers' Product Point purchases increases to t4% (with
8 to 19 personal customers). I7hen your active personal PacesetterMentorirrgi Bonrrs. Each time one of your
customers increase to 20, you eatn zoo/o on all product points personal Marketing Executives advances to Director through
generated by those customers each month. Senior Director in Pacesefter timeframe, you earn a one-time
bonus. One time bonuses begin at $roo for Director and
Or$anization Cornrnissions. Each month that you increase with each stafus up to 5$3,6oo at Senior Director.
quali$r active Marketing Executive, you will receive a
as an To quali$', you must have an acdve status equal to or higher
commission of 7/" onthe first r5o product points purchased than the status ofthe advancing personal Director.
by each customer in your Marketing Organization. you eam
the Organization Commission from customer purchases Director Developrnent Incentive. In any month
after the customer's month of enrollment. To quali$r for in which a Director or above develops an new personal
commissions in the customer's second and third months, the Director, the leadership Point requirements for starus will be
customer must shop and place a minimum product point waived for that monrh and the following two months as long
order. as the personal Director remains active!

Career/Valrre Pack Cornmission. Marketing Active Senior Directors. Active Senior Director can
Executives earn S$5o on the Value packs and S$25 on earn 5$6oo per month and Executive Directors can eafir
the Career Packs purchased by their new customers in S$r,5oo per month.
the customer's first two months following the month of
enrollment. Customers may purchase up to two packs, but Directors and above are guaranteed all personal Commissions even
the commission is only paid on the first pack purchased. if they produce no Leadership points in any given month. Directors
A Marketing Executive may earn the Career/Value pack are guaralteed to earn a minifnum commission of s$z5o per month.
In any three month period, ifa Director earns at least one leadership
Commission if they are designated as the,Assist" on
point, he/she will be eligible to earn organization and leadership
the Independent Marketing Agreement form of a new
commissions as shown above.
Marketing Executive who is not their personal customer.
One-Tirne Advancernent Bonuses. When you
advance to Director and each Director Status through
Director IX for the first time, you earn a one-time bonus
beginning with S$roo at Director, and increasing to 5$r,6oo
at Director IX. \X/hen you advance to Senior Director for
the first time you receive a one time bonus of 5$3,6oo.


AnornoNAr lEeonnsnrp IxcENTTvES AND BoNusns

Product Point A value assigned to each Melaleuca Droduc or Leadership Points leadership points measure the level
service upon which commissions and bonuses are calculated. of support a Marketing Executive provides to his or her
Organization Volume The total product points ftom products organization. Melaleuca's Compensation plan requires each
and sewices purchased in a Marketing Executive's org*iotion Director II and above to regularly produce leadership points.
in a calendarmonth. Up to six_leadership Points are available for enrolling a new
Preferred Customer. These six leadership points are iistributed
PEG Volume Personal Enrollee Group (pEG) Volume is
the total organization product point Vdlume of a Marketino
Executive'slersonal Enrollees in *y gi*" *.irt

Ina{ 3 leadership Points rarnedby the enrollerwho is the Mad<eting Executive who provided the name ofthe
new Pteferred Cmtomer
Pres€nter z leadership Points Eamed by the Markering Executive who gave rhe majoriry of the presentadon that resuked
in the enrollment of the Prefemed Customer
Careerlgalue Pacft r leadership poinr Awarded to the presenter ifrhe new pteferred customer purchases a Career or value pack
during the month of enrollment.

Roen ro Etccumrr DrnncronTh,enuxc

This is one of the most informative and effective events for

ONn-Trur AnvervcnivrENT &
Senior Directors working their *ry,o E*".uJu" Dir;cio^r-^
PecrsrrrER BoNUSES
status. Ifhen Marketing Executives become Senior Directors,
they are invited to Melaleucas offices for a training event, witl
the opportuniry to tour Melaleuca,s facility and r) One{ime Advancernent Bonus: As MarketingExecurives
Management Team members
-E"t *itii tt " advance in status, tley can eam One{ime AdvancJment
Bonuses. This bonus will be paid out after rhe Marketins
Execudve has rnaintained the status for three consecutiie
Quenrnnrv DrREcroR BoNUs
z) Pacesetter Bonuses: Marketing Executives who have
Corporate, Executive, and Senior Directors mav parricioate purchased a Career or Value Pack can double their One;Iime
in a Quanerly Director Bonus designed to ,e*"rd leadJrc for Advancement Bo-nus by advancing rapidlythrough rhe Director
developing personal Directors and helping others do the same. o
ranks. If the Marketing Executive ad.rrrn es to $atus within 5
The bonus works as follows: the speci dtimeallotted (seebelow), theywill".ihqualifvfortle a
To participate, you must develop one (r) new personal Director Pacesetter Bonus in place of the One{imeAdvancement Bonus.

and have two (z) personal enrollees advance to a status above
Director in the quarteE OR develop two (z) new personal Pacesetter Bonus E
Directors and have one ( r) personal enrollees adriance to a
status abo-ve Director in tle quaner, OR develop three (3) new
Sfahrs fime to Qualify tafter ntonth af enrollmm! I o

personal Directors in the quarter. Directot e Morrths SDIi r Monrh

At the end of each calendar quarter (March, June, September, Director II 3 Months SDIII z Months o
and December), all active Senior Directors and abo# can
Director III 4 Monrhs SDIV 3 Months
share in a pool equal to r% ofcompany product points during
the quarter. Director IV 5 Months SDV 4Months

You will participate in the pool according to the increase in Directorlr 6 Months SDVI _sMonths
your organizational Directors ftom one quarterto the next. Director VI z Months SD\1I 6Months 5
leaders who are in their ftrst z4 months with Melaleuca can Director\tI I Months SD\AII B Months
earn up to zo% of in-country pEG volume in the pool
Dilector\,lil s Monrhs SDIX ro Months
?arricipation in the pool will be prorated (roo%, 66%, or
based on your active status during each month in the quaner. DkectorlX roh{onths
Directors who roll up into your organization during the Senior Director r r Months
quarter will not count in your orginizarional Dfue;r count.



Active DirectorsIII through Directors IX participate in a monthly Leadership Pool equal to lolo of total company
Product Points; Senior Directors participate in a Leadership Pool equal to l7o oftotal company product poirts;
and Executive Directofs and:Corporate Directors participate in a Leadership Pool equal to 2olo of totai company
Product Points.


:i...: :..-:. 1r.:r:::r:r' i:::::-.. .::::; i:;

countrv wifl he.used--,
.:.:::: :::.:. .r.:::,:::.::::: i ;:1];-:'


Tnnnr Iuponruvr penrs Or Luenrnsrrrp PorNTs point eamers, and the top Director pool point
eamers will share in a ponion ofthe respective
ANENnorr.l,rcvr Rrqtnnno FonlilosRs leadership Pools. In order to panicipate, top
Enrollfirents are divided into three (3) parts. Directors or above who have achieved
MarketirrgExecurives must have a leadership
by using Ieadership Points that affect bonuses zo,ooo or more organization Product Points
Point average ofat least 4o Leadership points.
for leaders. leadership points are assigned as are tequired to produce an average of ro
Top pool point eamers in the Directorpools
follows: leadership Points per.ft-iotth. For every may not have been an active Senior Director
5,ooo ad&tional organizarion Product ?oints, previously Top pool point eamers in dre
lead/Xnroller 3 points
Ditectors or above must produce one more
Presentation 2points Senior Director pools may not have been an
leadership Point. For example, a Director
Carcerf r point (awarded to the
or above with z5,ooo organizational Product
active Executive Dirator previously

ValuePack Presenterifthenew Points must produce rr leadership Points; Executive and Corporate Directors may
enrollee purchases Career
similarly, a Director or above with 3o,ooo eam 14% oftheir PEG volume or S$3o,ooo,
or Value Pack during
must produce rz leadership points, etc. Those whichever is less fiom the Execurive Direcror
their month of producing fewer leadership Points will receive pools.
a percentage ofthe total commission available.
fpoints availablefor Director III Minirnrrrn Cornrrrission
each enrollrnent
LnenrnsmPPoot Guarantee" Active Directors III and above
are gtmrmteed to earn monthly commissions
Preferred Customer Membership Agreement IuronuerroN & Drrarrs ofS$25o.
forms require enrollers to speci$which Active Directots III * Corporate Directors can
Marketing.Executive helped with each part panicipate in exchrsive leadership pools. The Residual Irrcorne for Personal
ofthe enrollment. To quali$' for points for leadership pools are designed to reward those Cornrnlssions is Guaranteed! Leaders
the current mont\ the preferred Customer leaders that provide an ongoing contribudon eam personal commissions (residual income
paperwork must be received before montHs to their organization by creating growth and fot work they &d) regardless ofleadership
end. Please note that these I€adership points helping others reach rtreit goals. A requirement Point production. Ad&tionally, as Directors
will determine stana, advancements and to participate in any leadership pool is to have meet all other requirements to be a Dkector,
commissionq therefore, enrollers should developed one (r) or more new personally they will be paid on Presentation commissions.
assign these points carefully and honesdy The enrolled Directors in the prior three months. The Presentation commis sionis a f/o
points are allocated according to the following commission that is paid on the product points
deffnitions: Active Directors III - IX can panicipate in the produced by customers in your organization
Director's leadership Pool up to a mon*rly
forwhom you did the presentadon and eamed
IJAD/ENROLLER amount equal to the status caps in place for
the Presentation leadenhip points.
The Marketingnxecutive who zupplied the their status organizarion commission or up
name ofthe enrollee. to 9o% ofwhat they would make as a Senior Additional First G€neratlon position.
Director in the Senior Director leadership An additionalffrst generation position will be
Pool, whichever is less. Directors III * IX rnust given to leaders who advance to Director \lI for
The Marketing Executive who gave the
have a minimum of6ve average Leadership the first time!
majority ofthe ptesentation that resulted in
Points to participate in the poo1. If the three-
the enrollment of the Preferred Customer.
month roll-ing average of leade$hip points is Execqtive I)lrector Credits" To advance
one additional leadership point will be beyond Corporate Director Status, a Corporate
less tharr 15, participants may earn up to the
given to the presenter for each presentation
maximum of Sggoo in the Leadership pool. Director must maintain the minimum
that results in the purchase ofa Career qualiEcations for Corporate Dhecror which are:
Pack or Value Pack by the new enrollee in Senior Directors - Senior Directors D( may at least ro personally enrolled Directors, ffve
the month of enrollment lnrollees must eam up to S$Toooor f/"ofthebpEGvolume, (5) ofwhich need to be Executive Directors,
maintain their Preferred Customer starus whichever is gteater (not to exceed S$r5,ooo) achieve minimum Organization & pXG

I all three months for the leadership points

to count for the three-month average. For
ftom the Senior Director leadership pool
SeniorDirectors mayearn upto the maximum
Volume eqrul to the status they are trying to
achieve, and achieve the personally Enrolled
example, a current leadet who has earned of 9o% ofwhat theywould make as an Xxecutive or Colporate Director credits.
leadership Points would calculate as follows: Executive Director in the Executive Director Executive or Corporate Director credits are
pools. New Senior Directors will, in the third calculated each month based on the active
consecutive month as a new Senior Director, status ofyour personally enrolled Executive or
February r5
receive double their normal status factor for Corporate Directors as follows:
March t+ that month. In that month they may earn
Ap.rl 16
up to S$r4ooo or /. of their PXG volume, Starus credit I stanx Credit
+5+3=15 whichever is greater (not to exceed S$r5,ooo). Executive Direcor r. r I \,I
Exerurive Direcror r.e
Ererudve Direcror IJ r.z I Executive DirefforVII r.7
Xach month the top Executive Director pool Execurive III r.l
Dirctor I Exeutive Dirctor\lII r.g
Exrcutive Direcor [V r.4 D(
point eamers, the top Senior Direcor pool | Exerutive Direcror r.9
Executive Direffor V r.5 Corpomte Direftom z.o
2008 Annual Income Statistics
The majority (more than 600Z) of tho.u
who buy Melaleuca products each month are
strictly customers. They are not interested in
pursuing the Melaleuca financial opportunity.
They just love Melaleuca products. Only a few
of them will ever decide to build a Melaleuca

Customer Referrals Status

29%o of allMelaleuca customers have refer:recl at least one customer but fewer than eight customers. As those customers
pwchase products directly from Melaleuca, those who referred them receive a small commission. These households are
not necessarily interested in the financial opportunity. Their relationship with Meialeuca is primarily because they love
Melaleuca products. Their "status" is determined by how many customers they have referred. A Marketing Executive has
at least one customer. A Marketing Executive II has referred at least two customers and a Marketing Executive III has
referred at least four customers at some time in their life. While these individuals may not be considered serious business
builders, their customers (Iike the vast majority of Melaleuca customers) come from word-of-mouth referrals. Therefore, the
overall contribution of these individuals is significant.

Time to Achi.o. Stato"l

I'll:r, lxecutive / ].b;o $2, 142 l?fi Ma.

!it:. 3ree, ii 't { :., +\ t,> / ') 32$ tolo,
h:iLr. Xr':e, nl{ 1{}.*% $tr$,94{; I ?* &4o-

Developmental Status
OnIy 1 out of 9 customers (11%) witt decide to start their own Melaleuca business and eventually achieve Director status
or above. Directors have made a substantial effort (probably spent at Ieast 50 hours) in developing at least eight Melaleuca
customers. Those estimated 50 hours could have been spent in a single week or could have been spent over several years.
But at some point in their lives, Directors have invested enough time to develop (and maintain) at least eight Melaleuca

Active Percent of Annual Income Minimum Average Minimum Average Time to Achieve Stato"l
Executive Business Petsonal Personal Total Total
Status tluilders with Customets Customqs Active Active
Shortest Longest Average
This Stams High Low Avnage Customers Customers
Time Time Time

Dr.rctor i/iI 'd3,7"/" $J4,eri g1 *5 $J,> / 3 t$ i4 1$ 65 I M*, 120 Mo"


Initial Leadership Status
Leaders at these statuses have made a more serious effort at buitding a Melaleuca business.
Those who have reached these
leadership statuses have not only invested enough time to develop seireral customers, but they
have atrtt some of
those customers start a business and become Marketing Executives. Those Marketing Execuiives
have, in "ip"a
turn, referred
adfiJional customers who purchase Melaleuca products each month. Commissions are paid based on the
development of
customers and the development of leaders who help others reach their goals.

Active Percent of
Annual fncome Minimum Avemge Minimum Average
Execudve Bushess Time to Achieve Statusl
Personal Personal Total Total
Status Suilders
Active Active
withThis Shortest
High Low Average Custoners Customqs Longest Avmge
Status Time Time Time

Dir.III 6.28/o &38,933 $2,951 $r0,859 I1 1q 33 I Mo. 120 l!,1o. 14 Mo"

nir,l\: I V ?.6a/o $43,509 &7,528 $18,131 L1 35 94 294 I hlo. 1"20 Mc, 19 tolo,
Dir. VI / l:U $65,fi72 $t?,852 $2S,t7o T' 46 ?0'f 406 L S{o" 12$ Mo. 21 M*-
Oir VIll / IX 0,8% $98,330 #1.9,2t5 *41,L56 1S 50 303 618 I &{o. l"2S Mo. 22M*,

Advanced L eadership Status

Those Marketing Executives who reach Senior or Executive Director status have shown substantial
interest and
dedication in building a Melaleuca business. While they may not work their business full-time, it is essential
that they
invest some time each month nurturing, training, and irelping those in their marketing organization. Melaleuca
that Marketing Executives keep their futl-time job and work ihui" M"lule,r"a business in tleir spare time. However,
Executive Directors at the higher income levels do work their business close to full-time. Melaleuca
that Marketing Executives do not quit their futl-time job until their Melaleuca income far surpasses "t"ongly
the income they
receive from their full-time employer. Rather, they should add their Melaleuca income to their regular
income, thereby
making a substantial difference in their family finances.

Active Percent of
Annual Income Minimum Arcnge Mininum Average
Execudve Business Time to Achieve Statusl
Personal Personal Total Total
Status Builders
Active Active
with This
High Low Average Customers Customets Shortct Longst Average
Time Time Time

Senior Dir,2 2,8% fi263,766 $31,266 $83,38? 28 65 36S 97t I &{o, 120 Mo, !/ Mi,
ftrxecunve -,
lrrn-1 1.5$/a $887,136 $58,87? $222,81t 2A 89 853 2,643 4 h4s. 120 l{o, 24 Mo.
tr*ss than
LOIPOrate ^.4
ulr ' B.lo/o $1,264,s?2 $838,565 $1,814"0r4 20 LI3 7,832 L2,915 29 Mo, 120 Mo. 39 Mo,

ol 1.6 Singapore doltar per one (l) U.S. doilar)."

Executive exercises those qualrties.

1 lnclums
all active lvlarteting ExecLJtives joining Metaleuca wi$in the past t0 years.
z Includes statistics for
Senior Directorthrouqh Senior Director X.
r lncludes statistics for Executive Drcct0r firough Executive
Direct0r lX.
Includes statistics for positjons 0t Corp0rate Director and higher


Flovr To CovPtETE MrrerEUCA
Crrstorner Mernbership
To ensure quick and accurate processing
of your Customer Membership
- kllr$ELrodr*e ::rwihe*
Agreement form, please follow these _r.ffiJofu;.-r ;;+;;,G-s*Jiii;uw* d a e p?f t&sh{dirrr{rer**
:*ihl*:nk E:1, q& :rkkd*{d&l*,
simple guidelines: wy,ry@
. Fill in neatly using uppercase letters and
staywithin the boxes.
. Use a permanent inl ballpointpen.
. Verify correctness ofspelling and

Please remember to:

e@gr*r*.@.&*k l:&,]Mtrlwt]&$SMWSM
r. Complete all five secrions.
*Sp&@*a&@&*d@ r*Ehr@rsd
z. Attach appropriate Interbank GIRO sso
tffitsroi**pltlxat&sind sl,a*w -
documentation, if applicable. ,-et. ,,Mtlro,.,xx*rau. s]ryry9-4aq
'*rF!*W&h -

3. Mark one ofthe Backup Order
selections in Section 3.
4. Fillin your name, home phone number
and the products tobe included onthe
Select Pack form on the revenie side of
the Customer Membership Agreement
if using the Select Pack Backup Order.
5. Faxboth sides ofthe Customer
Membership Agreement if you plan to
fax your forms.
6. Submit a new Customer Membership
Agreementform when making a
change, such as a differentprefered
method ofpayment or a different
Backup Order selection, and be sure to
printthe name, home phone number,
and birthdate ofthe person listed on
the Melaleuca account.
7. Make sure allforms are signed
personally by those persons listed
onboth the Customer Membership
Agreement and the Independent
Marketing Executive Agreement. en4SS rrrf S
&***b&he&a* be**e&
**4eh&*&t*rFw*&@hnr8sffi !ffi t#xrwiis-|#rldrffi ,
**@*dli*&&kMr*Wr ce4#pd&*@s&*de.;;edshdM
Following these simple guidelines will
help ensure timely processing ofyour
new customer's account information.


To ensure tirnely processing ofyour *a&$. tg*hry'h iffia}4dr*&ei! l*- ite&ed tods! {&qsd&@kk x ra!i. d{d*
Independent Marketing Executive els ies&er$nfffi &et,tuelq;M! eS! M&@d4]rs{ &,b@1***}&r.ld&t,d

Agreement form, please follow these

simple guideLines:
Fill in neady using uppercase letters
and stay within the boxes.
IJse a permanent inkballpointpen.
Veri$r correctness ofspelling and k}**s&ry*!@s

Please rememberto:
r. Complete allftve sections.
z. Nominate your preferred level of
participation and order your Business
xpdhH*ad& tueqk&*&
Kit. tfyou already have a Business FFiFs*r'rkrr*l 2l&rbc{&tlbfr:
Kit please indicate the Business Kit ke&rd &!hd,@r *!t!s*x&fr &!&!{
number. l,&kr*i#r,tsds@ irl*d{gl$ r{&sdtf dr M
tt Mb dffi kd@ lw rr* d k&lwswa{ap*w j**trFelw dlMs{ti!
3. Sign up to receive our weekly email 3 :&3h:dM{k
'InTouch. Marketing Executives who
ee*'&&dd*p*p*'&eede& ;b-*&kedf*il&d*
subscribe to InTouch receive updates dRe.M$-6&l&'e4er*@SA&rd k8,*kl#&stq*r*q.@eFc
dftae***k&dh&*e& &b!@&*61&'r!!!@ed&*d&db!e
on business and product offers. ffN ar:
.'rkr*kkk**dr* r*.
&wrkal1er*&],sd@a**wd|& i;.i*
4. Convertyourhome to Melaleuca by lsr.tq;bee&et&&a*&ard** ryeFifude@&i:li*a&r*r*3*&
RFvrd6d4qrk s+ ffiFss 4s
purchasing a Career Pack orValue
Pack Nicole Miller Value Pack
contains everything you need to try
out, introduce or demonstrate Nicole
Miller products to potential customers.
These Packs offerfremendous value
and are an essentialbusiness-building
tool. The purchase ofthese packs
also ensures that you are eligible for
Pacesetter Bonuses.
5. If someone other than the enroller
assisted with the presentation, include
his or her in this section.
6. Make sure you understand, agree to What ar,e the berrcfits of enrolling nery custorners?
and sign the IndependentMarketing
Consistent enrollments make your organization grow You also receive
Executive Agreement.
a Product Inrroduction Bonus on youi.orao-".r1fur, calendar month
orders up to r5o Product Points. For enrollers to quali$, for the product
Introducrion Commission, the customer must shop in the first month.
Ifthe customer receives any variety ofBackup Order or Select pack in
the frst month of enrollnent, no Productlntroduction Commission
willbe paid.


Hovr To CotvtprETE MEr,qmucA
To ensure quick and accurate processing
of your Customer Membership
Agreement form, please follow these t;id-c;;.i-;;;*;;iGiil'ii*wo, r r&&i 6{ss & n & p*is{kireso{reM
:a:lhl&:h i.:.1. :$Mkddnd&!*
simple guidelines: *4}9,3l].w*-*ryw*--_
. Fill in neady using uppercase letters and
staywithin the boxes.
. Use a permanent ink ballpoint pen.
. Verify correctness ofspelJing and

Please rememberto:
'|&:r:]#s@ t.t**h|l@rssF]*
r. Complete allftve secrions.
z. Attach appropriate Interbank GIRO
documentation, if applicable.
3. Mark one of the Backup Order
selections in Section 3.
4. Fill in your name, home phone number
and the products to be included on the g::Yff,xl":5trffffi iMwrybeseb
bt?-1;;;-* -
Select Pack form on the reverse side of ds{r*r@!*\serds]r&&d|,ud* I .Mw*&rcr&*&rj-.&'
a'*d&k!@.d*&rer.ies@ I :!1,&&e&s{sa@*d.a&
the Customer Membership Agreement
ifusing rhe Selecr Pack Backup Order.
5. Faxboth sides of the Customer H;hh.rE|k lkbs fsrt!
Membership Agreement ifyou plan to
6. Submit a new Customer Membership
Agreement form when making a
change, such as a different prefered
method of payment or a differeft
Backup Order selection, andbe sure to
printthe name, home phone number, @i,
and birthdate ofthe person listed on rulffiry ;:,u;t ,_ . - -:,
the Melaleuca account. *r@ lk'*"* E-

7. Make sure allforms are signed

personally by those persons listed --
on both the CustomerMembership
Agreement and the Independent
Marketing Executive Agreement.

Following these simple guidelines will

help ensure timely processing of your
new customer's account informadon.


To ensure timely processing of your
Independent Marketing Executive
Agreement form, please follow these
simple guidelines:
. Fill in neatlyusing uppercase lefters
and staywithin the boxes.
. Use a permanentinkballpoinrpen.
. Verify correcrness of spelling and &&,**e&rys

Please remember to :

r. Complete allffve sections. Mb

z. Nominateyourpreferred level of 'd6*@ei:*drd*

participation and orderyour Business

*ElahHCfidd*r H*akkq
Kit. ffyou already have a Business tdtb|ld4dDrffird:t 2 I klbn{hh
Kit please indicate rhe Business Kit kdrd*rtwr*!*'dl*dr.4w*.xa*
tBsrc&tFM.q8rl@$r*rr :ffi,Sfieffif*nrwqrm,
*trbd*F*rS6*n&e{,s|@dFe Sfu
number. .l*iJ*#pkd&:!e**St{s**@srM
{rM dffi e |&u@ &d k*a&Bs srrrk m{e*6r*&k@qa rwt
3. Sign up to receive our weekly email &i1&ryis*tu;i{ttuih&4!.@ k :.M fi{*dm
'InTouch. Marketing Executives who
subscribe to InTouch receive updates
on business and product offers.
4 Convertyourhome to Melaleuca by .i&has&@d*lffi&@{&&*&*}}
purchasing a Career Pack orValue ':{d&ttr*6s
Pack. Nicole MillerValue pack s&a*aadd

contains everyfhing you need to try

out, introduce or demonstrate Nicole &*
Miller products to potential customers tnth*it-brb* qa&:d{.-tdrs
:r-rqa:hdir I
These Packs offertremendous value rfreb--r-r--b-r*, i
*'+6'.dHr*-{sr.y&*;'r,*rryr- I
and are an essential business-building
tool The purchase ofthese packs '&k!*r.ek|n*
also ensures that you are eligible for ,adhldtnefd4
tx&rirstrtr;&,* rlr&.i * rrrt'!d6.itl&d
rNdid* rhixlrbtr:r*
|@&*tdre *ri,@*{*@rW
Pacesetter Bonuses.
&tuke,k *b .*i& hle
5. If someone other than the enroller
assisted with the presentadon, include
his or her details in this section.
6. Make sure you understand, agree to What ae the bendits of eniollingn€wcrrstornef,s?
and sign the IndependentMarketing
Consistent enrolrnents make your organization grow you also receive
Executive Agreement.
a Product Introduction Bonus on yo* .r.rrroro"rslfirst calendar month
orders up to r5o Product Points. For enrollers to quali$, for the produci
Introducrion Commissiorr, the customer must shop in the first month.
Ifthe customer receives any variety ofBackup Order or Select pack in
the first month of enrollrnent, no product Introducrion Commission
willbe paid,


KrEp IxToucH
Ittlouch is ahey tool tohelp you monitor yourbusiness.

"If you re not on InTouch, you're out Tap into the Pgggsetter and Pacesetter Mentoring bonuses, advance yourselfand your
of touch. It's an absolutely critical leaders more'quickly and do it all more effectively by subscribing to the Inlouch repord
tool. We use it every week to identiS' The key to the Pacesetter bonuses is knowing who has enrolled as a category z or in
the new business builders who have your organization (those who have indicated they wish to develop a referral business).
enrolled so we can make contact By mentoring the z's and 3's, you can concentrate your efforts where they will pay off
immediately and make sure they have That's whythe InTouch report is so critical to your success.
a mentor to help them get off to a fast
start. Instant communication is the Ilre Most Valsable Ifeport Yodll c€t
name of the game if you re waiting The InTouch report is not as comprehensive as the monthly Business Reporr. But
for your business report, youire four it gives you the information you need to get your business giowing now instead of
or five weeks behind on the new next month.
enrollments you could have been in
touch with right away'' WhatltlellsYou
The InTouch report is available to Directors and above. Every Wednesday morning, tle
Mark Atha, Corporate Director,
Melaleucacomputeremafu you information onthe latestcustomergains and losses in
Arizona, US
your organization. It gives you details on new enrollees, sorted by parriciparion goal or
category with name, address, and phone number, as well as the enroller and enrollment
"The InTouch report is the most
date, executive status, Value Pack or Career Pack purchases, generation level, and wlro is
effective tool to get a weekly look at
enrolled as a category z or 3. There is also a list ofcancelled customers ftom the previous
the progress of your business. It makes
wee\ along with information such as their active status, number ofpersonal enrollees,
it much easier to single out the new
and reasonforcancellation. Anotherpage lists the reacrivations inyourorganization.
business builders-those are the
people you want to be working with."
AIan Pariser, Corporate Director \ Read it and lead! This report will heh you create satisfied customers and successfirl
Florida, US business builders in your organization when they most need your help.
at the times
\Telcome new Preferred Customers inyourorganization. Share product stories and
reinforce their decision to enrol
Find those who enrol in category z or 3 and start the mentoring process imme&ately
If you are the ffrst supporr ljne Dfuector II, it will be marked with three asterisks. This
S$r5.oo per month
indicates that you hold a crucial position in helping them succeed. likewise, ifyoute
Senior Directors the 6rst support line senior Director it will be marked with two asterisls, and ifyoute
S$zo.oo per month theffrst supportline Executive Directoritwillbe markedwith one asterisk As the new
enrollee's leader, you can check to see
ifthey have purchased a Value or Career pack,
Executive Directors team up to make presentations and help them reach Director andbeyond.
S$z5.oo per month
For cancellations, call and e4press your regrets that theyte leaving. see ifthere's a way to
tum the situation xrcund ns\i/ or firrther down the road. cancellations noted with an
'N indicate a non-payment- cancel and a problem with the customer's preferred status.

It's yourbusiness. InTouch can help you make the most of it. subscribe today, and make
the most ofyour organization!


TIre B.E.S.T. Series Subscription
The B.E.S.T Series (Business Enhancemenr SeriesTraining) provides '-
proven training and powerful inspiration from some ofMelaleuca,s most
successfirl leaders. The stories recorded here come straight from the heart
You'll hear touching stories, smarr tips, and advice you can put to use right
away to help you grow your business. Vith your r z-monthsubscription to
the B.E.S.T Series, you will receive a CD each month for one year. For your
convenience, this subscription is automatically renewed each year.

7 Critical Business-Building Activities

The 7 critical Business-Building Activities Book which is given to all Marketing
Executives on achieving the status ofDirector gives in-depth training ofthe tried
proven 7 critical Activities that leaders have followed to build succerrfi-rl M"1r1",.r."
businesses- You'll hear from some of our top leaders as they present some
training on these activities and more. This is a must for every business-builder. ordeithe
7 critical Busirress-Building Activities Book with your next product purchase.


Atffactive, personalized business cards
idendfy you as a competent business
professional. They make it easy for
customers, prospecrs and business
associates to contact you so you stay on
top of your business. Erperrly-printed
on standard card stock and the atrractive
'Melaleuca:The uTellness Companf"',
logo, these cards are valuable business-
building tools you shouldnt be without

To protect the integrity and

credlbility of the Melaleuca brand and
you as a MarketingExecutive, this
business card (shown here) is the only
authorized design permitted for use by
Melaleuca. It is not permissible to create
your own Melaleuca business card or
use the Melaleuca tradename or logos,
as stated in Melaleuca's Statement of

Complete the order form on the

next page and fax to rSoo Boo 8o8o
or mail to Melaleuca Southeast Asia
(Singapore) Pte ltd, ro Eunos Rd 8,
#r4-o3, Singapore Post Cenffe,
Singapore 4o86oo.

Th, .$Fl4l$.-d'@r.: carddesig! is theronlyautho{Gedb*iness crdpmitted by Melaleue sourheast Asia
]lri. r1&g is not petqissibli to create rcur om Melaleuobuiness wd or rr"ih. M"L1*" o"d. n"-. or logo, st
l*S*"rit*;f P^f ;* ",

::gr 1,
Melaleuca ID Number:

Status: (please include level where applicable) (Note: if status is Ieft blank, the words 'Independent Marketing Executive, will be printed)

BlockJNo., Floor Unit #:

Street Name:

Building/Estate Name: Postal Code:


Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( )

Mobile: Email:

Special requirements:


( ) If shinning details are identical to the details on your business card above, please tick

Block/No., Floor Unit#:

Street Name:

Building/Estate Name: Postal Code:


Pleasetick( )zooO$za.oo

simply copy and fax to I 800 800 1800 or mail to Melaleuca Southeast
Asia (singapore) pte Ltd, l0 Eunos Road g,
#14-03, Singapore Post Centre, Singapore 40g600




RpcocNrrloN ANID AppnECrAnoN

You work hard to achieve your goals and each new status
we believe it's important to recognize your efforts
-and achievements. Each new status you To Qualiff Develop zo personally enrolled preferred
achieve will be Customers.
recognized by Certi{icate ofAchievement and each new
Rewards: Receive a unique zof zo Club lapel pin and
stafus above Director will also be recognized with a gold pirr,,t
recognition of your achievement will be published in the
There is also special recognition you mry ., ri-" i., Leadership in Action magazrne.
your Melaleuca career: Circle ofln{luence,"r.r, "rry
Expanded Circle
of Influence, and t-of zo Chtb.
Melaleuca celebrates and encourages Marketing Executives
As well as pins and certificates to celebrate achievements, we
to achieve their financial goals. In recognition ofthose
announce advancements it
or:ir Leadership in Actionmagazine. Marketing Executives who have worked hard to reach
Advancements ofDirector and above are announced with
Financial Freedom, Melaleuca has established three different
your photograph, so dont forget to provide us with a photo
Financial Freedom awards. Marketing Execufives are
so that we may share your success with other Melaleuca
required to submit an application form, which is available
Marketing Executives.
either by contacting the Business DevelopmentTeam at +65
6737 ooSd'
Enrolling customers is the lifeblood of vour Melaleuca
First Step to Financial FreedornAward
business,.and that's why Melaleuca has ongoing program
"n Given to Marketing Executives who use their
to reward those dedicated Marketing Executives who enroll Melaleuca earnings to pay off their credit card
four or more Preferred Customers in any calendar month.
debt and lines of credit completely, and commit
Because Melaleuca's products are exceptional products at
to no longer caryring any kind of ongoing balance
reasonable prices, and are used by most people on a daily
basis, it's natural to share them with friends and familv Financial Freedorn Award
By introducing those in your "Circle

ofInfluen."', ,o,h.
Preferred Customer Program, they can shop directly from
the company at our discounted preferred Customer prices. In FillT.*T:;'::,'fr::ffi''Ti:,""
have used their Melaleuca earmngs
addition, you earn commissions, awards and much d"r"*"d
to pay off everphing except the first mortgage on their
recognition in a company-wide publication. residence.

Circle of Irrfluence
To Quali$': Enroll four new
Preferred Customers in any one
calendar month. you can qualify as
+sgr 5o I",#
their Melaleuca earnings ro pay off
all oftheir debt, including the moftgage on their residence.
often as you wish.
This award comes with a'mortgage burning party'hosted
by members of Melaleuca's Senior Management te"m at the
In addition to the S$r5o COI Bonus, receive a uniquely
residence of the recipients.
designed Circle oflnfluence lapel pin indicating the number
of times you have achieved this award. plus, youi name will
be published in Leadership in Action magazine. A number ofother achievements are recognized by
Melaleuca for monthly promotions, Fast Track compedtions,
Ercpanded Circle of tr:fluence
and special convention awards. For example the prestigious
Io QualifyEnroll eight new preferred Half- Cenrury/Century Awards are presented to ihor.-
Customers in any one calendar month.
Marketing Executives who have at least 5o and roo acfive
personally enrolled customers respectively.
Receive an Expanded Circle oflnfluence lapel pin with a
larger inner circle indicating th. numb.r oitimes you have
achieved this award. plus, your name will be featured in
Leadership in Action magazine.



STnTEMENT Or PoucrES Ar.rn



STATEMENT OF POLICIES jurisdiction of the Republic of Singapore; read the Melaleuca
Statement of Policies and Definition of Terms; and understand
Capitalized terms used in the Statement of policies have the the Melaleuca Compensation Plan and you must:
meanings set forth in the Definitions of Terms.
*(Q have an Enroller who has submitted an Independent
. Marketing Executive Agreement;
Incorporation of Policies into lndependent Marketing (b) sign and submit an Independent Marketing Executive
Executive Agreement (IMEA). Agreement; and
These policies are incorporated into the Melaleuca (c) purchase a Business Kit.
Independent Marketing Executive Application and Agreement.
Please read and understand the Statement of Policies. As an Once those steps are completed the applicant is authorized to
Independent Marketing Executive, you must comply with all market and resell Melaleuca products and to enroll Customers
the terms and conditions set forth in the Statement of policies, and Marketing Executives. However, an applicant does not
the Independent Marketing Executive Agreement and the become a Marketing Executive, until: (i) Melaleuca receives
Melaleuca Compensation PIan, as well as honor all applicable the applicant's Independent Marketing Executive Agreement;
laws and regulations in the Republic of Singapore and in (ii) the applicant has a Customer or Marketing Executive
the countries in which you are permitted to operate your in his/her Marketing Organization; and (iii) the applicant
Melaleuca business. receives his/her first commission. Marketing Executives may
be Preferred Customers, in which case they may purchase
Purpose of the Statement of Policies is to: products directly from Melaleuca at the Preferred Customer
(a) define the relationship between Melaleuca and you as a price.
Marketing Executive; (b) set standards of acceptable business
behavior; (c) assist you in building and protecting your Melaleuca may in its absolute discretion reject any application
business. in which case the applicant shall not be authorized to market
and resell Melaleuca products or to enroll Customers and
l. BecomingaCustomer Marketing Executives and shall not become a Marketing
To become a Customer, a person must (a) have an Enroller Executive.
who has submitted an Independent Marketing Executive
Agreement; (b) sign and submit a Customer Membership 3. Individuals, Corporations and Tirx Exempt Entities
Agreement, marking either the "Direct Customer" or Melaleuca will only consider for acceptance as Marketing
"Preferred Customer" box; and (c) pay a membership fee Executives individuals or entities that fall into one of the
for the cost of enrollment, product information, and other following categories: (a) Individuals who are of the legal age.
Iiterature that Customers receive throughout the year. (b) Legally married husband and wife couples of which at
Preferred Customers receive a number of additional benefits least one is oflegal age. (c) Corporations in good standing
and may purchase products directly fiom Melaleuca at30o/o to incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Singapore
40% below the suggested retail price. In return for this added which have as their sole shareholder(s), director(s) and
discount, Preferred Customers agree to purchase Melaleuca ofiicer(s) either one unmarried individual or a married couple.
products totaling at least 35 Product Points each month. (d) Tax exempt entities which are registered and approved
Customers are not authorized to market or resell Melaleuca as tax exempt institutions under the Income Tax Act of the
products unless they have also signed and submitted an Republic of Singapore.
Independent Marketing Executive Agreement.
4. Customer Numbers
2. Becoming a Marketing Executive When Melaleuca receives and accepts your Enrollment
To become a Marketing Executive, a person must: be at least and Agreement to become a Customer and/or Marketing
18 years of age and not a minor in the country of residence; Executive, Melaleuca will provide you with a Customer
be a legal Singapore resident, Permanent Resident and/ Identification Number, which you must quote when placing
or a legally competent individual; or a corporation in good orders or tracking your commissions and bonuses.
standing incorporated under the laws of the Republic of
Singapore which have as their sole shareholder(s), director(s) 5. Proper Completion of Documents
and officer(s) either one unmarried individual or a married All agreements must be completely and properly filled out
couple; or a tax exempt entity which are registered and and signed; together with a photocopy of the Singapore
approved as a tax exempt institution under the Income Tax Act National Registration Identity Card, or Singapore Permanent
of the Republic of Singapore, to enter into this contract in the Resident Identity Card or any legal documents to verifi'



residential status. NO copies or alterations will be accepted. deducted from the Marketing Executive's cheque in the
If any agreement is altered in any way the agreement will the Career or Value Pack is returned by the Customer.
not be deemed accepted by Melaleuca except in its original
unaltered form, regardless of passage of time or payment of Marketing Executives receive commissions based on actual
commissions by Melaleuca. Melaleuca will not be responsible sales of product to End Consumers. When product is
for loss of commissions or bonuses or for delays in Customer to Melaleuca, the commissions attributable to that product
or Marketing Executive registrations or orders due to: (a) be deducted from the commission cheques of the Customer's
errors by Customers or Marketing Executives in preparing or Support Team in the month that the return occurs. Ifthe
sending agreements, orders or other documents; (b) delays return occurs within 6 months of the purchase date, then
or errors caused by the mail or fax transmission; (c) non- commissions will be deducted from the commission cheques
receipt of documents by Melaleuca; (d) illegible or incomplete of the Support Team of the Marketing Organization that
information on agreements, orders or other documents; or (e) existed at the time of the purchase. Otherwise, commissions
the inabiliry of Customers or Marketing Executives to reach will be deducted fiom the commission cheques of the Support
Melaleuca by telephone or fax. Melaleuca will process and l'.'{ Team of the current Marketing Organization.
credit orders and enrollments in the calendar month in which
they are received by Melaleuca. Melaleuca reserves the right to terminate the Independent
Marketing Executive Agreement or cancel the Customer
5. Ordering Membership Agreement of any Marketing Executive or
Melaleuca encourages Customers to order early in the month. Customer who abuses the Melaleuca Satisfaction Guarantee
All orders are credited to the calendar month in which they and Return Policy by excessively returning products.
are received by Melaleuca. For purposes of product orders,
the calendar month ends on the last day of the month and 9. Business Kit Refund
begins on the first day of the month. Orders may be placed by When a Marketing Executive applicant enrolls and purchases
telephone, mail, fax or the Internet. All orders must be paid a Business Kit, the Business Kit number will be registered
by Visa, MasterCard, Nets, or InterBank GIRO. When paying at Melaleuca in the applicant's name. If a Marketing
with a credit card, the card number and expiration date must Executive applicant cancels his/her Independent Marketing
be included. Executive Agreement and returns his/her purchased Business
Kit to Melaleuca within sixty (60) days from the date of
Orders for products will usually be processed by Melaleuca distribution of the Business Kit, Melaleuca will give such
within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt. Shipment will be by Marketing Executive applicant a full refund for the cost of
common carrier and delivery should be expected within three the Business Kit. A refund will only be sent to the Marketing
(3) to five (5) working days. Orders placed during the last Executive applicant in whose name the Business Kit number
week of the month may be delayed due to the large volume of is registered. This Policy will apply whether the Marketing
orders received at the end of the month. Executive applicant purchases the Business Kit directly from
Melaleuca or fiom his/her Enroller. A Marketing Executive
7. Customer Satisfaction Guarantee who purchases Business Kits for resale to Marketing Executive
If for any reason any Customer is not completely satisfied with applicants may return unsold kits to Melaleuca for a refund
any product purchased by such Customer from Melaleuca, only if the Marketing Executive cancels his/her Independent
Mela"leuca will replace it without charge or place a credit on Marketing Executive Agreement and returns the Business Kits
the Customer's Melaleuca account for the amount of the within sixty (60) days from the date of distribution of the
purchase price of the product or, upon in-person request Business Kit. Marketing Executives who purchase Business
from the Customer together with a copy of the invoice from Kits for resale may resell such kits for up to one (1) year from
Melaleuca, refund the purchase price (less shipping and their date of purchase fiom Melaleuca. Melaleuca encourages
handling charges), upon its return within 60 days of purchase. Marketing Executives to keep such Business Kits updated
Unless the Customer requests otherwise, Melaleuca will until they are sold. A Business Kit may only be sold once.
credit the Customer's Melaleuca account for the purchase Melaleuca updates and revises Business Kits from time to time-
price ofthe returned product. This credit can be redeemed Marketing Executives are encouraged to keep their Business
for Melaleuca merchandise at any time. If a Customer has Kits current by purchasing update packets or new Business
unredeemed credit on account with Melaleuca which is more Kits as they become available. Outdated or o1d Business Kits
than six months old, Melaleuca will make an effort to locate may not be exchanged for current Business Kits.
the Customer and advise him/her in writing of the credit that
is on account and will continue to make such attempts on a 10. Election to Cancel Agreements
monthly basis. Melaleuca will charge the Customer's account A Marketing Executive may cancel his/her Independent
a S$14 service fee for each month's notification process. Marketing Executive Agreement, and a Customer may cancel
his/her Customer Membership Agreement, for any reason at
8. Returns and Product Point Adjustments any time by giving written notice to Melaleuca bearing his/her
Career/Value Pack Returns: Individual products that are original signature, printed name, address, Customer Number
purchased as part of a Career, Value, or other "special" pack, and reason for canceling (to assist Melaleuca in improving
which is priced below the Preferred Customer price, can be its customer service). If an individual or entity is a Preferred
returned for an exchange but not for a refund unless the entire Customer and a Marketing Executive, the letter should specifi
pack is returned. Career and Value Pack commissions will be which agreement(s) should be cancelled. Written cancellations


received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will Independent Melaleuca Business the other person may
be effective the month received. Written cancellations received not own, operate or have a financial interest in a separate
by Melaleuca after the 25th of the month will be effective the Independent Melaleuca Business. However, if two people who
following month. Cancellation notices must be mailed to: own separate Independent Melaleuca Businesses marry, they
may each retain ownership of their businesses, respectively.
Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Singapore) pte Ltd
10 Eunos Road 8, #14-03 16. Conduct of Household Mernbers
Singapore Post Centre, Singapore 408600 If any member of the Marketing Executive's Immediate
Household engages in any activity which, if performed by
ll. Cancellation Refund Policy the Marketing Executive, would violate any Melaleuca policy
Melaleuca will repurchase from Marketing Executives who or any provision of the Independent Marketing Executive
have cancelled their Independent Marketing Executive Agreement, such activity will be deemed a violation by the
Agreements all unencumbered products which are in resalable
u.]$rketing Executive.
condition which were purchased by the Marketing Erecutive
from Melaleuca within the previous 12 months, at a price of 17. InheritanceofBusiness
not less than ninety percent (90%) of the original net cost An Independent Melaleuca Business may be inherited by a
to the Marketing Executive. All products or materials must single person, a married husband and wife or a trust which
be returned to Melaleuca shipping prepaid by the Marketing complies with Melaleuca's guidelines, pursuant to a valid
Executive in order to receive the above refund. Melaleuca will will or other appropriate document, or in accordance with
charge back all commissions, bonuses and rebates paid by the intestacy laws of the country, state or province in which
Melaleuca relating to purchases of those products. the Marketing Executive resides. A person who inherits an
Independent Melaleuca Business must furnish-Melaleuca with
12. Updates of Personal Information proper documentation that he/she is the beneficiary and is
It is in the interest of both Customers and Marketing authorized to represent the estate. He/she must also execute
Executives to notif' and update Melaleuca of any changes to a Customer Membership Agreement and an Independent
personal information. Marketing Executive Agreement, fulfill all of the functions of
a Marketing Executive and abide by the terms of Melaleuca's
13. Errors or Questions Statement of Policies.
Marketing Executives should noti$' Melaleuca immediately of
any errors or questions about commissions, bonuses, Monthly 18. Sale orTransfer of Business
Business Reports, orders or charges. Melaleuca will correct any Before a Marketing Executive can sell or transfer his/her
errors reported to it within sixty (60) days, but Melaleuca will Independent Melaleuca Business (except for transfers by
not be responsible for any errors, omissions or problems not inheritance pursuant to Policy 17) (the "transfer") all ofthe
reported within sixty (60) days. following requirements must be met:

14. foint Ownership of a Business (a) The transfer must be approved in writing by Melaleuca as
Independent Melaleuca Businesses may only be owned by being in the best interest of all parties involved, including
an individual, lawfully married husbands and wives, or the transferor, the transferee, Melaleuca and the members
by corporations or tax exempt entities that comply with of the Marketing Organization of the transferor.
Melaleuca guidelines. If a husband and wife who jointly
own an Independent Melaleuca Business divorce, only one (b) The transfer must not constitute the purchase of status
individual may retain ownership of the business. It is the or position by the transferee. The Marketing Executive's
obligation of the divorced couple to advise Melaleuca of the actual status must equal the potential status which
individual who shall retain the ownership of the business. the Marketing Executive could attain based on his/her
These instructions must be in writing, signed by both parties Organization Product Points at the time of the transfer
and include a certified copy of the court approved divorce and for a reasonable period prior to the transfer, and
decree or property settlement. Melaleuca is not bound by any the transferor Marketing Executive must have been the
such request or court decree and retains the right to approve actual Enroller of all Personal Enrollees and must have
or disapprove ofsuch transfer request at its sole discretion. If been actively involved in working with his/her personal
the transfer is approved, the person to whom the Independent directors. Marketing Executives may not contract or agree
Melaleuca Business is being transferred must sign and with or allow another person to work their Independent
submit to Melaleuca a new Independent Marketing Executive Melaleuca Business to bring it up to its potential status
Agreement. or offer to sel1 their business to another person on the
condition that such person bring the business up to its
15. One Business per Person or Married Couple potential status.
A Marketing Executive may not own, operate or have a
financial interest in more than one Independent Melaleuca (c) Completed original signed and notarized Organization
Business without Melaleuca's express written approval. With Sale Request and Organization Purchase Request forms
regard to married couples, both persons will be treated as must be submitted to and accepted by Melaleuca.
a single Marketing Executive for purposes of Melaleuca,s
policies. Therefore, for example, if one person owns an


(d) The transferee of the business must have completed Executives have made a great investment in the establishmet
and submitted to Melaleuca an Independent Marketing of organizations consisting of Customers and Marketing
Executive Agreement. Executives. This constitutes one of Melaleuca's most valuable
(e) The transferee of the business has undergone, or will agree
to undergo, such training and orientation as Melaleuca Melaleuca reserves the right to cease paying compensation to
may require commensurate with the size of the business any Marketing Executive who recruits any Melaleuca
being purchased. or Marketing Executive to participate in another business
venture. In order to protect the efforts of all Marketing
(f) The transferor Marketing Executive and the Independent Executives in building and maintaining their individual
Melaleuca Business must have been in compliance with all Marketing Organizations and Customer bases, and in order
of Melaleuca's policies and the terms of the Independent to protect Melaleuca's interest in the overall Customer base,
Marketing Executive Agreement for the entire twelve ., .ri Marketing Executives and all members of their Immediate
month period preceding the transfer including the -onih
- Household are required to abide by the following policies:
in which the transfer occurs.
(a) Non-Solicitation of Melaleuca Customers and Marketing
(g) Independent Melaleuca businesses that have or have had a Executives:
total group volume of 5,000 Product Points or more may
not be transferred to any other party as any such transfer (i) During the period that their Independent Marketing
would constitute the purchase of status or position. Executive Agreements are in force Marketing
Executives and all members of their Immediate
(h) The satisfaction of any term or condition that Melaleuca Household are prohibited from directlS indirectly
may in its absolute discretion, impose or require in or through a third party recruiting any Melaleuca
relation to the transfer. Customers or Marketing Executives to participate in
any other business venture.
19. Thansfer from Original Organization
Marketing Executives and Customers may transfer from one (ii) For a period of twelve months after cancellation or
Melaleuca organization to another only upon fulfillment of all termination for any reason of a Marketing Executive's
of the following requirements: Independent Marketing Executive Agreement, the
Marketing Executive and all members of his or her
(a) The Marketing Executive or Customer seeking the Immediate Household are prohibited from directly,
organization change has submitted an Organization indirectly or through a third party recruiting
Change form with the original signatures of the seven to participate in any other business venture any
Marketing Executives in the immediate seven generations Melaleuca Customers or Marketing Executives: (1)
above the Marketing Executive or Customer seeking who were in the Marketing Executive's Marketing
the change. Faxes or photocopies ofthe executed Organization or Support Team at any time during the
Organization Change form will not be accepted; term of his or her association with Melaleuca; (2) with
whom the Marketing Executive had contact during
(b) A Marketing Executive seeking the organization change the term of his or her association with Melaleuca;
has no more than 10 Customers in his/her existing (3) whose contact information (name, address,
Marketing Organization and will have no more than 10 phone number or email address, etc.) the Marketing
Customers in the Marketing Organization into which he/ Executive or members of his or her Immediate
she is seeking to be moved; Household has obtained at any time during the term
of his or her association with Melaleuca; or (4) whose
(c) The Marketing Executive or Customer seeking the contact information (name, address, phone number
organization change has paid to Melaleuca the applicable or emaii address, etc.) the Marketing Executive or
fee charged by Melaleuca for organization changes; members of his or her Immediate Household obtained
at any time from another person who obtained the
(d) Melaleuca has approved the change in writing, which information because of any other persont association
approval Melaleuca may withhold in its sole discretion. with Melaleuca. The prohibitions under clauses
(a) (i) and (ii) above include but are not limited
20. Non-Solicitation and Conflicts of Interest to, presenting or assisting in the presentation of
Marketing Executives are independent contractors and other business ventures to any Melaleuca Customer
may be active in other business ventures while they are or Marketing Executive or implicitly or explicitly
Marketing Executives for Melaleuca. However, to quali$' encouraging any Melaleuca Customer or Marketing
for compensation under Melaleuca's Compensation plan, Executive to join any other business ventures. It
Marketing Executives have the ongoing responsibility to is a violation of this policy to recruit a Melaleuca
service, supervise, motivate, train and assist the Marketing Customer or Marketing Executive to participate
Executives in their Marketing Organizations. They also have in another business venture even if the Marketing
the responsibility to promote Melaleuca products and the Executive does not know that the prospect is also a
Melaleuca income opportunity. Melaleuca and its Marketing Melaleuca Customer or Marketing Executive. It is the


Marketing Executive's responsibility to first determine or other rights or remedies to which Melaleuca is or
whether the prospect is a Melaleuca Customer or may be entitled at law or in equity.
Marketing Executive before recruiting the prospect
to participate in another business venture. (please (d) Violations of this Policy 20 are especially detrimental
refer specifically to the definition of..recruit', in the to the growth and sales of other Marketing Executives,
Definitions of Terms at the end of these policies.) Independent Melaleuca Businesses and to Melaleuca's
business. Consequently, Marketing Executives who have
(b) During the period that their Independent Marketing knowledge that any Marketing Executive has violated
Executive Agreements are in force, and for a period of this Poliry must immediately report that information
twelve months after the cancellation or termination to Melaleuca's Policy Administration Department.
thereof for any reason, Marketing Executives and all The failure of a Marketing Executive to report such
members of their Immediate Household are further information to Melaleuca will also constitute a violation
prohibited from the following: (i) producing any
.. _".5 of this Policy. The names of those reporting violations of
literature, tapes or promotional material of any nature '' this Poliry 20 will be held in confidence.
(including but not limited to websites and emails) which
is used by the Marketing Executive or any third person 21. Proprietary Information and Trade Secrets
to recruit Melaleuca Customers or Marketing Executives By executing the Independent Marketing Executive
to participate in another business venture; (ii) Selling, Agreement, the Marketing Executive acknowledges that all
offering to sell, or promoting any competing products information which is contained in the Marketing Executive's
or services to Melaleuca Customers; (iii) Offering any Monthly Business Report, including names, addresses and
non-Melaleuca products, services or business ventures telephone numbers of Marketing Executives and Customers,
in conjunction with the offering of Melaleuca products, is Melaleuca's proprietary trade secret information. The
services or income opportunity or at any Melaleuca Marketing Executive agrees not to disclose such information
meeting, seminar, launch, convention, or other Melaleuca to any third party (except to existing or prospective Melaleuca
function. Marketing Executives or Customers for the purpose of
promoting Melaleuca products and business opportunity)
(c) (i) Violation of any provision of this policy 20 constitutes or to utilize such information for the purpose of promoting
a Marketing Executive's voluntary resignation and any other business opportunity at any time, whether during
cancellation of his/her Independent Marketing the term of his/her association with Melaleuca or thereafter.
Executive Agreement, effective as of the date of The Marketing Executive acknowledges that such proprietary
the violation, and the forfeiture by the Marketing information is of such character as to render it unique and
Executive of all commissions or bonuses payable for that disclosure or use thereof in violation of this provision will
and after the calendar month in which the violation result in irreparable damage to Melaleuca and to Independent
occurred. Melaleuca Businesses. Melaleuca and its Marketing Executives
will be entitled to injunctive relief to prevent violation of
(ii) If Melaleuca pays any bonuses or commissions to the this policy. Iflitigation or arbitration is required to obtain
Marketing Executive after the date of the violation, all injunctive relief or to recover damages, the prevailing party
bonuses and commissions for and after the calendar shall be entitled to an award oflegal fees and expenses.
month in which the violation occurred shall be
refunded to Melaleuca. 22. TheEnroller
(a) A Marketing Executive who is the Enroller of a new
(iii)Melaleuca may seek and obtain from the violating Customer or Marketing Executive may not list another
Marketing Executive both injunctive relief and Marketing Executive who did not participate in the
damages for violations of this policy 20. Melaleuca, contact or the presentation as the Enroller of such new
may, at its option, elect to enforce this poliry by Customer or Marketing Executive. Regardless of where a
lawsuit in a court of competent jurisdiction in Customer or Marketing Executive is placed in a Marketing
Singapore rather than by arbitration. Organization, the actual Enroller of such Customer or
Marketing Executive must be listed as the Enroller on the
(iv)In addition to being entitled to a refund of bonuses Customer Membership Agreement.
and commissions and to damages as described above,
in the event a person or entity violates this policy (b) The Enroller and any other Marketing Executives involved
20, Melaleuca and any Marketing Executive that in the recruiting and enrollment process may use only
experiences an adverse financial impact as a result of Melaleuca's products and its compensation plan and
such person's or entityt violation of this policy 20 their personal commitment to help the new Marketing
shall be entitled to an accounting and repayment of all Executive build his or her business as an inducement to
profits, compensation, commissions, remunerations enroll. Marketing Executives may not enter into special
or other benefits which the person or entity directly deals with an Enrollee, including, but not limited to,
or indirectly receives and/or may receive as a result of, promises of the payment of money or roll ups.
growing out of, or in connection with any violation
of this Policy. Such remedy shall be in addition to and
not in limitation of any damages, or injunctive relief


23. SupervisoryandLeadership Functions Each Marketing Executive qualifiing for a commission or
Marketing Executives' compensation is based on sales bonus will receive a Monthly Business Report, showing the
of product to the End Consumer. To quali4' for this status of each Customer and Marketing Executive in his/
compensation Marketing Executives have the ongoing her Marketing Organization. The Monthly Business Report
responsibfity to promote the Melaleuca business opportunity, will show the calculation of the Marketing Executive's
to support Melaleuca's policies, programs and personnel, commission and bonus in detail. Marketing Executives
and to service, supervise, motivate and train the Marketing should use their Monthly Business Report as a tool to
Executives in their Marketing Organization to sell and manage, supervise and train the members of their Marketing
market Melaleuca products and promote the Melaleuca Organizations. The information contained in Business
business opportunity. Any effort by a Marketing Executive to is Melaleuca's proprietary trade secret information, and
convince or entice any Customer or Marketing Executive to Marketing Executives are prohibited from disseminating the
discontinue or diminish purchasing Melaleuca products, to information contained therein. See Poliry 21 for further
move from one Melaleuca Marketing Organization to another,* regarding Marketing Executives' obligations with respect to
to discontinue or diminish efforts to promote the Melaleuca,- such proprietary trade secret information. Each Marketing
business opportunity, or to promote or pursue another direct Executive is charged a data processing fee for generating and
selling opportunity, or to disparage Melaleuca or it's products, maintaining computerized Monthly Business Reports.
marketing plan, management team or other personnel is a
violation of the Marketing Executive's leadership responsibility Commissions and bonuses which failed to be credited
and a violation of this poliry. into the Marketing Executive's designated local bank account
through Interbank GIRO will be charged a processing fee
24. Excess Inventory Purchases Prohibited of S$25 and will be credited to the Marketing Executive's
The Melaleuca marketing programme is built upon sales to account, which credit may be used towards future purchases
the End Consumer. Products representing aI\east7}o/o of a made by the Marketing Executive. If a Marketing Executive's
Marketing Executive's monthly Organization Product Points account is inactive and it is necessary to notiE/ the Marketing
must be sold to End Consumers each month. Any device or Executive of the credit on account, a service charge of S$15
scheme whereby a Marketing Executive directly or through will be deducted from the account for each notice sent.
a third party purchases excess product solely for purposes of
qualifting for bonuses or commissions constitutes fiaud on 28. Purchases for Other Persons
the part of the Marketing Executive. A Marketing Executive may not order or pay for products for
Customers without such Customer's express authorization
25. Selling in Stores and agreement to reimburse the Marketing Executive for
Melaleuca is in strong support of home-based businesses product.
and personal product presentations. To maintain a standard
of fairness, Marketing Executives may not display or sell 29. Restrictions on International Marketing
Melaleuca products in drug stores, health food stores or Marketing Executives enrolled in Singapore are authorized
grocery stores. Any display of Melaleuca products to the to sell Melaleuca products and to enroll Customers and
public must be tastefirl and professional and is subject to the Marketing Executives in the Republic of Singapore. In all
absolute discretion of Melaleuca. A Marketing Executive may countries in which Melaleuca or its affiliates are authorized
not display or sell Nicole Miller products in any qpe of retail to conduct business Marketing Executives may only enroll
setting. Customers and Marketing Executives pursuant to Melaleuca's
International Sponsorship Program. Marketing Executives
26. Media Inquiries and Customers may not ship or sell Melaleuca products
It is Melaleuca's policy to have a single spokesperson handle any international border for the purpose of resale. Marketing
all inquiries from the media and all media relations. Therefore, Executives and Customers may not sell, give, transfer, import,
Marketing Executives may not, for any reason, discuss their export or distribute Melaleuca products or sales aids outside
Independent Melaleuca Business with the media, nor act as of the Republic of Singapore, nor provide products to any
spokespersons for Melaleuca nor talk to the media regarding individual who the Marketing Executive or Customer knows
Melaleuca, its Compensation Plan, its products or services. It or has reason to believe is exporting products to a country
is a violation of this poliry to provide any information to the outside of the Republic of Singapore.
media, regardless of whether the information is positive or
negative, accurate or inaccurate. All inquiries from the media 30. Tiademark, Service Mark and Trade Name Restrictions
(whether radio, television, internet or print) must be referred Customers and Marketing Executives may not use, reproduce
to Melaleuca. or disseminate the Melaleuca trade name or logo or any
Melaleuca trademark or service mark except in the use and
27. Cheques and Monthly Business Reports dissemination of literature published and made available
Commission and bonus cheques are generally submitted to the by Melaleuca and except on stationary and business cards
bank on or about the 15th day of each month for commissions produced and authorized by Melaleuca. This includes, but
and bonuses earned during the previous month. Normal is not limited to, the formatives "Mela" and "Mel," the term
banking timeframes will apply before the commission will "Melaleuca," the leaf and drop logo, and all marks or slogans
actually be available in the account. Holiday and weekends designating products or services offered by Melaleuca.
may cause a delay in the payments being credited to the
Rules regardingAdvertising, Internet Usage and Sale of (c) Marketing Executives may only use websites produced by
Materials Melaleuca's approved website vendors.
(a) Marketing Executives may not:
(d) Melaleuca will have the right, in its absolute discretion,
(i) create, publish, copy, reproduce, sell, use, display or to require that any Melaleuca related website be taken
distribute any literature, audio or video recording, down and that any Melaleuca related email message be
Internet web site, telephone ad message, Internet discontinued. A Marketing Executive's failure to comply
bulletin board message, mass or bulk email message with any provision of this policy may result in forfeiture
(including auto-response messages), infomercial of commissions and bonuses, fines, and/or in termination
or other print, audio, visual or electronic media of the Marketing Executive's Independent Marketing
which represents Melaleuca, its products, services, Executive Agreement.
Compensation Plan or business opportunity other
than as specifically permitted pursuant to this policy ..,{2. Income Claims
and Melaleuca's Guidelines on Internet Usage or that ' Marketing Executives are prohibited from making false,
which is produced by Melaleuca and authorized by misleading or inaccurate claims about their or other persons'
Melaleuca for Marketing Executives to publish, copp compensation received under the Melaleuca Compensation
reproduce, sell, use, display or distribute; (ii) copy Plan. Ii when presenting the Melaleuca business opportunity,
or reproduce any materials produced by Melaleuca a Marketing Executive makes any claim regarding his/her
except as specifically permitted pursuant to this compensation from Melaleuca, or the potential compensation
policy; (iii) record, reproduce, or copy any speech, payable under Melaleuca's Compensation Plan, the Marketing
event, corporate function, training or presentation by Executive must also show the person(s) receiving the
any Melaleuca spokesperson, representative, speaker, presentation Melaleuca's current Marketing Executives Annual
officer, director or other marketing executives; (iv) use Income Statistics sheet.
the Melaleuca name or logo or the name or logo of
any of Melaleuca's products or services in any notice, 33. Product Claims and Warranties
display, advertisement or promotion, including, but Marketing Executives may not make or suggest any product
not limited to, newspaper, magazlne,radio, television claims, weight loss or health benefit claims, or product
or Internet or email advertisements, or telephone, warranties other than those published in Official Melaleuca
Internet or other directories (except a Marketing Material. Marketing Fxecutives shall not publish or distribute
Executive may have a directory listing in the following information relating to uses of Melaleuca products other
format: "Melaleuca Independent Marketing Executive- than those which are set forth in Official Melaleuca Material.
[name of Marketing Executive]"); (v) display, Marketing Executives may not utilize Official Melaleuca
advertise or promote Melaleuca's products, services Material, which is approved for use in one country to make
or business opportunity at any types of trade fairs, product claims or promote Melaleuca products in another
trade shows, fund raising events, expositions, garage country.
sales, flea markets, or any similar event, including
the use of booths, without the express prior written 34. Ethical Sales Practices
approval of Melaleuca; (vi) directly or indirectly Marketing Executives shall: Conduct themselves in a
offering Melaleuca's products, services or businesses in professional, courteous and considerate manner; Represent
conjunction with aryr promotions, products or services Melaleuca products in a sincere and honest manner and will
of another company as a whole or part of a package, honor Melaleucars Customer Satisfaction Guarantee; Represent
and vice versa; (vii) directly or indirectly promoting the Melaleuca Compensation Plan only as prescribed by
or offering Melaleuca's products to the public beyond Official Melaleuca Material; Become familiar with and
Preferred Customer discounts and any prevailing utilize sales techniques, Melaleuca's Compensation plan and
promotions and/or marketing packages; (viii) Statement of Policies, and other materials as prescribed by
charge for Melaleuca-related meetings performed or Melaleuca; Fresent the Melaleuca business opportunity in a
arranged by a Marketing Executive except to the extent manner which is consistent with Official Melaleuca Material;
necessary to cover the actual out-of-pocket expenses and Provide training, motivation and support to Marketing
incurred. Executives in their organization.

Marketing Executives may use websites and email Marketing Executives shall not: Engage in any deceptive,
messages only in accordance with Melaleuca's Guidelines unlawfirl, or unethical business or recruiting practice; Engage
on Internet Usage as the same are published on in any high pressure selling or recruiting practices; Enroll
Melaleuca's website, and which may be revised and minors or persons who are not capable of making an informed
modified from time to tirne at Melaleuca's sole discretion. decision with respect to entering into a Customer Membership
Melaleuca will take reasonable measures to publish notice Agreement or Independent Marketing Executive Agreement;
of any changes to the guidelines on its website, however, it Order Melaleuca products for other Customers or Marketing
is the Marketing Executives' responsibility to review these Executives without the express permission of such persons; or
guidelines periodically to be informed of and comply with Seek in any way to violate or circumvent Melaleuca's policies.
any changes.


35, PolicyDisclosureRequirement (c) If a former Customer or Marketing Executive desires to
1t Prior to enrolling a prospective Marketing Executive, re-enroll in a new Marketing Organization in which any
Marketing Executives shall provide to and review with the Marketing Executive in the new Support Team was also
prospective Marketing Executive a current copy of Melaleuca's in his/her previous Support Team, such former Customc
Statement of Policies and Definitions of Terms. or Marketing Executive may re-enroll no sooner than
twelve months following the date that such Support Teau
36. Voluntary Resignation Due to Inactivity Marketing Executive became inactive in his/her previous
It is the Marketing Executive's responsibility to lead his/ Marketing Organization. Any individual involved in
her Marketing Organization with the proper example in the violation of this policy will be subject to corective
production of Personal Product Points. Without this proper measures pursuant to Policy 42, including fines and/
example and leadership, the Marketing Executive will lose or cancellation of his or her Independent Marketing
his/her right to receive commissions and bonuses from his/ Executive Agreement.
her Marketing Organization. Therefore, Marketing Executives
who produceless ihan the minimum personal product pointi,'+ (d) Former Customers or Marketing Executives who re-enrolt
required to maintain their current Active Status during a pursuant to this Policy 37 will not be eligible to roll up
month, as set forth in the Compensation Plan, will not receive pursuant to Poliry 39.
the commission or bonus attributable to such status for the
sales generated through their Marketing Organization for that 38, Titles Not Forfeited
month. Failure to meet Personal Product Point requirements
for two consecutive months constitutes the Marketing
A Marketing Executive can lose his/her Marketing Executive I
Marketing Executive III, Director, Senior Director, Executive
Executive's voluntary resignation. A Marketing Executive who Director or Corporate Director status and therefore the right
has voluntarily resigned will lose all his/her Personal Enrollees to participate in the corresponding commission and bonus
and his/her Marketing Organization. The resignation shall if he/she no longer qualifies for the commission or bonus
become effective on the day following the last day of the pertaining to such status. However, as long as a Marketing
second month of inactivity. Executive remains active, he/she will not forfeit the title of the
highest status he/she has achieved, i.e., once a Director, always
37. ReactivationandRe-enrollmentRequirements a Director, once an Executive Director, always an Executive
(a) When a Marketing Executive who has been deemed to Director.
have voluntarily resigned due to inactivity under policy 36
becomes reactivated, he/she will reenter his/her previous 39. Roll Up Policy
Marketing Organization in the first available position (a) When a vacancy occurs in a Marketing Organization due
below his/her original Marketing Executive other than the to the inactivity, voluntary resignation or involuntary
position left vacant by such Marketing Executive. termination of a Marketing Executive (a "Cancelled
Marketing Executive"), each Marketing Executive in the
(b) Former first generation below the Cancelled Marketing Executive
(i) Customers and Marketing Executives with the (a "First Generation Marketing Executive") will have the
Executive Status of Marketing Executive III or below: opportunity to quali$' to roll up into the position of the
(1) may re-enroll as new Customers and Marketing Cancelled Marketing Executive. In order to qualift for
Executives with their original Enroller and their such roll up, the following requirements must be met:
original Marketing Executive at any time, but each
such re-enrollment will constitute a new enrollment (i) If the Cancelled Marketing Executive's Organization
for the Enroller only if the newly reenrolled Customer Product Points were less than 2500 in the Cancelled
has been cancelled or was inactive for 12 consecutive Marketing Executive's first month of inactivity, the
months or longer prior to reenrolling; (2) who have First Generation Marketing Executive with the highest
not been enrolled with Melaleuca for at least the Active Status in the Cancelled Marketing Executive's
previous six consecutive months may re-enroll as new second month of inactivity will roll up to the position
Customers and Marketing Executives with the Enroller of the Cancelled Marketing Executive in the month
and Marketing Executive of their choice. following the Cancelled Marketing Executive's second
month of inactivity. In the event of a tie, the following
(ii) Marketing Executives with the Executive Status criteria will be applied, in the order listed, to the
of Director and above: ( l) may re-enroll as new First Generation Marketing Executives involved in
Customers and Marketing Executives with their the tie until the tie is broken: (l) who has the largest
original Enroller and their original Marketing number of personally enrolled Directors; (2) who has
Executive at any time, but each such re-enrollment the largest number of personally enrolled preferred
will constitute a new enrollment for the Enroller only Customers; (3) whose Marketing Organization has
if the newly reenrolled Customer has been cancelled the largest number of Preferred Customers; (4) whose
or inactive for 12 consecutive months or longer prior Marketing Organization has the highest average
to reenrolling; (2) who have not been enrolled with Product Point order per Customer; and (5) who has
Melaleuca for at least the previous two years may the highest Personal Product Points.
re-enroll as new Customers and Marketing Executives
with the Enroller and Marketing Executive of their
(ii) If the Cancelled Marketing Executive's Organization continue to receive credit for having a Personal Enrollee
Product Points were equal to or greater than 2500 in with the same status (Senior, Executive or Corporate
the Cancelled Marketing Executive's first month of Director) to count towards the Enroller's status for
inactivity, the First Generation Marketing Executive twelve consecutive months from the month following the
who has or first attains the status which corresponds termination or resignation of the Cancelled Marketing
to the Cancelled Marketing Executive's Organization Executive. For each month after the initial twelve months,
Product Points in the first month of inactivity will the Enroller of such Cancelled Marketing Executive
roll up to the position of the Cancelled Marketing will receive credit for having a Personal Enrollee with
Executive the month following the month the First the status (Senior, Executive or Corporate Director)
Generation Marketing Executive has or attains attributable pursuant to the Compensation Plan to the
such status, but in no event sooner than the month Group Volume of the Marketing Organization of the
following the Cancelled Marketing Executive's second Cancelled Marketing Executive. However, such credit
month of inactivity. If two or more First Generation .",",i cannot apply at the same time with respect to two
Marketing Executives quali$' for the roll up in the Personal Enrollees. Therefore, the credit will expire in the
same month, the tie will be broken by application of first month in which both of the following have occurred:
the criteria set forth in subparagraph (i) above. (x) a Personal Enrollee of the Cancelled Marketing
Executive rolls up into the position previously held by the
The Enroller of a Cancelled Marketing Executive will Cancelled Marketing Executive, and (y) the Enroller of the
inherit the Cancelled Marketing Executive's Personal Cancelled Marketing Executive inherits or has inherited
Enrollees as follows: such Personal Enrollee of the Cancelled Marketing
For each Personal Enrollee that is a Customer (with
no Marketing Organization) or that had the Active (d) To qualift for any roll up or inheritance, the Marketing
Status of a Marketing Executive and had less than Executive who will be receiving the roll up or who will
2500 Organization Product Points in the Cancelled be inheriting Personal Enrollees must have been in
Marketing Executive's first month of inactivity the compliance with Melaleuca's policies for the preceding 12
Enroller will automatically inherit the Personal months.
Enrollee in the Cancelled Marketing Executive's third
month of inactivity. (ii) For each Personal Enrollee 40. Obligations of Independent Contractors
that had the Active Status of a Marketing Executive As an independent contractor, it is a Marketing Executive's
II or above and had less than 2500 Organization responsibility to:
Product Points in the Cancelled Marketing Executive's
first month of inactivity, the Enroller will inherit (a) Abide by the laws of the Republic of Singapore and
such Personal Enrollee in the month following the regulations pertaining to the acquisition, receipt, holding,
month the Personal Enrollee has advanced one selling, distributing or advertising of Melaleuca products
status above the active status the Personal Enrollee and services and the promotion of the Melaleuca business
had in the Cancelled Marketing Executive's first opportunity;
month of inactivity. (iii) For each Personal Enrollee
that had Organization Product Points of 2500 or (b) At the Marketing Executive's own expense, make, execute
more in the Cancelled Marketing Executive's first or file all such reports and obtain such licenses as are
month of inactivity, the Enroller will inherit such required by law or public authority with respect to his/
Personal Enrollee in the month following the month her Independent Melaleuca Business and/or the receipt,
the Personal Enrollee has advanced one status level holding, selling, distributing or promoting of Melaleuca
above the Volume Status that the Personal Enrollee
had in the Cancelled Marketing Executive's first
month of inactivity. (iv) If the personal Enrollee had (c) Be solely responsible for declaration and payment of all
Organization Product Points of 50,000 or more or an personal income tax, Goods and Services Tax (GST), sales
Executive Status of Executive Director or higher in taxes and fees as may accrue because of the Marketing
the Cancelled Marketing Executive's first month of Executive's activities in conjunction with his/her
inactivity, the Enroller cannot inherit such personal Independent Melaleuca Business;
Enrollee. (v) No Enroller can inherit a personal
Enrollee whose Executive Status is higher than his/ (d) Supply all of his/her own equipment and rools
her own, unless neither has an Executive Status higher for operating his/her business, such as telephone,
than Director IL transportation, professional services, office equipment,
and office supplies; and
(c) If the Cancelled Marketing Executive had the Active
Status of Senior Director or above in his/her last month (e) Provide his/her own place ofbusiness and determine his/
of activity and (i) was terminated by Melaleuca for a her own work hours.
policy violation or; (ii) voluntarily resigned or went
inactive while under investigation for a policy violation,
the Enroller of such Cancelled Marketing Executive will



41. Marketing Executives Are Not Corporate and bonuses constitute the entire consideration for all of
Representatives the Marketing Executive's efforts in generating sales, and
7 Marketing Executives are not corporate representatives of the Marketing Executive's right to receive commissions
Melaleuca and are not authorized to incur any debt, expense and bonuses from Melaleuca constitutes the entire value
or obligation on behalf of or for Melaleuca nor bind Melaleuca attributable to the Marketing Executive's Marketing
to any agreement or contract. Under no circumstances Organization. Following a Marketing Executive,s resignation"
shall a Marketing Executive express directly or indirectly in cancellation for inactivity, or voluntary or involuntary
any manner that might indicate or suggest influence over cancellation of his/her Independent Marketing Executive
corporate decision, authority or representation. Agreement, such former Marketing Executive shall have no
right, title, claim or interest to the Marketing Organization.
42. CorrectiveMeasures The former Marketing Executive sha1l have no claim for
A11 of the policies in this Statement of policies, the provisions compensation for the Marketing Organization or for bonuses
of the Independent Marketing Executive Agreement, and any or commissions stemming from sales generated within or by
other agreements entered into by and between Mela.leuca anid.i the Marketing Organization or for financial freedom bonus
Marketing Executives are material terms to the agreement amounts held in escrow by Melaleuca. Following voluntary or
between Melaleuca and Marketing Executives. A Marketing involuntary cancellation of his/her Independent Marketing
Executive's violation of any of the terms and conditions of Executive Agreement, the former Marketing Executive shall
any of these agreements or the Statement of policies or any not hold himself/herself out as a Melaleuca Marketing
illegal, fraudulent, deceptive or unethical business conduct by Executive and shall not have the right to sell Melaleuca
a Marketing Executive may result, at Melaleuca,s discretion, in products or services.
one or more of the following corrective measures:
(a) issuance of a written warning or admonition; 44. Amendments to Compensation Plan, Statement of
Policies, and/or Independent Markeiing Executive
(b) withholding of commission and/or bonus cheques, which Agreement
may be imposed immediately or in the future; Upon notification to Marketing Executives, Melaleuca may, at
its sole discretion, amend the Compensation plan, Statement
(c) reassignment of all or part of his/her Marketing of Policies, Definitions of Terms and/or the terms of the
Organization; Independent Marketing Executive Agreement and any other
agreements entered into by and between Melaleuca and the
(d) suspension of his/her Independent Marketing Executive Marketing Executives. By signing the Independent Marketing
Agreement for one or more months; Executive Agreement, Marketing Executives agree to abide by
any such amendments. The continuation of an Independent
(e) cancellation of his or her Independent Marketing Melaleuca Business or a Marketing Executive's acceptance
Executive Agreement; or of commissions and/or bonuses from Melaleuca constitutes
his/her acceptance of any such amendments. Marketing
(f) any other measure expressly stated within any of the Executives will be bound by the most current versions of the
policies set forth in the Statement of policies or any Compensation Plan, the Statement of Policies, the Definitions
provision of the Marketing Executive Agreement. of Terms, the Independent Marketing Executive Agreement
Marketing Executives agree to cooperate with Melaleuca and any other agreements entered into by and between
in any investigation including, if requested, by providing Melaleuca and the Marketing Executives.
all information, documents, and/or a written statement,
signed under oath, stating that the Marketing Executive MEI/,LEUCA DEFINITIONS OF TERMS
has not violated and will not violate Melaleuca,s policies. The following terms will have the meanings set forth herein
Refusal to do so within a reasonable time period when used rn Melaleuca's Statement of policies, Compensation
will constitute the Marketing Executive,s voluntary PIan and/or Independent Marketing Executive Agreement and
resignation. Melaleuca has the right to withhold from other Official Melaleuca Material.
a Marketing Executive all bonuses and commissions
during the period that Melaleuca is investigating the Active Customer: Any Customer who purchases at least 35
alleged violative conduct of the Marketing Executive. If a Product Points each month.
Marketing Executive's Independent Marketing Executive
Agreement is cancelled due to a violation preceding the Active Marketing Executive: A Marketing Executive who
investigation, the Marketing Executive wilt not be entitled personally produces the number of product points each
to any commissions or bonuses withheld by Melaleuca month that are required to qualift at his/her Active Status level
during the investigation period. pursuant to the Compensation Plan.

Active Status: The development position or leadership status

43. Forfeiture of Rights to Bonuses and Commissions of a Marketing Executive as of the most recent month end, or
So long as a Marketing Executive is complying with all policies
business reporting period.
and the terms of the Independent Marketing Executive
Agreement, Melaleuca is obligated to pay commissions and Annual Income Statistics: A summary of income statistics
bonuses to such Marketing Executive in accordance with the published by Melaleuca setting forth information regarding
Compensation Plan. A Marketing Executive's commissions average, high and low income received by Marketing
Executives on an annual basis.


Assist: A Marketing Executive who helps another Marketing End Consumer: A person who purchases Melaleuca products
Executive to present the Melaleuca programme may be for the purpose of consuming them rather than for resale to
designated as the'Assist" on the Independent Marketing someone else.
Executive Agreement form. The Marketing Executive
designated as the "Assist" receives the Value pack and Career Nets: Method of payrnent available only in-store. This method
Pack commission on the first Value pack or Career pack of payment is not a preferred method of payment.
ordered by the new Customer or Marketing Executive. Enroll: To enlist, sponsor or sign up an individual or entity
Average Retention Index (ARI): An average of the percentages
into a programme or organization.
of customers remaining in an organization from the past 5 Enrollee: A Customer or Marketing Executive.
enrollment months.
Enroller: The Marketing Executive who is listed on the
Backup Order: A preselected package of Melaleuca products Customer Membership Agreement as the enroller. The Enroller
which is automatically shipped to Preferred Customers if they
*Iqlrst be the person who introduced the new Customer to
fail to order the minimum monthly product points agreed -Melaleuca
and helped him/her become a Customer or who
upon in their Customer Membership Agreement. Those played an active role in the presentation of Melaleuca products
who select the Preferred Customer option in the Customer or business opportunity to the new Customer.
Membership Agreement preauthorize Melaleuca to send a
Backup Order and to make an automatic withdrawal from Executive Status: The highest leadership position ever
their Interbank GIRO account, or a charge to their credit card achieved with Melaleuca.
to pay for each Backup Order.
Immediate Household: Married couples and persons residing
Business Kit (Membership Kit): The Melaleuca product in the same home, and with respect to Marketing Executives
and business opportunity information portfolio purchased and Customers which are entities (e.g. corporations, tax
by a new Marketing Executive pursuant to the terms of the exempt entities, etc.) rather than individuals, Immediate
Independent Marketing Executive Agreement which includes Household means the shareholders, owners, directors, officers,
product and marketing information and other Official responsible parties, etc. of such entities and persons married
Melaleuca Material. to or residing in the same home with persons who are
shareholders, owners, directors, ofEcers, responsible parties,
Compensation Plan: The plan offered by Melaleuca which etc. of such entities.
sets forth the compensation provided to Marketing Executives
for the continuing building, promoting, training, motivation, Inactive Customer: A Customer becomes inactive if he/she
servicing and development of their Independent Melaleuca fails to purchase a minimum of 35 Product points for two
Businesses. consecutive months.

Customer: A person who has an Enroller, has completed, Inactive Marketing Executiver A Marketing Executive
executed and delivered to Melaleuca a Customer Membership becomes inactive if he/she fails to personally produce the
Agreement and has paid to Melaleuca the appropriate number of Product Points that are required to qualiSz at his/
membership fee. Customers are either Direct Customers or her Active Status level pursuant to the Compensation plan for
Preferred Customers. two consecutive months.

Customer Mernbership Agreement: The agreement which Independent Marketing Executive Agreement: The agreement
must be completed, signed, received and accepted by which must be completed, signed, received and accepted by
Melaleuca before a person may become a Customer. Melaleuca as one of the prerequisites to becoming a Marketing
Customer Number: A unique number assigned by Melaleuca
to each Customer to facilitate internal record keeping by Independent Melaleuca Business: The business organization
Melaleuca with respect to the Customer. consisting of a Marketing Executive and those persons and
entities that purchase Melaleuca products or generate sales of
CommerciallyResalable Condition: Goods shall be deemed Melaleuca products liom which the Marketing Executive is
"resalable" under the following guidelines: l) unopened and
entitled to receive commissions.
unused; 2) packaging and labeling has not been altered or
damages; 3) product packaging are in an acceptable condition InterBank GIRO: A payment method by which a Customer
that permits Melaleuca to sell the merchandise at the Direct authorizes Melaleuca to deduct payment for orders directly
Customer price or Preferred Customer price; 4) for products from his/her designated local bank account.
with no expiry date, it must be returned to Melaleuca within
International Marketing Executive Agreement: The
60 days from the date ofthe original order; 5) for products
agreement between a Marketing Executive and Melaleuca,
with an expiry date, it must not elapse within the next six
which if approved, will authorize the Marketing Executive to
months; 6) for Business Kit, it must contain the current up
act as an International Marketing Executive in an international
to date revision; 7) for product, it must contain the current
market in which Melaleuca is or will be authorized to do
Melaleuca packaging and labeling; and 8) not valid for
promotional products.
Marketing Executive: A person who has an Enroller,
Direct Customer: A Customer who is authorized to purchase
has completed, executed and delivered to Melaleuca an
product from Melaleuca at Direct Customer prices pursuant to
Independent Marketing Executive Agreement, has purchased
a Customer Membership Agreement.


a Business Kit, has at least one Customer and has received his/ Product Points: A value assigned to each Melaleuca product
her first commission cheque. service upon which commissions and bonuses are calculated-
Marketing Organization: The Customers and Marketing Product Point Production: To produce Product Points a
Executives that comprise the group of individuals or entities Marketing Executive must create sales to end consumers
from which the Marketing Executive is entitled to receive other than customers in the Marketing Executive's Marketing
commissions based upon the collective sales volume of the Organization. These sales must be products the consumer
group and the status of certain Marketing Executives within actually desires or needs as opposed to enticing consumers
the group pursuant to the Plan of Compensation. to purchase products in order for the Marketing Executive to
qualifi' for a commission.
Melaleuca: Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Singapore) pte Ltd

Melaleuca International Sponsorship Program: The Recruit: 1 ) To attempt to enroll, enlist, or solicit an individual
programme offered by Melaleuca whereby Marketing or entity to join a business, progrzrmme or organization; or 2)
Executives of one country who have signed an Interiationjitt
to attempt to promote, influence or encourage an individual
Independent Marketing Executive Agreement may sponsor the
or entity to join a business, programme or organization;
enrollment of Customers and Marketing Executives in foreign or 3) to present, or participate or assist in the presentation
of, a business, programme, organization or its products.
countries where Melaleuca is authorized to do business.
To constitute recruiting, such efforts or attempts may be
Monthly Business Reports: Reports produced by Melaleuca performed either directly through personal contact or
on a monthly basis and provided to Marketing Executives indirectly through a third party.
which contain information relating to the activity of the
Statement of Policies: The policies published by Melaleuca,
Marketing Executive's Marketing Organization. The Monthly
as amended from time to time, which set forth, among
Business Reports contain trade secret information that is
propdetary to Melaleuca. other things, the requirements for operating an Independent
Melaleuca Business.
Official Melaleuca Material: Material in any form which
is authorized, published, and disseminated by Melaleuca.
Support Team: The Marketing Executives above an individual
in a Marketing Organization who have the potential to
This includes, but is not limited to, printed material, audio
commissions based upon the purchases of such individual.
and video tapes, satellite broadcasts, fax and electronic
communications and Internet communications. Volume Status: AII advancements in status of Director II or
above require a minimum volume of Organization product
Organization Product Points: The total Product points
Points. The status corresponding to each required volume in
attributable to Melaleuca products which a Marketing
Executive's Marketing Organization purchased or produced
the compensation plan is the Volume Status.
in a calendar month, including the Marketing Executive's
Personal Product Points. Words importing the masculine shall include the feminine
and vice versa, and words importing persons shall include
Organization PCs: The total net Preferred Customers in a
Marketing Executive's organization in a given month. companies and corporations.

PEGVolume: Personal Enrollee Group (pEG) Volume is If any one or more of the provisions contained in the
the total organization Product Point volume of a Marketing Customer Membership Agreement, Independent Marketing
Executive's Personal Enrollees in any given month. Executive Agreement and Statement of Policies and Defin
of Terms shall be found by any court of competent juri
Personal Product Points: The total monthly product points
to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any
personally produced by a Marketing Executive.
applicable laq the validiry legality and enforceability of the
Personal Customerl A person who purchases product directly remaining provisions contained in the Customer Membership
from Melaleuca using a Marketing Executivet account Agreement, Independent Marketing Executive Agreement and
number. Statement of Policies and Definitions of Terms shall not in
way be affected or impaired and the Customer Membership
Personal Enrollee: An Enroller's Enrollee to whom the
Agreement, Independent Marketing Executive Agreement and
Enroller has personally introduced Melaleuca and/or has
Statement of Policies and Definitions of Terms shall continue
played an active roll in the presentation of Melaleuca products
to be in force.
or business opportunity.

Personal Director: A Personal Enrollee with the active status No waiver, or any failure or delay on the part of Melaleuca
of Director or above. to exercise any right power or privilege under the Customer
Membership Agreement, Independent Marketing Executive
Personal Sales: Sales which a Marketing Executive makes to a Agreement and Statement of Policies and Definitions of Terms
Personal Customer.
shall operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach or default
Preferred Customer: A Customer who is authorized to of the same or similar nature nor shal1 any single or partial
purchase products from Melaleuca at Preferred Customer exercise of any such right, power or privilege preclude any
prices and who has committed to purchase each month other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other
products totaling at least 35 Product Points. right, power or privilege.


l. Lead-Generating Web Ads, Websites, and Emails ii) contain the word'Melaleuca' or the 'Leaf and Drop'
Marketing Executives may maintain web advertisements Iogo.
and websites for the purpose of generating leads of potential
iii) contain any of Melaleuca's trademarked words
customers, and Marketing Executives may send one or more
or phrases or product names.
emails in response to persons who request information :,.,."1,
through their lead generating websites, provided that such iv) contain any of Melaleuca's copy'righted materials or
websites and responsive emails are in compliance with summaries of copyrighted materials.
Melaleuca's guidelines. Spam or unsolicited emails are not v) describe Melaleuca's products, services, revenue
permitted. The general standard for such websites and email sharing programme or business opportunity.
messages is that they should be conservative and appropriate
to the promotion of quality products and a professionally
vi) contain any statements or claims about income.
operated business. The following provisions are designed to vii) contain any statements about Melaleucat retention
provide guidance and to ensure that standard is maintained. or reorder rate, or any other factors unique to
a) Lead-generating ads, and websites, and emails must:
viii) contain any description about Melaleuca's awards,
i) contain the Marketing Executive's first and last track record, management, affiliations or history.
legal name and direct email address to contact the
Marketing Executive.
ix) contain any promises or representations about
placement within a marketing organization, that
ii) be professional looking, product oriented and use a "down line" or organization will be built for the
professional business language, avoiding "hype." new enrollee, or that this is a business in which little
b) Lead-generating ads, websites, and emails may: effort is required.
i) solicit the reader's interest in high-quality, safe and x) contain any enrollment or registration forms
effective nutritional, personal care, cosmetic and (whether online or in printable format).
household cleaning products from a catalogue. xi) request payment of money in any form.
ii) solicit the reader's interest in a home-based business xii) request credit card or bank accoun information.
opportuniry xiii) be identifiable through any search engine by using
iii) contain a "member's login" section to access the Site the search word'melaleuca'or any derivation thereof
Owner's Tlaining and Information website/pages. (including'mela') or any other of Melaleuca's
(1) This link/login section MAY NOT refer to any trademarked words or phrases or the names of any
Melaleuca term, phrase or title, and may not be Melaleuca products or services.
called "Melaleuca Login." xiv) promote or offer any other products, services, or
(a) This link may be called "Members Login," business opportunities.
etc., and must follow all other guidelines for
lead- generating websites.
xv) offer for a fee any web page hosting services or
other web-related services, Internet usage training
iv) contain a link to the current of6cial version of or services, or any other training or materials of any
the DeliveringWellness presentatron in the format kind.
provided by Melaleuca to be used only for training
purposes or for facilitatin glive Delivering Wellness
xvi) contain any banners, pop ups or jump sites.
presentations. xvii) refer the reader to any pre-recorded phone message
(1) This link must be username/password enabled or other tlpe of communication that contravenes
(2) This link must not refer to any Melaleuca term, any of these rules.
phrase or title and may not be called.Delivering xviii) contravene any state or federal law, applicable
Wellness presentation'. Internet service provider rules or regulations,
(3) This link may be called'presentation,'.Business or any other Melaleuca policy.
Presentation' etc and must follow atl other
guidelines for lead-generating websites. d) Any enrollment involving a potential customer that is
identified from a lead-generating ad or website or email
c) Lead-generating ads, websites and emails may not: must include a one-on-one, face-to-face or vocal (ie,
i) identifr Melaleuca's product or income opportunity telephonic or Internet-based call) presentation between
in any manner, or be identifiable by the general the Enroller and the Enrollee prior to the enrollment.

. public as being Melaleuca related.


e) Emails may be used to determine the quality of the lead, by Melaleuca to be used only for training
but such emails may only be sent in response to direct purposes or for facilitatin glive Delivering Wellness
requests for more information and must comply with all presentations.
of the foregoing guidelines. (c) Tiaining and information websites may not:
f) All email messages to potential customers must comply i) be used for the purpose of soliciting new customers
with all state and federal law and with applicable Internet
service provider rules and must contain an "opt out"
ii) provide information about Melaleuca's products or
revenue sharing programme (other than personal
button prominendy displayed on the first screen page of
product and business messages).
the message.
iii) contain any statements or claims about income.
2. Training and Information Websites iv) contain anypromises or representations about
A Marketing Executive may maintain a website for the placement within a marketing organization, that
purpose of providing business-related information and a'down line'or organization will be built for a
training on business building activities to his/her Melaleuca Marketing Executive, or that this is a business
Marketing Organization. The general standard for such in which little effort is required.
websites is that they should be appropriate to a professionally contain any enrollment or registration forms, excqtr
operated business. The following provisions are designed to that the website may contain a jump site
provide guidance and ensure that standard is maintained. to Melaleuca's Customer Membership Agreement
(a) Training and information websites must be 100o/o and Independent Marketing Executive Agreement
password protected (meaning that no portion of the site forms contained on Melaleuca's official website.
can be accessed by any means other than a password) vi) promote or offer any other products, services
and available for viewing only by Melaleuca Marketing or business opportunities.
Executives and Customers. vii) offer any materials or services for a fee, including
i) Password protocol may be determined by the but not limited to any web page hosting services or
Website owner, as to whether there is a'blanket, other web-related services, Internet usage training
generic'password for all invited guests; or unique, services, lead generation services or training services
individually managed usernames and passwords. or materials.
ii) If a link tothe DeliveringWelhess presentation vii) contain any banners, pop-ups or jump sites to any
is included in the 'home' page of a training and third party websites.
information website, the D elivering Wellness ix) offer for sale any Melaleuca logo gear; however,
presentation must have a separate username and they may offer for sale the logo gear of a particular
password than the rest of the site. marketing organization provided it is sold at actual
(b) Training and information websites may: cost.

i) contain Melaleuca trademarked words or phrases or 3. Saleof Products or Business Opportunity on the Internef
product names. Marketing Executives and Customers may not offer
ii) contain truthful and accurate Melaleuca product and products or the income opportunity for sale via the Internet
business stories from the owner of the site and other (including through eBay or any other method).
Marketing Executives 4. Pre-recorded Audio or Video Messages
iii) provide information about Melaleuca corporate or Marketing Executives may not create, publish, produce,
marketing organization meeting dates and locations. use or maintain, either directly or indirectly, any audio
iv) contain business- and product-oriented bulletin or video recording which has the purpose or effect of
boards, provided the content is closely monitored creating interest in, introducing or presenting Melaleuca,
by the site owner to ensure that it complies with its products or income opportunity, regardless ofwhether
Melaleuca's policies. Melaleuca is actually mentioned in the recording. However,
prerecorded training messages that are available only to
v) provide information and training about business-
Marketing Executives, are protected by pass code and comply
building strategies (including the'Seven Critical
in all respects with Melaleuca's policies and guidelines are
Business Building Activities,' how to optimise the use
of the Internet, etc.).
vi) recognise the achievements and advancements of 5.Violations
Marketing Executives within the website ownet's A Marketing Executive's violation of Melaleuca's Internet
organization. usage guidelines and policies may result in the forfeiture
of commissions and bonuses, fines, or termination of the
vii) contain one or more jump sites to Melaleuca's
Marketing Executive's Independent Marketing Executive
official website.
viii) contain of the Delitering
a current official version
Wellness presentation in the format provided


FnEeUENTIY As r<En QUE srroNrs
T.VALUE/ CAREER PACKS withdraw funds. Using your own Interbank GIRO account or
When may I purchase a Value Pack or Career pack? credit card to enrol someone may be cause for termination.
You may purchase two Value Packs or two Career packs and
two Nicole Miller Value Packs in any combination during your If I do not have a Interbank GIRO account or credit card, can
first two full calendar months following the month of your I enrol Preferred Customer?
as a
enrollment. No. Either a Interbank GIRO account or credit card is
One of my customers needs a refund. How do they get I want my new enrollees to receive the Preferred Customer
reimbursed from Melaleuca? discount. Can they order products if their paperwork has not
Provide us, in writing, the following information regarding yet been received by Melaleuca?
the refund along with the returned product: customers ID They can place an order with a credit card or by direct debit
number, customer's name, address and phone number, item(s) before their paperwork is received. We give all customers the
returned, a copy of the invoice, and indicate whether you want Preferred Customer price on their first order. After that, we
credit on account, refund or product replacement. need to receive the paperwork for the Preferred Customer
discount to continue.
If I order a product and find it doesrt't work to my
satisfaction, what do I need to do? 4. BUILDING YOUR ORGANIZATION
Return the product to our return address listed on the package How do I place new enrollees in my organization?
within 60 days, along with your name, ID number, a copy of You are allowed to "manage" five customers or Marketing
the invoice, and instructions as to how you would like the Executives on your first generation. We do not tell you how to
return handled. You can replace the product, receive credit on structure your organization; we recommend discussing
account, or get a refund. all business-building strategies with your enroller and support
If I return product for credit on account, how do I access this
credit? Who is my Marketing Executive?
Just ask the Wellness Representative taking your order The first person in your support team. Your Marketing
ifyou have credit on account. You can use your entire credit Executive and your enroller are your primary resources
towards the purchase of any Melaleuca product; however, in building your business.
purchases paid for with your credit will not count towards
your Product Point requirement. Whom do I put down as'enroller'on the Customer
Membership Agreement?
3. ENROLLING PREFERRED CUSTOMERS The enroller is the customer or Marketing Executive who
What are the benefits of enrolling new customers? introduces someone to Melaleuca and helps them become a
Consistent enrollments make your organization grow. customer or Marketing Executive.
You also receive a Product Introduction Bonus on your
enrollees'first calendar month orders up to 150 Product May I have an interest in more than one Melaleuca business?
Points. For enrollers to quali$' for the Product Introduction No. You may only have ownership or ownership affiliation in
Commission, the enrollee must place an order in the first one Independent Melaleuca Business.
month. If the enrollee receives any variety of Backup Order
or Select Pack in the first month of enrollment, no Product 5. CHANGES INYOUR BUSINESS
Introduction Commission witl be paid. How do I change the Preferred Customer information on my
agreement form?
How do I enrol a new customer? With a simple call to our Business Development on
Fill out the Customer Membership Agreement completely, +65 6737 0020. Some items do require the submission of
including correct use of numbers, shipping and mailing a new Customer Membership Agreement form. A Business
addresses, and phone numbers. Include account information Development Specialist can give you greater detail at the time
and the required signatures. Call the enrollment line I 800 ofyour call.
800 8080 , then mail the completed paperwork to Melaleuca or
bring the paperwork to the corporate ofEces. Can I'move'a new personal enrollee?
Yes.An enroller can move a personal enrollee to a different
Is it possible for someone
else to be set up on my credit card position within the month of enrollment by submitting
as aPreferred Customer? an amended Customer Membership Agreement form. An
No. Each customer or Marketing Executive must have an enroller also can move a personal enrollee within his/her
account of which he or she is the owner and is authorised to business organization up to two months following the month
of enrollment by submitting to Business Development a


New Enrollee Change Form with the enroller's signature. Is my Melaleuca business inheritable?
Every business or customer below the customer or Marketing Yes,you can will your business (see Policy #17). These
Executive being moved will follow the enrollee. The requested transfers must be approved by Melaleuca, Inc.
move is limited to 20 businesses/customers. The applicable
change fee will be charged for each Customer or Marketing 6.MONTHLY BUSINESS REPORTS
Executive moved in the organization. Who receives a Monthly Business Report?
A11 Marketing Executives who have at least one active

May I move someone within my organization? customer and have earned a commission and bonus cheque
Melaleuca discourages organization changes. Melaleuca will will receive a Monthly Business Report that details the activity
review organization change requests with written consent within their organization. This is an extremely valuable
of all seven support team members above the customer arl document for building and reviewing business activity.
or Marketing Executive that would like to be moved. An
Organization Change Form with original signatures is When do I receive my Monthly Business Report?
required. Both the person being moved and the enroller need Monthly Business Reports are mailed on the 17th of each
to sign the form. There is a fee of S$70 for the original move month (if the 16th falls on a weekend or holiday, the Business
and S$20 for any related moves. An Organization Change Reports are mailed the following business day). If you have not
Form must be completed for each person being moved. The received your Business Report by the 26th of the month, call
requested move is limited to l0 businesses/ customers. To have Business Development on +65 6737 0020'
changes done for S$20, all related forms must arrive together.
For what time period are commission and bonuses paid?
We suggest you work closely with a Business Development
Commissions and bonuses are calculated on product sales
Specialist when undertaking this tlpe of request for change.
volume from the first through the last day of the calendar
What happens to the structure of my organization if someone month.
goes inactive?
Will I receive a Monthly Business Report every month?
A customer is "inactive" if she did not purchase a minimum
If you do not earn a commission in a given month, you will
of 35 Product Points. If a customer goes inactive for two
not receive a report.
consecutive months, she automatically loses her position in the
organization. Refer to the Statement of Policies, #39,'Roll Up
What are Value Pack and Career Pack bonuses?
Policy' for furlher clarifi cation.
These bonuses are earned from the sale ofValue Packs and
Career Packs andNicole Miller Skin CareYalue Packs to new
A Marketing Executive in my organization has not personally
Marketing Executives. These bonuses are paid to the enroller
produced the required Product Points for the past two
(or the assist, if one is listed on the Independent Marketing
months. Is there any way to keep him from losing his
Executive Agreement form).
marketing organization?
Two months without producing their Product Point minimum
means automatic loss of their marketing organization,

What will happen to a customer who was inactive for two

consecutive months and places an order for 35 Product Points
in the third month?
Because he purchased in the third month, he will reactivate
back into the original organization in the first available
position under his original Marketing Executive.

How can I change my payment information?

Fill out, sign and return to Melaleuca, a new Customer
Membership Agreement.

Someone in my organization discontinued his Preferred

Customer status. Can he still purchase products?
He can still purchase directly from the company as a Direct
Customer and have his products delivered to him. Direct
Customers pay the regular price instead of the 30olo to 40o/o off
the regular price for a Preferred Customer. Direct Customers
will not maintain an organizational spot in your marketing
organization unless they produce the minimum Product Point


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